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Academic year: 2019



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A. Method of the Research

Descriptive method was used in carrying out this research. Descriptive

method can be defined as a method that is intentionally done to collect

information about a phenomenon as in the pure condition. Descriptive method

does not need administration and a control toward a treatment. It is only to

describe an authentic condition, not to examine a hypothesis (Arikunto,


To do with this, there are several kinds of descriptive method such as

survey studies, case studies, developmental studies, follow-up studies,

documentary analysis, and correlational studies (Arikunto, 2010:150).

Furthermore, this research used survey study to find out and explore types

and levels of motivation of EFL learners at Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of an Indonesian private university. The reason why this survey

study was chosen better than other kinds of descriptive method was that it

was more economic and faster in presenting the research data. In addition, it

is a benefit when identifying characteristics of a population based on a small

group of individuals (sample) (Fowler (2002) as cited in Creswell, 2013:217).

Survey studies include cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using

questionnaires or structured interviews for data collection, with the intent of


Creswell, 2003:14). Specifically, the kind of survey study used in this

research was cross-sectional survey where the researcher collected data one

by one in one time (Creswell, 2013:217).

B. Schedule and Time of the Research

This research was conducted at Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training of an Indonesian private university in academic year 2015/2016.

Regarding to university’s academic calendar, the schedule of the research was

shown in the following table:

Table 3.1. The Schedule of the Research

C. Participants of the Research 1. Population

Third semester EFL learners of Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training in academic year 2015/2016 were chosen as the population in

this research except English Education Department learners. English

Education Department learners were excluded because learners coming


and they study English in every semester. It is different from other

departments, learners coming from those departments study English

when they are on the first-four semesters with the same English material

of each. Those learners have the same characteristics and competences as

they have passed the test (including English test) to enter the university

and they are all third semester learners.

Additionally, eight departments of Faculty of Education and

Teacher Training were chosen with the number of third semester learners

of each department namely Indonesian Education Department = 124,

Mathematics Education Department = 87, Biology Education Department

= 39, History Education Department = 18, Civics Education Department

= 15, Geography Education Department = 33, Elementary Education

Department (PGSD) = 276, Early Childhood Education Department (PG

PAUD) = 13. Learners coming from those departments are categorized as

EFL learners because there is English lecture in their syllabuses in the

first-four semesters. The total numbers of third semester EFL learners of

eight departments of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in

academic year 2015/2016 are 605 learners in this research.

2. Sample

Since the population of this research was more than 100 subjects,

this research took 25% from the population as samples. The samples got


non-English majors of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in

academic year 2015/2016.

3. Sampling Technique

This research used probability sampling, specifically simple

random sampling to take samples from the population. It is called simple

random sampling because the researchers take samples randomly from

the population. It is done if the number of population is considered

homogenous (Sugiyono, 2012:120). Those third semester EFL learners of

eight departments of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training in

academic year 2015/2016 are considered homogenous because they have

passed the test (including English test) to enter the university, they are

studying English and they are all also third semester learners.

Additionally, all eight departments consist of one class except three

departments namely Indonesian Education Department, Mathematics

Education Department, and Elementary Education Department which

have several classes of third semester learners due to the number of

learners. All classes of third semester learners of those three departments

are considered homogenous because there is no consideration in putting

learners from class A to E. Therefore, two classes were chosen to take

samples namely class A and B from Mathematics and Indonesian

Education Departments and three classes of Elementary Education


well. The way this research chose learners as samples in every class was

by taking the odd learners’ number.

Because this research needed 151 participants to be the samples,

on the other hand, the proportion of learners of each department was

different, this research pursued the following calculation to take the

samples from each department so that the taken samples were


Indonesian = 124/605 x 151 = 30.94 = 31

Mathematics = 87/605 x 151 = 21.71 = 22

Biology = 39/605 x 151 = 9.73 = 10

History = 18/605 x 151 = 4.49 = 4

Civics = 15/605 x 151 = 3.74 = 4

Geography = 33/605 x 151 = 8.23 = 8

Elementary = 276/605 x 151 = 68.88 = 69

Early = 13/605 x 151 = 3.24 = 3 +

SUM = 151

(adapted from Sugiyono, 2012:130)

D. Technique of Data Collection

To collect the data, this research used questionnaire to know the

learners’ types and levels of motivation. This research only used

questionnaire as the mean to collect data because it was the most appropriate

technique to collect the intended data. Indeed, to get the complete and

objective data needs several techniques to collect the data, but if one

technique is considered enough and able to answer research questions, other

used techniques will be inefficient (Creswell, 2013:231; Sugiyono,


1. Questionnaire and Likert Scale

The questionnaire in this research was “closed” questionnaire.

The reason why this research used “closed” questionnaire was because it

was appropriate to restrict the respondents’ answers to the expected

answers and it also helped respondents respond the questions / statements

fast, it was easier in analyzing the data toward collected questionnaire as

well (Sugiyono, 2012:201).

To know types and levels of motivation, motivational

questionnaire was administered. It consisted of two types of motivation

namely integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. This research

followed Gardner’s types of motivation. The reason why this research

followed Gardner’s types of motivation was because a lot of research

dealing with types of motivation used these types. Furthermore, the

previous research done in Indonesia also used Gardner’s types.

Eventually, this research’s findings could confirm or rebut the findings of

the previous research.

The total number of items in the questionnaire were 26, it was in

line with Sugiyono’s (2012:202) suggestion that whenever researchers

want to construct a questionnaire, it is better to give questions or

statements between 20 – 30 items in order not to make respondents feel

saturated and tired in filling it, so that respondents will fill it honestly and


In the questionnaire, the items were rated on a five-point Likert

scale ranging from “Strongly disagree” to “Strongly agree” with the

following values assigned to the rating options: “Strongly disagree” = 1,

“Disagree” = 2, “Neither agree nor disagree” = 3, “Agree” = 4, “Strongly

agree” = 5. To know levels of motivation, high score indicated high

levels of learners’ motivation.

Several items of questionnaire were taken and adapted from

relevant research (e.g., Alrabai, 2014; Dornyei, 1994; Dwinalida et al.,

2015; Gardner, 1985). The questionnaire was administered in Bahasa

Indonesia, the learners’ native language, to eliminate the risk that limited

English competence of some respondents would affect their ability to

respond all questions / statements.

a. Validity of the Instrument

This research used grille and indicators to acquire validity of

the instrument. Consultation to the expert, Dr. Furqanul Aziez,

M.Pd, was also done as well to obtain a really steady research

instrument. Table 3.2. was the grille and indicators of the instument.

b. Reliability of the Instrument

To acquire reliability of the instrument, this research

administered the instrument twice to the part of population (N=20)

which were, of course, not the samples within two weeks as the gap.

It was done after the validity of the instrument was acquired. Having


scores of each item of the instrument from the first administration

and the second administration were almost the same (see appendix).

So, the instrument in this research was considered reliable.

Table 3.2. Indicators of Questionnaire

No. Types of Motivation Indicators Item


1. Integrative Motivation

Interaction with native speaker 1 Recognition to the life of

English-speaking nations


Desire to have English-speaker friend


Desire to recognize and appreciate English art and literature


Desire to continue studying English 9 Desire to study English even if it were not required by this university


Desire to be a part of English-speaker


Participation in other cultural

group’s activity 15

Sensation in studying English 17 Feeling proud of speaking English 19

Desire to have knowledge 21

Experience while using English 23

Goal of learning English 25

2. Instrumental Motivation

Usefulness in getting job 2

Requirement to pass exam 4

Usefulness in getting information and material in English


Usefulness in travelling 8

Usefulness to continue study 10

Impact to the salary 12

Impact to the career 14

Impact to the life 16

Good grade for the course 18

Respect from others 20

Requirement of certain jobs 22 Desire to understand English

movies of program



E. Technique of Data Analysis

This research used percentage and descriptive analysis including mean

and standard deviation to analyze the data.

1. The percentage formula is as follow:

𝑃 = 𝑁 × 100%𝑋


2. Descriptive Analysis

The collected data were subjected to descriptive analysis

including mean and standard deviation, which were computed to identify

learners’ types of motivation. Learners’ types of motivation were

assessed based on learners’ responses using the mean scores of types of

motivation examined in this research. To determine the mean, the

following formula was used:

𝑀 =




P = Percentage of Students Respond

F = Number of Students who answered an item

N = Total Number of Students

M = the mean

Ʃs = the total of scale


To make the calculation of mean and standard deviation easier,

Microsoft Excel 2016 was used. Microsoft Excel is one of Microsoft

Office applications which has function to number processing. It is

utilized by many calculation features in the form of formulas. Once a

formula is created, the other data may be processed automatically.

Furthermore, the results were calculated and analyzed using Microsoft

Excel 2016 as well.

To measure the levels of motivation, the data interpretation which

was in the form of mean was used based on the following guide:

1.0 – 3.0 = lowly motivated

3.1 – 4.0 = moderately motivated

4.1 – 5.0 = highly motivated


Table 3.1. The Schedule of the Research
Table 3.2. Indicators of Questionnaire


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