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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department Faculty of Language and Arts, State University of Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of SarjanaPendidikan

By :


Registration Number: 2102121014






First of all the writer would like to thank the almighty to Allah SWT who has blessed the writer to complete her thesis and his prophet Muhammad SAW accomplish without God blessings and supporting from many people, therefore the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

1. Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Pd., the Rector of State University of Medan.

4. Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts, Vice Dean I,II,III and all the staffs for their sincere assistance in the process of completing the academic procedures

5. Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English and literature Department, and her thesis consultant, who has given advice, suggestions, guidance and also encouragement, so that this thesis could have been accomplished.

6. Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

7. Nora Ronita Dewi, S.S.,M.Hum. the Head of English of English education study program

8. Dr. Lidiman Sahat Martua Sinaga, M.Hum., her academic advisor, and her reviewer, who has given his great supervision.

9. All the lectures of English and literature Department thanks for their valuable knowledge, advices, and guidance during her academic years in English Department and the assistance in setting the administration procedures.

10.Hj.Masraya S.Pd. the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 27 Medan, for the permission to conduct the research in that school SMP Negeri 27 Medan. 11.Chairiyah Sitompul S.Pd. the English Teacher , for the assistance and

guidance during the research, all the teachers and the students for their good attention at the time



Afni, Wardatul Jannah, Azka Aqilah, Sahlan), for being so cute and relieving and her Sisters (Maslela) for being so good her younger sister (Fitriyani) who always keep the writer on the right way and cover her with so much love and caring.

13. Special Thanks to writer’s someone that special Bunda Atin , who give her a shelter whenever she need it also to who supported her.

14.A lot of thanks all her beloved best friends reg A ( Mia adilla panjaitan, S.Pd, Rabiah Al Adawiyah, S.Pd, Afrilza Aswani, S.Pd, Sartika Dewi, Sabar Parsaulian, Angrayni.) For many valuable times spend together at class and anywhere together in love, and all helps and support in completing the thesis. and understanding each other; (Lely Liana, Maylia Bicerdi, Tania, Desi, Yuni, Ardina, Bela, Melisa, Weni, Astrice, Juita, Sita, Halimah, Anisa, Mira, for my friends in campus, and all my friends in organization Hizbut tahrir chapter campus Perjuangan. For my friends PPL (Idah, Sapna, Desi, Sulis).

15. All students of class A Regular ’10 of English education that could not be mentioned one by one for their support, Information, and encouragement in the precious time of studying, learning, and playing together.

Medan, September 2015 The Writer



Suryani. 2102121014. The Effect of Applying Four Square Technique


n Students’ Achievement

in Writing Narrative Text. A Thesis.

English Department. Faculty of Languages and Art, State University of Medan. 2015.





Table 1.1. The mean of the Class VII-1 Students’ Score in Writing ... 4

Table 1.1. The mean of the Class VII-2 Students’ Score in Writing ... 4

Table 2.1. The Illustration of Four Square Technique ... 19

Table 2.2. The example of Four Square Technique in Writing Narrative ... 20

Table 3.1. Research Design ... 27





APPENDIX 1 ... 48

APPENDIX 2 ... 50

APPENDIX 3 ... 52

APPENDIX 4 ... 54

APPENDIX 5 ... 55

APPENDIX 6 ... 56

APPENDIX 7 ... 57





A. Background of the study

Language is basic form of communication. It is a tool used by human beings

to communicate to others. By using languages, human beings can narrate and

share their experience to others and tell some information to others. One of those

languages is English. The position of English in Indonesia is as compulsory first

foreign language taught at the school start from kindergarten up to university

level. Although it is just a foreign language, it is very imfortance, it proves that it

is one of the subjects required for passing the National examination for junior and

senior high school. These show how important English in this world is, therefore

it is expected that everyone should be able to master English.

English is an important language in the world. In learning English, there are

four major skills which should be achieved by learners, namely listening, reading,

speaking, and writing. Listening and reading are grouped into receptive skills

while speaking and writing are grouped into productive skills. These skills have

different meaning but have the same purpose, which is increasing the creativity of

language. All the skills are taught by the teacher to the student. They are needed

by the students as the good skill in improving their knowledge in English.

Based on those reality, Writing is a skill exposing facts and idea which is

interpreted clearly, effectively, and well-organized. It is important to note that

writing is a process of transforming thoughts and ideas into written form. Writing



sequence or steps of ideas, organized thoughts and feeling in the form of words

and combined into sentence into form of texts in which every sentence is closely

related one another.

Writing well is not just an option for young people—it is a necessity. Along

with reading comprehension, writing skill is a predictor of academic success and a

basic requirement for participation in civic life and in the global economy

(Graham & Perin, 2007).

Based on the standard competence in the syllabus of the second year

students of junior High School called Educational Unit-Oriented Curriculum (

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan: KTSP) students are expected to be able to

write some genres in writing namely narrative text. Expessing the ideas and

thought should be known by the students since it becomes the goal of writing. On

the other hand the students should be able to express their ideas or opinions in text


The students are not able to write English well, they don’t use appropriate

words and grammar in writing. Actually, many teachers and students always find

the difficulties in improving writing skill. Teachers tend to ignore teaching writing

in classroom and many students consider writing as a complex skill that is

difficult to acquire and to be thought by teachers. Another reason why writing is

difficult for students is students always face a problem in finding ideas to write

and do not know what to do if they want to start their writing. Many students also

feel frustrated when they could not find the appropriate words, students do not

know how to do free writing, and they do not possess the strategies for composing



Furthermore, most of them do not enjoy writing and lack confidence in

writing on their own. The problem is students cannot improve their writing

achievement. There are some reasons which make writing difficult: Firstly,

writing requires good grammar. A non-native persons have to remember rules in

structure which quite different from their own language; Secondly, people are

often known to spend less time writing than listening, speaking and even reading;

Thirdly, when students who learn English as a foreign language write

something, they have a big question in mind whether it is correct or not. In

conclusion, writing is the most difficult skill that learners of any foreign language

may face.

It was also found by the researcher during her Teaching Practice Program

in 2013 that learning writing was still in problem. It was proved by students’

achievement in writing. In class, the teacher only asked students to read the book,

and then translated the text and rewrote translation. They were not asked to

practice their writing ability.

The researcher also found that the students’ are not able to write in simple

sentence especially in writing narrative text. They are not confident to use their

own english, because of their limited mastery on grammar and vocabulary, and

they are not able to organize their ideas into a good text. They had difficulty in

writing narrative text because they didn’t understand what their teacher had

explained. Students are asked to pay attention to the example of one text. Next,

they are asked to write independently. So, they think that English is not fun and



Based on the preliminary observation has be done at SMP Negeri 27

Medan on maret 27th 2014 that was by asking the English teacher about the

students’ achievement in writing especially Narrative text, she said that most of

the students thought that writing is difficult. She found that the students still did

not understand clearly what a Narrative text. They do not know how to transfer

their ideas, even how to arrange a sentence. So, the teacher should teach by other

methods or techniques which can intimate the students to write.

When the researcher asked the teacher about the students’ score list for

writing test in two semesters, it was found out that, the minimum criteria mastery

(KKM or Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum) which is applied by school for English

lesson. The minimum criteria mastery (KKM) is applied 75 meanwhile the scores

of the students are lower. When the researcher observed two English teachers who

teach grade VIII, they agree with the opinion that the researcher asked. From the

data that the researcher got from them, there were more than 70% of students who

couldn’t write Narrative text properly in SMP Negeri 27 Medan. And the data of

two semester are follows :

Table 1.1

The mean of the Class VII-1 Students’ Score in Writing

Semester Score Students Percentage

1st Semester 2013/2014 Source : Students’ accumulated score of SMP Negeri 27 Medan academic year



Table 1.2

The mean of the Class VII-2 Students’ Score in Writing

Semester Score Students Percentage

1st Semester 2013/2014

< 75 25 Students 69.4 %

≥ 75 11 Students 30.6 %

2nd Semester 2013/2014

< 75 28 Students 77.8 %

≥ 75 8 Students 22.2 %

Source : Students’ accumulated score of SMP Negeri 27 Medan academic year


Based on those reality, it is necessary to know some methods for helping

students in writing. The appropriate and comprehensive methods for teaching

writing related with four square technique. Four square technique is a technique to

make the students can understand the text or narrative text. The students are

taught to work together with their friends. They work together to achieve the goal

or the success which has always been desired by them. It will help the students in

writing narrative text.

From the previous explanation, the research will conducted to see how the

application of four square technique affects students’ achievement in writing

narrative text.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on background of the study before, the problem is formulated as

follow: “Is the student's achievement in writing narrative text taught by using four



C. The Scope of the Study

The scope of the study is focuses on the applying four square Technique to

improve students’ achievement in writing narrative text. The object of the study

is limited on the Junior High School students grade VIII at SMP Negeri 27

Medan .

D. The Objective of the Study

In line with the problem, the objective is to investigate whether students’

achievement in writing narrative text by using four square technique is higher than

those taught by lecture method.

E. The Significance of the Study

Results of this study are expected to be giving out the theoretical and practical

significance. Theoretically, the expected of this research is to enrich the learning

of science writing especially in writing narrative text by using four square


Practically, the result of the study is important and useful for those :

1. Teacher, to increase their own professionalism in teaching writing by

using four square Technique and the result of the study would be very

useful for teachers of English and others who are concerning wtih

assessment of teaching English.

2. Students, giving information to increase their writing ability and to

motivate the students to be better in writing narrative text.

3. The readers, to have interest research to enlarge their understanding about





A. Conclusion

After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that using four square

technique significantly affect on students’ achievement in writing Narrative Text.

Because it was found that the value of tobserve was 2.870 with the degree of

freedom (df) = 58 at the level of significance ɑ (0,05) = 1.673. It means that tobserve

is higher than ttable (2.870 > 1.673), null hypothesis is rejected and alternative

hypothesis is accepted. So, four square technique is better to increase students’

achievement in writing Narrative text.

B. Suggestions

The writer points out some suggestions for the following:

1. teacher to increase their own professionalism in teaching writing

especially narrative text.

2. students to give information to increase their writing ability and to

motivate the students to be better in writing narrative text.

3. the readers to have interest research to enlarge their understanding about




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Table 3.1. Research Design .................................................................................
Table 1.1 The mean of the Class VII-1 Students’ Score in Writing
Table 1.2


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