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S ING 1204437 Chapter 5


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Rizky Akbar, 2016

An Analysis of Selected Eleventh Grade English Textbooks

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu CHAPTER V


This chapter of the paper presents conclusion of the paper and provided

suggestions for the future regarding the topic of textbook evaluation.


This study evaluated two selected eleventh grade English textbooks through

document analysis. A set of checklist, adapted from Badan Standar Nasional

Pendidikan, was made focusing on the contents of the book. The study focused on

determining to what extent are the textbooks appropriate in terms of English

Language Teaching. The textbooks would be considered appropriate to be used if it was categorized at least “fair” in the final calculation of their total score. Based on the results of the evaluation, a conclusion was made. The results of the analysis

showed that both textbooks are appropriate in terms of content based on BSNP

framework for textbook evaluation.

Even though both textbooks were considered appropriate in all aspects,

nevertheless there were still some parts of the books that could be improved, such

as the quantity and frequency of various text types, materials accuracy, and

supporting learning materials.


Based on the results of the study, there were some proposed recommendations.

The recommendations were expected to be beneficial for materials designers to

take into consideration when planning a lesson or designing learning materials, for

teachers and students in the process of teaching and learning English, and also for

further studies in the field of textbook evaluation.

First, there are a lot of criteria that needs to be met in order to claim that a

textbook is appropriate to use in the process of English Language Teaching.

Those criteria must be taken into account by textbook writers and publishers when

writing a book. They should also understand that not many teachers could


Rizky Akbar, 2016

An Analysis of Selected Eleventh Grade English Textbooks

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Collaboration with English teachers association, i.e. MGMP Bahasa Inggris, in

writing a textbook is really recommended. This way, teachers’ opinion regarding

good learning materials will also be accounted for. The input will be very valuable

since teachers are directly involved in the process of English Language Teaching.

Second, teachers who use Pathway to English must provide more guidance

and explanation for learners to develop higher level mastery in realizing the social

functions that are relevant to the type of text concerned. They should also

complete the lesson on transactional and functional texts by presenting them

through leaflets, banners, proverbs, and riddles, aside from the texts provided in

the book. Teachers should find more recent materials and topic that the learners

could relate to. Exercises and assignments that could encourage the learners to

have the ability, attitude, and skills needed to perform certain job/profession

should be helped by the teachers.

Meanwhile, teachers who use Bahasa Inggris 2 should provide explanation

on the three elements of the formation of a text, namely social function, elements

and structures of meaning, and linguistic features. The lesson on generic

structures of a text should be given particular attention. More explanation and

examples regarding the generic structures of each text types need to be given to

students. Teachers should also provide opportunity for learners to develop their

personal skills. This can be done through an assignment at the end of each lesson,

by asking students to evaluate themselves, in terms of what they have understood,

what they are still struggling with, and problems they faced in the learning

process. Lastly, more exercises and assignments that could encourage the learners

to have the ability, attitude, and skills needed to perform certain job/profession

should be provided by the teachers.

Third, students of English Language Teaching should not limit their

learning by only studying what are provided in the textbook. Considering that

each textbook must have its own strengths and weaknesses, as have been shown

by the results of this study, learners should attempt to explore more related to

English Language Teaching in other sources. The internet, other textbooks, and

even newspapers are other media that the students could use to increase their


Rizky Akbar, 2016

An Analysis of Selected Eleventh Grade English Textbooks

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu

Lastly, this study attempted to evaluate two selected eleventh grade English

textbooks. A checklist, consisted of twenty three items was made, focusing on the

content of the book. Further studies on textbook evaluation which employ similar

methodology should include more aspects in order to get more detailed results. A

more detailed checklist could be developed by incorporating other criteria

proposed by the experts in the field of textbook evaluation.

Additionally, the findings of this study could also be used as a foundation to

develop appropriate learning materials, especially in content aspect, for eleventh

grade. The results of this study have explored the appropriateness of both

textbooks, along with providing some recommendations that needs to done to


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