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The Community Role in the Good Governance Process


Academic year: 2022

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The Community Role in the

Good Governance Process

Bardolf Paul

Regional Forum on Extractive Industries Governance

Jakarta~ November 2014


Key Challenges


1. Different Mindset


2. Different Time Frame


3. Different Approach


4. Different Commitment


5. Different Target &



What do we mean by

Community Development?


“Community development is the process of increasing the strength and effectiveness of communities, improving peoples’ quality of life, and enabling people to participate in decision making to achieve

greater long-term control over their lives.”

International Council on Mining & Metals, Community Development Toolkit, 2005


“Sustainable community

development programs are those that contribute to the long-term strengthening of community


International Council on Mining & Metals, Community Development Toolkit, 2005


“Mining and mineral processing activities can play a central role in

sustainable community development by acting as a catalyst for positive

economic and social change in areas that may otherwise have

limited opportunities for economic and social development.”

International Council on Mining & Metals, Community Development Toolkit, 2005


Create a local development fund earmarked for

community development


Guarantee a minimum of 3 years funding


Assign management of the fund to a local

development agency


Include representation from local communities

and local government


Thank You!

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