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English Education Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Utilizing Manga to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text of Second Year Students at SMAN 19 Makassar - Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd) of English Education Department

Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty Alauddin State Islamic University

of Makassar


ARMADI JAYA Reg. Number: 20400113185





Dengan penuh kesadaran, penulis yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Armadi Jaya

NIM : 20400113185

Tempat/Tgl. Lahir : Benteng, 18 September 1994 Jur/Prodi/Konsentrasi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas/Program : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Alamat : Jln. Nipa-Nipa Raya Komp. Pasar

Judul : Utilizing Manga to Increase Students’ Reading Comprehension

on Narrative Text of Second Year Students at SMAN 19 Makassar

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya dan penuh kesadaran bahwa skripsi ini benar adalah hasil karya sendiri. Jika dikemudian hari terbukti bahwa ia merupakan duplikat, tiruan, plagiat, atau dibuat oleh orang lain, sebagian atau seluruhnya, maka skripsi dan gelar yang diperoleh karenanya batal demi hukum.

Samata-Gowa , 13 November 2017 Penulis,

Armadi Jaya NIM. 20400113185



Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. The researcher expresses his highest gratitude to the almighty Allah swt, who has given His blessing, mercy, health, and inspiration to complete this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are due to the highly chosen Prophet Muhammad saw, His families and followers until the end of the world.

The researcher also considers that in writing this thesis, many people have also contributed their valuable guidance, assistance, and advices for his completion of this thesis. They are:

1. The researcher’s beloved parents Harjo Yumas and Armiati for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed for his success, and their love sincerely and purely without time.

2. Prof. Dr. Musafir Pababbari, M.Si., as the Rector of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar.

3. Dr. H. Muhammad Amri, Lc., M.Ag., the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar.

4. Dr. Kamsinah, M.Pd.I and Sitti Nurpahmi, S. Pd., M. Pd as the Head and Secretary of English EducationDepartment of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar.

5. Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M.Hum.as the first consultant and Dr. Muh. Rusdi T, M.Ag. as the second consultant who have given their really valuable time,


patience, supported, assistance, advices and guided the researcher during this thesis writing.

6. The most profound thanks to all lecturers of English Department and all staff of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science Faculty for their help, support, and guidance during the researcher studying at Alauddin State Islamic University (UIN) of Makassar.

7. Thanks for the English Teacher of SMAN 19 Makassar Ramlah, S.Pd., all of the teachers and all the students of IX MIA 1 and IX MIA 4 who had actively participated to be the respondents of this research.

8. The writer’s beloved sisters, Armita Sari and Armis Sari Harjo for their patient, prayers, and motivation during my study.

9. The writer’s bestfriends in English Education Department (2013), Masniyah, Kartika Sari, Reski Amalia S, Najamuddin, Zukri Prasetyo, Muhammad Mas’ud MS, Armadi Jaya, Gusman Mansur, Ichsan ananta

Wikrama, and all friends who could not be mentioned here. Thanks for friendship and suggestions to the researcher.

10. Special thanks to researcher’s beloved classmates in PBI 9.10 and all my friends in PBI 2013 who could not be mentioned here. Thanks for sincere friendship and assistance during the writing of this thesis


The researcher realizes that the writing of this thesis is far from perfect. Remaining errors are the researcher’s own; therefore, constructive criticisms and

suggestions will be highly appreciated. May all the efforts are blessed by Allah SWT. Aamiin.

Samata-Gowa, 13 November 2017 The Writer

Armadi Jaya

NIM: 20400113185












ABSTRACT ... xii

F. Opearational Definition of Terms ... 5

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Previous of Related research findings ... 6

B. Some pertinents ideas ... 7

1. Definition of Reading ... 7

2. Definition of Manga ... 9

3. Manga as Reading Material ... ... 10

4. The Use of Manga in Teaching ... 12

C. Theoretical Framework ... 14

D. Hypothesis ... 16



A. Research Design ... 17

B. Research Variable ... 18

C. Population and Sample ... 19

D. Research Setting ... 20

E. Research Instrument ... 21

F. Data Collection Procedure ... 21

G. Data Analysis Technique ... 23


B. Discussion ... 33


B. Suggestion ... 38






1. The rate percentage of score experimental class in pre-test ... 28

2. The rate percentage of score experimental class in post-test ... 29

3. The rate percentage of score control class in pre-test ... 29

4. The rate percentage of score control class in post-test ... 30

5. The mean score and standard deviation ... 31

6. The result of t-test calculation ... 33



Appendix I Students’ Attendent List...43

Appendix II The Classification of Students’ score in Controlled Class...45

Appendix III The Classification of Students’ score in Experimental Class...46

Appendix IV Mean Score of Experimental Class and Controlled Class...47

Appendix V Standard Deviation of Experimental Class and Controlled Class...48

Appendix VI The Significant Difference...50

Appendix VII The Distribution of T-Table...51

Appendix VIII Lesson Plan...52

Appendix IX Instrument (Manga)...53

Appendix X Pre-Test...104

Appendix XII Post-Test...107

Appendix XI Documentation...110



Name : Armadi Jaya Reg. Number : 20400113185

Department/faculty : English Education/Tarbiyah and Teaching Science

Title : Utilizing Manga to Increase Students’ Reading

Comprehension on Narrative Text of Second Year Students at SMAN 19 Makassar

Consultant I : Dr. Hj. Mardiana, M.Hum. Consultant II : Dr. Muh. Rusdi T., M.Ag.

This research aimed to determine the use of Manga in increasing students’ reading comprehension especially in narrative text at the second year students of SMAN 19 Makassar. The principle problem was only one that was ‚Is Manga able to increase students’ reading comprehension on narrative text at SMAN 19 Makassar?‛

The study was quasi Experimental Design. The study involved 56 students, second year students in academic year 2017/2018 of SMAN 19 Makassar. The independent variable of this research was the use Manga in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text and the dependent variable was the students’ achievement of in reading comprehension on narrative text.

The data were analyzed using descriptive statistic (frequency, mean score, and standard deviation) and inferential statistic (independent sample t-test). The research discovers that the reading comprehension of the second year students of SMAN 19 Makassar improved by using Manga, by the increase of mean score of experimental class that is 49.82 in the pre-test and 78.39 in the post-test. The result of the t-test also shown that the use of Manga in teaching reading comprehension was effective in improving the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text because the t-test, 6.193, was higher than t-table, 2.009 (6.193 2.009).

Based on the finding and discussion of the research, the researcher suggested that Manga in teaching was able to use in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text and the researcher concluded that using Manga was effective and interesting media in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text.



Learning other languages is important in this era because language is our tool to communicate with people in the world like the other languages, English is divided into four skills which are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading stands for the third skill and will be always discussed in here. It is a skill that works as a communication way of a written text between a writer and a reader. By using this skill, the readers try to understand what the idea or the information of a text that wanted to deliver by the writer. Mastering reading skill is also become a must for all of the students which are studying English as a foreign language.

Fanani (2012) stated that reading is a physic and mental activity to reveal the meaning of the written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing letters. It says a physic activity because the parts of the body, our eyes particularly, do it. Mental activity because perception and memory as parts of thought are involved in it. In addition the main goal of reading is a process of comprehending written texts.


the teacher should be successful enough in making the students comprehend the text well.

The preliminary study of researcher in SMAN 19 Makassar on 21 December 2015, it was found that most of the students are failed to comprehend the reading text well. It caused they did not pass the standard quality of the school (KKM). The students’ failure in passing the examination target was due

to many factors, such as the strategic that applied by the English teacher, reading materials were too heavy, the themes were monotonous and seriously impressed and the last was there are many passages contains unfamiliar vocabulary.

The learning process of reading continuously involved the conventional activity in which the students should read the written text individually and the teacher checked their fluency and pronunciation. That technique seems effective to gain a higher ability in reading a text in the accurate spelling; but it could not reach the aspects of all the reading comprehension where the students should be able to find the main idea, making inference, making reference, and knowing the supporting details. Furthermore, that conventional technique absolutely made the teacher used the time more and could be stated as an inefficiency, because all the students need to read the text one by one.


applying the various techniques and selecting the proper text. By using the good teaching material, the teacher could help the students think critically and develop their ideas. More importantly, the students could comprehend the idea easier and reached optimal results in reading.

In this decade, many language teachers did not provide attractive teaching materials when they teach in classroom. They still used books that contain many texts and monotonous material. So that what made students not interested to learn about reading especially reading narrative text because when they learn it, they get bored and sleepy. Krashen (2002) said that psychology and mood can influence students in learning in classroom. As a result, when they were faced an exam, their score was below average the standard quality of the school (KKM). The cause is the students were not attracted when they studied about reading narrative text.


B. Research Problem

As the researcher described in his background, the problems that would be discussed in this research was ‚Is Manga able to increase students’ reading comprehension on narrative text at SMAN 19 Makassar?‛

C. Research Objective

The objective of this research was to know is Manga able to increase students’ reading comprehension on narrative text at SMAN 19 Makassar.

D. Research Significance 1.Theoritical Significance

The result of this research was expected to contribute to create a new teaching materials in reading comprehension on narrative text.

2.Practical Significance a. For students

This research was expected to help the students to increase their reading comprehension on narrative text and can motivate them to read more books.

b. For teacher

The researcher hope that this research could help the teacher to find new teaching material in reading comprehension. It was also expected to be useful for English teachers to provide an alternative solution to solve the problems in teaching reading comprehension.


This research was expected to give contribution to the other researchers as a reference for further studies on a similiar topic. E. Research Scope

The scope of this research focuses on the use of Manga in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text. The researcher conducted this research at the second year students of SMAN 19 Makassar. The researcher was Manga as teaching material in four or five meetings, before applying this teaching material, there was pre-test and also post-test at the end of the meetings to know how manga can improve student’s reading comprehension on narrative text.

F. Operational Definition of Terms 1. Reading

Reading is an interactive process that takes place between the text and the reader’s processing strategies and background knowledge, while

in that activity there is a process of knowing letters. 2. Narrative Text

Narrative text is story with complication or problematic event and it tries to find the resolutions to solve it. In this research. Narrative text is a kind of text that usually deals with fiction story.

3. Manga


6 A. Previous Related Research Findings

There have been some researches related to the Utilizing Manga to Increase Students’ Reading Narrative Text. Some of them are quoted below:

a. Winda Apriyani (2014) in her research to find out whether or not the use of eEnglish Comic Book series could improve reading comprehension of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 32 Palembang. In this study, one group pre-test and post-tes control group design was applied. The population was 170 seventh grade students in academic yaer 2013/2014.

b. Damar Saka Kharisma (2009) In his research was aimed to know how effective using comic to motivate students and to give some explanations on how comic is used in teaching narrative. The objective of this study is to identify whether the use of comic can help the eight grade students of junior high school to improve their skills in writing narrative.


conducted in two cycles. The research instruments were the observation sheet, interview guidelines, questionnaire and test form. From those researches above, the writer gain some information that relate with this study about narrative text to increase reading narrative text that can affect the student’s reading comprehension.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas 1. Definition of reading

According to Moore (2010) reading is a physic and mental activity to reveal the meaning of the written texts, while in that activity there is a process of knowing letters. It says a physic activity because the parts of the body, our eyes particularly, do it. And it says mental activity because perception and memory as parts of though are involved in it. He then concludes that the main goal of reading is a process of comprehending written texts.


itself can be regarded as well as the knowledge of the ages and visions of the future. It is commonplace, perhaps inevitably, to bring and match the global condition into the curriculum in formal education. In school there are four skills that the students have to master. They are speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Rand (2005) said that basic competence of reading understands the meaning in a simple short passage in some genres in order to be able to have interaction with around the surrounding. This aim is reasonable since the punch line of teaching foreign language is to be able to communicate in other language. Communicate using other language is not simple as talking in native language because it means shifting frames and norms. There is something we should not say or taboo. Shortly, studying other language involves not only words and structures, it is kind of thinking differently about language and communication. The end of process in studying other language is cross culture understanding. The big question is, how can we begin to understand another way of thinking? The answer is by reading.


From those definitions, reading can be regarded as a complex process means to get information from the printed page, it is receiving ideas and impression from author via printed page. It can be said that reading is interpreting sign, letters, or symbols by taking meaning. It other words, reading is interpreting graphic symbols, which involves an interaction between the writer and the reader through text. In a very short and proper definition, reading is interaction between a reader and the text.

2. Definition of Manga

Manga are comics created in Japan or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long and complex pre-history in earlier Japanese art. The term manga is a Japanese word referring both to comics and cartooning. "Manga" as a term used outside Japan refers specifically to comics originally published in Japan.


Manga are comics created in Japan, or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long and complex pre-history in earlier Japanese art. manga aimed at a young male audience. The age group varies with individual readers and different magazines, but it is primarily intended for boys between the ages of 8 to 18. 3. Manga as Reading Material

Most teachers would agree that language learning should be contextualized. With the idea that learning and practicing language in meaningful contexts is more appealing to both students and teachers than learning isolated bits of language through extensive memorization and drilling. Moreover for learning foreign language, the students will get some difficulties because there is no adequate background knowledge. It is important to bear in mind that the comprehension process may be quite different when the comprehender is processing material in the native language than when he or she is dealing with target language material. So, the need for activating relevant contextual or background knowledge is such a primary need. As stated from Grant (2010) maintain that reading is only incidentally visual. More information is contributed by the reader than by the printed page. In the other word, texts can be said as lazy machineries that ask someone to do part of their job.


1. Knowledge of the language (the code)

2. Ability to predict or guess in order to make correct choices 3. Ability to remember the previous cues

4. Ability to make the necessary associations between the different cues selected

In reading a second language, however, new and modified elements appear:

1. The reader’s knowledge of the foreign language differs from that of the native speaker.

2. The guessing or predicting ability necessary to pick up the correct cues in

3. hindered by the reader’s imperfect knowledge of the language.

4. The wrong or uncertain choices of cues make associations more difficult.

5. Memory span in the foreign language is shortened inthe early stages of Its acquisition because of lack of training and unfamiliarity of the material, thereby making it more difficult to remember cues previously decoded.

6. At all levels and at all times there is interface from the native language.


should provide background knowledge in some of the process strategies and linguistic proficiency such as comic strips to improve students’ reading

skill. Because of the visualization of comic strips has ability to bear concept and provide discourse structure.

Visualizing is creating pictures in our minds. When we read we create an image in our mind. We read and create this image with what we know or have experienced. Things come alive when we use sensory images (Mayer 2001). When students visualize, they create their 'own movie' in their minds. Teachers can use comic strip to help the students make their mental movies.

Basically, interest on reading is one of the internal factors that has influence in reading comprehension. By the interesting material, interest in reading could be increased. It can be assumed that the role of text including their elements in reading comprehension is very important. One of interesting material is by using comic strips that students have already known.

4. The Use of Manga in Teaching


So, Manga can be regarded as a potential material in teaching and learning process to motivate students’ interest. Among visuals genre, manga is

more communicative, popular, accessible and readable. In short, manga as media in teaching and learning process will be more effective. Teacher has always used pictures or graphics, whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper and magazines, or photographs to facilitate learning. Pictures can be in the form of flashcards (smallish cards which we can hold up for our students to see), large wall pictures (big enough for everyone to see details), cue cards (small cards which students use in pair or group work), photograph, illustration (typically in a text book). Some teachers also use projected slides, images from an overhead projector, or projected computer images. Teacher also draw pictures on the board to help with explanation and language work.


responding meaning and theoritical steps in the short simple passage and functional written text accurately, fluently and acceptable which is relating to the surrounding.

C. Theoretical Framework

Reading was the ability to draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately. There were some factors that may influence to the readers’ ability to draw meaning. They were internal

factors and external factors. Internal factors were include linguistic competence, interest in reading, motivation to read and readability. While external factors were cover read ability, text organization and condition of reading environment.



Based on framework before, the researcher teached narrative text in two classes. First was experimental class and the second was controlled class. In experimental class, the researcher used Manga as teaching material in teaching narrative text. Different from control class, the researcher used conventional teaching method in teaching narrative text.

Teaching Reading

Experiment Class Controlled Class

Using Manga as Method and Teaching Material in Teaching Narrative Text

Using Conventional Teaching Method In Teaching Narrative Text Input


The Students’ Ability in Reading Compehension on


D. Hypothesis

Based on the theories above, this research states the three hypotheses namely:

Hypothesis one tests the different significant of the students’ reading comprehension of experimental class. The statement of the hypothesis as follows:

H1 : Utilizing Manga can enhance the students’ at the second year students of Senior High School 19 Makassar.



This chapter presents research design, variables of the research,

population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of collecting data and technique of analyzing of data.

A. Research Design

The method to be used in this research was quasi experimental research. According to Arikunto (2010) Quasi-experimental research designs, like experimental design, test casual hypotheses. In both experimental and quasi experimental designs, the program is viewed as an ‘intervention’ in which a

treatment-comprising the elements of program being evaluated is tested for how well it achieves its objectives, as measured by a pre-specified set of indicators.


and observation after the experiment is called post-test. The design can be presented as follows:

This is a model of Quasi-Experimental Design, exactly Non-equivalent Control Group Design.


E : Experimental class C : Control class

O1 : Pre-test (in experimental class) O3 : Pre-test (in control class)

X : Treatment that will be given for experimental class by using Manga as teaching material an method.

O2 : Post-test (in experimental class) O4 : Post-test (in controlled class)

(Sugiyono, 2015:116) B. Research Variable

In the experiment research, there are two variables that will be manipulated by the researcher. They were independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). Independent variable is a factor which is manipulated by the writer to determine the relationship between the phenomena observed. While

E O1 X O2



dependent variable is a factor which is observed and measured to determine the effect of independent variable.

1. Independent variable

The independent variable (X) in this research was the use of Manga in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text or the method used in teaching and learning process.

2. Dependent Variable

The dependent variable (Y) was the achievement of the students of the second year at SMAN 19 Makassar in reading comprehension on narrative text. C. Population and Sample

1. Population

Population is the group of interest to the researcher to the group which was she or he would like the result of study to be generalize able (Gay, 1987). In this study, the population or the subjects of research were the second year students at SMAN 19 Makassar in the academic year of 2016/2017. The number of the population were 56 students. They was divided into XI MIA 1 with 28 students and XI MIA 4 with 28 students.

The choice of the subjects of the study was based on the following considerations:

a. The researcher has taught in this school before. Therefore, the researcher was familiar with students’ characteristic. This condition


b. The students need an interesting and enjoyable teaching materials in learning English in general and specifically in reading comprehension.

2. Sample

Sample of this research were the second year students from 2 classes. These samples were chosen by using purposive sampling techniques and the researcher choose all of students in two classes as a sample. One class for controlled class and one for experimental class.

D. Research Setting

1. Location of the research

This research conducted in one of Senior High School in Makassar City, Manggala, South Celebes, i.e. SMAN 19 Makassar. It is 700 meters from STIBA


2. Time of the research

This research was done less than seven months, it was started from 11th March 2017 until 2nd October 2017.

3. School Profile a. School Identity

Name of School : SMAN 19 MAKASSAR

Adress : Jl. Inspeksi Pam Timur


Regency : Makassar

Headmaster : Abdul Majid, S.Pd. MM.

E. Research Instrument

The researcher used test in his research as the instrument for collecting data. Test is a set of questions and exercises used to measure the achievement or capacity of the individual or group. The purposes of the test were to know students’ reading comprehension on narrative text after teaching and learning

reading comprehension by using Manga as teaching material.

There were two kinds of test, pre-test and post-test that given to the students as participants. The test that conducted before giving treatment namely pre-test. The aims of this test was to find out about the students prior knowledge. Post-test conducted after the researcher gave treatment. The aim of this test was to find out the students’ achievement. In this research, the

researcher used multiple choice items. Multiple choice items consisted twenty questions.

F. Data Collection Procedure

The procedure in collection data was presented in chronological order as follows:

The researcher collected the data by test (pre-test and post-test) 1. Pre-test


reading comprehension on narrative text before giving the treatment. The researcher conducted pre-test for experimental group on 11th August and 12th August for controlled group.

2. Treatment

After giving the pre-test, the researcher conducted the treatment to the experimental class only by using Manga as method in the teaching vocabulary. The treatment was given for at least eight meetings, while the controlled class received a treatment by using conventional technique. The procedures of treatment in experimental class:

1) The researcher came to the class then introducing himself and his purpose.

2) The researcher described about narrative text.

3) The researcher explained some problem in reading comprehension on narrative text to the students.

4) The researcher applied Manga as a method in teaching reading narrative text in experimental class.

The procedures of treatment were chronologically performed as following:

1. Wednesday, 16 August 2017 the researcher did the treatment in experimental class. The material was Narrative text


3. At 23th August and 25th August the researcher continued the research. the material was Haikyu Manga

4. At 26th, August and 28th August the researcher continued the research. the material was review all materials and a written test

3. Post-test

The post-test used after giving treatment to the students. The test was same with the pre-test before. In this post-test, the researcher saw the improvement of the students after giving treatment. The researcher conducted post-test for experimental class on 1st October and 2nd October for controlled class.

G. Data Analysis Technique

The data collect through the test will be analyzed by using pre-experimental method. The researcher employs the formula as follows:

The data were obtained through the pre-test and post-test. The researcher used the procedures as follow:

1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using the following formula :

Students’ score

Score = x 100

Maximum score


No Scale Classification

1. 91 – 100 Very Good

2. 76– 89 Good

3. 61 – 75 Fair

4. 51 – 60 Poor

5. Less than 50 Very Poor

Pusat kurikulum (2006) 3. The formula used in calculating the mean score of the students’



X = Mean score X = Sum of all scores

N = Total number of the respondents

Arikunto (2006) 4. Finding out the standard deviation of the students pre-test and post-

test by applying this formula: 1. SD =


X =




𝑛− 1

Where SS= ∑X2− (∑𝑋)2


𝑡= x 1 − x 2

SS1 + SS2n1 + n2 − 2 n1 +1 n2 1

SD = Standard deviation SS = the sum of square n = Total number of the subjects

∑ 2 = The sum of all square; each score is squared and all the squares are added up

(∑ )2 = The square of the sum; all the scores are added up and the sum is square total.

Arikunto (2006)

5. The formula used in finding out the difference between students’ score in pretest and post-test is:


T = Test of significance

x 1 = Mean score of experimental group x ⁵ = Mean score of control group SS1 = Sum square of experimental group SS2 = Sum square of control group


SS1 =∑x12- (∑ X )2

SS2 = ∑x22- (∑ X2)2 2

Arikunto (2006)



the findings. In this chapter, the researcher analyzed the data consist of the result of pre-test and post-test either in experimental class or controlled class.

Moreover, in this chapter, the researcher analyzed the data obtained from the students pre-test and post-test. The data consisted of the result of the pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was intended to know the ability of the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text before giving treatments, while the post-test was intended to find out whether there was any improvement or not of the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text after having several treatments through Manga.

A. Findings


1. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Experimental Class.

The following table shows the distribution of frequency and percentage final score of students’ reading compehension on narrative text at the Second Year Students of SMAN 19 Makassar in pre-test and post-test of experimental class.

Before the treatment, the researcher conducted the pre-test. The result of the pre-test was acquired to know the students’ level in reading compehension on narrative. All students’ result can be seen in the data in table 1. The table shows that one student (3,57%) got fair score, eleven students (39,29%) got poor score, sixteen students (57,14%) got very poor score, and none of students (0%) got very good and good score.

Table 1

The rate percentage of score experimental class in the pre-test No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 –100 - -

2 Good 76 –89 - -

3 Fair 61 – 75 1 3,57%

4 Poor 51 – 60 11 39,29%

5 Very poor Less than 50 16 57,14%

TOTAL 28 100%


very good score, ten students (35,71%) got the good score, sixteen students (57,14%) got the fair score, and none of the students (0%) got poor and very poor score.

Table 2

The rate percentage of score experimental class in the post-test No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 2 7,14%

2 Good 76 – 89 10 35,71%

3 Fair 61 – 75 16 57,14%

4 Poor 51 – 60 - -

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -

TOTAL 28 100%


2. The Classification of the Students’ Pre-Test and Post-Test Score in Control Class.

Table 3

The rate percentage of score control class in the pre-test No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 - -

3 Fair 61 – 75 1 3,57%

4 Poor 51 – 60 4 14,29%

5 Very poor Less than 50 23 82,14%

TOTAL 28 100%

Table 3 above shows the rate percentage of the score of control class in the pre-test from 28 students, none of the students got score more than 65. There were sone student (3,57%) got the fair score, four students (14,29%) got the poor score, and twenty three students (82,14%) got very poor score. This indicates that the rate percentage of score control class in the pre-test was low.

Table 4

The rate percentage of score control class in the post-test No. Classification Score Frequency Percentage

1 Very good 90 – 100 - -

2 Good 76 – 89 6 21,43%

3 Fair 61 – 75 16 57,14%

4 Poor 51 – 60 6 21,43%

5 Very poor Less than 50 - -


While the rate percentage of the score of control class in the post-test from the 28 students as table 4 above shows, none of the students (0%) was got very good score which score more than 90 . There were six students (21,43%) got the good score, sixteen students (57,14%) got the fair score, six students (21,43%) got the poor score and no student (0%) that got score less than 50.

Based on the table 3 and 4, it can be concluded that the rate percentage in the post-test was greater than the rate percentage in the pre-test.

3. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the students’ Experimental and Control Group

After calculating the results of the students’ pre-test and post-test from the experimental group and the control group, the mean score and standard deviation of their scores presented in table 5. The mean score of the students’ pre-test of experimental group which shown from the table was 49,2 with standard deviation was 5,38. The mean score of the students’ pre-test of control

group which shown from the table was 44,46 with standard deviation was 11,24. The mean score of the students’ post-test of the experimental group which shown from the table was 78,39 with standard deviation was 5,58. The mean score of students’ post-test of control group which shown from the table


Based on the data above, it could be concluded that the students’ ability

of experimental group in reading compehension on narrative material was higher than the control group.

Table 5

The Mean Score and the Standard Deviation of Experimental and Control Group of the Students’ Pre-test and Post-test.

Types Mean Score Standard Deviation

Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test

Experimental 49.82 78.39 5.38 5.58

Control 44.46 70.71 11.24 8.46

Then, the total score of students’ pre-test of experimental group was

49.82 Meanwhile, the total score of the students’ post-test was 78.39 and the

total score of the students’ pre-test of control group was 44.46 and the total

score of the students’ post-test of control group was 70.71. The results achieved

from both tests, the pre-test and the post-test, were different.

Based on the result above, the researcher has considered Manga method could be one of the effective ways to improve the students’ reading

compehension on narrative. It based on the mean score of experimental group’s

post-test was higher than control group.

4. Hypothesis Testing the Difference Significant Between the Experimental and Control Group


(Ho) : Utilizing Manga cannot enhance the students’ vocabulary mastery at the second year students of Senior High School 19 Makassar.

The statistical formula is: Ho = X1 – X2 = 0 or X1 – X2.

(H1) : Utilizing Manga can enhance the students’ at the second year students of Senior High School 19 Makassar.

. The statistical formula is: H1 = X1 – X2> 0 or X1 – X2.

To know whether the mean score of the experimental group and the control group was statistically different, the t-test applied with the level significance (P) = 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df) = n-2, where n1 = 28 and n2 = 28 and the total observations are twenty students. The result of t-test after calculation can be seen the following table 6.

Table 6

The Result of t-test calculation

Variable t-test Value t-table Value

X1 – X2 6.193 2.009

The table 6 indicates that value of the t-test was 6.193. It was higher than the value of the t-table was 2.009 with significant level (P) = 0.05 and (df) = 38, then the value of t-table was 2.009 while the value of t-test (6.193 > 2.009). It means that hypothesis was accepted.

B. Discussion


student in terms of learning the English language. It is a skill that works as a communication way of a written text between a writer and a reader. By using this skill, the readers try to understand what the idea or the information of a text that wanted to deliver by the writer. Mastering reading skill is also becomes a must for all of the students which are studying English as a foreign language.

Manga are comics created in Japan, or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long and complex pre-history in earlier Japanese art. Manga aimed at a young male and woman audience. The age group varies with individual readers and different magazines, but it is primarily intended for boys between the ages of 8 to 18. Manga can be regarded as a potential material in teaching and learning process to motivate students’ interest. Among visuals genre, manga is more

communicative, popular, accessible and readable. In short, manga as media in teaching and learning process will be more effective.

The aim of this thesis was to find out whether or not Manga method led the students in the experimental group to a significant higher comprehension scores than those who did not participate in Manga method. To prove it, the researcher reading comprehension test which consisted of 40 items as the instrument in the pre-test and the post-test.


Meanwhile, the result of pre-test of control group was 11.24 with mean score was 44.46 and the post-test was 8.46 with the mean score was 70.71. The result of t-test both groups, the experimental and control group was higher than t-table result (6.193>2.009). It means that Manga is one of effective ways to enhance the students’ reading comprehension on narrative text..

Considering the computation result above, it was clear that Manga method done by the experimental group contributed to their reading comprehension enhancement. It makes the student more interest to read the reading materials, This finding was consistent with what Mayer (2001) stated that Visualizing is creating pictures in our minds. When we read we create an image in our mind. We read and create this image with what we know or have experienced. Things come alive when we use sensory images. When students visualize, they create their 'own movie' in their minds. Teachers can use comic strip to help the students make their mental movies

Manga can be regarded as a potential material in teaching and learning process to motivate students’ interest. Among visuals genre, manga is more

communicative, popular, accessible and readable. In short, manga as media in teaching and learning process will be more effective. Teacher has always used pictures or graphics, whether drawn, taken from books, newspaper and magazines, or photographs to facilitate learning.


The materials that presented are also different Manga. It makes the students feel curious and interested to read the reading materials provided by the teacher.

The result of this research was compatible with some related finding. One of them is Winda Apriyani (2014), in her research to find out whether or not the use of English Comic Book could improve reading comprehension of the seventh grade students of SMP Negeri 32 Palembang. In this study, one group pre-test and post-tes control group design was applied. The population was 170 seventh grade students in academic yaer 2013/2014.

Students study about reading comprehension on narrative text using Manga can help students to motivate, interest, and also entertain. The result showed that reading achievement is increased through the implementation of English comic book in the classroom instruction. It has the same result between this research and the previous related finding that has been discussed in chapter 2. Both of them show that using Manga is effective in teaching reading comprehension on narrative text.

Based on the discussion above, the researcher concluded that Manga method in teaching reading could enhance the students’ reading comprehension



the findings, and the second part deals with suggestions. A. Conclusions

Based on the findings and discussion, the researcher puts forward conclusion as follows:

The result of Manga method was good, it is effective to improve the students’ reading compprehension on narrative text at the second year students

of SMAN 19 Makassar. It was proved by students’ result before and after giving

the treatment, their scores increased and become good with the mean score of the students’ pre-test of experimental group was 49.82 with standard deviation was

5.38 while of post-test which had good score with mean score were 78.39 and standard deviation was 5.58 after the treatment, and also in control group the total score of pre-test 44.46 with standard deviation was 11.24 and the total score of the students’ post-test was 70.71 and standard deviation was 8.46. the

result achieve from both test, the pre-test and post-test were different.


word, Manga method could enhance the students’ reading comprehension on

narrative text. B. Suggestion

The research findings indicate that manga method could be applied in teaching reading comprehension since it could motivate the students to be eager and get used to read. As the result, some suggestions are proposed as follows:

1. English teachers should applied creative technique in the classroom for teaching reading comprehension, so it is advisable to the teachers to implement Manga as one of alternative technique in teaching reading in order to improve students’ reading comprehension.

2. It is suggested that the teachers use manga method as one of many alternatives method in improving students’ reading comprehension.

3. The English teacher should be more creative to choose method or strategy in teaching reading comprehension, arrange the learning environment and become the best facilitator in learning English. 4. This research will be a useful information and contribution for the

next researcher especially about students’ reading comprehension.

5. For the next researchers who want to use manga method, it would be better if the next researcher is conducted in a longer period and more students..



Aisyah, Nur. Teaching Narrative Text by Using Manga in Reading Classroom at The Eighth Grade Students of SMPN 7. State University of Semarang. 2011.

Apriyani, Winda. The Use of English Comic Book Series in Teaching Reading Comprehension at SMPN 32 Palembang. State University of Sriwijaya. Palembang. 2014.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jayarta:Rineka Cipta. 2010.

Fanani, B. E. Teknik Baca Cepat Trik Efektif Membaca 2 Detik 1 Halaman. Yogyakarta: Araska. 2012.

Cline, F., Johnstone, C., & King, T. Focus Group Reaction to Three Definition of Reading (as Originally Developed in Support NARAP Goal 1). Minneapolis, M.N.: National Accessible Reading Assesment Project. 2006.

Duffy, G.G. Explaining Reading: A Resource for Teaching Concepts, Skills, and Strategies. New York: The Guilford Press. 2003.

Gay, L. R. Educational Research: Competences for Analysis an Application. London: Merrill Publishing. 1987.

Grant, M. Developing Boys’ Reading Comprehension Skills with Interesting Reading Material. 2010.

Johan, Ghani, A. Reading and Translation. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. 2003. Kharisma, Damar S. The Use of Comic As an Aid in Teaching Narrative Text

(A Case Study of the Eight Grade Studentss of the Second Semester of MTsN Brangsong Kendal in the Academic Year Of 2008/2009). State


Nurjannatin, Luthfi. The Use Manga to Teach Reading Narrative Text to Tenth Graders of SMAN 1 Cerme. Surabaya. State University of Surabaya Press. 2013.

Petersen, Robert. Comics, Manga, and Graphic Novels: A History of Graphic Narratives. Oxford, England. 2011.

Rand. Reading for Understanding: Toward a Research and Development Program in Reading Comprehension. Santa Monica, California : RAND Education. 2005.










Score of Students’ Pre-test and Post-Test in Controlled Class (IX MIA 1)



Score of Students’ Pre-test and Post-Test in Experimental Class (IX MIA 4)



The mean score of experimental and controlled class A. Experimental class

1. Pre-test x = ∑ xn

x = 134528

x = 49 82

2. Post-test x = ∑ x


x = 219528

x = 78 39

B. Controlled class 3. Pre-test

x = ∑ xn

x = 124528

x = 44 46

4. Post-test x = ∑ xn

x = 198 28





For level of significance (D) = 0.05

Degree of freedom (df) = (N1 + N2)-2 = (28 + 28) – 2 = 54



LESSON PLAN OF MATERIAL A. Identity 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading English text related to the materials.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a) Know the definition of reading

b) Know the kinds of English reading text 3. Teaching material : Reading

 Reading is a complex "cognitive process" of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning (reading comprehension). Reading is a means of language acquisition, communication, and of sharing information and ideas.

 Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

 Narrative text is a story with complication or problematic events and it tries to find the resolutions to solve the problems. An important part of narrative text is the narrative mode, the set of methods used to communicate the narrative through a process narration


a. Introduction/ Opening 1) Greeting/recognizing.

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. b. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher explains about reading.

2) The researcher introduces the material to the students, the material was kinds of English reading text.

3) The researcher explains the definition of descriptive text and narrative text.

4) The researcher writes some examples of descriptive text and narrative text .

5) The researcher asks the students to write down the definition in their books.

6) After that, next the researcher discuss the material with the students.

c. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today 3) The researcher gives homework to the students.

4) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah together.

5. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Dasar-Dasar Penguasaan Bahasa Inggris melalui Your Basic vocabulary written by Azhar Arsyad, Fitrah Book and internet.

6. Evaluation :


b) Evaluation instrument

Oral test : Memorizing the vocabularies Written test : Giving pre-test and post-test

LESSON PLAN 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a) Know the meaning of reading comprehension

3. Teaching material : Reading Comprehension

 Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning.

 The Ugly Ducklyng

One upon time, a mother duck sat on her eggs. She felt tired of sitting on them. She just wished the eggs would break out. Several days later, she got her wish. The eggs cracked and some cute little ducklings appeared. "Peep, peep" the little ducklings cried. "Quack, quack" their mother greeted in return.


so big and very gray. He didn't look like the others at all. He was like a turkey

When the mother duck brought the children to the pond for their first swimming lesson. The huge grey duckling splashed and paddled about just as nicely as the other ducklings did. "That is not a turkey chick. He is my very own son and quite handsome" the mother said proudly

However, the other animals didn't agree. They hissed and made fun of him day by day. Even his own sisters and brothers were very unkind. "You are very ugly" they quacked.

The little poor duckling was very unhappy. "I wish I looked like them" he thought to himself. One day, the ugly duckling run away and hid in the bushes. The sad duckling lived alone through the cold and snow winter. Finally the spring flowers began to bloom. While he was swimming in the pond, he saw three large white swans swimming toward him. "Oh, dear. these beautiful birds will laugh and peck me too" he said to himself. But the swans did not attack him. Instead, they swam around him and stroked him with their bills. As the ugly duckling bent his neck to speak to them, he saw his reflection in the water. He could not believe his eyes. "I am not an ugly duckling but a beautiful swam" he exclaimed. He was very happy. From that day on, he swam and played with his new friends and was happier than he had never been.

4. Teaching Procedure : a. Introduction/ Opening

1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students.


1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2) The researcher explain about reading comprehension.

3) The researcher asks the students to write down the definition of reading comprehension on their book.

4) The researcher give the students a paper with narrative tex. 5) The researcher asks the students to answer the question on

the paper.

6) The researcher asks the students to collect their assignment. c. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material. 2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah

together. 5. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Internet. 6. Evaluation :

a) Procedure : The researcher did evaluation based on the students’ activity in the classroom.



Theme : third treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text Group : Experimental class

Duration : 2 x 40 minutes 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension on narrative text related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a. Know the definition of Manga

b. Know how to read Manga 3. Teaching material : Manga

 Manga are comics created in Japan, or by creators in the Japanese language, conforming to a style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. They have a long and complex pre-history in earlier


4. Teaching Procedure : a. Introduction/ Opening

1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. b. Presentation/ activity

1. The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2. The researcher explains the definition of Manga.

3. The researcher asks the students to write down the definition of Manga on their book.

4. The researcher teaches the students how to read Manga. c. Closing

1. The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2. The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 4) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah


5. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 6. Evaluation :



Theme : Fourth treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension Group : Experimental class Duration : 2 x 40 minutes

1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a. Know how to read Manga


4. Teaching Procedure : a. Introduction/ Opening

1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. b. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2) The researcher teaches the students the tricks to read Manga. 3) The researcher teaches the best way to comprehend Manga. 4) The researcher ask to students to remember what the

researcher said. c. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah

together. 4) Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 5) Evaluation :



Theme : Fifth treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension Group : Experimental class Duration : 2 x 40 minutes 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

a. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: 1) Know how to read Manga


2. Teaching Procedure :

a. Introduction/ Opening 1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. 3. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2) The researcher teaches the students the tricks to read Manga. 3) The researcher teaches the best way to comprehend Manga. 4) The researcher ask to students to remember what the

researcher said. 4. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah

together. 5. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 6. Evaluation :



Theme : Sixth treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension Group : Experimental class Duration : 2 x 40 minutes

1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a. Know how to read Manga


3. Teaching Procedure : a. Introduction/ Opening

1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. b. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2) The researcher teaches the students the tricks to read Manga. 3) The researcher teaches the best way to comprehend Manga. 4) The researcher ask to students to remember what the

researcher said. c. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah

together. 4. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 5. Evaluation :



Theme : Seveth treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension Group : Experimental class Duration : 2 x 40 minutes 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a. Know how to read Manga


4. Teaching Procedure : a. Introduction/ Opening

1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3)The researcher gives motivation to the students. 5. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant.

2) The researcher teaches the students the tricks to read Manga. 3) The researcher teaches the best way to comprehend Manga. 4) The researcher ask to students to remember what the researcher

said. 6. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material.

2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah together. 7. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 8. Evaluation :



Theme : eigth treatment Subject : English

Skill : Reading Comprehension Group : Experimental class Duration : 2 x 40 minutes 1. General instructional object :

The students will be able to understand about reading

comprehension related to the material which has been learnt in the class.

2. Specific instructional object :

From this activity, the students are expected to be able to: a.Know how to read Manga


4. Teaching Procedure :

a. Introduction/ Opening 1) Greeting/recognizing .

2) The researcher checks the students’ attendance list. 3) The researcher gives motivation to the students. b. Presentation/ activity

1) The researcher checks the understanding of students with ask some of them about material that has been leant. 2) The researcher teaches the students the tricks to read


3) The researcher teaches the best way to comprehend Manga.

4) The researcher ask to students to remember what the researcher said.

c. Closing

1) The researcher gives a chance to the students to give question if some of them still confuse with the material. 2) The researcher gives conclusion about the material today. 3) The researcher closes the meeting by saying hamdalah

together. 5. Instructional resource :

The material come from : Shonen Jump Manga and internet. 6. Evaluation :



The Legend of Banyuwangi

Once upon a time, in eastern part of Java Island, there was a kingdom

ruled by a king. The king’s name was Prabu Menak Prakoso. One day, Prabu

Menak and his soldiers invaded the kingdom of Klungkung in Bali. The king of

Klungkung was killed, yet his daughter, Made Surati, and his son, Agung Bagus

Mantra, were able to escape and hide in the jungle.

Prabu Menak Prakoso had a son named Raden Banterang. He was such a

handsome young man. One day, Raden Banterang went to the jungle for hunting.

It was in the jungle that Raden Banterang met Made Surati. She was then taken to

Blambangan to be his wife. Raden Banterang and Made Surati enjoyed a happy

life in the Palace.

When Raden Banterang was hunting one day, Made Surati was surprised

by the arrival of a dirty beggar asking for her pity. The princess was surprised to

find that the beggar was her older brother, Agung Bagus Mantra. She promptly

squatted and embraced her brother’s legs. However, her great respect of her

brother was not well But accepted. Instead, Agung Bagus Mantra asked his sister

to kill Raden Banterang. such a request was rejected. He was very angry with her

and came up with a sly idea to slander her.

Slowly but surely, Agung succeeded in convincing Raden Banterang that

his wife had been involved in a scandal with another man. Asking for compassion,

Made Surati tried to tell the truth and denied her husband’s accusation. Hearing

his wife explanation, the king became angrier and angrier. As a proof of her

sacred love, she asked her husband to kill her. As her last request, she asked her

husband to throw her dead body into the river. She said that if the water in the

river smelled terrible, it meant that she had ever been sinful. But if it smelled


TABLE OF THE CONTENTS........................................................................
Table 1 The rate percentage of score experimental class in the pre-test
Table 2 The rate percentage of score experimental class in the post-test
Table 3


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