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Chp 8. Concept Testing


Academic year: 2021

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Chp 8. Concept Testing

Planning DevelopmentConcept System-LevelDesign DesignDetail Testing andRefinement ProductionRamp-Up

Qualitative Concept Testing Quantitative Concept Testing Testing Testing


Test Konsep dilakukan untuk

Beberapa Alasan

Beberapa Alasan

• Go/no-go decisionsg • What market to be in?

• Selecting among alternative concepts • Confirming concept selection decision • Benchmarking

• Soliciting improvement ideas • Forecasting demand


Concept Testing Process


Definisikan alasan dari test konsep

• Konsep mana yang akan dilanjutkan

Konsep mana yang akan dilanjutkan


• Bagaimana konsep diperaiki

• Bagaimana konsep diperaiki

• Berapa perkiraan produk yang akan

t j



• Dapatkah proses pengembangan

dilanjutkan pada masa y.a.d


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsepp 2. Pilih populasi survey


Populasi survey

• Sesuai dengan target

Sesuai dengan target

• Bila target lebih dari 1 segmen, maka

sebaiknya memilih dari setiap segmen untuk




mengetahui tanggapan tiap segmen

• Penentu ukuran sampel :


– Pengujian di awal vs di akhir proses

– Pengujian untuk data kualitatif vs kuantitatif – Survei mahal, lama vs survei cepat, murah – Investasi produk kecil vs besar

P i t t b k il


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsepp 2. Pilih populasi survey

3. Pilih format survey

Face-to-face, surat, telephone, e-mail, Internet.

4. Komunikasikan konsep

V b l d i ti k t h h t d d i

Verbal description, sketch, photos and renderings, storyboard, video, simulation, interactive multimedia, physical appearance model, working prototypes.


Mengukur respon pelanggan

• Dimulai dengan komunikasi produkg p • Skala ukuran keinginan konsumen :

– Pasti akan membeli – Mungkin akan membeli

– Mungkin, atau tidak akan membeli – Tidak akan membeliTidak akan membeli

– Pasti tidak akan membeli


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsep 2. Pilih populasi survey

3. Pilih format survey

F t f t t l h il I t t

Face-to-face, surat, telephone, e-mail, Internet.

4. Komunikasikan konsep

Verbal description, sketch, photos and renderings, p p g storyboard, video, simulation, interactive multimedia, physical appearance model, working prototypes.

5. Ukur respon konsumenp

6. Interpretasikan hasilnya (lihat slide berikut) 7. Refleksikan pada hasil dan prosesnya


Concept Testing Example:

emPower Electric Scooter

emPower Electric Scooter

• Purpose of concept test:p p – What market to be in? • Sample population:

– College students who live 1-3 miles from campus – Factory transportation • Survey format:


Concept Testing Process


Concept Testing Example:

emPower Electric Scooter

emPower Electric Scooter

• Purpose of concept test:p p – What market to be in?


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsepp 2. Pilih populasi survey


Concept Testing Example:

emPower Electric Scooter

emPower Electric Scooter

• Purpose of concept test:p p – What market to be in? • Sample population:

– College students who live 1-3 miles from campus – Factory transportation


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsepp 2. Pilih populasi survey

3. Pilih format survey


Concept Testing Example:

emPower Electric Scooter

emPower Electric Scooter

• Purpose of concept test:p p – What market to be in? • Sample population:

– College students who live 1-3 miles from campus – Factory transportation • Survey format:


Survey Format

PART 1, Qualification

– How far do you live from campus?How far do you live from campus?

• <If not 1-3 miles, thank the customer and end interview.>

– How do you currently get to campus from home? How do you currently get around campus?

– How do you currently get around campus?

PART 2, Product Description


Survey Format

• PART 3, Purchase Intent

If the product were priced according to your expectations – If the product were priced according to your expectations,

how likely would you be to purchase the scooter within the next year?

I would I would I might I would I would

definitely not purchase the scooter. g or might not purchase the scooter. definitely purchase the scooter. probably not purchase the scooter. probably purchase the scooter. “top box” “second box”


Survey Format

PART 4, Comments

– What would you expect the price of the scooter to be?What would you expect the price of the scooter to be? – What concerns do you have about the product concept? – Can you make any suggestions for improving the product

concept? concept?


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsepp 2. Pilih populasi survey

3. Pilih format survey

Face-to-face, surat, telephone, e-mail, Internet.

4. Komunikasikan konsep

V b l d i ti k t h h t d d i

Verbal description, sketch, photos and renderings, storyboard, video, simulation, interactive multimedia, physical appearance model, working prototypes.


Verbal Description

• The product is a lightweight electric scooter that p g g can be easily folded and taken with you inside a building or on public transportation.

Th t i h b t 25 d It t l t

• The scooter weighs about 25 pounds. It travels at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour and can go

about 12 miles on a single charge. abou es o a s g e c a ge

• The scooter can be recharged in about two hours from a standard electric outlet.

• The scooter is easy to ride and has simple controls — just an accelerator button and a brake.


Concept Testing Process

1. Definisikan alasan dari test konsep 2. Pilih populasi survey

3. Pilih format survey

F t f t t l h il I t t

Face-to-face, surat, telephone, e-mail, Internet.

4. Komunikasikan konsep

Verbal description, sketch, photos and renderings, p p g storyboard, video, simulation, interactive multimedia, physical appearance model, working prototypes.

5. Ukur respon konsumenp

6. Interpretasikan hasilnya (lihat slide berikut) 7. Refleksikan pada hasil dan prosesnya


Interpretasikan Hasilnya

• Jika memilih satu di antara beberapa konsep, p p, interpretasi dari hasil respon konsumen akan langsung terlihat. Tapi jika hasilnya tidak dapat disimpulkan mungkin konsep harus dipilih

disimpulkan, mungkin konsep harus dipilih

berdasarkan biaya atau pertimbangan lainnya. • Selain itu, test konsep ini dilakukan juga untuk Se a u, es o sep d a u a juga u u

meramalkan penjualan potensial di masa depan. Perhitungan dilakukan sbb:


Forecasting Sales

Q = N x A x P

• Q = kuantitas produk yang diharapkan terjual (thn) • N = jumlah konsumen potensial (thn)

A f k i d i k t i l t k b li jik

• A = fraksi dari konsumen potensial untuk membeli jika produk tersedia, dan berapa banyak yang menyadari keberadaan produk (awarenessxavailability)

• P = probabilitas bahwa produk akan dibeli jika tersedia dan konsumen menyadari keberadaannya (hasil survey).

P = Cdef x Fdef + Cprob x Fprob

“second box” “top box”


Forecasting Example

• College Student Market

– N = off-campus grad students (200,000) – A = 0.2 (realistic) to 0.8 (every bike shop) – P = 0.4 x top-box + 0.2 x second-box

– Q = 2,000,000 x 0.30 x 0.05 – Price point $795

• Factory Transport Market

– N = current bicycle and scooter sales to factories (150,000) – A = 0.25 (single distributor’s share)

– P = 0.4 x top-box + 0.2 x second-box

– Q = 150,000 x 0.25 x [0.4 x 0.3 + 0.2 x 0.2] – = 6000 units/yr


emPower’s Market Decision:

Factory Transportation

Sumber forecast error

• Word-of-Mouth


• Quality of Concept


• Pricing

• Level of Promotion

• Level of Promotion

• Competition



• Why do respondents typically overestimate y p yp y purchase intent?

– Might they ever underestimate intent?

H t i i ?

• How to use price in surveys?

• How much does the way the concept is communicated matter?

communicated matter?

– When shouldn’t a prototype model be shown?

• How do you increase sales, Q?y

• How does early (qualitative) concept testing differ from later (quantitative) testing?


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