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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies ( IAIN) Salatig


Academic year: 2019

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Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) English

Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute For Islamic Studies ( IAIN) Salatiga


NOIR KURNIA 113 09 097






ميحرلا نمحرلا الله مسب

In the name Allah,

Hereby the writer declares that this graduating paper is made by the writier herself. This paper does not contain any materials which have been published by other

people; and it does not cite any other people’s ideas except the information from the references.

This declatation is written by the writer to be understood.

Salatiga, Febuary 28th,2015

The writer




Jl. Tentara Pelajar o2 Tlp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 70731 Website : www.iainsalatia.ac.id e-mail : administrasi@iainsalatiga ac.id

Salatiga,March 28th,2015 Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M.Pd

The Lecturer of English Educational Department State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Noir Kurnia’s Graduating Paper


Dean of Teacher Trining And Education Faculty

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Noir Kurnia Graduating Paper entitled Analysis of The

Sentences’ Structure of Hotel Brochure. I have decided and would like to propose that this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Educational Faculty. I hope this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.





Jl. Tentara Pelajar o2 Tlp (0298) 323433 Fax 323433 Salatiga 70731 Website : www.iainsalatia.ac.id e-mail : administrasi@iainsalatiga ac.id



NOIR KURNIA 113 09 097

Has been brought to the board of examiners of English and Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty at State Islamic Studies Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga on Saturday, March 28th, 2015 and hereby considered to complete the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam( S.Pd.I) in English and Education.

Boards of examiners, Head : Pro.Dr. Muh Zuhri, M.A

Secretary : Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari M.Pd. First Examiner : Dr. H. Sa’adi M. Ag.

Second Examiner : Hanung Triyoko, S. S., M. Hum., M.Ed



SPIRIT and hard work

are the key to




This graduating paper is dedicated to:

1. My lovely father and mother, who teaches me in everything with love and knowledge, thanks for your support and sacrifice.



Alhamdulillah , the most gracious and the most merciful, the lord of universe. Because of Him, the writer could finish this graduating paper as one of the requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam in English Language Teaching Department Faculty of Education and Language Teaching State Islamic Studies Institute (IAIN) Salatiga. Peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advices, helps, and encouragements from individual and institution, and she somehow realize that an appropriate moment for here show deepest gratitude for:

1. Rector, vice rector 1, 2, 3 of State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Dean, vice dean 1, 2, 3 of State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. 3. Head and Secretary of English Language Teaching Department of State

Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Chief of Educational Faculty and secretary 1, 2, 3 of State Institute For Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.


6. My lovely mother and father, who teaches me in everything with love and knowledge, thanks for your supports and sacrifice.

7. My lovely husband and my son, thanks for your motivation and giving me spirit and power in my life, you always suport me.

8. My lovely brother and sisters, thanks for your motivation, kindness, and love. 9. My dearest classmates in TBI-D 2009

10.All of my friends which cannot mentioned one by one. May Allah bless you 11.My beloved friends: azizah, daryati, uyuun, eko, aisiyah, nufi . We always

share together, thanks for everything.

12.All of the lecturers in English department, the researcher deeply thanks to you all for your knowledge, advices, kindness and for everything.

13.All of the staffs who have helped the researcher in processing of graduating paper administration.

Finally this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and information to the readers. The researcher is pleased to accept more suggestion and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the graduating paper.

Salatiga, March 28th, 2015

The writer



TITLE ... i




MOTTO ... v




ABSTRACT ... xii

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A.Background of the Study ... 1

B.Statement of the problem ... 4

C.Objectives of the Study ... 4

D.Limitation of the Study ... 4

E. Significance of the Study ... 5

F. Definition of the Key Terms ... 5

G.Graduating Paper Outline ... 7



C. Type of the Sentences ... 10

D. Definition of Conjunction ... 12

E. Definition of Media ... 13

F. Defnition of Short functional text ... 13

G. Definition of Brochure ... 15

H. Characteristic of Brochure ... 16


1. Research approach ... 18

2. Type of Research ... 19

3. Object of study ... 19

4. Source of Data ... 19

5. Method of collecting data ... 19

6. Data analysis methods ... 20

CHAPTER IV: DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION A.Sentences’ structure presentation ... 21

B.Compound Sentences ... 31



A. Conclusion ... 62 B. Suggestion ... 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY



Noir Kurnia. Graduating Paper. 2015. “ANALYSIS OF THE


This study was intended to determine the structure of the sentences in the hotel brochures especially simple sentence and compound sentence. This study was qualitative and quantitative research. The collected data was analyzed by the writer documentation method since the data source in this research is obtained from the written text on selected hotel brochures. The data were analyzed by the two techniques; (1) read the hotel brochures, (2) identified and classified the sentence structure in the hotel brochure based on the theoretical background. The result of analyzed data of the hotel brochures, the writer found that there were 52 simple sentences and 24 compound sentences in 8 hotel brochures. The simple sentence was 68,4% or 52 sentences from the total number of the data. The compound sentence were 31,6% or 24 sentences from the total number of the data. The result of this study showed that the simple sentence was frequently occurred than compound sentence.


List of Table

Table 4.1 Sentences’ Structure Presentation

Table 4.2 Simple sentences in Four Seasons Hotel Table 4.3 Simple Sentences in Grand Hotel Table 4.4 Simple Sentences in Abadi Hotel Table 4.5 Simple Sentences in Wahid Hotel Table 4.6 Simple Sentences in Le Bringin Hotel Table 4.7 Simple Sentences in Radisson Hotel Table 4.8 Simple Sentences in Ramada Hotel Table 4.9 Simple Sentences in Boutique Hotel Table 4.10 Compound Sentences in Grand Hotel Table 4.11 Compound Sentences in Grand Hotel

Table 4.12 Compound Sentences in Radisson Blue Hotel Table 4.13 Compound Sentences in Wahid Hotel

Table 4.14 Compound Sentences in Boutique Hotel Table 4.15 Compound Sentences in Le Beringin Hotel Table 4.16 The Total Number of the Sentences’ Type


Table 4.19 Simple Sentence patterns Subject + Verb + Object

Table 4.20 Simple sentences’ patterns Subject+ Verb +Object+ Adv. of place Table 4.21 Simple sentences’ patterns Subject+ Verb+Object +Adv. of manner Table 4.22 Simple sentences’ patterns Subject+ Verb +Object+ Adv. of time Table 4.23 Simple Sentence petterns Subject+Advb.of place+ Verb+ Object Table 4.24 Simple Sentence patterns Subject+ verb

Table 4.25 The Sentences with Cumulative Conjunction Table 4.26 The Sentences with Alternative Conjunction Table 4.27 The Sentences with Subordinating Conjunction Table 4.28 The Sentences with Corellative Conjunction

Table 4.29 The Sentences with Adversative and Illative Conjunction Table 4.30 The Sentences with Cumulative Conjunction



A. Background of Study

Language is a very important thing in human life for today's communication. Language is a means to create self-expression, integration, social adaptation, and social control. Language is the average man's efforts to carry out their activities. According to Shamsuddin language has two meanings. First, language is a tool that is used to form the mind and feelings, desires and deeds, a tool used to influence and be influenced. Second, the language is a clear sign of a good personality and the bad, a clear sign of the family and the nation, a clear sign of the favor of humanity.

English as an international language is very important to make the communication between people around the world. It is used in various fields such as economics, education, art, and technology. Language is a communication tool that has spoken to the people in a relationship to communicate in everyday situations using the conscious mind and serves as a means of development of science and technology, because with the development of communication tools in communicating science will be better.


often make some mistakes. English teachers should help students solve their problems. There are many differences between the Indonesian and English. One difference is the structure of the system, and one of the difficulties in studying the structure of the English language is when students make sentences.

Sentences are the important elements of language. Sentence also is one of language competences must be mastered by students. It poses the most challenging task for English learners as foreign language. Ability in this skill will assist them in producing their writing, not only academic writing but also in non academic writing. Additionally, priyatmojo said that doing writing gives some significance for the students. First, the students can explore their ideas or opinions. Then, writing is one of the academic demands. Moreover, writing belongs to the epistemiclevel for the students.(November 2012: vol. 5, No 2)


guidance for students to make the sentences correctly and to convey the meaning properly in particular written form.

Indeed, it is undeniable that make sentences in English is difficult enough for some students because there are so many sorts of grammar which are actually very complicated to apply in. However, it would be impossible to make the sentence effectively without knowing the grammar, because it helps students in delivering their ideas, messages, and feelings form to the readersso that the grammar in which words have been formed can also be seen in the brochure.

A sentence is grammatical unit of one or more clauses. It is full predication containing a subject plus predicate with a finite verb (Frank, 1972: 220). Simply, a sentence is a group of word we use to say something and it must have a subject and a verb. The writer means it as affirmative , negative , and interrogative sentence. Examples of the above sentence is the hotel brochure, brochure sentences used in the simple sentence that is easy to understand and be understood by the reader that there is no difficulty in reading it. then we would be interested in the brochure.


According to the writer, the sentence can be made from brochure or could see the sentences in the brochure because the brochure also helps us in making good and giving a sentence with information, such as what is in the sentence below.

The brochure is in instructional media can be made in the media because of brochure can be made in the media to understand sentences in the bosur. From this idea, the writer of the study the topic of graduating research paper under the title "ANALYSIS OF THE SENTENCES' STRUCTURES OF HOTEL BROCHURES"

B. Statement of the Problem

Brochure advertisement is an interesting object of study. Beside that, it also covers many materials that can be studied. In this study, the writer formulates the statement of the problems as follows:

What are the structures of sentences that are used in the hotels brochure?

C. Objective of the Study

Based on the problem of the study above , the objective of the study as follows:


D. Limitation of the Study

Writers analyzed the compound sentences and simple words that exist in a sentence taken from the brochure Hotel on 24th September 2014. Limitations in this study in order to understand the sentences in the brochure simple.

E. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes that the result of this research contributes for the readers and the writers. The lack of research on brochure sentence structure may be useful for the readers, memorable for the reader to what is observed in the sentence in the hotel brochure. I hope the research will add to the existing knowledge in this thesis.

F. Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid misinterpretation and make easy to understand this research title, the writer would like to clarify and explain the terms used in this study as follow:

1. Sentence

According to McGraw -Hill (2012:1) a sentence is a group of words that

express a complete thought. Every sentence begins with a capital letter. There


a. Simple Sentence: A simple sentence is the first type of sentence one learns to speak. It is the first type of a sentence that children learn to speak, remaining by far the most common type of sentence in the spoken and written language of people of all ages (Demirezen, 2012:1). The basic English language sentence is called a simple sentence. Primarily, it requires a subject and a verb. It can be as short as one word, or it may appear in any of these five combinations: Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb + Object, Subject + Verb + Complement, Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object, and Subject + Verb + Object + Complement.

Example : She writes a letter.

b. Compound Sentence: A compound sentence contains two

sentences joined by and, but, or or. It expresses more than one

complete thought (McGraw-Hill, 2012:18). Two simple sentences may be joined to form a compound sentence, which contains two

subjects and two predicates. It contains two complete thoughts.

Example : I have three pigeons and three cats.

c. Complex Sentence: A sentence that contains two related ideas

joined by a conjunction although, after, because, since is called a


clause and one or more dependent clauses. It does not always need

a comma. Example : He sold his car when the price was expensive.

2. Brochure

According to Romli (2007:63) brochure is printed one page of paper leaflets folded two or more, containing a description, information, or a picture of a company, institution, product, or service, or it could also contains an idea and activity. With consumer brochure will be facilitate to understand the advantages of the products offered. For the brochure was made as clear as possible about the products that will be offered to consumers.

According to Bull (2011:51), the brochure does not mean periodical publications which can consist of one to a small number of pages, not associated with other publications, and is completed in a single issue.

Brochure or pamphlet containing information or clarification about a product, service, public facilities, company profiles, school, or intended as a means to advertise. The information in the brochure written in a concise, easily understood and intended in a short time. Copies are also designed to attract attention, and printed on good paper in an effort to build a good image of the service or product.


that can communicate facts and ideas in a clear and strong through a combination of disclosure of words and images.

According to the writer, the sentence can make use of brochure or could see the sentences in the brochure because the brochure also helps us in making good and giving a sentence with information, such as what is in the sentence below.

G. Outline of the Paper

In this section, there are five chapters and the writer want to discuss some parts of systematic of writing paper. Chapter I is introduction. It contains of the background of the study, statement of problem the study, objectives of the study, limitation of the problem, significance of the study, definition of key terms, research methodology and systematic of writing paper. Chapter II is review of related literature. It contains of the previous study, definition of sentence, type of sentence, definition of media, definition of short functional text,definition of brochure, characteristic brochure. Chapter III is research methodology. It contains of research approach, type research, object of study, source of data, method of collegting data, data analysis methods. Chapter IV is present the data analysis which have been collected. The writer analyzes the




A. Previous Study

The writer took the study that related to this graduating paper.

According to Ginting (2009) in her thesis entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF


NAMED DESIRE”. This research, the writer found some sentence structures. There are 205 simple sentences from the total number of the data, 35 compound sentences, 107 complex sentences, 26 compound-complex sentences from the total number of the data.

The differences between my research with the previous study above are my research focus on simple and compound sentences which are taken from the hotel brochures.

B. Definiton of Sentence


According to lyons, (1986: 172) a sentence is a grammatical unit

between the constituent part of which distributional limitations and dependec

is can be established but which can it self be put into distribution class . the

writer a sentence is the grammatical contains of phrase of clause to express


C. Type of the sentence

Sentence also divided into two parts, they are:

a) Simple sentence: simple sentence also a complete thought called an independent clause contains a subject and a verb and it expresses a complete thought. These are possible structures in a simple sentence: (1) Subject + Verb

The example: I agree S V

A verb in this structure is called an intransitive verb. (2) Subject + Verb + Object

The example: my sister reads the magazine. S V O

A verb in this structure is called a transitive verb. (3) Subject + Verb + Complement


S V Comp.

A verb n this structure is called a linking verb. (4) Subject + Verb + Adverbial

The example: The match is tomorrow S V Adv. An adverbial can be adverb of time. (5) Subject + Verb + Object + Object

The example: Sinta help me a call S V O O

Here there is a direct object (a text message) and indirect object (6) Subject + Verb + Object + Complement

The example: The project kept everyone very busy. S V O Comp.

Here the complement (very busy) to the object of the clause (everyone).

(7) Subject + Verb + Object + Adverbial

The example: I put my mobile in my pocket. S V O Adv.


The subject, predicate or object can be compound, but the simple sentence is a single unit.

(1) Simple sentence with compound subject

The example: My sister and I went to the movies. . (2) Simple sentence with compound predicate

The example: Adam lives in Bogor, and he speaks well. (3) Simple sentence with compound object

The example: Punk bands condemned disco and heavy metal. O

(4) Simple sentence with a short and uncomplicated idea The example: Ungu Band have a Pasa vocal.

(5) Simple sentence with a long and complicated idea

The example: We have lost thousands of potential young people, including musicians to drug abuse.

b) Compound sentence: compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator. The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. Compound sentences express more than one complete thought and a conjunction always followed by comma, except for short sentence.



D. Definition of conjunction

Acoording to Mas’ud( 2010: 112) Conjunction is words that use to connect word by word, utterance by utterance, sentence by sentence etc. In English, there are 2 kinds of conjunctions:

1. Coordinating conjunction 2. Subordinating conjunction

a. Coordinating conjunction is words that connect two sentences or words that involved with others in the same level. There are six coordinating conjunction: and, but, for, nor, or , yet.

b. Subordinating conjunction is a word to connect the subordinate clause (dependent clause ) and main clause (independent clause). There are after, before when , while , as, if, because , until, etc.

E. Definition of media


According Djamarah and Zain (2006: 121) media is any tool that can be used as a conduit message to achieve the learning objectives. In the learning process required methods, models or techniques employed teachers for the learning process more interesting and teachers to interact with students. To support methods, models, and the techniques to become more alive and more attractive, it is necessary to use a medium of learning. Position instructional media is as a teaching aid (Sudjana 2009: 1). Media is the means of communication used to streamline.

From the writer to opinions can be concluded that the learning media is a tool or means used to support methods, models, and techniques of learning to be more alive to simplify the process of understanding the abstract into the concrete.

F. Short functional text


1. Caution

A caution is a warning or piece of advice telling you to be careful.

Example “

2. Notice

A notice is a sign or printend statement that gives information or a warning to people.

Example :

3. Warning

A sign is used to give a sign of hazard that cause extreme injury or death.

Example :




Don’t bleach

Don’t tumble dry


4. Brochure

Brochure is pamphlets, booklets, or a small magazine that contains pictures and information about your product or company, such as brochures about tourist places, hotels, courses, schools etc. 5. Advertisemente

Advertisement is a picture, a short of film , or set of words used to persuade people to buy a product or use of service, or that gives information about ajob that is avaible or an event that is invgoing to happen.

6. Announcement

Announcement is an important or official statement that informs people about something.

7. Invitation

Invitation is an invitation card is used to invite someone to attend the event like birthday party, wedding ceremony, informal dinner,etc.

G.Definition of Brochure


contemporery engliish, brochure is a thin book giving information or advertising something a holiday brochure.

In Kamus Besar Bahsa Indonesia (KBBI) (2007:166), brochures means leaflets, printed and disseminated information to the public; written information materials (molds) are given to the public. Brochure is short use descriptive , printed article in a paper cover,phamplet, travel /holiday.

There are some definitions of pamphlet or brochure According to Widyaningsih (2006: 24) :

1. An unbound printed work usually with a paper cover

2. A thin paper-covered booklet, often on a subject or current interest 3. A small book usually having a paper cover

4. A small paper covered book usually giving information expressing an opinion on a popular subject


H.Characteristic Brochure.




A. Method of the Study

Research method is very important in conducting a research , it is necessary for writer to apply an appropriate method. in the order to get some data that are required in this study, the writer has conducted library research. In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the methodology of this research. it consists of research approach, type of research, object of research source of research, data collection method, technique of data analysis.

1. Research Approach

Concering the research problems and objectives, the writer used a descriptive quantitative and qualitative approach in this research paper. Descriptive quantitative approach does not apply the detail arithmetic calculation or statistic is contains sentences or description of the objects.


2. Type of Research

The writer used quantitative research, which is defined as a research of which the data in the form of written or oral words that is descriptively analyzed. According to Arikunto (2006:11) a quantitative research deals with a kind of research which use statistic procedures in analyzing the data. Accoding to Moleong (2003:3)a qualitative research deals with a kind of research which does not use statistic procedures in analyzing the data. In a quantitative research and qualitative research , the writer tends to prior in accurate calculation to analyze what have been found.

3. Object of Study

The object of my research was six brochures from the internet and two printed brochures.

4. Source of Data


5. Method of Collecting Data

In this research, the writer used documantation method since the data source in this research is obtained from written text on selected hotel brochures.

According to kuntjoroningra (1985:64), documentation is a method used to get data about some variables like magazine, recording, book and letter. In this study, the writer used selected hotel brochures.

The most frequent sentences type was counted to put in the top of the table and by sentences which have less frequency by calculating the data in percentage on following formula:

Type of sentence =

Fx = one type sentences N = all type sentences

6. Data Analysis Methods This the techniques were:

a) Read the hotel brochure.




A.Sentences’ structure presentation

Table 4.1

Sentences’ Structure Presentation

Sentences’ stucture Total in percentage Total in number

Simple sentences’ 68.4% 52

Compound sentence 31.6% 24

Total 100% 76


1. Simple Sentences

Table 4.2

Simple Sentences in Four Seasons Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1. Four Seasons hotel

Four seasons hotel toronto is served by three airports.

2. Four Seasons hotel

All major carriers fly into pearson international airport.

From the data, the writer concluded that there were two simple sentences in the brochures of four seasons hotel.

Table 4.3

Simple Sentences in Grand Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Grand hotel The grand hotel has the perfect setting. 2 Grand hotel There are numbers of speciality

packages available all year round at the grand hotel, from pamper breaks to winter warmers.


4 Grand hotel The mirabelle brings you cuisine at the cutting edge.

5 Grand hotel The creativity and sheer quality of the dishes produced by the head chef and his team.

6 Grand hotel Booking for this popular restaurant is essential.

7 Grand hotel We open Tuesday to Saturday

8 Grand hotel The hotel direct for menu samples and pricing information.

9 Grand hotel Gentlemen are reminded to wear jacket in the restaurants for dinner.

10 Grand hotel You may wish to choose one of these dishes enhance your event.

11 Grand hotel These are changed per person at the supplement shown.

12 Grand hotel Sea bess and picked vegetable compression with soffron dressing make you comfortable


14 Grand hotel Smoked scottish salmon roulade is the favorite menu in may restaurant.

15 Grand hotel The group will be charge at $10.00 per day( breakfast and hight tea included ) 16 Grand hotel The group will be change at $12.50 per

day ( breakfast included )

17 Grand hotel OFSTED approved children’s playroom during school holidays.

18 Grand hotel Christmas and new year children’s packages are available on request or visitour website.


Table 4.4

Simple Sentences in Abadi Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Abadi hotel Abadi asri hotel is located in the tourist area at the nortside of bandung.

2 Abadi hotel Temperature in this area is 18 -24 degrees celcius .

3 Abadi hotel Abadi hotel is a perfect climate for any activity .

4 Abadi hotel Beautifull hills ,tea plantation , collosal crater or can be reached within less than a half an hour from hotel.


Table 4.5

Simple Sentences in Wahid Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Wahid hotel Wahid hotel strategically located in the center of business areas at Salatiga 2 Wahid hotel Salatiga lies 616 meters above sea


3 Wahid hotel The hotel comprises 103 guest rooms

From the data, the writer concluded that there were 3 simple sentences in Wahid Hotel brochures.

Table 4.6

Simple Sentences in Le Bringin Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Le bringin hotel Le Beringin is located just in the heart of Salatiga

2 Le bringin hotel We have 71 rooms ranging from standard rooms to suite rooms


Table 4.7

Simple Sentences in Radisson Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Radisson blue hotel Excellent meetings and events are offer by the Radisson Blue Hotel

2 Radisson blue hotel Meetings spaces in the hotel can host from 1 to 445 persons

3 Radisson blue hotel Galaxy Ballroom with 445 square meters of banqueting space is ideal to host large gatherings.

4 Radisson blue hotel Seven other meetings spaces can be customized to suit individual needs 5 Radisson blue hotel Filini serves straightforward simply

cooked Italian food based on carefully choosen ingredients.

6 Radisson blue hotel Radisson Blue Super Breakfast featuring international breakfast favorits is served at this restaurant 7 Radisson blue hotel The hotel can also provide service staff,


travelers, hosting events and for

visitors wanting to explore abu dhabi’s

stunning baeches

9 Radisson blue hotel Professionally trained spa therapists will help guests choose the perfect traitment based on there individual needs.

10 Radisson blue hotel The spa offers all this and much more 11 Radisson blue hotel Souks world class range of cultural and

modern attractions.

12 Radisson blue hotel Its ideally located along the sweeping sun-drenched shores of the Arabian Gulf and set besides Yas Links golf club.


Table 4.8

Simple Sentences in Ramada Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences

1 Ramada hotel Its leave bath via the A4 (Bristol Road) 2

Ramada hotel Its leave the m4 at junction 19 (signed for Bristol & M32)

3 Ramada hotel Past Temple Meads railway station on the right is the place

4 Ramada hotel Ramada hotel an increasingly popular destination for holiday.

From the data, the writer concluded that there were 4 simple sentences in Ramada Hotel brochures.

Table 4.9

Simple Sentences in Boutique Hotel No Hotel’s name Sentences


2 Boutique hotel The George Boutique Hotel provides with the finest Italian cuisine in the

hotel GBK’s Italian restaurant

3 Boutique hotel The George boutique hotel is one of the best venues in limerick to host your business meeting.

4 Boutique hotel Complimentary Wi-fi access available throughout the hotel.

5 Boutique hotel The most centrally located hotel in limerick .

6 Boutique hotel The geoerge boutique hotel on

O’connell street is a wonderfully luxurious hotel inspired by leading

boutique hotel’s around the world.

7 Boutique hotel Our outdoor terrace provides a welcome oasis in the city.


B. Compound sentences

Table 4.10

Compound Sentences in Grand Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences

1. Grand hotel Please select one starter , one main course and one dessert for your party. 2. Grand hotel For the vintage reception, please add a

sorbet course and for the prestige cuvee please add a sorbet or cheese course.

3. Grand hotel See treatment menu for more details, or contact the spa direct for information on hairdressing, waxes, nail care or beauty and tanning.

4. Grand hotel In the event of accommodation being cancelled , a change may be made so we advise all guest to take travel insurance please ask for more detail 5 Grand hotel Should you wish to tailor your



From the data, the writer concluded that there were 5 compound sentences in Grand Hotel brochures.

Compound Sentences in Grand Hotel Table 4.11

Compound Sentences in Four Seasons Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences

1 Four seasons hotel All major car rental firms operate at this airport and taxi and limousine services are also available.

2 Four seasons hotel Recognized for its wide ranging setting. From the data, the writer concluded that there were 2 compound sentences in Four Seasons Hotel brochures.

Table 4.12

Compound Sentences in Radisson Blue Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences

1 Radisson blue hotel Guests can choose to dine inside the restaurant or al fresco on the open terrace.


perfect venue for guests to conduct a quick business meeting, catch up with friends or enjoy a cup of coffee while surfing the internet.

3 Radisson blue hotel Whether you are planning a cocktail party, a barbecue, a gala dinner or

conference Radisson Blue Hotel’s

catering service can provide you with high quality food and drinks at the venue of your choice .

4 Radisson blue hotel The hotel can cater for any number of people a dedicated event team will help you to plan and execute everything , so your event is real success.

5 Radisson blue hotel A range of set menus is on offer, but you can also customize your menu options and setting up tables and chairs with centerpieces, cutlery, crockery and glassware is included in the price. 6. Radisson blue hotel The spa at the Radisson Blue hotel ,


declaration of luxury and world class sophistication , the perfect oasis for head to toe pampering.

7 Radisson blue hotel Guests can keep up their exercise regime at the health club, play a game at the tennis court or take a dip in the swimming pools.

8 Radisson blue hotel Designed as a major entertainment hud , yas island has a whole host of world- class attractions.

9 Radisson blue hotel More than 30 high-class restaurants and bars are situated within walking distance of the hotel and a free shuttle service is available to take the guests into the city centre of Abu Dhabi.


Table 4.13

Compound Sentences in Wahid Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences

1 Wahid hotel The hotel is an elegantly designed that offers easy access to the city’s very best.

2 Wahid hotel Salatiga is a small town in central java that located .

3 Wahid hotel The geograpichal position brings good beneficial to the weather which is cool to warm.

4 Wahid hotel This weather gives more comfort for those who want to relax while doing both business and leisure at the same time.

5 Wahid hotel The restaurants of grand wahid hotel salatiga showcase culinary delights from around the world.


Table 4.14

Compound Sentences in Boutique Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences

1 . boutique hotel Business may choose from 4 fully equipped syndicate meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 8 people boardroom style.

2 boutique hotel The George boutique hotel has a modern and contemporary style promoting a real sense of luxury and class.

From the data, the writer concluded that there were 2 compound sentences in Boutique Hotel brochures.

Table 4.15

Compound Sentences in Le Beringin Hotel No Hotel’s name Compound sentences


meting, le beringin hotel always tries its best to make your trip comfortable and successful.

From the data, the writer concluded that there were 1 compound sentences in Le Bringin Hotel brochures. From the eight brochures, there were 24 compound sentences.

C. Type of sentences

a) Simple sentence

Table 4.16

The Total Number of the Sentences’ Type

No Hotel’s name Type of sentences

Total in number 1. Four seasons hotel S – V – O 1

2. Grand hotel S – V – O 11

3 Abadi hotel S – V – O 2

4 Wahid hotel S – V – O 2

5 Le bringin hotel S – V – O - 6 Radisson hotel S – V – O 10

7 Ramada hotel S – V – O 3


Total 34

From the table, the writer concluded that there were 34 type of sentences based on subject, verb, and object.

Table 4. 17

Simple sentences’ patterns type of subject, verb, Adv. of place

No Hotel’s name Type sentences’ Total in number 1. Four seasons hotel S – V – Adv.of place 1

2. Grand hotel S – V – Adv.of place 5 3 Abadi hotel S – V – Adv.of place 1 4 Wahid hotel S – V – Adv.of place 1 5 Le bringin hotel S – V – Adv.of place 1 6 Radisson hotel S – V – Adv.of place 2 7 Ramada hotel S – V – Adv.of place 8 Boutique hotel S – V – Adv.of place 1

Total 12


Table 4.18

Type sentences’ patterns of subject+ verb+ Adv.of time +manner

No Hotel’s name Type sentences’ Total in number 1. Grand hotel S – V – Adv.of time 1

2. Ramada S – V – Adv.of time 1 3 Grand hotel S – V – Adv.of manner 1

4 Total 3

From the table, the writer concluded that there were 2 pattern with adv.of time and 1 pattern with adv.of manner.

Table 4.19

Simple Sentence patterns Subject + Verb + Object No Hotel’s name Sentences’

1. Four seasons hotel Four seasons hotel toronto is served by

S V three airports.


2. Grand hotel The grand hotel has the perfect setting. S V O

3 Grand hotel There are numbers of speciality S V O


4 Grand hotel The creativity and sheer quality of the S

dishes produced by the head chef and V O

7 Grand hotel The hotel direct for menu samples and S V O

pricing information.

8 Grand hotel You may wish to choose one of these S V O dishes enhance your event.

9 Grand hotel Smoked duck breast and roquette salad S

are the best recipe. V O

10 Grand hotel The group will be charged at $10.00 per S V O day ( breakfast and hight tea included ). 11 Grand hotel The group will be change at $12.50


per day ( breakfast included ). O

12 Grand hotel Christmas and new year children’s S


visitour website.

13 Abadi hotel Abadi hotel is a perfect climate for any S V O


14 Abadi hotel Beautifull hills, tea plantation, collosal S

crater can be reached within less than V O a half an hour from hotel.

15 Wahid hotel Salatiga lies 616 meters above sea S V O


16 Wahid hotel The hotel comprises 103 guest rooms S V O

17 Radisson blue hotel Excellent meetings and events are offer S V O by

the Radisson Blue Hotel.

18 Radisson blue hotel Galaxy Ballroom with 445 square S

meters of banqueting space is ideal to host large gatherings. V O

19 Radisson blue hotel seven other meetings spaces can be S V customized to suit individual needs. O

20 Radisson blue hotel The spa offers all this and much more S V O

21 Radisson blue hotel Filini serves straightforward simply S V O

cooked Italian food based on carefully choosen ingredients.

22 Radisson blue hotel The hotel can also provide service S V

staff, flower, agreements and transport O

23 Radisson blue hotel The hotel is a perfect base for S V O


visitors wanting to explore abu dhabi’s stunning baeches.

24 Radisson blue hotel Professionally trained spa therapists S

will help guests choose the perfect V O

traitment based on there individual needs.

25 Radisson blue hotel Souks world class range of cultural and S V O modern attractions.

26 Radisson blue hotel Its ideally located along the sweeping S V O

29 Ramada hotel Past Temple Meads railway station on S

the right is the place. V O

30 Boutique hotel The seventh floor room provides guest S V

with a stunning views over the historic O

city of limerick from the relaxation of your own rol.


S V its guest with the finest Italian cuisine O

in the hotel GBK’s Italian restaurant

32 Boutique hotel The George boutique hotel is one of the S V

best venues in limerick to host your business meeting.


33 Boutique hotel The geoerge boutique hotel on S

O’connell street is a wonderfully V O luxurious hotel inspired by leading

boutique hotel’s around the world

34 Boutique hotel Our outdoor terrace provides a S V welcome oasis in the city. O

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 34 simple sentences based on the patterns subject+verb+ object.

Table 4.20

Simple Sentence patterns Subject + Verb + Adv. of place No Hotel’s name Sentence


Four Seasons hotel


2 Grand hotel

We advise booking in advance of Tour S V O adv. of place stay, particularly at weekends.

4 Grand hotel

The mirabelle brings you cuisine at S V O jacket in the restaurants for dinner. O adv. of place

6 Grand hotel

Smoked scottish salmon roulade is the S V favorite menu in my restsurant

O adv of place 7 Abadi hotel

Abadi asri hotel is located in the S V

tourist area at the nortside of Bandung Adv.of place

8 Le bringin hotel Le Beringin is located just in the heart S V Adv.of place of salatiga

9 Le bringin hotel


11 Boutique hotel

in the center of business areas at adv. of place


From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 12 simple sentences based on the patterns subject+verb+Adv.of place.

Table 4.21

Simple sentences’ patterns Subject+ Verb+Object +Adv. of manner

No Hotel’s l name Sentences’

1 Grand hotel sea bess and picked vegetable compression S with soffron dressing make you

V O comfortable.

Adv. of manner

From the table above, the writer concluded that there was 1 simple sentence based on the patterns subject+verb+Adv.of manner.

Table 4.22

Simple sentences’ patterns Subject+ Verb +Object+ Adv. of time


1. Grand hotel OFSTED approved children’s playroom S V O during school holidays.

Adv.of time


Ramada hotel Ramada hotel is an increasingly S V

popular destination for holiday. O adv of time

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 2 simple sentences based on the patterns subject+verb+Adv.of time.

Table 4.23

Simple Sentence petterns Subject+Advb.of place+ Verb+ Object No Hotel’s name Sentence

Meetings spaces in the hotel can host S adv of pl V O from 1 to 445 persons.


Table 4.24

Simple Sentence patterns Subject+ verb No Hotel’s name Sentence

1. Boutique hotel Complimentary Wi-fi access available S V throughout the hotel.

From the table above, the writer concluded that there was 1 simple sentence based on the patterns Subject+ verb.

b) Compound sentence

Table 4.25

The Sentences with Cumulative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Conjunction Total in

number 1. Four seasons hotel Cumulative conjunction 1


Total 18

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 18 type of compound sentences with cumulative conjunction.

Table. 4.26

The Sentences with Alternative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Conjunction Total in number 1. Grand hotel Alternative conjunction 3

2 Le bringin hotel Alternative conjunction 1 3 Radisson hotel Alternative conjunction 5

Total 9

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 9 type of compound sentences with alternative conjunction.

Table 4.27

The Sentences with Subordinating Conjunction No Hotel’s name Conjunction Total in

number 1. Radisson hotel Subordinating conjunction 2


3 Boutique hotel Subordinating conjunction 1

Total 6

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 6 type of compound sentences with subordinating conjunction.

Table 4.28

The Sentences with Corellative Conjunction

No Hotel’s name Conjunction Total in number 1 Boutique hotel Corellative conjunction 1

2 Le bringin hotel Corellative conjunction 1

Total 2

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 2 type of compound sentences with corellative conjunction.

Table 4.29

The Sentences with Adversative and Illative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Conjunction Total in number 1 Radisson hotel Adversative conjunction 1


From the table above, the writer concluded that there was 1 type of compound sentence with adversative conjunction and 2 type of compound sentences with illative conjunction.

Table 4.30

The Sentences with Cumulative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Sentences’

1. Grand hotel Please select one starter, one main course and one dessert for your party. Cumulative Conj.

2 Grand hotel For the vintage reception, please add a sorbet course and for the prestige

Cumulative Conj. cuvee please add a sorbet

3 Grand hotel beauty and tanning. Cumulative conj

4 Grand hotel Should you wish to tailor your celebrations for any size party and we Cumulative conj would be delighted to discuss your individual

5 Four seasons All major car rental firms operate at this airport, taxi and limousine Cumulative conj services are also available.

6 Wahid hotel Doing both business and leisure at the same

Cumulative conj Cumulative conj Time

7 Boutique hotel The George boutique hotel has a modern and contemporary style Cumulative conj

promoting a real sense of luxury and Cumulative conj class.


high quality food and drinks at the Cumulative conj venue of your choice.

9 Radisson hotel The hotel can cater for any number of people a dedicated event team will help you to plan and execute everything, Cumulative conj

10 Radisson hotel you can also customize your menu options and setting up tables and chairs Cumulative conj with centerpieces, cutlery, crockery and glassware is included in the price. Cumulative conj

11 Radisson hotel The spa at the Radisson Blue hotel, Abu Dhabi Yas Island is a true declaration of luxury and world class Cumulative conj sophistication, the perfect oasis for head to toe pampering.

12 Radisson hotel Guests can keep up their exercise regime at the health club and play a Cumulative conj game at the tennis court

13 Radisson hotel More than 30 high-class restaurant and bars are situated within walking Cumulative conj

distance of the hotel and a free shuttle Cumulative conj service is available to take the guests into the city centre of Abu Dhabi


Table 4.31

The Sentences with Alternative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Type conjunction

1 Radisson hotel Guests can choose to dine inside the restaurant or al fresco on the open Alternative conj


2 Radisson hotel a barbecue, a gala dinner or

Alternative conj conference Radisson Blue Hotel’s 3 Radisson hotel The stylish fast track lobby bar is

perfect venue for guests to conduct a quick business meeting, catch up with friends or enjoy a cup of coffee

5 Le bringin for business, pleasure or planning a Alternative conj meting,


Table 4.32

The Sentences with Subordinating Conjunction No Hotel’s name Type conjunction

1 Radisson hotel enjoy a cup of coffee while surfing the Subordinating conjunction


2 Radisson hotel Designed as a major entertainment Subordinating conjunction

hud, Yas Island has a whole host of world- class attraction.

3 Boutique hotel Business may choose from 4 fully equipped syndicate meeting rooms that Subordinating conj can accommodate up to 8 people

boardroom style

4 Wahid hotel The hotel is an elegantly designed that Subordinating conj

offers easy access to the city’s very


7 Radisson hotel Designed as a major entertainment hud, Subordinating conj Yas Island has a whole host of world- class attractions.


Table 4.33

The Sentences with Correlative Conjunction No Hotel’s name Type conjunction

1 Wahid hotel The geograpichal position brings good beneficial to the weather which is cool Correlatives conj

to warm.

2 Radisson hotel Whether you are planning a cocktail Correlative Conj

3 Le bringin Whether you are traveling for Correlative Conj

business, pleasure

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 3 compound sentences with correlative conjunction from the eight hotel brochures.

Table 4.34

The Sentences with Adversative conjunction No Hotel’s name Type conjunction

1 Radisoon hotel A range of set menus is on offer, but Adversative conjunction you can also customize your menu



Table 4.35

cancelled, a change may be made so Illative conj we advise all guest to take travel insurance please ask for more detail

From the table above, the writer concluded that there were 2 compound sentences with illative conjunction from the eight hotel brochures.



6 Radisson blue hotel

12 9

7 Ramada hotel 4 -

8 Boutique hotel 7 2

Total 52 24



A. Conclusion

Based in the data analysis and the discussion in the previous chapter, the writer can draw the conclusion of this graduating paper is follows:

From the results of analyzed data of the hotel brochures, the writer found that there are 52 simple sentences and 24 compound sentences in 8 hotel brochures. The simple sentence is 68,4% or 52 sentences from the total number of the data. The compound sentence is 31,6% or 24 sentences from the total number of the data.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer puts forward the following: 1. To the Teachers

The teacher can use this research as additional teaching material in grammar lesson and reading class.

2. To other Readers



Nick name : NIA

Date of Birth :January29, 1990

Address : 1. Karang Tengah Rt 02/01 Kec. Tuntang Kab. Semarang Mobile phone : 089668876214

Faculty : English Department

Education history : 1. RA MAARIF karang tengah graduated 1997 2. MI MAARIF Karang tengah graduated in 2003 3. SMP N 3 Tuntang graduated in 2006

4. MA N 1 Salatiga graduated in 2009 5. STAIN Salatiga graduated in 2014

Salatiga, February 12th, 2015


Table 4.2 Simple Sentences in Four Seasons Hotel
Table 4.5 Simple Sentences in Wahid Hotel
Table 4.7 Simple Sentences in Radisson Hotel
Table 4.8 Simple Sentences in Ramada Hotel


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