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WAHDAH MAKASSAR (A Descriptive-Qualitative Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of

Education in English Department

HERNI K 10535 5948 14







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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Herni K

Nim : 10535594814

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phrases at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar

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Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, Desember 2020 Yang membuat perjanjian




Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini:

Nama : Herni K

Nim : 10535594814

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phrases at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa:

Skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan TIM Penguji adalah ASLI hasil karya saya sendiri, bukan hasil ciplakan dan tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, Desember 2020 Yang membuat pernyataan




So when you have finished (your duties), then

stand up (for worship).

―QS. Al Insyirah (94) : 7

And to your Lord direct (your) longing.

―QS. Al Insyirah (94) : 8


This Thesis for My Big Families

For My Beloved Parents

and also

My Own Self



HERNI K, 2020. The Interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phrases at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar(A Descriptive-Qualitative Research).Thesis of English Department. The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Supervised by Andi Tenri Ampa and Eka Prabawati Rum.

This research aims to find out: (1) the forms of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phareses at the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar (2) the dominant of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English phrases at the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar, Academic Year 2019/2020

The researcher used descriptive qualitative as research design. The data analysis used theory proposed by Miles and Huberman's model. The sample of this study was 23,24(25%) students of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar by using Purposive Sampling. The instrument the research used is written test consisting of outline in writing a descriptive text.

The findings of this research showed that using Contrastive method to collected the data. The students interferences in using noun phrase in their descriptive text were classified into seven kinds of interference of Indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrases then three categories. Those head, premodifier and postmodifier. Head divide into wrong placement of head and noun phrases and wrong from of noun phrases. While for premodifier that diveide were determiner, enumerator and adjective. And the other kinds of interference related to postmodifier that divide into prepositional phrase and relative clause. Head interference was 103 premodifier interference was 22 and postmodifier interference was 8.

The result of the research that the dominant lies on the used of head interference on noun phrases in their descriptive writing. In relation to this, it is suggested that eleventh grade students of SMA Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar shoud be given intensive exercises on head on noun phrase in their writing. It is quite necesssary for the eleventh grade and the teacher of SMA Islam Tepadu Wahda Makassar to be informed about the result of this study. So that they can improve their teaching learning process.

Key words:Interference, Indonesian noun phrases & English noun phareses, Descriptive Qualitative.



HERNI K, 2020. Interferensi Frasa Kata Benda Bahasa Indonesia ke Frasa Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris di Kelas XI SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar (Penelitian Deskriptif-Kualitatif). Skripsi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Andi Tenri Ampa dan Eka Prabawati Rum.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) bentuk-bentuk interferensi frasa nomina bahasa indonesia ke dalam frasa nomina bahasa inggris pada siswa kelas sebelas SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar (2) dominannya interferensi frasa nomina bahasa indonesia ke frasa bahasa inggris pada kelas sebelas SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020

Peneliti menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai desain penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan teori yang dikemukakan oleh model Miles dan Huberman. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 23,24 (25%) siswa SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar dengan menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis yang terdiri dari garis besar dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode Kontrastif. Gangguan siswa dalam menggunakan frase nomina dalam teks deskriptifnya diklasifikasikan menjadi tujuh macam interferensi frase nomina bahasa Indonesia dan frase nomina bahasa Inggris kemudian tiga kategori. Kepala itu, premodifier dan postmodifier. Pembagian kepala menjadi penempatan yang salah dari frasa kepala dan kata benda dan salah dari frasa kata benda. Sedangkan untuk premodifier yaitu diveide yaitu determiner, enumerator dan adjective. Serta gangguan lain yang berhubungan dengan postmodifier yang terbagi menjadi prepositional phrase dan relative clause. Interferensi kepala 103 gangguan pramodifier 22 dan gangguan postmodifier 8.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa yang dominan terletak pada penggunaan interferensi kepala pada frase nomina dalam penulisan deskriptifnya. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, disarankan agar siswa kelas XI SMA Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar diberikan latihan intensif tentang kata benda pada tulisannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini sangat penting bagi siswa kelas sebelas dan guru SMA Islam Tepadu Wahda Makassar. Sehingga mereka dapat meningkatkan proses belajar mengajar mereka.

Kata kunci: Interferensi, Frase Kata Benda Bahasa Indonesia & Kata Benda Bahasa Inggris Phareses, Deskriptif Kualitatif.



Alhamdulillahi Robbil ‘Alamiin, first I would like to express my deepest praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given me his blessing and merciful to complete this thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wassalam.

In preparing complicating this thesis, the researcher found many problems that could not be solve by the researcher herself. However, the great help and support from the people around her made everything was running well. The researcher deeply express many thanks to those who had given their help, guidance, support, advice, and open constructive criticism. The researcher really knows without them, the researcher would be unable to finish this thesis, so the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude to them. They are as follow:

1. Prof. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag, the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his advices during his study at the university.

2. Erwin Akib, S.Pd., Ph.D, the Dean of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for his signature, support and motivation.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S,Pd., M.Pd, the lead of English Education Depaerment of FKIP Muhammadiyah University of Makassar for her signature, support and motivation.

4. The researcher’s high appreciation and great thankfullness are due to consultans, Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, M.Hum and the second consultant, Eka Prabawati Rum, S.Pd., M.Pd who had given me guidance, correction, and



support since the preliminary state of manuscript till the completion of the thesis.

5. My deep appreciation for the headmaster of SMA Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar, Darm, S.A.g. M.Pd.I and English teacher, Andi Effy, S.Pd.M.P.d and also all staffs and the students who have spared their tome and activities for bring subject of this research.

6. My special heartfelt to my beloved father, my beloved brothers and sisters who always sacrifice, love, care, support for financial and pray for her safety and every success of mine.

Eventually, the researcher realized that this thesis is still for from perfection and still needs suggestion and critics. Thus enhancement from this thesis as strongly needed. I hope that this thesis will be useful for many people who Allah the almighty needed may bless us. Aamiin.

Makassar, Desember 2020




COVER PAGE ... ……… i









ABSTRAK ... xi




LIST OF TABLES ... .. xvii



A.Background ... 1

B.Problem Statement ... 4

C.Objective of The Research ... 5

D.Significance of The Research ... 5

E.Scope of The Research ... 5


A.The Concept of Interference ... 6

1. The Concept of Intereference ... 6

B.Contrastivies Analysis of English Noun phrase and Indonesian Noun Phrase ... 9

1. Indonesian Noun Phrase ... 11



b. Head ... 12

c. Postmodifier ... 12

d. The Structure of Indonesian noun phrase ... 13

2. English Noun Phrases a. Determiner ... 16 b. Adjectives ... 17 c. Prepositional ... 17 1) Head ... 18 2) Premodifier ... 19 3) Postmodifier ... 20

4) Structure of english noun phrase ... 22

C.Differences of Indonesian Noun phrase and and English Noun phrase stucture ... 22

1. Similarities BetweenIndonesian and English ... 26

D.Conceptual Framework ... 26


A.Research Method ... 29

B.Variable and Indicator ... 30

C.Population and sample ... 30

D.Instrument of the research ... 31

E.Technique of data Collection ... 31

F. Data analysis ... 32


A.Findings ... 33

1. The kinds of interference of Indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrases. ... 33

B.Discussions ... 34



3. The Interference in Postmodifier ... 53

4. The Dominant Interference of Students in Using head, premodifier and postmodifier in descriptve writing ... 46


A.Conclusion... 58

B.Suggestion ... 59 BIBLIOGRAPHY








Tabel Page 2.1 The structureof Indonesian Noun Phrase ... 13 2.2 The structure of english noun phrase ... 14 2.3 Noun phrase is including premodifier, the head and post modifier ... 25 2.4 The kinds and the examples of modifier, Premodifier & postmodifier .... 18 2.5 The structure of english noun phrase ... 22 2.6 The differences ofIndonesian noun phrase and english noun ...

phrase structure ... 23 2.7 Predection of The interference of Indonesian noun phrase and English noun


... 34 4.1 The Findings of interference of Indonesian noun phrase into English writing

in the kinds of interference of Indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrase... ... 42 4.2 The interference of Indonesiannoun phrase into English writing in head

... 43 4.3The interference of Indonesian noun phrase into English noun phrases in




APPENDIX 1 Instruments

APPENDIX 2 Outline of Instruments

APPENDIX 3 The Result of Data Analysis

APPENDIX 4 The Answer of Respondents

APPENDIX 5 The List Of Participant Identity

APPENDIX 6 Documentation



English is one of the languages whose existence is increasingly felt by the world community. Therefore, the United Nations has made this language one of the official languages. Based on research conducted by Unesco, approximately 71% of Islamic writing is done in French, German, and English, with English occupying 62% of the output (Budiarti, A, 2013)

In Indonesia, English has long been taught in junior high schools, senior high schools, and universities. Even today, in some places English is given at the primary school level. This shows that English is very important and needs to be mastered by students for the benefit of science.

English, like all natural languages, has structure rules. The characteristics of English concern, among other things, the inflectional nature of language. This is different from Indonesian which is agglutinative. As Indonesians find hard to understand by the different systems of English from Indonesian such as in the use of sentence or noun phrase structure.

The pattern of constructing in English is different from Indonesian language. They realize the importance of English in the international world and a subject that required for school and college, Indonesian people also learn English. They will try to speak or write English as fluently as they can in spite of the fact that in Indonesian English is foreign language.



The people need communication and the human communication through 3 ways, namely speaking, writing and sign language. In daily activity,they use Indonesian to interact with their family, friends,meetings, at schools and others around them. for instance, teachers and students use Indonesian as their language for communication. In this case, Indonesian is more dominant and strongly used by them in all aspects of life. As the result, they will mix the same aspects from their Indonesian to English that they will learn.

English is categorized as a foreign language in Indonesia. It fits what According Richards, et al. (2010: 224) who have stated that a foreign language is via: a language which is taught as a school subject but is not used as a medium of instruction in schools nor as a language of communication within a country.

According Saville (2016) has written that there are two types of transfer which occur in second or foreign language development, positive transfers and negative transfers. Positive transfers refer to when a first language structure or rule is used with the target language and that use is appropriate or correct. Whereas, a negative transfer is defined when a first language structure or rule is used in the target language and that use is inappropriate and considered an error. In other words, this negative transfer only occurs when the structures between the two languages are different and this is commonly known as first language interference.

However there is problem faced by the indonesian students in learning English. They still cannot know and understand well about it. beacause the students never manage to shake of the structure of their first language in their


english speaking or writing. And also The problems are caused by differences of language features between indonesian and english in noun phrase interference.As we know that there are more language that exactly same. The different features are like vocabulary, phrase and sentences, It also can cause the noun phrase interference.

In Indonesia, there are noun phrases or its called “frasa nominal”. In Indonesian noun phrase, noun phrase is a group noun which is formed by extending a noun, or a phrase that has a same distributed with the noun.

According Supriyanto (2013: 287) find some categories of syntactical interference. It consists of three classes, there are in sentence,phrase, and diction. The dominant interference was in the phrase class. Interference was found in phrase construction (modifier and head word).The construction phrase of Indonesian language is head word + modifier,but in English head word is put after the modifier.

The noun phrase interferences of indonesian into english made by students or people is seen by research as an urgent problem to be solved. The research thought that some students still made some interference and got confused in someone means. The correct structure lead the communication in writing to understand what they wrote people found it hard to understand their writing due to the interference.

The research was interested in research because based on the reserch experience when taught the students in P2K at junior high school (MTs Ujung Loe Bulukumba) they did an interference in noun phrases. For instance, Students



learned in English subject, they made interference in their writing skill in English. For instance to wrote many book instead of many books. This can be explained that she was influenced by the Indonesian language word order banyak buku.even though, a word banyak is a marker of plurality, it was not followed by a plural noun buku buku. And another example, most students made Indonesian in English reverse interference, for example: The language product the students produced were not grammatically acceptable. From this was problems and the theories of interference above, this study was really concerned about “The Interference of Indonesian Noun phrase into English noun phrases at SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar.”

B. Problem Statements

Based on the background above, the writer formulated research questions as follows:

1. What are the forms of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phareses at the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar?

2. What are the dominant of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English phrases at the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar?


C. Objective of the research

Based on the research questions above, This research was conducted to desctibe as follow:

1. To find out the forms of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phareses at the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar.

2. To find out the dominant ofat the eleventh grade of SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Makassar.

D. Significances of the Research

The significance of this study was to compare noun phrases between Indonesian and English languages. Then allow for predicting the difficulties faced by the students and interferences that usually made by them. Knowing the interference of Indonesian noun phrase into English Writing at SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar will be helpful for the teacher, student and the next research. This will be helpful also for the readers who have curiosity in the materials.

E. Scope of the Research

This research focus on the interferences of indonesian noun phrase into english writing, namely pre-modifier, Head, post-modifier in descriptive writing. To find the forms of the interferences of indonesian noun phrase into english writingat SMA Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar and also to find out the dominants of the indonesian noun phrase can interference english noun phrases.



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The Concept of Intereference

1. The Concept of Intereference

This study presents some previous studies. According to Yuwono (2010) in his research entitled “Contrastive Analysis of English and Indonesian Noun Phrase”, the difficulty is not only that nearly all the modifiers in the Indonesian Noun phrases come after the noun head, but partly because sometimes the modifier in the Engish noun phrases is in the form of one word or a phrase, but in its Indonesian equivalent the modifier may or should appear as a clause. In his research, he draws some conclusions, such as: (a). English NPs have a different system of word order from that their Indonesian equivalents. (b).The modifiers in the English noun phrases may occur before or/and after the noun head. (c). The modifiers in the Indonesian noun phrases occur only after the noun head except when the modifier is a kind of noun determiner that denotes quantity.

Yuwono mentioned that Indonesian noun phrases Starts with the largest class and the follow the smaller and smaller limiters, wheres the English noun phrases does do the opposite. The largest class is last and smallest first. The more we scrutinize the different sturucture between the indonesian and english noun phrases, the more difficulties we can predicat that probably encouraged by indonesia learners learning english and we can also know that


the more complicated the english noun phrases, the more difficulties the learners will have. For instance Kenyatan-kenyatan itu is the facts.

According to Arantis (2014) in her research entitled A Study of Noun Phrase Structure In Interferences Indonesia from English Noun Phrase In “Enid Blyton’s The First Term At Malory Towers”, there are two kinds of noun phrase. It is the similar structure and different structure of noun phrase in the source language.

She also finds four types from the analysis in the target language. Those are: (1) the structure consisting of diterminer + head + post-HM in TL; (2) the structure consisting of head + post-HM in TL; (3) the structure consisting of determiner + without head + post-HM in TL; and (4) the structure consisting of subject+predicate+object (from the head of SL) in TL. The change of structure level in TL occurs because of the context in this fiction story.

Interference can be seen in the use of syntactic fragments of words, phrases and clauses in sentences (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:124). For example, English and Indonesian phrases.

According to Sudipa (2010) said, He finds that the cause of the interference is a lack of understanding and lack of words written so that they used structure directly from the concept of mother tongue into English. it was means that they mostly apply all the structure indonesian language they mastered in English, while not all structure in one language has the same characteristics with another, example regular and irregular.



The first scholar who used interference is Weinreich, he formulated interference to clarify the systemic change in language because of contiguity between that language and the other language that are made by bilingual speaker (Chaer and Agustina, 2004:120).

According to Chaer and Agustina, (2004: 120) Almost bilingual people make interference in the beginning when they speak in their target language. For example,Indonesian who learns English, they will make interference in their writing or their speaking skill in the target language, in this case English. The definition of interference above explain that interference must lead to an error or inapropriate for the same thing, stated that interference is the when students make interference in learning a new language, an error orinapropriate from in target language will appear, interference result from the transfer of native language rule into the target language.

According to Junus and Fatimah (2020: 5-6) writes that: What is meant by interference, interference, the inclusion of absorption elements into other languages which are disturbing and interference is the main cause of language errors. It is the production of bilingualism, bilingualism is the use of two languages such as Indonesian in addition to foreign languages which often occurs in begginers.It is mean that interference is more frequent with the beginners that with intermediate student. This caused by the fact that the beginners are still lack of knowledge in target language.

Therefore they use their previous mother tongue experiences as a means of organizing the target language data. Interference also indacates in the new


or foreign language. Interference can take place at all levels of the linguistic system, example: grammatical, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and lexicon. The influence of one language on another in the writes of bilinguals is relevant both to the field of second language acquisition, where the interference from the learner’s native language is studied and to the field of historical linguistics, where the effects of interference on language change are studied.

B. Contrastivies Analysis of English Noun phrase and Indonesian Noun Phrase

Every language had a different identity, the difference were structure and meaning. And every country had its own language to communicate, for example, an Indonesian country that had Indonesian. In Indonesia had 3 languages used the first was regional language, the second was national language and the third was international language namely English. Indonesian language has differences and similarities with English. The differences and similarities language are called contrastive analysis.

In fact, there are many definitions of contrastive analysis or limitations of that contrastive analysis, because each person or linguist tries to formulate a definition according to their respective views.

In book Analisis kesalahan berbahasa (2010: 9) have collected several views of contrastive analysis by Djunedia one of the he write that Contrastivies Analysis is the analysis of two language done in such away as to pinpoint the differences in their systems, Contrastivies Analysis a usually carried out with a



view to teaching one of the languages to speakers of the other. There are, however, many other uses.

According to Finegan (2008: 6)contrastive analysis is a method anlyzing language for instructional purpose where a native language are target language and compared in order to clarify the points of differences that may cause difficulties for learner. So, in learning process the learner will be easer because in one case the learner learns their own language as target language. This situation will bring both of languages they learned into the same position that is target language

In addition, Johansson in his report from the project Languages in Contrast no. 3, October 2000, stated “Contrastive is the systematic comparison of two or more languages, with the aim of describing their similarities and differences. ”Contrastive analysis provides an objectives and scientific base for second language teaching. While learning a second language, if mother tongue of the learner and the target language both has significantly similar linguistic features on all the levels of their structures, their will not be much difficulty in learning the new language in a limited time. For knowing the significantly similar structures in both languages the first step to be adopted is that both languages should be analysed indenpendently. After indenpendent analysis, to sort out the different features of the two languages, comparison of the two languages is necessary. From this analysis, the research make out that at different structures of two languages indonesian noun phrase into english noun phrase there were some features quite similar and some quite different.


1. Indonesian Noun Phrase

In Indonesian, nouns are called by nomina or kata benda. As stated in Indonesian sentence types, the minimum requirements of Indonesian sentence are subjek and predikat. What forms a subject is a single word, a phrase, or a clause. Noun phrase is a group noun which is formed by extending a noun, or a phrase that has a same distributed with the noun.

Noun phrases consist of a head, which is typically a noun, and of the elements which (either obligatory or optionally) determine the head and (optionally) modify the head, or complement another element in the phrase.

According Tandiana (2015) states that in Indonesian noun phrases are commonly expanded at the back of the head. In Indonesian noun phrases, the head comes before the other word(s), while in English it can be both ways. This study is focused on the interference indonesian noun phrase into english noun phrasesas PreModifier, Head and Post-Modifier. To know the interferences of Indonesian into english noun phrasess.

a. PreModifier

Pre-modifiers of noun are always realized as adjective phrases. A noun can be pre-modified by one or more adjective phrase. Nouns, paeticiples, genetive noun phrases, and numerals are importanly common.It means that pre-modifiers always modifies head, it can be one or more premodifiers.



b. Head

All phrases have something in common, namely the fact that they must minimally contain a Head. The noun phrase is a phrase that has its head a noun, a pronoun, a nominal adjective, or numeral. The main element of a noun phrase is called its head. The head of a noun phrase is noun, pronoun, nominal adjective, or numeral. It means that the most crucial part in noun phrase is Head. If there is no head, there is no noun phrase. if the noun phrase consists of a head only, the head must be realized by a count noun, example books, pens. an uncountable noun, example sugar, water. a proper noun, Smith and a pronoun, she. countable noun means that for the nouns in those examples the system of number operates. In English, the number system has two terms namely singular and plural.

According to Morley (2000:35), phrase are formally classified according to the class of word which function as the headword, so, for example, a nominal phrase has a nominal headword, The nominal phrase has a noun or pronoun as its headword.

c. Post Modifier

Noun phrase are the most complex kinds of phrases. They do not only have two elements before the head noun (determiners and pre-modifiers), they have many kind of post-modifiers. It can be as phrases, infinite clauses, or non-finite clauses.Post-modifier consists of adjective, adverb,


prepositional phrase, infinitive clause, -ing participle clause, -ed participle clause, relative clause and clause introduced by Temporal Conjunction d. The Structure of Indonesian noun phrase

Noun phrase can also contain pronoun. As Chaer (2007) has mentioned noun phrase as an endocentric phrase has a core which can manifest as noun or pronoun. In more details, Chaer (2007) also explained that noun phrase is a phrase which can fill the function of either subject or object in a clause.

Based on the structure, the noun phrase can be distinguished as Frasa Nominals according to (Chaer, 2009) and Khairan (2014).

Indonesian Noun Phrase Example

Noun + Noun Lemari Besi

Noun+A Siswa itu

noun + verb keterampilan menulis

noun + adjective lelaki tua

adverb + noun, Hanya kamu

Num(Pre-modifier)+N Sebuah peristiwa

Prep+Noun Di dalam kelas

N+N(Post-modifier), Kepekaan siswa

Table 2.1 The structureIndonesian Noun Phrase Chaer, 2009 and Khairan 2014).

Indonesian noun phrase is a phrase which says essentially a noun with other words that explain the word, these objects are frequently referred to



as a modifier. Many students still don’t understand about noun phrase, because they are confuse with the structure of noun phrase itself, also the different between Indonesian and English noun phrase.

In addition, the research also got a structural formula according Then, dealing with Alwi (2003: 251-254) this is formula is almost the same as chaer and khairan only from different terms.

Indonesian Noun Phrase Example

NPa : Nomina + Nomina Lemari Besi

NPb : Nomina + Demonstrative Siswa itu

NPc : Nomina + Adjective keterampilan menulis

NPd : Nomina + Pronoun lelaki tua

NPe : Nomina + yang + Adjective Hanya kamu

NPf : Nomina + Verb Sebuah peristiwa

NPg : Nomina + Adverb Di dalam kelas

NPh : Nomina + Preposition Kepekaan siswa

NPi : Nomina + Numeralia

Table 2.2 The structureIndonesian Noun Phrase, Alwi, et al., 2003

The theory mentions that noun phrase after the noun core is expanded to the left or the right. If the noun is expanded to the left, it must be proceeded by number. If the noun is expanded to the right, it will present a various type of new forms which can be followed by other nouns such


as,adjective, pronoun, apposition, modifier (which, for, or other elements), and prepositional phrase(Alwi, et al., 2003)

2. English Noun Phrases

Some researchers (Abney, 1987; Bender,Flickinger & Oepen, 2002; Chatterjee 2003:12, Goyal, &Naithani, 2005; Lees,1961) stated that English noun phrases are made of a noun or pronoun called head of noun phrase. Furthermore, a traditional principles and parameters framework provided by Chomskyin Coene (2003) mentioned that noun phrase is a word group that includes a noun and its modifiers.

The noun can be preceded by determiners (such as the, a, her) and followed by complements. In addition, according to Chatterjee et al (2005), the head can be explained or modified by the following constituents;

a. Determiner, for example: the man, a man, this cat, all cats;

b. Adjectives and participles such as, tall man, abandoned building. This adjective and participleare called premodifier;

c. Prepositional phrases and to infinitives, for examples: the car on the road, a pilot to fly the plane.

Zabala (2004) provided an example of English noun phrase. The example is “the pear tree from which the guy is picking the pears”.This example consists of determiner such as the, a pre-modifier suchas pear,a head noun such as tree, and a post modifier from which the guy is picking pears.



In general, a noun phrase in English is composed potentionally three parts: A head, Pre modification and post modification. The head of the noun is the obligatory, it is a minimal requirement for the occurrence of the a noun phrase. The other two parts, a pre modification and post modification are optional Jakson in thesis Dharma 2010: 14.

in gerald‟s book expalined that noun phrase is including premodifier, the head and post modifier. For clearer explanation about the the examples of structures in noun phrase, see tha table below:

The Examples of Structures in Noun Phrases

Pre-Modifier Head Post- Modifier

A new Edition of the book

Some large Sheet Of paper

The old Man who lives near us

The Table: 2.3Noun phrase is including premodifier, the head and post modifier.

Modifiers that come before nouns or heads are pre-modifiers, and those that come after the noun are post-modifiers. There are three classes of determiner (Greenbaum & Nelson, 2002:48): Predeterminers, e.g. all, both, half; central determiner, e.g. a, an, the, those; post-determiners, e.g. other, two, first. modifiers are divided into two: pre-modifier and post-modifier.

Noun phrases may have more than one premodifier and post-modifier. Pre-modifier, e.g. black cat and post-modifier, e.g. cat on the chair.


Whereas, the syntactic pattern of Indonesian noun phrases: modifier comes after noun head or the head comes before the other word(s) (Djenar, 2003:12).

Here are examples of possible structures of the Indonesian noun phrase (Djenar, 2003:12): Here are the kinds and the examples of modifiers in the table:

Kinds of Modifier The Examples of Modifier Premodifier

Determiner It is devided in Pre-Determiner,

Central Determiner, Post Determiner Pre-Determiner

Multiplier Fraction Distributive

Double, twice, thrice, four times Two-fifths, four-ninenth, five-sixth Both, all, half

Exclamative What, such

Central-Determiner Article

Demonstrative Possessive

A, an, the

That, this, those, these My, your, our, their Post-Determiner

Adjective Phrase Very beautiful, extremely big

Prepositional Phrase Preposition + object (on the table, beside)



Participle Phrase Are doing, has built

Infinitive Phrase Relative Clause

To read, to walk

Who make me impressed, which was built

The Table: 2.4 The kinds and the examples of modifier, Premodifier & postmodifier (Djenar,2003:12

In a study according to budi found Interference on the inverse of the phrase structure pattern, parallelization, absence of articles, lack of sentence structure on the nature and pattern of phrases in relation to their property, and all that there are head, premodifier and postmodifier.

1) Head

The most common head of a noun phrase was a noun. the simple noun phrase is a pronoun that is able to build itself up as the noun phrase. Beside noun phrase may consist of noun itself without any other elemente (bare noun phrase), for example, books. Bare noun phrase are possible for mass and plural nouns. The occurrence of a pronoun noun and af a bare noun phrase is counted as a minimal noun phrase.

According to Wisnu (2010) The structures of NPs are very diverse, but the chief elements are these:

a) The head of an NP may be:


(2) a pronoun : (" it), (" herself), (“ everyone (in the street)), etc.

(3) (less usually) an adjective (the " absurd), an enumerator (all " fifteen), H or a genitive phrase (" (John's))

2) A pre modifier

Premodfier is the element of a noun phrase that occurs before or precedes the head oh a noun phrase. Pre modifier is an adjective phrase, for instance: a red car and third pre-modification is an adjective is red.

A pre modifier consist of a number of word clasess an in specific order: an identifier numeral/ quatifier adjective and noun modifier (Jakson, 1982: 67). The identifier includes article definite the and indefinite a, an articles and gentivies as his, her. The next pre modifier is numeral and a quatifier. That numeral that may accur with the noun phrase is an ordinal or cardinal number, the occurrence of ordinal number in noun phrase, her first step may be combined with other elements for example the first few hours. The cardinal number, two days and one bottle may occur with an ordinal number.

The function in a noun phrase is attribute. Whereas, quantifiers are some, many, several, much, no, few, little, every, all, most, each, any. The occur as specifiers in noun phrase.an



attribute of the noun for instance: The english students, wool scarf.

a) The premodifiers of an NP may be :

(1) Determiners : (" this morning), ("what "a girl), etc. (2) Enumerators : (" two eggs), (the "third man), etc. (3) Adjectives : (" red shoes), ("older music), etc.

(4) Nouns : (a " garden fence), (a "gold ring), (" London pubs), etc.

(5) Genitive phrases : (" (Fred's) whisky). ("(someone else's) problems),etc.

(6) Adverbs (in initial position): (" quite a noise).

3) Post Modifier

The last part of a noun phrase is a post- modifier, The are clause, prepositional phrase, adverb phrase and adjective phrase. Their function in the occurrence of the noun phrase is as a complement or an adjunct.

The first type of a post modifier is a clause. It is the part of a noun phrase refers back to a head as a complement to give detailed information about specify the head as an adjunct for instance: the man who i saw yesterday, refers to the person identified by the word man as the head of the noun phrase.


A prepositional phrase occurs as a post modifier of the noun phrase which function as a complement or an adjunct. In the noun phrase, for instance: The man after me, The head is man, the determiner is the and post modifier is the Prepositional phrase after me.

An adverb phrase is also a post modifier of the noun phrase to give information about time for instance: The morning and place, for instance: In this morning.

Rarely happening post modifier is an adjective phrase. It usually appears as a post modifier if the head is a pronoun, for instance: Somebody strange. The adjective phrase normally does not function as a post modifier except several phrase derived from french such as blood royal and heir apparent (Jakson: 1982: 96) Beside, the adjective phrase can occupy as the post modifier if it is branched (Dwijatmoko: 2002: 16).

a) The postmodifiers an NP may be :

(1) Prepositional phrases : (the best day "PP (of my life)). Relative clauses : (a quality "[which I admire])).

Various other types of modifier, including Adverbs (the girl upstairs), Adjectives (Something "Adj nasty (in the woodshed)), Noun Phrares in apposition (the bandicoot, MNP (a tiny marsupial)), and other types of clause



4). The Structure of english noun phrase

According to Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48), there are seven structures of noun phrase.

EnglishNoun phrase Example

Noun Books

Determiner + Noun those books

Verb+ N Return year

adj+N Old man

Adverb + N Only you

Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun Much water

Pre-modifier + Noun + Post-modifier,

Some popular books on astronomy

Table 2.5 The structure of english noun phrase Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48),

C. Differences of Indonesian Noun phrase and and English Noun phrase stucture

There is the difference between English phrase and Indonesian phrase, in English construction, phrase consisted of modifier +head word for example the new + student, while the Indonesian structure is head word + modifier for example murid + baru (student + new). It seemed that the difference cause phrase interference from English to Indonesian language.


The structure of difference Indonesian noun phrase and English noun phrase According to Chaer2015& Khairan 2014 & noun phrase in english Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48).

Noun Phrase On “An Introduction to English Grammar”,According Greenbaum and Nelson (2002: 48) mention that a noun phrase was a phrase whose main word is a noun.

Indonesian Noun Phrase English Noun Phrase Noun + Noun

e.g: Buku buku

Noun e.g: Books Noun+Art(Det)

e.g: Rumah ini

Determiner + Noun e.g: This house noun + verb

e.g: Menulis buku

Verb+ N e.g: Writing book noun + adjective

e.g: Keluarga saya

adj+N e.g: My family adverb + noun

e.g: sangat berbahaya

Adverb + N e.g: extremely dangerous Num(Pre-modifier)+N

e.g: Two months

Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun e.g: Dua bulan Prep+Noun

e.g: on the bathroom

Pre-modifier + Noun + Post modifier, N+N(Post-modifier)



TheTable 2.6 The differences ofIndonesian noun phrase and english noun

phrase structure Chaer2015& Khairan 2014 & noun phrase in english Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48).

The interference phenomeneon has really serious problem. There are different structure between Indonesian and English noun phrase, but in Indonesian structure, it cannot help to determine the part of speech. Forexample, in English the words that have suffixe –tion it is definitely a noun,or theword suffixe –ly is adverb, but in Indonesian, the words that have preffix ter- not necessarily includes a verb, because there are also noun, such as terdakwa and tertuduh. The difficulty in mastering certain structures in a second language depended on the difference between the learners' mother language and the language they were trying to learn.

The Predection the interference of Indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrase.According to Pudiyono‘s research (2012:6) The structural of Indonesian language can be influenced in practice by Indonesian students.

Indoesian Noun phrase English Noun phrase

- Murid baru (N+Adj) - Student new (Adj+N)

- Siswa itu N+Art(Det) - Student this (N+Det)

- Cinta ibu (Adj+N) - Love mom.(Adj+N)

- Makanan kesukaan (N+Adj) - Food favorite (N+adj)


- Ini adalah hari terbaik dalam hidupku (Art+N+prep+N)

- This is the best day my life (Det+verb+NP+in+NP)

- Seorang Ibu yang citra temui. (Art+N+Relative


- a mother whom met citra (Det+N+Relative clause+sub)

TheTable 2.7 Predection of The interference of Indonesian noun phrase and English noun phrase.

There was the difference between Indonesian phraseandEnglish phrase, in Indonesian structureis head word +modifier for example murid +baru (student + new).While the English construction, phrase consist ofmodifier +head word forexample the new + student,. Itseem that thedifference cause phrase interference from English toIndonesian language.


Actually in the phrase kesukaan makan (favorite food), the interference was not only in the structure. As the previous data, there was English interference in kesukaan makan (favorite food). Using English pattern modifier +head word. Conversely, Indonesian phrase construction was headword + modifier, so the noun phrase should be, Oh food, (makanan)kesukaan,banyak kata panjang ya ?(Oh food, favorite food, alot of long words huh? ).

1. Similarities between Indonesian and English

The similarty of Indonesian structure and English in the noun phrase and sentence I did not find in previous research or science experts. so in languages,



it was difficult to find similarty because different language and was impossible to compare especially in terms of structure.

E. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of research was described as follow:

The conceptual frameworks above described the research conducted by the researcher. The students faced many problems in learning English. was their noun phrase in Writing English because there was interference of Indonesian into English Writing.

It helped the research to found some interference, particularly in using noun phrase. The research made a list of interference to find out what interference were made by students in writing carriy out the interference namely noun phrase.

Noun phrase Interferences

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework


Based on problem, the research found some interference, but only focus on interference of indonesian noun phrase into English in noun phrase made by eight grade SMAIslam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar.

This research discusses about the interference indonesian noun phrase into english writing, The research began from writing because the students sometimes use their indonesian than often contains error when they are writing English. Writing according to Hammill and Bartel in thesis Irmala (2016) have said, that writing is the highest as well as the last form of communication to be mastered in which people actually transfer their thoughts, feelings, and ideas to paper.

In writing divided into many types. The writer choose the descriptive textbecause the reason wasthat people can describe the thought of written on paper and describe a place through writing the descriptive textand make it easier for readers to understand what the meaning of the descriptive text.

In the theory so that it is possible that the students find it difficult to learn the interference. Sudipa (2010) in his thesis, He finds that the cause of the interference is a lack of understanding and lack of words written so that they translate directly from the concept of mother tongue into English. it was means that they mostly apply all the grammar indonesian language they mastered in English, while not all grammar in one language has the same characteristics with another, example regular and irregular.



According Supriyanto (2013: 287) in her thesis said the writer find some categories of syntactical interference. It consists of three classes, there are in sentence,phrase, and diction. The dominant interference was in the phrase class.

The students did the grammatical interference in using noun phrase in their descriptive text. According Jakson in thesis Dharma (2010: 14).In general, a noun phrase in English is composed potentionally three parts: A head, Pre modification and post modification. The head of the noun is the obligatory, it is a minimal requirement for the occurrence of the a noun phras. The other two parts, a pre modification and post modification.



The researcher used the descritive qualitativeresearch. Descritive qualitative research was defined as the writer that focused on the interfernce of indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrase. Sugiyono (2012: 1) ) Explains the qualitative research method is a research method used to examine the condition of natural objects, where the researcher is the key instrument, the data collection technique is done in a triangulation (combined), the data analysis is inductive where the research results emphasize the meaning of on generalizations.

The research was conducted by used: “Contrastive Method”,because the writer only to describe the both of language. In dealing with the definition above, contrastive was one way to compare two language there were first language as indonesian and second language as english in noun phrase because contrastive can also help to reduce interference from the mother tongue in learning foreign languages in the language error analysis book page 11.

According to Kardalesja (2006) added that contrastive analysis from both languages;first language and second language; always refers to the specific characteristics. These specific characteristics are associated with both language systems, which is believed to be useful in the anticipation of possible difficulties encountered in second language learning; in which one ofthe difficulties associated with the interference of the mother tongue or first language. On the



other hand, contrastive analysis plays important role infacilitating learner acquiring second language.


Using the contrastive Method to find the difference of them. The difference in two language the would be predicted the difficulty and interference that appears during learning the second language. This research focused on The interference of Indonesian into English noun phrase.

B. Variable and Indicators 1. Variable

The variables of this research would be the type of descriptive variables to the interference of Indonesian noun phrase into English in noun phareses.

2. Indicators

Indicators of this research was interferences that found the form interferenceof Indonesian into English in noun phrase (Pre-modifier, head, post-modifier).

C. Population and Sample 1. Population

The population of this research was student at SMA Islam Terpadu at eighth grade. The population of the research was Smp Islam Terpadu Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar. There were three classes consisting of XI IPA B2, XI IPA B3 and XI IPS B1.So there were all 93 students.

2. Sample

The research used purposive sampling as the technique for selecting sampling. The number of population was 93 students. According to Arikunto (1996:117) if the number of population was too big to be investigated. A researcher can take 10%, - 15%, or -20% -25% of the population as sample.



The writer chosen 25% of the population which was equal to 23 students. This 23 students took as subject based on the criteriaon the students who came from the indonesian.

D. Research Instrument

The instrument of this study would be writing test. The writer used 23 pieces of students’ paper consisting of outlines to write the descriptive text to treat the same theme of students’ writing. The students wouldbe asked to write a descriptive text. The students would be given 90 minutes to finish it. The students would be free to choose any topic from the writer provided 3 topic descriptive about their parents, friends and favorit people.

E. Technique of Data Collection

In collecting the data, the writer did the steps as follows: 1. The writer met the teacher to inform and know the schedule.

2. In the next meeting, the writer employed direct observation in the first step to got the data. The observation was administered in classroom and writer distributed the writing text to the students.

3. The students would be asked to write descriptive text in a piece of paper. 4. The writer explained about the rules of writing a descriptive text and also

suggested the students to used noun phrase.

5. The writer gave the outline to guide them in writing a descriptive text and the answer sheet were for the students’ writing.

6. After that, the writer identifies the elements that constitute the noun phrases. Then, the writer classified the noun phrases according to their


types. The next step was to count the number of the noun phrase according to their kinds. By doing so, the most common kinds of the noun phrase could be identified. At last, the writer put the data into a table that helped the writer to analyze effectively.

F. Data Analysis

The data analysis used in this research is the data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman's model (in Ghony and Almanshur, 2014: 307-310) states that qualitative data analysis used words that are always arranged in an expanded or described text and model analysis.

Miles and Huberman's model (in Ghony and Almanshur, 2014: 307-310) analysis consists of three activities that occur simultaneously: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions/verification.

1. Data Reduction

Data reduction is a process of selecting, focusing on simplifying, abstracting, and transforming “rough” data. Data reduction in this research was conducted by collecting data related to the forms of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English noun phareses and the dominant of the interference of Indonesian noun phrases into English phrases.

2. Data Display

Data display was present the data that had been reduced, thus the researcher could draw conclusions. Data was usually presented in various forms, such as tables, descriptions, or charts. In this research, the data presented in the form of description and also tables.



3. Conclusion Drawing/Verification

The last step for analysis the data according to Miles and Huberman was drawing conclusion/verification. The researcher concluded the data based on the answer of the students from the writing test.

The researcher presents the steps taken in analyzing the data developed from the Miles and Huberman model as follows:

a. Observe and check back the data that has been obtained.

b. Identifying the structure of phrases consisting of seven types of formulas According Chaer2015 and Khairan 2014 Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48).

c. Identify the noun phrase category consisting of head, premodifier and post modifier .

d. Organizing or grouping data based on the formulation of the problem, e. Describe one by one the data analysis that has been checked and




This chapter consists of two sections, the findings of the research and the discussions of the findings.

A. Findings

The findings in this section were based on the analysis according to of Miles and Huberman's model (in Ghony and Almanshur, 2014: 307-310). the data collected through descriptive text. The research classified students' interference based on her problem statements to find the difference in language at eleventh grade through the kinds of interference of Indonesian noun phrases and English noun phrases. Then, divided into three parts head, premodifier, and postmodifier based on the research instruments in the third chapter.

1. The kinds of interference of Indonesian noun phrase and english noun phrases. According Chaer 2015 & Khairan 2014 Green Baum and Nelson (2002: 48).

a. Indonesian noun phrase structure (Noun + Noun) to english noun phrase (Noun)

- Aktivitas aktivitas = Activities

b. Indonesian noun phrase structure (Noun + Art (Det)) to english noun phrase (Determiner + Noun)



c. Indonesian noun phrase structure (Noun + verb) to english noun phrase (Verb+ N)

- Halaman parkir = Parking yard

d. Indonesian noun phrase structure (Noun + adjective) to english noun phrase (adj+N)

- Anak anak pintar = Smart kids

e. Indonesian noun phrase structure(Noun + Adverb) to english noun phrase (Adverb + N)

- Air saja = Water only

f. Indonesian noun phrase structure(Noun + premodifier) to english noun phrase (Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun)

- Kursi ketiga = Third seat

g. Indonesian noun phrase structure(Noun + post modifier) to english noun phrase(Pre-modifier + Noun + Post modifier)

-Di kota makassar = In the city of Makassar B. Discussion

The findings are described base on the descriptive writing above, Below are the description of findings by referring to the formulated research question in problem statments.

The English as the second language has different structure from indonesian language in noun phrase as the mother tongue language of students at SMA Wahdah IT Makassar. Some interference of English noun phrase do not exist in Indonesian structure in a noun phrase, and some the kinds of interference


of Indonesian noun phrase and an English noun phrase, English head, premodifiear, and postmodifier are different from Indonesian. These differences made the students of Sma Islam Terpadu Makassar tend to be difficult to write those structures in descriptive writing. They tended to substitute those structures with Indonesian writing. Here, the interferences those are under discussion are just noun phrase are the head, premodifier, and postmodifier based on the scope of this research.

The found data shows that all the students make interference in noun phrases when tried to write the descriptive writing such as head, premodifier, and postmodifier the reverse of the word Budi, I have said before, those are absent in the Indonesian language. Most of those descriptions the student makes in noun phrases caused by interference of the Indonesian language. The finding above shows that the students tended to substitute those English grammatical in writing, with other grammatical which are included or not included in Indonesian grammatical. The substitution of these English noun phrases with Indonesian grammatical by the students can be said as the interference of the Indonesian language. While the substitution of the English noun phrases with noun phrases that are not Indonesian structure can no be said as the interference of the Indonesian language.

Based on the The findings were some forms of the interference indonesian into english noun phrase by students which will described by one.


36 Part icip ant Indonesian naun phrase English noun phrase Evaluations The kinds of interfernce s 1.1 Nama saudara

perempuan saya Name my sister

My sister’s

name Adj+ Noun

1.2 Buka kamar

sebelah Open the room

Open the next room

Verb + Noun 1.3 Di jln ujung bori In jln ujung bori At ujung bori

street Adv+noun

1.4 Sebuah tas mahal A expensive red bag An expensive red bag (Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun) 1.5 Rambut panjang lurus hitam

Long straight hair back

Long straight

back hair Adj+Noun 1.6 Saudara terbaik Sister the best The best sister Adj+Noun

2.1 Dua pekan lalu Two week Two weeks ago

Num (Pre-modifier) +


2.2 Anak pintar Children smart Smart child Adj+Noun

2.3 Pohon tumbang Tree fallen Fallen tree Verb+Noun

2.4 kulit putih Skin white white skin Adj+Noun

2.5 Sebuah robot tansformasi Robot transfermen A transformation robot Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun

2.6 Rumah paman Home uncle Uncle's house Adj+Noun

2.7 Tempat belanja Place buy Shopping Noun

3.1 Pintu masuk Door come The Entrance

Num (Pre-modifier) + Noun

3.2 Mata coklat Eye brown Brown eyes Adj+Noun

3.3 Semen pasir Cement sand Sand cement Adj+Noun

3.4 Itu kata dia That say his That's what he said

Determiner + Noun

3.5 Enam anak anak Six child Six children

Num (Pre-modifier) +




Tolong ibu hubungi saudara

laki lakimu

Help mom, call my brother

help mom contact your



3.7 Cepat jalan Walk quickly Walk quickly Adv+Noun

3.8 Di kamar tidur In room In the bedroom

Post modifier+N

oun 4.1 Sayadan saudara

saya Me and my sister I and my brother Adj+Noun 4.2 Setiap pagi Makanan makanan every morning foods Every morning food meals Adverb + N

4.3 Wanita kuat A strong women Strong women Adj+Noun 4.4 Jus alpukat Juice avocado Avocado juice Adj+Noun 4.5 Me moodboster I moodboster I’m moodboster Adj+Noun 5.1 Laki laki ganteng He handsome Handsome man Adj+Noun 5.2 Pulang kampung Back hometown back to


Adverb + N

5.3 Di bangku

sekolah in bench school In school

Pre-modifier +

Noun + Post modifier, 5.4 Murid Ibu evy Students mom

evy Mom Evy students Adj+Noun 5.5 Saya kehilangan uang saya di jalan. I lost the my money in the street. I lost my money in the street. Pre-modifier + Noun + Post modifier 5.6 di sekolah semua siswa in school all student in all students' school Post modifier + Noun 5.7 kepala sekolah smp

The head master smp

The principal of junior high



6.1 Pertolongan dia Her helps Help her Verb+ N

6.2 Rambut rambut

boneka Doll hair hair Doll hairs Adj+Noun

6.3 Sebuah

kehormatan The honor An honor



+ Noun

6.4 Seorang kakak

laki laki My brother an older brother

Adverb + N 7.1 Dengankumis tipis With tihing mustache With tihin mustache Adverb + N 7.2 Menjaga senyum

dia Keep smile Keeps her smile


7.3 Kita bertengkar We fight We fought Verb+ N

7.4 Seorang pria 20

tahun a 20 year man

a man of 20 years Noun+Art( Det) 7.5 Seperti umur 10 tahun Ast like a 10 years old Like 10 years old Adverb + N 7.6 Memotong kue kue manis

Cut sweet cake cake

Cut the sweet

cakes Verb+ N

8.1 Dia mempunyai She hes She has Verb+ N

8.2 Di jalan ujung

bori In jln.ujung bori

At the end of the bori road Pre-modifier + Noun + Post modifier

8.3 Seorang siswa She student A student Determiner

+ Noun 8.4 Saudara terbaik Sister the best The Best sister Adj+Noun 9.1 Belajar bersama

sama Study togethers Study together Adverb + N 9.2 Universitas Makassar Universitas Makassar University of Makassar Noun

9.3 Pekerja keras Hard work Hard worker Adj+Noun

9.4 Membersihkan

sebagaian lantai Clean of the part

Clean part of the floor

Verb+ Noun 9.5 Makan sayur

sayur kemarin Eat vegetables

ate vegetables yesterday

Verb+ Noun 9.6 Gemar bersepeda loving cycling Love cycling Verb+

Noun 10.1 Nampak seperti

malaikat Look likes angel

Looks like an angel

Adverb+No un 10.2 Wanita cantik Beatifull women Beautiful

woman Adj+Noun

10.3 Jatuh cinta Falling love Fall in love Verb+



Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework .......................................................................
Tabel                                                                                                         Page  2.1 The structureof Indonesian Noun Phrase ..................................................
Table 2.1 The structureIndonesian Noun Phrase Chaer, 2009 and  Khairan 2014).
Table 2.2 The structureIndonesian Noun Phrase, Alwi, et al., 2003


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