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Academic year: 2019



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Do you ever recognize guide Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon Yeah, this is a very fascinating book to check out. As we informed previously, reading is not sort of responsibility activity to do when we need to obligate. Reading must be a practice, a good behavior. By reading

Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon, you could open the new globe as well as obtain the power from the world. Every little thing could be gotten via the e-book Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon Well briefly, book is extremely effective. As just what we offer you right here, this Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon is as one of reviewing book for you.


"Timesurfers is hands down the best Indie Book I've read" - Meleika - EndlessPagesinc .

"Sermon has done a brilliant job. All her characters are realistic and breathe a certain kind of wisdom -Marne Smith.

"WOW! This novel took me on an amazing ride... I recommend it to anyone looking for a new fun read" -SandraTheBookWorm.

"A unique, fast paced and compelling read with a very quirky and cool main character that has kick ass rainbow coloured hair" - MollieTheReader.

"One of my favourite fantasy novels" - RachelReads.

About the Author



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Timesurfers is now out of print and has been released as The Midnight Society Witness protection has a protocol for dealing with every situation--except magic.

Fifteen-year-old Cate's life has been monitored since her new identity was created five years ago. She's spent countless hours learning how to deal with potential threats and dangerous situations. None of which is any use when everyone around her is suddenly frozen like statues at the bus stop.

As Cate attempts to make sense of the frightening scene, a mysterious group of teenagers appear out of thin air. They are intrigued she's not affected, but focus on completing their deadly mission, using baffling powers before they vanish again.

When the group seeks her out the next day, Cate is drawn into a world filled with sorcery and time travel. After she accidentally brings a cheerleader back from the dead, her incredible powers are revealed. Cate is shocked to discover she has a pivotal role to play in a centuries-old battle between two mortal enemies which threatens to destroy her entire world.

With the distinction between good and evil blurred, she's faced with the excruciating choice of which side to join. Cate can save her family or protect thousands of people from death. She can't do both. Will she risk destroying innocent lives to save the ones she loves?

The Midnight Society is the first book in The Midnight Chronicles series of young adult urban fantasy novels. If you like original butt-kicking heroines, fast-paced sci-fi action, and unpredictable time travel twists, then you'll love Rhonda Sermon's refreshing, entertaining series starter.

Preorder The Midnight Society and Choose Your Side today!

Sales Rank: #2365024 in Books

Dimensions: 9.00" h x .69" w x 6.00" l, .89 pounds

"Timesurfers is hands down the best Indie Book I've read" - Meleika - EndlessPagesinc .

"Sermon has done a brilliant job. All her characters are realistic and breathe a certain kind of wisdom -Marne Smith.

"WOW! This novel took me on an amazing ride... I recommend it to anyone looking for a new fun read" -SandraTheBookWorm.

"A unique, fast paced and compelling read with a very quirky and cool main character that has kick ass rainbow coloured hair" - MollieTheReader.

"One of my favourite fantasy novels" - RachelReads.

About the Author


This book was so much fun to read By Olivia

This review was origionally posted on booknerdstatus.wordpress.com. Thank you to the author for allowing me to be a part of the street gang for this novel, and for providing an ebook copy!

REVIEW: This book was so much fun to read! Before I say too much, let's dive into specifics. As always, the cons before the pros!

I knocked off a star due to how I felt the pacing of the story was. While I was constantly intrigued and was left wanting more, some parts felt a little info-dumpy and rushed. Right at the start of the novel, Cate almost immediately gets thrown into the action. I felt like this was rushed, and while I enjoy lots of action, I would have liked to gotten to know her a little bit better before having to worry about her well-being. There were also a few bits that felt cliche; the chosen one has to save the world. The use of time travel was so unique, and the author had so much to explore in the amazing Timesurfer world that could have been done differently.

However, I really enjoyed Cate's story! She is a total badass with extremely cool powers (and hair). She may be a little stereotypical in 21st century YA literature, but at times she had me giggling! She has lots of great dialogue, as do the rest of the unique cast of characters. All of the characters have their own voice and their own hilarious personalities. The plot arc, as well as the arcs of each character, were a great balance; the author wove developing the world and the characters excellently. This and the unique use of time travel blend together extremely well to make for an action-packed thrill ride! The author touches the rarely-used topic of time travel in a way that leaves the door totally open for the rest of the series, assuming there will be more. I hope so, especially after that ending!

Overall, this was a great debut novel and was so much fun to read! While some aspects could have been executed differently, it's easy to overlook them and to get a roller-coaster of a read!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. A Fantasy that you wish was your Reality By @theauslibrary Instagram

Read more reviews here My Thoughts

Timesurfers is hands down the best Indie Book I’ve ever read, it’s actually one of my favourites reads for 2015. It was such a quick read and just addictive, that you had to read the next chapter, immediately. The storyline of good verse evil sucks you in, then mysteries keep your attention and lastly, love interests have you wanting more.


hearing and healing are many of these super powers that Timesurfers have and develop.

The plot of the book was amazing. There was only one plot twist that I did see coming from a mile away but the rest were mind blowing. The inclusion of historical facts that make you think that this book may actually be a nonfiction was just incredible and mind boggling to read and understand. The definition of bad and good is so unclear that you don’t really know who the main character Cate, should side with. The storyline always had me biting at my fingernails and was so complex just like the characters.

The characters within the book are just disgustingly loveable, like, they’re all just amazingly interesting and I would never part with any of them.

One of these characters is the protagonist, Cate, at first a normal teen, but then later on it’s revealed she’s a time surfer. Cate is mentally and physically a baddass, sparingly. She is such a strong female character. I’d definitely put her up there with Kestrel from the Winner’s Curse and Yelena from Poison Study. Austin is such a simple and loveable character, just easily likeable. Austin is also one of Cate’s love interests which kind of felt like instant love but then, later on, we find out why these two characters have that weird connection. However, there’s Jonah, a ghost, a sexy untraceable bad guy who isn’t that bad at all who Cate (thinks she) likes. Throughout the book, we slowly get to unravel the layers of Jonah and oh boy, was the guy just… swoon worthy. At the end of the book, you’ll really only rooting for one guy because we find out that there is another girl in the equation, so no (real tough) love triangles here. You’ll find a team.

The Verdict

I loved Rhonda’s writing and her new and refreshing concepts of time travelling. The whole book reminded me of the mortal instruments plus time travelling but better. I easily awarded the book five stars. Next up is an interview with the genius author behind the book, Rhonda Sermon.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. BUY THIS BOOK. BUY IT

By Amazon Customer

Review originally posted on: booknerdigans.com

The whole concept of manipulating history had me very intrigued. Whilst it did not quite play out the way I was expecting, it was still really enjoyable. Timesurfers contained a lot more contemporary dramas/ conflicts than I was expecting.

For the first quarter of this novel, I was considerably confused. I’m not sure if I was a fan of how the concept was explained. If everything had been better explained and fleshed out early on, a lot of confusion down the track could have been avoided. HOWEVER, I think that is the risk with novels with such unique concepts such as this one. Try as I might, I haven’t been able to come up with a solution to this problem which leads me to believe that Sermon has introduced the world in the best way possible. Assuming this book is the first in a series, I believe that the other books will have a much smoother flow as the world in this novel has been set up appropriately with most concepts explained well.

Once I was properly emersed in the world, the plot was rather fun. Although I will say, the ending took me by surprise (unfortunately not in a good way) as I felt it was very sudden and came out of nowhere. That is a problem that I found regularity: it was unnecessarily complicated.

Some interesting character relationships were very fun to read about. Austin and Rose in particular. I found that all of the secondary characters were quite well thought out. It was Cate, the main character, that I found to be extremely typical of this particular genre. Although I can see potential for her character to be differentiated from others with future books. Jonah was probably my favourite character as he felt the most real to me.


The role of the first book in a series is:

-introduce the world

-bring the characters to life

-spark the reader’s interest

-set up a complication


-introduce character relationships

Im sure I’ve missed LOADS to those with a specially trained eye (aka— writers) but, from the ones I have listed above, Timesurfers ticks all of those boxes.





From the explanation above, it is clear that you have to review this publication Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon We provide the on-line e-book entitled Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon right below by clicking the web link download. From discussed e-book by on the internet, you can provide a lot more advantages for many individuals. Besides, the readers will certainly be likewise easily to get the favourite publication Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon to check out. Discover the most preferred as well as required e-book Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon to review now as well as here.


"Timesurfers is hands down the best Indie Book I've read" - Meleika - EndlessPagesinc .

"Sermon has done a brilliant job. All her characters are realistic and breathe a certain kind of wisdom -Marne Smith.

"WOW! This novel took me on an amazing ride... I recommend it to anyone looking for a new fun read" -SandraTheBookWorm.

"A unique, fast paced and compelling read with a very quirky and cool main character that has kick ass rainbow coloured hair" - MollieTheReader.

"One of my favourite fantasy novels" - RachelReads.

About the Author

Rhonda lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband and two children. Her two ragdoll cats can often be found helpfully walking over her keyboard, chasing her mouse or generally complaining loudly about the lack of priority their needs are given. On the good days, she adores writing, on the challenging days, it's still awesome.

Do you ever recognize guide Timesurfers (A Timesurfers Novel) (Volume 1) By Rhonda Sermon Yeah, this is a very fascinating book to check out. As we informed previously, reading is not sort of responsibility activity to do when we need to obligate. Reading must be a practice, a good behavior. By reading


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