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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to The Physics Education Study Program In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Degree of Magister Pendidikan

Physics Education Department





The Author was born on February 16th, 1987 in Marenda.

The Author is the second of five brothers by the name of

father is Ngatino S. and mother is Aswati. The Authors

start from SD Negeri 2 Peukan Bada, Banda Aceh. Then

continue to SLTP Negeri 2 Delitua, Medan and continue

to SMA Swasta Istiqlal Delitua, Medan. For high level

Education, Author entered into State University of Medan in Education Physics

Department in 2005 and finished study in 2010 with the minithesis titled "Pengaruh

Model Problem Based Instruction Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Materi Listrik

Dinamis Di SMA Istiqlal Delitua T.P. 2009/2010" and has been published in the

Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika Edition I, then The Authors continue education to graduate

level in Education Physics Departement in 2011 and completed the study S2 in 2013

with the Thesis titled “Effect of Project Based-Learning Model With KWL



Satria Mihardi. Pengaruh Model Project Based Learning Dengan Lembar Kerja KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Pada Penyelesaian Masalah Fisika.

Studi Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL (Know-Want-Learn) terhadap Berpikir Kreatif pada penyelesaian masalah Fisika di Universitas Negeri Medan. Tujuan penelitian menganalisi perbedaan pada Berpikir Kreatif Siswa yang dicapai melalui model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL dan model Cooperative Learning dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika, menganalisis perbedaan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dengan tingkat Berpikir Divergen di atas rata-rata dan di bawah rata-rata dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika, dan menganalisi interaksi antara model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL dan model Cooperative Learning dengan tingkat Berpikir Divergen terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah eksperimen-semu dengan desain dua grup pretes dan posttest pada populasi Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Medan T.P 2012/2013 yang dipilih secara random dn dibagi menjadi dua kelas: kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa soal Uraian dengan jumlah 5 (lima) soal yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabelitasnya. Setiap soal memiliki penilaian indikator Berpikir Divergen dan Berpikir Kreatif. Analisis data menggunakan uji Anava dua jalur untuk statistik parametrik dan Kruskall-Wallis untuk statistik non-parametrik jika sampel tidak berdistribusi normal atau homogen. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan Pertama, hasil menunjukkan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dengan model Project Based Learning lebih besar daripada model Cooperative Learning. Hal ini membuktikan adanya perbedaan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa yang dicapai melalui model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL dan model Cooperative Learning dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika. Kedua Second, hasil menunjukkan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dengan tingkat Berpikir Divergen di atas rata-rata lebih besar dibandingkan Berpikir Divergen di bawah rata-rata. Hal ini membuktikan adanya perbedaan Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dengan tingkat Berpikir Divergen di atas rata-rata dan di bawah rata-rata dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika. Ketiga, secara umum hasil menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh Berpikir Divergen terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Siswa pada model Project Based Learning. Hal ini membuktikan adanya interaksi antara model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL dan model Cooperative Learning dengan tingkat Berpikir Divergen terhadap Berpikir Kreatif Siswa dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan Fisika. Dari perbedaan tersebut dapat dilihat pengaruh model Project Based Learning dengan lembar kerja KWL terhadap Berpikir Kreatif pada penyelesaian masalah Fisika.



Satria Mihardi. Effect of Project Based Learning Model with KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Worksheet on Creative Thinking in Solved Physics Problems.

This study research was aim to analyze effect of project based learning model with KWL worksheet on creative thinking in solved physics problems at State University on Medan. The aim of the research were analyzed the differences in creative thinking of Students through between the project based learning model with KWL worksheet and cooperative learning model to solved problems in physics, analyzed the differences in the creative thinking of students who have under average and above average category in divergent thinking to solved physics problems, and analyzed interaction between the Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model with the divergent thinking level in Student creative thinking to solved problems in Physics. The type of this research was quasy-experiment with two-group pretest and posttest design with the population in this research is all college in Undergraduated Education Physics of State University of Medan A.Y. 2012/2013 were randomly selected and divided into two classes: the experiment class and the control class. The instruments of the research was a essay test in higher order thinking with five item. Every item will be assessment for divergent thinking and creative thinking indicators. Analysis data would be using Anova Two ways for parametrics statistical and Kruskall-Wallis if sample is nonparametric sample distribution. From the result were concluded First, The result shown that Student creative thinking in project based learning model is greater than cooperative learning models. It proved there were different in creative thinking of Students through between the Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model to solved problems in Physics. Second, The result shown that Student creative thinking in above average Divergent Thinking was greater than under average Divergent Thinking in learning. It proved there were different in the creative thinking of Students who have Under Average and Above Average category in Divergent Thinking to solved Physics problems. Third, as generally result shown that DT wasn’t effect Student creative thinking in PjBL model. It proved there were any interaction between the Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model with the divergent thinking level in Student creative thinking to solved problems in Physics. From those different could be seen that the effect of project based learning model with KWL worksheet on creative thinking in solved physics problems.



The Author would like to express thanks to several persons. They are: Prof. Dr. Sahyar, M.S., M.M as the head of Physics Education Department in UNIMED and Dr. Nurdin Bukit, M.Si as the secretary. They have given a lot of advice and guidance to finish this thesis. The Author also wishes to pass gratitude to Supervisor Prof. Dr. Mara Bangun Harahap, M.S and Dr. H. Ridwan A. Sani, M.Si who have kindly assisted in guiding, directing, revising, and correcting the organization or the concept of this thesis. May God bless Them.

The writer is indebted to all lecturers and tutors, who have given the valuable knowledge during to study in Physics Education Department of Graduate School in the State University of Medan (UNIMED).

Finally, the writer would like to thank to beloved parents, brothers, and sisters for their patience to let him continue study until finish this thesis. Also to all friend who gave supports. May God bless who ever has been given constructive suggestion for the shape of this thesis.

Medan, August 1st, 2013 The Author,


TABLE OF CONTENTS 2.1.2. Know-Want-Learn (KWL) Worksheet 27 2.1.3. Model of Project Based Learning With KWL Worksheet 37 2.1.4. Cooperative Learning 38

2.1.5. Divergent Thinking 40

2.1.6. Creative Thinking 41

2.2. Conceptual Study 50

2.3. Research Hypothesis 51


3.1. Location and Time Research 52



4.1. Research Result 71

4.1.1. Data Research Description 71 4.1.2. Hypothesis Test of Research 75 Result Creative Thinking on Learning Models 77 Result Creative Thinking on Divergent Thinking Levels 77 Result Creative Thinking on Interaction of Learning

Models and Divergent Thinking Levels 78

4.1.3. Observations 81 Assessment Work and Product 81 KWL Analyze 82 Assessment Project 82 Assessment Activity Learning 83

4.2. Discussion 83

4.2.1. Discussion of Student Creative Thinking on Learning Models 83 4.2.2. Discussion of Student Creative Thinking on Divergent

Thinking levels 84

4.2.3. Discussion of student Creative Thinking on Interaction

of Learning Models and Divergent Thinking Levels 84


5.1. Conclusion 86

5.2. Recommendation 86



Table Page

Table 2.1 Advantages, Weakness, And Solusion Problem of PjBL Model 17 Table 2.2 Role of Teachers And Students in Learning 19 Table 2.3 Differences PjBL And PBL 20 Table 2.4 Syntax of Project-Based Learning Model 22 Table 2.5 Description of Phase Student Activities 23 Table 2.6 Instructional Learning of Teaching Activity In Phase of PjBL 25 Table 2.7 Using KWL Chart In Learning 29 Table 2.8 The KWL In Action Learning 34

Table 2.9 Form of KWL Worksheet 36

Table 2.10 Explanation And Time Using of KWL Apply 37 Table 2.11 Syntax Model of Cooperative Learning 39 Table 2.12 Previous Research Model of Project Based Learning 47 Table 3.1 Determining Sample Size (S) From A Given Population (N) 53

Table 3.2 Group Designs 54

Table 3.3 Design Research 54

Table 3.4 Assessment Work And Product 56

Table 3.5 KWL Rubric 58

Table 3.6 Assessment Creativity of Project 58

Table 3.7 KWL Student Checklist 59

Table 3.8 The Project Rubrics 60

Table 3.9 Criteria for Assessing PjBL 61 Table 3.10 Assessment Rubrics of Creative Thinking 61 Table 3.11 Assessment Rubrics of Divergent Thinking 61 Table 4.1 Pretest Descriptive Experiment Class and Control Class 71 Table 4.2 Normality Tests of Pretest 72 Table 4.3 Homogeneity Test of Pretest 72 Table 4.4 Pretest Independent Sample T Test 73 Table 4.5 DT Score Descriptive Experiment Class and Control Class 73 Table 4.6 Posttest Descriptive Experiment Class and Control Class 74 Table 4.7 Normality Tests of Posttest 74 Table 4.8 Homogeneity Test of Posttest 75 Table 4.9 ANOVA Descriptive Variables Value 76 Table 4.10 ANOVA Analysis Between-Subjects Effects 76



Figure Page

Figure 3.1 The Study Designs Scheme 63

Figure 3.2 Hypothesis Designs 69

Figure 4.1 Interaction of Learning Model and Divergent Thinking Level 78

Figure 4.2 Assessment Work and Product 81

Figure 4.3 KWL Analyze 82

Figure 4.4 Assessment Project 82




Appendix 1 Physics Syllabus Learning 97

2 Creative Thinking Test 120

3 Subject Matter 122

4 The KWL Worksheet 140

5 Assessment 142

6 Analysis Test 149

7 Instrument Assessment 153

8 Data Descriptive 155

9 Assessment Process 161

10 Documentation 164



1.1 Problem Background

Education is a support in creating the nation's progress and the countries.

This was seen at the education level of the people who becomes an assessment of

the human resources (HR) level of a country. The higher the human resources

level in a country considered the more developed countries. Assessment in human

resources level development can be seen in the attention to education in a country.

Attention may be the government roles in advancing the education of the nations

and states. Participation such as improving the quality of education, education

fundings, improving the educational facilities, and improving the education


Increased competence can be shown in making the media presentation of

learning material can be seen from the delivery of the techniques presented in the

media and activity learning. This competence has been given to Teachers in the

educational process at the university in growing up of a new generation of

Teacher. These competencies are required to be developed and adapted in the

learning process. In addition, a Teacher is expected to connect the learning

environment because the environment influences the learning process has its own

role in the development of Students. In addition to the application of the material

can be used as a Student can make the learning experience for the discovery of the

concept being taught. Fraser (2002) describes the relationship between the

environment and the learning process as an illustration of the variation in

comparing, evaluation, and applying learning as observation in assessment

learning outcomes.

In the teaching competence assessment can also be observed from the use

of media in learning and advance of creativity of Students. Media in learning that

can be used very many kinds. The media used can be as simple as a visual media,


multimedia by Purwandari and Fatta (2009), and the use of interactive multimedia

by Lucyana (2006). Learning outcomes achieved in harmony in improving

Students in learning. According to Muller (2008) use of media in learning can

significantly improve the ability and knowledge in serving and confirming the

initial conception of the Student.

Development of instructional media adapted to the development of

technology to present new things in teaching so as to attract interest from

Students. It can be seen from the use of ICT in learning that done by Jarosievitz

(2012) in Physics teaching methods combined in the project. In application,

activities more attractive by engaging multimedia and internet communication.

Student can awareness to making project from media ICT to applied of knowledge

to making material visualisation in Physics. It will be shown cretivity in Students


The using of instructional media and learning through environmental

adaptation of Students to be more creative and motivated in learning activities.

Roy (2007) explained that express complex thinking can be achieved by looking

at the environment and seek through the experience and views are obtained, which

can lead to creativity in line with the spirit of understanding and goals

achievement. In this case, Students can imagine, rational thinking, investigating,

and designing something in the imagination realize. This activity is scientific

knowledge in the values and assumptions of the Nature of Science (NOS) as

proposed Liang, et al, (2005). With these Students will be motivated and more

interested in learning because Student will feel that do have more meaning in life.

Even so, in learning activity at classroom as based on observations and

interviews of Students in Undergraduated Physics Education at State University of

Medan concluded that as long as the learning almost 80% Students are thinking

how can finished study as quickly, whereas motivation of Students have high

learning outcome in Physics learning but nothing support from learning to

creativity advance, espesially in creative thinking. Student learn Physics just with

following instruction from Teacher. Thus, Student can’t thinking in a divergent


like as examples given. In solving problem of material Physics, Students can

finished and solved it. But, Student rarely using another ways to solved it. This is

due to lack of direct awareness to solving project effectively and efficiently in

learning. It was shown with Student activity which less applied Physics concept in

real life problems. Student solved of task and problem test of Physics just for

getting pass of examination from Teachers.

In learning Physics theory, Student rarely thinking for advance creating

ability to making something a new idea or way innovation in solving concept

problem in Physics. Student just answer calculating of test but not understood of

problem as clearly. So that the creativity of Students is not reached and the pattern

of thinking is not systematic. Students are also arguments on the issues are rarely

a problem. While the Physics experiment observation, Student just following steps

in instruction of experiment. Student is rarely trained to making a new steps or

innovation in experiment. Student just trained to proved in experiment.

Therefore, researchers are seeking a learning model with media in learning

supported to enhance creative thinking in the learning of Physics so that Students

can make sense of learning and motivated to do in applying Physics in their life.

Based on consideration of the increased motivation and thinking ways of

Students, the appropriated model can reached is Project Based Learning (PjBL)

models. With PjBL Student will be trained to creative and innovative in learning.

In this case, PjBL can also improve Student’s creative thinking that can

lead to the creation or realization of the planned project. Hong, et al, (2010) states

that PjBL is a significant approach in enhancing the potential of changing the way

teaching and learning is passive to enable Students with the tools and media

support to improving learning outcomes. According Holubova (2008) PjBL has

advantages in this type of teaching on Student activities and opportunities to solve

multidisciplinary problems.

In addition, PjBL can be done in an environment outside of school, work

together to teach, train Students examined, using various tools, technologies, and

materials. This is confirmed ChanLin (2008) which states that it is important to do

PjBL implementation by integrating technology in learning as Students planning


methods, so as to facilitate the internalization of values and spirit of the methods

scientists to Students. Ravitz, et al, (2004) says that PjBL different models using

collaboration and research for the PjBL adopted on sharing, conduct evaluation or

contribute to a shared database. Bell (2010) stated PjBL as innovation in learning

approaches by Teachers with multiple strategies critical for success in the

twenty-first century. In this study Students are expected to control the learning through

inquiry properly, cooperative, collaborate, and create works from the reflection of


However according to Roessingh and Chambers (2011) had explained of

characteristics PjBL on professionallity Teachers services, support facilities,

capabilities, competencies, dispositions required to the make the successful

transition. On the other hand, Barron and Hammond (2007) stated PjBL as a

model to explore Students learning to real world problems, compete, and

collaborate in groups. In a study Mahanal, et al, (2012) PjBL proved effective in

improving attitudes, empowering attitude towards the environment, interaction in

groups, and learning outcomes. This is consistent with the conclusion Kurzel and

Rath (2007). In addition, Rillero and Zambo (2006) confirmed the increased

participation in science at the level of Teacher training on Student interest in

science at a low level. In this case, Doppelt (2003) indicate that technology can be

used as PjBL science at an elevation of Student motivation and self-image at all

levels. Kteily and Hawa (2010) also explained that the application of PjBL

Students through an extended process from inquiry in the face of a problem, a

complex question, and challenge.

To reached success in learning to PjBL according to Heo, et al, (2010)

there are two things to note. First, learning support in order to create quality of

Student interaction in learning. Second, the complexity of the project that made

the problems that formed the topic of shared knowledge. In this case, as Teachers

are expected to continue to maintain that Students remain on the right track,

because Students need a facilitator as a guide in determining the success and

motivation as the spirit to realize their project. However, the problems must be


planning and design. Not to mention if there is a failure in implementation, not all

groups can set up an existing project, and cost issues.

For that, use the Know-Want-Learn (KWL) worksheet as controlling the

activities to be more systematic and efficient use of time because it can focus

more on Student work. In addition, Teachers are expected to be able to give

encouragement, motivation, and facilitation of referrals when Students need it.

This is done so that Students are more excited that the results are expected to be

more optimal (Al-Khateeb and Idrees, 2010; Tucker, et al, 1997). KWL worksheet

is proven to streamline the use and effectiveness of performance based on

research Tucker, et al, (1997). According to Tucker, et al, (1997) to organize their

ideas Students must be exploration in hand writing, illustrations, and determine

for themselves the things that can assist them in connecting the ideas of settlement

of a problem, both personally and in groups. This is confirmed by Cassady, et al,

(2004) that the KWL is a self-report of what Students know and have learned,

whereas the anchor task provides a way for Students to demonstrate what Student

have learned. Moreover, KWL can be reach three-dimensional in learning ie

service learning, social issues, and content learning.

Besides PjBL, the divergent thinking can also enhance Student creativity

especially in a creative thinking. Students will be trained to think of the

possibilities that can be done to solve the problems faced with divergent thinking,

in particular the completion of the Physics issue. According to Awang and Ramly

(2008) creative thinking can be done by making some choices settlement obtained

from different perceptions, different concepts, different points of view in order to

vary the settlement method. Rosenblum, et al, (1970) concluded that the basis for

discussion in the conclusion might be described with the hypothesis results,

predicting both need for approval and anxiety to be negatively related to divergent

thinking, with interaction between need, for approval and anxiety on divergent

thinking, when originality was used. The results were obtained for Fluency,

Flexibility, or Combined of Divergent Thinking Scores.

The relationship between anxiety and originality approached significance

in the direction predicted. The need to measure creativity as comprehensively as


to divergent thinking was suggested.

Another means, according to Barlow (2000) on the structure of which is

presented on the level of intelligence of Guilford that divergent thinking is the

ability to do something with the memory access in discovering a large number of

ideas that matched a simply criteria. In this case, it is advisable to increased the

creativity is focused on the various divergent production skills there seems to be a

strong argument in favor of focusing upon the various skills related to

transformations, which would support the idea of focusing some attention upon

shifts in insight. This is confirmed by Rabari, et al, (2011) supports the evidence

from several theoretical viewpoints suggested a link between divergent thinking

and critical thinking, the creative attitude, and interaction with materials science.

However, it points to some Level of independence among various components of

the construct.

Based explanation Munro (2004) that creativity is seen as synonymous

with divergent thinking. But, the link between divergent thinking and convergent

thinking measured by the traditional intelligence is complex. The results obtained

with traditional tasks intelligence measures not indicate creative potential. The

creative thinking in science indicates some of the ways of thinking that have led to

creative outcomes. The creativity in science involves search combined with

recognition of patterns, enabling the use of information stored, evidence for the

thinking used. In otherwise, processes for creative production are indicated in

diaries, laboratory notebooks, and experiments. So, it takes the optimality in

directing and implementing PjBL in learning. Based on these problems

researchers are trying to get research on Effect of Project Based Learning Model

with KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Worksheet On Creative Thinking In Solved

Physics Problems at State University of Medan.

1.2 Problems Identification

Based on backgrounds that are identified as follows :

a. Students have high learning outcomes in Physics learning but nothing


b. Student learn Physics just with following instruction from Teacher. Thus,

Student can’t thinking in a divergent ways to create something.

c. Student activity which less Physics concept applied in real life problems.

d. Student rarely thinking for advance creating ability to making something a

new idea or way innovation in solving concept problem in Physics.

1.3 Problems Limitation

By considering the constraints of time, funds, and the ability of researcher,

this study is focused to:

a. Using of PjBL Model with KWL Worksheet which is comparing with

Cooperative Learning,

b. Divergent Thinking Level of Students which is different to be Under

Average and Above Average category, and

c. Student Creative Thinking to solved problem in Electrostatics materials at

State University of Medan.

1.4 Research Questions

Based on the backgrounds, identifications, and problem limitation then

study can be stated in the following questions of:

1. Are there differences in creative thinking of Students through between the

Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative

Learning model to solved problems in Physics?

2. Are there differences in the creative thinking of Students who have Under

Average and Above Average category in Divergent Thinking to solved

Physics problems?

3. Are there any interaction between the Project Based Learning model with

KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model with the divergent


The aim of the research are :

a. To analyze the differences in creative thinking of Students through

between the Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and

Cooperative Learning model to solved problems in Physics.

b. To analyze the differences in the creative thinking of Students who have

Under Average and Above Average category in Divergent Thinking to

solved Physics problems.

c. To analyze the interaction between the Project Based Learning model with

KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model with the divergent

thinking level in Student creative thinking to solved problems in Physics.

1.6 Operational Definition

To greater understanding of meaning about every word that is used in

operational research will be described in general as follows: “Cooperative

learning is a teaching model or strategy that is characterized by cooperative task,

goal, and reward structures, and requires students to be actively engaged in

discussion, debate, tutoring, and teamwork” (Arends and Kilcher, 2010:306).

“Project based learning (PBL) is a model that organizes learning around

projects, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in

design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give

students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods

of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations.” (Thomas, 2000:1).

“KWL (Know-Want-Learn) Worksheet is a graphic organizer used to help

students predict and connect the new information with prior knowledge” (Ogle,


“Divergent thinking is recognized for its role in improving quality of life

generally and through scientific innovations, which involve creative application of

principles of basic sciences, such as Physics” (Rabari, et al, 2011:216).

“Creative thinking was initially believed as a talent possessed by

exceptional individuals, and much research was conducted asserting that such


1.7 Research Benefits

The benefits of this research is divided into two, namely :

a. Practical benefits, to provide input and information in the teaching of

Physics concepts with model of project based learning in Static Electrics

material and assist the process of learning to be greater.

b. Academic benefits, be material information regarding the development of



5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research with PjBL model for classroom experiments and the

cooperative model for the control class, then from the analysis data, and

hypothesis testing concluded as follow :

First, The result was shown that Student creative thinking in project based

learning model was greater than cooperative learning models. It proved there were

be different in creative thinking of Students through between the Project Based

Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning model to solved

problems in Physics.

Second, The result was shown that Student creative thinking in above

average DT was greater than under average DT to reach creative thinking of

student in learning. It proved there were be different in the creative thinking of

Students who have Under Average and Above Average category in Divergent

Thinking to solved Physics problems. From those difference could be seen that

the effect of project based learning model with KWL worksheet on creative

thinking in solved physics problems.

Third, as generally result was shown that DT wasn’t effect Student

creative thinking in PjBL model. It proved there were any interaction between the

Project Based Learning model with KWL Worksheet and Cooperative Learning

model with the divergent thinking level in Student creative thinking to solved

problems in Physics.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the implementation, results, and conclusions of research,

researchers suggest for the next researcher who conducted the study with PjBL

model with KWL worksheet to subject which has more time in semester to get

study and recommended more attention to guiding students for work in groups


motivated to be active in groups to complete tasks with socializing. Beside it,

before to start of learning first time described and given examples how the

implementation and the results obtained so at the time of execution of students

already understand what to do and not take more time for phases other learning.

For next research about PjBL model, The Writer recommendationed to

other Researcher for don’t compare or using Divergent thinking to Project

Based-Learning models in analysis Student Creative thinking. It caused that

implementation PjBL with KWL worksheet had been giving same ways to

advance Students divergent thinking. Then, The Writer recommendationed

another variables like as Academic Success Skill, another thinking process, or the


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