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Overcoming My Problem of Not Being Able To Speak English Fluently While Teaching K2 Bumble Bee Class At Bintang Mulia.


Academic year: 2017

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iii Maranatha Christian University


Tugas Akhir ini membahas masalah yang saya alami selama masa magang di TK Bintang Mulia. Di sana saya berperan sebagai asisten guru bahasa Inggris di kelas K2 Bumble Bee. Karena di sekolah tersebut saya diwajibkan untuk mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris, saya mengalami masalah terkait kemampuan saya berbahasa Inggris, yakni saya tidak mampu berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.

Masalah yang saya hadapi selama masa magang disebabkan oleh dua hal. Pertama, saya merasa tidak percaya diri karena adanya perasaan takut salah dalam berbicara ketika mengajar murid-murid dalam bahasa Inggris. Kedua adalah kurangnya kosakata bahasa Inggris yang saya miliki dan kurangnya pengetahuan saya akan aturan-aturan struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Untuk mengatasi masalah yang saya hadapi ini, saya memiliki tiga solusi. Solusi pertama adalah beberapa hari sebelum saya mengajar, saya mempersiapkan apa yang akan saya katakan selama kelas berlangsung dan mempraktekannya di depan beberapa teman yang mengerti bahasa Inggris. Solusi kedua adalah saya memaksa diri saya untuk tetap mengajar dalam bahasa Inggris untuk mengasah kemampuan berbahasa Inggris saya agar saya mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan lebih lancar. Solusi ketiga adalah saya terus mempelajari aturan-aturan struktur kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris dan memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris saya setiap hari.


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A. Background of the Study B. Identification of the Problem

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study D. Description of the Institution

E. Method of the Study F. Limitation of the Study

G. Organization of the Term Paper







Problem: As a teacher assistant, I am not able to speak English fluently while teaching in English to pupils in K2 Bumble Bee class at Bintang Mulia. Causes:

1. I am not confident because I am afraid of making mistakes in front of my pupils while teaching in English in the class.

2. I do not have sufficient vocabularies and grammar to teach in English.


1. I cannot communicate what I want to say well. 2. The teacher that I assist (my partner) always helps me to clarify what I want to say.

Potential Solution 1 A fewdays before I teach, I prepare what I will say during the class and practise it in front of

my friends, who arranging the best time to practise teaching in English in front of my friends because they have their own activities. 2. I have to use my spare time to prepare what I want to say during the class.

Potential Solution 2 I force myself to keep teaching in English to practise my English so that I become more fluent.

Negative effects: 1. My grammar is not always correct. 2. I got stuck while speaking and teaching in English because I do not have sufficient

vocabularies and grammar to relay what I think.

Positive effects: 1. It can improve my speaking skill because I can learn from my mistakes when I get my partner’s feedback. 2. It encourages me to keep enriching my vocabularies and improving my grammar.

Positive effects: 1. I can speak English using better structures. 2. It makes me know many new vocabularies to apply while teaching in English.

Negative effects: 1. It takes my rest time to study grammar and vocabularies.

2. I feel tired because I need more time to study grammar and

vocabularies. .

Potential Solution 3 I keep studying grammar and enriching myself


1 Maranatha Christian University



A. Background of the Study

Being able to speak English fluently is important for non-native English

teachers when they have to teach in English, as Adela Santa Cruz says: “Non-native English teachers obviously must be fluent in every aspect of

English language” (par. 3).Those teachers are expected to be able to

speak English fluently while teaching in order to be able to communicate the information well and make students and other teachers understand what they say, as Kidsense states: “Speaking fluently is important when

relaying information” (par.1). As an English teacher assistant who worked

in a school that uses English language in the teaching and learning process, I had to be able to speak English fluently to relay information to my pupils in English every day.


2 Maranatha Christian University

for four hours each day. I helped Miss Aline manage the class, gave the instructions about the worksheets to the pupils, and communicated with the children. At that time, when I had to communicate with the pupils and give information about various things, I faced a problem. I knew what I wanted to say, but when I had to say it, I stammered. As a result, my partner helped me clarify what I wanted to say to the pupils. I should have assisted Miss Aline, but instead of assisting her, I kept being assisted by her.

Because of that, I decided to analyze the problem based on my experience, namely, I, as an English teacher assistant, am not able to speak English fluently. Therefore, the aim of my term paper is to analyze the problem that I found during my internship and find the solutions that can be applied to solve the problem.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on my internship experience as a teacher assistant in K2

Bumble Bee class at Bintang Mulia, I would like to analyze:

1. Why was I not really able to speak English fluently while teaching pupils in K2 Bumble Bee class?


3 Maranatha Christian University

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study

There are three objectives of my study. First, I would like to analyze

why I was not able to speak English fluently while teaching pupils in K2 Bumble Bee class. Second, I would like to find out the solutions to overcome the problem of not being able to speak English fluently while teaching. Third, I would like to find the best solution to overcome my problem.

By writing my term paper, I expect that I can give benefits to the institution, the readers and myself. For the institution, I expect my term paper will be able to inform other teachers at Bintang Mulia who cannot speak English fluently of the solutions to overcome the problem of not being able to speak English fluently while teaching. Furthermore, I expect the readers who are teachers to know and learn from my experience about how to speak English fluently while teaching. Moreover, by writing my term paper, I can identify my problem and know the best way to solve it.

Furthermore, I expect that in the future I can apply all the potential solutions to improve my speaking skill needed to teach my private students.

D. Description of the Institution


4 Maranatha Christian University

Kindergarten1 and Kindergarten2. The headmistress of Bintang Mulia is Miss Lois Musa Sugiaman.

The school was founded by Yayasan Bina Insan Mulia. The vision of Bintang Mulia Kindergarten is to provide education based on Christian values. The mission is to become a Christian institution that prioritizes faith, integrity and knowledge.

E. Method of the Study

To write my term paper, first I analyze my problem that I faced during

my internship at Bintang Mulia. I observed the class and the teaching activities and collected the data during my internship at K2 Bumble Bee class. I wrote the journal every day to record the things I did in the class. Moreover, to find solutions, I read some books and searched from the internet for the data that I needed to overcome my problem of not being able to speak English fluently while teaching pupils in K2 Bumble Bee class.

F. Limitation of the Study

My term paper focuses on my ability in speaking English while assisting Miss Aline to teach pupils in K2 Bumble Bee class at Bintang Mulia. I observed myself when I had to teach twenty-three pupils around five years old and observed what happened in the class every day during my


5 Maranatha Christian University

G. Organization of the Term Paper

My term paper begins with the Abstract, as a summary of the paper in


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Refering to the previous chapters, I decide to combine all of the

potential solutions as the best choice to solve my problem found during my internship. The first solution is preparing what I will say in the class and practising it in front of my friends, who understand English, a few days before I teach because they can correct me if I make errors. Preparing what I want to say and practising it in advance can in fact make me more fluent when I have to teach in English. The second solution is that I force myself to keep teaching in English to practise my English so that I become more fluent. After I prepare and practise with my friends, I force myself to keep teaching in English. To make my speaking skill more fluent, I believe that I have to try to always use English while teaching. Third, I keep


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The combination of the three potential solutions can make me speak English more fluently while teaching pupils in English. Every potential solution supports each other . If I only prepare what I want to say without practicing it, it will be ineffective because preparing the materials must be supported by practising, so I will be more fluent while teaching in English. Furthermore, preparing the materials and practising must also be

supported by forcing myself to keep teaching in English, studying

grammar, and also enriching myself with new vocabularies as a support for my speaking skill to become more fluent. Thus, it is better if the three potential solutions are applied together.

In conclusion, non-native English teachers who have the same problem as me can apply the three potential solutions that I have explained,

namely, preparing what they want to say and practising it in advance, trying to keep teaching in English, and learning more grammar and

enriching themselves with vocabularies. When the three potential solutions are applied, I believe the teachers who are not really able to speak English fluently can speak English more fluently when they are teaching in


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Flower, John. American Business Vocabulary Publication. New York: Language Teaching, 1997.

Houghton, Mifflin. Grammar and Composition. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company; 1984.

Rubin, Joan and Irene Thompson. How to be a More Successful Language Learner. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, 1994.

Electronic Sources

Asad, Humayun. Better English Speaking Skills. 2011. 12 October 2011 <http://www.english-at-home.com/speaking/better-english-speaking- skills/>.

Bennett, Bo. The Importance of a Good Vocabulary. 20 January 2008. 13 October 2011

<http://www.yeartosuccess.com/members/y2s/blog/VIEW/00000013/0 0000129/The-Importance-of-a-Good-Vocabulary.html>.

Dway, Karen. English and Fluency. 17 November 2008. 13 October 2011 <http://www.englishfluency.com/>.


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GreatSchools Staff. What Makes a Great Teacher? 1 November 2011. 6 November 2011


Jordan, Miriam. Arizona Grades Teachers on Fluency . 30 April 2010. 18 December 2011

<http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487035725045752138 83276427528.html>.

Lisa, Mona. Why Most People Hesitate to Speak English Language which They are Learning? 12 Me 2011. 10 December 2011


McCormick, Maggie. Tips to Speak Fluent English . 1 July 2011. 18 December 2011

<http://www.ehow.com/way_5491292_tips-speak-fluent-english.html>. Menguin, Jef. “Wordpress”. Increase your Speaking Vocabulary. 12

January 2008. 13 October 2011


Crown, Leo. “English Every Day” . 25 Februari 2007. 14 September 2011. <http://leocrown.englisheverday.com/>.

Stewards, David. How to Speak English without Fear . 15 February 2011. 20 December 2011

<http://www.ehow.com/how_7942349_speak-english-fear.html>. Teambuilding. Presentations Skills . 3 Juny 2011. 18 December 2011.


Zhao, Baobin. How to Motivate Students to Speak English. 7 December 2008. 18 December 2011


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