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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department Faculty of Letters and Humanities the state

Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.


Rahardian Rasyidin Reg. Number: A73211113






Thesis Examiners’ Approval Sheet ... Vii Acknowledgements ... Viii

2.4 Function of Language Style ... 15

2.5 Movie ... 16

3.4 Technique of Data Collection ... 20

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ... 20

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Kind of Language Style in “Fury” Movie. ... 22


4.3Discussion ... 37


5.1 Conclusion ... 47

5.2 Suggestion ... 48





Rasyidin, Rahardian. 2016. An Analysis of Language style in “Fury” Movie.

Thesis , English Department, faculty of letters and humanities, the State Islamic University Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor: Raudlatul Jannah M, App Ling.

Key words: Sociolinguistic, Language Style, Movie

This research is intended to analyze Language style used by all characters in “Fury” movie. Language style is the use of language based on relation of talk with the hearer to communicate by the condition experienced by social interaction. As on the movie played by seven main actors. In that movie, there are kinds of language style. The researcher only focuses on conversation containing 4 kinds of language style; formal, casual, consultative, Intimate.

Because of the data in this research is a dialogue of movie that is transcribed into textual form, the researcher uses qualitative method that the data is collected by watching the movie then finding out the conversation that contains language style on communication, then classifying based on types of language style that is found on the movie, then finding the dominant type of language style.

This research obtains two conclusions. The first, the researcher found four types from five types of language style. The second, from those four types, casual style is the dominant type, while frozen style is not found in “Fury” movie. By detail as follows: formal style contains 29 data, consultative style contains 97 data, casual

style contains 102 data, and intimate style contains 13 data. It can be concluded



Rasyidin,Rahardian. 2016. An Analysis of Language style in “Fury” Movie.

Skripsi. Sastra Inggris , Fakultas Bahasa dan Sastra, UIN Sunan Ampel, Surabaya.

Pembimbing: Raudlatul Jannah M, App Ling.

Kata Kunci: Ragam bahasa, Film

Penelitian ini di maksudkan untuk meneliti Language Style (Ragam Bahasa)

oleh semua pemeran Film “Fury”. Language Style atau ragam bahasa adalah

penggunaan bahasa menurut hubungan pembicaraan dengan lawan bicara untuk komunikasi dengan kondisi yang di pengaruhi oleh interaksi social. Sebagaimana pada film yang dibintangi oleh tujuh pemeran utama. Dalam film tersebut terdapat bermacam macam ragam bahasa atau language style. Peneliti hanya fokus pada pembicaraan yang mengandung Ragam bahasa dengan empat jenis, formal, casual, consultative, Intimate.

Karena sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah dialog percakapan yang berbentuk teks, maka metode penelitian mengunakan metode kualitatif yaitu dengan melihat film kemudian mencari text yang mengandung variasi bahasa pada percakapan, kemudian mengelompokan berdasarkan tipe ragam bahasa yang di temukan pada film, serta mencari dominasi dari penggunaan salah satu macam ragam bahasa.

Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan dua kesimpulan yaitu yang pertama, ada empat macam dari lima macam ragam bahasa. Kedua, dari empat macam ragam bahasa yang paling dominan adalah penggunaan dari jenis variasi casual, sedangkan jenis ragam frozen tidak muncul pada text film fury. Dengan rincian data sebagai berikut: jenis ragam formal terdapat 29 data, jenis ragam consultative terdapat 97, dalam jenis ragam casual terdapat 102 data, serta intimate hanya terdapat 13 data.



This chapter, The researcher Presents the background of the study, Statement

of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation

of the study and Definition of Key terms. All These Sections will be discussed as


1.1 Background of Study

In human life, language is a basic of human communication which is however

easy to understand by the speaker. The Language as a tool of communication has

language style and In this case, it is influenced by different interaction of human.

According Martin Joos, he described that language style has five styles. He (1976)

claimed that the ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech,

public speech is somewhat less formal, casual conversation is quite informal, and

conversations between intimates on matters of little importance may be extremely

informal and casual.


in his book but Kreidler need to limit himself the expression of meanings in a single

language (English).

The role of language is to transfer idea or information from speaker to hearer

through communication. It has various different styles and its style has an important

role to deliver the purpose of social interaction to understand the meaning from the

social communication in language. By its style also make it easier to understand it by

whom the language is spoken. In linguistic, language style included into to scope

semantic. It has five styles. They are frozen, formal, intimate, consultative and casual.

Further According to Meyerohff (2006:27) claim that language style also can

describes the personality, mindset, condition of human. The condition of human can

created human’s language style. Such as when someone has normal condition it will

be different from casual condition. That is happen in movie and novel when we see in

language style perspective.

One of the ways to know language style is by watching movie. There are

many movies which are discussing about language style. In this thesis, a movie

entitled “Fury” is taken as the thesis object. “Fury” is an American-British war movie

written and directed by David Ayer. In this movie portrays 5 US tank crew in Nazi

Germany during the final days of World War II. It is played by Brad Pitt, Logan

Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal, Jason Isaacs, and Scott


However, Wardaddy as the main protagonist ordered his platoon to hold some

vital cross roads to prevent the enemy from attacking to allies, vulnerable rear lines.

During the war, there are many language styles in the movie by their conversation.

Thus, this movie becomes an interesting object that can be used as the object for this


The conversation or dialogue below is the example of language style produced

by the characters of the movie and verb formed from noun occurred in this dialogue.

Norman : I was told to report to you. I'm your new assistant driver.

The sentence above is formal style, Martin Joos claim (1967) that language

style means the form of language that a speaker uses and it is characterized by a

degree of formality, because this style usually where communication is largely one

way with little or no feedback from audience. Maximum explicit utterances and used

in a formal situation.

As the data is taken from movie, it is in the form of conversation which need

to transcribe into textual form. This data is analysed using language style based on

Martin Joos’s theory and to get valid analysis, the data must has enough amount to

analyse so that why the researcher also used verb formed from noun by the purpose

not only to know on how many type of language style which has verb that formed

from noun where happen meaning change in another form of word but also to get


Those theories is used to analyze the data using qualitative method to manage

the data and classify based on the types of language style and compare them from

other types. Then the classified data which has meaning change will be analyzed how

it is formed.

In the communication have a relation with language style, in this object, as the

researcher concern to a movie as data, the movie or film are one media of

communication whose stories frequently reflect to social reality. Inside purpose of

this research. The researcher want to know language style in dialogue of the action

Fury movie and how meaning change happen.

The researcher will categorize words in the fury movie from five types of

language style according Martin Joos. Afterwards, the researcher analyze the

meaning change from words inside of the sentence in script of Fury Movie.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

Based on background of study above, the researcher proposes the main

problems as follows:

1. How many kinds of language style is used in “Fury” Movie based Martin Joos



2. To identify the dominant type of language style in “ Fury” Movie.

1.4 Significance of the Study

The study of language style in this thesis is supposed to give some significant

contributions to the readers in some ways to elevate their knowledge. The readers

will know what the type of the language style and the reason of why the language

style used in “Fury” Movie. Second, the reader understand that language style can be

applied in many scrip text that we have ever seen. Besides, the researcher hopes that

the readers have enough learning about the language style to know how to use it in

other text. This research is also expected to be the useful reference for the English

Department students who are interested in conducting further research on the type of

language style and its usage in several different conditions.

1.5 Scope and Limitation

The scope of this research is Sociolinguistic in the focus of language style.

This research focuses on analyzing what type of language style used in “Fury” Movie


of language style and to know the reasons why the language is used in text by

analyzing several words written on it deeply, and how much type of language style in

the Scrip.

1.6 Definition of the Key Term

In order to avoid misinterpretation about the use of terms; it is important for

the researcher to give the suitable meaning of the key terms. Some terms are defined

as follows:

1. Language Style

Language Style is ceremonial occasions almost invariably require very formal speech,

public lectures somewhat less formal, casual conversation quite informal, and

conversations between intimates on matters of little importance may be extremely

informal and casual. (Martin, Joos 1976)

2. Fury Movie

Fury Movie is American British movie takes place in war world II, the movie

written and directed by David Ayer release on 2014. movie portrays US tank crew in

Nazi Germany during the final days of World War II. It is played by Brad Pitt, Logan

Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Pena, Jon Bernthal, Jason Isaacs, and Scott


3. Movie

Movies, also known as films, are a type of visual communication which use moving

pictures and sound to tell stories or inform (help people to learn). People in every part

of the world watch movies as a type of entertainment, a way to have fun.




This chapter present a general concepts of language style, the style of

language style, function of language style, the movie and the previous studies. This

theory is used by the researcher to analysis the data from action movie entitled “Fury”

by David Ayer. The researcher need this theory to evidence that this theory usually

used in a movie,. To more close, the following section describes a theoretical

framework used by the researcher.

2.1. Theoretical framework

This study focuses on Language style that is used in the action movie “Fury”

by David Ayer. This study take a utterances script from the movie. In movie . the

researcher uses a language to share their idea by using a script movie. As everyone

knows, language is used by people not only in the spoken form but also in writing

form. The following the framework will be explained by the researcher from the basis

of theories to analysis the data but, this study only focuses on language style.


Sociolinguistics is the study of language and society as related entities. It

concerns the structure of the language and how language plays its roles and

functions in society by considering social aspects lying behind the communication


successful communication and interaction. It is important to pay attention on certain

aspect of language variation of styles of language to achieve successful and fluent

communication. And style is how to the speaker informing or asking question and to

or from listener. According to Missikova (2003:16) language style is a way of speech

and/or a kind of utterance which is formed by means of conscious and intentional

selection, systematic patterning and implementation of linguistic and extra-linguistic

means with respect to the topic, situation, function, author’s intention and content of

an utterance.

Style is element that describes about a sentence in writing the ways that the

author uses words. According to Renkema, (1993, p.97) claim that the word “style” is

derived from Latin word stylus, the way in which means “pen”. The form of letters is

influenced by the way in which a pen is cut however, it is possible to write the same

letters with different pens; the letters only differ in their style, the language style

means different why in communicating with other. So, the language style means


Gleason (1953) claim states that style is the patterning of choices made within

the options presented by the conversations of the language and the literary form. In

line with this statement, Chaika (1982:29) argues that style refers to the selection of

linguistic forms to convey social or artistic effects. Another opinion comes from

Crystal and Davy (1965:9), they divide the definition of style into four definitions:

Style may be refer to some or all of the language habits of one person as

when we talk about of Shakespeare’s style (or styles), or the style of James

Joyce, or when we discuss questions of disputed authorship. Style may be refer to some or all of the language habits shared by a group of people at one time, or over period of time, as when we talk about the style of the

Augustan poets, the style of Old English ‘heroic poetry’, the style in which

civil service forms are written, or styles of public speaking. Style is given a more restricted meaning when it is used in a evaluative sense, referring to the effectiveness of a mode of expression. Implicitly style is defined as saying the right thing in the most effective way or as good manner. Style refers to literary language. Style has long been associated primarily or exclusively with literature, as characteristic of good, effective, or beautiful

writing, for example, and the focus of the literary critic’s attention alone. In

those four definitions, we can see that every definition expresses one idea.

So, it can be concluded that according to Crystal and Davy, style is all of the

language habits of one person or a group of people in the most effective way of

saying which are different from others at one time.

Using different language style give different interpretation for the reader or

the listener. In the communication, people cannot leave language style because it is

fundamental Language style uses all of the resources of language, such as tone of

voice, choice of words or diction, grammar, and even different ways of pronouncing


Tone of voice can be found when the speaker says something in certain


discovered in written text or in communication. It means that different people will use

different language style. For instance, in the educational institution people may use

formal language Martin Joos claim (1967) that language style means the form of

language that a speaker uses and it is characterized by a degree of formality.

Evenly important as those views above, Renkema (1993, p.93) states that

numerous views on style can be divided into three categories as follows: first when

the symbol aspect of language (the reference to reality) is central, style can be seen as

a possible form for a specific content. Second, from the perspective of the symptom

aspect of expression (the viewpoint of writer or speaker), style can be seen as a

choice of specific forms.

2.4. Kinds of Language style

The analysis is focused on the context of situation, subject in movie. The

researcher use the same of Sociolinguistic theory purposed Martin Joss claim (1976:

153-155) ) that which is discusses five style of language: frozen style, a formal style,

a consultative style, a casual style, and intimate style the explanations of those styles

as follows :

2.4.1. Frozen Style

Frozen style is a style which is used in a very formal situation such as in

palace, church, speech of state ceremony, and some other occasions. This style is


complicatedly related this style requires high skill and almost used exclusively by

specialist, professional orators, lawyer and preachers.

Example :

(1). Stated in the Introduction Fundamental constitution 1945. “sesungguhnya

kemerdekaan itu adalah hak segala bangsa. Dan oleh

sebab itu maka penjajahan di atas dunia harus dihapuskan karena tidak sesuai dengan prikemanusiaan dan prikeadilan” (actually an

independence is the right for every nation, and because of that the

colonization in the earth has to be abolished because it doesn’t conform with

the humanity and justice). (Rosida, 2008)

(2) In another example : Visitors should make their way at once to the

Upper floor by way of the staircase.

The language used in a text that is read and re-read, that must stand intact

that must address an audience of absolute strangers, that cannot depend upon the

speaker’s intonation or the reader asking for clarification.

2.4.2. Formal (Deliberative Style)

Formal style is generally used in a formal situation where there is the least

amount or shared background knowledge and where communication is largely one

way with little or no feedback from audience. However, it may be used in speaking to


Then, this style usually combines maximum explicit utterances, and complexity

of sentence. This style is used in a formal situation such as in graduation ceremony.

Required when the group becomes too large to permit participation, and the speaker

is uncertain how much the audience already knows or how they might react. Hence,

the language must become more cohesive, more detached, and more carefully

informative. The formal style labels are: yes, sir... okay, sir.. and a very few others


(3). Wardaddy : Good, I’m talking to the right man. Park ut over there. Old

man’s waiting.

. Gordo : yes, thanks you sir (from the movie)

(4) In another example: Visitors should go up the stairs at once.

2.4.3. Consultative Style

Consultative style is generally employed in a semi-formal communication

situation, such as between military of different rank, this style is one type of

language, which is required by every speaker, since this style is the central point in

the system because it is chiefly involved in language style. (Rosida, 2008)

Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups, chance

acquaintances, and strangers. It is also use orally to conduct everyday business.

Language used in negotiating with strangers, distant acquaintances, or colleagues of


background information and he or she does not assume that he or she will be

understood without it. Second, the addressee participates continuously; mostly often

the participated for a very long period. While one is speaking, at intervals the other

gives short responses or standard signals such as, yes; no; uhhuh; N’n; Mmm; That’s

right; I think so; oh; I see; yes I know; etc. the patterns of clause connection in

consultative are generally simple.

(5) wardaddy : I need you to rescue my guys. Take the gun out

Rafedy : All right that clears this road into town, you push forwad

(from the movie)

(6) Wardaddy: hit anything that fucking move.

Rafedy : Yeah, unless they pound us first ( from the movie )

(7) In another example : Would you mind going upstairs right away,


2.4.4. Casual Style

Casual style is used among friends, co-worker, or strangers when an informal

atmosphere is appropriate it is also desired such as outside the classroom where

students have a chat yet, there are two devices of casual style. First is makes most

of the differences between casual grammars, which require a shorter form. For


(“Been there; done that!”). For example: “I believe that I find one” is consultative,

“I believe I can find one” is casual.

Second is slang that is a prime indication of in group relationship. For

example: a jazz musician will feel more familiar and natural if says “Guys, I am

not groovy cat I know, but I dig all kinds of jazz” to the other jazz musicians,

rather than using a formal style as “Friends, I’m sure you all know that I’m not a

very good musician, although I understand all kinds of jazz”.

The casual conversation is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed,

most spontaneous and most ourselves and is concerned is to negotiate such

important dimensions of social identity as gender, generational location,

sexuality, social class membership, ethnicity, and subcultural and social group

affiliation. Types of casual conversation are narrative, anecdotes, recounts,

exemplum, observation or comment, opinion, gossip, joke telling, sending up and

chat (Rosida, 2008)

Futuremore, casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our

relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our

friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when

the student have a chat



(9). Gordo : : His number came up, that's all. We've been lucky till now.

(10) Rafedy : I like the way your mouth move when you sing( from the movie)

5. Intimate Style

Intimate style is a completely private language developed within families,

lovers, and the closest friends. Normally the intimate group is pair the intimate

labels are: dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be

used in this situation.

One of the systematic features of intimate style is extraction. It is the speaker

who extracts a minimum pattern from casual style. For example: “Ready, Eng.,

and Cold”.

Based on the explanation above the researcher is intended to analyze action

movie “Fury” movie used the language style’s theory of Martin Joos (1976).


(11) Rafedy : Hey, Hush up, man.”

(12) :Gordo :” Boyd, do you think God love Hitler?”

(13)Rafedy : “Bible, what country we in ?”


According by Chaika (1982:29) states the language style functions are to

convey social or artistic effect. While Badiah (in Hidayat, 2004:11) defines the

functions of language style are as follows:

1. To increase the Audience’s taste.

Using the stylish language can raise .the audience’s thought toward what

is being said the actor, in this case, the actor it will increase the public’s

opinion about what has been written or said, what it means, purposes,

need, and wants.

2. To persuade the reader.

The functions of language style also can make the audience’s sure of what

the audience’s or speaker has stated. Generally, the writer or the speaker

attracts the reader using the rhetorical language.

3. To create certain mood.

The language style that is used by the actors can influence the audiences feeling

and thinking. Thus, how the actors use the language style in their advertisement will

create certain mood.


A movie is called film or motion picture is a story conveyed with moving

images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras creating

images using animation techniques or visual effect. The visual elements of a new


the dialogue into the language of the viewer. To understood as the written text

which is a spoken by the actor or player in movie using script. According to

Kooperman (2010) Script is focusing on story, dialogue, formatting, character,

plot, theme, momentum and document itself.

(2008) entitled An Analysis of Language Style Used in Traveling Gear Advertisement

of “Outside” Magazine. That researcher also focuses on the supporting language

style but in the magazine. She is used the theory of language style from Mc Crimmon

Theory . She found just two kind of language style, They are: informal and

colloquial style. Furthermore, among those styles, the dominant styles which is used

in the traveling gear advertisement of “Outside” magazine is colloquial style. That is

different with the language style in “Fury” movie, the researcher used martin joos

theory, found four style and the dominant styles which is used in the “fury” movie is

casual style.

The next is Hidayat (2004) conducted a research on language styles of

advertisement in Jawa Pos. the result of his study shows that there are five categories

of language style in the advertisement according to Mott Theory. They are narrative


styles are which is used in the advertisement in Jawa Pos, is narrative language, That

is different with the language style in “Fury” movie, the researcher used martin joos

theory, found four style and the dominant styles which is used in the “fury” movie is

casual style.

The next is “The Analysis of language style in headline of English magazine’s

advertisement”by Baeza Hapsah, (2008). From English Department faculty of letters

and humanities State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In his study, he

is research analyzed by using the theory of stylistic and figure of speech approach

about language style, he is founded a classifiy the language styles that are about

personification, alliteration, hyperbole, ellipsis, and smile. He is take a different style

according Martin Joos. Because he is take speech approach about language style.

The next thesis is“ Analysis of Language Style Found in Novel the Last tycoon

written By F.Scoot Fitzgerald” by Dila Sapariyanti (2013). From English Department

faculty of letters and humanities State of University of Padang. In his study uses

theory by Martin Joos. She is found the casual is dominant take the data from novel.

And found the factors that influences the type of language style. That is different with

the language style in “Fury” movie, the researcher used martin joos theory, found

four style and the dominant styles which is used in the “fury” movie is casual style.

The last thesis is “Language Style of Muluk in Alangkah Lucunya Negeri ini

Movie” by Siti Zulaekho (2011). From English Department faculty of Letters and

Humanities, Diponegoro University. In her study, she is analysis a utterances in the


language style in “Fury” movie, the researcher used Martin Joos theory it has some

theory , found four style and the dominant styles which is used in the“fury” movie is

casual style.

However, this study applies the theory of language style in the “Fury” movie by

David Ayer to get more data, this study it has some theory with the previous study

like siti’s zhulaekho thesis but is different object and different found kind style in the



This Chapter presents the research method used. Those are research design,

instrument of the research, Data and source of data, Data collection, Data Analysis.

3.1 Research Approach

The researcher used qualitative method in this research for analysis the subject,

because researcher used qualitative research the analysis is about discussing,

analyzing and finding the Language style in this text of the movie. Qualitative

research is from of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make

sense of their experiences and the word on which they live. The study applied the

descriptive qualitative research because the data are in form words in the text rather

than number the writer result of the research contain quotation from the data illustrate

substantiate presentation (Bogdan, 1982: 28)

3.2 Data source and Data

The data source of this research is taken from Fury movie. The movie is gotten

from internet. the researcher downloads it using wifi.

As data source of this research is a movie, the data is taken from the characters of

it. They are seven character in this movie that play more as follow: Brad Pitt, Logan


data in form of talk or conversation which needed the script of movie that gotten from

web www.subscene.com/Fury film 2014. The Main data is all sentence or text on

script of Fury movie.

3.3 Research Instrument

Research instrument is very important to obtain the data of research for it is a

set of method which is used to collect data. There are two kinds of instrument used in

this research: human instrument and non-human instrument. The primary instrument

of this study is the researcher himself as human instrument who selected, collected,

and analyzed the data, and also reported the result of the study. Because of the data

source is a movie, the researcher needs a laptop or computer (as non-human

instrument) in visualizing the movie as a media.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

In collecting data for this study, the researcher decided to do several technique to

get any data to make an accurate data analysis. The first step was downloading the

movie, from the internet in Ganool.com on Saturday, September 19, 2015, 20:30:PM

and transcribing to format Microsoft Word 2007, to make easy to find the data

language style to enable the researcher to analyse.

3.5.Technique of Data Analysis

The data will be taken from the script of Fury Movie, There some steps in getting

the data:


2. Searching and browsing the script of Fury movie from internet to get textual

form of dialogue.

3. After getting the transcript, the researcher marks or codes it only the data refer

to type of language style .

4. The final step, the all marked data is classified into the type of language style

in order to be easy to analyze, the researcher make a table to east yo share

found the data

No. Language Style Kinds Found data analysis

1 -








This chapter discusses about finding of language style used in Fury movie.

The researcher uses the theory of Martin Joss to analyze the data, which are found

241 data which are taken from the all conversation in this movie. There are 1318

conversation among the characters in this movie. The researcher identifies and

analyzes the script of this movie related to language style. Afterward, the

researcher explains the function of each type of language style from some data.

1.1. Kind of Language style in Fury Movie

As discussion in chapter two, Martin Joos claim (1962:153-155) explains

five style of language. They are a frozen style, a formal style, a consultative style,

a casual style, and intimate style. In this section, the writer discusses one by one

based on the data found.

Table 4.1Data Finding of Language style

No. Language style type Found data analysis

1 Frozen Style -

2 Formal Style 29


4 Casual Style 102

5 Intimate Style 13


Based on table above, the researcher only finds 4 type of language style. To

avoid excessive discussion of the data, the researcher filters some data which can

represents all data to explain as samples data from each type of language style. For

more detail, they are explained below:

4.1.1 Frozen Style

From the analysis that has done by the researcher, there is not one of the

data found suitable to this type. It can take concluded that frozen style is not used

in this movie.

4.1.2 Formal Style

Based on the data analysis the researcher take, there are 29 which is

catagories data as found formal style in the movie Tue researcher decides 5

random data to be explained as formal style a sample as follow:

. the forms are normally not as polished as those in those an oratorical

style. The formal style labels are : yes, sir… okay,sir.. and a very few others.


Other crew : yes,sir

The sentence above, the language is generally used in a formal situation

because the sentence “we talk American” is included of shared background

knowledge. The Situation and condition of the actor explains about the evident in

the tank, before utterance of wardaddy, Rafedy give explanation with all crew

about the situation on the tank. The utterances above is one way communication

with little feedback. The formal style labels are : yes, sir oke sir,

This formal style sentence. It is used in communication which is largely

one way with little or no feedback from audience. The utterance “Get those”.

Combine max explicit utterance and complexity of sentence, the situation of the

speaker gives an order to Gordo to go to the tank. The condition of the actor when

Wardaddy feel honestly to gordo, when gordo shoot a target, Wardaddy was

respon to gordo so expectancy.

Norman :” I’ve never even seen the inside of a tank. I'm a clerk


Wardaddy :This is an American tank, we talk American

Wardaddy :” Get those cases out of here!”

Gordo : yeah, sir

Gordo :” I thought you ”


The sentence above is used in formal situation, where communication is largely

one way with little or no feedback from audience. The utterance is similar to has

previous example. The utterance “I've never” and “I’m” are conversation uses

formal style by the situation that Norman explains about the inside body of tank

with gordo, the condition when utterance of gordo and norman, it was normal

condition after some battle.

The sentence above the style have more cohesive and more carefully

informative like a the utterances “yes, sir. Yes sir.” is included into formal style

where the situation of Boyd respects and responds the Wardaddy questions. The

condition when warrdady command all crew to ready, the situation it was normal

condition before beginning the battle.

The utterances above is included into response of utterances when tank

crew talks about the tank. The utterance “They speak German” above is formal

style. The situation, Wardaddy explains clearly, because situation of Wardaddy is

getting angry to all crews. The all crew condition after wardaddy’s utterances it

has normal situation. The Gordo’s response it has little communication feedback.

Boyd : “Yes, sir. Yes, sir. We got it.”

Wardaddy : “Germany, they speak German.”

Wardaddy :“ All unit are ready now.


Wardaddy : “war’s not going, anywhere, sir.”

The utterance above is fast response by Wardaddy when getting an order

from commandant Godman. “anywhere, sir”is included into formal style because

the situation when Wardaddy confirms captain Waggoner. They say that

Wardaddy is ready. The condition when utterances above it was very formal

condition, when all unit of Tank join together

The utterances above is tank crew expression when getting an order from

sersan Wardaddy to get ready of war, this utterances need not a response.

“Oke,Guns ready” is the sentence that is included into formal style. The situation

of Rafedy has confirmed readiness of Wardaddy’s command. The condition it is

normal condition, when Wardaddy command and rafedy response to normal.

Norman :”Okey. It’s not true”

The utterance above is expression when Norman is asked question by

Gordo and Rafedy. This is an utterance that needs not a response. “okey” is fast

responses by Norman . This expression is included into the formal style. the

situation it happen when warddady ask the question with norman. Norman

Rafedy : “Oke, guns ready”

Commander Godman : “Let’s move it, all unit must ready”

Wardaddy : “ all ready now”


response is short. Norman give explanation with warrdady claim to norman is bad

person. The norman utterance is The utterances above is one way communication

with little feedback.

Wardaddy :” you are lucky for today”

Gordo :” Yes, thanks you, sir”

The utterances above is an expression when Gordon replays wardaddy’s

question because he escapes from brunt of enemy and that response is fast

response. The word “yes…” is fast responses by Gordo to wardaddy. The sentence

is included into the formal style. The situation when wardaddy give blessing to

gordo, after he is shot the enemy tank.

Norman :”Yes, sir”

The utterance above is Norman’s response to answer Wardaddy’s question.

It is an utterance that needs not a response. The sentence “yes, sir” is clear

utterances to respond Wardaddy’s command. It is included formal style. The

condition is very normal when warrdady ask to norman condition, norman

feedback with little communication.

Norman :”No, sir”

Wardaddy : “ Are you oke, boy?


The utterance above is a response of Norman to answer Wardaddy’s

question. It is also an utterance that needs not a response. The utterance “no, sir” is

clear utterance from wardaddy command. The utterance included formal style

because the condition before long journey, wardaddy and norman is ready.

Wardaddy : “Yeah, it’s good. Okey”

On the utterance above, Wardaddy responds when he is success to break a

tank by brief response and need not to discuss. The utterance “yeah” is fast

response by wardaddy response that is included formal style. The Wardaddys

responses is happy.

Gordo : “Oke, roger”

On the utterance above, Gordo answers by fast and small response and it is

included into formal style. On the utterance above “Oke..” is clear statement by

Gordo to confirm. The situation when Gordo feel very ready to norman ask

question . the condition its bery normal .

4.1.3 Consultative Style

From the analysis of researcher takes, there are 97 data found in the

movie and from all the data, 5 data in random explained below as a sample

representing all data. The consultative labels are: yes, no, uhhuu, huh.., that’s right,

I think so and a very few others. as follow


Wardaddy :”All right, move out. Get us out of here.”

The sentence is consultative style, because generally employed in a semi

– formal communication situation, the utterance above “All right “ is short

responses that is included into consultative style, the situation when Wardaddy

gives statement to other Tank crew. Rafeddy response to short with refedy

response. When utterances its very normal.

Gordo : “Yeah, you are. You're a Mainliner, ain't you. Yeah. I


The sentence above is consultative style, because generally employs in a

semi – formal communication situation. “Yeah. I am” is included short response.

In consultative generally is simple. The situation Gordo feels happy because he

responses wardaddy’s statement. The consultative labels are: yes, no, uhhuu, huh..,

that’s right, I think so and a very few others

Norman : “

The sentence above is a pattern of clause connection. In consultative are

generally simple. “Not, true” is fast response that is included into consultative

style . from the situation where Norman gives a statement when wardaddy asks a

question. The sentence is consultative style, because generally employed in a semi

Norman ;That's not true. It's not true?”

That's not true. It's not true?”


– formal communication situation, the utterance above “All right “ is short


Wardaddy : “That's right, man. Need you to hold tight!”

The sentence above is consultative style, because it generally employed in

a semi – formal communication situation. “that’s right…” is wardaddy’s

utterances where it is included into consultative style because is fast response,

when wardaddy give a response to answer Norman’s question. Besides, it is the

usual form of language style in small groups, chance acquaintances, and strangers.

Wardaddy :” It’s a; right, One, Two…”

The sentence above is patterns of clause connection in consultative are

generally simple. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups,

chance acquaintances, and strangers. The Wardaddy’s utterences “it’s a right”

included consultative style. when wardaddy give command to all crew, wardaddy

feels happy.

Rafedy : “Hey, boyd?”

The utterance “Hey,Boyd” above is a fast responses spoken by Rafedy to

call Boyd. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups, chance


is included into consultative style. On that utterance, the hearer needs not to replay

the utterance.

Gordo :” we finishing it, that is it”

Gordo’s utterance above is a response when he answers the question

captain Wardaddy when he reach the place. “that is it” from utterances above is

quick responses from Gordo, that is included consultative style. The situation

Gordo is focus to tank drive. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in

small groups, chance acquaintances, and strangers.

Wardaddy : “Stop , all right”

The utterance above is a brief talk of captain Wardaddy when he orders

Gordo to stop tank. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups,

chance acquaintances, and strangers The utterance “stop,..” it is short command

and small responses to Gordo. That is characteristic of Consultative style The

situation of Wardaddy do focus when enemy’s tank attacks.

Wardaddy : “all right, here is the deal”.

The utterance above “all right” is short responses and standard signals ,

that is characteristic of consultative style .Besides, it is the usual form of language

style in small groups, chance acquaintances, and strangers. The utterences above is Gordo: yes, okey.


when Wardaddy explains response to all crew to take a deal.

Wardaddy : I know who you are, I know you know what what

you are doing

The utterance above is a brief sentence of captain Wardaddy when he

orders Gordo and Boyd to stop the tank. The utterance “I know...” is standard

signal. The situation when Wardaddy gives a statement to norman, . Wardaddy is

getting angered. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups,

chance acquaintances, and strangers

The utterance above occur when Boyd has gotten brunt from enemy. That

utterance is short message that need not the hearer to talk in replaying the

response. The utterance “ I’m okey. “ is short responses that is included

characteristic of consultative style where the situation when the enemy attack the

tank. Besides, it is the usual form of language style in small groups, chance

acquaintances, and strangers

4.1.4 Casual Style

Based on Analysis of the text of movie, the researcher take, there are 102

data found and all the data, 5 data in random explained below as a sample. normal

situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes

Boyd : I’m okey.


members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

as follow:

Wardaddy : You got no right to be fucking sore with me. Quit

fucking riding me.

The sentence of utterances above is casual, because the sentence is

comment that is included casual conversation. “You got no right to be fucking sore with me. Quit fucking riding me” is a comment by Wardaddy when he is angry to Norman. The conversation occurs between Wardaddy and Norman. They are

friend of one Tank. The utterances above First is makes most of the differences

between casual grammars, which require a shorter form. For friends,

acquaintances, insiders, make use of slang, ellipses, and verbal formulas

Gordo : His number came up, that's all. We've been lucky till


The sentence above is casual, because the sentence is oppinion included

characteristic of the casual conversation. From the utterance “that's all. We've been lucky till now” that is opinion sentences, the situation when gordo give opinion when norman ask a question. The utterances is casual style is a style that is used

for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the

conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside


Gordo :” What a man can do to another man.”

The sentence of movie text above is casual style and formal style. casual

style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation

that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of

a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat when

follows casual style because the language is simple, include formal because

become phrase to completed the sentence. The Utterance “what a man can do to

another man”, that is a statement or comment by gordo when he comments to norman about something.

Rafedy :” I like the way your mouth moves when you sing.”

The sentence above is casual style, because words “I like…” uses a type of casual conversation that is opinion. The sentence included an opinion by Rafedy

when he is respons the Norman ask question, but he also give a opinion after

Norman ask question with Rafedy. casual style is a style that is used for the

conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the

conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside

the classroom, when the student have a chat


The sentence above is casual style. casual style is a style that is used for the

conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the

conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside

the classroom, when the student have a chat, because words “If they ...…” is used

type of casual conversation that is opinion. The sentences is opinion by Wardaddy

when he and Norman chat about something, the situation is normal because when

they break time after attack the tank of enemy.

Wardaddy :”If I was riding you, you’d know I”

The utterance above include casual because utterance “if “ is include a

opinion , the opinion is one of type of casual style, the situation when Wardaddy

gives opinion to Gordo, when one of his friend is dead. Wardaddy gives support

into opinion to Gordo. the utterance above included The casual conversation is the

type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most spontaneous casual style is a style

that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is

appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a

family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

Wardaddy :”If those troops get past you”

The casual utterances above is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most


or normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or

sometimes members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student

have a chat.The utterance above gives a response to Boyd for attack preparation.

The utterance” if” is opinion that is included to casual style, the sentences from

utterances .when the situation Wardaddy gives an opinion to Boyd for attack

conversation is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most spontaneous

casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal

situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes

members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

Norman :”I think maybe we ain but it”,

The utterance above is Norman’s opinion when he answers question from

captain Wardaddy. The Sentences from utterance “I Think” is Norman’s opinion.

That comment occurs when Wardaddy gives a question to Norman. That is normal


relaxed, most spontaneous casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in

our relaxed or normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our

friends or sometimes members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when

the student have a chat.

Wardaddy :”We Never run before, I ain’t running now”

The utterance above is expression of Wardaddy when he talks to Norman.

The utterance “We never run before” from Wardaddy is included to casual style. That is chat between Wardaddy and Norman, when they chat is normal situation.

The casual conversation is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most

spontaneous casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed

or normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or

sometimes members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student

have a chat.

Grady :”No, it’s not what I want to do

The utterance above is an opinion from Grady in context “No, it’s not what

I want to do”, the sentences of utterances is opinion. This opinion is one of characteristic from casual style. The situation is when Grady gives opinion to

wardaddy ask him. The condition is normal when response. The casual


casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal

situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes

members of a family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

Boyd :”that’s perfect

The utterance above is opinion from Boyd when he is success to shoot

enemy fast. The sentence of utterance “that’s perfect “ is opinion when was shoot

enemy to fast, the opinion is characteristic of casual style. The casual conversation

is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most spontaneous casual style is

a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is

appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a

family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat.

Gordo : I know you hate me preaching

Utterances It is an opinion of Gordo giving opinion about a question from Boyd.

The utterance “I know you” is included into an opinion. The utterance when

normal situation , the opinion is characteristic of casual style. The casual

conversation is the type of talk in which we feel most relaxed, most spontaneous

casual style is a style that is used for the conversation in our relaxed or normal

situation that is appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes


4.1.5 Intimate Style:

Based on Analysis of the text of movie, the researcher take, there are 13

data found on Intimate Style and all the data, 5 data in random explained below as

a sample as follow. The intimate labels are : dear, darling, honey, and even mom,

dad or other nicknames might be used in this situation. :

Wardaddy :” Don, glad you made it black.”

The sentence above is about nickname of the character of the story used in

this situation. “Don” is the nickname of gordo. Intimate style is a completely

private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest friends.

Normally the intimate group is pair the intimate labels are: dear, darling,

honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in this situation.

Rafedy : “Hey, Hush up, man.”

The sentence above is also causative style which is shown by the word


lovers, and the closest friends. Normally the intimate group is pair the intimate

labels are: dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might

be used in this situation.

Wardaddy : “Gordo, talk him thought that gun again.”

The sentence above is intimate style. It can be known by calling for the

name of character in this situation. The word “Gordo” is one of nickname in

Fury movie. Wardaddy used private language with closer friends to Gordo. the

utterance is Intimate style is a completely private language developed within

families, lovers, and the closest friends. Normally the intimate group is pair the

intimate labels are: dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other

nicknames might be used in this situation.

Wardaddy :” Boyd, do you think God love Hitler?”

The sentence above uses the name of the character of the movie “Boyd”.

The closest calling of friend to call his name with familiar nickname is used in

this situation. When Wardaddy ask a question with boyd about hitler.

Wardaddy used prvate language with closer friend. Utterance Intimate style is

a completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the


dear, darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in

this situation.

Boyd : “Close your eyes, son “

This utterance is similar from other utterance above which calls someone

by private language with closest friends. Boyd call norman with “son” that

sentences of utterance when Boyd call Norman with son. The situation when

boyd gives statement to norman. Intimate style is a completely private

language developed within families, lovers, and the closest friends. Normally

the intimate group is pair the intimate labels are: dear, darling, honey, and even

mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in this situation.

Rafedy “Bible, what country we in ?”

When Rafedy calls Boyd by calling “bible”, it indicates that this utterance

is included into intimate style. Because rafedy used private language to

developed within closest friends, When Raferdy asks a question to Boyd. Boyd

is religious people, just closest people understand. Intimate style is a

completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest

friends. Normally the intimate group is pair the intimate labels are: dear,

darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in this


Wardaddy “Boys, fight on foot”

When captain Wardaddy orders crew tank to get ready in war, Wardaddy

calls them by Boys. It indicates that this utterance is intimate style. Wardaddy

talks to Norman. The private language used in utterance “Boys” spoken by

wardaddy. That is the characteristic of intimate style. Intimate style is a

completely private language developed within families, lovers, and the closest

friends. Normally the intimate group is pair the intimate labels are: dear,

darling, honey, and even mom, dad or other nicknames might be used in this


4.2 The Dominant Type of language styles in “Fury” movie

According to the data from scrip text movie founded, the dominant type of

language style in “Fury” Movie is Casual Style. From the table above the casual

style is found 102 data. The Casual style mostly appear and used in the “Fury”

movie. The researcher begins to answer the second research problem which is

formulated as the following question, “What is the dominant type of using

language styles in Fury movie?”

From the investigation of the finding to answer the first research question,

the researcher finds the language style used in the “Fury” movie is using the

consultative style and casual style. From the two hundred forty one data, the

researcher finds one hundred two data are using casual style, and ninety seven data


To the conclude, the dominant category used in the “Fury” Movie is casual

style, which has several characteristic of casual like simple sentence, question,

opinion, comment, sending up and chat. The situation of the casual in the movie is

normal situation that is appropriate to the conversations with friend in the

situation. In other to make the data findings can be understood clearly, the

categorist of the language style is presented in appendix 1.

4.3 Discussions

The result of data analysis show that types of language style like formal,

casual, consultative, and intimate style are found in the object of this study. An

object of this study is action movie entitled “ Fury” by David Ayer . in the sample

data that is considered as sample of language style can be seen in the Finding data.

In the Finding data has shown all of types of language style are found, the type of

language style.

Based on the theory of Martin Joos, language style is divided into Five

kinds, the first language style is, frozen style which the characteristics of the

sentence are very formal situation such as in palaces church of state ceremony.

The sentence are complicatedly related this style requires high skill and almost

exclusively by specialist, professional orators and lawyer. The second language

style is formal style which used in a formal situation where there is the least

amount or shared background knowledge and where communication. One way

with little or no feedback from audience. The third, formal style which the


which characteristic is conversation in our relaxed or normal situation that is

appropriate to the conversations with our friends or sometimes members of a

family, such as outside the classroom, when the student have a chat. The last Style

is intimate style which characteristic have labels are: dear, darling, honey or other

nicknames might be used in this situation. The all of script are presented in


researcher who does research the same or similar this study.

5.1. Conclusion

Based on the research problem, the focusing of this study Is identified the

type of language style that are found. The object of research is movie that was made

by David Anyer in 2014 the title “ Fury”. During the analysis of data the write tried

to find the utterances that related to language style. The type of language style

found in this result of analysis data are formal, consultative, casual, intimate.

From discussion in chapter 4, the researcher analyzes the data by using

language style based on Martin Joos. The data is gotten from Fury movie. This

movie describes American crew tank on World War II. This movie is played by

seven actors. Based on the analysis the researcher done, there are 1318

conversations spoken among those characters. From those conversations only 221

dialogue include into language style. Those data are detailed as follow: formal style

29 data, Consultative style 97 data, casual style 102 data, and intimate style 13 data.


The dominant type of language style is casual style which is 102 data. And the less

data is intimate style. It happen because this movie portrays in World War II.

The comparison from the previous study, The all previous study used other

object and used other theory but the all previous study just one it has some theory

and some object, that thesis is “Language Style of Muluk in Alangkah Lucunya

Negeri ini Movie” by Siti Zulaekho (2011). From English Department faculty of

Letters and Humanities, Diponegoro University. In her study, she is analysis a

utterances in the movie, she is used Martin Joos theory. In the movie she is found

casual syle is dominant type used by Muluk. That is has some theory and object also

with the language style in ͆Fury͇ movie, the researcher used Martin Joos theory it has

some theory , found four style and the dominant styles which is used in the͆Fury͇ movie is casual style.

5.2. Suggestion

This study only focuses on language style that is used in the movie “Fury”

by David Ayer. Language style usually used in the sentence or utterance in movie.

The researcher think that the result of this study is still far for being perfect

because, the theory is applied by the researcher to give an information of using

language style in the movie. The researcher believes many linguistic theory that can

be used to support and develop in the next study related to language style. The

researcher suggest for the next researcher can do the same study with new


researchers should have much time to give deeper information about language style,

because language style have relation with other theory is not easy to be identified in



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Table 4.1Data Finding of Language style


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