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Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung


Submitted to the English Department of FPBS UPI in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree


Hana Siti Nurainun





Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

The Use of Total Physical Response

Method in Teaching Vocabulary to

Young Learners


Hana Siti Nurainun

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

© Hana Siti Nurainun 2013

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Oktober 2013

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Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



(A Quasi Experimental Study on Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners in Third Grade Students of an Elementary School in Bandung)


Hana Siti Nurainun

Std. No. 0801194

Approved by:

First Supervisor, Second


Prof. Dr. Nenden Sri L, M.Pd. Pupung Purnawarman, M.S. Ed.,Ph.D.

NIP. 195111241985032001 NIP. 196810231998031001

The Head of English Education Department Faculty of Language and Arts Education

Indonesia University of Education

Prof. Dr. H. Didi Suherdi, M.Ed. NIP 196211011987121001


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu


There are some problems in learning English. One of the main problems that students (i.e young learner) face in learning a foreign language is mastering vocabulary. The weakness in mastering vocabulary is often assumed as the main problem for people who want to learn a foreign language. Especially for young learners, it will significantly inhabit them from learning English effectively in the classroom. For example, young learners may find difficulty to write a good essay because their lack of vocabulary. As a result, the essay contains similar or repeated vocabulary.

This study, entitled “The Use of Total Physical Responses (TPR) Method in Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners”, is aimed at discovering whether

using TPR method is effective in improving young learners‟ vocabulary and to

find out students „response toward the method. This research applied quasi-experimental design and employed pre-test and a post-test to obtain the data.

The sample of this research was forty third grade students in Bandung divided into 2 classes, one as an experimental group and the other one as a control group. The experimental group received a treatment using the TPR method while the control group did not receive any special treatment. The data were collected through multiple choices tests and interview.

The findings revealed that the TPR method was significantly effective in

improving students‟ vocabulary mastery. The data from paired t-test computation

of the pre-test and the post-test scores of the experimental group showed that the significance value was lower than the level of significance. It means that the null hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant different between the pre-test and the post-pre-test scores of experimental group after receiving the TPR treatment. Furthermore, the data taken from the interviews indicated that students gave positive response toward TPR method. The students said they liked to learn English using some actions and TPR made the class more fun. This method also helped them in memorizing vocabulary easily. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded that Total Physical Response method was effective in improving

students‟ vocabulary mastery. As for suggestion, TPR method was recommended


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu


Ada beberapa masalah dalam belajar bahasa Inggris . Salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi siswa dalam belajar bahasa asing adalah menguasai kosakata. Kelemahan dalam penguasaan kosa kata sering diasumsikan sebagai masalah utama bagi orang-orang yang ingin belajar bahasa asing . Khusus untuk pelajar muda, secara signifikan akan menghambat mereka dalam belajar bahasa Inggris secara efektif di dalam kelas. Misalnya, pelajar muda mungkin menemukan kesulitan untuk menulis esai yang baik karena kurangnya kosa kata. Akibatnya, esai berisi kosa kata yang sama atau berulang-ulang.

Penelitian ini berjudul " Penggunaan Metode TPR pada Pengajaran Kosakata kepada pelajar muda", bertujuan untuk menemukan apakah menggunakan metode TPR efektif dalam meningkatkan kosakata siswa dan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap metode ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kuasi - eksperimental dan memgadakan pre -test dan post-test untuk mendapatkan data.

Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah empat puluh siswa kelas tiga di Bandung dibagi menjadi 2 kelas, satu sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan satu lainnya sebagai kelompok kontrol . Kelompok eksperimen menerima perlakuan menggunakan metode TPR sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak menerima perlakuan khusus. Data dikumpulkan melalui pilihan beberapa tes dan wawancara.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



PREFACE ... ii





1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 The Research Questions ... 6

1.3 Aims of the Study ... 6

1.4 Scope of the Study ... 6

1.5 Significance of the Study ... 6

1.6 Research Methodology ... 7

1.7 Population and Sample ... 8

1.8 Hyphotheses ... 8

1.9 Data Collection ... 9

1.10 Data Analysis ... 10

1.11 Clarification of Terms ... 10

1.12 Organization of Paper ... 11

1.13 Concluding Remarks ... 12


2.1 Total Physical Responses ... 14

2.1.1 TPR Method in Teaching Young Learner ... 15

2.1.2 TPR Method based on Experts’ View ... 17

2.1.3 Related Research... 19

2.2 Vocabulary ... 23

2.2.2 Definition ... 23


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

2.1.3 Teaching Vocabulary through TPR Method ... 24

2.3 Characteristics of Young Learner ... 26

2.3.1 The Characteristics of Elementary School Students ... 30

2.4 Concluding Remark ... 31


3.1 Research Method ... 32

3.2 Research Design ... 33

3.3 Variable ... 34

3.4 Hypothesis ... 34

3.5 Population and Sample ... 35

3.5.1 Population ... 35

3.5.2 Sample ... 36

3.6 Research Procedure ... 36

3.7 Research Instruments and Data Collected ... 37

3.7.1 Try out Test ... 38

3.7.2 Pre-test ... 38

3.7.3 Treatment ... 39

3.7.4 Post-test ... 39

3.7.5 Interview ... 39

3.8 Data Analysis ... 40

3.8.1 Scoring Technique ... 40

3.8.2 Data Analysis of Try-out Test ... 40

3.8.3 Pre-test and Post-test Data Analysis ... 41

3.9 Clarification of Terms ... 44

3.10 Concluding Remark ... 45


4.1 Research Findings ... 46

4.1.1 Preliminary Data Analysis ... 46

4.1.2 Try-out Test Data Analysis ... 47

4.1.3 Pre-test Data Analysis ... 49


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

4.2 t-test Computation ... 52

4.2.1 Comparison of Independent t-test Computation of Pre-test Scores in Control and Experimental Groups ... 53

4.2.2 Comparison of Independent t-test Computation of Post-test in Control and Experimental Groups ... 53

4.2.3 Comparison of Paired t-test Computation of Pre-test and Post-test Scores in Experimental Group ... 54

4.2.4 Comparison of Pre-test and Post-test Result of Control Group ... 55

4.3 The Interview Result ... 56

4.4 The Discussion of Research Findings ... 58

4.4.1 The Effectiveness of TPR Method in Teaching English Vocabulary to Young Learner ... 58

4.4.2 Students’ Response toward the Implementation of TPR Method in Learning English Vocabulary ... 63

4.5 Concluding Remark ... 67


5.1 Conclusions ... 68

5.2 Suggestion ... 70



A. Teaching Instruments ... 73

B. Research Instruments ... 96

C. The Result of The Testing Research Instruments ... 112


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter presents the foundation and general overview of the study which consists of the background of the study, research questions, aims of the study, the scope of the study, reasons for choosing the topic, the significance of the study, research methodology, data source, data collection and data analysis, clarification of terms, organization of the paper and concluding remarks.

1.1 Background of the study

It cannot be denied that mastering an adequate vocabulary has an important role in

communication. The weakness in mastering vocabulary is often assumed as the main problem for people who want to learn a foreign language. The lack of vocabulary can cause many problems. Especially for young learners, it will significantly inhabit them from learning English effectively in the classroom. For example, young learners may find difficulty to write a good essay because their lack of vocabulary. As a result, the essay contains similar or repeated vocabulary. In addition, when students take a TOEFL test, they will find some difficulties in reading comprehension and grammar structure. They cannot answer the questions if they even do not know the meaning of the words in the test. It gets worse while they are doing grammar structure, they will not understand the questions because of their limitation in vocabulary. In fact, many students‟ TOEFL score cannot reach the minimum standard. It is because their knowledge about vocabulary. Both of the examples are the real problems that should be a main concern for students and teachers. We have to find out the solution for our education development.

Vocabulary has an important role, especially for young learners, in learning English as a foreign language. Cameron (2005) states that it is very important to build a useful vocabulary repertoire since it is central to the learner. It means that young learners have to learn

vocabulary first before they can comprehend other elements of language such as grammar and writing. Hence, teaching English for young learners is considered to be a challenging activity for teacher to find out an appropriate way to build students vocabularies. Children are usually full of enthusiasm and energy when they learn something new. According to

Cameron (2005), teaching language to children is often more exciting rather than adult.

In the context of learning English as a foreign language, the crucial role of vocabulary is inevitable. This has been claimed by many linguists and experts in the field. For example, Wilkins (1972) states that “without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

although children may use the same words as adults, they may not hold the same meanings for those words. In communication, students need vocabulary to support them to create meaningful sentences. That is why vocabulary is important to be mastered. With some references on how important vocabulary is, teachers should help young learners acquire as many words as they can in order to increase their language competence. It has to be a concern for teachers to find out an appropriate method for students which matches their characteristics and stage of cognitive development.

According to Hadley (2001) there are three traditional methods that have been practised in many countries for years: grammar translation, direct method, and audio-lingualism. Brown (2001) states that it is ironic that grammar translation method has been so stalwart practiced in many educational contexts among many competing methods. Meanwhile, grammar translation method is one of teaching method that has been used in Indonesia in teaching vocabulary.

Krashen (1982) suggests in a second language acquistion field there are four main

requirements for optimal input in learning a language: oral proficiency, interesting, affective filter level, and amount of comprehensible input. In contrast, Brown (2001) states that the grammar translation method has main focus on grammatical rules, memorizing vocabulary, translating text and doing written exercise method. Consequently, in oral proficiency aspect, the grammar translation method does not give students a chance to practice in oral, students are expected to be accurate in writing aspect. Besides, the grammar translation method is not interesting because it is not contextual in teaching learning process. It means that the lesson does not relate to the students‟ experience. Finally, it does not have sufficient amount of comprehensible input because in a teaching-learning process, teachers speak in their native language in the model of sentence, reading and exercise.

In response to those problems above, this study is conducted to find out what method should be used by teachers to create a good language teaching process. There are several alternative methods in teaching language to develop the quantity and quality of the student‟s vocabulary. These methods are cognitive code, Total Physical Response (TPR), the natural approach, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, Community Language Learning (CLL) approach, the silent way and suggestopedia. The method chosen for this study is Total

Physical Response (TPR) method. TPR was developed by Asher in 1977 (Brown, 2001).

Total Physical Response (TPR) method is concerned with principles of child language

acquisition. Asher (1997) notes that children in learning their first language appear to do a lot of listening before they speak and their listening is accompanied by physical response


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

Considering the facts about teaching vocabulary to young learners, teachers should be aware of students‟ cognitive stage and also they have to give an appropriate method of teaching and learning language process. The study conducted is aimed at finding out the benefit of using the TPR method in improving student‟s vocabulary and also to find out the student‟s response toward this method.

1.2 The Reasearch Questions

The problems of the research can be stated as follows:

1. Is the use of Total Physical Response method effective in improving young learners‟ vocabulary?

2. What are the student‟s responses toward Total Physical Responses method in learning English?

1.3 Aims of Study

The aims of this study are to discover the effectiveness of using the TPR method in building students vocabulary and to identify students‟ response toward the TPR method while they are learning English.

1.4 Scope of Study

This study will focus on the effectiveness of using the TPR method in teaching English vocabulary for the third grade students of an elementary school in Bandung and also how students respond to this method.

1.5 The Significance of Study

The result of this study is expected to give a contribution toward the practice of teaching English vocabulary to young learners related to the method used by the teachers. The writer hopes this research will give a beneficial reference for further research on teaching English vocabulary to young learners, and give some considerations about the kinds of teaching strategies in teaching English vocabulary in elementary school employed by teachers.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

To find out the effectiveness of the Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary in elementary school, this study will use an experimental method with two groups: control and experimental groups.

During the experiment, this study will use TPR treatment in the experimental group in order to prove the effectiveness of TPR method in teaching vocabulary in third grade students of elementary school. An interview is used to find out the student‟s responses toward the TPR method.

1.6.1 Research Design

To answer the research questions, this study used a experimental design. A quasi-experimental study is a type of evaluation which aims to determine whether a program or intervention has the intended effect on a study‟s participants. A quasi-experimental design is one of experimental designs in which we compare means of groups‟s performance take place normally. Neither experimental nor control group is randomly chosen because individuals naturally belong to one group or the other. A quasi-experimental design is also called „naturally occurring group design‟(Brown, 1988).

Moreover, both approaches are used in this study. The quantitative approach is used to analyze the data from the result of pre-test and post-test. On the other hand, qualitative approach is used to analyze, describe and clarify the data from the interviews.

1.7 Population and sample

The population of this study is the third grade students of one of the elementary schools in Bandung. There are two classes of third grade; each of them consists of 20 students. 3A class is the experimental group which received experimental treatments and 3B is the control group which did not receive any experimental treatments.

The study involved the third grade students of an elementary school because they have learnt English and they are still learning basic vocabulary. In this stage, students need guidance and learn a language with appropriate method related to their cognitive stage.

1.8 Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms about what the researcher expects will happen in the study.

Fraenkel&Wallen (1990:40) state that research question is often restated as a hypothesis.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

Therefore, the null hypothesis is needed as the foundation of this study. The hypothesis of this study: there is no difference of student‟s vocabulary mastery between the students who receive experimental treatments and the students who do not receive experimental treatments.

1.9 Data Collection

The data of this study are collected through administering tryout test, pre-test, post-test and interview. Tryout test is conducted to validate the test and to know the reliability of the test. After validating the test, pre-test is used to measure initial ability of the children before they receive any experimental treatments. After all treatments, post-test is administered to control and experimental groups. The scores from post test are used to measure whether the

implemented method influence the experimental group or not.

The interview is conducted for students in order to answer the second research question about student‟s responses toward TPR method.

1.10 Data Analysis

In this study, the scores which are obtained from pre-test of control and experimental group are analyzed using independent t-test formula as the two groups are paired. The scores show that there is no difference betweeen the two groups before TPR treatments is given to the experimental group.

The matched t-test is used to analyze the two dependent groups of scores; pre-test and post test that are paired. The analysis of matched t-test is aimed to find out whether there is any development after treatments or not. This formula shows the possible change of the group influenced by the implemented method.

The data collections from the interview are used to strengthen data taken from the scores of pre-test and post-test.

1.11 The Clarification of Terms

To avoid misinterpretation of terms and make the terms stated clearly in this research paper, the writer would like to clarify and specify each term as follow:

a. Effectiveness in this research refers to better improvement of students‟ English vocabulary through the use of TPR method.

b. Total Physical Response (TPR) is a language teaching method built around the coordination of physical (motor) activity. (Brown, 2001: 29)


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

c. Vocabulary is defined as all the words that exist in a language, or that are used when discussing a particular subject. (Cambridge learner‟s dictionary, second edition)

Vocabulary in this study is defined as words that will be learned by the students.

d. Young learners are young children up to the ages of seven until twelve (Slatterly and Willis 2001, p.4)

Young learners in this study are third grade students of an elementary school in Bandung.

e. Students‟ responses in this research cover the level of students‟ satisfaction to learning result and the level of students‟ enjoyment during learning activity.

f. Teaching refers to giving lessons in a particular subject at a school, university, etc (Cambridge Learners‟ Dictionary, 2004).

1.12 Organization of Paper

This research paper is divided into five chapters. Chapter I is about introduction. Chapter II is theoretical foundations. Chapter III is the research methodology. Chapter IV is the findings and discussion of the research. Last, chapter V is the conclusion and suggestion.

Chapter I Introduction

This chapter provides background of the study, research questions, aim of the study, scope of the study, significance of the study, research methodology, data source, data collection, data analysis, clarification of terms, organization of the paper and concluding remarks.

Chapter II Theoretical Foundation

This chapter contains some theoretical foundations. It consists of TPR methods, vocabulary, young learners learning characteristics, importance of learning vocabulary for young learners and concluding remarks.

Chapter III Methodology

This chapter presents methodology conducted in conducting the research. It includes research design, research questions employed, the instrument of the research, the site and respondent of the research, the data collecting procedures, and data analysis.

Chapter IV Findings and Discussion

This chapter consists of findings and discussions which present the result of the research.

Chapter V Conclusions and Suggestions

This chapter concludes research result and recommendations for teaching process and further research.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



This part includes the methodology of the research, which dissucess the research method, research design, hyphothesis, population and sample, instruments, the data collection, description of the data analysis, clarification of terms and concluding remarks.

3.1 Research Method

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary in one of elementary schools in Bandung. Therefore the experimental method was used to answer the research questions.

The experimental method is a systematic and scientifict approach to research in which the researcher manipulates one or more variables and control, and measure any change in other variables. Therefore this study involved two groups: control and experimental groups.

During the experiment process, this study would use TPR treatment in the experimental group in order to prove the effectiveness of TPR method in teaching vocabulary in the third grade students of an elementary school.

This study used quantitative and qualitative approaches. A quantitative approach was used to answer the first question whether TPR method was effective or not. Besides, to

observe the students’ responses toward TPR method this research used the interview method.

The interview as a qualitative approach was used to obtain information on students’

perception about TPR method which had been given by the researcher during the treatment process.

3.2 Research Design

The study used a quasi-experimental non equivalent pre-test-post-test control design. As Brown (1988) states that a quasi-experimental study is a type of evaluation which aims to

determine whether a program or intervention has the intended effect on a study’s participants.

A quasi-experimental design is one of the experimental designs in which we compare means

of groups’s performance. Neither the experimental nor the control group was randomly

chosen because individuals naturally belong to one group or the other. A quasi-experimental

design is also called ‘naturally occuring group design. The reason for choosing this design


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

A pre-test and a post-test were administered to both group. After the pre-test was administered and there was no difference of mean statistically between two groups or equivalent based on the calculation by using t-test, this research conduct Total Physical Response method as a treatment in several meetings to the experimental group. The vocabulary materials given to both groups were similar. In the experimental group, the teacher used Total Physical Response method.

3.3 Variable

This study measured whether Total Physical Response method as independent variable was effective in teaching vocabulary to the third grade students of an elementary

school or not. The effeciveness could be seen from the improvements of students’ vocabulary

mastery in the experimental group.

The second variable was dependent variable. The dependent variable was the variable that the researcher would observe or measure. The Dependent variable in this research was

the improvement of young learners’vocabulary mastery as measured by the scores from the

pre-test and the post-test.

3.4 Hypothesis

This study used null hypothesis (H0) as its foundations. The null hypothesis means that there was no relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable (Coolidge, 2000: 95). It means that there was no difference between the two

classes’ means, experimental class and control class (Coolidge, 2000: 98). It was believed that the control group and the experimental group were similar.

Coolidge (2000) stated that if research uses the null hypothesis, two possibilities of the research can be shown as follows: (1) if the hypothesis is rejected, it means that the experiment works, (2) if the hypothesis is accepted, then the experiment does not work.

In conclusion, the hypothesis of this study: there was no difference of student’s vocabulary

mastery between the students who receive experimental treatments and the students who did not receive any experimental treatments.

3.5 Population and Sample

3.5.1 Population


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

the implementation of the Total Physical Method, they learned in fun and easy way without being forced.

The characteristic of populations were:

1. The students were native Indonesian

2. The students study English as a local subject

3. The students’ age was around 8-9 years old

4. The students have never attended any english course

5. The students only learned English at school

3.5.2 Sample

Sample could be stated as a small group that is investigated. The sample of this study was the third grade students of an elementary school in Bandung. Sample that represented those characteristic above was selected through purposive sampling. Purposive sampling was a sample selected because the individuals have special qualification of some sort (Franklen and Wallen, 1990:84). The qualifications that researcher saw from the sample were the following: (1) they had learned english before, (2) they were accustomed to learning vocabulary through translation method and memory strategy, and (3) they only learned English at school. The sample of this research was two classes of the third grade; each of them consists of 20 students. 3A class was the experimental group which received experimental treatments and 3B was the control group which did not receive any experimental treatments. The research was conducted in early 2013.

3.6 Research Procedure

There were some procedures conducted in the research. The first step was preparing and organizing teaching procedure by using TPR method in teaching vocabulary to the

experimental group. The main components in this step were material and activities that would

be applied in the classroom. Those procedures were aimed to improve students’ vocabulary in

the end of their learning process.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

The third step was administering a pre-test to the experimental and the control groups to find out students initial ability. Fourth was organizing lesson plans in teaching vocabulary for the experimental class. Fifth was conducting a post-test to both groups to measure their abilities after treatment.

The last procedure was administering the interview to the experimental group to know

students’ responses toward TPR method in learning English vocabulary. After all procedures were conducted, the data collected from the pre-test, the post-test and the interview were further analyzed. Reflecting from the result of data analysis, some conclusions and suggestions were then drawn.

3.7 Research Instruments and Data Collected

In the purpose of gaining data related to the research problems, there were two kinds of instruments used in this research, namely multiple choice test and interview. The multiple choice test was used to answer the first research question about the effectiveness of

TPR method and the interview was used to support the data about students’ responses toward

TPR method. The data collected from the try-out test, the pre-test, the treatment, the post-test and the interview would be elaborated further in the following sections.

3.7.1 Try Out Test

The try-out test was administered to examine the feasibility of the instrument before it was carried out for the pre-test and the post-test. The tests were validity and reliability. There were 30 questions related to subject and they were distributed to twenty students of the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung. The try-out test was conducted on January 9th 2013 before the treatment was applied. The students were selected from another school at the same level.

3.7.2 Pre-Test

A pre-test and a post-test of the research were conducted in the form of multiple choice. The tests were used to measure the effectiveness of Total Physical Response method in teaching vocabulary in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung.

A pre-test was implemented in order to obtain the data of students’ vocabulary knowledge. It was used to measure the initial ability of young learners before they received any

experimental treatment. The test was given to the experimental and the control groups without any information before.

The pre-test sheets consisted of 30 items measured student’s ability of using vocabularies related to the themes that would be taught. The researcher used multiple choice because it was easy to analyzed and suitable for students in the third grade of elementary school. Furthermore, some items were put together with pictures to avoid misunderstanding.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

The treatment for the experimental class used Total Physical Response as the teaching methodology. It also used some songs and pictures as the media in teaching vocabulary. However, the control group did not get any special treatment to learn the same material.

The treatment was conducted in five meetings. It took place from 23 February to 23 March 2013. The Duration of each meeting was 60 minutes. The topics were vocabulary about part of body, numbers, colours, fruits and things in the classroom.

3.7.4 Post-Test

After all treatments were conducted, the post-test was administered to the control and the experimental groups. The scores from the post-test were used to measure whether the implemented method influenced the experimental group or not. The test was conducted on March 2013. The post-test contained thirty multiple choices questions. Form and the indicators of the questions were similar to the pre-test questions.

3.7.5 Interview

The interview was aimed at finding the students’ response toward the implementation of the

method. As Alwasilah (2006) states that the deep information that might not be acquired from

documents could be obtained by interview. The data from students’s interview was used to

strengthen the data taken from the scores of pre-test and post-test. The interview was

conducted to 20 students in the experimental group. They were interviewed individually with some questions. The questions were whether they like English or not, their response about TPR method, the topics that students liked the most and their reasons whether they liked the method or not.

3.8 Data Analysis

3.8.1 Tryout Test

In order to make sure that the instrument was valid and reliable, items that would be used as the instruments research and the obtained data from tryout test should be analyzed. Therefore, instrument validity and reliability were very essential in the research.

a) Instrument Validity and Reliablity

Validity was the most important idea to consider when preparing or selecting an instrument to use (Fraenklen and Wallen, 2006:150). Validity of a test is used as a measurement in order to figure out how a test runs as its function. A test is considered as valid if the content and the format of the test are familiar for the students, and the test measure what it should be

measured. Moreover, this research used Pearson product moment correlation to determine the validity of each instrument items.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

reliable the test instrument was, this research used Spearman – Brown formula to investigate the reliability of the instrument.

b) Try-out Test Data Analysis

In attempt to measure the appropriateness of the pre-test in terms of validity and reliability, the try-out test was administered to a class different from the control group and the experimental group which was at the same level, on January 7th, 2013. There were 20

students who participated in try-out test. Thirty multiple choice questions were administered to the students.

Validity Test

Validity test was conducted on the try-out test to find out the characteristics of the instrument before administering the pre-test. After that, the data gathered from the tryout test were calculated by using SPSS 17 for windows.

The results showed that there was no difficulty during the try-out test. Students’ responses to the instructions were good and appropriate with expectation. Therefore, the try-out test was clear and appropriate for the pre-test.

The result showed that the raw score of validity was 0.043. The results from statistical computation on the try-out test showed that from 30 multiple choices questions, there were 25 questions valid and could be used as research instrument because their raw score was higher than 0.043. Meanwhile, the rest of 5 questions were not valid and could not be used as the research instruments because their raw scores were lower than 0.043.

Reliability Test

In present study, reliability of an instrument is analyzed by using Cronbach’s alpha formula

in SPSS 17 for windows. Respondents’ correct answer was given one (1) score and the

incorrect answer was given zero (0) score.

The reliability of the items from Cronbach’s alpha calculation was 0.884 with the total items 30. It can be assumed that the test items had a very high reliability and could be used as the research instrument since the level alpha was between 0.07-1.00.

3.8.2 Pre-Test and Post-Test Data Analysis

Before the data of the pre-test and the post-test were analyzed, the descriptive statistic analysis was conducted. The descriptive statistic analysis captures general information of the data such as mean and variance. SPSS 17.0 for windows was employed to compute the analysis.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

step in analyzing the pre-test data, normality distribution test is conducted. When the data analyzed are normally distributed, homogeneity of variance test is employed. From the homogeneity test, variance of both groups could be seen, whether they are homogenous or not. When the result is homogenous, independent t-test is employed. When the data are not homogenous, dependent t-test is conducted.

When pre-test data are not normally distributed, to find out the initial ability of the control group and the experimental group, a non-parametric test is conducted. When the result of Mann-Whitney U test shows the ability of both groups is equal, the raw score of the post-test can be analyzed. However, when the Mann-Whitney U test of pre-test data show the ability of students is not equal, the post-test score must be converted into the normal gain before it is analyzed.

The measurement of normality distribution test, non-parametric test, the homogeneity test, the independent t-test and the dependent t-test were administered by employing SPSS 17.0 for windows.

a) Data Analysis on Pre-Test

A pre-test was aimed to know the initial ability of students and the initial equality between the groups was measured by using Independent t-test formula.

Coolidge (2000: 143) assumed that there were three points that should be considered in using t-test:

1. The participant must be different in each group.

2. The dependent variable should be normal and the variance was homogenous.

3. The scores on the independent variable were continuous. Consequently, normality distribution test was conducted before calculated the data using t-test formula.

b) Calculation of the T-Test

Here are the steps of the t-test calculation:

1. Stating the hypothesis and setting the alpha level at 0.05 (two tailed test)

2. Finding t value using independent t-test formula.

3.Comparing the t-value with the level of significance for testing the hypothesis.

4. If the t value does not exceed the level of significance, the null hypothesis was retained. Therefore, the two group means were equivalent.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

o Data Analysis on the Experimental and the Control Group Scores

Matched t-test formula was used to investigate the significance of the mean difference between pre-test and post-test means (Coolidge, 2000:156). Here were the steps:

1. Stating the hypothesis and setting the alpha level at 0.05 (two tailed test).

2. Finding t value using matched t-test formula.

3. Comparing the t value with the level of significance for testing the hypothesis.

4. If the t-value was bigger than level of significance, the null hypothesis was rejected. Therefore, there was significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test means.

3.9 Concluding Remarks

This chapter has presented the methodology used in this research, including the research method, the research design, hypothesis, population and sample, instruments, the data collection and description of the data analysis. A quasi experiment was employed as the research design and the data used in this research were collected from two classes known as the experimental and the control groups in the third grade of an elementary school in


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu



This chapter consists of two main parts namely conclusion and recommendation. In the conclusion part, the result of the research will be summarized. Furthermore, the

recommendation related to the vocabulary teaching and the further related researches are also given in the recommendation section.

5.1 Conclusion

This study focused on the use of TPR method in teaching vocabulary to young learners at elementary level. There were two research questions in the research. The first question was aimed to discover the students’ vocabulary improvement after receiving

treatments. The second question was aimed to know students’ responses toward TPR method while learning vocabulary.

Based on the students’ vocabulary improvement, the analysis of the pre-test output and the post-test output showed the positive result. The post-test analysis showed that the

experimental group which received TPR method while learning vocabulary had higher means score than the control group which did not receive the same treatments. In addition, the paired sample t-test showed that there was a significant difference between the pre-test and the post-test scores of the experimental group. The significant was at 0.069 and it was lower than 0.05 (0.06 < 0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis was rejected and it can be concluded that TPR method was effective in teaching vocabulary to young learners. This finding was in line with Larsen & Freeman (2000) who stated that by kinesthetic abilities, students can start to learn parts of language rapidly. Another theory which supported the result of the study investigated by Wolfe (1982) who remarked that several studies had found that with the implementation of TPR method in teaching vocabulary, they got results of students’ vocabulary mastery that increased drastically almost 65%.

The students showed positive response to the use of TPR method. The interview revealed that students liked to learn English vocabulary through action. However, all of the students loved songs and also pictures as the media to deliver the TPR method. It was in line with Piaget (2006) who stated that children were the active learners. They could not be expected to sit down and do a certain activity for a long time. Thus, they needed the lesson with more fun activities by using sensory aids, such as picture and music. It became the positive foundation to bring a new way in teaching vocabulary in young learner level using TPR method, so their vocabulary mastery would improve as well.


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

5.2 Recommendation

Based on the findings, discussion, and the conclusions of the research,

recommendations regarding to the use of TPR method in teaching vocabulary to young learners can be drawn as follows.

The recommendation for the teacher is that TPR method can be one of the choices in teaching vocabulary to young learners at the elementary level. However, there are some aspects to be noticed in implementing the method. The first aspect is the media use related to TPR method should be interesting for young learners, for example the songs and the pictures. The songs must be easy to listen and the pictures should be clear and colorful to see. The songs also have to be well-pronounced. So, the students are able to follow the activity provided. The second aspect is the choice of activities. The teacher should be creative in choosing the activity that would contribute in helping students’ learning process.

For the researchers who are interested in conducting a related topic, the researchers can conduct a research with similar topic but using different method and approach or


Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu


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Hana Siti Nur Ainun, 2013

THE USE OF TOTAL PHYSICAL RESPONSE METHOD IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A quasi experimental study in the third grade of an elementary school in Bandung

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | Repository.upi.edu | Perpustakaan.upi.edu

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