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Semiotic Analysis of 'Tempo' Cover 2009 Presidential Election Edition.


Academic year: 2017

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iii Maranatha Christian University


Pemilihan umum merupakan agenda besar bangsa Indonesia yang tak

luput dari pemberitaan media massa. Majalah Tempo merupakan salah satu media

massa yang memberitakan tentang pemilihan umum 2009. Sampul depan dari

edisi khusus ini mengadopsi konsep acara TV “Indonesian Idol”.

Tugas akhir ini menganalisis tentang elemen semiotika yang terdapat pada

sampul depan majalah Tempo “Edisi Khusus Pemilihan Presiden 2009”. Penulis

memilih sampul ini sebagai sumber pembahasan karena tertarik dengan fakta

bahwa pada saat itu pemilihan umum ini merupakan pemilihan presiden secara

langsung oleh rakyat yang pertama kali.

Dalam menganalisis sampul ini, penulis menggunakan teori semiotika dari

Ferdinand de Saussure dan Roland Barthes tentang signifier dan signified. Sebagai

pendukung, penulis menggunakan teori dari Gunther Kress dan Theo van

Leeuwen untuk menganalisis elemen semiotika pada denotative meaning. Untuk

mendapatkan connotative meaning, penulis menghubungkannya dengan sejarah

dan budaya demokrasi di Indonesia.

Pada akhirnya, penulis mengambil kesimpulan bahwa dengan menggunakan

pendekatan dengan acara spektakuler “Indonesian Idol”, sampul depan majalah


iv Maranatha Christian University pemilhan umum kepada masyarakat sehingga pesan implisit dari Tempo dapat

tersampaikan, yaitu bahwa rakyat bebas memilih Presiden dan Wakil Presiden

tanpa ada paksaan dari pihak mana pun, serta rakyatlah yang memegang

kedaulatan penuh dalam arti bahwa Presiden dan Wakil Presiden yang terpilih


ii Maranatha Christian University







1 Maranatha Christian University



1.1 Background of the Study

Communication is a necessity of all people to connect with each other.

Communication can take place either in the form of verbal or non-verbal

language. The verbal communication appears in spoken conversations and written

text, while the non-verbal communication appears in images, eye contacts,

gestures, facial expressions, clothes, etc. There are some forms of media of

communication, one of which is a magazine cover. On the cover of a magazine,

the communication that is usually used is both verbal and non-verbal language.

The front cover of a magazine is the first page which means the outer part

of a magazine. Usually the cover of a magazine is made to give information about

the content of a magazine. Moreover, the cover of a magazine is made to get the

attention from the readers through its colors, text, and interesting pictures, so that

people will have the desire to buy the magazine.

Tempo magazine is a weekly news magazine covering Indonesia’s general


2 Maranatha Christian University first magazine that has no relation with the government. Tempo was banned by

the government in 1982 and in June, 21st 1994 and then re-circulated on October 6th, 1998. In 1994, Tempo, together with Detik tabloid and Editor Tabloid, were banned. The factor why it was banned is never clear. Many people believed that

the Information Minister at that time, Harmoko, revoked the SIUPP (Surat Ijin

Usaha Penerbitan Pers) of Tempo because this magazine reported the imports of a

German warship. This report was considered endangering Indonesia’s national

stability. The main report discussed the military objection to the imports by the

Research and Technology Minister at that time, B. J. Habibie. (Widyastuti)

In my thesis, I take the data source from the cover of Tempo magazine, the

special edition of the 2009 presidential election. The reason why I take the data

from the cover of Tempo “EDISI KHUSUS PEMILIHAN PRESIDEN 2009” is

the fact that throughout the history of Indonesia, elections have been held ten

times to choose the members of DPR, DPD, and DPRD. The last Presidential

Election is the most interesting one, because the people of Indonesia did the

Presidential Election as an embodiment of political democracy which has become

a routine five-year agenda in Indonesia. The election this time was very different

from the others that had happened before, in the sense that this time was the

moment for laying the better foundation of democracy. In the 2009 election, the

people of Indonesia also voted for the President and Vice President.

In my thesis, I will discuss the Semiotic elements in the cover of Tempo

2009 presidential election edition based on Roland Barthes’ theory. Through a

number of his works, he not only continues Ferdinand de Saussure’s thinking


3 Maranatha Christian University ideological meaning of the language that he calls a myth. However, because of the

limitation of the thesis length, I would only like to analyze the denotative and

On the cover of Tempo magazine 2009 presidential election edition, there

are many hidden meanings that can be analyzed using a Barthesian semiotic

theory. My discussion will cover the first order and second order of semiotic

analysis. To analyze the elements of visual designs, I use Gunter Kress and Theo

van Leuween’s theory. Moreover, to analyze the second order, I use the

characteristic of democracy which I get from the Internet.

This analysis is significant as after reading this thesis, the reader will have

a better understanding about the denotative and connotative meanings that exist in

all elements contained on a magazine cover, such as images, colors, text, etc.

Besides, the reader will have a better understanding that the theory of semiotics

cannot be separated from other studies. It is always associated with other

disciplines such as visual designs, psychology, politics, etc.


4 Maranatha Christian University 1.2 Statement of the Problem

In this thesis I would like to analyze:

1. What are the signifiers and signifieds occurring in the Tempo cover 2009

Presidential Election edition?

The first step is I chose the cover of Tempo magazine to analyze; using the

theory of Semiotics. The second step is I made an analysis of it, connecting it with


5 Maranatha Christian University 1.5 Organization of thesis

This thesis has four chapters. Chapter One is the Introduction, which

consists of Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the

Study, Method of Research, and Organization of Thesis. Chapter Two is the

Theoretical Framework. Chapter Three is the analysis of the data. Finally, Chapter


27 Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter I would like to state a conclusion based on the findings in

Chapter Three concerning the Semiotic elements found in the Tempo cover “Edisi

Khusus Pemilihan Presiden 2009”.

Generally speaking, the Semiotic elements in the Tempo cover can be

divided into two parts; they are image and text. I can say that Tempo is clever at

making the idea of “Indonesian Idol” stand out in this cover as this show is very

popular at that time so that the readers can easily recognize this. I can see the blue

dotted pattern as the background of the stage which is very similar to the TV show

“Indonesian Idol”. Besides, the imitation of “Indonesian Idol” can easily be

recognized because of the use of the phrase “INDONESIA MEMILIH”, which is

the exact tagline which is always used at the end of the show to determine the


Furthermore, I think the use of the phrase “EDISI

KHUSUS PEMILIHAN PRESIDEN 2009” and “TEMPO” is also important to


28 Maranatha Christian University special edition about presidential election which is published by the mass media

named Tempo.

In my opinion, the cover maker imitates the “Indonesian Idol” setting here

to show to the readers that there is a kind of competition in the general election

just like the competition in the spectacular TV show “Indonesian Idol” which

determines the winner based on the highest number of votes.

In revealing the denotative meaning, the role of the colours in my analysis

leads to something quite significant. I can say that Tempo chooses these colours

after considering the fact that these are the colours of the logo backgrounds of the

parties the candidates come from. I believe that the interpretation of colours is

culture-based. The interpretation of colours in my analysis is based on the

condition occurring in Indonesia which is related to the context at that time, which

is the general election. GOLKAR is identical to the yellow colour, PDIP to the red

colour, DEMOKRAT to the blue colour, GERINDRA and HANURA to the

white colour.

In my opinion, in the first order, the image of the six people is the most

dominant element in drawing the denotative meaning. It is understood that in the

2009 General Election in Indonesia people could directly choose candidates to be

the next President and Vice President for the first time. Tempo magazine as a

mass media wants to participate in publishing the six candidates to be chosen for

the general election, so that people of Indonesia became more familiar with them,

considering that the magazine was published ten days before the election.

The next concluding point concerns with the second order of the semiotic


29 Maranatha Christian University equality among citizens, supremacy of law, acknowledgement of the freedom of

all its citizens, and the periodic general election. In my opinion, the most obvious

characteristic seen in the cover is the equality among citizens. It can be seen in

five different things: the figures are standing in one line, the angle is put in the

same eye level with the viewers, people of any gender and any background are

given the same right or opportunity to be candidates, and all Indonesian adults

without any limitation to particular groups can be the voters in this Presidential

Election. I think these five characteristics can mutually support the interpretation

of one of the democracy characteristics, namely equality among citizens. All of

the citizens are equal, either to participate as the candidates or as the voters.

On the other hand, the democracy characteristic which is the most subtly

seen in Tempo cover is the supremacy of law. Readers without good background

knowledge both about the TV show “Indonesian Idol” and the Indonesian General

Election will find it hard to find this element in the cover. To be the contestants or

the candidates, there are some requirements that must be fulfilled. This is to

emphasize the concept of democracy, in which there is no arbitrariness. Therefore,

to grab this element the readers must have good background knowledge about the

two events.

In addition, I can further say that the essence of the connotative meaning

in my analysis is the fact that people hold the sovereignty. It is an implicit one in

the cover but actually this can be easily grabbed. It can be clearly seen from the

phrase “INDONESIA MEMILIH”. The people of Indonesia are the most

important element to participate in the General Election because people can


30 Maranatha Christian University very influential in determining who will be the next President and Vice President

to lead Indonesia.

As a whole, I think the idea of representing the six figures here in the

“Indonesian Idol” setting is brilliant. “Indonesian Idol” is a spectacular TV show

which can attract millions of viewers. By using this approach, Tempo magazine

wants to make the public familiar that this is the first time that the people of

Indonesia can directly choose the next President and Vice President, more or less

just the same as when the viewers vote for their idol in the TV show “Indonesian Idol”.

In the end, I conclude that the cover of Tempo magazine “Edisi khusus

Pemilihan Presiden 2009” is really well-designed as a good communication media

to emphasize the democracy concept in the Indonesian General Election. The

cover is very communicative in making the Indonesian citizens aware that they

have an equal right and important position to vote for their President and Vice

President for the next period. When this message is successfully conveyed, the

people of Indonesia will appreciate the democracy process ongoing at that time.

This is very important so that the country will have a better government and

democracy system.


31 Maranatha Christian University



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2011. Web. 1 March 2011.

Koleksi logo-logo partai politik di Indonesia peserta PEMILU 2009. Hibridaprint,

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32 Maranatha Christian University

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