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01 = Negoatiation - a concept


Academic year: 2017

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“NEGOTIATION as a concept”

a special course for the future negotiators


Coverage of discussion

Terminology of Negotiation;Definition of negotiation;;


Terminology of Negotiation



Urung rembuk



Pengertian negosiasi


para pihak (two parties; multi-parties);komunikasi dua arah (language, Ethics,

attitudes (body language), personal profile

(parties/mediator/conciliator), (verbal and non-verbal);

Kepentingan / kekuasaan (substantial matter of negotiation);

Promoting some ultimate and useful values and principles: like Justice, sustainability, truth,



One of the greatest stumbling blocks to


Two party negotiation

Same (intra) culture:

ex.: Mitsubishi & Fuso (japanese culture)

Different (inter) cultures

negotiation between Garuda &


Multi-parties negotiation

Multi partiesMulti cultures

Each party has different backgroun and national interests

A common interest: protection of environment; negotiation for reducing global warming

Need a special trick/method for negotiation;

Requires a special plan and strategy for conflict management;

ex.: the WTO Uruguay Rounds


Jenis negosiasi

Dalam satu jenis budaya hukum;Dalam dua jenis budaya hukum;

Dalam dua banyak budaya hukum (PBB, EU,


Objek kepentingan dalam satu yurisdiksi;Objek kepentingan dalam dua atau lebih



Teknik negosiasi (TN)

TN yang kompetitif:

1. posisi;

2. keras → alot

TN yang kooperatif;

a. Lunak

b. kepentingan

TN yang bertumpu pada posisi;

TN yang bertumpu pada kepentingan;


Positional based negotiation

Soft (easy)


< Hard (difficult)

Principle negotiation or


Tahap negosiasi (Fisher & Ury)

1. introduction-creating trust and structure;

2. Fact finding and isolation of issues;

3. Creation of options and alternatives;

4. Negotiation and decision making;

5. Clarification and writing of a plan;

6. Legal review and processing;


Frank Acuff

, in How to Negotiate Anything With

Anyone Anywhere Around the World, offers six steps to direct the “ways” and “means” of negotiating:

1. Orientation and fact finding – learning about

the organization of the host nation, history of

similar negotiations, and individual styles of the counterparts.

2. Resistance – as long as there is resistance,

there is interest, knowing the source of the


3. Reformulation of strategies – gaining new data requires re-assessment of earlier strategies.

4. Hard bargaining and decision making – concentrate on determination of real objectives. This is the time to invent options for neutral gain that will result in a win-win outcome. • 5. Agreement – work out the details of the negotiation and

ensure understanding. Negotiators ratify the agreement with their respective sides.


Pihak I

Lebih banyak bertindak selaku fasilitator

Pihak II Pihak ke


secara aktif membantu menemukan penyelesaian



Dimuat dalam klausula contract/perjanjian: 1. Mediasi / konsiliasi;

2. Arbitrase;


Hibrid process

Negotiation (P to P)



Mediation and arbitrationMediation first;

If Med. Fails, the same neutral then

serve as an arbitrator and issuein a final and binding decision;

Advantage: efficiency


Arbitration clause

“All disputes under this agreement shall be settled through arbitration under commercial arbitration rules of the stockholm Chamber of



Mercy buqueShie shek

Tarimo kasiSyukran


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