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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Sarjana Degree of English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic

University (UIN) Sunan Ampel Surabaya

By :

Anggun Putri Kumalasari

Reg. Number : A83212151





Kumalasari, Anggun Putri. 2016. “English as a Slang Word Used by Teenagers in Surabaya”. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya.

Advisor:Raudlotul Jannah, M. App. Ling

Key Words: Slang, Teenagers, Surabaya, Word formation.

This research is about English as a Slang Word Used by Teenagers in Surabaya. There are three statement of problem (1) What slangs are produced by Surabaya’s teenagers in English (2) On what occasion they often used slang words (3) How was the word formation processes or formed into the slang.


TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents





MOTTO... v





ABSTRACT ...xiii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of The Study ... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem ... 7

1.3 Purpose of The Study ... 7

1.4 Significance of The Study ... 7

1.5 Scope and Limitation ... 8



2.1Language Variation ... 10

2.2 Slang ... 14

2.3 Word Formation Process ... 18

2.1.3 Types of Word Formation Process ... 18

1. Compounding ... 18

2. Prefix ... 19

3. Borrowing ... 20

4. Blending ... 21

5. Acronym ... 21

6. Coinage ... 22

5. Clipping ... 22

2.2Review of the Related Studies ... 23

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Research Method ... 26

3.2 Data and Data Source ... 26

3.3 Data Collection ... 27

3.3.1. Research Instruments ... 27

3.3.2. Data Collection Techniques ... 27

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ... 28



4.1.3 The kinds of word formation processes or formed into the slang. ... 31

1. Acronym ... 32

2. Clipping ... 37

3. Word Mixing ... 38

4. Blending ... 40

5. Coinage ... 41

4.2 Discussion ... 46


5.2 Suggestion ... 50




1.1Background of the study

Each language has different variation eventhough it’s called the same language, when people speaking it must be different. Most people speaks at least one language, and probably they speak more than one language.For those who are born in multicultural language or multilingual country, automatically they speak more than one language. Hudson (1996 : 22) defines a variety of language as a set of linguistic items with similar distribution, a definition that allows us to say that all of the following are varieties: American English, Australian English, British English, Canadian English, London English, the English of football commentaries, and so on. In other hand, Indonesian not only speak Indonesian language with one dialect. Likewise in Indonesian language, Indonesia people speak different Indonesian. That’s what we called dialect. Dialect based on the region. For example when Javanesse speak Indonesian is different from Sundanesse who speak Indonesian. They have different dialect from its own region.


The individual language variety is commonly referred to a speech. Depend on sociolinguistics, idiolect sometimes can be termed as variety. Thus, every idiolect or speech is a realization of the abstract language associated to a society. A societal language variety refers to a variety of a language thus is shared by every individual as members of a speech community. A speech community is a community whose members share at least a single variety and the norms for its appropriate use. The variety is popularly known as social dialect.

Social dialect is a variety of speech associated with a particular social class or occupational group within a society, but may be also named as sociolect. There are some branch of sociolect or social variation such as slang, colloquial, jargon and argot.

Slang word denotes an informal language, and it is often associated with youthful community, almost every speaker use and recognize slang, and slang is like ‘know it when we see it’ phenomenonin every language use.Often used in spoken not written. The characterisctics of slang is prerogative for young speakers or particular group. For example : Hot means sexy ; CU means see you.


Jargon is the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group and impossible for outsiders to understand.Jargon is typically used in a limited community, but it’s not a secret language. For example : FXis Medical jargon meaning bone fracture ; TD Is military jargon, means Temporary Duty.

Argot is a secret language for a particular group or community. It refers to the kinds of slang vocabulary which is typically created and used by criminal groups.Including for thieves and other criminals, to prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. For example : Kece means keren cakep; gemuk means mangsa besar(Indonesian language).In this research, the writer focuses the slang word.

Slang consists of words and expressions which will not be found in the dictionary, and can be distortions of existing words or entirely invented terms. It is used in informal situations. It is not appropriate in formal situations.which is commonly used in a society by the teenagers or even children. According to Spolsky (1998) slang is a feature of the speech of the young and powerness. Slang word often associated with teenager or youthful community.


maybe interfered with another word. Many slang are used in the end of a sentence. Usually, slang words do not change the sentence meaning directly. However they can have other effects like as emphasizing a sentence. Slang words can be used to reinforce the social link between speaker and listener.

Many slang words are used in the end of a sentence. Usually, the particles of slang words do not change the sentence meaning directly. However they can have other effects like as emphasizing a sentence, and sugesting hesitancy. Slang words can be used to reinforce the social link between speaker and listener.


happen because of the human creativity to create some new expression in making terms to become simpler and easier to be used.

Slang is predominantly used in everyday conversation, social community, among popular media to a certain extent, in teen publications or pop culture magazines. Slang words also can be changed every time, it depend on the user of slang words itself who create slang words. Today slang words are an establish part of linguistic environment, especially for teenagers.The teenagers use slang word in their communication to show their identity.

Teenagers are constantly create new terminology with artistic expression of their lives and the life around them. That fact is supported by Allan and Burridge (2006) who state the slang words are identify activities, events, and objects that have become a routine for everyone who involved. Beside that, slang words has an important funtion in creating rapport in the work or recreational environment especially for teenagers.


informal style rather than formal one because it creates the situation sound friendly in their communication.

Many teenagers in Surabaya are used slang words. Slang language often functions as the primary language medium for communication in daily life. The teenagers commonly used slang language to show surprise or show a warning. They often use it when they interact with their fellow of their community.

In this research, the writer wants to analyze the english slangwords among the teenagers in Surabaya.The writer tries to find the mechanisms or processes of word formation precesses occured in slang used by teenagers in Surabaya. Besides, word form has deep relation with meaning. The meaning of the new word form is influenced by the process of forming a word. This process called word formation process.

The writer also used Yule’s theory as the theory of word formation process. The word formation process according to Yule consist of coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, prefixes/suffixes, infixes, and multiple processes (2006). The writer use descriptive qualitative approach. The writer observes directly the place and takes the data from the members of teenagers community.


In conducting this research, the writer formulates the following problems which related to the study :

1. What slangs are produced by Surabaya’s teenagers in English? 2. On what occasion they often used slang words?

3. How was the word formation processes or formed into the slang?

1.3Purpose of The Study

In this proposal, the purpose of this research are :

1. To find out slangsare produced by Surabaya’s teenagers in English

2. To find out the reasons many teenagers in Surabaya using slang words.

3. To find out word formation processes or formed into the slang.

1.4Significance of The Study

The significance of this research will provide an input for the writer in the similar topic. The readers can know not only about English slang words, but also gain knowledge about word formation process of English slang words. Then enrich information about slang word.


In this research, the object of this study concern on slang words within the teenagers in Surabaya. In this research, the writer focusses on slang to be analized, especially in English words as an Indonesian slang word used by teenagers in Surabaya. The writer collected the data within 30 teenagers in Surabaya (12-15 years old). In this research, the writer focusses on processes of word formation precesses occured in slang.

1.6Definition of Key Terms

Some items of terminology are defined in order to avoid misinterpretation:

1. Slang words is an informal language, nonstandard, nontechnical vocabulary for standard word or phrases. It is often associated with young people or teenagers which is used in spoken. Based on Spolsky (1998:36) slang is a feature of the speech of the young and powerness. Slang is predominantly used in everyday conversation among social community. 2. Word Formation is the ways or creation of new words are made on the



In this chapter the writer will explain about related and relevant theories thatare applied in this research.

2.1 Language Variation

Everyone speaks at least one language, and probably most people in the world speak more than one. Even Americans, most of whom speak only English, usually know more than one dialect. Certainly no one talks exactly the same way at all times. Language in society is not expressed in the same ways, because language is varied. Nababan (1993) said there must be simple or even complex different in expressing language. While a set of linguistic form which distinguish the way of speaking is called variety. Varieties of language can divided into two types, the individual and the societal language varieties.


Former president Abdurachman Wahid has outspokenly idiolect styled like gitu aja kok repot (why bothered with such trivial things).

A societal language variety refers to a variety of a language thus is shared by every individual as members of a speech community. A speech community is a community whose members share at least a single variety and the norms for its appropriate use. The variety is popularly known as dialect, but may be also named as sociolect. There are some branch of social variations or sociolect such as slang, colloquial, jargon and argot.

Slang denote an informal, nonstandard, nontechnical vocabulary composed chiefly of novel-sounding synonyms (and near synonyms) for standard word or phrases: it is often associated with young people, or undignified persons and group. For examples : “CU” it’s mean see you, and “Cabe-cabean” or “terong-terongan” it’s mean student prostitution.

Colloquial is the use of informal words. Colloquial expressions are being part of a society, are influenced by the way people speak in that society. For example : “What’s up” it’s mean how do you do .

Jargon is like a type of short language between members of a particular group of people. Jargon is the technical language of a profession which often is difficult or impossible for outsiders to understand. For example : “CYA” it’s mean see you around, “BP” it’s mean Medical shorthand for blood pressure.


prevent outsiders from understanding their conversations. For example : “Kece” it’s mean keren cakep(cool), “barang” it’s mean target.

A sociolect often develops following several factors found in the society, such as culture, immigration people, politic, and technology. Based on the factors there are at least two major societal language varieties, namely regional varieties and temporal varieties.

Regional varieties of a language have been referred to as dialects. A dialect is a regional or social variety of a language distinguished by pronunciation, grammar, or vocabulary (Wardhaugh,2006). Some of the distinctly different local languages are: Acehnese, Batak, Sundanese, Javanese, Maduranese, Sasak, Tetum of Timor, Dayak, Minahasa, Toraja, Buginese, Halmahera, Ambonese, and several Irianese languages. These languages are also spoken in different dialects.


period. Each period is associated with the influence of other languages, such as Sanskrit, Dutch, Arabic, Portuguesse, and English. For example in old Malay variety Indonesian people said “sapulu”, but in Modern Indonesian variety Indonesian people said “sepuluh”.

Languange variation occurs in the society caused by some social factor and context. It happens because of the context where the language is used and the specific circumstancy around the language (Wardhaugh,2006). Language variation also can be influence by some factor such as age, gender, and education.

In sociolinguistic, the language variation influenced by age is called as age-grading. Wardhaugh (2002) suggest that phenomena of age. Grading become an evidence of the relationship between language society. In speech community, every each group has their own language variety. It is caused by their social environment where they live and their involvement in certain membership of age-group. For example, when teenagers talk with others in the same group, they use some certain words which indicate their group. Similar to adults, when they start to work, they tend to use more standard form language as a demand from society.


current slang is only used by young people and sounds odd in the mouth of older persons since slang words signal membership of particular group.

Language and gender itself is an area of study within sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, and related fields that investigates varieties of speech associated with a particular gender, or social norms for such gendered language use. For example women has response frequently when they have a conversation, and men has response less than women when they have a conversation.

Language is an important component of education. School instruction is delivered through the use of language. It is crucial for children to be able to understand the language of schools. Unfortunately, the language of home and the language of school do not always match, and then various teaching methods and literacy practices need to be employed to assure that all children receive equal access to education. Educating the general public about the importance of language maintenance and the advantages of bilingualism can prevent discrimination in educational settings, help reach the needs of bilingual students, and slow down language loss in our society.

2.2 Slang


together, and may show certain attitudes on the part of the speaker.Words that are not a part of standard vocabulary or language and are used informally are called slang. According to Spolsky (1998:36) slang is a feature of the speech of the young and powerness. Slang is a kind of jargon marked by its rejection of formal rules. It is comparative freshness and its common ephemerality and its marked use to claim solidarity.Slang is part of casual informal style of language use, it is often perceived, as “ Low or Vulgar’’ form of language and it is seemed to be out of place in formal styles of language. Slang words is an informal language, nonstandard, nontechnical vocabulary for standard word or phrases. It is often associated with young people or teenagers which is used in spoken.

Slang allows a person to become creative in the use of language. Some people use slang in order to communicate with each other informally. Similarly, people using slang are able to identify other members of their subculture easily. Allan and Burridge (2006) who state the slang words are identify activities, events, and objects that have become a routine for everyone who involved. Beside that, slang words has an important funtion in creating rapport in the work or recreational environment.


the mid-eighteen century, was the special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low and disreputable character. In the earlier centuries it was referred to as thieves’ cant or patter of earlier centuries.

Italian researcher Winona Bullard writes that different dialects and pronunciations in the Middle Ages represented the first meaning of the term “slang”. It was represented by certain writers such as Chauser, William Caxton and William of Malmesbury. English Criminal Cant is considered to be the starting point of slang. It was a new kind of speech used by criminals in saloons and gambling houses. It was at first believed that English criminal cant originated in Romania or had occurred in France. She also argues that some popular plays of Richard Brome (1635), poems and songs by Copland (1925) already contained some slang words.

Nowadays slang is not associated with criminals. Slang was influenced bydifferent cultures and the innovations of technology, which has left the society a variety of slang. Moreover, slang tends to originate in subcultures within a society. Slang words show the attitudes of the group or sub-culture that uses them.

Each decade has had slang words appear during that time. Here are five common slang words and expressions from each recent decade:


- From the 1960s: crib or pad - where you live; bread - money; far out - amazing; hassle - annoy; spacey - odd, eccentric; vibes - feelings; chill - take it easy.

- From the 1970s: bogus - unfair; gross - disgusting; horn - telephone; no brainer - easy problem; zip – nothing.

- From the 1980s: go postal - go crazy; melt down - total collapse; wannabe - someone who wants to be something; wicked - excellent or very cool

- From the 1990s: bling - glitter; loot - money; po-po - police; senior moment - memory loss.

- From the 2000s: buzz - shave your head; cougar - older woman dating younger man; holla - call on the phone; peep - person; tat – tattoo.

Many slang are used in the end of a sentence. Usually, the particles of slang words do not change the sentence meaning directly. However they can have other effects like as emphasizing a sentence, and sugesting hesitancy. Slang words can be used to reinforce the social link between speaker and listener.


young and avant garde. These group are constantly create new terminology with artistic expression of their lives and the life around them.

2.3 Word Formation Process

According to the Dictionary of applied Linguistics, word formation is the creation of a new word (Richard et. All, 1990:321). In this research, the writer uses the theories of word formation combined from O’Grady and Guzman (1996), Allan (1986), and Hatch and Brown (1995) to analyze the data. Here are the word formation processes:

1. Compounding

According to O’Grady and Guzman (1996), one type of morphological processin language is termed compounding. It is defined as combination of some lexical categories such as adjectives, nouns, verbs, or prepositions in purpose of constructing a larger unit of word. The same idea also is stated by Allan (1986:225), compounds are lexemes composed from two or more free forms, for examples:

1. facebook derived from Noun + Noun (Face+Book)

2. anticlimax derived from Adjective + Noun (Anti+Climax) 3. Come-on derived from verb + preposition (Come+On)


O’Grady and Guzman (1996) also divide types of compound into two:

A. Endocentric, compound that identifies the general class which the meaning of the entire word belongs. (In most cases) e.g : dog food is a type of food ; a cave man is a type of man

B. Exocentric, the meaning of compound does not follow from the meaning of its partsin this way (In a smaller number of cases).e.g :

- greenbottle is not a type of bottle; rather, it is a fly of the genus lucilia

- redneck is not a type of neck but an ultra consevative, white working-class person

2. Prefix

Prefix (affix) is a word, or letter(s) placed at the beginning of another word (a base word) to adjust or qualify its usage or meaning. e.g :

de- : from, down, away reverse, opposite : decode, decrease

dis- : not, opposite, reverse, away : disagree, disappear

ex- : out of, away from, lacking, former : exhale, explosion

il- : not : illegal, illogical


in- : not, without : inaction, invisible

mis-: bad, wrong : mislead, misplace

non-: not : nonfiction, nonsense

pre-: before : prefix, prehistory

pro-: for, forward, before : proactive, program

re- : again, back : react, reappear

un- : against, not, opposite :undo, unusual

3. Borrowing

It is all language-borrowed word from other language (Hatch and Brown, 1995). The forms of borrowed words are usually adapted to the phonology of the borrowing language. It is easy to see this in the mutation of English words borrowed by other languages, for examples:

Democracy, derived from Greek language demos and cratos.

Billabong, adapted from Australian aboriginal language, it is names from topographicalfeatures.

Yogurt, a kind of drink which is fermented from milk, it is from


4. Blending

Blends are two words in which their non-morphemic components are mixed into one (O’Grady and Guzman, 1996). It is taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word (Hatch and Brown, 1995). Some examples of blending canbe seen below:

emoticon (emotion + icon) pixel (picture + element) email (electronic + mail)

5. Acronym

An acronym is a pronounceable word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase or title. Sometimes the newly-combined letters create a new word that takes the place in everyday language. e.g :

RADAR - Radio detecting and ranging

LASER - Light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.

NATO - The North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

UNICEF - The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.


FYI – For Your Information.

6. Coinage

Coinage is the word formation process in which a new word is created either deliberately or accidentally without using the other word formation processes and often from seemingly nothing. As neologism or coinage, we identify the word formation process of inventing entirely new words (neology). This is a very rare and uncommon method to create new words, but in the media, people try to outdo each other with more and better words to name their products. Often these trademark names are adopted by the masses and they become ''everyday words of language'' (Yule : 2006). E.g :

Aspirin Escalator Heroin Band-aid Factoid Frisbee Google Kerosene Kleenex Laundromat Linoleum Muggle Nylon Psychedelic Quark Xerox Zipper

7. Clipping


vocabulary of a language, i.e. create new lexemes” (Kortmann, 2005). E.g :

1. Adv : Advertisement 2. Doc : Doctor

3. Flu : Influenza 4. Lab : Laboratory 5. Phone : Telephone

2.4 Review of the Related Studies

In this part, the writer states the relevant studies which are possible in adding the readers view about slang words which is used by people. In this case, actually the writer ever finds out or listens about the same research. There are some previous researches that concern in this topic : they are Afifah Rahmawati (2012), Ani Wahyu Setyowati (2012), and and Muhammad Ismail (2014).


Conversion, Inflection, Derivation, Cliticization, Reduplication, and Abbreviation.

Ani Wahyu Setyowati (2012) her study is entitle “An Analysis of Slang in Found in “Life As We Know It” Movie Script by Ian Deitchman and Kristin Rusk Robinson”. This research to find out the types of slang word, to find out the functions of slang words and to explain the meaning of slang words in the film “Life As We Know It” by Ian Deitchman and Kristin Rusk Robinson. Based on the result,the writer find such as :

1. The writer found 50 slang words or phrases in types of slang words, there are 34 conversational routines social function and 16 Vernacular spelling.

2. The writer found 50 slang word or phrases in function of slang, there are 40 slang as social function and 29 slang as identifyin function, and the slang word which has two function as social function and identifying function are 20 slang words.

3. The writer also found 50 slang words or phrases in two types of meaning, there are 13 contextual meaning and 37 lexical meaning.


Community, such as compounding, blending, conversion, and clipping. To find out what are the reasons they have in making slang words.



3.1 Research Method

This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative means this research basically from fact or phenomenon which is commonly happened in real life. The writer uses library research to get the information data from books and other texts which have connection with the object or the topic of the research in the library.

The writer has the strategy for collecting data and analyzing the data. According to Golden-Biddle and Locke (2007) composing the qualitative research is not a linear process because we have to make a contribution apparent to all readers. The method then, to analyze the slang of teenagers in Surabaya for it is very appropriate to the objective of the study that is describing the phenomenon found during the process of the study.

3.2 Data and Data Source


The data source are taken from one of speakers in teenagers of Surabaya. The writer also searches the data for supporting from articles in internet. This articles contains an example of slang language and explaining the meaning of every slang words.

3.3 Data collections

Data are important things in a research. The writer chooses the suitable method in order to find qualified data.

1.3.1 Research Instruments

Research Instruments are measurement tools, designed to obtain data on a topic of interest from research subjects. In qualitative research, According to Mack et al (2005:1), qualitative research are effective to identifying intangible factors, such as : social norms, socioeconomic status, gender, roles, ethnicity, and religion. In this study the writer is the main instrument because the writer collect the English slang words used by teenagers in Surabaya.

1.3.2 Data Collection Techniques

The writer used some methods to collect the data, there are 3 steps as follows :


2. Offline : The writer collect the data from recording daily conversation of the student in the writer’s house, when they are in a course.

3. The writer observing the teenagers in Surabaya on March 2016 until April 2016.

3.4 Technique of data analysis

From those explanations above, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. There are steps that will be apply by the writer in collecting and analyzing the data, such as :

1. The writer record the data and transcript it. Beside that, the writer screenshoot the conversation from their facebook.

2. Classifying each slang word according to theory of slang and kind of word formation processes in chapter II.

3. The writer arrange the data and determining sample 4. Explaining when they are use slang words.

5. Explaining why they are use slang words.




This chapter presents finding and discussion. The writer presents the results of the data analysis explained in the chapter 3. This chapter answer the problems in the chapter 1. The writer tried to find out slang are produce by teenagers in Surabaya for English and also kind of word formation processes or firmed into the slang.

4.1 Finding

This chapter present the analysis of English slang words that used by teenagers inSurabaya, the form of English slang words that produced by teenagers in Surabaya, and the reason they used slang words. The writer analyzes the data from online and offline groups as a tool to collected the data. After analyzing the data, the writer found many English slang words used by teenagers in Surabaya such as TFT, OMG, hitz, and etc.

4.1.1 English slangs produced by teenagers in Surabaya


From the appendixes (Table 1), the result shows that the language is improved. There are only 36 english slang words used by teenagers in Surabaya. After doing the research, some of words have more than one meaning. One of the examples is the word of ‘TFT’, it means ‘thanks for tonight’. However, it has a new meaning that is ‘thanks for today’.

4.1.2 The reasons many teenagers in Surabaya using slang words.

In globalization era, slang arise due to environmental influences. The spreading of slang is very fast, especially among teenagers because of the influence of media, such as movies, TV, radio. Slang formed by a convention between the languages. The meaning of the convention is an agreement. This means that users of the language (read: teenager) agree to used the slang language in a social environment.

Slang used because the language that is easily accepted and understood by teens. They often use the language either directly or indirectly. As the language they use in social media or they use when speaking with friends. Many of teenagers who used slang words with an update them on social media. But there are those who do not want to be called using slang whereas without them knowing it, they use it in everyday life. However no denying that slang is the language of youth or teenager.


each other. In this sense means that teenagers are a group of people who could be called a group that has a language that they agreed as a language that they can easily understand to interact among fellow teenagers.English slang words are happening as a creative expression for teenagers to make words more efficient and simpler to be uttered.Slang also it is used by teenagers to act like they are cool. It draws attention to people and it is like another language which adults can't read or understand.


4.1.3 The kinds of word formation processes or formed into the slang. Table 1 : Tables of word formation of slang

Table of word formation of slang words

Acronym Clipping Word Mixing Blending Coinage

TFT Bro Nge-trend Jilboobs Friendz

TFL Sis Nge-bass Satnight Goodby

GWS Nge-drink Watsap Hitz

HC Nge-drug Sepik

LOL Woles

WTF Strongk


BF Geng

OMG Suer

HBD Sori


FA Pren Sty Plis

The table above showed that all kinds of word formation processes which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. In this research, the writer finds five forms of slang, there are : 12 Acronym, 14 Coinage, 4 Mixing Words, 2 Clipping, and 3 Blending.


Acronym is one of the word formation processes. Acronyms are formed by taking the initial letters of a phrase and making a word out of it. The classical acronym is also pronounced as a word.

An acronym is a word made up from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something. It can be described as shown below.

Data 1

“TFT ya rek gae dino iki. Aku seneng awak dewe isok mlaku-mlaku

bareng. Suwon wes nggae aku bahagia.”

(TFT friend for today. I’am happy we can walked around together. Thank you for makes me happy)


Data 2 “TFL vir”

The acronym of TFL is originally derived from English word. TFL from the words Thank For Like. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, when there is someone who gave like to the someone’s post.

Data 3

“OTW WBL with my mother and my sister dijamin seru, at Wisata Bahari Lamongan”

(OTW WBL with my mother and my sister, guaranteed fun. At Wisata Bahari Lamongan)

The acronym of OTW is originally derivied from English word. OTW from the words On The Way. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, tostates that a person is on the street.

Data 4

“GWS for me”


Data 5

“Belajar foto macak HC”

(Learn photo like HC)

The acronym of HC is originally derivied from English word. HC from the words Hard Core. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. Hard Core is one of the sub-genre of punk rock music that comes from North America and the UK, which is endemic among adolescents in Indonesia, especially Surabaya.

Data 6

kata ARMADA pergi pagi, pulang pagi ???


(ARMADA said that go early, come home in the morning ???

#LOL #stayuplateatnight)

The acronym of LOL is originally derivied from English word. LOL from

the words Laugh of Loud. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. This sentence used when someone laughing.

Data 7 “Nyesekk!!!



The acronym of WTF is originally derivied from English word. WTF from the words What The Fuck. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used

by teenagers in Surabaya. This sentence appears if someone was emotional.

Data 8


Gak Usah Kepo Deh”

(#GUKD Don’t be Kepo)

The acronym of Kepo is originally derivied from English word. Kepo from

the words Knowing Every Particular Object. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. This sentence appears when there

is someone who always wants to know other people's business.

Data 9

“Satnight with bf”

The acronym of BF is originally derivied from English word. BF from the

words Best Friend. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. The nickname is addressed to a close friend.

Data 10



The acronym of OMG is originally derivied from English word. OMG from the words Oh My God. This acronym also creates a slang words which is

used by teenagers in Surabaya to expressing shock.

Data 11

“hbd boz. Semoga diberi rezeki ya seng akeh” (HBD boss. May be given many sustenance)

The acronym of HBD is originally derivied from English word. HBD from the words Happy Birthday. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya to say happy birthday.

Data 12

“Besday ฀ papadhe Deri, wuatb” (Happy Birthday Papadhe Deri, wuatb)

The acronym of WUATB is originally derivied from English word.

WUATB from the words Wish You Always The Best. This acronym also creates a

slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. This sentence is a prayer to a

person who has a birthday.

Data 13

“Iki loh fa mu. Jenenge Siti Nur Aisyah. Tak celok ais”


The acronym of FA is originally derivied from English word. FA from the words Fact About. This acronym also creates a slang words which is used by

teenagers in Surabaya. This sentence is for introduce someone.


Clipping is the word formation process in which a word is reduced or shortened without changing the meaning of the word. Clipping differs from

back-formation in that the new word retains the meaning of the original word.

Data 14

"gmna jadi gk ke tempat q, mana pin Bbm mue bro”

(Are you going with me? What is you're BBM pin bro)

The word bro is included in clipping process. This clipping creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word ‘brother’.

Data 15

“happy bday sis, GOD bless you”

The word sis is included in clipping process. This clipping creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word


Word Mixing

Word Mixing is one of the many ways new words are made in English. It

refers to joining the beginning of one word and the end of another to make a new word with a new meaning. It can be adding a new word in the beginning of one word changes it into another word.

Data 16

“Lagi ngetren ISC tp yg ini bukan Indonesia Super Competition

sepakbolanya para bakpia tapi Indonesia Scouts Challenge yg pasti lbh sportif

lbh bernyali dan lbh mendidik”

(Trend of ISC, but that is not the Indonesia Super Competition, the bakpia football. But Indonesia Scouts Challenge, definitely more sporty, more brave and

more educated)

Word Mixing of the data above is ngetren. The word above has addition wordNge-as Indonesian language, which is mix with wordTren. The word ngtren

has meaning something which is become a trend or popular. This word creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya.

Data 17

“Klakson disc,suara lantang dan ngbass”

(The horn of disc, loud voices and bass)


has meaning a sound quality that has a high level of bass. This word also creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya.

Data 18

“ayo lur di tggal kbh seng makaryo, fb, bbm ,ngedrink siap" mangkat

nang masjid. Ojo lali ki dino ***JUM'AT lo yo . let go Berangkatt”

(Come on friends, left all the work, fb, bbm, ngedrink, get ready to go to

the mosque. do not forget today is Friday. Let's go, come on)

Word Mixing of the data above is ngedrink. The word above has addition wordNge-as Indonesian language, which is mix with wordDrink. This word also

creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya.

Data 19

“Bukan hal yang mustahil kalau kalian mau cari cowo yang baik, rajin

sholat, rajin kerja, tidak merokok, tidak ngedrug, dan tidak ngedrug, serta

tidak sombong dan rajin menabung.”

(It's not impossible if you want to find a good guy, pray dilligently, work

dilligently, no smoke, no drug, not arrogant and diligent saving)

Word Mixing of the data above is ngedrug. The word above has addition wordNge-as Indonesian language, which is mix with wordDrug. This word also



Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more

words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words.

Data 20

“Lek awakmu nggawe jilbab, ojo nggawe gaya jilboobs, Nda” (If you wear hijab, don’t use jilboobs style, Nda)

The blending of jilboobs is originally derivied from English word. jilboobs are combine words from the words Hijab + Boobs. This blending creates a slang

words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, when they called someone who used sexy hijab.

Data 21

“Satnight gak harus sama pacar”

(Satnight not only with boyfriend)

The blending of Satnight is originally derivied from English word.

Satnight are combine words from the words Saturday + Night. This blending

creates a slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya.

Data 22


The blending of watsap is originally derivied from English word. watsap are combine words from the words What’s + Up. This blending creates a slang

words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, it is refers to “what happen”.


Coinage is the word formation process in which to create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use.

Data 23

“With best friendz”

The word friendz is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers

in Surabaya. It is from word ‘friend’.

Data 24

“gk butuh temen hitz klau yg biasa aja udah bisa bikin ketawa”

(do not need a hits friend, if ordinary can make laugh)

The word hitz is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word ‘hits’, refer to something that is popular or successful.

Data 25


((+)Samsul Huda, well, free to speak, more information please introduction with yourself, if you don't add, you will lose)

The word sepik is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is refer to speak.

Data 26

“Saya apa yang kamu pikirkan

Saya ikuti apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang. Woles ae bro oj cepet-cepet

kita lihat saja endingnya gimana”

(I am, is what you are thinking.

I follow what you're doing right now. Please, be slowly bro, don’t be

quickly. We will see how was the end)

The word woles is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers in

Surabaya. Woles is a word whose letters behind, became an English word which is means slow.

Data 27

Selamatpagi dan selamat beraktivitas kembali

Tetap setrong yaakk”


The word setrong is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers

in Surabaya. It is refers to strong.

Data 28

“Ayo gaes bsok rame" k sini”

(Come on guys, tomorrow we go here together)

The word gaes is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is refers to guys, or other words from friends.

Data 29


The word goodby is included in coinage process. This coinage creates a new word which is become into English slang words which is used by teenagers

in Surabaya. It is refers to good bye.

Data 30

“Sty ndek my best friendku”

(Stay with my best friend)

The word sty is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word


Data 31

“yang tadi siang/sore pm, pm ulang plis. sorry td pc error”

(for everyone who send pm in the afternoon or evening. Please, resend PM. Sorry, the PC had error)

The word plis is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word


Data 32

”Suer Wil, pensilku ilang”

(I swear Wil, I lost my pencil)

The word suer is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word ‘swear’, it’s refers to make a trust

Data 33.

“sori rek. hpku lagi rusak”

(I’am sorry guys, my hand phone was broken)

The word Sori is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a


Data 34

“lebih baik sakit hati dari pada sakit gigi

ini ciyus”

(it’s better heartache than toothache. This is serious)

The word ciyus is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a

English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word ‘serious’.

Data 35

“Numpang lewat ya Geng, hehehe”

(Coming through ya Gang, hehehe)

The word geng is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a

English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word ‘gang’.

Data 36

“Halo Pren, ya’ opo kabare”

(Hello friend, how are you?)

The word pren is included in clipping process. This coinage creates a English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya. It is from word



In this part, the result of data analysis would be discussed here. Based on

the data analysis above about English slang words, English slangwords is predominantly used in everyday conversation among teenagers or avant garde, to show their identity. Slang is the language that is informal and non-standard which is also familiar with slang. Slang is the language that is not in accordance with the rules of the language but have a clear meaning. Slang is usually a play on the languages that already exist. At first the language used by a group of people that are focused on a specific meaning, but nowadays slang meaning has undergone expansion and spread to the entire community, especially the young people. Usually slang is more widely used in social media, such as facebook, BBM, twitter, path, instagram, and so forth.

Slang is not only growing in the Indonesian language, slang is also growing in the English language. Especially in this globalization era, the influence of the media is so fast to influenced teenagers to use English as a slang words. They feel English as a slang words is a language that has a "sense of pride". Therefore, many teenagers used English slang words in their daily conversation.There were 36 English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, and divided into some types of word formation process.


word formation process. The writer found 12 Acronym, 14 Coinage, 4 Word Mixing, 2 Clipping, and 3 Blending.

From the analysis, the writer compares the study with other studies. The writer compares this study withresearch that similar of the study but different object. There are some previous researches that concern in this topic : they are Afifah Rahmawati (2012), Ani Wahyu Setyowati (2012), and and Muhammad Ismail (2014).

Afifah Rahmawati (2012) her study undertitle “Word Formation Process on Slang Words Used by Transexual”. This research focus on study of slang words used by transexual characters in 5 Indonesian films. She used some kinds of word formation process from O’ Grady and Guzman (1996), Katamba (1993), Hatch and Brown (1995), and Kridalaksana (2007). She classified some word formation such as : Compounding, Borrowing, Coinage, Blending, Clipping, Back Formation, Conversion, Inflection, Derivation, Cliticization, Reduplication, and Abbreviation.


1 Ani Wahyu Setyowati found 50 slang words or phrases in types of slang words, there are 34 conversational routines social function and 16 Vernacular spelling.

2 The Ani Wahyu Setyowati found 50 slang word or phrases in function of slang, there are 40 slang as social function and 29 slang as identifyin function, and the slang word which has two function as social function and identifying function are 20 slang words.

3 Ani Wahyu Setyowati also found 50 slang words or phrases in two types of meaning, there are 13 contextual meaning and 37 lexical meaning.




The conclusion of the analysis describe the slang characterized by the teenagers in Surabaya can be simplicity concluded that:

5.1 Conclusion

This study was conducted to find out the English slang words that used by teenagers in Surabaya. Slang is considered as a result of the rapid growth of the new words that is happening as a creative expression from people to make words more efficient and simpler to be uttered. Using some theories of slang words by Spolsky (1998) and Allan and Burridge (2006) and using the theories of word formation combined from O’Grady and Guzman (1996), Allan (1986), and Hatch and Brown (1995) word formation processes by Yule (2006) and Chaedar (1994).

Slang words is an informal language, nonstandard, nontechnical vocabulary for standard word or phrases. It is often associated with young people or teenagers which is used in spoken. In globalization era, slang arise due to environmental influences. The spreading of slang is very fast, especially among teenagers because of the influence of media, such as movies, TV, radio.


slang words. They feel English as a slang words is a language that has a "sense of pride".

From the analysis, the writer compares the study with other studies. The writer compares this study with research that similar of the study but different object. There are some previous researches that concern in this topic : they are Afifah Rahmawati (2012), Ani Wahyu Setyowati (2012), and and Muhammad Ismail (2014).

After find the English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, the writer analyzed the word formation processes of English slang words.There were 36 English slang words which is used by teenagers in Surabaya, and divided into some types of word formation process. The writer found12 Acronym, 14 Coinage, 4 Mixing Words, 2

Clipping, and 3 Blending. Such as : TFT, Bro, Nge-trend, Jilboobs, Friendz, TFL, Sis, Nge-bass, Satnight, Goodby, etc.Learning the real meaning of slang word is beneficial for us, it will increaseour vocabulary

mastery and also give us much knowledge about slang word.

5.2 Suggestion



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Table 1 : Tables of word formation of slang


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