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The Growth Performance of Milk Fish (Chanos chanos forsskall) Selected Pre Broodstock Collected From Three Location of Culture Ponds


Academic year: 2021

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The Growth Performance of Milk Fish (

Chanos chanos

forsskall) Selected Pre Broodstock Collected From Three

Location of Culture Ponds

Tony Setia Dharma, Gigih Setia Wibawa and Irwan Setiadi

Research and Development Institute for Mariculture

E-mail: tonysetiadharma@gmail.com P. O. BOX 140 Singaraja, 81101 Bali


Tony Setia Dharma, Gigih Setia Wibawa and Irwan Setiadi. 2014. The Growth Performance of Milk Fish (Chanos chanos forsskall) Selected Pre Broodstock Collected From Three Location of Culture Ponds. International Conference of Aquaculture Indonesia 2014. The purpose of the present study was to know the production of milkfish pre broodstock from individual of selection in the pond. Research activities carried out in the three ponds around 0,46-0,60 Ha.. The treatment of experiment were different location wild fry. i.e: A: Aceh, B: Gorontalo and C: Bali. Initial size of location Aceh were TL 24,55 ± 1,90 cm and BW 121,09 ± 22,21 g, Gorontalo TL 26,18 ± 1,62 cm and BW 152,36 ± 39,18 and Bali TL 24,7 ± 1,49 and BW 132,55 ± 27,49. Rear of culture applied with the best standard culture in pond. Research activities carried out by descriptive. Sampling of fry were conducted every 30 days, to measure of survival rate (SR), total length (TL) and body weight (BW) and water quality condition in pond. The conducted of experiment by descriptive. The result of the experiment showed that the best growth were from Bali and than Aceh and Gorontalo. Final growth out average were total length (TL) 30,63 ± 1,47 cm, weight (BW) 483,33 ± 73,87 g and than Aceh 37,03 ± 2,98 cm, weight (BW) 411,5 ± 106,38 g, and Gorontalo total length (TL) 36,04 ± 1,30 cm, weight (BW) 388,89 ± 48,86 g. Total number of pre broodstock from cut off 10% selection each Aceh, Gorontalo and Bali were 280 pc, 300 pc and 350 pc.

Keywords: Growth; Milkfish pre brood stock; Individual of selection; Pond and production


Milkfish, Chanos chanos Forsskall is a well known fish which has been consumed and cultured in several places in Indonesia (Ahmad and Rusmaedi, 2005). A request from local markets for the availability of the processed milkfish producrs such as smoke, frosted or fresh is high. The evaluated from request of local market for the consumption of milkfish on Jakarta, Surabaya, Makasar city high enough especially in the form of product (smoke fish, fresh, frost etc). Beside, milkfish sizes 10 – 12 cm and 17 – 19 cm which will be used as baits for the longline fishery is also very high (Rachmansyah et al., 1997 and Ismail et al., 1998). Milkfish of as first commodity which conducting have checked many, utilize to meet the demand market which increasing. The height of of fish seed good to domestic market and also export to some country, quality of fish seed product of small scale hatchery (HSRT) become priority demand to be paid attention especially related to nutrition of live and artificial fed (Aslianti et al., 1993 and Priyono et al., 1993; Priyono et al., 2011) and also controlled of management, quality of fish seed to exporting standard. The problem of culture on pond was seed of milkfish fry to early growth out in pond. The factor influencing to be anticipated among others the production of fry was nutrition and environment during of rear period of seed productions. One of to improve good quality of fry was conducted culture of milkfish for the bait of life and consumption increasing. The Fundamental matter which require to get attention to research of seed system and production, so that mass production of milkfish young amount. To anticipate the mentioned, hence immediately developed the effort and seed of nursery intensive by improving density so that yielded seed rear conducting with good quality. The target was get information concerning technique of gonad maturation and growth of pre breeder of milkfish of fry with difference of rear of brood stock production. Target of this activity was to result pre breeder selection from different locate at Aceh, Bali and Gorontalo. The research activities to conduct at the Institute for Mari culture Research and Development at Gondol.


The pre breeder quality conducting able by continue, and than gonad maturation and spawning in the tank in a controlled using cultured breeder, thus the need for the cultivation of quality seeds can be met continuously of production seed, fingerling and young milkfish on aquaculture of development sustainable.

Materials and Methods

Research activity to conducted of pre brood stock used for this is the result in the ponds to produce of young milkfish. Further more the selection of 50% (cut-off ) of each. Seed from Aceh to rear 3400 pc rear in the pond 5760 m² is known size as the total length early were: 24.55 ± 1.90 cm, Gorontalo rear of number 3250 pc in the pond 4288 m² as the beginning of a total length were 26.18± 1.62 cm and Bali located rear 3300 pc in the pond 4608 m²; the initial of total length were: 24.70 ± 1.50 cm, and than rear from each located maintained until an average size of 500 g, then after that the selection of individuals to get the fast-growing young milkfish to cut off 10%. Maintenance of brood stock in aquaculture ponds is done in a way that standard rear. The feed is commercial feed with a protein content of about 28% as much as 5% of biomass / day. Feeding frequency given 2 times /day i.e. morning and afternoon. Observations and sampling of growth to conduct every 1 month.

The observed of parameters were the level of prematurity of the gonads, and growth of length and weight during the study, well as water quality in maintenance media (oxygen, pH and temperature, salinity). Data were analyzed descriptively.

The milk fish Individually selection of protocol

Fry from wild Aceh (20.000 pc)

Fry from wild Gorontalo (20.000 pc)

Fry from wild Bali (20.000 pc)

Rearing in the pond during 3-4 month up to size 7-8 cm

Rearing in the pond during 3-4 month up to size 7-8 cm

Rearing in the pond during 3-4 month up to size 7-8 cm

Cut off 50% the best best fry and to rear in the pond during 7 month to size 500 g

Cut off 50% the best best fry and to rear in the pond during 7 month to size 500 g

Cut off 50% the best best fry and to rear in the pond during 7 month to size 500 g

Cut off 10% the best young milkfish (F0)

Cut off 10% the best young milkfish (F0)

Cut off 10% the best young milkfish (F0)

The pre breeder (F0) from aceh, gorontalo and Bali rear in the pond during 3 years to ready spawning


Result and Discussion

The results showed that the mean total body length: 37.89 ± 4.04 cm, mean total body weight: 581.58 ± 141.67 g. Growth and growth rate of milkfish seed SDG from Aceh, Gorontalo and Bali have different growth rates in Table 1 and 2.

Table 1. The result of number milkfish pre broodstock selection from SDG after cut off 50% and 10% at the end experiment in ponds.

Ponds Number of pre breeder (pc)

A (Aceh) B (Gorontalo) C (Bali) 280 300 350 Numbers 930

Table 2. The result of growth rate final milkfish pre brood stock selection from SDG after cut off 50% and 10% at the end experiment in ponds.

Parameter/Parameters Aceh Gorontalo Bali

Initial total length (cm) 24.55 ± 1.90 26.18 ± 1.62 24.70 ± 1.50 Final total length (cm) 37.03 ± 2.98 36.04 ± 1.30 38.38 ± 1.77 initial body weight (g) 121.09 ± 22,21 152.36 ± 39.18 132.55 ± 27.49 Final body weight (g) 411.5 ± 106.39 388.89 ± 48.86 483.33 ± 73.87

growth rate (%) 0.28 0.20 0.31

The results showed that in figure 1 and 2, the length growth of milkfish broodstock showed that seeds from Bali milkfish have growth rates much faster when compared to milkfish seed from Aceh and Gorontalo. Then, during the dry season with water temperatures ranging between 29-34°C and salinity reached 55 ppt, growth of milkfish seed length from Gorontalo become stagnant. Growth in weight from Gorontalo increased rapidly at the beginning of the maintenance, then this may decrease due to the amount of fish population size less than the smaller. Bali milkfish seed have been accustomed to living local waters showed increased growth relatively stagnant when compared to seeds from Gorontalo. However, when the dry season month of October towards November, seed weight loss experienced by seeds from Gorontalo and Bali. Seeds from Aceh showed lower growth compared with seeds from Gorontalo and Bali. However, adaptation is likely to be slow cause the seed does not decline as the seed weight from Gorontalo and Bali. Mertz (1993) explains that the salinity affect growth associated with the stimulation of eating and osmo regulation. Medium salinity effects on growth and feed utilization of power can occur, either directly or indirectly. In most types of marine animals osmo regulator-eurihalin, the direct effect of salinity media, is through osmotic effects on osmo regulation, and the ability of digestion and absorption of feed juice (Schuster,1960; Ferraris et al., 1986c Within Anggoro, 1992; Ismail et al., 2005). In terms of feed utilization, salinity has been shown to affect : the level of consumption, digestibility and feed efficiency in various types of marine fish, among others: Mugil cephalus, Chanos - chanos Forskal. Further it is said, that the digestibility and absorption of food through the intestines will be more efficient, if slightly hypotonic external media under is osmotic range of aquatic animals eurihalin (Anggoro, 1992; Ferraris et al., 1986c). Additionally survival of milkfish is also supported by the water quality as required by the maintenance medium milkfish. It is necessary for water quality analyzer that is physics and chemistry of water that can support fish life. The physical chemical properties of water include temperature, dissolved oxygen, acidity (pH), salinity and ammonia. The observation of the resulting water quality is presented in Table 3.


Table 3. Result of value water quality for milkfish pre broodstock et the end experiment in ponds Parameters Pond (A, B and C) salinity (ppt) pH oxygen (mg/L) ammonia (mg/L) temperature(oC) 38 - 40 8,3 - 8,6 4,96 - 5,10 0,019 - 0,03 29,4 - 30

The generally of indicates that the water quality during the research is still in a good range

to support life milkfish. For salinity values still meet the requirements given milk fish can adapt and tolerate high salinity (0-60) ppt (Arsyat and Samai,1990); while the tiger grouper still be alive at 35 ppt salinity (Mayunar et al., 1991 and Sudradjat and Saputra, 2005); appropriate pH for growth is 6.5-9.5 fish and ammonia content in water of less than 1.2 ppt (Boyd, 1982 and Huet, 1971). While a good value for the oxygen dissolved in the water to support life organisms in water that is at least 2 mg/L if the oxygen dissolved in the water decreases, resulting in fish movements slow and not agile and almost all will move to the top of the water surface. To satisfy the need for oxygen in fish is usually cultivated by doing water changes are balanced so that a stable water quality conditions. Then for the value of ammonia tends to decrease with the change of water twice so that decomposes organic materials and is not fully to the survival of the fish if its value does not exceed 1 mg/L (Pescod, 1973). So the water quality during the study is well within tolerances for spindles enlargement and milkfish brood stock in ponds .


The results showed that the milkfish brood stock from Bali provide length and weight growth performance is better in comparison from three lacation. The results of the cut-off of 10% was obtained number of brood stock origin of Aceh as many as 280 pc with a total length of 37.03 ± 2.98 cm and a weight of 411.5 ± 106.39 g, 300 pc from Gorontalo total length 36.04 ± 1.30 cm and weight 388.89 ± 48.86 g, and then 350 pc from Bali, were 38.38 ± 1.77 and 483.33 ± 73.87 g. Final evaluated was young milkfish to pre brood stock from Bali is the best.


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Table 1.  The result of number milkfish pre broodstock selection from SDG after cut off 50% and  10% at the end experiment in ponds
Table 3. Result of value water quality for milkfish pre broodstock et the end experiment in ponds  Parameters  Pond  (A, B and C)      salinity (ppt)  pH  oxygen (mg/L)  ammonia (mg/L)  temperature ( o C)  38 - 40  8,3 - 8,6  4,96 - 5,10  0,019 - 0,03 29,4


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