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Academic year: 2019



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I would like to thank you for your willingness to participate in this research. The purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate your opinions about the integration of group-based game making to learn descriptive writing. Your participation is completely voluntary and the information you provide in this questionnaire is confidential.

========================================================== =================


Check (√) the most appropriate answer for each of the statement below.

Part One

Background Questions

1. Gender : Female Male

2. How often do you play games?

Very often Often Sometimes Seldom Never

3. Where do you usually play games?

On my laptop On my smartphone On my console

4. How do you rate your game-playing ability?

Very good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

5. What kind of games do you often play? (You may check more than one)


55 Simulation Puzzle

6. Do you play your games with friends or on your own?

With my friends (multi-player) On my own (single-player)

7. Have you ever created a game before?

Yes No

Part Two

Research Questions

No. Question Items Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree

1 I feel satisfied with the game I created

2 Creating the game is easy for me

3 The template is helpful for me to create the activities

4 This game is helpful for me to practice descriptive writing

5 I am interested in creating a game for different writing genres

6 Creating a game to practice descriptive writing is exciting

7 I feel this game meets my needs to learn descriptive writing skill


I am interested in creating group-based games to practice my descriptive writing skill

9 I am interested in sharing the game I created



56 11

I feel that group-based games are more appealing if they can be played on various gadgets

12 I feel that the game I created is interesting


It is possible to use the game to practice other English skills and contents (e.g. reading, sociolinguistics, culture)

14 Games should be included as a learning medium in schools/colleges

15 We distribute the writing tasks equally

16 The team members shared their ideas in creating the writing activities

17 Creating the writing activities is more difficult than creating the game itself

18 It is better to create this kind of game on my own





We would like to thank you for your willingness to participate in this survey. The purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate your opinions about the integration of games for collaborative learning. Your participation is completely voluntary and the information you provide in this questionnaire is confidential.

========================================================== =================


Check (√) the most appropriate answer for each of the statement below.

Part One

Background Questions

1. Gender : Female Male

2. Class Standing (freshman, sophomore, etc.): ________________________

3. How often do you play games?

Very often Often Sometimes Seldom Never

4. Where do you usually play games?

On my laptop On my smartphone On my console

5. How do you rate your game-playing ability?

Very good Good Fair Poor Very Poor

6. What kind of games do you often play? (You may check more than one)

Real time strategy Role play games Massive multiplayer online


58 Part Two

1. How do you feel after you play the game?

Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied

2. How do you feel about creating the game? I like it very much

I like it

I don’t know

I don’t like it

I don’t like it very much

3. What do you think about the level of the making of the game?

Very easy Easy Somewhat easy Difficult Very difficult

4. To what extent the template helps you create the game?

Very helpful Helpful Somewhat helpful Not helpful Useless

5. Do you agree that games can be used for collaborative learning?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

6. Are you interested in creating a game for different course content?

Very interested Interested Neutral Not interested Not interested at all

7. What do you think about creating a game for learning?

Very exciting Exciting Somewhat exciting Not exciting Not exciting at all

8. Do you agree that a game meets your needs for learning a subject? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

9. Are you interested in creating a game for collaborative learning?

Very interested Interested Neutral Not interested Not interested at all


59 Very interested Interested Neutral Not interested Not interested at all

11.Do you think the game you create is useful for other learners?

Very useful Useful Somewhat useful Not useful Not useful at all

12.Do you agree that the games for collaborative learning is more appealing if they can be played on various gadgets?

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

13.How interesting are the characters in the game? Very interesting


Somewhat interesting

Not interesting

Not interesting at all

14.How interesting is the game you just created?

Very interesting Interesting

Somewhat interesting

Not interesting

Not interesting at all

15.Are you interested in creating other types of games for collaborative learning?

Very interesting


60 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________

2. What aspects or features in the game that can be improved for collaborative learning?

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________

3. Mention some of the games you know that might be useful for collaborative learning.

_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________



Dokumen terkait

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