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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department of UNIMED Medan

In Partial as Fulfillment of the Requirement for

The Degree of Sarjana Sastra



Registration Number 2103220002






First of all the praise to ALLAH SWT for the blessing, mercy, and guidance in giving the

writer full strength and patience to complete this Thesis. This Thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the

requirements to obtain the S1 degree of Sarjana Sastra at English Department in Faculty of

Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In accomplishing this Thesis, the writer has been helped by a lot of beloved people

especially for the loyal supporters. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincere and

greatest gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State Universityof Medan.

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts for her

leadership and administrative assistance during the process of writing this thesis.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Rika S.Pd, M.Hum.,

Secretary of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Head of English Literature

Department, and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., the Head of English Education


Dra. Sortha Silitonga, M.Pd, his Thesis Adviser.  Dr. Sri Minda Murni M.S, as Academic Adviser.

 All beloved Lecturers in English and Literature Department

Mam Eis for her kind help in providing academic administrations to the writer.

 The best family of writer, his beloved Mother and father, Dra. Ratna Tanjung M.Pd.,

Soeprapto, his sisters Dewi Sartika Sari S.Pd., his brother M. Jody Setiawan, for their



writer’s life. He loves them so much. Also his great family for the support during the

completion of this thesis.

 The writer`s best colleagues : Jaka Sampoerna, Boediman Sitohang, Novilianah

Hasanah Siregar, Hafizh Satria, Fanny Aulia Putri, Ulan tri Lestari and Huzaifah

Tanjung for the friendship, love, helps, laugh and tears, and for all the sweet and happy

memories shared. And all the of ELITE (English Literature) A and B 2010 : David,

Fathur, Afdi, Leo, Johanri, Pulungan, Hatoropan, Feri, Quin, Oki, Audra, Luthfi,

Eko for all the togetherness in fun, futsal and unforgotten memories.

 All Students of English Department in Applied Linguistics A and B Reg’10, that could

not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support, info, assistance, and best moment

ever during the academic years.

 Everyone who has been involved directly or indirectly in the writing of this thesis that

cannot be mentioned one by one.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not complete, may

all the assistance can be their charity.

Medan, August 2014

The writer,

Adrian Rasyki



Adrian Rasyki. 2014. Metaphor in Novel “The Great Gatsby”. A Thesis. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan.

This research was focused on metaphor used in novel “The Great Gatsby”. The research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. The data were collected from the sentences that contain metaphor in the novel.The findings of the research show that there are 125 lines of metaphors which are classified into seven types metaphor such as active metaphor (29), inactive metaphor (12), subjective metaphor (11), mimetic metaphor (32), phenomenalistic metaphor (11), symbolism metaphor (2), and approximate metaphor (27) and there was no Precision metaphor (0). The most dominant type of metaphor used in the novel wasmimetic metaphor (32). It means that the point of the novel was a description of the imaginary art work of the author as if the events in the novel was literally true and really happening. In addition, the novel itself was a metaphor that providing structures and analogy to the real world



List of Table







A. The Background of the Study

The difficulties of understanding and recognizing metaphor in many

different forms of literary works especially in this study, novel, has encouraged

the writer to do the study in making better understanding of the topic and make

clear understanding about metaphor. Also to see the application of metaphor in the

literary work. The metaphor itself has a unique meaning, when it comes to

metaphor, it means the use of language to refer to something other than what it

was originally applied to, or what it „literally‟ means, in order to suggest some

resemblance or make a connection between the two things. Unfortunately It‟s

quite easy for native people to recognize or understanding this kind of language.

The frequency of using metaphor in the novel also encouraged the study to

elaborate, explore and to see the line between metaphor and novel, to find what

the purposes in applying those languages in the novel besides presenting the real

meaning through the words in the text of the novel. This is a way to make an

imagery for the reader so that the reader can flow through the language.

The novel “The Great Gatsby” is a novel that really interesting to study

because it is rich of imagery that Fitzgerald implies and it has encouraged to see

the characteristics of metaphors in each type of metaphor according to Goatly

(1997) resulting the data of some types of metaphor that applied and draw the


an example “A single green light, minute and far away, that might have been the

end of a dock” is the most famous metaphor in the novel that conveys a huge idea

conception. it means hope. In the first chapter of the book Nick mentions the first

time he sees Gatsby which was when Gatsby was reaching for this green light in

the darkness. The green light was a light of Daisy‟s dock. The fact that Gatsby

was anxious and nervous at his meeting with Daisy shows that he had been hoping

for their meeting all along. To Gatsby the green light was his future desire to meet

Daisy. The green light there must be something presented or added through the


For many people, metaphors are a means of poets or writers, in other

words, creative people. Just a few people are aware of the fact that we actually use

metaphorical expressions every day. It depends on the view everybody has what

someone thinks about it. Metaphors can be the way we soften the languages in

informal situation and making it better. Lakoff and Johnson (1980) “Metaphors

we live by” one of the first that brought the approach of omnipresent metaphors.

They proved that metaphors are omnipresent and indispensable in everyday

language. Metaphors are supposed to be helpful in learning and this for some

reasons. First, they can be a kind of mnemonic aid. Because you have a figurative

image in your mind, it is easier to remember information you have just received.

Secondly, using metaphors can provide ”semantic frameworks from long term

memory. With this, new information can be applied to these frameworks. In social

life, metaphors also can be useful. They lead to a kind of an intimate atmosphere


experiences and interests. Therefore, not everybody gets an access to the

conversation between the two.

Following Lakoff and Johnson (1980 : 57), the criterion was chosen in

order to determine whether a phrase is metaphorical, is how close the word's sense

is to its embodied origins. Embodied origin is the way the concept is grounded in

sensorymotor experience. To analyze and discuss metaphor in any depth, firstly

identify and consider three things: the metaphor; its meaning; and the similarity or

connection between the two. however in order to do further analyze on metaphor

especially in novel or text read the text and applying literal interpretation, and the

second is construing the metaphorical meaning. The first interpretation is grasping

the explicit meaning through the meanings of the constituents of the text

meanwhile the other is deriving intended meaning to help understanding the

contexts of the text. It is not possible to come to an analysis of metaphor if the

background knowledge is not well prepared. The present knowledge is not enough

but the further study will make better understanding of the concept of metaphor.

There were some previous studies conducted on metaphor. Triartha (2012)

analyzed metaphor used in people magazine‟s advertisement. The most dominant

used of lexical metaphor concepts were noun-verb concept with the percentage


Faizal (2010) conducted metaphor in Gola Gong‟s novel “Bila Waktu

Berjalan”. The main finding of the research was about the use of metaphor in

Gola Gong‟s novel “Bila Waktu Bicara” and there were 59 metaphorical


in Gola Gong‟s novel “Bila WaktuBicara”, there were 22 sentences that showing

the pattern of time is an individual. It showed that the conclusion of Gola Gong‟s

novel “Bila Waktu Bicara” had effectively and creatively used metaphorical

expressions in telling the reader about the importance or the value of our time.

Another work about metaphor was conducted by Sabu (2011). The study

was about metaphor on Barrack Obama‟s speeches. it focused on a specific element of Obama‟s rhetoric skill, the used of metaphor. He tried to apply this theory by

examining 6 types of rhetoric speech. The writer concluded that the function of

metaphor used by Obama in his rhetoric speech was as a tool to clarify meaning, to inspire, and to motivate the audience. Metaphor in Obama‟s speech can be used to

convey emotional meaning which then may attract audience‟s attention.

In addition, this study can symbolize desire and emotion through language

and make better understanding of complex language. So the writer intenses to

make the prove whether with metaphor can be useful in social life, it leads to a

kind of an intimate atmosphere between the speakers and the listeners. This

creates a link based on same similar experiences and interests that communicated

most in literary work but not limited in everyday language. Based on the previous


B. The Problem of the Study

Concerning about the theories and data that used in this study, the

problems that were formulated to be solved were :

1. what types of metaphors are used in “The Great Gatsby” novel?

2. what type of metaphor is mostly used in “The Great Gatsby” novel?

3. why the dominant type of the metaphor imply?

C. The Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study were intended to

1. Find out the types of metaphors that were used in “The Great Gatsby” novel

2. Find out the most dominant type of metaphor in “The Great Gatsby” novel

3. Described the implication of the dominant type of metaphor in “The Great

Gatsby” novel

D. The Scope of the Study

The study focuses only on finding metaphor used in the novel written by

F. Scott Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”. The metaphors which were analyzed

were based on Goatly (1997).

E. The Significance of the Study


1. Readers to recognize and identify metaphors in every literature product

2. Researchers that are going to conduct a further study on literature that





A. Conclusions

After analyzing and determining the types of metaphor in the sentences of

the novel “The Great Gatsby”, the conclusions were presented as follows:

1. The seven types of metaphor were occurred in the novel “The Great

Gatsby”. They were active metaphor (29), inactive metaphor (12),

subjective metaphor (11), mimetic metaphor (32), phenomenalistic

metaphor (11), precision metaphor (0), symbolism metaphor (2) and

approximate metaphor (27).

2. The most dominant type of metaphor was mimetic metaphor written by the

author with 32 occurrences (25,6%) in the novel “The Great Gatsby” by

F. Scott Fitzgerald.

3. The author of the novel wanted to make this novel become more real by

using mimetic metaphor dominantly. There were so many imaginary

words that implied in the novel so that make the novel feel like a real

condition with an intense scheme by using feeling and expression that can

be imagined by visual so the reader can be brought to the world that the



B. Suggestions

By considering the research finding and the conclusions, there are some

suggestions which are presented as follows:

1. Readers are suggested to enrich their knowledge of metaphor language so

they can become more interested in reading such as literary work and

make the better understanding of language use in novel.

2. Other researchers are suggested to make a more depth analysis of




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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Gatsby (Accessed at 20.30, 16 February 2014)


Table 4.1 The Percentages of the Types of Metaphor …………………………………………29


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