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Delivering Infrastructure

Hotel Grand Hya-, Nusa Dua - Bali 10-11 December 2015

Presented by:

Steven Tabor


Infrastructure for what?

To support new sources of growth

To foster more equitable development

To enable more sustainable development

To prepare for growing urbanizaUon

To tackle criUcal bo-lenecks and high costs

To address 15 years of under-investment and the

O&M neglect habit


Why Infrastructure Investment is


Key for higher and sustained economic growth necessary for poverty

reducUon and welfare improvement.

Infrastructure development is necessary to:

Maintain high, inclusive, and sustainable growth

Meet the challenges of massive

Achieve higher level of regional economic cooperaUon

Infrastructure connecUvity reduces economic distance and increases

density and scale of economic acUvity.

It improves producUvity and efficiency by:

CreaUng greater opportuniUes for market access by reducing costs of

trade and physical movement

SUmulaUng consumpUon through be-er delivery of goods and services


Key CharacterisBcs of Infrastructure


Non-excludability/free riders

Poverty and other posiUve impacts

Public Good

Need for long term financing •PoliUcal risk/risk sharing

Long Horizon

Large investments by powerful agents •Possible market dominance/regulatory


Bulky Investment

Dynamic of comparaUve advantage •SubsUtute/complement for factors of


Generate spaUal effects

Infra-Industry Nexus


Insufficient Infrastructure Spending in

Many ASEAN Countries

Infrastructure Needs vs Spending—ASEAN Economies

Country EsBmated

Infra Needs (2010-2020) USD Billion

Needs as % of EsBmated GDP (Annual,


Infra Spend as % of GDP (1980-2009)

Infra Spend as % of GDP


Indonesia: Addressing Infra Gap

2015-2019 RPJM

Major infra

investments in

transport and


Public sector: 70%

of total infra


Public infra

investments to

rise from 4.2% of

2015-2019 National Medium Term Development Plan, Infrastructure Investments by Funding Source


Delivery Targets Are Enormous

RPJM --- $480 billion with 30% expected to be financed by the private sector through PPPs, 50% through the naUonal and sub-naUonal government budget and 20% directly by state owned enterprises

•  Power generaUon: 36,000 MW

•  Gas distribuUon: 1 million household gas units developed

•  IrrigaUon: 1 million Ha of new irrigated lands

•  IrrigaUon rehab: 3 million Ha of irrigated lands rehabilitated

•  New roads: 2,650 km

•  Toll roads: 1,000 km

•  Improved road maintenance: 46,700 km

•  Airports: 15 new airports

•  Ports: 24 new ports

•  Ships: 550 new ships

•  Railways: 3,258 km of new rails

•  Urban mass transit: 1,099 of urban railways

•  Bus-rapid transit: 29 ciUes to adopt

•  Broadband ICT: 100% of all ciUes and regencies covered


Infrastructure investment needs 2015-2019

(~7% average GDP growth esBmated by BAPPENAS)


Road 268.0 200.0 65.0 200.0 733.0

Railways 93.0 – 11.0 122.0 226.0

Seaport 260.0 – 238.2 93.0 591.2

Airport 64.0 5.0 50.0 25.0 144.0

Ferries and inland waterways 37.0 – 10.0 – 47.0

Urban transport 61.0 15.0 5.0 5.0 86.0

Electricity 120.0 – 445.0 435.0 1,000.0

Oil and gas 4.3 – 151.5 351.5 507.3

InformaUon and

communicaUons technology 15.0 15.3 27.0 223.0 280.3

Water resources 196.0 68.0 7.0 179.9 450.9

Water supply and sanitaUon 131.0 198.0 44.0 30.0 403.0

Public housing 184.0 44.0 12.5 87.0 327.5

Total budget requirement for

infrastructure 1,433.3 545.3 1,066.2 1,751.4 4,796.2


Infrastructure Financing Sources, 2015–2019

(Based on BAPPENAS esBmate)

143.3 bn US$

NaUonal gov’t

budget ~30%2)

Regional gov’t budget ~11%

2)  PorUon of naUonal budgets based on agreed budget ceiling by MoF as proposed by the NaUonal Development Planning Ministry


PPPs in Indonesia

Large unleashed PPP potenUal

38 PPPs in 2005-2014 for $35 billion

A lot more to be tapped, given large unmet needs

Recent reforms signal conUnued commitment to


InsUtuUonal architecture (KPPIP/Commi-ee for

Accelerated Infrastructure delivery, PPP Unit in MOF)

Infrastructure SOEs’ capital infusion

Enhancement the funcUons of PT SMI (Sarana MulU

Infrastruktur), PT IIF (Indonesian Infrastructure

Finance) and PT IIGF


Indonesia: Addressing Infra Gap

Key 2015 reforms to accelerate public sector infra spending:

Mainstreaming of advance procurement:

President set up Budget RealizaBon EvaluaBon

and Monitoring Team (chaired by MOF) to

debofleneck spending at central and local levels

Capital injecBons to and revaluaBon of assets of

infra SOEs

PT SMI’s capital increased by $1.6 bn to $2.1 bn

AdopBon of direct lending scheme to ease SOE

access to IFI finance

Expansion IIGF scope to guarantee SOE


Indonesia: Addressing Infra Gap

Key reforms to leverage private investment in infra:

•  New Perpres on PPPs: now also social sectors covered and

availability-based contracts possible

•  OperaBonalizaBon of PPP Unit at MOF as one-stop-shop for PPP coordinaBon and facilitaBon, including on gov’t support to PPPs

•  Extension of BVGL scheme to 2019 and to also cover 35GW program

•  $20 bn private investment in energy generaBon to be leveraged

•  Further improvement of land acquisiBon framework

•  IntroducBon of proxy mandate: private sector may conduct–on behalf of the government

contracBng agency–preparaBon, consultaBons, valuaBon, negoBaBon and compensaBon for the procured land.

•  OperaBonalizaBon of viability gap funding to raise afracBveness of

projects to investors

•  2 water supply projects will receive VGF in 2016 for total of IDR 1.15 tr

•  Streamline investment licensing and facilitate foreign parBcipaBon in


•  TransformaBon of PT SMI to Infrastructure Development Fund or Bank

•  ConsultaBon and analysis iniBated


Delivery constraints

Long-term GOI financing: deficit limits, low tax take;

Shortage of long-term rupiah resources: commercial banks

rely on short-term deposits and capital market is shallow;

Land acquisiUon

Project readiness: safeguards and detailed design

CoordinaUon amongst government agencies

Single-year budget and delayed budget release

Local government capacity to procure and oversee


SOE financial management and balance-sheet constraints

Tariffs linked to service costs and independent regulatory



Need to think about infrastructure for what?

Financing is a problem but readiness is also problem

Readiness has policy, program development, land

acquisiUon, project preparaUon, central-local

coordinaUon, SOE finance, budget and financial

market challenges to overcome

Need also to overcome legacy of fiscal restraint to


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