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Academic year: 2021

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IMA-Daily Update No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

ESDM: Mining Investment Rate Hampered by Legal and Administrative Issues

ESDM: Laju Investasi Pertambangan Terganjal Persoalan Hukum dan Administrasi

DEWA Pursue Production Target of 17 Million Tons DEWA Kejar Target Produksi 17 Juta Ton

Mining Industry Becomes Economic Mainstay, National Mineral Policy Does Not Have

Industri Pertambangan Jadi Andalan Perekonomian, Kebijakan Mineral Nasional Tak Punya

Well Harvest Winning Pursues Production of 1 Million Tons of Alumina

Well Harvest Winning Mengejar Produksi 1 Juta Ton Alumina

Utilizing Renewable Energy, Realizing Sustainable Mining Practices

Memanfaatkan Energi Terbarukan, Mewujudkan Praktik Tambang Berkelanjutan

Coal Prices Drop 1.28%, How Do You Go Ahead? Harga Batubara Amblas 1,28%, Ke Depan Bagaimana?

China's Economy Slows, Base Metal Prices

Ekonomi China Melemah, Harga Logam Dasar Rapuh

Officially banned by the Government, is Indonesia's largest nickel ore export in the world?

Resmi Dilarang Pemerintah, Ekspor Bijih Nikel Indonesia Paling Besar di Dunia?

Five Indonesian BUMNs to wo Madagascar

Metso to buy up remaining shares in Chinese crushing and screening firm

China Gold is hunting for deals worth as much as $2 billion


Title Media Source

ESDM: Mining Investment Rate Hampered by Legal and ESDM: Laju Investasi Pertambangan Terganjal Persoalan

DEWA Pursue Production Target of 17 Million Tons DEWA Kejar Target Produksi 17 Juta Ton

Mining Industry Becomes Economic Mainstay, National Does Not Have

Industri Pertambangan Jadi Andalan Perekonomian, Kebijakan Mineral Nasional Tak Punya

Well Harvest Winning Pursues Production of 1 Million Well Harvest Winning Mengejar Produksi 1 Juta Ton Alumina

Energy, Realizing Sustainable Mining Memanfaatkan Energi Terbarukan, Mewujudkan Praktik

Coal Prices Drop 1.28%, How Do You Go Ahead? ara Amblas 1,28%, Ke Depan Bagaimana?

China's Economy Slows, Base Metal Prices Fragile Ekonomi China Melemah, Harga Logam Dasar Rapuh

Officially banned by the Government, is Indonesia's largest nickel ore export in the world?

Resmi Dilarang Pemerintah, Ekspor Bijih Nikel Indonesia

Five Indonesian BUMNs to work on mining projects in

Metso to buy up remaining shares in Chinese crushing and

China Gold is hunting for deals worth as much as $2 billion

Kontan Bisnis Dunia Energi Kontan Warta Ekonomi CNBC Indonesia Bisnis Money Smart Antara News Int'l Mining Mining.com Page 1

Media Source Page

Kontan Bisnis Dunia Energi Kontan Warta Ekonomi CNBC Indonesia Bisnis Money Smart Antara News Int'l Mining Mining.com 3 5 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 21 22


IMA-Daily Update 12.


Barrick signals major gold discovery outside Newmont Goldcorp JV

A Coal is burning out quicker than

Barrick signals major gold discovery outside Newmont

out quicker than expected

Australian Mining Daily Maverick Page 2 Australian Mining Daily Maverick 23 24


IMA-Daily Update

ESDM: Mining Investment Rate

Hampered by Legal and

Administrative Issues

THE GOVERNMENT hopes to attract new

investment through the auction of mineral mining areas has not yet been realized. The main triggers that hinder the entry of investment are legal and administrative issues.

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that six Special Mining Business Permit Areas (WIUPK) have yet to be auctioned.

Previously, the government succeeded in auctioning two WIUPKs, namely the Maratape Block and the Bahodopi Block, which were won by PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM). However, the fate of the two nickel mining blocks is still hanging. The trigger, the Indonesian Ombudsman considered there was maladministration in the auction process for the two mineral mining blocks.

While this year the Ministry of ESDM is scheduled to auction the Suasua Block and the Latao Block. In fact, they have issued pre-auction announcements for the two blocks since July 8, 2019.

The Director of Minerba Program Develop ment, Ministry of ESDM, Muhammad Wafid, said the auction process for t Suasua Block and Latao Block did not continue because of legal problems.

After searching, it turns out that in the Suasua and Latao WIUPK documents there is overlapping land. That is, there is a Mining Business Permit (IUP) land, which is the authority of the regional government (pemda), within the WIUPK.

ESDM: Mining Investment Rate

Hampered by Legal and


hopes to attract new investment through the auction of mineral mining areas has not yet been realized. The main triggers that hinder the entry of investment are legal and administrative

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) stated that six Special Mining Business Permit Areas (WIUPK)

Previously, the government succeeded in auctioning two WIUPKs, namely the Maratape Block and the Bahodopi Block, which were won by PT Aneka Tambang (ANTM). However, the fate of the two nickel mining blocks is still hanging. The trigger, the Indonesian Ombudsman considered there was maladministration in the auction process for the two mineral

While this year the Ministry of ESDM is duled to auction the Suasua Block and the Latao Block. In fact, they have issued auction announcements for the two

The Director of Minerba Program Develop-ment, Ministry of ESDM, Muhammad Wafid, said the auction process for the Suasua Block and Latao Block did not continue because of legal problems.

After searching, it turns out that in the Suasua and Latao WIUPK documents there is overlapping land. That is, there is a Mining Business Permit (IUP) land, which of the regional government

ESDM: Laju Investasi Pertambangan

Terganjal Persoalan Hukum dan


HARAPAN pemerintah menggaet investasi

baru melalui lelang wilayah pertambangan mineral belum terwujud. Pemicu utama yang menghambat masuknya investasi adalah masalah hukum dan administrasi. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan enam Wilayah Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (WIUPK) sampai saat ini belum berhasil dilelang.

Sebelumnya pemerintah memang berhasil melelang dua WIUPK yakni Blok Maratape dan Blok Bahodopi, yang dimenangkan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM). Namun, nasib kedua blok tambang nikel tersebut hingga kini masih menggantung. Pemicunya, Ombudsman RI menilai ada maladminis trasi dalam proses lelang kedua blok tambang mineral itu.

Sementara pada tahun ini Kementerian ESDM menjadwalkan akan melakukan lelang Blok Suasua dan Blok Latao

mereka sudah menerbitkan pengumuman pra-lelang untuk kedua blok tersebut sejak 8 Juli 2019.

Direktur Bina Program Minerba Kemen terian ESDM, Muhammad Wafid, menyam paikan proses lelang Blok Suasua dan Blok Latao tidak berlanjut karena terkendala masalah hukum.

Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata di dalam dokumen WIUPK Suasua maupun Latao terdapat tumpang tindih lahan. Maksudnya, ada lahan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP), yang menjadi kewenangan pemerintah daerah (pemda), di dalam WIUPK tersebut.

Page 3

ESDM: Laju Investasi Pertambangan

Terganjal Persoalan Hukum dan


pemerintah menggaet investasi baru melalui lelang wilayah pertambangan mineral belum terwujud. Pemicu utama yang menghambat masuknya investasi adalah masalah hukum dan administrasi. Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) menyatakan enam h Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (WIUPK) sampai saat ini belum berhasil

Sebelumnya pemerintah memang berhasil melelang dua WIUPK yakni Blok Maratape dan Blok Bahodopi, yang dimenangkan PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM). Namun, nasib nikel tersebut hingga kini masih menggantung. Pemicunya, Ombudsman RI menilai ada maladminis-trasi dalam proses lelang kedua blok

Sementara pada tahun ini Kementerian ESDM menjadwalkan akan melakukan lelang Blok Suasua dan Blok Latao. Bahkan, mereka sudah menerbitkan pengumuman lelang untuk kedua blok tersebut sejak

Direktur Bina Program Minerba Kemen-terian ESDM, Muhammad Wafid, menyam-paikan proses lelang Blok Suasua dan Blok Latao tidak berlanjut karena terkendala

Setelah ditelusuri, ternyata di dalam dokumen WIUPK Suasua maupun Latao terdapat tumpang tindih lahan. Maksudnya, ada lahan Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP), yang menjadi kewenangan pemerintah daerah (pemda), di dalam WIUPK tersebut.


IMA-Daily Update

In fact, the local government has revoked the IUP permit. However, the relevant IUP holder sued the local government for the revocation of his permit, resulting in a dispute that is still ongoing in court.

"For the time being pending, the two blocks have been postponed. It could be until the end of the year," Wafid told KONTAN, Tuesday (9/17).

There are also two other WIUPKs, namely Kolonodale and Rantau Pandan (coal commodities). Both blocks are still constrained administratively.

Chairman of the In donesian

Association (IAGI), Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, argues that the main obstacle in the auction of mining blocks is the issue of legal certainty. Specifically the issue of over

terri tories that causes investment is hampered.

In fact, areas and administrative documents that have been clean and clear (CnC) are benchmarks for capital owners to invest in mining blocks.

Investors certainly hope that when they get the mining area through an auction, they can immediately work. "It is not necessary to take care of permits and over

issues," he said, Tuesday (9/17).

On the other hand, Information Data Compensation (KDI) is considered too expensive. That's because the mining area offered is only an exploration stage. "KDI is not yet reasonable, its value is high and its base is unclear," he said.

In fact, exploration and opening of new mining areas is very important. Exploration to maintain a shrinking balance of resources and reserves.

In addition, exploration can boost investment in mining minerals. "But now exploration is sluggish so that new discoveries are minimal," concluded Sukmandaru. Reporter: R Nanda Mulyana, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

the local government has revoked the IUP permit. However, the relevant IUP holder sued the local government for the revocation of his permit, resulting in a dispute that is still ongoing in court.

"For the time being pending, the two blocks poned. It could be until the end of the year," Wafid told KONTAN,

There are also two other WIUPKs, namely Kolonodale and Rantau Pandan (coal commodities). Both blocks are still

Chairman of the In donesian Geological Association (IAGI), Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, argues that the main obstacle in the auction of mining blocks is the issue of legal certainty. issue of over-lappin g terri tories that causes investment is

trative documents that have been clean and clear (CnC) are benchmarks for capital owners to invest in

Investors certainly hope that when they get the mining area through an auction, they can immediately work. "It is not necessary e of permits and over-lapping issues," he said, Tuesday (9/17).

On the other hand, Information Data Compensation (KDI) is considered too expensive. That's because the mining area offered is only an exploration stage. "KDI is not yet reasonable, its value is high and its

In fact, exploration and opening of new ery important. Exploration to maintain a shrinking balance of resources and

In addition, exploration can boost investment in mining minerals. "But now exploration is sluggish so that new discoveries are minimal," Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

Padahal, pemda setempat sudah mencabut perizinan IUP. Akan tetapi, pemegang IUP yang bersangkutan menuntut pemda atas pencabutan izinnya, sehingga terjadi sengketa yang hingga kini masih berjalan di pengadilan.

"Sementara pending, kedua blok ditunda. Bisa jadi sampai akhir tahun," ungkap Wafid kepada KONTAN, Selasa (17/9).

Ada pula dua WIUPK lainnya, yaitu Kolonodale dan Rantau Pandan (komoditas batubara). Kedua blok tersebut masih terkendala secara administr

Ketua Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Sukmandaru Prihatmoko berpendapat, kendala utama dalam lelang blok pertam bangan adalah masalah kepastian hukum. Khususnya soal tumpang tindih wilayah yang menyebabkan investasi terhambat. Padahal, wilayah dan dokumen administrasi yang sudah clean and clear

tolok ukur bagi para pemilik modal untuk berinvestasi di blok tambang.

Para investor tentu berharap, ketika men dapatkan wilayah tambang melalui lelang, mereka bisa langsung bekerja. "Buka

mengurus izin dan masalah tumpang tindih," kata dia, Selasa (17/9).

Di sisi lain, Kompensasi Data Informasi (KDI) dinilai terlalu mahal. Hal itu meng ingat wilayah tambang yang ditawarkan baru tahap eksplorasi. "KDI belum

reasonable, nilainya ting

jelas," kata dia.

Padahal, eksplorasi dan pembukaan area baru pertambangan sangat penting. Eksplo rasi untuk menjaga neraca sumber daya dan cadangan yang terus menyusut.

Di samping itu, eksplorasi bisa menggenjot investasi pertambangan minerba. "Tapi saat ini eksplorasi lesu sehingga minim penemuan baru," pungkas Sukmandaru.

Nanda Mulyana, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

Page 4 Padahal, pemda setempat sudah mencabut perizinan IUP. Akan tetapi, pemegang IUP yang bersangkutan menuntut pemda atas pencabutan izinnya, sehingga terjadi sengketa yang hingga kini masih berjalan di

"Sementara pending, kedua blok ditunda. Bisa jadi sampai akhir tahun," ungkap Wafid kepada KONTAN, Selasa (17/9).

Ada pula dua WIUPK lainnya, yaitu Kolonodale dan Rantau Pandan (komoditas batubara). Kedua blok tersebut masih terkendala secara administrasi.

Ketua Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI), Sukmandaru Prihatmoko berpendapat, kendala utama dalam lelang blok pertam-bangan adalah masalah kepastian hukum. Khususnya soal tumpang tindih wilayah yang menyebabkan investasi terhambat.

dan dokumen administrasi

clean and clear (CnC) menjadi

tolok ukur bagi para pemilik modal untuk berinvestasi di blok tambang.

Para investor tentu berharap, ketika men-dapatkan wilayah tambang melalui lelang, mereka bisa langsung bekerja. "Bukan harus mengurus izin dan masalah tumpang tindih," kata dia, Selasa (17/9).

Di sisi lain, Kompensasi Data Informasi (KDI) dinilai terlalu mahal. Hal itu meng-ingat wilayah tambang yang ditawarkan baru tahap eksplorasi. "KDI belum , nilainya tinggi dan basisnya tak

Padahal, eksplorasi dan pembukaan area baru pertambangan sangat penting. Eksplo-rasi untuk menjaga neraca sumber daya dan cadangan yang terus menyusut.

Di samping itu, eksplorasi bisa menggenjot n minerba. "Tapi saat ini eksplorasi lesu sehingga minim penemuan baru," pungkas Sukmandaru. Reporter: Ridwan Nanda Mulyana, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo


IMA-Daily Update

DEWA Pursue Production Target

of 17 Million Tons

Pandu Gumilar

ISSUER of mining contractor PT Darma

Henwa Tbk. has produced 8.40 million tons of coal from a yearly target of 17 million tons.

Corporate Secretary Darma Henwa, Mukson Arif Rosyidi said that as of July the company had produced as much as 8.4 million tons of coal up to July. The amount is equivalent to 49.41 percent of the company's annual target.

"This year we are targeting coal production of 17 million tons, higher than the 2018 target of 13.5 million," he told Bisnis recently.

Based on monthly data reported by the company, the average monthly production reached 1.2 million tons.

During the first semester of 2019, DEWA's coal production reached 5.66 million tons. The Bengalon coal project produced 2.77 million tons of coal, the Asam

project produced 2.64 million tons of coal, and the Satui coal project produced 240,371 tons of coal.

The number of coal transportation also grew 20.03 percent to 7.13 million tons compared with the same period the previous year which amounted to 5.94 million tons. Of these, the Bengalon project contributed the most to reach 4.06 million tons, the Asam-Asam project contributed 2.64 million tons, and the Satui project amounted to 417,817 tons.

In addition, as of July 2019, the company has covered 11.05 million bank cubic meters (bcm) of overburden. That number jumped...

DEWA Pursue Production Target

of 17 Million Tons

of mining contractor PT Darma Henwa Tbk. has produced 8.40 million tons of coal from a yearly target of 17 million

Corporate Secretary Darma Henwa, Mukson Arif Rosyidi said that as of July the company had produced as much as 8.40 million tons of coal up to July. The amount is equivalent to 49.41 percent of the

"This year we are targeting coal production of 17 million tons, higher than the 2018 target of 13.5 million," he told Bisnis

thly data reported by the company, the average monthly production

During the first semester of 2019, DEWA's coal production reached 5.66 million tons. The Bengalon coal project produced 2.77 million tons of coal, the Asam-Asam coal project produced 2.64 million tons of coal, and the Satui coal project produced

The number of coal transportation also grew 20.03 percent to 7.13 million tons compared with the same period the previous year which amounted to 5.94 million tons. Of these, the Bengalon project contributed the most to reach 4.06 million Asam project contributed 2.64 million tons, and the Satui project

In addition, as of July 2019, the company million bank cubic That number

DEWA Kejar Target Produksi 17

Juta Ton

Pandu Gumilar

EMITEN kontraktor tambang PT Darma

Henwa Tbk. sudah memproduksi 8,40 juta ton batubara dari target setahun sebesar 17 juta ton.

Corporate Secretary Darma Henwa, Mukson Arif Rosyidi menyebutkan sampai dengan Juli perseroan sudah memproduksi batubara sebanyak 8,40 juta ton sampai dengan Juli. Jumlah tersebut setara dengan 49,41 persen target setahun perseroan.

“Tahun ini kami targetkan produksi batu bara sebesar 17 juta ton, lebih tinggi dari target 2018 yakni 13,5 juta,” katanya kepada

Bisnis belum lama ini.

Berdasarkan data bulanan yang dilansir perseroan, rerata produksi bulanan men capai 1,2 juta ton.

Adapun sepanjang semester pertama 2019, jumlah produksi batubara DEWA mencapai 5,66 juta ton. Proyek batubara Bengalon menghasilkan 2,77 juta ton batubara, proyek batubara Asam-Asam memproduksi 2,64 juta ton batubara, dan proyek batubara Satui memproduksi 240.371 ton batubara.

Jumlah angkutan batubara pun tumbuh 20,03 persen menjadi 7,13 juta ton di bandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar 5,94 j

Dari jumlah tersebut, proyek Bengalon berkontribusi terbesar mencapai 4,06 juta ton, proyek Asam-Asam menyumbang 2,64 juta ton, dan proyek Satui sebesar 417.817 ton.

Selain itu, Per Juli 2019, perseroan telah mengupas lapisan tanah penutup sebanya 11,05 juta bank cubic meter (bcm).

itu melonjak...

Page 5

DEWA Kejar Target Produksi 17

Juta Ton

Pandu Gumilar

kontraktor tambang PT Darma Henwa Tbk. sudah memproduksi 8,40 juta ton batubara dari target setahun sebesar 17

Corporate Secretary Darma Henwa, Mukson Arif Rosyidi menyebutkan sampai dengan Juli perseroan sudah memproduksi batubara juta ton sampai dengan Juli. Jumlah tersebut setara dengan 49,41 persen target setahun perseroan.

“Tahun ini kami targetkan produksi batu-bara sebesar 17 juta ton, lebih tinggi dari target 2018 yakni 13,5 juta,” katanya kepada

sarkan data bulanan yang dilansir perseroan, rerata produksi bulanan

men-Adapun sepanjang semester pertama 2019, jumlah produksi batubara DEWA mencapai 5,66 juta ton. Proyek batubara Bengalon menghasilkan 2,77 juta ton batubara, proyek Asam memproduksi 2,64 juta ton batubara, dan proyek batubara Satui memproduksi 240.371 ton batubara.

Jumlah angkutan batubara pun tumbuh 20,03 persen menjadi 7,13 juta ton di-bandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar 5,94 juta ton. Dari jumlah tersebut, proyek Bengalon berkontribusi terbesar mencapai 4,06 juta Asam menyumbang 2,64 juta ton, dan proyek Satui sebesar 417.817

Selain itu, Per Juli 2019, perseroan telah mengupas lapisan tanah penutup sebanyak 11,05 juta bank cubic meter (bcm). Jumlah


IMA-Daily Update

That number jumped 71.58 percent compared to June of 6.44 million bcm. The average stripping in the first semester of 2019 ranged from 7 million bcm

million bcm.

Arif is optimistic that the company's target is 17 million tons by the end of the year. The reason is that until September the weather still supports production. "We have calculated everything, the volume of the heaviest rain will arrive in December. This month the weather is still

all worked hard," he concluded. Taufikul Basari

Mining Industry Becomes

Economic Mainstay, National

Mineral Policy Does Not Have



OVERNMENT in accordance with Law

Number 4 of 2009 article 6 point 1.a (required) sets national policies on the management of minerals and coal. The national policy can be described as GBHN for the management of minerals and coal, both in the long term, medium term and short term.

"Indonesia has been using the mining industry as one of its economic mainstays for nearly 40 years, but it does not have a national mineral policy, which is quite alarming. It is like people walk without compasses and directions", said Budi Santoso, Director of the Center for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS), Tuesday (17/9).

According to Budi, the euphoria of regional autonomy and the era of democracy has resulted in the management of mineral and coal resources being suboptimal and causing these scarce natural resources to be useless due to the emergence of sectoral egos. unchecked,...

That number jumped 71.58 percent compared to June of 6.44 million bcm. The average stripping in the first semester of 2019 ranged from 7 million bcm - 9.10

company's target is 17 million tons by the end of the year. The reason is that until September the weather still supports production. "We have calculated everything, the volume of the heaviest rain will arrive in December. This month the weather is still good so we all worked hard," he concluded. Editor: M.

Jumlah itu melonjak 71,58 persen diban dingkan dengan Juni sebesar 6,44 juta bcm. Adapun rerata pengupasan pada semester I/2019 berkisar antara 7 juta bcm

juta bcm.

Arif optimistis target perseroan sebesar 17 juta ton sampai dengan akhir tahun. Pasalnya sampai dengan September cuaca masih mendukung untuk melakukan produksi. “Kami sudah perhitungkan semua, volume hujan paling deras akan tiba di Desember. Bulan ini cuaca masih bagus jadi kami semua bekerja keras,” pungkasnya. Editor : M. Taufikul Basari

Mining Industry Becomes

Economic Mainstay, National

Mineral Policy Does Not Have

in accordance with Law Number 4 of 2009 article 6 point 1.a (required) sets national policies on the management of minerals and coal. The national policy can be described as GBHN for the management of minerals and coal, both in the long term, "Indonesia has been using the mining industry as one of its economic mainstays for nearly 40 years, but it does not have a national mineral policy, which is quite alarming. It is like people walk without compasses and directions", said Santoso, Director of the Center for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies According to Budi, the euphoria of regional autonomy and the era of democracy has resulted in the management of mineral and l and causing these scarce natural resources to be useless due to the emergence of sectoral egos. If left

Industri Pertambangan Jadi

Andalan Perekonomian, Kebijakan

Mineral Nasional Tak Punya



EMERINTAH sesuai Undang

Nomor 4 Tahun 2009 pasal 6 butir 1.a (wajib) menetapkan kebijakan nasional tentang pengelolaan mineral dan batubara. Kebijakan nasional tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai GBHN untuk pengelolaan mineral dan batubara, baik dalam jangka panjang, jangka menengah maupun jangka pendek.

“Indonesia sudah memanfaatkan industri per tambangan sebagai salah satu andalan ekonomi nya selama hampir 40 tahun, namun tidak memiliki kebijakan mineral secara nasional, cukup memprihatinkan. Ibaratnya orang berjalan tanpa kompas dan petunjuk,” kata Budi Santoso, Direktur Centre for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS), Selasa (17/9).

Menurut Budi, euforia otonomi daerah dan era demokrasi telah mengakibatkan pengelolaan sumberdaya mineral dan batubara menjadi tidak optimal dan menyebabkan sumber daya alam yang langka tersebut menjadi sia

munculnya ego sektoral. Jika dibiarkan,...

Page 6 Jumlah itu melonjak 71,58 persen diban-dingkan dengan Juni sebesar 6,44 juta bcm. Adapun rerata pengupasan pada semester I/2019 berkisar antara 7 juta bcm – 9,10

s target perseroan sebesar 17 juta ton sampai dengan akhir tahun. Pasalnya sampai dengan September cuaca masih mendukung untuk melakukan produksi. “Kami sudah perhitungkan semua, volume hujan paling deras akan tiba di Desember. Bulan ini cuaca masih jadi kami semua bekerja keras,”

Editor : M. Taufikul Basari

Industri Pertambangan Jadi

Andalan Perekonomian, Kebijakan

Mineral Nasional Tak Punya


sesuai Undang-Undang (UU) mor 4 Tahun 2009 pasal 6 butir 1.a (wajib) menetapkan kebijakan nasional tentang pengelolaan mineral dan batubara. Kebijakan nasional tersebut dapat digambarkan sebagai GBHN untuk pengelolaan mineral dan batubara, baik dalam jangka panjang, jangka menengah “Indonesia sudah memanfaatkan industri per-tambangan sebagai salah satu andalan ekonomi-nya selama hampir 40 tahun, namun tidak memiliki kebijakan mineral secara nasional, cukup memprihatinkan. Ibaratnya orang dan petunjuk,” kata Budi Santoso, Direktur Centre for Indonesian Resources Strategic Studies (CIRUSS), Selasa Menurut Budi, euforia otonomi daerah dan era demokrasi telah mengakibatkan pengelolaan sumberdaya mineral dan batubara menjadi al dan menyebabkan sumber daya alam yang langka tersebut menjadi sia-sia akibat munculnya ego sektoral. Jika dibiarkan,...


IMA-Daily Update

If left unchecked, the economic benefits of the presence of minerals and coal through out the Republic of Indonesia could be lost forever.

National mineral policy is very important because it will become a reference for all components of the nation in setting other policies, especially those relating to spatial planning.

In line with the spirit of Joko Widodo's administration - Jusuf Kalla in infrastructure development, regional development and zoning and zoning, CIRUSS provided input and urged the government to, first establish a National Mineral and Coal Policy before revising the Mineral and Coal Mining Law and its derivative regulations.

"Second, in the determination of spatial planning and zoning must consider and ensure the presence of minerals and coal which are state and regional assets in advance to avoid the inadequacy of these mineral and coal resources in vain forever," Budi said.

Third, the government must determine the management and exploitation of minerals and coal as priotas before the land is used for other purposes, for example the use of commercial areas, infrastructure, urban areas, industries, etc., so that minerals a coal can provide maximum benefits. Fourth, the commodities of tin, rare minerals, gold, copper, silver, bauxite, iron sand, coal and other important minerals of high economic value, which are in close proximity to unnatural spatial use and will reduce t economics of those minerals, need to obtain priority so that it does not become a waste. "The fifth input, the central and regional governments that will determine spatial planning and zoning are expected to first take the opportunity to get the economi benefits of the presence of minerals and coal for the development of their regions and do not let these minerals and coal be in vain forever," said Budi. (RA)

If left unchecked, the economic benefits of the presence of minerals and coal through-out the Republic of Indonesia could be lost

National mineral policy is very important because it will become a reference for all components of the nation in setting other policies, especially those relating to spatial

In line with the spirit of Joko Widodo's lla in infrastructure development, regional development and zoning and zoning, CIRUSS provided input and urged the government to, first establish a National Mineral and Coal Policy before revising the Mineral and Coal Mining Law

"Second, in the determination of spatial planning and zoning must consider and ensure the presence of minerals and coal which are state and regional assets in advance to avoid the inadequacy of these mineral and coal resources in vain forever,"

Third, the government must determine the management and exploitation of minerals and coal as priotas before the land is used for other purposes, for example the use of commercial areas, infrastructure, urban areas, industries, etc., so that minerals and coal can provide maximum benefits. Fourth, the commodities of tin, rare minerals, gold, copper, silver, bauxite, iron sand, coal and other important minerals of high economic value, which are in close proximity to unnatural spatial use and will reduce the economics of those minerals, need to obtain priority so that it does not become a waste. "The fifth input, the central and regional governments that will determine spatial planning and zoning are expected to first take the opportunity to get the economic benefits of the presence of minerals and coal for the development of their regions and do not let these minerals and coal be in

Jika dibiarkan, maka manfaat

keberadaan mineral dan batubara di seluruh wilayah NKRI bisa hilang selamanya.

Kebijakan mineral nasional sangat penting karena akan menjadi rujukan bagi seluruh komponen bangsa dalam menetapkan kebijakan lain ter utama yan g

dengan penetapan ruang.

Seiring dengan semangat pemerintahan Joko Widodo – Jusuf Kalla dalam pengembangan infrastruktur, pengembangan wilayah dan penetapan tata ruang serta zonasi, maka CIRUSS memberi masukan dan menghibau pemerintah agar, pertama menetapkan Kebijakan Mineral dan Batubara Nasional sebelum melakukan revisi UU Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara dan peraturan turunannya.

“Kedua, dalam penetapan tata ruang dan zonasi harus mempertimbangkan dan memastikan keberadaan mineral dan batubara yang merupakan asset negara dan daerah terlebih dahulu untuk menghindari keterdapatan sumber daya mineral dan batubara tersebut sia sia selamanya,” kata Budi.

Ketiga, pemerintah harus menetapkan penge lolaan dan pengusahaan mineral dan batubara sebagai priotas sebelum lahan tersebut digunakan untuk peruntukan lain, misalnya penggunaan area komersial, infrastruktur, perkotaan, industri dan sebagainya, sehingga mineral dan batubara tersebut dapat mem berikan manfaatnya yang maksimal. Keempat, komoditi timah, mineral jarang, emas, tembaga, perak, bauksit, pasir besi, batubara dan

penting lainnya yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, yang keberadaannya berdekatan dengan pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak alami dan akan mengurangi keekonomian mineral

tersebut, perlu mendapatkan priotas sehingga tidak menjadi sia-sia.

“Masukan kelima, pemeri

daerah yang akan menetapkan tata ruang dan zonasi diharapkan terlebih dahulu mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat ekonomi keberadaan mineral dan batubara untuk pembangunan daerahnya dan jangan sampai mineral dan batubara tersebut s selamanya,” tandas Budi.

Page 7 Jika dibiarkan, maka manfaat ekonomi keberadaan mineral dan batubara di seluruh

bisa hilang selamanya.

Kebijakan mineral nasional sangat penting karena akan menjadi rujukan bagi seluruh komponen bangsa dalam menetapkan kebijakan lain ter utama yan g berkaitan dengan penetapan ruang.

Seiring dengan semangat pemerintahan Joko uf Kalla dalam pengembangan infrastruktur, pengembangan wilayah dan penetapan tata ruang serta zonasi, maka CIRUSS memberi masukan dan menghibau pemerintah agar, pertama menetapkan Kebijakan Mineral dan Batubara Nasional sebelum melakukan angan Mineral dan Batubara dan peraturan turunannya.

“Kedua, dalam penetapan tata ruang dan zonasi harus mempertimbangkan dan memastikan keberadaan mineral dan batubara yang merupakan asset negara dan daerah terlebih dahulu untuk menghindari keterdapatan umber daya mineral dan batubara tersebut sia-sia selamanya,” kata Budi.

Ketiga, pemerintah harus menetapkan penge-lolaan dan pengusahaan mineral dan batubara sebagai priotas sebelum lahan tersebut digunakan untuk peruntukan lain, misalnya omersial, infrastruktur, perkotaan, industri dan sebagainya, sehingga mineral dan batubara tersebut dapat mem-berikan manfaatnya yang maksimal. Keempat, komoditi timah, mineral jarang, emas, tembaga, perak, bauksit, pasir besi, batubara dan mineral lainnya yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi, yang keberadaannya berdekatan dengan pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak alami dan akan mengurangi keekonomian mineral-mineral tersebut, perlu mendapatkan priotas sehingga

“Masukan kelima, pemerintah pusat dan daerah yang akan menetapkan tata ruang dan zonasi diharapkan terlebih dahulu mengambil kesempatan untuk mendapatkan manfaat ekonomi keberadaan mineral dan batubara untuk pembangunan daerahnya dan jangan sampai mineral dan batubara tersebut sia-sia selamanya,” tandas Budi. (RA)


IMA-Daily Update

Well Harvest Winning Pursues

Production of 1 Million Tons of


ENTERING the second half of this year, PT

Well Harvest Winning (WHW) focused on pursuing alumina production targets.

Head of Corporate Communication of PT Well Harvest Winning, Suhandi Basri, explained that this year they were aiming for a production of 1 million tons of alumina. "Our average production is around 90,000 tons per month," he said when contacted by KONTAN, Tuesday (9/17).

In 2017, the production of smelter grade alumina (SGA) from the Well Harvest smelter ranged from 970,000 tons. While last year production reached 990,000 tons. The company is selling alumina products to the domestic and foreign markets. From January to June 2019, Well Harvest produced 540,000 tons of alumina.

According to Suhandi, his party has not planned for new investments this year. The reason, they are still trying to pursue production targets. "We are still pu

production target of 1 million tons until the end of the year," he said.

Even so, Suhandi said, it was possible for management to prepare an investment if it would again hoist production capacity the following year. But he was still frugal about the plan to increase the capacity of the factory.

Well Harvest is the first company in Indonesia and the largest in Southeast Asia in processing and refining bauxite into SGA. SGA is the main raw material for making aluminum.

Well Harvest Winning Pursues

Production of 1 Million Tons of

the second half of this year, PT Well Harvest Winning (WHW) focused on

mina production targets. Head of Corporate Communication of PT Well Harvest Winning, Suhandi Basri, explained that this year they were aiming for a production of 1 million tons of "Our average production is around 90,000 tons per month," he said when contacted by KONTAN, Tuesday

In 2017, the production of smelter grade alumina (SGA) from the Well Harvest smelter ranged from 970,000 tons. While last year production reached 990,000 tons. The company is selling alumina products c and foreign markets. From January to June 2019, Well Harvest produced 540,000 tons of alumina.

According to Suhandi, his party has not planned for new investments this year. The reason, they are still trying to pursue production targets. "We are still pursuing a production target of 1 million tons until the

Even so, Suhandi said, it was possible for management to prepare an investment if it would again hoist production capacity the following year. But he was still frugal about he plan to increase the capacity of the

Well Harvest is the first company in Indonesia and the largest in Southeast Asia in processing and refining bauxite into SGA. SGA is the main raw material for

Well Harvest Winning Mengejar

Produksi 1 Juta Ton Alumina

MEMASUKI semester kedua tahun ini, PT

Well Harvest Winning (WHW) fokus mengejar target produksi alumina.

Head of Corporate Communication

Harvest Winning, Suhandi Basri

kan, tahun ini mereka membidik produksi sebesar 1 juta ton alumina. "Produksi rata rata kami sekitar 90.000 ton per bulan," ungkap dia ketika dihubungi KONTAN, Selasa (17/9).

Tahun 2017, produksi

alumina (SGA) dari smelter Well Harvest

berkisar di angka 970.000 ton. Sementara pada tahun lalu produksinya mencapai 990.000 ton. Adapun perusahaan ini men jajakan produk alumina ke pasar domestik dan mancanegara. Dari periode Januari hingga Juni 2019, Well Harvest telah mem produksi sebanyak 540.000 ton alumina. Menurut Suhandi, pihaknya

canakan investasi baru pada tahun ini. Alasannya, mereka masih berupaya mengejar target produksi. "Kami masih mengejar target produksi 1 juta ton sampai akhir tahun," ungkap dia.

Meski demikian, Suhandi menyebutkan, tidak menutup kemungkinan m

menyiapkan investasi jika nantinya kembali mengerek kapasitas produksi pada tahun berikutnya. Namun dia masih irit bicara mengenai rencana penambahan kapasitas pabrik tersebut.

Well Harvest merupakan perusahaan pertama di Indonesia dan terbesar

Tenggara dalam pengolahan dan pemur nian (refinery) bauksit menjadi SGA. SGA merupakan bahan baku utama pembuatan aluminium.

Page 8

Well Harvest Winning Mengejar

roduksi 1 Juta Ton Alumina

semester kedua tahun ini, PT Well Harvest Winning (WHW) fokus mengejar target produksi alumina.

Head of Corporate Communication PT Well

Harvest Winning, Suhandi Basri menjelas-kan, tahun ini mereka membidik produksi

besar 1 juta ton alumina. "Produksi rata-rata kami sekitar 90.000 ton per bulan," ungkap dia ketika dihubungi KONTAN,

Tahun 2017, produksi smelter grade (SGA) dari smelter Well Harvest berkisar di angka 970.000 ton. Sementara ahun lalu produksinya mencapai 990.000 ton. Adapun perusahaan ini men-jajakan produk alumina ke pasar domestik dan mancanegara. Dari periode Januari hingga Juni 2019, Well Harvest telah mem-produksi sebanyak 540.000 ton alumina. Menurut Suhandi, pihaknya belum meren-canakan investasi baru pada tahun ini. Alasannya, mereka masih berupaya mengejar target produksi. "Kami masih mengejar target produksi 1 juta ton sampai akhir tahun," ungkap dia.

Meski demikian, Suhandi menyebutkan, tidak menutup kemungkinan manajemen menyiapkan investasi jika nantinya engerek kapasitas produksi tahun berikutnya. Namun dia masih irit bicara mengenai rencana penambahan kapasitas pabrik tersebut.

Well Harvest merupakan perusahaan pertama di Indonesia dan terbesar di Asia Tenggara dalam pengolahan dan

pemur-) bauksit menjadi SGA. SGA merupakan bahan baku utama pembuatan


IMA-Daily Update

From the sale of alumina, Well Harvest contributed to state revenue of Rp 367 billion in 2018-2019.

This achievement was obtained from the payment of income tax (PPh) and land and building tax (PBB) during the period. The breakdown, for contributions from PPh and PBB in 2018 amounted to Rp. 291 billion and valued at Rp. 76 billion throughout 2019.

Suhandi added that the downs mineral and coal or mineral and coal downstream programs not only provide more added value to the products produced. But it also affects the absorption of local labor.

As of August this year, Well Harvest noted that it had empowered workforce from West Kalimantan more than 2,200 people out of a total of 2,286 employees. Thus, the absorption of local workforce is more than 95% of the total employees in Well Harvest.

Just so you know, Well Harvest is an associate entity of PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (CITA). The company has a domestic ore processing and refining mineral smelter with a SGA content of 98.6%.

While raw materials for the SGA Well Harvest plant are supplied from CITA as the parent entity. Cita Mineral has a 30% stake in Well Harvest. While

Hongqiao Group Limited owns 56% of shares, Winning Investment Company Ltd. owns 9% and Shandong Weiqiao Aluminum and Electric Co. Ltd. holds a 5% stake in Well Harvest. R e p o r t e r : I k a Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

From the sale of alumina, Well Harvest contributed to state revenue of Rp 367

btained from the payment of income tax (PPh) and land and building tax (PBB) during the period. The breakdown, for contributions from PPh and PBB in 2018 amounted to Rp. 291 billion and valued at Rp. 76 billion

Suhandi added that the downstream mineral and coal or mineral and coal downstream programs not only provide more added value to the products produced. But it also affects the absorption

As of August this year, Well Harvest noted that it had empowered workforce from st Kalimantan more than 2,200 people out of a total of 2,286 employees. Thus, the absorption of local workforce is more than 95% of the total employees in Well

Just so you know, Well Harvest is an associate entity of PT Cita Mineral (CITA). The company has a domestic ore processing and refining mineral smelter with a SGA content of

While raw materials for the SGA Well Harvest plant are supplied from CITA as the parent entity. Cita Mineral has a 30% stake in Well Harvest. While China Hongqiao Group Limited owns 56% of shares, Winning Investment Company Ltd. owns 9% and Shandong Weiqiao Aluminum and Electric Co. Ltd. holds a 5% R e p o r t e r : I k a Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

Dari hasil penjualan alumina, Well Harvest berkontribusi terhadap penerimaan negara sebesar Rp 367 miliar pada tahun 2018-2019.

Pencapaian tersebut diperoleh dari penyetoran Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) dan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) selama periode tersebut. Perinciannya, untuk kontribusi dari PPh dan PBB tahun 2018 sebesar Rp 291 miliar dan senilai Rp 76 miliar sepanjang tahun 2019.

Suhandi menambahkan, program hilirisasi mineral dan batubara atawa minerba tidak hanya memberikan nilai tambah yang lebih terhadap produk yang dihasilkan. Namun berdampak pula terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal.

Hingga Agustus tahun ini, Well Harvest mencatat telah memberdayakan tenaga kerja asal Kalimantan Barat lebih dari 2.200 orang dari total karyawan sebanyak 2.286 orang. Dengan demikian, penye rapan tenaga kerja lokal lebih dari 95% dari total karyawan yang ada di Well Harvest.

Asal tahu saja, Well Harvest merupakan entitas asosiasi PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (CITA). Perusahaan ini memiliki smelter pengolahan dan

mineral di dalam negeri dengan kadar SGA 98,6%.

Sementara bahan baku untuk pabrik SGA Well Harvest dipasok dari CITA sebagai entitas induk. Cita Mineral memiliki 30% saham di Well Harvest . Sedangkan China Hongqiao Group Limited menguasai saham, Winning Invesment Company Ltd memiliki sebesar 9% dan Shandong Weiqiao Aluminium and Electric Co Ltd menggenggam 5% saham Well Harvest. Reporter: Ika Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono triatmojo

Page 9 Dari hasil penjualan alumina, Well Harvest berkontribusi terhadap penerimaan negara sebesar Rp 367 miliar pada tahun

Pencapaian tersebut diperoleh dari penyetoran Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) dan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB) selama . Perinciannya, untuk kontribusi dari PPh dan PBB tahun 2018 sebesar Rp 291 miliar dan senilai Rp 76 miliar sepanjang tahun 2019.

Suhandi menambahkan, program hilirisasi mineral dan batubara atawa minerba tidak hanya memberikan nilai tambah yang lebih hadap produk yang dihasilkan. Namun berdampak pula terhadap penyerapan

Hingga Agustus tahun ini, Well Harvest mencatat telah memberdayakan tenaga kerja asal Kalimantan Barat lebih dari 2.200 orang dari total karyawan sebanyak ng. Dengan demikian, penye-rapan tenaga kerja lokal lebih dari 95% dari total karyawan yang ada di Well

Asal tahu saja, Well Harvest merupakan entitas asosiasi PT Cita Mineral Investindo Tbk (CITA). Perusahaan ini memiliki smelter pengolahan dan pemurnian bijih mineral di dalam negeri dengan kadar SGA

Sementara bahan baku untuk pabrik SGA Well Harvest dipasok dari CITA sebagai entitas induk. Cita Mineral memiliki 30% saham di Well Harvest . Sedangkan China Hongqiao Group Limited menguasai 56% saham, Winning Invesment Company Ltd memiliki sebesar 9% dan Shandong Weiqiao Aluminium and Electric Co Ltd menggenggam 5% saham Well Harvest. Reporter: Ika Puspitasari, Editor: Yuwono


IMA-Daily Update

Utilizing Renewable Energy,

Realizing Sustainable Mining


Author/Editor: Cahyo Prayogo

UTILIZING the potential of abundant

water resources in the Sorowako Block is one proof of Vale Indonesia's commitment in realizing sustainable mining practices in Indonesia.

One of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk's workers seems to be serious about monitoring the movement of water through a computer monitor in the operator's room (control room) of the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant, Sorowako, South Sulawesi. Through the monitor screens, he makes sure the voltage regulation and water flow to the generator run normally.

Discipline and preparedness emanated from the attitude of Vale Indonesia's employees who served in the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant. It is indeed necessary because the employees who work at the hydropower plant are required to prioritize safety and security aspects. Balambano Hydro Operations Hydro Operation Instructor, Sukardi Nurlang, explained that the Balambano Hydro electric Power Plant is in the Sorowako Block which is a matano fracture/fault so that earthquakes often occur. In addition, the Balambano hydropower plant has been operating since 1999 so that it is no longer young.

"The challenge is how to maintain the security aspects of construction. So there needs to be efforts for maintenance and continuous improvement to maintain the security aspects of the facility," he told Warta Ekonomi, some time ago.

Utilizing Renewable Energy,

Realizing Sustainable Mining

Author/Editor: Cahyo Prayogo

the potential of abundant water resources in the Sorowako Block is one proof of Vale Indonesia's commitment in realizing sustainable mining practices in

One of PT Vale Indonesia Tbk's workers seems to be serious about monitoring the water through a computer monitor in the operator's room (control room) of the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant, Sorowako, South Sulawesi. Through the monitor screens, he makes sure the voltage regulation and water flow

Discipline and preparedness emanated from the attitude of Vale Indonesia's employees who served in the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant. It is indeed necessary because the employees who work at the hydropower plant are required

security aspects. Balambano Hydro Operations Hydro Operation Instructor, Sukardi Nurlang, explained that the Balambano Hydro-electric Power Plant is in the Sorowako

fracture/fault area so that earthquakes often occur. In he Balambano hydropower plant has been operating since 1999 so that it is

"The challenge is how to maintain the security aspects of construction. So there needs to be efforts for maintenance and continuous improvement to maintain the ity aspects of the facility," he told Warta Ekonomi, some time ago.

Memanfaatkan Energi

Terbarukan, Mewujudkan

Praktik Tambang Berkelanjutan

Penulis/Editor: Cahyo Prayogo

MEMANFAATKAN potensi sumber daya

air yang melimpah di Blok Sorowako menjadi salah satu bukti komitmen

Indonesia dalam mewujudkan praktik

tambang berkelanjutan di Indonesia.

Salah seorang pekerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk tampak serius memantau pergerakan air melalui layar monitor komputer yang berada di ruang operator (

Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Balambano, Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan. Melalui layar-layar monito

pengaturan tegangan dan debir air ke generator berjalan dengan normal.

Kedisiplinan dan kesiapsiagan terpancar dari sikap para karyawan Vale Indonesia yang bertugas di PLTA Balambano. Hal itu memang diperlukan karena para karyawan yang bekerja di PLTA ini dituntut untuk mengutamakan aspek keselamatan dan keamanan.

Instructor Hydro Operation PLTA Balambano, Sukardi Nurlang, menjelaskan PLTA Balambano berada di Blok Sorowako yang merupakan wilayah Patahan/Sesar Matano sehingga kerap terjadi g Selain itu, PLTA Balambano sudah ber operasi sejak tahun 1999 silam sehingga telah berusia tidak lagi muda.

"Tantangannya adalah bagaimana menjaga aspek keamanan konstruksi. Sehingga perlu ada upaya-upaya perawatan dan perbaikan yang berkelanjutan un

jaga aspek keamanan fasilitas tersebut," katanya kepada Warta Ekonomi

waktu lalu.

Page 10

Memanfaatkan Energi

Terbarukan, Mewujudkan

Praktik Tambang Berkelanjutan

Cahyo Prayogo

potensi sumber daya air yang melimpah di Blok Sorowako menjadi salah satu bukti komitmen Vale dalam mewujudkan praktik tambang berkelanjutan di Indonesia.

h seorang pekerja PT Vale Indonesia Tbk tampak serius memantau pergerakan air melalui layar monitor komputer yang berada di ruang operator (control room) Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) Balambano, Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan. layar monitor, ia memastikan pengaturan tegangan dan debir air ke generator berjalan dengan normal.

Kedisiplinan dan kesiapsiagan terpancar dari sikap para karyawan Vale Indonesia yang bertugas di PLTA Balambano. Hal itu memang diperlukan karena para karyawan erja di PLTA ini dituntut untuk mengutamakan aspek keselamatan dan

Instructor Hydro Operation PLTA Balambano, Sukardi Nurlang, menjelaskan PLTA Balambano berada di Blok Sorowako yang merupakan wilayah Patahan/Sesar Matano sehingga kerap terjadi gempa. Selain itu, PLTA Balambano sudah ber-operasi sejak tahun 1999 silam sehingga telah berusia tidak lagi muda.

"Tantangannya adalah bagaimana menjaga aspek keamanan konstruksi. Sehingga upaya perawatan dan perbaikan yang berkelanjutan untuk men-jaga aspek keamanan fasilitas tersebut,"


IMA-Daily Update

In addition to the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant, Vale Indonesia still has two other hydropower plants, the Larona Hydroelectric Power Plant which op

in 1979 and the Karebbe Hydroelectric Power Plant which operated in 2011.

Vale Indonesia's President Director, Nico Kanter, ensures that the construction of Vale Indonesia's hydropower plants meets the dam safety requirements and routinely carries out physical monitoring and inspection.

To strengthen the construction of the hydropower and DAM, in 2019 Vale Indonesia executed two special projects namely DAM Batubesi Strengthening (US$ 12 million investment) and canal wall strengthening (US$ 10 million


"These two projects are also Vale's efforts in line with the latest government directives related to the prediction of post earthquake bedrock movement while enhancing dam safety aspects. From before, the acceleration of post

bedrock movement was calculated to be only 0.2g earthquake. Then it was updated up to 0 "The earthquake was 4g. So this project was designed to conform to the latest standards," he told Warta Ekonomi. He explained that in the aspect of disaster preparedness preparation, Vale Indonesia had held a simulation of the Larona River Series emergency action plan with the government and the community in December 2018. This RTD is part of the provisions that must be fulfilled by Vale because it owns and operates DAM PLTA.

"Vale is also building a number of flood warning system facilities in residential areas in the Larona River flow radius as an effort to monitor the overflow and potential flooding in the river flow," he said.

In addition to the Balambano Hydroelectric Power Plant, Vale Indonesia still has two other hydropower plants, the Larona Hydroelectric Power Plant which operated in 1979 and the Karebbe Hydroelectric Power Plant which operated in 2011.

Vale Indonesia's President Director, Nico Kanter, ensures that the construction of Vale Indonesia's hydropower plants meets the dam safety requirements and routinely ut physical monitoring and

To strengthen the construction of the hydropower and DAM, in 2019 Vale Indonesia executed two special projects namely DAM Batubesi Strengthening (US$ 12 million investment) and canal wall strengthening (US$ 10 million) investment

"These two projects are also Vale's efforts in line with the latest government directives related to the prediction of post-earthquake bedrock movement while enhancing dam safety aspects. From before, the acceleration of post-earthquake bedrock movement was calculated to be only 0.2g earthquake. Then it was updated up to 0 "The earthquake was 4g. So this project was designed to conform to the latest standards," he told Warta Ekonomi. He explained that in the aspect of disaster

ss preparation, Vale Indonesia had held a simulation of the Larona River Series emergency action plan with the government and the community in December 2018. This RTD is part of the provisions that must be fulfilled by Vale because it owns and operates DAM and

"Vale is also building a number of flood warning system facilities in residential areas in the Larona River flow radius as an effort to monitor the overflow and potential flooding in the river flow," he said.

Selain PLTA Balambano, Vale

masih memiliki dua PLTA lain yakni PLTA Larona yang beroperasi tahun 1979 dan PLTA Karebbe yang beroperasi tahun 2011.

Presiden Direktur Vale Indonesia, Nico Kanter, memastikan konstruksi PLTA milik Vale Indonesia telah memenuhi ketentuan keamanan bendungan dan secara rutin dilakukan monitoring dan inspeksi fisik. Guna menguatkan konstruksi PLTA dan DAM tersebut, pada tahun 2019 ini Vale Indonesia mengeksekusi dua

khusus yakni DAM Batubesi Strengthening (penguatan DAM Batubesi) investasi senilai US$12 juta dan

thening (penguatan dinding kanal) inves

tasi senilai US$10 juta.

"Dua proyek ini juga upaya Vale sejalan dengan arahan terbaru pemerintah terkait prediksi pergerakan batuan dasar pasca gempa sekaligus meningkatkan as keamanan bendungan. Dari sebelumnya, angka percepatan pergerakan batuan dasar pasca-gempa dihitung hanya sebesar 0,2g earthquake. Kemudian diperbarui naik menjadi 0,4g earthquake. Jadi proyek ini dirancang agar sesuai dengan standar terbaru tersebut," katanya kepada


Ia menjelaskan bahwa dalam aspek persiapan kesiapsiagaan bencana, Vale Indonesia telah menggelar

rencana tindak darurat Seri Sungai Larona bersama pemerintah dan masyarakat pada Desember 2018 silam. RTD ini merupakan bagian dari ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi Vale karena memiliki dan mengoperasikan DAM dan PLTA.

"Vale juga membangun sejumlah fasilitas

flood warning system di area permukiman

di radius aliran Sungai Larona sebagai upaya memonitor luapan air dan potensi banjir di aliran sungai tersebut," tegasnya.

Page 11 Selain PLTA Balambano, Vale Indonesia masih memiliki dua PLTA lain yakni PLTA Larona yang beroperasi tahun 1979 dan PLTA Karebbe yang beroperasi tahun

Presiden Direktur Vale Indonesia, Nico Kanter, memastikan konstruksi PLTA milik Vale Indonesia telah memenuhi ketentuan n bendungan dan secara rutin dilakukan monitoring dan inspeksi fisik. Guna menguatkan konstruksi PLTA dan DAM tersebut, pada tahun 2019 ini Vale Indonesia mengeksekusi dua project

khusus yakni DAM Batubesi Strengthening (penguatan DAM Batubesi) investasi enilai US$12 juta dan canal wall

streng-(penguatan dinding kanal) inves-tasi senilai US$10 juta.

"Dua proyek ini juga upaya Vale sejalan dengan arahan terbaru pemerintah terkait prediksi pergerakan batuan dasar pasca-gempa sekaligus meningkatkan aspek keamanan bendungan. Dari sebelumnya, angka percepatan pergerakan batuan gempa dihitung hanya sebesar 0,2g earthquake. Kemudian diperbarui naik menjadi 0,4g earthquake. Jadi proyek ini dirancang agar sesuai dengan standar katanya kepada Warta

Ia menjelaskan bahwa dalam aspek persiapan kesiapsiagaan bencana, Vale Indonesia telah menggelar simulasi rencana tindak darurat Seri Sungai Larona bersama pemerintah dan masyarakat pada Desember 2018 silam. RTD ini merupakan bagian dari ketentuan yang harus dipenuhi Vale karena memiliki dan mengoperasikan

"Vale juga membangun sejumlah fasilitas di area permukiman di radius aliran Sungai Larona sebagai upaya memonitor luapan air dan potensi banjir di aliran sungai tersebut," tegasnya.


IMA-Daily Update

Provides Many Benefits

Nico Kanter explained that Vale Indonesia has a commitment to realize green mining practices so that it always strives to utilize environmentally friendly renewable energy in its operational activities. This is what underlies Vale Indonesia to utilize the potential of abundant water resources in the Sorowako Block so that it can produce zero emissions electricity.

For power sources, the hydropower plant gets from three lakes located in East Luwu, namely Matano, Mahalona, and Towuti that run water through the Larona River to the turbine. Meanwhile, to control Lake Matano water level, it is regulated through the Petea gates. This building consists of 6 sets of sluice gates that are operated manually based on Lake Matano and Towuti level conditions.

The three Vale Indonesia hydropower plants serve as power supplies to operate the furnaces (smelting and processing of nickel ore) at the processing plant in Sorowako.

On the other hand, the three hydropower plants also function as flood control buildings through a control system at the floodgates. It is known that if high rainfall, river water discharge can overflow and can have an impact on the owners of agricultural areas in the upstream area. From the operational side, Nico Kanter stressed that the operation of hydropower is one of the strategic steps taken by the company in meeting electricity need the production process and supporting activities.

"The operation of hydropower makes Vale able to reduce the cost of nickel in matte production so that it can withstand the effects of volatility in world nickel prices. Another benefit is...

Nico Kanter explained that Vale Indonesia has a commitment to realize green mining ces so that it always strives to utilize environmentally friendly renewable energy in its operational activities. This is what underlies Vale Indonesia to utilize the potential of abundant water resources in the Sorowako Block so that it can produce

For power sources, the hydropower plant gets from three lakes located in East Luwu, and Towuti that run water through the Larona River to the turbine. Meanwhile, to control Lake ulated through the Petea gates. This building consists of 6 sets of sluice gates that are operated manually based on Lake Matano and

The three Vale Indonesia hydropower plants serve as power supplies to operate ng and processing of nickel ore) at the processing plant in

On the other hand, the three hydropower plants also function as flood control buildings through a control system at the floodgates. It is known that if high rainfall, ge can overflow and can have an impact on the owners of agricultural areas in the upstream area. From the operational side, Nico Kanter stressed that the operation of hydropower is one of the strategic steps taken by the company in meeting electricity needs for the production process and supporting

"The operation of hydropower makes Vale able to reduce the cost of nickel in matte production so that it can withstand the effects of volatility in world nickel prices.

Memberikan Banyak Manfaat

Nico Kanter menjelaskan Vale Indonesia memiliki komitmen untuk mewujudkan praktik green mining

upaya untuk memanfaatkan energi ter barukan yang ramah lingkungan dalam kegiatan operasional perseroan. Hal inilah yang mendasari Vale Indonesia melakukan pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya air yang melimpah di Blok Sorowako sehingga dapat menghasilkan listrik nol emisi.

Untuk sumber tenaga, PLTA mendapatkan dari tiga danau yang berada di Luwu Timur, yakni Matano, Mahalon

mengalirkan air melalui Sungai Larona menuju turbin. Sedangkan untuk mengontrol level air Danau Matano, diatur melalui pintu pintu air Petea. Bangunan ini terdiri atas 6 set pintu air yang dioperasikan secara manual berdasarkan kondisi l

Matano dan Towuti.

Ketiga PLTA milik Vale Indonesia berfungsi sebagai pamasok tenaga listrik untuk mengoperasikan furnace

dan pengolahan bijih nikel) di pusat peng olahan (process plant) di Sorowako.

Di sisi lain, ketiga PLTA ju

sebagai bangunan pengendali banjir melalui sistem kontrol di pintu

tersebut. Hal itu diketahui bila curah hujan tinggi, debit air sungai dapat meluap dan dapat berdampak pada pemilik area pertanian di daerah hulu.

Dari sisi operasional, Nico Kanter mene gaskan pengoperasian PLTA merupakan salah satu langkah strategis yang dilakukan oleh perseroan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan listrik bagi proses produksi dan kegiatan penunjang.

"Pengoperasian PLTA membuat mampu menekan biaya produksi dalam matte sehingga tetap dapat ber tahan dari pengaruh volatilitas harga nikel dunia. Manfaat lain adalah

Page 12 Memberikan Banyak Manfaat

Nico Kanter menjelaskan Vale Indonesia memiliki komitmen untuk mewujudkan sehingga selalu ber-upaya untuk memanfaatkan energi ter-barukan yang ramah lingkungan dalam kegiatan operasional perseroan. Hal inilah yang mendasari Vale Indonesia melakukan pemanfaatan potensi sumber daya air yang melimpah di Blok Sorowako sehingga dapat menghasilkan listrik nol emisi.

Untuk sumber tenaga, PLTA mendapatkan dari tiga danau yang berada di Luwu Timur, yakni Matano, Mahalona, dan Towuti yang mengalirkan air melalui Sungai Larona menuju turbin. Sedangkan untuk mengontrol level air Danau Matano, diatur melalui pintu-pintu air Petea. Bangunan ini terdiri atas 6 set pintu air yang dioperasikan secara manual berdasarkan kondisi level Danau

Ketiga PLTA milik Vale Indonesia berfungsi sebagai pamasok tenaga listrik untuk

furnace (tanur peleburan

dan pengolahan bijih nikel) di pusat peng-) di Sorowako.

Di sisi lain, ketiga PLTA juga berfungsi sebagai bangunan pengendali banjir melalui sistem kontrol di pintu-pintu air tersebut. Hal itu diketahui bila curah hujan tinggi, debit air sungai dapat meluap dan dapat berdampak pada pemilik area pertanian di daerah hulu.

al, Nico Kanter mene-gaskan pengoperasian PLTA merupakan salah satu langkah strategis yang dilakukan oleh perseroan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan listrik bagi proses produksi dan

"Pengoperasian PLTA membuat Vale mampu menekan biaya produksi nikel dalam matte sehingga tetap dapat ber-tahan dari pengaruh volatilitas harga nikel


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