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The influence of father-son relationship on Philip Dill`s Life as reflected in James Courage`s A Way Of Love.


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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Delfina Dhae

Student Number: 051214131









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Delfina Dhae

Student Number: 051214131






I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those citied in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, April 23, 2010

The Writer,




Yang bertandatangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:| Nama : Maria Delfina Dhae

Nomor Mahasiswa :051214131

Demi Pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada perpustakaan Universitas Santa Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

The Influence of Father-Son Relationship

In Philip Dill’s Life as Reflected

In James Courage’s

A Way of Love

Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (jika ada). Dengan memberikan hak kepada perpustakaan Universitas Santa Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalikan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolakan dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya secar terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa meminta izin pada saya atau meminta royalti kepada saya selama mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarmya, Yogyakrta April 23, 2010



First of all, I would like to give my deepest gratitude to Jesus Christ for His great blessing, spirit, and motivation during my thesis writing. I am thankful to him for giving me this beautiful life. Nothing can replace those graces.

I sincerely thank and appreciate my sponsor, Drs. L. Bambang Hendarto, M. Hum, for his guidance and support so that I could finally finish my thesis. I am so thankful for his patience and suggestion during my thesis writing. I also thank Father Lucianus Harjanto, SJ, SS, BST and Yuseva Aryani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed., for their willingness to provide their valuable time to be my language consultants.

I would like to thank all PBI lectures who are very patient and caring in guiding me during my period of learning in PBI. I have learnt many things from them. I would like to thank them for the greatest contribution they have given me.


My gratitude is also addressed to Budi for his love, support, and presence during my thesis writing. I thank him for being patient with me whenever I felt upset and for his love, which never ends to me. Lots of thanks go to him for encouraging me in writing my thesis.

My special thanks also go to my lovely best friends, Mimi, Endah, Jojo, Rista, Taty, Dek mimi, Vana, and Nita for the laughter and tears which have made me lively. I thank them for being nicefriends who always supported me during my thesis writing. I am very lucky to have best friends like them who always help me when I am in trouble. I am very grateful for our wonderful friendship.

I would like to thank Ruma, Ari, kak Ella, Jati, Wuri, Ika, Anis, Nancy, Ophi, Dita, my friends in Maria Carmel Colombo Choir, my friends at KKN, my friends at FKPMKS, and all of my friends at PBI who cannot mentioned here. I am very

thankful for the sweet moments that we have been through.

Last but not least, I would like to thank people whom I cannot mention one by one, who always give their best supports and helps to me. I am so thankful for the wonderful prayers that they have given to me.










ABSTRACT………. . xi

ABSTRAK………... xii


A. Background of the Study………. 1

B. Problem Formulation………... 4

C. Objectives of the Study……… 4

D. Benefits of the Study……… 4

E. Definition of Terms……….. 5


A. Review of Related Theory……… 7


2. Characterization……….... 10

3. Critical Approach………. 13

4. Parental Role………. 13

5. Homosexuality……….. 17

B. Theoretical Framework………. 20


A. Object of the Study………... 22

B. Approach of the Study………... 23

C. Steps of the Study………. 24


A. The Relationship between Philip and his father………26

B. The Influence of the Relationship between Philip and His father On Philip Dill’s life……….. 29

1. on Philip’s Desire for a Figure of a Father... 29

2. on Philip’s Attitude………. 32

a. Awkward... 33

b. Timid... 35

c. Dependent………... 38



A. Conclusions………... 45

B. Suggestions………... 48

1. Suggestion for Future Researchers………... 48

2. Suggestion for Teaching Learning Process………... 49



Appendix A: The Summary of A Way of Love………. 54

Appendix B: Bibliography of James Courage………57

Appendix C: The cover of A Way of Love………63

Appendix D: Lesson Plan………. 64



Dhae, Maria Delfina. 2010. The Influence of Father-Son Relationship On Philip Dill’s Life as Reflected In James Courage’s A Way of Love. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Department of Language and Arts Education, Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

This study discusses the particular case on James Courage’s A Way of Love. The focus of this study is to analyze the life of a 25-year-old man named Philip Dill. In his childhood, Philip Dill is very close with his father. Philip Dill always involves himself in every activity that his father does. He always spends his time with his father. This close relationship causes Philip Dill face problems in his later life like on his desire to search for a figure of a father, on his attitudes and on his sexual life. He even decides to make a serious relationship with a male figure.

The aims of this study are to reveal a description of the relationship between Philip Dill and his father and analyze how this relationship can affect Philip Dill’s life. To achieve the goal, the psychological approach is applied to analyze the psychological aspects related to human attitude and the influence of parents in child’s attitude and sexual life. Two sources are used to complete the data. The first source is James Courage’s A Way of Love, while the second source derives from library books, which are related to the issue. This study uses theory of character and characterization to identify the main character and to describe the characteristics of the main character. Theory of parental role and homosexual are also used to identify the influence of father-son relationship on the son’s life.

Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the relationship between Philip Dill and his father gives some influences on Philip Dill’s life. This close relationship is engraved in Philip’s heart. He loves and admires his father so much because of this relationship. His father even becomes the best figure in his heart. It makes Philip not easy to release his feeling about his father. When his father dies, he is not ready yet to stand on his strength. It makes him search for a figure like his father. Then, finally, he finds Bruce Quantock, who can treat him like what his father has done to him. Philip Dill’s relationship with his father also gives impact on Philip’s attitudes. He becomes an awkward person, who is always confused about his own feeling. He also becomes a person who is afraid to socialize, and becomes a dependent person. The relationship is also the basic reason why he becomes a homosexual.



Dhae, Maria Delfina. 2010. The Influence of Father-Son Relationship On Philip Dill’s Life as Reflected In James Courage’s A Way of Love. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanatha Dharma.

Studi ini mendiskusikan masalah tertentu yang bersumber dari sebuah buku karangan James Courage yang berjudul A Way of Love. Fokus dari studi ini adalah menganalisa masalah di dalam kehidupan seorang pria berumur 25 tahun bernama Philip Dill. Pada masa kecilnya, Philip Dill sangat dekat dengan ayahnya. Philip selalu melibatkan dirinya dalam setiap aktivitas yang ayahnya lakukan. Dia selalu menghabiskan waktunya bersama ayahnya. Hubungan ini menyebabkan Philip Dill menghadapi masalah pada kehidupannya di kemudian hari seperti pada keinginan untuk mencari sosok seorang ayah, pada tingkah lakunya dan pada kehidupan seksualnya. Dia bahkan memutuskan untuk berhubungan serius dengan figur seorang pria.

Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menunjukan sebuah gambaran tentang hubungan Philip Dill dengan ayahnya dan meneliti bagaimana hubungan ini mempengaruhi kehidupan Philip. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, pendekatan psikologi diterapkan untuk menganalisa aspek psikologi yang berkaitan dengan tingkah laku manusia dan pengaruh orang tua dalam tingkah laku anak dan kehidupan seksualnya. Dua buah sumber digunakan untuk melengkapi data. Sumber pertama merupakan novel A Way of Love yang dikarang oleh James Courage, sedangkan sumber kedua berasal dari buku-buku kesusateraan yang berkaitan dengan isu. Studi ini menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan untuk menentukan tokoh utama dan mendesrkripsikan karaker tokoh utama tersebut. Teori analisis peran orang tua dan teori homosexual juga digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh hubungan orang tua dengan anak terhadap kehidupan sang anak.


sendiri. Ia juga menjadi orang yang takut untuk bersosialisasi serta menjadi orang yang tidak mandiri.. Hubungan itu juga merupakan alasan dasar mengapa Philip menjadi seorang homosexual.




This chapter is divided into five parts. The first part is background of the study that describes the reason for conducting the study. The second part is problem formulation that consists of the problem that will be analyzed in this study. The third part explains objectives of study. The fourth part describes benefits of study and the last part concerns with the definition of terms.

A. Background of Study

Nowadays, parents are confused about the behavior of their children when the children have grown up. Some of them do not realize that the fact of growth they have seen occurring on their children is the result of their involvement as the parents. Parents take an important role in the growth of their children. As we know, since the first quarter lives of a child, his father and mother have already provided environments and experiences, which will be applied by the child in order to live productively (Bid 29).

Parent‟s involvement is very important in children‟s life. The relationship

between parents and their children creates a particular influence on the children. A child needs some supporting actions from the parents to grow as a person. A father


grow up as person of a value (Bid 36). A father teaches his son and investigates his expectations and a mother tries to examine the things needed by her daughter to be a girl. A father will present emotionally as well as physically to be an example to see and so will a mother. When the needs of the son and daughter have been fulfilled, they will try to keep their relationship with their parents in order to fulfill their sexual identity. That relationship then develops continually and influences their life (Bid 36).

Today, many cases have happened related to that issue. One of the cases relates with the relationship between a father and a son. Many fathers do not recognize that their attachment to the son such as close guidance and control give impacts to the son because the psychological development of the son as a man is developed based on the relationship between his father and him (Sanford and Lough 187). The relationship has an impact on the son in the process of his growth as a human. The son has a need

required by that relationship. It can either encourage or discourage father‟s

involvement (Marsinglio 16). However, father‟s involvement can give bad effect if it

is done excessively. A dedicated father who lives only for his son will make the son be as disastrous as a neglected child (Bid 51).

A Way of Love by James Courage is one of the novels which portray the


his father dominate his life so much since his childhood. They always do some activities together. His father seems to say what he should do and control his activity. This relationship has a major impact on his life. It makes him tend to become a

defensive young man because he used to rely on his father‟s command. He is not

confident to do things in his life because his father is used to control him. He always

remembers his father all the time. His father‟s absence makes him turn out to be a

confusing person especially to determine his life goals. His grief on his father‟s death makes him turn to look for another figure or idol as his father to help him in his maturity.

In this confounding process, he meets Bruce Quantock, a forty- nine- year-old bachelor who works as an architect in London and has lived as a homosexual for a long time. Philip likes him and later starts to make a relationship with Bruce. Philip feels comfortable with Bruce and just begins his life as a homosexual when he

becomes Bruce‟s lover. Nevertheless, this relationship comes to the end. Philip

decides to separate because he realizes that he wants a normal life. He just presumes Bruce as a kind of foster parent not a lover to him. His relationship with his true father is the deepest emotional experience of his youth, a feeling and a dependence he has later transferred to Bruce.

This story is interesting to discuss since it reveals the influence of father-son

relationship on son‟s life. This story reveals about the bad impact on the son because


he is never ready yet to run away from his father‟s strength. He cannot cover his own

life and always need somebody to guide him. He is even involved to a particular relationship in which he tries to find his defensive and maturity.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulations on this study are formulated as follows: 1. How is Philip Dill‟s relationship with his father described? 2. How does the relationship influence Philip Dill‟s life?

C. Objectives of Study

The study of the novel, A Way of Love has two purposes. First is to explore how the relationship between a son and his father is described. This relationship is interesting to analyze since it reflects to the relationship, which then influences the

son‟s life. It is to reveal the relationship between the character and his father,

including his father‟s command, control, advice and activities that they have done together. The second aim is about investigating the influences of that relationship on

the son‟s life.

D. Benefits of Study


society. A novel contains of a plot, setting, and characters that capture some thing`s real in the life. A way of Love is one of the novels from James Courage that raises ultimately about the influence of father-son relationship on the son‟s life. Through a study of a novel A Way of Love, it is hoped that people can have a good understanding about how to be good parents and how to represent it to the children. Father, as an important component in a family holds an essential responsibility for guiding their children development so he must consider many things in taking this responsibility. This story captures the impact of a father who behaves wrongly on his son in their relationship. Through this study, it is hoped that parents especially fathers and any other educators may consider how to behave with their son. Finally, for those who want to analyze and explore this novel, this study can be used as a reference.

E. Definition of Terms

To avoid misinterpretation in this study, there are the explanations of the terms. The terms are as follows:

1. Influence is any parts or present condition which plays a part in determining

one‟s behavior, or course of thought, in the present (Drever 137). In this study,

influence is described as the effects of the particular relationship, which determines

one‟s behavior and thought, which has been experienced by Philip Dill.


control (Griffin and Patton 182). In this study, relationship is defined as an interaction

between a father and a son in which the father takes the control of his son‟s life.




In order to achieve the purpose of this study, some important theories will be used. The chapter is divided into two parts. The first part is review of related theories, including character, characterization, and critical approach used to support the analysis. The second part concerns with parental role and homosexuality, which provides important infomations to answer the problem formulation. Those reviews are thus wrapped in the theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Theories


1. Character

Character is an imagined person who plays an important role in literary woks. A Character is the important element in fiction. Novelist usually uses a character to represent his view about a particular thing in a real human situation. Character is the individual appears in the story. The character is made up based on the combination of interests, desires, emotions, and moral principle that the novelist wants to transfer to the reader (Stanton 17). In addition, Barnet et al, in An introduction to literature expanded edition, fiction/ poetry/drama, states that character is the person whom

usually settle in literary work. The character can be a tool for a novelist to communicate his philosophy about human qualities to the reader. A novelist tries to

guide the reader to understand the human‟s life in his composition through the

character (Barnet et al 26).


problem. In the time of problem observation, the reader will also determine the characteristics of character, which represents the problem because sometimes the character is the victim of the problem.

There are many ways in categorizing the character. It will help the readers to understand the characteristics of the character, which will facilitate them to identify the problems. Henkle categorizes the character based on how often the figure settles in the story; he calls it, major character and secondary character. Major character is the prominence character at the novel, while secondary character is the character, which functions as supportive or projective character. He adds that major character often appears considerably less than heroic (Henkle 87). Stanton has a different term to call the character that dominates in the novel. He calls it as central character. Central character is a character that is related to every event in the story. The event causes some changes in him. The changes appear because a character has a motivation to behave like he does. The motivation is divided into two types; there are specific motivation and basic motivation. Specific motivation is the reason that is related to his speech and act, while the basic motivation consists of the continuing desires which governs him throughout the story (Stanton 17).


different view about this character, the reader will see it in many sides. The round character always changes around the story (Forster 61). So, the character can be divided in some ways. The categorizing of the character will help the reader to recognize the problems in the story. Through it, the reader will identify the problem easier

2. Characterization

Novelists use certain methods to present characters in their story. The characters are represented in many ways. Henkle states that the presentation of the character into the central view gives better understanding to the reader. He says,

“Characterization is the central experience of the fictional, and the principal objective

of the creation that makes the reader understand a figure in the novel and experience

it.” (87). In other words, the characterization plays a crucial part in the story. Through

the characterization, the reader can understand the character in the story and produce the easy way for them to identify the problems.


character. The second one is character‟s thought and dialogue. Every action is a

manifestation of the character. Through the action, the reader can understand the characters as well (Stanton 17-18). Meanwhile, Guth and Rico try to define the characterization into a simple explanation. They say characterization is the way in which an author portrays a character for the reader. Characterization occurs through exposition about a character as well as through the character‟s action, speech and thoughts (Guth and Rico 1857). They also state that character in the novel can be interpret through what the author says about them, what others characters says, reading conclusion about their motives, their ambition, their problem, and their desires (9).

Meanwhile, Murphy suggests nine ways in which the author attempts to show the character in the novel. There are

a. Personal description

The characters are described by their physical description. b. Character as seen by another

The author describes the character through the eyes and opinions of another. Some characters in the story usually give the image of others characters through their conversation or thought.

c. Speech


d. Past life

The author gives us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person's character. This can be done by direct comment by the author, through the person's thoughts, through his conversation or through the medium of another person.

e. Conversation of others

The author gives the clue to a person‟s character through the conversations of

other people and the things they say about him. f. Reactions

The author gives the clue to a person's character by letting us know how that person reacts to various situations and events.

g. Direct comment

The author describes or comments on a person's character directly. He gives a clue about the characters through his speech directly.

h. Thoughts

The author give direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. i. Movements


3. Critical Approach

Kennedy and Gioia state that there are some approaches that can be used in analyzing literary work. The first approach is the formalist criticism. In this approach, literature is a form of human knowledge that is observed by its own terms. The literary work can be understood by its intrinsic literary features, which is found in the text. It focuses on the words of the text, the style, the structure, imagery, tone, and genre. The second approach is the biographical criticism. This approach regards that

an author‟s life can make readers more comprehend the work. When readers read the

biography of a writer, they can see how much the writer‟s experience influences his/her work.

The third approach is the historical criticism. This approach investigates social, cultural, and intellectual context to understand the literary work. The fourth approach is the psychological criticism. This approach examines the creative process of the artist, understands subject‟s motivation and behavior of the particular artist through psychological study, and analyzes the fictional character. The fifth approach is the Methodological criticism. This approach combines of anthropology, psychology, history and comparative religion. The sixth approach is the sociological criticism. This approach reveals the relationship between the artist and society. The profession of the writer used to affect what was he writes.


reader‟s minds while interpreting the text. The ninth approach is deconstructionist

criticism. It develops literary text, which is made up of words, have no fixed, single meaning, reject that language can represent reality (Kennedy and Gioia 1932-1968). Dealing with the study, the psychology approach is used in order to understand the

character‟s motivation and behavior.

4.Parental Role

Childhood is a period when children learn how to start their life. They observe many things close to them, such as their parents or their friends including the environment. They learn any impulses that come to them. From those impulses, they will develop their identity and their emotion. What they have experienced from their surrounding becomes the motive for them to develop themselves in their adulthood.

Crow and Crow in Child Psychology states that a child‟s motives usually reflect the influence of parents or friends around him. They say that the environment forms the behavior of the children. It becomes the urge that helps them to fulfill their needs (Crow 89). This will produce emotional feelings in the children. The children from early childhood through adulthood may experience it in a particular way. Thus,

parents hold very important role in forming children‟s behavior. Eriksson as stated in

Understanding Psychology states that parent-child interaction could influence the


Even though a child must be treated with full of love and care by his parents, the parents should control all of those love, care and especially any help which will spoil their child because a child who always accepts help from his parents will rely too much on them. A very strong attachment between parents and their child will

pursue the bad impacts to the children, because “an unusually strong attachment to a

parent is psychologically dangerous when the parent has allowed himself to become

the source of the child‟s sense of self- value by encouraging the instrument or

contingent relationship.” (Walker 187). Lindenfield also shares the same opinion.

According to him, parents who always help their child will make the child too dependent on them (Lindenfield 24).

Further, Bid states that the dedicated mother and father who live only for their child can produce child neglect (51). Meanwhile, Hebert says that the dominating parents who always keep their children from any dangerous thing and give them the best suggestion during their life leads their children:

a. to become excessively dependent, passive, and submissive in their actions b. to never act independently, exploring, and experimenting

c. to tend to adopt timid, awkward, apprehensive, and generally self- deprecating behaviors, lack of self – reliance. They do not have the ability to cope realistically with their problem,

d. to grow to be uncritically obedient, and prefer to withdraw from the situations they find daunting (Hebert 134)


seen when a mother concerns giving feminine identity to their girl and a father seeks

family‟s needs and forms the masculine identity of their boy. Medinnus and Johnson

in Child and adolescent psychology behavior and development state that father holds an important role to build the masculine identity of their children for their next life period so father spends his time with his son than do mothers (35).

The relationship between father and son helps the son form his masculine identity. Sandford and Lough state that,” the relationship between father and son has

a major impact on man‟s psychological development” (188). They state that a

positive father-son relationship helps a son develop a healthy masculinity; if a father shows his nice attitude to his son and commands the discipline with fairness; his son will respect his strength. The son will assume that his father acts as a good role model. When a father acts as a good role model, it makes his son see him as a hero. If

a son sees his father continuously as a hero, he will rely on his father‟s strength. The

son may picture his father as the greatest man alive.

This behavior makes a son unmotivated to develop his own strength. He then

projects the hero‟s image, which he has seen in his father and begins to include it into

his own personality. The consequence of this decision is that the son always remembers his father and tries to be like him (Sanford and Lough 188-189). How the son loves and keeps his father in his mind has made him tend to experience „identity

foreclosed‟. Sandford and Lough state that,

„identity foreclosed are those who have prematurely terminated their quest for

identity, or who have not yet begun it, because they have substituted a


they are, but they are only imitating the adult who is their role model rather than being themselves. They may seem to know what they want, but it is really only what they think others want them to want.” (35)

In this process, the child copies the character of his idol to his personality. It makes him difficult to determine who he really is and what he wants. Sanford and Lough state that to be his own man, a son must be separated from his father‟s reliance so he can develop his own strength. His father must guide his son to do that. Because

if a son is not ready yet separated from his father‟s reliance, when the father has been

physically absent or emotional unavailable, he may choose a man who has a similar psychological type like his father. He will look for another mentor with whom he feels a natural report. He will absorb the knowledge of his mentor and imitates his personality traits and mannerism to identify with him and fit the mentor‟s qualities into himself (Sanford and Lough 190).

5. Homosexuality


behavior. It can be from the parental overprotection or the particular condition when someone experience disappointment in love (Coleman 117).

Coleman also adds that the abnormal behavior can be experienced because of maternal deviation. It can happen when a child is separated from his mother or lacks of mothering in home (Coleman 128). Coleman says that the abnormal behavior will surely happens when someone has a lack of social environment. In his growing up period, the individual must try to make a relationship with various social roles to clarify his identity. An individual who experiences a lack of social environment has reduced the opportunity to develop himself. He will feel that he is worthless, nobody cares about him and nobody helps him in the time of need (Coleman 142).

One of the examples of abnormal behavior is homosexuality. It refers to the sexual pattern, which is abnormal in the choice of sexual object (Coleman 389). Homosexuality emerges from people called homosexual. Kinsey et al in Psychology Today: an Introduction (fifth edition) state that homosexual is a person whose

primary source of sexual gratification is members of the same sex (401- 402).

Homosexuality has existed throughout man‟s recorded history. It has

produced many pros and contras in the society. Homosexuals have their own community. They live in residential areas in large cities. They also have their own style, such as unique customs, value systems, languages, dress, and gestures. They have friendship cliques and have a small portion to the public. They always gather in

a particular place such as a „gay bar‟. That is the place where they meet other


about the policies of their activities. There are no individual‟s problems. The individual problems become a social problem for them (Coleman 394). A homosexual can be changed into a female in one time, and alter again to be a male in another time. They even can make up, even dress just like to show their female identification (Coleman 394).

There are some reasons that drive someone to become a homosexual. A person who is completely fearful of social difficulties can experience homosexuality. They run their life without any socio-sexual contacts, and have very upset life (Kinsey et al 633). Kinsey et al as stated in Sexual behavior state that the relationship between two males in a long period of time will influence the choice of those men on deciding the kind of the relationship for their next period of lives. They say, “Some of the males who are involved in one type of relation at one period in their lives, may have only the other type of relation at some later period ”(Kinsey at al 639). Kinsey at al also adds that homosexuality can also be caused by the inner problem of the individual. They say that

“There are some males whose homosexuality is undoubtedly the product of

inherent or acquired heredity or other personality traits which make it difficult for them to approach other persons for any sort of social contact. Such males find it easier to make contacts with individuals of their own sex. Their homosexuality may be the direct the outcome of their sexual inadequacies

“(Kinsey at al 633).

Meanwhile, according to Bieber as stated in Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life (Fifth Edition), which he was found from one of his patient is that


Homosexuality appears when a mother becomes a detached and hostile person, while father is overly protective his own son (Bieber 398). Meanwhile, Walker states

five-environment factors that build someone‟s homosexuality. They are a conflict with the

parent of the opposite sex, frequent conflict between a father and a mother which may create a bad view of the children to all relationship of a heterosexual nature, deprived of companionship with children of the opposite sex in the earlier years, regular conflict between rival brothers and rival sisters which makes a depressed heterosexual companionship and an understanding between the two sexes, and the preference for girls or boys on the parts of the parents which produces a similar favoritism in the children (Walker 205).

B. Theoretical Framework

In order to answer the problems formulated, some theories are used. The first theory used is the theory of character and characterization. Those theories will help to

determine the personality of the character based on the character‟s behavior and

thought which are identified through the author, another characters, character‟s speech, his past life, other characters opinion, reactions, direct comment, thoughts, and movements. Then, theory of critical approach also used to explain the definition of the approach, which is used in this study.


determine how the relationship between father and his son can influence the son and

through the reflection of the character‟s personality refer to the character‟s behavior




This chapter consists of four parts. The first part is object of the study, which is a novel, entitled A Way of Love by James Courage. This part will tell briefly the story of the novel. The second part describes sources used for this study. The third part is the approach applied to accomplish the study. The last part describes steps of study used to conduct the study systematically.

A. Object of the Study

The object of this study is the novel by James Courage entitled A Way of Love. The novel was first published in 1959. It was printed in Great of OXFORD at

the Alden press on paper made by John Dickson and Co. LTD and bounded by A.W.BAIN & Co. LTD, London.


The conflict arises, in this part, Philip start to describe his father further, especially

about their relationship. He explains his father‟s job and what his father has done to

him. In part three, many conflicts have happened. The story ends with the break of the relationship between the couple, and Bruce realizes that his relationship with

Philip just the transferring of Philip‟s deep emotional feeling to his father.

Basically, this story tells about the relationship between two men who involve in a love affair, which ends in separation. Though it is about a love affair, what is revealed in this story does not just about love but a deep thing experienced by the characters. One of the characters tells the reason why this relation happened. Then, the reason has been identified, it starts with the mutual love and respect between the character and his father in the character‟s childhood, the effects that influence his behavior and makes him fall into another way of life in existent world.

B. Approach of the Study

This study focuses on analyzing the influence of father-son relationship in

character‟s life. It resembles the real problem in life since this study is taken from a

novel, which conveys about the reality of life. This influence will be known by analyzing what character does or talks in the story. Thus, analyzing the character is very helpful in order to investigate the problem, which happened in the story.


feelings, and experience of the character. Those things are related with human in a real life.

Parental role as one psychological approach is employed to analyze the problem formulation in this study. The knowledge of this approach will help to analyze how

Philip Dill‟s relationship with his father is described and the reason why the

relationship influences Philip Dill‟s life.

C. Method of the Study

In gathering the data, there are two sources used in this study. All the sources

are very helpful for conducting this study. The primary source is James Courage‟s

novel entitled A Way of Love. The secondary source is collected from library research. Some are taken from literary book to divine the theory of literature, character and characterization. Some sources are taken from Psychology book concerning with parental role which is used to answer the two problems in this study. There are some steps that had to be done to conduct the study. These steps were used to make the analyzing of the problem easier. The steps were formed systematically as a consideration to make the result was more understandable for the readers.


character, plot, setting, and point of view. Reading many times created a good way to draw interpretation.

The second step was choosing an interesting topic to be analyzed. In this case, the reason behind the relationship of the character caught my attention. It built the curiosity that makes many questions appeared for instance, one of the questions is

that, what are the effects of the relationship between a father and a son to the son‟s


The third step was formulating the problems. The curiosity and interesting feelings became one of the aspects to consider formulating the problem that must be analyzed. The problems were formulated into two parts. The first part was what attitudes done by a father, which impacts on the son‟s psychological development. The second part concerned with what kinds of psychological development will be formed as the impacts of that attitude.

The fourth step was stating the important point. In this part, there were many important points that have to be underlined in order to conduct the study. There were many quotations, comment, conversation, and behavior in this story that must be signed to help on analyzing the problem.


The sixth step was analyzing the novel in order to answer the two formulated problems. The reference books and reviews can be used in the analyzing process. Those sources were very useful to support the analysis. The result of the analysis then compared to the theory, whether they are matched or even contradicted.




This chapter is divided into two parts, which includes some important points to find the answer of the questions in the problem formulations as stated in the previous chapter. The first part describes the relationship between Philip and his father, while the second part explains the influence of the relationship in Philip Dill‟s life.

A. The Relationship between Philip Dill and His Father

Referring to the theory proposed by Stanton, Philip is considered to be the major character in the story. Stanton says that the major character or the central character is a character who is related to every event in the story in which the event causes some changes in him and the changes appear because a character has a motivation to behave like he does. The motivation is divided into two types; there are specific motivation and basic motivation. Specific motivation is the reason which is related to his speech and act, while the basic motivation consists of the continuing desires which govern him throughout the story (Stanton 17).


(Courage 77). Philip is a defensive person, who does not like to make a social-contact. Therefore, he is lonely and isolated. To kill time, he often spends his time on doing his hobbies.

He likes music. He enjoys himself playing guitar because it helps him lessen his unexplained feeling, which he feels occasionally. In addition to playing the guitar, he also likes watching some orchestra concerts, such as Schubert and Beethoven. He is fond of playing a gramophone and reading some literature books, if he is not busy with his job and his course (Courage 78). He works as an insurance clerk all day and attends the literature course in the evening.

During his childhood, Philip is very close with his father. He never releases

himself from his father‟s presence, and they used to spend every activity together.

The activities are controlled by Philip‟s father who is always beside Philip for all

time. They used to go sailing together in Falmouth harbor (Courage77).

Almost every aspect of Philip Dill‟s life is oppressed by his father, especially

in terms of both activity and time. Philip is reassured to take part in every activity that his father does. In addition to Philip's involvement in his father‟s activities, Philip‟s father also dominates Philip‟s life. The domination of his father and the excessively

intimacy between them have affected Philip‟s life. The domination is considered as

the excessive assistance and expectation shown by his father to him.

I picked up the book and papers he had left on the sofa: the book was a copy

was the name and date‟ Henry Maxwell Dill, 1931‟, and beneath this, in another hand, a second name: „Philip Henry Dill‟. Father and son, I decided,

and glanced at the loose sheets of paper on which Philip had penciled a few


it when he was young. We‟re doing a couple of Hardy‟s novel in class. I like them.‟ (Courage 102)

„It‟s not a “physic‟. I wish it was.‟ He raised himself on elbow and looked detachedly at his chest.‟ When I was a kid I was ashamed of being so skinny.

Then for years my father used to make me do exercise with dumbbells every

morning. He made me row too, to give me biceps.‟ „Ah your father…‟ „I did some light- weight boxing at school, later.‟ He laughed lazily, with no

particular vainglory.‟ That ought to shake you-the though of me trying to be

abig man.‟ ( Courage 125)

From the Quotation above, we know that Philip‟s father expects that Philip

will imitate him. He wants Philip to love reading as he does. He introduces some

literature books for Philip to read. Philip‟s father always provides these books and

discusses them with Philip. Hence, Philip posses the same interest and the same passion with his father, and he even loves it. His father also helps Philip to overcome his problems. „I used to work with him when I wasn‟t at school.‟

He drew a depth breath.‟ I was seeing if I could still smell tar, „he explained.

„Tar and Timber when it‟s first sawn into planks- they‟re


This close relationship happens when Philip is a child and lives in his hometown, Falmouth. When he enters the adulthood period, his father dies. Then, Philip goes to London to study and work.

B. The influence of the Relationship between Philip and His father on Philip

Dill’s life.

The relationship between Philip and his father really influences Philip‟s life.

The influences are on Philip‟s desire of find for a figure of a father, on Philip‟s

attitudes and on Philip‟s sexual life.

1. On Philip’s Desire for a Figure of a Father

In his adulthood period, Philip must live without his father because his father dies. The close relationship between Philip and his father puts Philip into a strong feeling of deep affection for his father. Having a difficult way to release his strong feeling to his father, Philip always hopes to be with his father again as they used to live in the past (Courage 77).

For Philip, the memory of his father is a memory which leaves a strong feeling of love behind. When he mentions of his father, it evidently rouses a profound nostalgia (Courage126). The figure of Philip‟s father who is very strongly embedded

in Philip‟s heart is an effect of a comfortable feeling from his father's love and


him miss his father so much, especially when he recalls their togetherness in his childhood.

Sandford and Lough state that the children, who are often dominated by the parents, will idolize and love the parent who dominates. A child who is familiar with

the parent‟s guidance and becomes someone wanted by the parent will experience

“Identity Foreclosed‟ (Sandford and Lough 188-189). Identity Foreclosed is the

situation in which the children seem to know what they want but in fact it is what others want them to want (Sandford and Lough 35). This is the reason why Philip enjoys his togetherness with his father and likes reading literature books as his father does. Philip never complains even if his father has dominated his life.

Philip is very happy to involve in his father‟s domination because the

domination is packaged with the nice attitude by his father. Philip likes everything that his father wants him to. It shows that Philip assumes his father as the best figure

or the hero in his life and relies on his father‟s strength. As a result, it closes Philip‟s

chance to develop his creativity and initiative.

It is supported by Sandford and Lough, who states that if a child sees his father continually as a hero, he will rely on his father‟s strength. This behavior makes

him not be motivated to develop his own strength. He then projects the hero‟s image


Furthermore, the death of his father causes more complicated problems on

Philip‟s life. The loss of his father makes Philip hurtful. He suffers from a loss of a

person who always guides him. Philip continuously develops as a person who cannot afford to stand on his own strength and maintains to see his father as the best figure in his life. Therefore, he is not ready to handle himself. Philip is not ready yet to live in his own way as an adult because he always relies on his father strength when he is a child. He never experiences to be a mature one. Thus, when his father dies, he still needs someone who can understand, guide, and teach him to overcome the problem in his life, someone likes his father. Then, he begins to look for someone who can help him deal with such problems.

That is why Philip is very happy when he meets with Bruce Quantock, a man who manages to make Philip feel comfortable. Philip‟s desire for a figure of a father is fulfilled. In the midst of Philip‟s turmoil in overcoming his feelings about his father, Bruce can make him at ease. Philip feels very comfortable with Bruce (Courage 76). Finally, they begin to establish a serious relationship. Philip likes Bruce so much because Bruce is able to give what he has been longing for.

Sandford and Lough say that to be his own man, a son must be separated

from his father‟s reliance so he can develop his own strength. His father must guide


Philip is very satisfied because he has already found a figure of a father whom

he feels easy. According to Philip‟s perception, Bruce is the appropriate figure whom

he can share everything he feels and wants. Bruce also can be a figure whom he can rely on. Bruce can fulfill his desire for a figure of a father.

2. On Philip's Attitudes

Referring to the theory proposed by Hebert, a child who always gets attention and is always protected too much by parents will grow up to be a person who possesses negative attitudes such as timid, dependent, passive, and submissive, awkward, apprehensive, and generally has deprecating Behaviors, lack of self-reliance and the ability to cope realistically with their problems, uncritically obedient, and prefer to withdraw from the situation they find daunting (Hebert 134). Because of the close relationship with his father which contains of the excessive attention, some

of those attitudes are rooted in Philip‟s personality. They are awkward, timid and

dependent. Some of Murphy‟s theory, which states nine methods to reveal the

character‟s personality as follows: as seen by another, speech, past life conversation


a. Awkward

The excessive attention of Philip‟s father to Philip makes Philip become an

awkward person who cannot understand himself. His life becomes a confusing thing

for him because he does not get his father‟s attention anymore since his father dies.

He feels alone. That sense makes him become a person who is confused of his own feeling. He often feels something wrong in his own feeling, and he has not got a straight (Courage 78).

His confusing feeling has made Philip unable to control his own feeling. He cannot stay in his room every evening and he is often angry (Courage 75). The loss of

his father‟s figure makes Philip try to find a figure to fulfill his lack of independence.

“…….I remember I used to pray that I‟d met some person- the one

person-who‟d make me happy for ever. I used to try to imagine him but I couldn‟t; he wasn‟t real, you see, though there was always something about him that was like my father (Courage 121)

In the process of searching for it, Philip meets with Bruce Quantock at a concert. Bruce is the figure who can make Philip feel comfortable (Courage 80). However, the presence of Bruce has not fully made Philip leave his demeanor. He

starves of being loved. One day, when Philip and Bruce are fighting, Philip says, “At

least tell me you love me! I‟m starving, I‟m lost, I‟ve nobody”. Bruce held Philip

against him. “I love you Philip. I love you very much. Don‟t worry.” (Courage 117).


do. Despite the sense that he cannot explain, he often refuses to receive attention from Bruce. His being unstable makes Bruce hard to understand his labile attitude.

”But it‟s my life ahead I‟ve got to think of, Bruce. It‟s my future as a man.” “Naturally.” Bruce was careful to fall in with his mood.

“and, top be frank, there‟ve been times since you came here when your future as a man has occurred to me also.”(Courage 130).

Many unexplained feelings that linger in Philip‟s heart and mind make him

confuse to decide his own path. As a result, Philip is not able to control himself. He continues to be an awkward person. His relationship with his father is very influential in his life. It has rooted in his life so deeply. When going with Bruce to a restaurant, for example, he sees two other figures like a father and a son chatting and watching each other just like him and his father. Philip suddenly becomes unable to control his feeling. He suddenly sharpens his face and looks so painful (Courage 209). Philip cannot manage his bewildering feeling. However, when Bruce asks about it, it is difficult for Philip to answer. He even cannot explain his own feeling when he is confusing about it.

I can‟t explain, „he repeated. „None of it‟s your fault, anyway. It‟s

something in me- in me do you understand? I have times when I get lost and

don‟t know what my love for you means or where it ends, Bruce. What do I want? I don‟t know. It shakes me up, not knowing but only feeling, all the time.‟ (Courage 211)


I can‟t do it,‟ he, murmured.‟ I can‟t do it. I‟m an idiot who‟s even forgotten

how to spell.‟

„You‟re far from being an idiot, I assure you.‟

„no, I‟m just a sham. At heart I‟m still nothing but the ignorant kid whop rowed you in Falmouth.‟(Courage 206)

His closeness with his father has made Philip loose his chance to develop his own personality. The excessive attention that is given by his father forces Philip to

depend on his father‟s strength and love. Thus, when his father does not exist beside

him anymore, Philip confuses to control his own life. Philip is not easy to find what he really wants and needs. He looses his confidence to understand his own feeling. He becomes an awkward person who cannot understand his necessity and desire. It is

reaffirmed with Hubert‟s theory, which states that a child who gets excessive

attention from his parent tends to behave as an awkward person (Hebert 134).

b. Timid

The intimacy between Philip and his father produces some negative attitudes

in Philip‟s personality. One of those attitudes is being a timid person. He is afraid to

socialize. His close relationship with his father covers him from a chance to develop his socialization sense. The closeness makes Philip shut his social access, including learning how to socialize. He finds difficulty in socializing and having friends. Therefore, he feels,‟ Nobody has ever come to visit me in London.‟(Courage 122).

Having lots of friends and expanding the association are not the options for Philip because he is not used to it since he is a child. Through his conversation with


(Courage 144). A partner that can be considered as a capable person to replace his father is enough to be a friend for him to share.

He does not have the courage to start or allow himself to enter the social

sphere at large. He is even scared to meet with Bruce‟s friends. So, when Bruce‟s

friend wants to meet him, Bruce refuses.

„There‟ll be somebody here I‟d like you to meet. However, why not bring the private business along with you? We‟d be glad to see him,‟

It‟s not so easy, Wallace. „I repeated in extenuation „the boy‟s scared of involving himself or getting himself involved.‟ (Courage 106)

Only with Bruce, Philip can share his life because he thinks Bruce can understand him well. Their closeness increases when Bruce invites him to stay in

Bruce‟s house. However, Philip begins to show his sense of fear. Philip‟s attitude

becomes more complicated. Philip even prohibits Bruce to hang out with his friends because he is afraid of loosing the love that has once been missing from his life after

his father‟s death.

And indeed I had been briefed in advance as to how I was to answer any such invitation-briefed by Philip himself, categorically, over the past two months. However deeply he was attached to me, our affair was strictly something between ourselves, a matter a deux. He had implored me not to involve him with my friends, or more precisely my friends of an understood kind. He pictured them in act as scornful, rapacious, and terrifying. (Courage 107)

Philip does not want Bruce‟s excessive love and attention disappear from his

life because of Bruce‟s friends. Bruce tries to refuse it on one occasion, but Philip is


"those others" getting in that way.” (Courage 140). Bruce tries to understand the circumstance that Philip has experienced in his past life. Bruce even attempts to help Philip to socialize and persuades him every day to reduce the fear. However, as fear has been rooted on Philip‟s life, it is difficult for him to control himself, so he always limit his social relation.

“We oughtn‟t to get too restricted to our own private company. In the long run it‟s bad for both of us- much too cramping…..Are you listening, my

Philip?I don‟t want to turn us into one another‟s gaolers” “we see enough people during the day,” Philip objected

“That‟s true but not quite the same thing. In any case, you seem to have no

friends of your own-“

“I‟m uncouth; I‟m provincial,” Philip flung at Bruce.” What do you expect?”

(Courage 139)

Bruce is continually keen on helping Philip to solve the problem. Even he knows that the excessive togetherness between Philip and his father has strongly

killed Philip‟s chance to have a sense to socialize though. When Philip tries to make

their live in seclusion, Bruce says, “You make these unworkable divisions. Be

sensible, my Philip; This, we live in seclusion, you and I, is not good for us-not in the

long run, and as I see it.” (Courage 156).

In his childhood, Philip always spends his time with his father. The strong

love and attention that are given by Philip‟s father through their togetherness have

made Philip comfortable and safe. This comfortable feeling makes Philip cover himself unconditionally from the society. He feels happy enough to spend his time with his father. That makes him not trained to connect with other people. Therefore,


theory, a child who gets excessively attention from his parent tends to become a timid person (Hubert 134).

c. Dependent

The Feeling of dependence of a child on another person occurs when a child never experiences how to rely on his own strength to complete the problems that he faces during his childhood because he/she always depends on his/her parent. As explained by Lindenfield, parents who always help their child will make the child too

dependent on them (24). In Philip‟s past life, his father is the decision maker for him

and Philip depends on his father‟s decision.

This indirectly influences Philip‟s personality to rely on his own strength. His

being dependent affects how he thinks, acts, and learns to hold on his own strength. In his adult life, Philip is never able to determine what he really wants (Courage 103). Philip cannot control himself and faces his own problems. His dependence can be seen more clearly when he makes a relationship with Bruce Quantock who treats him like what his father does. Thus, Philip becomes increasingly depend on Bruce. What he wants to do is what Bruce wants him to do (Courage 77). He always asks Bruce's opinion on how to run his life and fulfill his expectations. Every day he invites Bruce to determine what he wants.

„I could start by going to evening lectures-„

„nothing would please me better. I‟ll help you in anyway I can. That‟s understood.‟ His tension relaxed; he was already half the man he hoped to


lips.‟ I‟ll get a definite plan worked out before the end of the week, Bruce, I

promise you.‟ (Courage 132).

Not being convinced of his own ability makes Philip feel that he has made a mistake in deciding what he wants, as described in his conversation with Bruce. He feels that he will do the wrong thing and people around him will hate him because of his decision. He needs a conviction from somebody to make him sure of his choice. It is a way of defending himself (Courage 97).

The influence of the dominant attitudes that are shaped by the excessive togetherness with his father has made Philip's really not trained to build his own

strength. The frequency of the togetherness covers Philip‟s access to gain his own

strength. Therefore, when the father dies, a lot of things related to personal power

have not been formed yet in Philip‟s personality and so in his adult life, Philip still

needs someone who can lead and will be the place where he can transfer a sense of his dependence. His relationship with his true father has been the deepest emotional experience of his youth, a feeling and dependence he has later transferred to him (Courage 242)

However, Philip‟s experienced dependency is not only a situation where a

person relies on the ability of others to run his/her life in the determination of the

decision, but also what he has done is a proud thing according to others‟ perception.

One evening when Philip and Bruce finish their dinner, Philip asks whether Bruce is proud of him or not when he tries to socialize.


„ you tell me the answer.‟

„His relationship with his true father had been the deepest

Emotional experience of his youth, a feeling and dependence he had later

transferred to me‟ (Courage 242)

How he depends on Bruce is the result of how he always depends on his

father‟s strength in his childhood period. Philip‟s father, who always dominate, love,

care, and help Philip in solving his Problems has made Philip become too dependent on him. It is supported by the theory proposed by Lindenfield, which states, Parents who always help their children will make their children too dependent on them (Lindenfield 24).

3. On Philip’s Sexual Life

A Close relationship between Philip and his father does not only affect

Philip‟s attitudes, but also influence his sexual life. The love of his father is very deep

in Philip's heart. It makes Philip so fond of his father. His father occupies the deepest

place in Philip‟s heart and the memories of their relationship are so impressed in

Philip's mind. Philip's love which is so great to his father streaks him so hard when he has to lose his father. No need to doubt that Philip has entered a period of stress as a surge of his lost.


Meeting Bruce Quantock is the beginning of Philip‟s abnormal behavior. Sandford and Lough explain that if a son is not ready yet separated from his father‟s reliance, when the father has been physically absent or emotional unavailable, he may choose a man who has a similar psychological type like his father. He will look for another mentor with whom he feels a natural report. Sandford and Lough also state that a son then absorbs the knowledge of his mentor and imitates his personality traits and mannerism to identify with him and fit the mentor‟s qualities into himself (Sandford and Lough 190).

That is what happen to Philip. Bruce, who is a homosexual, is a mentor who can make him feel comfortable. So, Philip then absorbs the knowledge of Bruce and imitates his personality, which makes him seamlessly enter homosexual community of which Bruce belongs to.

„I„m nuisance.‟ He whispered one night after a bout of harsh coughing which

brought color to his face.‟ Such as a nuisance…I wish were in Falmouth again and I was rowing you round in the sun.‟

„It‟ll happen again.‟ „Do you love me, Bruce? „I love you very much.‟

„I love you too, I‟ll be well again in a few days, you‟ll see.‟(Courage 133)


help when he needs (Coleman 117). They rarely make social contacts and choose to live with people the same kind with them (Coleman 142). Kinsey also adds that a person can be homosexual due to problems of the inner self. People like this as having personality traits that make it difficult to establish contact with others. And they feel comfortable to come into a contact with people similar to them. Homosexuality is with them from sexual adequacies (Kinsey et al 633).

The contented feeling which is felt by Philip toward his closeness with his father makes Philip try to find a figure who is similar with his father. It builds the desire in him to make the relationship with the same-sex.

Walker states five factors that make a person become a homosexual. They are a conflict with the parent of the opposite sex, frequent conflict between a father and a mother that may create a bad view of the children to all relationships of a heterosexual nature, boys and girls who are deprived of companionship with children of the opposite sex in their earlier years and prefer to become homosexual than the children who have enjoyed the companionship of both sexes, the regular conflict between rival brothers and sisters rivals that has made a depressed heterosexual companionship and an understanding between the two sexes, and the preference for girls or boys on the parts of the parents that is likely to produce a similar favoritism in the children (Walker 205).


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