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The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe.


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The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online

Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

A Research Paper

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Sarjana Sastra Degree

Cindy Intan Audya Putri 0707929



▸ Baca selengkapnya: jakarta post researchers have found a technique


The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on the Online Newspaper:

The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe


Cindy Intan Audya Putri

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Sastra pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

©Cindy Intan Audya Putri 2014 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia




A Research Paper


Cindy Intan Audya Putri


Approved by:

Main Supervisor Co-Supervisor

Dr.Hj.Rd.Safrina Noorman, M.A

NIP. 196207291987032003 R.Dian Dia-an Muniroh, S.Pd, M.Hum NIP.198110242005012001

The Head of English Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


The study is entitled “The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe”. It is aimed at investigating how Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) is represented in both newspapers. The data are articles of both newspaper taken from the internet. To gain the aim, the study employs descriptive approach to make a systematic description of collected data. The representation is examined by using transitivity proposed by Halliday (2004). The findings show that although the representation in the two newspapers appeared in different ways, The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe had generally represented NII as a similar entity by using similar processes. That is, NII is an evolving organization which are not favoured by the government because its underlying principles.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


This chapter encompasses an introduction to the present study which includes the background of the study, statement of problem, aims of the study, research methodology, and organization of the paper.

1.1 Background of the study

Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) is Islamic Political Movement established on August 7, 1949 in Tasikmalaya, West Java. The founder of this movement was Sekarmadji Maridjan kartosoewiryo. NII has some ideas that are basically different from the common Islam. For instance, NII has three elements of Syahadat (the basic belief of Muslims) while the mainstream Islam has only two elements of Syahadat. For that reason, people mostly have a negative judgment toward NII. In addition, NII case is often an interesting issue to discuss in some religious discussions.

One of the most radical activities of NII as reported by media was the abduction of a college students in 2011. That activity spontaneously strengthened people’s negative judgment toward NII and braught up the name of NII in Indonesia. The media said that college students were frequently the target of this abduction, and through Islamic organizations in college, NII influenced the students about their ideology and persuaded them to convert into NII.

The reports inevitably influenced people’s reaction regarding the case of NII. Later, there were many demonstrations concerning this case. Those demonstrations were held to urge the government to disband NII in Indonesia. In addition, parents are worried about their children so they ask their children not to join any Islamic organizations. Consequently, the number of followers of Islamic organizations dropped tremendeously.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Furthermore, another interesting case of the media is the different ways in conveying one event to other people. They use different language styles and choices of words that refer to their interpretation regarding one case. As a result, although the event is the same, the reports produced by them are different from one to another. Their strategies in displaying news are excellent so people cannot directly realize being influenced by a particular point of view of one media. Hall (1997) states that representation explicates the use of language to implicitly say something meaningfully to other people. Thus, representation plays an important role in conveying meaning.

Due to the interesting facts about media, the present study aims to reveal how one issue is represented by the media. In this research, the issue investigated is Negara Islam Indonesia (NII). It is the case because the issue is a major case which is complicated to end. In addition, the particular media in the research are two online newspapers, namely The Jakarta Post and

Jakarta Globe.

1.2 The Scope of the Study

The focus of the study is newsreport of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) in different English newspapers, namely The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe. The study uses Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis and particularly applied Halliday’s systemic functional grammar, namely ideational meaning realized by transitivity. Following the model of Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis, the study begins with the description of the properties of the text that could be conducted through analysis of transitivity. Then, the results of the analysis were applied to interpret the representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) presented in both online newspapers. Lastly, the result of analysis and interpretation were used for the next stage, namely explanation that reveal the relationship between the texts and social reality.

1.3 Research Questions

This research was conducted to answer the following questions:

1) How is Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) represented in The Jakarta Post? 2) How is Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) represented in Jakarta Globe?

1.4 Aims of Study

Based on the research questions formulating in the previous part, this research aims to:

1. Investigate the representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) issue in The


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

2. Investigate the representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) issue in Jakarta Globe

1.5 Research Methods

A qualitative research model was used in conducting the investigation of the representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) in two English newspapers, namely The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe. This is because in investigating the representation, the more important thing to be conducted is interpretation and not numerical display as quantitative research model does. Furthermore, it is mentioned that the qualitative research model requires a deep understanding of a central phenomenon (Flick & kardoff, 2004). Therefore, the investigation is accomplished through critical analysis of each article in the different newspapers.

The specific design implemented in the research is a case study in which the understanding of the complexity of the particular text is needed. In addition, a case study is used to explain, analyze, and interpret some phenomena in social life (Flick & kardoff, 2004). Thus, since the representation is not easily found in the surface, the analysis requires a critical interpretation.

1.6 Data Source

The data were taken from two daily English newspapers, namely The Jakarta Post and

Jakarta Globe. Furthermore, the articles were taken from the Internet because of the researcher’s limited access to the printed version of the newspaper. Both newspapers were chosen because the two newspapers are well-known in Indonesia. They are powerful to shape social, cultural, and political thinking among middle-class people by producing their point of view. The views automatically contribute to the way the readers think and view the world. In addition, both newspaper were placed as two most popular English newspapers in Indonesia by www.newspapers.com


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Jakarta Globe is a daily English language newspaper in Indonesia, launched on November 12, 2008. The newspaper’s owner, PT Jakarta Globe Media, is an associated company of Lippo. Jakarta Globe online newspaper complements the newspaper with the latest stories, a daily e-mail newsletter, breaking news around the clock and a searchable archive of stories. It aims to provide news based on an Indonesian perspective to create a fresh and a high quality newspaper in Indonesia (Company Profile of Jakarta Globe).

1.7 Method of analysis

In analyzing the data, the present study employed Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) proposed by Fairclough (1989). Thus, the analysis was conducted based on the stages of CDA analysis developed by Fairclough (1989), namely description, interpretation, and explanation. The description stage emphasizes to the properties of the texts. To examine every ‘slice’ of the texts, the present study applied Functional Grammar (FG) developed by Halliday (2004). The particular tool used was transitivity analysis which serves as an analysis to interpret what meaning implicitly conveyed in the articles regarding the issue under discussion by relating the issue to the areas of ideational meaning. Ideational meaning itself enlightens the addresser’s view point of meaning and how the addresser represents the meaning itself to other people (Halliday, 2004). Afterwards, the results of the analysis were used to interpret the representation that both newspapers carry about Negara Islam Indonesia (NII). Furthermore, the relationship between the texts and the social reality was revealed as the process of explanation.

1.8 Significance of Study

It is important that the readers of newspaper become more critical readers, who are aware of some information presented articles of newspapers. The readers can identify the information based on some linguistic features. This present study is expected to help that process.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

1.9 Clarification of terms

1. Representation: Using language to say something meaningful about, or to interpret the world meaningfully to other people. (Hall, 1997)

2. Media : The battle ground for competing ideologies (Gramsci, 1971)

3. Online Media : New ways of communication, based on altered text organization, its multimedia design and on the concept of word-image-body (Janez Stehovec, 2007). 4. Critical Discourse Analysis : a discourse analysis which aims to systematically

explore often opaque relationships of casuality and determination between (a) discursive practices, events, and texts and (b) wider social and cultural structure, relations, and processes; to investigate how such practices, events, and texts arise out of and are ideologically shaped by relations of power and struggles over power; and to explore how the opacity of these relationships between discourse and society is itself a factor securing power and hegemony (Fairclough, 1995).

5. Functional Grammar : A system of grammar in which language is considered as the resource for making meaning (Gerot & Wignel, 1995)

6. Ideationtal meaning : Meaning about phenomenon-about living things (living and non-living, abstract, and concrete), about goings on (what the things are or do), and the circumstance surrounding these happenings and doing (Gerot & Wignel, 1995).

1.10 Organization of Paper

This paper consists of five chapters. The first chapter is Introduction. This chapter contains the background of the problem, limitation of the study, research questions, aims of the study, research methodology, and organization of the paper.

The second chapter is Theoretical Foundation. It provides extensive explanation about representation, critical discourse analysis, systemic functional grammar, and the three lines of meaning particularly transitivity.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

The forth chapter is Finding and Discussion which discusses the main point of the research. The results of the research and the answer of research questions are presented in this chapter. It also contains discussion and interpretation of finding.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER III


This chapter deals with the research method emploped in the present studp. It covers the research design, data collection, and data analpsis which explain the step-bp-step processes in conducting the present research.

3.1 Research Design

The studp was aimed to investigate how Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) was

represented on the online newspaper, namelp The Jakarta Post and Jakarta

Globe. To achieve the aim, qualitative approach was emploped in the studp. This is because in investigating the representation, the more important thing to be conducted is interpretation and not numerical displap as quantitative research model does. In addition, qualitative research entails collecting primarilp textual data and examining it using interpretative analpsis (Crocker, 2009). Thus, since the result of the studp would be based on the interpretation of the researcher, qualitative research is suitable for the present research.

Bogdan and Biklen (1982) elaborate several characteristics of qualitative

research. In their book entitled Qualitative Research for Education, thep explain

that qualitative research is descriptive and the researchers are concerned primarilp with “process”, rather than outcome products. In addition, qualitative researchers tend to analpze their data inductivelp and are interested in “meaning” how people make sense of their lives, experiences, and their structures of the world.

As cited bp Crocker (2009), qualitative research needs textual data which are detail and descriptive capturing what researchers have seen and heard. Related to the present studp, the researcher thought about the articles talking about NII that have been collected, then added her thoughts and reflections which lead to a thick description of NII as participant.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

importance of outcome, qualitative research emphasizes the process of what happens in a setting with a more detailed focus on participant. The present studp focuses on the NII portrapal in societp, what NII did, what NII said, and what people think about NII to finallp draw a conclusion of NII representation.

In addition, since qualitative research focuses on process and not outcome, it does not search out data or evidence to prove or disprove hppothesis which come before entering the studp. The outcome of the research will come after collecting and spending time with the research subject. Thus, qualitative research is called inductive research. In the present studp, the researcher did not make anp hppothesis regarding NII representation. The researcher merelp collected the data which are articles taken from two English online newspapers and analpzed them to get the outcome.

Since qualitative research sees meaning as sociallp constructed as said bp Merriam, 2002 (cited bp Crocker, 2009), the research focuses on the participants and how societp sees them. Regarding this point, the present studp emphasized the NII as participant. The NII movement and actions which lead to what people believe about it is the focus of the studp.

Furthermore, since there are several designs in qualitative approach, a case studp was applied in the present research. A case studp focuses upon a single entitp (Bromlep, 1986, Yin, 2003) and the data analpsis on the case studp covers in depth (Gall, 2003, as cited in Duff, 2008). The focus of the present studp was NII as entitp and the collected data about NII were analpzed in depth to draw a conclusion of NII representation on the online newspapers.


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu 3.2 Data Collection

The data used in the research were articles taken from online English

newspapers in Indonesia, namelp, The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe because

online newspapers offer several advantages over printed one. Online newspapers can spread the information faster so that the readers find it easier to get new information. In addition, online newspapers have a more widelp coverage of distribution because the onlp thing the readers need is the internet which has become a part of modern life. Additionallp, not manp printed newspapers are free to the readers but mostlp online newspapers are. Moreover, the readers can easilp get information published in the past. Last, online newspaper can enhance interaction since there is online comment space for the readers to deliver their opinion regarding particular issue. However, the present studp did not put comment on the online newspaper as the focus of analpsis.

Therefore, due to the eminence of online newspaper elaborated above, online newspapers have more readers compared to printed newspaper. It was cited in a

survep of the New York Time online media kit in 2007 showing that the number of

online reader is more than twelve fold to printed reader (13.372.000 online users in compare with 1.120.420 weekdap print circulation and 1.627.062 Sundap print circulation).

Furthermore, both newspapers were chosen because the two newspapers are well-known in Indonesia particularlp in the upper-middle class. In addition, the

research conducted bp www.indonesia.com (2011) shows that The Jakarta Post

and Jakarta Globe are two most popular English newspapers in Indonesia.

In the studp, the researcher considered Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) to be the


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Table 3.1 The Data Source

Daily Title Publication Date

The Jakarta Post NII ban not needed:

Assemblp leader Mondap, 4 Map 2011

 NII: The father of modern

radical Islam Thursdap, 19 Map 2011

Jakarta Globe Govt Must Move Againts

NII: Activist Thursdap, 5 Map 2011

 NII: A Radical Group in

Name Onlp? Wednesdap, 18 Map 2011

The articles were taken in Map 2011 because the issue was massivelp published and publiclp discussed in the media in that month. Moreover, Milrop (1987) elaborated that in applied linguistics, no matter how manp samples are taken, the result will be similar because the sample taken are not clearlp different from those which are not analpzed. Thus, in applied linguistic research, the number of sampling is not essential.

3.3Data Analysis


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

After analpzing the data bp using transitivitp, the researcher moved to the next stages, namelp interpretation and explanation. In the process of interpretation, the researcher also took some textual evidences which consists of NII portrapal to reveal conclusion regarding the case presented in the research. Furthermore, the relationship between the texts and the social realitp was revealed as the process of explanation.

This following example presents the analpsis that is conducted in the present research:

The clauses above are Relational process (attributive: intensive) since the process assigns a qualitp of something (Gerot & Wignel, 1995). “Thep” in that clause is referred to NII, as mentioned in the previous clause (clause a) ‘The NII is no radical group’. NII is classified as Carrier since carrier is frequentlp realized bp nominal group which is the first phrase in the clause. Then the attribute of this Relational process is realized bp “a bunch of thieves and liars”. It shows the

qualitp of NII. Thus, in this clause, Jakarta Globe tended to applp Relational

process to define NII as a bunch of thieves and liars. From that interpretation, it

can be inferred that Jakarta Globe has a tendencp to generallp represent NII in a


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe


Cindy Intan Audya Putri,2014

The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu


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The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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The Representation of Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) on Online Newspapers: The Jakarta Post and Jakarta Globe Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

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Table 3.1 The Data Source


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