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Academic year: 2021



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment to Obtain to Strata One (S1) Degree On English Education Department

By : Mona Anggraini NIM: 2316.075 Advisor SYAHRUL, M.Pd NIP.197002352003121008





Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama/NIM : Mona Anggraini

Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Duri, 25 Februari 1998 Fakultas/Jurusan : FTIK/PBI

Judul Skripsi : The use of Google Classroom in Learning English at Eleventh Grade in SMKN 1 Ampek AngkekAacademic Years 2020/2021

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa karya ilmiah (skripsi) saya dengan judul diatas adalah benar asli karya penulis. Apabila dikemukakan hari ini terbukti bahwa skripsi ini bukan karya sendiri, maka penulis bersedia diproses sesuai hukum yang berlaku dan gelar kesarjanaan penulis dicopot sampai bata waktu yang tidak ditentukan.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya untuk dipergunakan sebagaimana mestinya.

Bukittinggi, Januari 2021 Saya yang menyatakan

Mona Anggraini 2316075




The advisor of Mona Anggraini Nim 2316075, whose thesis entitled: The use of Google Classroom in learning English at Eleventh grade in SMKN 1 Ampek Angkek Axademic Years 2020/2021. Approves that the above mentioned thesis has fulfilled the requirement to proced to thesis examination.

This approval is guaranted and used appropriately.

Bukittinggi, Februari 2021 Advisor

Syahrul, M.Pd




Mona Anggraini, 2316075. “The use of Google Classroom in Learning English at Eleventh Grade in SMKN 1 Ampek Angkek. Academic Year 2020/2021”A Thesis. English education Study Program. IAIN Bukittinggi, 2020.

The background of this research was by the existence of problems in some students in using google classroom in learning English. In online learning, Google Classroom greatly affects students' learning abilities. Therefore, the researchers conducted online observations and interview to find out the real conditions. In addition, some students’ got several problems in using Goolge Classroom, such as some students did not understand about the learning material and interference with the network connection used and some students were not proficient in using google classroom. In connection with these conditions, the researcher want to find out what difficulties students have in using google classroom and whether the teacher has maximally in using google classroom.

This research used a qualitative approach, namely research conducted in natural conditions. The informants in this study were several students from grade 11th TB 1. Data collection was carried out through online observation and interviews in this study. Data collection through observation, the researcher joined as participants in google classroom. while the data collection through interviews, the researcher interviewed teachers and students directly.

The results showed that the teacher in using Google Classroom was not optimal, causing students to experience learning difficulties when using Google Classroom. The form of student difficulty can be in the form of sending the assignment incorrectly in Google Classroom and also the ignorance of the student regarding the review of the assignment returned by the teacher when it has been given a grade.




Mona Anggraini, 2316075. “Penggunaan Google Classroom dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMKN 1 Ampek Angkek pada Kelas X1 Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021” Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. IAIN Bukittinggi, 2020.

Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya permasalahan pada sebagian siswa dalam penggunaan google classroom dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. dalam pembelajaran pnline, google classroom sangat mempengarugi kemampuan belajar siswa. Oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan observasi online dan wawancara untuk mengetahui kondisi sebenarnya. Selain itu, beberapa siswa mengalami beberapa permasalahan seperti tidak paham terhadap materi pembelajaran dan gangguan terhadap koneksi jaringan yang digunakan serta beberapa siswa kurang mahir terhadap penggunaan google classroom. Berkaitan dengan kondisi tersebut, maka peneliti ingin mengetahui apa saja kesulitan siswa dalam menggunakan google classroom dan apakah guru sudah maksimal dalam menggunakan google classroom.

Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan kualititatif yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan pada kondisi alamiah. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah beberapa siswa dari kelas 11 TB 1. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi online dan wawancara dalam penelitian ini. pengumpulan data melalui observasi, peneliti ikut bergabung sebagai peserta didalam google classroom. sedangkan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, peneliti mewawancarai guru dan siswa secara langsung.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru dalam penggunaan google classrom tidak maksimal sehingga menyebabkan siswa mengalami kesulitan belajar ketika menggunakan google classroom. bentuk kesulitan siswa tersebut dapat berupa salah mengirim tugas didalam google classroom dan juga ketidaktahuan siswa terhadap pengulasan tugas yang dikembalikan guru ketika sudah selesai diberi nilai




A. Background of the Problem ... 4

B. Problem of the research ... 8

C. Focus of the research ... 8

D. Research Question ... 8

E. Purpose of the Research ... 8

F. Significance of the Research ... 9

G. Definition of the Key Terms ... 9

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE A. Review of Related Theories ... 10

1. Learning English ... 10

a. Definition Learning English ... 10

b. Principle of Learning English ... 11

c. Skill of Learning English ... 14

d. Learning English at Vocational School... 16

e. Learning Process ... 17

f. Definition of Learning Online ... 26

2. Google Classroom ... 27

a. Definition of Google Classroom ... 27

b. Step of using Google classroom ... 28

c. Google Classroom in Learning English ... 30

d. Feature of using Google Classroom ... 31

e. Advantages of Google Classroom ... 32

f. Dis-advantages of Google Classroom ... 34



C. Conceptual Framework ... 38

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD A. Kind of the Research ... 39

B. Source the data ... 39

C. Instrumentation ... 40

D. Techniques of Data Collection ... 42

E. Techniques of Data Analysis ... 43

F. Triangulation of the Data ... 44 REFERENCES




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, in the name of Allah the Almighty, the Most Merciful, who has opened the heart, thought, and mind of His creatures and who always gives the best love to the researcher in complementing this thesis. Shalawat and Salam to Prophet Muhammad shalallahu „alayhi wa sallam who is the best leader to obey and the best apostle to convince.

The researcher would like to express the deepest gratitude to the people who give their contributions and helps to the researcher in conducting this thesis:

1. The researcher‟s beloved Father and Mother : Afriyeni (Alm) and Jhon Asri. They are everything for the researcher. The researcher‟s Abil Putra, Novri Anggi, Switri Wulan Dari, and Rizal Ramadhanu, Kaklia who also give loves, prays, supports, and motivations for the researcher. And for my Mariani Familly.

2. Dr. Ridha Ahida, M. Hum as the rector of IAIN Bukittinggi and her kindness who always show the most exhauting struggle for the developmet of education in our campus.

3. Zulfani Sesmiarni, M.Pd as the dean of the Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Bukittinggi who always helps students in everything related to academic purpose.

4. Loli Safitri, M.Pd as the head of English Education Program.

5. Syahrul, M.Pd Pd as the advisors for their understanding, guidance, time, patience, suggestions, critics, and corrections in complementing this thesis. Thank you so much

6. The Librarians of IAIN Bukittinggi who have sincerely helped and allowed the researcher in collecting the references.

7. All of the lecturers especially English lecturers who have given their knowledge, ideas, and contributions during this research and helped to the completion the thesis.



8. All of the researcher‟s best friends and all of friends for the sweet memories, helps, supports, and wonderful friendship.

Hopefully, Allah SWT always blesses the people who have helped the researcher whether they are mentioned above or not and all their sacrifice become their merciful deeds to help them gain success in their future life. Hence, the suggestions, valuable critics, and the meaningful advices from the reader are highly appreciated to make this thesis become more meaningful.

Bukittinggi, April 2021 The Researcher

Mona Anggraini 2316.075





A. Background of The Problem

Nowadays, the world is shocked by the spread of a disease called the corona virus or by the term COVID-19. This virus originated from the Hubei province in Wuhan, China, which it spread to almost the entire world. There is a higher risk of infection if you are in an area where the virus is spreading, or if you have been in close contact with someone who is infected with the new corona virus. As a result of the rapid spread of the government, the government has taken action to stay at home in order to maintain social distance, whatever activities outside the home are now carried out at home, one of which is school. Moreover, now the students cannot go to school as usual; students go to school from home with an online learning system.

One of the ways that learning can continue in the pandemic can be called online learning or E-learning. According to William E-Learning is the use information and computer technology to create learning experiences.1 This E-learning can help students to learn from home amid the current pandemic conditions. There are several positive effects of online learning,

1William Horton 2006, E-Learning by design (Pfeifer An Imprint of Willey, San



such as teacher more creative for teaching material, there is a lot application for learning online, and student do not need transportation fee.

Because of the rapid development of the pandemic, on March 17, 2020, the Minister of Education issued a circular number 36962/MPK.A/ HK/2020 concerning online Learning and Working from Home to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19. The letter is addressed to all heads of elementary, secondary, and tertiary education offices. it conveyed an appeal to follow the Covid-19 prevention protocol issued by the Presidential Staff Office above. Therefore, learning is carried out online through several applications.

There are many media used in learning online. One of there for is Google Classroom. It is free web service is developed by Google a school that aims to simplify creating, distributing and grading assignments. According to Matt Phoenix Google classroom is Google continuing advance for academic organization to provide a blended learning platform to simplify the creation.2 Google classroom is useful ways for teacher to convince students to ask question online, discuss any topic with the teacher and send homework. Nicholson state Google Classroom help teacher and students to communicate and can be used to organize and manage assignments to go paperless for

2Phoenix Matt Google Classroom :The 2020 ultimate user guide to master



collaboration between students and teacher.3 Thus, Google classroom is a media that can be use through online learning, and can be used with the teacher and student to achieve learning.

In normal condition, the procedure in teaching English start from introduction, observation, content, evaluation and closing. However, in Google classroom, the procedures in teaching English consist of: opening, content, and submit a task. Therefore, in pandemic condition the teacher uses Google Classroom in teaching English.

The teachers can work better by using Google Classroom as they can easily manage the class, especially in giving assignments and scores just by using their smart phone. Furthermore, by using this application from their own smartphone, the students also get benefit as they can easily do the assignment, check on their score, and keep on track although they are absent. Therefore, both teacher and student get benefit by using Google Classroom in teaching English.

Based on preliminary research on September in SMKN 1 AMPEK ANGKEK, during pandemic, the school uses Google Classroom to do learning. Google classroom can facilitates online learning and students to do online learning. the researcher did interview with some students and English teacher, the researcher found some condition, First, some of the students said that they

3 Nicholson; my google classroom(discover how to successfully set up google



have difficulty understanding the material, it causes the teacher only provides material and assignments without any interaction. If in direct learning the teacher can provide explanations and directions about learning, in Google classroom the teacher interacts a little with students. Furthermore, one of the reasons students does not understand the learning it causes their lack of direction or explanation from the teacher about the material or assignment given. In a situation like this, students are trying to learn on their own and some of them are still not organized with the situation.

Second, the researcher have interviewed some students, they are less proficient use Google classroom, some students still upload assignments incorrectly, for example students do not upload assignments in the assignment column provided, but the students still upload assignments in the comments column. This is one of the problems students face in using Google Classroom. Third, Google classroom requires a smooth internet for learning. the researcher get the problems by students is the internet problem which some students have, internet is one of the main factors in online learning, for students who have a poor network or internet connection, and it will make it difficult for students to send assignments or download material that has been sent by the teacher. Therefore, the quality of the internet is one of the most important things for students to be able to learn online, especially Google classroom.



Based on the explanation above, the researcher was interested to conduct a research about “The Use of Google Classroom in Learning English at Eleventh Grade in SMKN 1 AMPEK ANGKEK”.

B. Problem of the Research

1. Some students didn‟t understand the material provided by teacher through Google Classroom.

2. Some students are less proficient in using Google classroom 3. Some Students have difficulties in network issues

C. Focus of the Research

Based on the problem of the research above, this research will be focused on the Use of Google Classroom in learning English at Eleventh grade in SMKN1 Ampek Angkek academic year 2020/2021

D. Research Question

Referring to the identification of the problem and limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulated the problem as follows

1. What are student‟s difficulties in using Google Classroom in Learning English?

2. Has the teachers used Google Classroom maximally? E. Purpose of the Research

Based on the research question, the purpose of this research was formulated as following;



1. To find out students difficulties using Google Classroom in learning English

2. To find out whether the teacher is using Google Classroom maximally F. Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes that this research will give advantages; 1. For students

This research is expected to help students be more active and able to solve their own problems in learning English.

2. For teacher

The result of this research is hoped can be an input to determine the learning process. So, the teachers can improve their ability the English learning process and it can be as a significant information using Google Classroom in learning English.

3. For researcher

The researcher increase her knowledge about Google Classroom in teaching English and it can be provide more knowledge and experience through research.

G. Definition of Key Term

Some essential terms that used in this research are defined as follow;

1. Learning English is active process which is happened transfer and achieving information and knowledge about English language.



2. Google classroom is a media that can be use through online learning, and can be used with teacher and student to achieve learning.

3. E-Learning is the type of learning and teaching that allows the delivery of teaching materials to students by using the internet media or computer network.




A. Review of Related Theories

1. The Concept of Learning English a. Definition of Learning English

Learning is acquisition or getting. According to Brown Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction.4 A more specialized definition by Kimble and Garmezy might read as follow, learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice. Meanwhile According to Patel, learning is a language requires the operation of an innate capacity possessed by all human beings.5 So it can be conclude that learning is an activity to gain knowledge through learning or other things.

There are many concept of learning, they are;6 a. Learning is acquisition or getting

b. Learning is retention of information or skill.

4 Brownprinciple of language learaning and teaching. Fifth edition. Addison Wesley

A person education company. P.7

5 D.R M.F Patel english language teaching Sunrise Publisher & Distributorse-566,

Vaishali Nagar, P.36




c. Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization.

d. Learning involves active, conscious focus on acting upon events outside the organism.

e. Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.

f. Learning involves some form or practice, perhaps reinforced practice.

g. Learning is a change in behavior.

These concepts can also give way to number of subfield within the discipline of psychology; acquisition processes, perception, memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning style strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of the language.

English is an international language. According to Brumfit English is international language that is most disease medium of international communication. Furthermore Richard state that English is the language of globalization, international communication, commerce and trade, the media and pop



culture different motivation for learning it come in to play.7 It means, the need of English is related to all of human aspect based on this function.

Meanwhile English is one of the most fascinating controversial and challenging subjects of the school curriculum. Dominc and Russel say the fact that English is the language that we speak also makes it a subject that closely linked with our identities and this is one reasons that it often engenders passionate views.8 Its mean English is important to school curriculum because basic education curriculum a great emphasis is placed on learning English because its bridge to all other learning.

In learning English, both as a second a foreign language, students need to master the four language skill. They are writing, listening, speaking and reading. Learning English is an active process which is happened transfer and achieving information and knowledge about English. Learning English is important because English is one of international languages in

7 Jack,C.Richard,2007,30 year of TEFL/TEST;A personal reflection singapure:

Seamo Regional Language Centre.P.6

8 Dominc and russel teaching English language and literacy London and Newyork



the world not only as foreign language, in some countries, English but also becomes a second language.9

The researcher concludes that Learning English is an active process of acquiring knowledge through the transfer and achievement of information and knowledge about English. Thus, learning English is important because by learning English students can prepare their self to face the future. b. Principle of Learning English.

Learning English may be better understood if explained in terms of learning principle rather than in a set off laws or fixed methods and procedures. From the different studies and theories formulated were develop general principle governing learning English are fundamental to teach and teaching. Autoro say that Principle of learning English is guide to the effective operation of conception of learning.10 There is principle of learning English as follow;

1. Learning English as an association process 2. Learning English as active or dynamic process 3. Learning English is a process of integration.


Winda metria at.al, 2019 an analysis students problem in writing an essay on third

semester students of English education study program at STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau Vol 2 no


10Auturo G palaming the basic of principle learning English Asian jurnal of



4. Learning English is a process of growth and not apart from development.

5. Learning English is goal-seeking or purposeful. 6. Learning English is creative.

7. Learning English is a process of discovering and exploring 8. Learning English understands.

9. Learning English depend on context 10. Learning English is a cooperative process c. Learning English at vocational school

English language learning in vocational school is directed at the mastery of communicative competence. It means that English language learning is more emphasized on using various forms and or expression appropriately and acceptable both verbally and writing to negotiate meaning. So various activities that is created should be in order to train the four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing that are mixed integers with the three components of language such as phonology, vocabulary and grammar.

2. The Concept of E-Learning a. Definition of E learning

E-learning is learning process which is done by using electronic media or utilizing the technology. E-learning is focused on the usage of technology in the field Education and Learning.



learning refers to use of advanced technology of information communication in the learning process where advanced technology consists of electronic media. The development of computer and internet utilization in education has developed rapidly. According to William E-learning is the use of information and computer technologies to create learning experiences.11 In addition Bryn and John state E learning offers new opportunities for both educators and learners to enrich their teaching and learning experiences, through virtual environment that support not just the delivery but also the exploration and application of information and the promotion of new knowledge.12

The researcher concludes E-Learning is system or the concepts of education which utilize information system technology in the process of the teaching and learning can be referred as an E-learning. b. Types of E-learning

1. Text driven

In this level, the content is simple and includes text, graphics, audio and test questions. Compliance courses are a good example of text driven e learning

11 William Horton,E-Learning by design.(Pfeiffer An imprint of wiley, san


12 Bryn Holmes and John Gardner, E-learning concepts and practice ( Sage


23 2. Interactive

An interactive e learning course is very similar to a text driven one, with the exception that there has been more consideration placed on interactive components to enhance the learning.

3. Simulation

Simulation e learning is highly interactive and relies heavily upon graphics, video, audio and gasification. Importantly, there are often custom simulations to aid in learning acquisition, which could very well include 3D components. New software training is an example of a course that often includes a high degree of interactivity and simulations

c. Impact of E-Learning

1. It has brought about the feeling of self-responsibility amongst students where they have to account to themselves when they decide to study or not.

2. It enables students not only to rely on textbook information but to expand their knowledge by researching using the World Wide Web.

3. Teachers benefit from this by allowing them to acquire various computer skills as well as students and this has



enabled them to encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills. It helps in the communication with their students at all times.

4. It increases the student‟s ability to study on their own and their critical thinking skills.

3. The Concept of Google Classroom a. Definition of Google Classroom

Google Classroom is one of instructional media online content with standard classroom technology. Google Classroom is tool which facilitates students and teacher collaboration; also teacher can create and distribute assignments for students are an online classroom. It makes teacher simply build groups to share assignment and announcement. The platform helps communicate with teachers and students can be used to coordinate and manage to learn. According to Caterine Korman Google classroom is considered an essential paperless teaching to help teacher and students collaborate.13

In addition Google Classroom is a mixed learning model that is used for every scope education which aims as a solution to the difficulties in creating, sharing, and grouping assignment without having collect paperless assignments. Google classroom is help

13 KormanCaterhine google classroom for teacher 2020 (Committee of the American



educators create and collect assignment without having to type or use paper. Matt Phoenix state is Google classroom is Google‟s continuing advance for academic organizations to provide a blended learning platform to simplify the creation, distribution and classification of paper assignment.14 Furthermore, Nicholson state Google Classroom help teacher and students to communicate and can be used to organize and manage assignments to go paperless for collaboration between students and between teacher.15

Based on some definition above, it can be concluded that Google Classroom is an online based media use by teacher and students to carry out the learning process by collecting paperless assignment and providing a learning platform to help communicate with teachers and students to coordinate learning.

b. Step of using Google Classroom

Follow these steps to set up to keeping on using it. Follow these steps to set up your Google classroom teacher account:16

14 PhoenixMatt Google Classroom: The 2020 ultimate user guide to master

classroom 2020 P.9

15Nicholson; my google classroom(discover how to successfully set up google

classroom,2020) P.13



26 1. Sign up

When you go to Google classroom, Google.com you can use the classroom by logging in using a G suite email address, or you can use it without “claiming” to use it for education. Everything works just fine that way too. It is hard to manage your students if you have hundreds of them. You will have to add them one by one. 2. Create your first class

Click on the “+” button in the right upper corner. Choose to “create a class” here, you fill in some detail information about your class. Write don exact class name and section. The class name should be the title of your course, so you can find it back in a few second. And then click on “create”



Once you have created your class, you can invite your students. Let them sign using the Google classroom app by entering the unique code you give them. You will find the system in your created class. Go to the tab “students” another option is to invite your students one by one entering their email address.

Furthermore, follow these steps to set up your Google classroom student‟s account17

1. Visit class.google.com. The formerly version of Google Classroom was associated with the email address associated with the organization.

2. Click on the "+" button to complete the first lesson. You will find this "+" button next to your email address. Press the "Create category" button.

3. Enter class names and classes, for example listening skills.

4. Students currently qualify for time. It's easier to sign up if you already have a Google Account. Request access to Google Classroom put into your personal account. Click the "+" button and you will be prompted for the class code. Search the class code on the "Flow" tab and tell students the code they need to enter the class.


PhoenixMatt (2020)Google Classroom: The 2020 ultimate user guide to master



If they do not already have a Google Account, ask them to create one Google Account. Collect your Google Account and welcome to Google Classroom on the "Students" tab. In this case, students do not need a class code to participate in the class.

c. Google Classroom in Learning English.

There is lot of excellence in combining technology in learning through innovative teaching strategies that focus on supporting students to achieve the desired learning objective. According to Collins technology is providing us with powerful tools to try out different designs, so that instead of theories of education, we may begin to develop a science of education.18 That is, the existence of the technology in learning can provide innovative and different learning.

One of the technological advances that can be used to assist learning is by using Google Classroom. The use of Google Classroom aims at learning will be easily realized and full of meaningfulness. Fauzan stated using of Google classroom actually make it easy for teachers to manage to learn and convey information precisely and accurately to students. 19 And the teacher can create announcement and


Collins A(Towards a Design Science of Education In E. Scanlon & T. O'Shea

(eds.), New Directions in Educational Technology. Berlin: Springer Verlag.P.24


Fuazan the effectiveness of google classroom media on the students learning

outcomes of madrasah ibtidayah teacher education department jurnal pendidikan guru MI



assign an assignment for the class to be submitted in Google classroom.

So the researcher conclude Google classroom is can help the teacher as it can accommodate the teacher is giving material and assignment especially audio and visual one.

d. Feature of Google classroom

Google classroom offers features that can be used by the users. Those features are mentioned below; 20

1. Announcements and lesson material : Give your students Announcements about the lesson. Add lesson materials in the Announcements. That way, students can find everything quickly. You can add materials from a Google drive, connected to that Google Classroom lesson, add files and images from your computer add a YouTube video or add any other link you want your students to visit.

2. Assignment : This feature gives advantage for teachers to assign the students online. When the students are done with the assignment, they can submit it in this section as well an many various format.


Nicholson; my google classroom(discover how to successfully set up



3. Question : It is a feature that can be used to give questions to students. The advantage of this feature is that it can streamline the teacher because when uploading answers must be in accordance with the due date set by the teacher.

4. Grade an assignment : Afterwards, you can check and grade the Assignments your students have handed in. There‟s room for feedback via a teacher's comment. Then, send the assignment back to your students.

5. Reuse : At this point, the teacher can use all the important posts (announcements, tasks or questions) that he used earlier in this or another class.

6. Topic : It lets the teachers to classify the lesson easily by giving topic here.

7. Comment/ manage students: There are two kinds of comment that can be used in Google Classroom. One is class comment and the other one is private comment. Class comment is used if the teacher wants to interact with the whole class. The private comment is found in individual account and can be used to comment of the student‟s assignment privately.


31 d. Advantages of Google Classroom

Google classroom provides many opportunities for both students and teacher as a free online learning site. Here ten reason teachers should try it out.21

a. Accessibility

Google classroom can be accessed via Google Chrome from any machine, or from a mobile device, regardless of platform. All files shared by teacher and students shall be stored in a classroom folder on Google drive. The user can access the classroom anywhere.

b. Exposure

The classroom offers access to an online learning program for the students. Many programs at the college and university now require students to participate in at least one online class. Google classroom exposure can help students turn to other learning management systems use in higher education.

c. Paperless

The teacher and students won‟t have to shuffle excessive quantities of paper since the classroom is entirely paperless. When teacher upload assignments and assessment to the classroom, they


KormanCaterhine google classroom for teacher 2020 (Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associations 2020. P.15



are save to drive simultaneously. Students can complete assignments and assessment directly via classroom and event keep their work to drive.

d. Feedback

A valuable part of all learning is to provide meaningful feedback to the students. Inside the classrooms grading tool, teacher can send feedback on assignment to each students.

e. Google classroom is a workflow management system.

Many learning management system have many great features, including most of the features that Google classroom provides. Still the complexity of their feature sets can make them difficult to use and too complicated for teachers who are less technically confident. Content management systems are mainly designed to provide students with the knowledge, while missing many of the features teachers need, such as online assignment and grade books. f. Google classroom is easy to use.

Google classroom is extremely easy when compared to other learning management systems that have been common over the past decade. Our teach team practiced for about an hour, and by the end of the training we had set up classroom.



e. Disadvantages of Google Classroom

Beside advantages of Google classroom, Google classroom has limited. Some of the following, as Pappas points out:22

a. Limited shipping options

Google classroom is not synchronized with calendar. It is difficult for a teacher to determine curricula and set deadlines for assignments.

b. No mechanical updates

Google Classroom does not automatically receive updates streaming activities. Students must have the usual precondition, otherwise clear notice is required.

c. Difficult to share with students

It is not possible to share file with many classmate except students become file owners. However, if you become the owner of the file, you must ask the teacher permission to share the archives.

d. Impersonal

Still provides a mixed resume but is not compatible with other instant messenger program such as Google Hangouts. In this case, Google Docs make collaboration between students and teacher difficulties. Basically, live chat is unlikely in Google Classroom.


PhoenixMatt (2020) Google Classroom: The 2020 ultimate user guide to


34 B. Review of The Previous Related Studies

Based on the previous related study above, the first study that has been done by Annita Muslimah, the difference between the first study and this research is the technique of collecting data were the researcher only use one instrument while in this research the researcher use two instruments that is observation and interview. And in the first study design in the research is descriptive quantitative while in this research the researcher use descriptive qualitative.

Besides, in the second study that has been done by Hafidh Rois Al Ahsan, it has similarity with the research the similarity is to research about Google classroom. Meanwhile, the difference between the second study and this research is the second study use design of the research is quasi experimental while in this research the researcher use descriptive qualitative.

In the line with ideas above, in the third study that has been done by Maulana Antasari, it has similarity with the research is to research using Descriptive Qualitative.


35 C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptually, the research framework is illustrated by the following figure

Google Classroom in Learning English

Google Classroom

Step of using Google

Classroom (teacher


1. Sign up

2. Create you

first class

3. Invite

students to

your class

Step of using Google Classroom (students account) 1. Visit class google.com 2. Click on the “+” button to

complete the first lesson.

3. Enter class names and class

4. Students currently qualify for time.

Feature of Google Classroom 1. Announcements and lesson

material 2. Assignment 3. Question 4. Grade an assignment 5. Reuse 6. Topic




A. Kind of the Research

The design of this research will use descriptive qualitative. Sugiyono state that qualitative research method that is based on philosophy of post potivism, it is applied to research the natural objects. In qualitative research, the data are collected to understand the phenomenon; data collection is largely determined by the nature of the problem.23 Furthermore, Gay define qualitative research is will to gain insights into a particular phenomenon by collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the comprehensive narrative and visual data.24 It means that descriptive qualitative is methods that describe the phenomena from the data are derived from observational situation. The researcher describes the phenomena of the obtain data naturally and objectively. Therefore, by using descriptive research, the researcher will know how the using Google Classroom in learning English.


Sugiyono,2015 cara mudah menyusun skripsi, thesis dan disertasi, Bandung;Alfaberta,cv,P.24

24 Gay,L.R 2012 Educational Research Compenticies for Analysis and Applications.


37 B. Source the data

In this research, researcher conducted the research an analysis of using Google Classroom in learning English. The source of the data in this research is the students of SMKN 1 Ampek Angkek. The researcher use purposive sampling, Sugiyono state purposive sampling is a technique of determining the sample with some considerations.25 There researcher choose XI TB1 which consist of 33 students. The researcher chooses XI TB1 because the teacher used Google Classroom in learning English.

C. Instrumentation

Instrumentation was one of important side in a research. Instrument is tool that is need in this research.26 The drafting of instrument was important part in the research process because a researcher could get and collect the data which is analyze by using the proper instrument.in this research, the researcher use observation and interview as instrument.

1. observation

Observation was done if the research relating to human attitude, process of work, natures of phenomenon, and respondent who will observe is not oversize. Observation is purposeful, systematic and selective way of watching and listening to an interaction or phenomenon as it takes place.

25 Sugiyono.(2009), Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,

Kualitatif, dan R&D, Bandung: Alfabeta, P. 85




There are two primary observation techniques available to you when using the internet to collect data; participant observation and Non Participant observation. Participant observation requires you to actively participate in the activity or event that you are investigating, with or without the knowledge of the other participants. According to David at.al say when engaged in online participant observation, it is important to do best to be as open minded as possible.27 The researcher chooses observation online especially using Google Classroom in learning English at SMKN 1 Ampek Angkek.

2. Interview

Interview is a conversation between interviewer and interviewee in getting information through some question and responses. The purpose of interview is to get some information from the interviewee to the interviewer. Syamsudin and Damianti, conduct interviews for the purpose of construction going on right now, about people, events, activities, organization, feelings, motivation, recognition concerns and so on.28 The researcher will interview with teacher and students to know how the using of Google Classroom.

27 David dolowitz, steve buckler, & Fionnghuala sweeney Researching Online 28 Syamsudin AR& Visma S. Damaianti, metode penelitian pendidikan bahasa (


39 D. Techniques of Data Collection.

a. Observation

Techniques of data collection will a way that is done to collect the data. The data in this research were collected through observation. In this research, the researcher did several procedures in collecting the data. The researcher did observation in online. The use of Google Classroom, the researcher joins the Google Classroom to know how to learn English using Google Classroom. The researcher will checklist to collect the data. The researcher will use observation to answer the question in this research that is to analyze Google Classroom in learning English. The researcher gives checklist to each item which during the observation.

b. Interview

The researcher interview the English teacher to know how to using Google Classroom in learning English. According to Sugiyono, there were three types of interviews.29 Structured interviews, In this interview, the data collector has prepare a research instrument in the form of written questions with an alternative answer prepare, the respondent has been give the same question then the data collector records it, the tools will use are usually tape recorders, pictures, brochures and other materials that can help implement


Sugiyono.(2009), Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,



become smooth. Unstructured interviews, are free interviews, researcher do not use interview guidelines that have been arranged systematically and completely for collecting data. The interview guide only uses the outlines of the problems to be asking. In this interview, the researcher does not know exactly what data will be obtained so that the researcher listens to what the respondent tells.

So in this research, the research her will use semi structure interviews. It means the researcher prepares the question interview before doing the interview to the informant of the research.

E. Technique Data analysis

The researcher analyzes the data of instruments to get the inference of researcher result. Arikunto explains that data analyses it meant by processing data obtain by using formula or rules that are applicable to research or design approach taken.30 In this research, the researcher describes whether how the use of Google Classroom in learning English at eleventh grade of SMKN1 Ampek Angkek.

In analyzing the data the researcher used the descriptive qualitative research. In this technique, the data researcher will be analyzing by several steps:

1. observation and interview



Sugiyono explained that there were several step to know the data of observation and interview state that activity in qualitative data analysis done interactively and continuously carry through to completion so that the data is valid. It would be explained as follow;31

a. Data collection: the researcher collects the data through interview to identify the analyze of Google Classroom in learning English.

b. Data Reduction: the researcher resumes the data and focus on the research aspects and unnecessary aspects were reduced by researcher.

c. Display the data: The researchers make the result of the research that consists of an analysis of using Google Classroom in learning English at eleventh grade in SMKN1 Ampek Angkek.

d. Conclusion: the researcher concludes the finding based on the analysis of using Google Classroom in learning English. e. Checking data Trustworthiness

31Sugiyono, (2009), Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif,




In this part, the researcher is going to show the data found by the researcher. It is going to be divided by two sub chapter such as description of the data and analysis of the data. Each sub chapter involves the data from observation and interview. In description of the data, the researcher is going to describe the data that the researcher found. In analysis of the data, the researcher is going to analysis all of the data.

1. Description of the data a. Observation

In this observation, the researcher saw what the teacher and student activities in Google Classroom. At 11th meetings, there are 11 indicators in learning that the teacher can do. There are :

1. Opening before teaching 2. Giving absences

3. Sending materials and assignments in the form of documents ( pdf ,media, and links)

4. Provide clear instructions on assignments 5. Provide deadlines

6. Use calendar features to remind students of assignments 7. Teaching based on the topic



8. Give quizzes or daily examination

9. The teacher can return student assignments

10. The teacher can discuss with students such as ask the question and comment

11. The students can discuss with their friends related with the some material that they learn.

Based on the observation sheets made by researcher, at several meetings the teacher gave assignments and materials to students. The teacher gave assignments in the form of documents, videos or photos and even the teacher also took videos from YouTube to increase learning. The teacher also provided a clear description of the assignment. Even though, the teacher did not use other features according to their function. At the first meeting the teacher only sent assignments with directions about the assignment and the teacher provided a deadline for the collection, the teacher did not open before starting learning. During 11th meetings, the teacher only once did the opening. In addition, during the 11th meetings, the teacher only once gave a quiz or test. In the learning process, the teacher gave daily examination for the students when one chapter was completed.

After the teacher gives the score for student‟s assessment, the teacher can return through Google Classroom, but the teacher didn‟t. In Google classroom, there is also room for the teacher to interact with



students. The students can ask questions and then the teacher can answer it, even other students can add answer the question from their friends but the teacher never used this feature with the student.

In this study, the researcher found 11th meetings were conducted by the teacher. The teacher only used 4 of the 11 existing features. Including the teacher distributed material or assignments, the teacher provided a description of the assignment. The teacher provided material according to the topic and the teacher provided a time limit for collecting the assignments.

b. Interview

The researcher interviewed students on January 26th 2021. The interview aimed to answer the first research question. The first research question is to find out the causes what students difficulties in using Google Classroom. There are several questions that the researcher asked to the students. There is some indicator that became student‟s difficulties of using Google Classroom is The first is content material (Document) In downloading material or submitted by assignment. The students have no trouble while having sufficient storage and a smooth internet, The second is material content Some students still have difficulties in submitting assignments via Google Classroom, because there were students who have incorrectly submitted assignments through Google Classroom. The third, there is



a deadline for submitting assignments. There were some students who are still late in collecting assignments, because the students still did not understand using Google Classroom and did not understand in learning. It made the students late in submitting assignments. Fourth students often upload their assignments incorrectly. Fifth quiz, students not have difficulty in doing the quiz. The difficulty that the students found in do the quiz is the time given by the teacher is too short, the students have difficulty do the quizzes because of the limited of time. Therefore many students did not complete the quiz correctly. The students did not understand how to saw the assignment that the teacher has been returned. The last, the students can do discussion with teacher and other friends, because they were wait too long for a response from the teacher or other friends.

It can be concluded that are many students have a difficulty when collecting assignments, making students often late in collecting assignment and the students also having difficulty saw the assignments that have been returned by the teacher.

2. Analysis of Data. a. Observation

To know how the teacher used Google Classroom, the researcher made observations virtually by joined the Google Classroom.



The researcher saw the activities and activities carried out by the teacher in the Google classroom. The researcher used observation sheet to help researcher on observed situation. In observations the researcher gave checklist to the column that was done by the teacher. a. First meeting

At the first meeting, the teacher sent material and assignments about asking and giving, the teacher starts learning without opening, the teacher provided the material and assignments with descriptions, and the teacher did not make assignments collection deadlines. Then, the teacher sent absences to students, the teacher made absences by Google form. There was no discussion here and there were no students asking questions here.


47 b. Second meeting

At the second meeting, the teacher did not opening before starting the class and did not give absences to students, the teacher gave assignments in the Google form and the teacher gave directions about student assignments. The material provided by the teacher was in accordance with the topic “cause and effect” the teacher also gave deadline to students, there was no discussion or student asking questions in Google classroom.


48 c. Third meeting

The teacher gave material to students by asking students to resume the material that has been given, the material about “kind of question” the teacher sent the assignment in document form, and then the teacher gave assignments and deadlines to students. Here the teacher gave less direction about the assignment. At students‟ comments column, no one asked questions and there was no discussion.

d. Fourth meeting

At this meeting, the teacher did not open before teaching, the teacher did not give absences, the teacher gave daily examinations. The teacher gave directions, the teacher gave questions via Google form, the teacher gave a time limit for submit . In addition, the teacher provided remedial for the student because the student get the low scores. There was one of daily examination based on teacher.


49 e. Fifth meeting

The teacher did not give introduction before learning, the teacher gave absences after the teacher sent the assignment. The teacher provided materials and assignments with directions, the teacher provided materials and assignments in the form of documents, audio, and video, videos can be opened via YouTybe. The teacher gave the title of assignments based the topic. The teacher reminded students to submit assignments through Google Classroom, not via WhatsApp. The teacher did not give deadlines to students, no discussions was held.


50 e. Sixth meeting

At the sixth meeting, the teacher made opening before starting the class, the teacher say assalamuaalikum and great the students. The teacher also gave absences, and the teacher gave same material from last week, still about taking simple. The teacher provided material in Google form, the teacher gave game link. The teacher gave announcement with the



students, but the teacher did not give announcement at column of announcemnet, but the teacher gave announcement in column comment.

f. Seventh meeting

The teacher didn‟t do the opening, the teacher gave absences based the students collect assignments, and the material about invitation. The teacher provided directions about the assignment, and the teacher did not provide material, but the teacher gave examples. The teacher gave task with pdf document. The teacher provided a deadline. The teacher did not hold discussions with students.


52 g. Eight meeting

At the eighth meeting, the teacher did not introduce before teaching, the teacher only gave absences, but the teacher also sent an assignment with the same material as last week, namely "invitation". The teacher gave



a description of the assignment, and gave a the limit for submit the task. The teacher did not review past material, which can be done in the discussion column. The teacher did not use the discussion column to discuss the past material with students, because the material was still related to the previous material. Through this acitivity the student and the teacher can do discussions. But the teacher didn't.


54 h. Ninth meeting

The teacher did not open before teaching, the teacher did not give absences. The teacher provided material by sending documents and videos to students.The material about “invitation”, the teacher also provided directions, the teacher provided material on taking simple messages. The teacher provided a time limit. There was no discussion via Google Classroom at this meeting.


56 i. Tenth meeting

The teacher only provided material and the topics "invitation Letter" with clear directions and also provided a deadline for submitting assignments. The teacher sent the material in form picture.


58 j. Eleventh meeting

The teacher didn‟t do the opening, the teacher gave absences based the students collect assignments, the teacher provided directions about the assignment, and the teacher did not provide material, only gave examples. The teacher give material in picture and the teacher gave task in form PDF. The teacher provided a deadline, and there was no discussions with students and teacher.

b. Interview

In order to complete the data for this research, the researcher also interviewed the students and the teacher. The researcher used Indonesia language to interview the students and the teacher. This interview aimed to know what students difficulties using Google classroom and to know wether



the teacher using Google classroom maximally. There are some indicators that involve the research question.

First was content material (document). Related with features in Google Classroom, the material content is one of the indicators in the Google classroom feature. To download the material or assignments can be in the form of documents one of them. The students can submitted assignment in the form documents, some students still have difficulty submit assignments through documents. LB said that he feel difficult using Google Classroom, and DT also said that sending assignments in the form of files was already available in the attachment section of the assignment. but FB said that he was not interested in using Google Classroom so he felt that everything was done would be difficult. Whereas SK said, if the assignment was done in the form of a document the student didn‟t have problem sent it. In addition RV said that there was also an attachment provided so the students only chose what type of file sent via Google classroom. NB said that, not very difficult to upload assignment through Google Classroom. Meanwhile, LT said that, if there was internet problem, it is difficult to using Google Classroom.

Second was content material (media). Beside content material in form document, media is also part of the material content. Media is used by teachers to provide material in the form of photos, videos, power points etc. Based on observation the researcher saw the teacher give assignment. One of the tasks given by the teacher to take skill scores, the teacher asked students to



make video about procedure text. The researcher want know, has the students experience difficulties to make this video. FB said when made a video, there was no problem but when uploading, FB was confused about where to sent this video. DT said that because there was no choice of video that had been recorded there, he uploaded the video via Google Drive but he had a problem. In addition, LN said that, there were no problems in sending videos as long as we know about how to send them using the feature and our internet connection is good. SK also said, his difficulty was only when the storage was full, other than that there was no problem.

Third was assignment. One of the problems got by students was that some students were not proficient in using Google classrooms, even until now there were still students who were wrong in uploading assignments. The teacher told how to upload assignments via Google classroom and the teacher asked the students to sent the assignment back. The teacher said “if the students still wrong then the teacher told the stuents to sent it via WhatsApp only”



In addition, the student had difficulties using Google classroom is that some students often experience errors in uploading assignments. Based on interviewed with the students, FB said that he still often uploaded the assignments wrongly; NY said that at several times he uploaded the wrong assignment because he did not know where to sent the assignment. ,but he sent an assignment on the topic that the teacher just sent; DT also had difficulty submitting an assignment because he sent an assignment in the comments column, not the assignment column that had been provided. Most of them have experienced wrong in uploading of assignments, but LB didn't do that. But LB said that, there was a mistake when she sent an assignment, but now she does not.



Fourth was deadline. When conducted the interview with students, the researcher asked why students were late in submit assignments, most of them said they had, when asked the reasons why they were late in submitting assignments There were many reasons they conveyed, some students said that they did not understand about the material so that, the students were late in submitting assignments, some say internet network problems that make him late in submitting assignments. In addition some students also said that there were no reminder about submitting assignments, so that the students forgot about assignments and get used to being late in collecting assignments or not collecting assignments. They said the teacher rarely reminded the deadlines for assignments, even when giving assignments the teacher only gave directions there was no deadline for assignments to be collected. Thus, there are still many students who do not know when to collect assignments

Fifth was quiz. The teacher gave a quiz on Google classroom, the teacher made a quiz from Google form, here the quiz is given to students with a specified time limit, to do quizzes on Google classroom the students found some problems, because it can be seen from the results of the students 'quizzes. Some students did not complete the quizzes on time because of the time limit provided, and the results of the students' quiz scores were below the average.



Sixth was grading assessment. Based on interview with the students,the students have difficulty, namely, the students do not know where or how to see the assignments that have been returned, when researchers asked the students about assignments that has been given a grade, the students were confuse to find where it. The students only know that the assignment has been send, the students do not know that the student's assignment can be returned by the teacher, if it has been given a grade. NB said, never opened the assignment that the teacher had returned, because there was no notification, and RV said that he did not know where to see the assignment returned by the teacher, TS also said he did not understand to see where the returned student assignment was located, LN also said the same thing, that he did not understand how to see the assignment returned by the teacher. LN was one of the smartest students, but he also did not understand to look at the part of the assignment returned. In addition, the researcher asked to SK he was confuse about which part to open because in SK‟s Google classroom, this was only to collect assignments and saw incoming assignments, that's all.

Seventh was discuss. When using Google classroom, the students and the teachers can interact through discussion or question and answer about the material or learning, but the students never asked questions here. Based on the reasons some of their students were shy to asked questions or comment here.



Some students said that, they were not interested in giving questions through Google classroom, some said that the students have difficulty conducting discussions here because they were waiting for a response from the teacher. Thus, making students lazy to ask questions. Because if student want to ask the teacher, the teacher must be online first to reply the student questions and this is what causes students to be lazy to discuss through Google classroom. If there was something students did not understand, they prefer to ask their friends rather than ask the teacher. If the students asked questions via Google Classroom and wait for the teacher to reply, it will take time, that's why they do not like asking through Google Classroom, if they want to asked they ask via WhatsApp.

Besides conduced the interviews with students,the researchers also conducted interviews with the teachers. The researchers conducted interviews to answer the research questions, whether the teacher has used Google classroom maximally.

a. Content material

When the researcher doing interview with the teacher, the researcher wanted to know what prepare before starting the class. Because one of the duties of the teacher to prepare materials or teaching materials before they are given to students, even though online learning or offline learning, the teacher continues to


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