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Academic year: 2018



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NIM. F42109054









Teresa Sari Rahmani, Albert Rufinus, Urai Salam

English Education Study of Languages and Arts Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Facullty, TanjungPura University, Pontianak

Email: teresa.sari@yahoo.com


This research aims to identify extent the use of animation movie with text in teaching vocabulary for speaking. The population of the research was the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Pontianak in the academic 2016/2017 which VIII D as the sample. The researcher conducted a pre-experimental. The research finding showed the total of the pre-test about vocabulary for speaking was 1975 with the mean score 53.37 and it was categorized as “Poor to Average”. Furthermore, the total score of post-test was 2850 with the mean score 77.02 and it was categorized as “Average to Good”. Based on the data analysis, it was found that the effect size this research is 1.57, which categorized as “High Effect”. It can be concluded that the use of animation movie with text can improves the students’ vocabulary for speaking significantly.

Keyword: Animation Movie, Vocabulary, Speaking

English teaching is teaching the four language skills, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Of these skills, speaking is the main source of exposure to language and it thus the main engine for language change and dynamism (Schmitt and McCarty, 1997) “For most people spoken language”. This means in learning a language, speaking is the first skill to master.Ladouse in Nunan (1991, p.23) said that speaking is described as the activity as the ability to express oneself in the situation, or the activity to report acts, or situation in precise words or the ability to converse or to express a sequence of ideas fluently. Furthermore, Nunan (1991) stated that speaking is a productive oral skill and it consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Based on the statements above the researcher conclude that speaking is the way in which we express thoughts and feeling


develop it become naturally improve speaking ability of students. Vocabulary is central to English language teaching because without words we cannot to understand or express the ideas. Wilkins (1976) said that “without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”, he also wrote “ If you spend most of your time studying grammar, your English will not improve very much. You will see most improvement if you learn more words and expressions”. this means without grammar we can still do communicate eventhough it’s very little, but without vocabulary we are unable to do anything. In fact students’ also recognize the importance of vocabulary in learning English, this is related with Schmitt (2000). He stated that “learners carry around dictionaries and not grammar books”.Vocabualary is one of the elements support speaking,by using vocabulary people can talk active when doing communication or when give the information to the other people and to express their ideas or feelings. Jack Richard and Willy Renandya (2002,p.256) stated that Vocabulary is a core component of language profiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write. In every language, vocabulary has function to convey the meaning. Schmit (2000,p.19) wonders that one of language element in learning a foreign language is mastering vocabulary.

Vocabulary is generally thought through conventional text, such as giving the students a text, and then asking them to find the meaning of words use dictionary. This also happens in eighth grade of SMP N 2 Pontianak, the teacher only used a text book and dictionary without any media.During the pre-research, the researcher found out that the text book made them bored and not interested in learning English.Teaching is a communication between a teacher and students.

Teaching will be successful if students can understand the massage or the information from teacher. To transform the information or massage teacher needs media. Media have an important role in teaching-learning activity, Azhar (2011,p.4) stated that media is a tool that conveys or delivers the message of computer assisted instruction.

Audio-visual is a good alternative media for teaching vocabulary.Audio-visual contributes to teaching learning activity, as Kemp (1963,p.3-4) said there are some advantages using audio-visual media in teaching learning: the activity can be more interesting, learning becomes more interactive, the quality of learning can be improved. Audio-visual media is an animation movie with text the students’ can learn how to pronounce and how to use the words correctly in speaking. According to Chapple and Curtis (2000) movie is rich in action and visual aids that is appropriate for listening and speaking activities, such as describing scenes and actions. The use of animation movie in teaching vocabulary for speaking is actually to help students to catching and show how to use words in conversation.


there are some elements of animation movie: a) Action is over whom act out the story. The actor usually is dubbing by a native speaker who makes learners histories to read spoken English. b) Location is the accuracy and mood of the film depends on where it is drawn to shot. Here learner can see the real place with their culture. c) Time of the film is shot. For example there is morning, afternoon, night, in the holiday, and so on. Time also shows the year and something happen what culture and what kind of language usage in the time. d) Music and sound are important for students’ competence in understanding part of learning language process as speaking, translation, pronunciation, or even all of part. Based on Sadiman (1990,p.70) movie especially animation movie can attract students attentions, movie is realistic media that can be repeated or even can be paused, the sounds are clear and some languages are available to be studied by students, and it’s also can stimulate students understand not only by listening but also by viewing the picture motion. Hanne Pederson and HelleVillekold (2005,p.5) also stated that animation is popular among children, it makes moving in time easy, an animation production can combine the physical and the virtual worlds, and animation strengthens the creative mind.

In this reserach, animation movie has been choosen as media in teaching,because it is fun, interesting, colorful, and almost of the people especially the learnerslove animation movie. This media had been observed by Margono in his thesis “The effectiveness of teaching english verbs by using cartoon film (An-experimental

study at the second grade students of SMP Negeri 18 Semarang in the academy year 2010/2011)”. His thesis indicated that cartoon movie is effective in improving students English verbs. In using audio-visual teaching media the researcherhas observed and analyzed it role in improving the students’ used in this research is Pre-Experimental design or single group pre-test and post-test design because the researcher wants to know the effect of media animation movie for whole students in the class before and after treatment given. The table represents the pre-experimental process with one group pre-test and post-test.

Pre- test Treatment Post-test O1x O2

(Cohen, at all 2005,p.213)

Schema. Pre-experimental Process



The sample of this research consist 35 students of VIII d class from second grade in SMP Negeri 2 Pontianak in academic year 2016/2017.The technique of data collecting is used “measurement” to know the result of the research. The writer measures the students’ ability before and after treatment is given by using multiple choice of vocabulary.Gronlund in Brown (2004) “Validity is the extent to which inferences made from assesment result are appropriate, meaningful and useful in terms of the purpose of the

Cohen et, all (2005,p.326) Note:

A = students’ individual score S = the sum of students’ score N = total number of test items

Best (2006,p.260) states that level of difficulties related to how easy or difficult the test item is from the point of view the students who took the test.

The formula of level of difficulty (LD) is:

LD = 𝑢 + 𝐿

𝑁 ...(2)

The criteria used to classify the level of difficulty of the items are:

Table 2. The Level of Difficulty The percentage of

The criteria used to classify the DP of the items are:

Table 3. Discriminating Power The percentage of consistency of the scores obtained show consistent they are for each individual from one administration of an instrument to another and from one set of items to another.

Reliability coefficient of the test scores can be calculated by using Kuder_Richardson formula (KR21) as follows:

𝐾𝑅21= 𝐾



(Frankael and Wallen, 2008)

In computing the standard deviation of the score, the following formula can be

used:𝑆𝐷 =√∑ 2x −[

∑ X N]


N ...(5)

(Best & Kahn, 2006,p.365)

Table 1.The Population ofResearch

Class Number of students


Adapted from Best & Kahn (2006,p.388) post–test, significant test of students’ score andthe analysis of the effect from qualified was poor to average. The result of post – testshowed the total score of the students’ different score of pre – test and post – test is = 23.65

The students’ different score of pre-test and post-test:

Xd = X2 – X1 = 77.02 – 53.37

= 23.65...(6)

Table 5.The students’ Qualification Score of Pre-test and Post-test

Test Mean Qualification

Pre-test 53.37 Poor to Average

Poste-test 77.02 Average to Good

Interval 23.65 ...

To know animation movie has significant difference or not, the researcher needs to compute the result of t-test after analyze the interval between pre-test and post-test. The formula for computing t-test as follow:

t = its show that the value of t- test observed is bigger than t- table. This significant result is at 0.05 df (degree of freedom) the calculation of t – test indicates 11.23. First, the degree of freedom or df = N-1 is determined. There are 37

students who take the test in this research, then df = 36(11.23 > 2.042). Thus, it means the mean score of pre-test and post-pre-test of the experiment group being observed have significant difference. After counting the significant score of pre-test and post-test, the writer describes the findings of the effect of the treatment in order to see how significant the effect of teaching vocabulary by using animation movie with text to improve students’ vocabulary. The computation of the effect treatment can be seen as follows:

ES = t ...(8)

Based on the result the significant score of the effect size is categorized as Table 4.The Degree of Reliability


“High Effect” with ES > 0.8 (1.80 > 0.8). It means that the use of animation movie with text as media in teaching vocabulary give a strong significant effect to students’ in improvement of vocabulary. Then, it means this research proves that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.


In this part the researcher is going to discuss the result od the research. The result of the research is the students vocabulary for speaking have significant improvement. Animation movie is completely helps the students in learning english, it attracted the students attention and made the students easy to catch the multiple choices test. Mulitiple choices test had been choosen because on this research, the researcher focus on the vocabulary improvement especially nouns and verbs. The next meeting, the researcher giving the treatment,for the treatment have three meetings. In the treatment the researcher made plan the students must be able to understand minimal ten words of nouns and ten words of verbs related to the material of learning. On the last meeting, the researcher giving post-test, with the same question on pre-test. After that the researcher analyze the student test answer.The result of hypothesis is at 0.05 df (degree of freedom) the calculation of t – test indicates 11.23, df = 36(11.23 > 2.042). Thus, it means the mean score of pre-test and post-test of the experiment group being observed have significant difference.

Based on recapitulation above that after conducted a treatments there has a good changes which based on maximum, minimum score, mean,

interval score between post-test and pre-test , standard deviation and effect of with text in improving vocabulary give a strong significant effect to students’ improvement. Then, it means this research proves that the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected.The mean score of pre-test and post- test, the result of pre-test showed the total score of the student was = 1975 and the mean score is = 53.37 and it is qualified was poor to average. The result of post-test showed the total score of student was = 2850 and the mean score is = 77.02 and it is qualified as average to good. For the interval between post-test and pre-test is 23.37 means that students’ vocabulary has been improved.

Based on the research finding above, it was indicated that the process of teaching and learning influenced the improvement of students’ vocabulary for speaking. It is in line with the statement by Chapple and Curtis (2000) movie is rich in action and visual aids that is appropriate for listening and speaking activities. In other words, using animation movie with text as a media in teaching vocabulary has a positive effect to the students’ vocabulary improvement.



students’ score in post-test is better than pre-test. 2)The obtain t-test was that the value of test observed is bigger than t-table. Thus it means that the mean score of pre-test and post-test of the experiment group being observed have a significant difference.


Based on the result of this research which positively indicates that there ispositive effect of teaching vocabulary by using animation movie with text. Here the writer would like to provide some suggestions as follow: 1) It is important for teacher to find out the suitable and interesting media as students need in teaching learning process. In this case animation movie with text is interesting as a media in teaching vocabulary. 2) The teacher can choose the movie, which are suitable with the material that she teaches. It can be found from internet. 3) The students are hoped to be active in learning process, because the students always busy with their own activities instead of focusing on their activities and in teaching learning process. 4) Animation movie can be a new media in teaching vocabulary in SMP N 2 Pontianak in order to get better output.


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Table 1.The Population ofResearch
Table 5.The students’ Qualification Score of Pre-test and Post-test


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