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TEACHING VOCABULARY USING DRINK PACKAGE AT THE FOURTH YEAR OF SD NEGERI 1 KREBET Teaching Vocabulary Using Drink Package For The Fourth Grade Students Of SD Negeri 1 Krebet Masaran Sragen In 2012/2013 Academic Year.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education

in English Department









Fradha Dhamara Widhi Nugraha A320090104


In this study aimed is teaching vocabulary using drink package. The samples of this study are fourth year of SD Negeri 1 Krebet Masaran Sragen in 2012/2013 academic year. To take the samples, the writer use teacher’s role, learner’s role, and classroom activity. The writer also give the pre-test and post-test to know how far the students can achieve the target vocabulary using drink

package. The writer took one classes for this research, each class consist 40 students. The result of this study that is by using drink package the students can achieve the target vocabulary well. So with drink package is more effective than just using a handbook.

Key words: Vocabulary, Drink Package



expected that the teacher will be able to motivate them to learn and pay attention to the material, so the student will not get bored.


The data of this research are in the form of information related to teaching learning process of vocabulary, teaching method used by the teacher and all information taken from the document. And the data also taken from two kinds of test: pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is held before the teacher teaches new material by using drink packages. Teachers give a test to the students by taking the previous material. Post-test is given in order to know the ability of the student after getting the material finally the score obtained from the post-test are analyzed.

The data sources are: 1. Event

That is the teaching learning process vocabulary used by the teacher in teaching vocabulary in the class

2. Informant

They are the teachers and the students of SD N 1 Krebet Masaran Sragen at the fourth grade

3. Document

That is writing material including the result of observation and the result of interview. The forms documents are lesson plan, material, test result and media.

There are three methods of collecting data: 1. Conducting Observation

The research observes all of the students’ activities during the teaching learning process using drink package.

2. Interviewing

The writer interviewed the teacher in order to get information about the difficulties of students in teaching vocabulary.

3. Analyzing Document



The followings are the procedures of teaching concrete nouns using visual aid, suggested by Allen (1983:34-35).

1. Teaching Implementation a. Instructional Design

The process of teaching implementation there are pre-activities, post-activities and conclusion.

1) Pre-activities.

In the pre-activities the teacher prepares some drink packages that will be thought on that day and the materials word. there are 20 words about colors. There are 31words about fruits. There are 4 words about taste. There are 5 words about things related composition. There are 10 words about things related to how to prepare that they know in Indonesian. Thus, total of all words are 70.


In the post-activities the writer has four meetings, there are: Meeting 1 : Pre-test

The first meeting has been conducted on May 7, 2013.

As warming up, the writer gives the pre-test to the student. The writer uses the pre-test in the form of multiple choices. The test consists of 30 vocabulary items. The pre-test can be seen in appendix 2.

Meeting 2 : The materials are colors.


Meeting 3 : The materials are fruits.

The third meeting has been implemented on May 21, 2013. It discusses fruits. The fruits include pineapple, melon, watermelon, grape, orange, lime, apple, lemon, strawberry, durian, rambutan, mango, guava, peer, avocado, banana, star fruit. Drink packages are used to illustrate and describe the object. Here, the writer shows a lot of drink packages and the students are asked to pay attention on the words in English and they are asked to mention in Indonesian, after getting the correct answer, the writer says in English and he asks to the students to repeat it.

Meeting 4 : The materials are taste and things related to composition.

The fourth meeting was on May 28, 2013. There are eight words, for instance: bitter, sweet, sour, strawberry powder, sugar, chocolate powder, milk powder, mango flavor, etc. its activity is the same as the previous meeting above. Except about the tastes, the students should try and feel the contents of drink packs.

2) Conclusion.

After finishing teaching the all words, the writer implements the post test. The post-test is in the form of multiple choices, it consist of 30 vocabulary items.

b. ClassroomManagement

The classroom management can be described as follows:


There are advantages in orderly rows, the teacher has a clear view of all the students and the students can all see the teacher, this arrangement makes lecturing easy (enabling the teacher to maintain eye contact with students), besides, this arrangement is suited this kinds of organization, such as: explaining a grammar point, watching video, using a board, demonstrating the text, object, etc.

2) The students should be silent and listen when the teacher teaching. 3) The students are asked to repeat and to write into their books what the

teacher says.

4) The teacher teaches the students how to pronounce and to write the words correctly.

c. Procedures

In these procedures, the writer discusses the teacher’s role, the learner’s role and the classroom activities. To make clearly, the writer explains one by one.

1) The Teacher’s Role

In teaching vocabulary using drink packages the teacher has several roles, they are:


(1) Drink Packages

The teacher uses the drink packages such as “Pop Ice” packages to write the object of material. Besides, it will be easy for the teacher to hold and to describe it.

(2) Showing the Drink Packages

To explain the material the teacher orders the student to bring drink packages such as: “Pop Ice” packages, “Jas Jus” packages, etc. the teacher writes and explains some words written in the drink packages to the blackboard to make clear the understanding of the students.

b) The teacher as the monitor. It means that the teacher should pay attention both pronunciation and the written words which are written by the students.

c) The teacher as the model or example. The teacher show and read the material on the drink packages in correct pronunciation. d) The teacher keeps interaction between the teacher and the learner.

So, the teaching and learning process can run well. 2) The Learner’s Role

In the learning process, the learner has many roles. The role are as follows:

a) The learners are as listeners. It means that the learners listen and attend when the teacher is reading and explaining the drink packages to them.

b) The learners are as the performer. It concerns with instruction that are given by the teacher, for instances:

(1) The teacher asks the learners to answer the question.

(2) The teacher asks the learners to write the difficult words on the white or blackboard.

(3) The teacher asks the learners to imitate the teacher says. (4) The teacher asks them to discuss the vocabulary with their


3) In the teaching learning process, several points of activities can be described in Engage, Study, and Activate.

a) Engage

In the first element is the point in a teaching sequence where teachers try to arouse the students’ interest and involve their emotions to the materials, which will be taught. For example, the teacher gives the questions of story what relates to they do. In this session, the teacher describes his activity as follows:

Firstly, before giving the materials on the first meeting the students are asked to bring the drink packages. The teacher starts by walking into the classroom and he gives the greeting to the students. For example: (the teacher says “Good morning” to the students, because in teaching learning process is done on 10 AM). It is not the first time when he meets them, so he tells them his name and address again. He also asks the students to tell their names, after getting the teacher uses the materials. For example, in the first meeting the teacher uses the material about the colors. As warming up, the teacher points one of them to mention the thing related the colors that they know in Indonesian. For example:

Teacher : Niko, please mention the thing related to the colors in Indonesia!

(The teacher points to Niko and asks his to answer it in Indonesia)

Niko : merah, putih, hitam, biru, hijau, coklat, ungu, kuning, coklat. (Niko answers it)


b) Study

This second session is the point in a teaching and learning where the students are asked to focus on materials. The students can discuss the material with their friends or in a group; they can study grammar for themselves. But whatever the style, study means any stages at which the construction of language is the main focus. In this element, the teacher describes his activity as follows after getting the right answer, the teacher gives the materials about things around composition; sugar, chocolate powder, milk powder, etc.

The teacher presents the materials above using drink packages manages all drink packages upside down, so the students do not know yet what are the drink packages. Then, he reads a word and asks them to answer to Indonesian what is on the drink packages, for examples:

Teacher : What is “sugar”? Please, answer in Indonesian. (The teacher writes in the blackboard)

Students : “gula”

(The students answer in Indonesian)

After getting the right answer, the teacher reads drink packages checking up the written vocabulary and he says the object drawn on the dink packages in English and ask them to repeat it several times until they can pronounce the words correctly, for examples:

Teacher : It is a sugar?

(The teacher writes and says a sugar drawn on the blackboard in English)

Students : It is a sugar.


Students : It is sugar.

(The students do so)

After repeating several times and getting the correct pronunciation, the teacher asks them to write it on their book and it is necessary that he could write it on the blackboard and to make them active, he gives 2 minutes to discuss the object with their friends. After discussing the object with their friends, they are asked to close their book and he points one of them forward to clean the blackboard.

c) Activate

The third session describes exercise and does some activities that are designed by the teacher for the students. In this activity, the teacher can describe the activity as follows; the teacher writes all the words on the blackboard and after they memorize the words one by one the words on the blackboard is abolished by the teacher for examples;

Teacher : Sugar?

(The teacher shows to one word in the blackboard and the students’ answer)

Student : “gula”.

(Wulan answer it)

Besides the teacher also points one of them to come forward to write it for examples;

Teacher : What is “gula”, Lin?

(The teacher ask one the student while abolish the word in English)

Student : “gula” in English is sugar (answer Merlin).


write the answer from the teacher’s questions. The students were not allowed to open their book, they should work it without discussing with their friends.

B. Discussion

To know what the teaching vocabulary using drink packages is successful or not, the writer compares between the result of pre-test and post-test. This comparison can be seen on the table as follows:





Allen, Virginia. 1986. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary. London. Oxford University Press.

Brown, H. Douglas. 1994. Principle of Languages Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: Prentice Hall Regents.

Fauziaty, Endang. 2002. Teaching of English as Foreign Language. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press.

Khusniah, Ifha. (2002). Teaching Vocabulary Using Flashcard at Elementary School in 2001/2002. A Thesis (unpublished). Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

Lemke, JL. 1989. Using Language in the Classroom. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. New York. Mc Graw-Hill Contemporary

Scott, A.W; Yetleberg, H.L. 1990. Teaching English to Children. England: Longman Group.



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