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A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yasinta Retnaningrum Student Number: 091214093










Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Yasinta Retnaningrum Student Number: 091214093






I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 11 December 2013 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Yasinta Retnaningrum

Nomor Mahasiswa : 091214093

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

The Students’ Perception on Reading Habit Formation

Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 20 November 2013

Yang menyatakan




Retnaningrum, Yasinta. (2013). The Students’ Perception on Reading Habit Formation. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Reading interest keeps decreasing nowadays (Malau, 2013), especially for students, therefore, the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University designed Book Report Course. The aims of the course are to introduce the students to English novels, improve reading interest and ability in reading English novels in the first semester. The main activity in Book Report Course is reading, thus it is possible for the students to face reading problems. The lack of background experience in reading and knowledge of English also cause reading problems.

The present study investigates the students’ perception on reading habit formation in Book Report Course of the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University. There are two questions addressed in the study. The first question describes reading probems faced by Book Report Course

students. The second question investigates the students’ perception on Book Report Course.

This study employed survey method. There were two instruments to obtain the data, namely questionnaire and interview. There are two results of the study. First, based on the analysis from the results of the data, there are four reading problems faced by the students. Those problems are lack of English vocabulary, low reading interest of English novels, lack of knowledge of English grammar, and personal problems.

Second, the reseacher finds out that most of the students have positive perception on Book Report Course. The students get some benefits in teaching learning process of Book Report Course. The course creates reading habit formation for the students. It also can improve students’ English vocabulary mastery and speaking skill. However, some suggestions are given to lecturers of

Book Report Course, students of Book Report Course, and future researchers to improve Book Report Course.




Retnaningrum, Yasinta. (2013). The Students’ Perception on Reading Habit Formation. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Minat untuk membaca semakin menurun saat ini (Malau, 2013), khususnya bagi para siswa. Maka, Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma merancang sebuah matakuliah bernama Book Report Course yang mengaplikasikan tipe membaca ektensif. Tujuan matakuliah ini antara lain untuk memperkenalkan mahasiswa pada novel Bahasa Inggris, meningkatkan minat membaca, dan meningkatkan kemampuan dalam membaca. Aktivitas utama dalam Book Report Course adalah membaca, maka kemungkinan besar mahasiswa menghadapi beberapa kesulitan dalam membaca. Kurangnya pengalaman dalam membaca dan kemampuan membaca dapat juga memengaruhi mahasiswa dalam membaca.

Penelitian ini menginvestigasi persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembentukan kebiasaan membaca dalam matakuliah Book Report Course di Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Ada dua rumusan masalah yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini. Rumusan masalah pertama mendeskripsikan kesulitan yang dihadapi mahasiswa saat membaca novel. Rumusan masalah yang kedua memaparkan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap Book Report Course.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian survey. Ada dua alat yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu kuesioner dan wawancara. Ada dua hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini. Pertama, mahasiswamengalamai empat kesulitan dalam membaca novel. Kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut antara lain kosakata Bahasa Inggris, rendahnya minat untuk membaca, kurangnyaa pemahaman tentang tatabahasa dalam Bahasa Inggris, dan permasalahan pribadi.

Kedua, berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap matakuliah Book Report Course. Persepsi yang positif ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya manfaat yang diperoleh mahasiswa. Matakuliah ini dapat membentuk kebiasaan membaca mahasiswa. Selain itu, matakuliah ini dapat meningkatkan perbendaharaan kosatakata Bahasa Inggris dan meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa. Untuk meningkatkan Book Report Course menjadi kebih baik, peneliti memberikan saran kepada dosen, mahasiswa Book Report Course, dan peneliti yang akan datang.



Live my life with dreams, believe,

and give the best in every step.

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life…”

Matthew 6: 25

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake




First of all I would like to express my greatest gratitude to Jesus Christ, who art in heaven for His blessing, grace, love, and guidance throughout the accomplishment of this thesis. I would like to thank Mother Mary, who bless my struggle everyday.

Sincere thanks are addressed to all my lecturers in the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, especially my advisor Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd. for her guidance, patience and support in writing my thesis. I also give so much thanks to Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. for her time and support given to me in obtaining the data needed in this thesis. I also thank to Berta Lestari Senduk, S.Pd, who gives me permission to attach her thesis as the review of related study in this thesis. I am so thankful also for my proofreaders Adria Cemara, S.Pd. and Felicita Devi Adyaningtyas, S.Pd., who have spent their time reading and giving corrections to my thesis.



My special thanks go to my Senior High School teacher, Bu Cecil, who always supports me to finish my thesis. My endless thanks also goes to my friends Devi, Sisca, Hana, Awang, Rosi, Hehen Onnie, Mbak Itin, Ajeng, Danik, Mbak

Ndah, Mbak Yie, Chapid, MbakCe’, Bundo Maris, Kakak Keket, Deni, Ega, Evri, Hans, Yogis, Mbak Vita, Kakak Sandy and all of my friends. I am happy and lucky for every moment we have shared as we grow and learn together. My thankfulness goes to my friends B-ers for the friendship, support, care, and love we have.

I would like to thank all my friends who have the same advisor, Bunda, for the support and help given to me. My thankfulness also goes to my family in Play Performance group, ELEGY. I thank them for the time, laugh, effort, and story we made. I thank my friends in SALT English Course for the togetherness and experience we share. My thankfulness goes to all of my friends PBI 2009 for the time we have spent to study and learn together.

From the bottom of my heart, I would like to thank all of the people who have given me a hand, whose names I cannot mention here one by one. I pray that God will always bless them all.









ABSTRACT……….. vi

ABSTRAK……….... vii






CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Research Background……… 1

B. Research Problems……… 4

C. Problem Limitation……… 4

D. Research Objectives……… 5

E. Research Benefits……… 5




A. Theoretical Description……… 8

1. Reading………... 8

a. Extensive Reading……… 9

b. Reading Reporting……….. 11

c. Learning Reading……… 12

d. Reading Skills………... 12

e. Reading Problems……….. 15

f. Reading Interest………... 18

g. Reading Habit……….. 19

2. Beginner College Students 21 3. Perception………... 21

a. Perceptual Process……… 22

b. Factor Influencing Perception……….. 22

B. Review of Related Study………... 24

C. Theoretical Framework……… 25

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY 28 A. Research Method……… 28

B. Research Setting……… 29

C. Research Participants……… 29

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique……… 31



2. Data Gathering Technique……… 36

E. Data Analysis Technique……… 37

F. Research Procedure……… 38

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 41 A. Teaching Processes Implemented in Book Report Course……… 41

B. Reading Problems Faced by the Students in Book Report Course 43 C. Students’ Perception on Book Report Course……… 50


B. Suggestions……… 74

1. For Lecturers of Book Report Course in English Language Education Study Program……… 74 2. For Students of Book Report Course……… 74

3. For Future Researchers……… 75





Table Page

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint……… 32

Table 3.2 Students’ Interview Blueprint……….. 35

Table 3.3 Lecturer’s Interview Blueprint………. 36

Table 3.4 Data Analysis Technique………. 37

Table 4.1 Students’ Previous Experience in Reading……….. 51 Table 4.2 Students’ Experience in Reading Novels in Book Report



Table 4.3 Students’ Experience in Making Written Reports and Doing Oral Examinations in Book Report Course……….


Table 4.4 Students’ Perception on Reading Novels in Book Report



Table 4.5 Students’ Perception on Benefits of Book Report Course………...


Table 4.6 Benefits of Taking Book Report Course Related to Reading





Figure Page




Appendices Page

Appendix A Questionnaire……….. 80

Appendix B Students’ Interview Questions………... 84

Appendix C Lecturer’s Interview Questions……….. 86

Appendix D Lesson Unit Plan of Book Report Course……….. 88

Appendix E Results of Closed-Questions in Questionnaire……….. 91

Appendix F Results of Open-Questions in Questionnaire………. 95

Appendix G The Calculation Results of Reading Problems……….. 106

Appendix H Interview Transcript of the Students……….. 108

Appendix I Interview Transcript of the Lecturer ……… 121



D ResearchObjec itves

n o it a l e r n

I t othequesitonsi nr esearchproblem ,st herearet woobjecitve s e

h t e b ir c s e d o t s i e v it c e j b o t s ri f e h T . y d u t s e h t n i d e t n e s e r

p reading problem s

y b d e c a

f BookRepor tCoursestudent sin theEngilsh LanguageEducaiton Study m

a r g o r

P Sanata Dharma Universtiy . The second objecitve i s to invesitgate n

o n o it p e c r e p ’ s t n e d u t

s BookRepor tCourse .


E ResearchBeneftis

m o r f d e n i a t b o e b n a c h c i h w s ti f e n e b e m o s e r a e r e h

T thi sstudy .The

d e t n e s e r p e r a s ti f e n e

b asf ollows: .

1 Forl ecturersi ntheEngilshLanguageEducaitonStudyProgram y

b d e c a f s m e l b o r p g n i d a e r e h t g n i w o n

K Book Repor tCourse students , the lecturer s can understand , give soluitons , o r solve the students’ reading

.s m e l b o r

p Beside ,s t hel ecturer swli lalsoknowstudents ’percepitonso t ha tBook e

s r u o C t r o p e

R canbei mproved. .

2 F so r tudent swhoaret akingBookRepor tCourse y

d u t s e h

T wli lbeusefulf ort hestudent sespeciallyi ent h ELESP Sanata h

t g n i w o n k y B . y ti s r e v i n U a m r a h

D e reading problem sfaced in Book Repor t e

s r u o

C , t he student scan anitcipate t he problem sno tonly i n reading novel sbu t

n i o s l


o r f g n i n a e m g n ir i u q c a s i g n i d a e r , y d u t s s i h t o

t mt hep irnted page swhich l eadst o .

n o it a m r o f ti b a h


3 ReadingHabi tForma iton

s i t i b a h ) 2 1 0 2 ( n e k n a l p r e V o t g n i d r o c c

A a thing tha tthe student sdo s

a y lr a l u g e

r a pracitceandacustom .Relatedt ot hiss tudy,r eadinghabtif ormaiton s

i a reading acitvtiy that the student sdo regulalry a sa custom .There are three )

2 1 0 2 ( n e k n a l p r e V o t g n i d r o c c a n o it a m r o f t i b a h g n i d a e r f o s r a ll i

p .The pillar s

f o t s i s n o

c repeititon ,automaitctiy ,and context-cue .s Repeititon i s t hefrequency c

it a m o t u A . r o i v a h e b a f

o tiy i sthe lfuency o fhabtiua lbehavior .Meanwhlie , t

x e t n o

c -cue smeansr eading habi taret irggered bycuesi nstablecontext ssuch a s .s



This chapter deals with the methodology that the researcher employed in the study. It is divided into six sections. Those sections are research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This study investigated the perception of the English Language Education Study Program students on reading habit formation in Book Report Course. It belongs to mixed method research. Ary et al. (2006) state that mixed method research combines qualitative and quantitative approaches in a single study. The mixing process may occur in the data collection, methodology, the specified method, the logistic of the design, and the analysis. Related to this study, the mixing process occurs in the data collections which are the questionnaires and the interviews. The purpose of mixed method research is to expand the breadth or depth of the study. In order to answer the research problems, the researcher employed survey method. It permits the researcher to measure the characteristics


29 The data were gathered by asking questions to Book Report Course

students. The data were about students’ perception on Book Report Course related to learning activities and the reading problems faced by the students in taking the course. The data of the study were gathered through the questionnaires and the interviews as the instruments. As Ary et al. (2006: p. 28) state that “survey research uses intruments such as questionnaires and interviews to gather information from groups of individuals.”

B. Research Setting

The study took place at Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta, to be exact at the English Language Education Study Program. The study was conducted in class C and D of Book Report Course. The researcher distributed the questionnaires in Book Report Course classes during the even semester of 2012/2013 academic year. It was on December 3rdand 6th, 2012. The participants needed around fifteen minutes to answer the questions in the questionnaires distributed. The researcher also interviewed the students and a lecturer at the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University.

C. Research Participants


generalization is made.” The reason of choosing the target population was accessibility, since it is located at the same faculty as the researcher’s.

In order to simplify the population, the researcher chose the sample of the study. The sample refers to “the small group that is observed” (Ary et al., 2006: p. 148). Considering the time limitation of the researcher, the researcher applied cluster sampling. The unit chosen of cluster sampling is not an individual but, rather, a group of individuals who are naturally together (Ary et al., 2006: p. 154). The researcher chose a group of individuals in the classrooms. There were two classes chosen; class C and D of Book Report Course. Class C consisted of 28 students and class D consisted of 29 students. To sum up, the participants consisted of 57 students in total.

The participants of the study were the students of the English Education Study Program who were taking Book Report Course in academic year 2012/2013. The researcher chose the students who were taking Book Report Course rather than those who had taken the course to avoid bias. The study conducted at the last meeting of Book Report Course in classes because the researcher considered that the students were having experiences in the process of teaching learning in the course.

The participants were involved in filling in the questionnaires. After filling in the questionnaires, the participants were interviewed. Two students of each class were chosen as representatives to be interviewed to complete the data deeply. They were chosen based on their positive and negative perception on


31 also a lecturer. Interviewing the lecturer was aimed to obtain the information of

Book Report Course and its class activities.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This section describes the research instruments employed in carrying out the study. The instruments were the questionnaires and the interviews. This section also describes the techniques of collecting the data in the study.

1. Instruments

There were two instruments being employed in this study. Those instruments were the questionnaires and the interviews. The instruments aim to gather the data of the reading problems faced by the students and the perception on Book Report Course.

a. Questionnaire


The researcher implemented closed and open-ended questions in the questionnaires. Closed and open-ended questions were used to ask the participants about reading problems and students’ perception on Book Report Course. Closed questions prescribe the range of responses from which the participants may choose (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2000: p. 248). It includes Likert Scales since it is quick to complete and straighforward to code. Likert Scales presents a set of statements about the topic and asks the participants whether they strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree towards the statements given in the questionnaires.

The researcher also implemented the open-ended questions in the questionnaires. “Open-ended questions are used when there are a great number of

possible answers or when the researcher cannot predict all the possible answer”

(Ary et al., 2006: p. 391). In the open-ended questions, the researcher asked about the problems faced by the students in the course and suggestion for Book Report Course. To help the researcher to conduct study, a questionnaire blueprint was made. Table 3.1 summarizes the questionnaire blueprint.

Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint

Types of

Question Part Features Theory

Item Numbers

Scaled-responses I.

Reading before taking Book Report Course.

Background experience (Wilson, 1963, as cited in Taschow, 1985)

1 – 3 Reading interest



Types of

Question Part Features Theory

Item Numbers


Motivation to read (Kempf and Lehrke, 1975, as

cited Taschow, 1985)

Scaled-responses II.

Reading in Book Report Course

Extensive reading (Tricia, 2000), (Urquhart & Weir,


1 – 4


II. Reading in Book

Report Course

Reading Skills (Erfort, 2013)

1 – 4 Previewing

(Mikulecky, 1990)

Guessing meaning from context (Langan, 1986)


Writing Reports and Oral Examination

Reading with oral and written report (Lado, 1964)

1 – 5 Summarizing and drawing

inferences (Mikulecky, 1990)


Students’ perception on

Book Report Course


(George and Jones, 2005) and (Altman et al, 1985)

1–14 Self-selected books

(Krashen, 1985, as cited in Mikulecky, 1990) Extensive reading (Nuttall, 1982, as cited in

Urquhart & Weir, 1998)

Drawing inferences (Mikulecky, 1990)

Reading habit (Gaona and Gonzalez, 2011)

Subject-matter-directed motivation (Kempf & Lehrke, 1975, as cited Taschow, 1985)

Academic reading (Gaona and Gonzalez, 2011)


The reading problems faced

by the students in the course


(Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998, as cited in Armbruster &

Osborn, 2002) 1 – 4 The background knowledge


Types of

Question Part Features Theory

Item Numbers

Reading Problems (Raygor & Raygor, 1985), Kustaryo (1988), (Erfort, 2013)


Reading interest (Taschow, 1985)

1 – 4 Time in reading (Deluccho et al,

1987, as cited in Ambruster & Osborn, 2002)


Extensive Reading (Krashen, 1985; Bamford & Day, 2004; Urquhart & Weir, 1998; Hedge, 2000; and Lado,


b. Interview

The second instrument employed in the study was interviews. The researcher used a survey interview. According to Gall, Gall, and Borg, a survey interview is to supplement data that have been collected from the questionnaires where in depth-interviewing cannot be carried out for all participants (2007: p. 244). Because of this, the researcher took some students to be interviewed. The interviews were used to deeply obtain the answers from the questionnaire of the students.


35 in a face-to-face setting, and recorded the answers (Ary et al., 2006: p. 380). To help the researcher to conduct the interview, the students’ interview blueprint was made as shown in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Students’ Interview Blueprint

Type of Questions Features Theory Item


Open-ended Questions and Personal Interview

Teaching learning activities in Book Report


Reading (Grabe &

Stoller, 2002) 1 – 6

Reading experience before and after taking

Book Report Course

Reading (Brown, 2004)

7 – 8 Reading interest

(Taschow, 1985)

Open-ended Questions and Personal Interview

Reading habit Reading Habit (Gaona &

Gonzalez, 2011) 9

Benefit of Book Report Course

Extensive Reading (Krashen, 1985; Bamford & Day, 2004;

Urquhart & Weir, 1998; Hedge, 2000;

and Lado, 1964)


Difficulties in reading novels

Reading Problems Pressley and Afflerbach

(1995) Kustaryo (1988)


Suggestion for Book

Report Course

Extensive Reading (Krashen, 1985; Bamford & Day, 2004;

Urquhart & Weir, 1998; Hedge, 2000;

and Lado, 1964)



responses. It was also a recorded interview. To help the researcher conducting the interview, a lecturer’s interview blueprint was made as shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 Lecturer’s Interview Blueprint

Type of Questions Features Theory Item


Open-ended Questions and Personal Interview

Classes of Book Report Course in academic year


Extensive Reading (Krashen, 1985; Bamford & Day, 2004; Urquhart & Weir, 1998; Hedge,

2000; and Lado, 1964).


Reasons of designing Book Report Course for the first

semester students


Teaching learning activities in Book Report



Problems faced by the students

Reading Problems (Raygor & Raygor, 1985; Kustaryo, 1988;

Erfort, 2013)


2. Data Gathering Technique

There were two ways of gathering the data of the study. The first technique in gathering the data of the study was distributing the questionnaires. The researcher distributed the questionnaires directly to the students of Book Report Course. The data gained from the questionnaires aimed to find out the reading problems faced by the students in the course and the students’ perception on Book Report Course. The participants filled in the questionnaires in the classes.


37 information of the problems. In conducting the interviews, the researcher recorded the respondents’ answers. The researcher also interviewed a lecturer of Book Report Course. The aim of interviewing the lecturer was to obtain information of

Book Report Course and its class activities.

E. Data Analysis Technique

The data gained from techniques previously discussed were expected to answer the questions of research problems. The data from the questionnaires were put in a table which consists of columns for statements and columns for the

students’ answers of degree of agreements (strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree). Since the study employed a qualitative research, thus some numeric data may be collected (Ary et al. (2006: p. 425). The researcher made a table of data analysis technique that results numeric data from the questionnaires.

Table 3.4 Data Analysis Technique

No. Statement Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%)

1. 2. Etc.


The numeric data of the students’ answers in the questionnaire were formulated

into percentage. The formula was as follows: x 100% Notes:


= the number of all students

After compiling the data from the students, the researcher analysed each statement of the questionnaires. It was intended to gain students perception on each item in the questionnaires. The results were converted in the percentage form. Then, the data from the interview with the students were transcribed in a written form. They were interpreted to complete the data from the questionnaires. Then, the data from lecturer’s interview was also interpreted in a written form.

F. Research Procedure

This section summarizes the steps in conducting the study. There were six steps according to Ary et al. (2006: p. 378). Those steps were planning, defining population, sampling, constructing instruments, conducting survey, and processing the data.

1. Planning

In this first step, the researcher formulated the research problems. There were two research problems in the study. The first was investigating problems faced by the students. The second was finding students’ perception on Book Report Course. The researcher also decided the review of related literature to the problems.

2. Defining Population


39 3. Sampling

Sampling is the third step of selecting the participants in the study. Due to the time limitation of the researcher, the researcher employed cluster sampling. The sample of the study was students in class C and D of Book Report Course in the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. The participants consisted of 57 students.

4. Constructing Instruments

The fourth step of conducting the study was constructing instruments. There were two instruments in the study, namely, the interviews and the questionnaires.

5. Conducting the Survey

After the instruments were prepared, they must be tested to determine whether those instruments would provide the desired data so that the researcher did a pilot test of the instruments. Then, the researcher asked for permission to

Book Report Course lecturer to conduct the study in her classes by giving a letter of permission which had been signed by the researcher’s advisor. There were three ways in conducting the survey including distributing the questionnaires, interviewing the students, and interviewing the lecturer.

a. Distributing Questionnaire

The first procedure of conducting the survey was distributing the questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed to Book Report Course


obtain the data of problems faced by the students and students’ perception on

Book Report Course.

b. Interviewing Book Report Course Students

Having distributed the questionnaires to Book Report Course students, the researcher interviewed the students. The interview was conducted to provide deeper information of the problems faced by the students and students’ perception on Book Report Course.

c. Interviewing Book Report Course Lecturer

In order to get the information and class activities of Book Report Course, the researcher interviewed a lecturer of Book Report Course. It aimed to complete the data of the study.

6. Processing the Data


o h

w answe r tha t they do no t retel l the story in the ora l examinaitons .

y ll a c i g o l o n o r h c

f o s tl u s e r e h t n i s t n e m e t a t s e v if f o s i s y l a n a e h t n o d e s a

B the

e ri a n n o it s e u

q s , i t can be concluded tha t mos t o f the student s ifnish the s

t n e m n g i s s

a completely .Theyalway smakethewirttenr epo trswtiht hesummary l

e v o n h c a e f

o becauset hew irttenr epo tr shelpt hemt ounderstandt hesto ire .s The n

a c o s l a s t n e d u t

s retel l the story in the ora l examinaitons chronologically . g

n i o d y o j n e n a c y e h t ,r e v o e r o

M theora lexaminaitons .


4 Students ’Percep itononClas sAcitviite si nBookRepor tCourse

n o it p e c r e p ’ s t n e d u t s e h t s e s s u c s i d n o it c e s b u s s i h

T on Book Repor t

e s r u o

C .The students ’percepiton wa sabou texpeirence in reading fou rEngilsh n

i s l e v o

n BookRepor tCourse.

o n o it p e c r e P s t n e d u t S 4 . 4 e l b a

T nReadingNovelsi nBookRepor tCourse

(SeeappendixE ) e h t s i g n i d a e

R m ainacitv tiyi nBookRepor tCourse intheELESPSanata .

y ti s r e v i n U a m r a h

D Taking Book Repor tCourse in one semester ,the student s .


N Statements SA( %) A( A%g)reemDen( %t ) SD( %)


1 nIo tviel s n.secessary to read simpilifed 3 5 5 9.6 5 .3 -


2 nIo tviel s.snecessary to read oirgina l 1 7.5 6 4.9 1 7.5 -


3 Tnohveelps. aritcipants enjoy reading the 2 2.8 6 6.7 8 .8 1 .8


4 Ritmeaed.ing the novel si sno twasitng 2 2.8 5 7.9 1 7.5 1 .8



. e s r u o C t r o p e R k o o B g n i k a t r e tf a s t x e t h s il g n E g n i d a e r e m it r i e h t d n e p s s t n e d u t s

t s n a e m t

I ha tBook Repor tCoursebulids r eading habtif ormaiton f ort heEngilsh .




In this chapter, the writer draws conclusions and proposes some suggestions. There are two important points presented in conclusions. The suggestions are intended for the lecturers, students, and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

There are two conclusions based on the research findings and discussion in the previous chapter. First, based on the discussion of reading problems faced by the students in Book Report Course, the problems arise because reading English novels is a new experience for the majority of Book Report Course

students. There are four reading problems faced by Book Report Course students. Those reading problems are lack of prior knowledge of English vocabulary, low reading interest, lack of understanding of English grammar, and personal problems. The personal problems consist of the difficulty in managing time to read and low motivation in consulting the meaning of vocabulary to the dictionary.


73 The assignments are reading the novels, making the written reports, and doing the oral examinations. In reading English simplified/abridged and original/unabridged novels in Book Report Course, the students preview the novels before they begin to read. If they find unknown English words, they tend to skip the words and guess the meanings. They prefer to have a silent reading to an oral reading. The students also finish reading the whole story of the novels. It means that they

students do not read others’ summary of the stories. The students make the written reports completely based on the form of the written reports given by the lecturer. They also can write summary of the story with their own words. Besides, the students can also retell the story in the oral examinations.

The researcher finds out that the students have a positive perception on reading activity in Book Report Course. The students enjoy reading both simplified/abridged and original/unabridged novels. Reading the novels is not wasting time but it is useful for them. Reading four novels in one semester is not too many for the students. Besides, they get benefits through Book Report Course. The students get many new English vocabularies in reading the novels. Some of the students become interested in reading English novels. The students can also speak English more fluent because they practice speaking through oral examinations in Book Report Course. In conclusion, reading English novels in


B. Suggestions

Based on the findings, there are some suggestions intended for the lecturers, the students, and future researchers.

1. For Lecturers of Book Report Course in the English Language Education Study Program

The researcher has some suggestions for the lecturers to improve Book Report Course. Since the students face some reading problems, the lecturers can give feedback to the students. The feedback can be both general and personal. It can be given in the meetings in the classroom of Book Report Course. In the meetings, the lecturers can give motivation and suggestions for the students. By giving the feedback in the classrooms, the students also can learn from their

friends’ mistakes. It also can help the students who have difficulties in reading or understanding the novels, making the written reports, or doing oral examinations. Besides, the lecturers can add the recommended novels so that the students can read many varieties of novels.

2. For Students of Book Report Course


75 the vocabulary and understand grammar. For the students who are not interested in reading, they can choose the novels or books which are simple and appropriate to the ability or the topic that they are interested in. The personal problem which is related to managing reading time, the students should make priority of the important assignments so that they can finish each assignment on time. The suggestion also gives for the students to consult the meaning of vocabulary in the dictionary. In making the written reports, the students should avoid plagiarism because the important thing is not the result but the process of learning in Book Report Course. It is the same as the oral examinations. The oral examinations are the chance for the first semester students to practice speaking in English. It is therefore needed for the students to practice and discuss with their friends so that in oral examinations they can speak fluently.

3. For Future Researchers


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The study is conducted by Yasinta Retnaningrum, student from semester seven of the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Sanata Dharma University with student number 091214093. The researcher is conducting

a study about students’ perception on Book Report Course in ELESP Sanata Dharma University. Your voluntary participation in this questionnaire is required in order to obtain more data which are important for the finding of the study. Your responses will be kept confidentially. Therefore, your name and your cell phone number will not be recorded and your response will remain anonymous. Thanks for your voluntary participation.

Yogyakarta, 3rd December 2012 Personal Identity

1. Name :

2. Sex : Male Female

3. Class :

4. Phone number :

A. Answer these statements below by giving a tick (v) in each statement. Degree of agreement:

SA : strongly agree A : agree


No. Statement SA A D SD I. Reading Before Taking Book Report Course

1. I like to read in my spare time.

2. I read English texts for entertainment. 3. I read English texts for academic purposes.

4. Before I take Book Report Course, I read something that is related to my study.


Before I take Book Report Course, I read something that is not related to my study.

II. Reading in Book Report Course

1. I read title, table of content, theme, etc. of the novels before read.

2. I skip the unknown words and guess the meaning. 3. I prefer silent reading to oral reading.

4. I read all of the content of the novels not the summary.

III. Writing Report and Oral Examination in Book Report Course 1. I always fill the written report completely.

2. The written report helps me to understand the story of the novel.

3. I can write the summary with my own words of each novel chronologically.

4. I enjoy doing the oral examination.

5. I can retell the story of each novel in oral examination chronologically.

6. I can retell the story of each novel in oral examination fluently.



No. Statement SA A D SD

4. Reading the novels is not wasting my time.

5. Reading four novels in one semester is not too many. 6.

Having taken Book Report, I understand the story of each novel well.


Having taken Book Report Course, I understand English text easily.


Having taken Book Report Course, I get new English vocabulary.


By reading the novels, I can find moral values and connect it with my personal life.

10. Having taken Book Report Course, I can speak English fluently. 11. After having taken Book Report Course, I am interested in reading English novels. 12. After having taken Book Report Course, I read

something that is related to my study.

13. After having taken Book Report Course, I read something that is not related to my study.


B. Answer the question below based on your experiences in Book Report Course.

1. What is (are) your difficulty (ies) in Book Report Course?

___________________________________________________________ 2. In your opinion, why do you have that difficulty (ies)?

___________________________________________________________ 3. How do you solve your problem/difficulty in Book Report Course?

___________________________________________________________ 4. What is your suggestion to improve Book Report Course?








1. Apa pendapat Anda tentang aktivitas belajar mengajar di kelas Book Report? 2. Apa pendapat Anda tentang written report dan oral examination di kelas Book


3. Apakah Anda tahu tujuan kelas Book Report? 4. Kalau tahu, apa tujuan dari kelas Book Report?

5. Menurut pendapat Anda, apakah aktivitas belajar mengajar di kelas Book Report sudah mencapai tujuan dari kelas Book Report?

6. Kalau iya/tidak, mengapa?

7. Sebelum mengikuti kelas Book Report, apakah Anda suka membaca novel atau buku ber-Bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

8. Setelah mengikuti kelas Book Report, apakah Anda suka membaca novel atau buku ber-Bahasa Inggris? Mengapa?

9. Menurut pendapat Anda, apakah kelas Book Report memengaruhi kebiasaan membaca Anda? Mengapa?

10. Apakah Anda mendapatkan manfaat dari kelas Book Report? Jelaskan!

11. Apakah Anda mengalami kesulitan saat mengikuti kelas Book Report? Jelaskan!








1. How many classes of Book Report Course were opened in 2012? 2. Why is Book Report Course taken in the 1st semester?

3. How does teaching-learning activities in Book Report Course? 4. Do you find any problems from the students when they are doing





Lesson Unit Plan of Book Report



Results of Closed-Questions in



SA : strongly agree A : agree

SD : strongly disagree D : disagree

Part 1. The following statements are about reading before taking Book Report Course

Part II. The following statements are about reading in Book Report Course

No. Statements Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%) 1. I read title, table of content, theme,

etc. of the novels before read. 47.4 43.8 5.3 1.8 2. I skip the unknown words and guess

the meaning. 35 33.3 24.6 7

3. I prefer silent reading to oral reading. 28 57.9 10.5 1.8 4. I read all of the content of the novels

not the summary. 45.6 43.8 7 -

No. Statement Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%) 1. I like to read in my spare time. 24.6 59.6 15.8 - 2.

Before I take Book Report Course, I

read English texts for entertainment. 14 57.9 24.6 3.5


Before I take Book Report Course, I read English texts for academic


Part III. The following statements are about writing reports and oral examination in Book Report Course

No. Statements Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%) 1. I always fill the written report

completely. 36.8 52.6 10.5 -

2. The written report helps me to

understand the story of the novel. 38.6 52.6 8.8 - 3. I can write the summary with my own

words of each novel chronologically. 38.6 54.4 7 - 4. I enjoy doing the oral examination. 29.8 57.9 10.5 1.8 5.

I can retell the story of each novel in

oral examination chronologically. 19.3 70.2 10.5 -

Part IV. The following statements are about students’ perception on Book

Report Course

No. Statements

Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%) 1. It is necessary to read simplified

novels. 35 59.6 5.3 -

2. It is necessary to read original novels. 17.5 64.9 17.5 - 3. I enjoy reading the novels. 22.8 66.7 8.8 1.8 4. Reading the novels is not wasting my

time. 22.8 57.9 17.5 1.8

5. Reading four novels in one semester is

not too many. 21 43.9 26.3 7


Having taken Book Report, I understand the story of each novel well.

24.6 63.2 8.8 1.8

7. Having taken Book Report Course, I understand English text easily. 22.8 33.3 42.1 - 8. Having taken Book Report Course, I get new English vocabulary. 56.1 38.6 3.5 1.8


By reading the novels, I can find moral values and connect it with my



No. Statements Degree of Agreement

SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%) 10. Having taken Book Report Course, I

can speak English fluently. 12.3 71.9 14 -


After having taken Book Report Course, I am interested in reading English novels.

15.8 61.4 21 -


After having taken Book Report Course, I read something that is related to my study.

17.5 70.2 10.5 -


After having taken Book Report Course, I read something that is not related to my study.

7 52.6 33.3 5.3

14. After having taken Book Report



Results of Open-Questions in





1 2 3 4


The difficulty in reading novels in BRC is some new vocabularies to understand the story.

Because my grammar is rather bad and

I don’t like


Study hard for grammar.



The difficulties are finding the meaning of each word and finding the time to read the novels.

I never read the English novel before.

I try to find the difficult words and then continue read it.



There are a lot of new words or vocabularies. It makes us difficult to understand the story in the novels.

Sometimes I feel bored when reading the novels

because it’s

hard to me know the word mean.

Keep practicing and reading.

Keep practicing.


The used language especially for original novels. The language was very classic and old and sometimes it was

difficult to


Because at

first I didn’t

read text, especially novels in English. But

now it’s quite

interesting for me.

Sharing with others, search for more information on the internet, but not

completely copying it.



Actually, there aren’t

difficulties/problems in reading novels because my hobby is reading novels. But when I read the novels, I always bring my dictionary because sometimes I

didn’t know the

meaning of a few

words in the novel’s

word. Then, after I finished to read

- - Write the

vocabulary that we



novel, I always

checked and

compared the

summary with my

friends. That’s why I

need to re-read again the novels before I did oral test.


Of course I have some problems. The 1st problem is when I found some difficult words and I

didn’t know what’s

the meaning. I had to search the meaning in dictionary.

2nd problem is if the

novel has

complicated story. I had to remember and sometimes read again again and again what the last

past that I’ve done

before I continue to read the next part of the novel, because I

can’t read it in one


Because I never like do like this before.

Try again and practice.



The problem is when there are words that I

didn’t know before.

- - -


New words, so

sometimes I don’t

know the meaning.

Because sometimes I feel bored to read English novel.

More spend times to read English novels, magazine, etc.



Actually reading novel is a fun activity and I like to do it. But sometimes

I many many

difficult words. At the first, I try to find

Because my English is not fluently to speak. But actually I know the story of the

Practice speaking English and improve my vocabulary.


98 the meaning of the

word, and in the end I realize that there are many words I

can’t understand. So

I choose to postpone reading.



My problem is that there are some

vocabularies I don’t

understand the meaning, so I have to

look up the

dictionary and continue reading.

Because sometimes the word in the novel so difficult.

I have to read a lot.



First, that was the first time for me so I had to read well and know about the novel. Second, I have to look for some strange idioms to really know about that. Third, I think the time is too short but then I fortunately can do it on time. So

far, I think it’s

possible to do if I really take care of it.

The first

readon is I’m

not interested in reading. Some words are new so I have to search it although this condition really help me more good in English but it makes me bored sometimes.

I discuss my difficulties with my friends. Retell it to them and really try to know what the novel tell us actually.

I think all is good.


My difficulties are the time when I find new vocabularies thus I need to open my holy bible. The time when I find some idioms.

- Read more




Sometimess it’s hard to figure out the meaning of some new words and understand the story especially the book that I haven’t known.

Because reading novel is my new experience especially I have to read classic story.

I ask some friends to help me.


will be easier.


I think the problems when I read the

novels is that I can’t

understand the meaning of some difficult words in the novels.

Finding the meaning.

Open the dictionary.

Usually read English texts and share with senior.


Maybe, finding difficult words. I need to spend my time to read novels.

I don’t have

enough vocabulary to understand ever word in the novel.

Check the word in the dictionary or Google Translate.



Sometimes when I read the book I have some difficult words to understand about the meaning of a sentence.

Vocabulary and deciding the main characters and they have the main parts of the story. I am confused to choose three of them.

I think that

I’m not really

good at English.

By forcing myself as hard as I can.



My diffuculties are understanding the new words or sentences in the novels and time management for reading novels.

Because I

don’t read

hard yet.

I will read it carefully.

If you

don’t know


meaning of some words, you can guess by read it.


I think the problems are vocabulary that

we don’t really know and the main idea of

the novels.

Sometimes we have our own idea about the novels.

- - I think



sometimes I can’t

imagine the story

and I can’t

understand what the author means and

may be I can’t

understand the meaning of some difficult words when reading novels.


understand the novel.

novel again before the oral test.


There are some vocabularies that I

don’t know so I can’t

understand easily without dictionary.

- Ask my


Enjoy your reading.


About new

vocabularies. It makes me confused

if I can’t find the

meaning in


Because I

can’t read the

novels clearly.

Keep read the English novels more and more.



Maybe my problem

because I don’t like

to read stories.

Because I


understand the




A lot of new words and old-fashioned words. Those words make me think harder especially to find the suitable meaning.

- By reading

the more than one time.

If you

don’t know


meaning of new words, you can guess by reading it. 24

My problem is the

meaning of


Because I have find much new words.

I read twice. -


Reading novels is boring activity for me.

Because I still start my process to learn English.

I will study English more especially to learn

vocabulary. -


Many new words

that I don’t

understand from the

Because my vocab is still a little/ I just

Just read it and try to get the meaning.


novel. Some novels make me difficult to understand the character of the novels because some

of them don’t

explain clearly.

have a little vocab.


There are so many

new words,

sometimes I can’t understand some parts of the novel because literature language is very different with English daily language.

Because I need to understand the novel.

Learn more about grammar, vocab.

Be better.


No reading


I don’t wanna

looking for the meaning of each

hard/unknown words.

- Option of

the books. The interesting old story.


The problems are vocabulary and I

don’t like to read.

Because I


understanding the story in well.

More know about a lot of words to finding the meaning.



I’m not interested in


Some words are difficult to understand.

Open dictionary while reading the novels.

May be we can add more times for class and to tell about our difficulty and get feedback from the lecturer. 31

Finding the meaning of words.

I’m not really

like reading a lot of texts.

Read carefully, slowly, step by step.

More choices of novels.


Vocabulary and understanding of the story.

Because it is my first time to really read

I open the dictionary and guess the

I think it’s


102 English




I don’t really

understand the story

and some


Because I have not a lot of

vocabularies so I have difficulty in finding the meaning.

I try to add my

vocabularies by reading some good books.



My difficulty is vocabulary.

Because i have not a lot of


I have to more study and more practice English than now.



Understanding the story, finding the meaning.

Because my vocabulary is poor.

I search the new words in the


Give us more novels.


My difficulties are vocabulary and understanding the story.

Because sometime, I

didn’t know

the meaning of some words.

Open dictionary, ask some friends or read again and guess the meaning.



Answering the question in oral test.

Because I’m

not really understand to speak in English.

I always learn to improve my English.



Reading the story, understand the story, and vocabulary.

My grammar is so poor.

Open dictionary.



My difficulty is vocabulary.

Because I’m

not interested in reading. I need more practice in reading novel.

I read something that I like. I choose novel that interest for me.

Make us interesting in reading books. May be give us some tips. 40 I’m not interested in

reading novel.

Confused Read, read, read!!

Go ahead. 41 Sometimes I didn’t

understand the story.

Because Book Report is a

I try to read the novel


Table 3.1 Questionnaire Blueprint
Table 3.2 Students’ Interview Blueprint
Table 3.3 Lecturer’s Interview Blueprint
table of data analysis technique that results numeric data from the questionnaires.


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