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A Contrastive Analysis Between English And Karonese Prepositions


Academic year: 2016

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(Dr. Matius CA. Sembiring, MA) (Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D)

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

SarjanaSastra from Departement of English.


Approved by the Departement of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana

Sastra Examination.




Approved by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfilment of requierement

for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Departement, Faculty of

Literature, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held on the Faculty of Literature, University of

Sumatera Utara on Tuesday February 12, 2014

The Dean of Faculty of Literature University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A NIP. 19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Drs. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS ………

Dr. Nurlela, M.Hum


Dr. Nilzami, M.Hum




First of all, the Writer would like to thank and Praise Almighty God, Jesus

Christ for blessing and giving me health, knowledge, and opportunity to

finish her study as well as completion of this thesis



My Beloved Parents, especially for my best Mom in the world she is

“Mallatas Hutagaol” and My Father ‘Esron Manurung’ for their

attention, advices, supports, and spiritual contribution during her

study and finishing this paper.


My Beloved Brother “Edwan” and my lovely sister “Sisca”.


DR. Syahron Lubis M.A as the Dean of Faculty of Culture Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara.


Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar M.S as the head of English Departement

Universityof Sumatera Utara.


Dr. Hj. Nurlela, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Departement

University of Sumatera Utara.


All Lectures in English Departement Faculty of Cultural Studies

thanks for knowledge they have given during I study here.


All My Beloved Friends, Especially Bennedicca Efrisca, Pak Junaedi

Dolok Saribu, Elisa Oktaria Keloko, Suci Ningsih, Cut Zahara crew

of PPK 18 Metropolitan Medan Selatan, Cs for support me and

sharing the good and bad time in finishing this paper.

Medan, April 2014

The Writer










1.1 Background of the Study...2

1.2 Problems of the Study...3

1.3 Objectives of theStudy...4

1.4 Scope of the Study…...4

1.5 Significance of the Study……...4


2.1 History of English Language...7


2.3 History of Karonese Language...10

2.4 Karonese Preposition………...12

2.5 Contrastive Analysis………....15


3.1 Location and Time ………...……...….…………..……….18

3.2 Source (s) of Data ……….………...….………...18

3.4 Step of the Research ………..……….………...20

3.5 Data Analysis ………...……….…………...………...21


4.1. English Prepositions……….……...……...…...…...…………....22

4.1.1 Types of Prepositions...23

4.1.2 Position of Prepositions...27

4.1.3 Forms of Preposition...28

4.1.4 Function of Prepositions………..………….……….……...……….…29

4.2 Karonese Prepositions…….……...…………...………....35


4.2.1 Types of Prepositions ………...…………...………....….35

4.2.2 Position of Prepositions...48

4.2.3 Forms of Prepositions...40

4.2.4 Function of Prepositions………...………...41

4.3.Correspondence and Non Correspondences between English and Karonese Prepositions ...46


5.1 Conclusion...47




Tesis ini berjudul “ A contrastive analysis between English and Karonese prepositions.yang merupakan suatu analisa perbandingan tentang proses pengimbuhan dintinjau dari segi distribusi. Bentuk, fungsi,dan arti antara bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Karo sebagai salah satu bahasa daerah yang ada di KabupatenKaro, Sumatera utara.

Dua bahasa ini sangat berbeda dalam segala hal khususnya mengenai kata depan. Hal inilah yang membuat penulis tertarik dan mencoba membahasnya. Tujuan analisis ini adalah untuk memperoleh perbandingan antara dua bahasa yang tidak serumpun yakni, BahasaInggris dan bahasa karo dalam hal pengimbuhan dengan melihat distribusi, bentuk, fungsi dan arti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)mendeskripsikan dan mengetahui bentuk preposisi dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo (2)membandingkan fungsi preposisi dalamsebuah kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk preposisi dalam terdiri dari dua macam, yaitu preposisi tunggal dan preposisi gabungan. Dan fungsi preposisi dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo terdiri dari (1) penanda hubungan tempat, (2) penanda hubungan maksud, (3)penanda hubungan cara atau alat, (4) penanda hubungan waktu, (5) penanda hubungan sebab, (6) penanda hubungan tujuan, dan (7) penanda hubungan perbandingan.



This thesis entitled " A contrastive analysis between English and Karonese prepositions . which is a comparative analysis of the process of adding the particles in terms of distribution . Form, function , and meaning between English and BahasaKaro as one of the regional languages in Karo , North Sumatra .

The two languages are very different in every way , especially about prepositions . This is what makes the writer interested in and try to discuss it . The purpose of this analysis was to obtain a comparison between the two languages are not cognate namely , English and the language in terms of accretion karo see distribution , form , function and meaning .This study aims to ( 1 ) describe and determine the form of prepositions in English and remix ( 2 ) compare the function of prepositions in a sentence in English and language karo . From the analysis it can be concluded that the shape of the preposition consists of two kinds , namely single preposition and prepositions combined . And the function of prepositions in English and karo consists of ( 1 ) a place marker relationship , ( 2 ) the relationship marker intent , ( 3 ) marker relationship means or instrument ,( 4 ) a marker of future relationships , ( 5 ) a marker of causal relationships , ( 6 ) markers relations purposes , and ( 7 ) the relationship marker comparison.




Tesis ini berjudul “ A contrastive analysis between English and Karonese prepositions.yang merupakan suatu analisa perbandingan tentang proses pengimbuhan dintinjau dari segi distribusi. Bentuk, fungsi,dan arti antara bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Karo sebagai salah satu bahasa daerah yang ada di KabupatenKaro, Sumatera utara.

Dua bahasa ini sangat berbeda dalam segala hal khususnya mengenai kata depan. Hal inilah yang membuat penulis tertarik dan mencoba membahasnya. Tujuan analisis ini adalah untuk memperoleh perbandingan antara dua bahasa yang tidak serumpun yakni, BahasaInggris dan bahasa karo dalam hal pengimbuhan dengan melihat distribusi, bentuk, fungsi dan arti. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1)mendeskripsikan dan mengetahui bentuk preposisi dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo (2)membandingkan fungsi preposisi dalamsebuah kalimat dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo. Dari hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa bentuk preposisi dalam terdiri dari dua macam, yaitu preposisi tunggal dan preposisi gabungan. Dan fungsi preposisi dalam bahasa inggris dan bahasa karo terdiri dari (1) penanda hubungan tempat, (2) penanda hubungan maksud, (3)penanda hubungan cara atau alat, (4) penanda hubungan waktu, (5) penanda hubungan sebab, (6) penanda hubungan tujuan, dan (7) penanda hubungan perbandingan.



This thesis entitled " A contrastive analysis between English and Karonese prepositions . which is a comparative analysis of the process of adding the particles in terms of distribution . Form, function , and meaning between English and BahasaKaro as one of the regional languages in Karo , North Sumatra .

The two languages are very different in every way , especially about prepositions . This is what makes the writer interested in and try to discuss it . The purpose of this analysis was to obtain a comparison between the two languages are not cognate namely , English and the language in terms of accretion karo see distribution , form , function and meaning .This study aims to ( 1 ) describe and determine the form of prepositions in English and remix ( 2 ) compare the function of prepositions in a sentence in English and language karo . From the analysis it can be concluded that the shape of the preposition consists of two kinds , namely single preposition and prepositions combined . And the function of prepositions in English and karo consists of ( 1 ) a place marker relationship , ( 2 ) the relationship marker intent , ( 3 ) marker relationship means or instrument ,( 4 ) a marker of future relationships , ( 5 ) a marker of causal relationships , ( 6 ) markers relations purposes , and ( 7 ) the relationship marker comparison.



1.1 Background of the Study

Language means activity which enables people to interact one to another in communication by using sounds, gestures and signals. By using Language, people can share information. When one wants to convey his ideas or feelings, he uses language in communications. People use language when they are talking, reading or thinking. There is no reason to say that language is less crucial than other aspects of lives of human being. The importance of language may studied from quoatation as follows:

Widdowson (1996 : 3) says, “ Language certainly figures centrally in our lives. We discover our identity as individuals and social beings when we acquire it during childhood”. It serves as a means of cognition and communication: it enables us to think for ourselves and to cooperate with other people in our community. It provides for present needs and future plans, and at the same time carries with it the impression of things past.

In their outline of Linguistic analysis, Bloch and Tagger (1942 : 5 ) says, “ language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group co-operates”.


It is natural there should be varieties of language, since language is a form of human social behavior. There are varieties of language in the world. Maybe we cannot account how much the language in the world. We know that in a country there are some kinds of language.

Indonesia consists of thousands of island and various ethnic groups who live there. These ethnic groups who have their local language occupy these islands. One of ethnic groups in Indonesia is Karonese.

Karonese Language is one of many language tribes in Indonesia that need to developing, especially due to role of Indonesia in tourism development. Indonesia tries to observation and defend the original of tradition the tribes, as one matter of the national culture. One of the effort to conservation and defend the original of tradition the tribes is using the Karonese language in daily life especially the Karonese.

English and Karonese of course are the two different languages . They have different backgrounds and different countries. But, the writer wants to try to find the correspondence and non-correspondence although both of the languages come from backgrounds of the languages.


Prepositions is called the biggest small words in English. They are usually quite short but they have very important function. The preposition can change the meaning of the sentence in the prepositions change.

It is motivated the writer to choose the topic. She want to know about the prepositions. She is interested to analyzing the languages particularly find out the correspondence between English and Karonese prepositions.

1.2 Problem of the Study

The problem study will be formulated as the following:

1) What are the types, forms, uses of prepositions in English and Karonese? 2) What are the correspondence and non- correspondence between English

and Karonese Prepositions?


Objective of the Study

1) To find out types of preposition, form of prepositions, uses of prepositions either in English and Karonese.

2) To find out the differences and similarities of English and Karonese preposition.

1.4 Scope of the Study


This analysis should have its limitation. According to Atar ( 1993: 16 )” Pembatasan masalah merupakan hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari

urain yang terlalu panjang dan tidak berkaitan langsung dengan pokok

permasalahan”. In relation to this definition, I should limit this analysis. This analysis only focuses of English and Karonese Prepositions. In this analysis, I only compare prepositions that can be attached to words to form verbs. They are of English and Karonese prepositions.

1.5 The Significances of Study

It is expected that this analysis contributes sigificances for the writer, teachers, reseachers, and readers. The significances of this analysis are:

1) To develop the writer’s knowledge on ‘Contrastive Analysis ‘.

2) To be the guidance for the teachers who teach ‘ Contrastive Linguistics’. 3) To be one of the references for the reseachers who want to find out the

diffrences and

the similarities between English and Karonese Prepositions.




Review of Related literature

There is also research conducted by Aji Dwi Cahyono (2008) in his thesis entitled preposition Ing in the Java language. This research focuses on the use of prepositions ing the Java language as a marker of semantic roles, whether prepositions ing in the Java language can only be accompanied by a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase alone. This study is related to research that will be conducted to see how the use of prepositions in the Java language.

As a human being, we communicate with one another by using language. The importance of language may studied from the quotations as follows:

Tarigan (1984:50 )said “the term is used to refer preposition in a category of words which is located in front of the other categories , especially nouns , to form a prepositional phrase ”. it means preposition is located in front of the other categories.

Naibaho ( 2006: 1 ) says” contrastive analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and the similarities of two or more languages ( or sub-systems of languages ) are made explicit”. It means contrastive analysis have method to analysisi the differences and the similarities.

H.L.B Moody (1970:15) says, “ that use of language “ came first “ there is no doubt that a principal function of language is the transmission of information”. It means language have a principal function.


produced symbols.” It means language consists of symbols, language is not innate, but need to be taught from one generation to another. In other words, the ability of using a language to communicate is obtained by learning.

Hartman and Stork (1972 : 43) says “ Comparative and Contrastive have similarity that is they compare two or more languages, meaning that the comparative and contrastive linguistics which compare two or more languages explicitly”. It means linguistics which compare two or more languages.

Prepositions is called the biggest small words in English. They are usually quite short but they have very important function. The preposition can change the meaning of the sentence if the prepositions change. It means The preposition have more function.

Wishon (1980:288) says, “ Mentions that noun or pronouns always follow prepositions. They are connective word that show relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence elements: subject, verbs object or complement’. It means Prepositions is connective word that show the relationship to be complex word.

George E.Wishon (1980:288) says, “ nouns or pronouns always follow prepositions. They are connective word that show relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence elements: subject, verb, object or complement”.It means Prepositions always follow by noun and pronouns to be connective word.



History of English Language

English Language is one of the major language of the world, indentified by Linguists as a member of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of language historically. Modern English is the result of a nuber of tribal migrations and invasions. This broad family includes most of the European languages spoken today.

The Indo- European family includes several major branches, such as :

-Latin and the modern Romance Language;

-The Germanic languages;

-The Indo-Iranian languages, including Hindi and Sanskrit;

-The Celtic languages; and


Old English or ANGLO Saxon period, starts with the coming of the Germanic tribes into England. It’s about 449 A.D and ending around 1100. Most of words in Old English were native words, though there were borrowings from other sources. Some words were coming in from Norse, amd others had been taken over from Latin, such as cheese, kitchen, wine.


Finally, Modern period began about 1500 and has tested into Modern times. In this period, the language developed many of the features. We can see the relation of words in sentences and there are some changes of words such as the Latin endings of nouns-antia and –entia, in Modern English changes become –ance, -ence as in countence, concurrence, etc.

During all these periods, everything rather different in inflection, vocabulary and Pronounciation.The history of English language has changed in periods of time, namely, Old English, Middle English, and Modern English.


Old English Period (500-1100 AD)

In the fifth and sixth centuries AD, the Angles (which is the source of the words England and English), Saxons and Jutes, began populating the British isles. They spoke similarly to modern Frisian ( the language of north eastersn region of the Netherlands) that is called old English. Commonly, the old English is not similar the modern English. It is concerning with pronounciation and spelling, vocabulary and grammar. For Example the old English word name is the same word name in modern English.



Middle English And Modern English (1500 – onwards)

1100 – 1500 is the middle English period. During this time various important took place in Engand. In this period, old English became middle English. In 1204 AD events, King John ( the king of England aat the time ) lost the province of Normandy to the king of France, then English was modified by the nobility of France . That is why, midde English is the mixture of old English ad France language.

Middle English Modern English Example [aː] [ɛː], [eː] make [ɛː] raised to [eː] [iː] beak [eː] [iː] feet [iː] diphthongised to [ɪi] [aɪ] mice [ɔː] [oː] boat [oː] [uː] boot [uː] [aʊ] mouse

The Language as changed from synthetic into analytic language durig this period. Anlytic language is language which indicates the relations of words, such as: auxiliriaes, preposition, etc. The common pattern is used now being subject – predicate – compliment. At this time, thousand of words from Latin and Greek poured over. We can observe it of the terms of medicines, electronics and various branches of pure and applied science, such as: stratosphere, atsmosphere, telecast, etc.


ance, -ence as in countenance, concurrence, etc. During all these periods everything rather differed in inflection, vocabulary and pronounciation.

2.3 History of Karonese Language

Karo is one tribe in Indonesia. Karo is often called Merga silima, Rakut titelu, tutur siwaluh, perkaden –kaden sepuluh dua The Karo regency s one name in one of the areas they inhabit Karo. This tribe has its own language called Proficient Karo (Karo Language) Karo is located at the foot of Mount Sinabung. Karo Regency is located in Tanah Karo highlands. The town is famous in this region is Brastagi and Kabanjahe. Brastagi is a tourist town in North Sumatra which is very famous for its agricultural products are superior.

One is fruit juice and beverage products are well known as the producer of the famous passion fruit juice until the entire archipelago. The majority of the Karo tribe settled in the mountainous region, precisely in the area of Mount Sinabung and Mount Sibayak are often referred to as or "taneh Simalem Karo". There are a lot of uniqueness in the Karo people, both from the geographical, natural, and formsuisine. Cuisine Karo, a unique one is called trites.

Trites is presented at the time of the party culture, such as weddings, parties entering a new house, and the annual feast-called work-year. Trites is material taken from the stomach contents of cattle / buffalo, which have not been issued as kotoran.Bahan is processed in such a way that mixed with the aroma of spices so keen on the contents of the stomach is reduced and can be enjoyed. This dish is a favorite food treats given to the honored first.


No.04 on the Establishment of District Dolat Rayat, District News, District and Sub Tiganderket Naman Teran and transfer of the Capital District Umbrella, then in Karo district there are 17 districts, 248 villages and 10 urban villages. Karo area is divided into 17 districts, namely: Barusjahe, Berastagi, Juhar, Kabanjahe, Kuta Buluh, Laubaleng, Mardingding, Merek, Munthe, Payung, Simpang Empat, Tiga Binanga, Tiga Panah, Dolat Rayat, Merdeka, Tiganderket, Naman Teran.

Existence apart from the Karo tribe man surnamed Sembiring Karo people with nuanced submarga India. In contrast, the presence of Karo people with the surname Sembiring background the elements of India (if proven and generally accepted), proving that the Karo customs so old it has strong roots in the community and Karo since time immemorial that the new immigrants, with more tech record high because it is able mengharungi vast ocean, must be willing to recognize and adapt to the customs and traditions in favor of a life in harmony with the indigenous people.

That a lot of people with the surname Karo Sembiring has the same body characteristics with the Indians. This may happen because they are the descendants of immigrants from India who live in the area above. Because of the demands of the customs and traditions, they became naturalized Sembiring Karo people with surname and name names their origin in India is taken as submarga.



3.1 Research Method

This Thesis is using the descriptive qualitative method. The method also more attention to process than the results of the research. Location is a location or place (Alwi, 2005:680). That the site of this study is Simalingkar, and Berastagi. Time is the time when the whole series, action, or state of being or progress (Alwi, 2005:1267). Authors conducted a study of objects dated June 20, 2013 until June27, 2013.


Data and Data source


3.3 Data collecting Method

The writer will do some step to analyze process of this study. First, the writer go to Simalingkar and Berastagi to analyze about karonese language with some people who can speaking conversation about karonese language. For adding the writer read the book of understanding about prepositions and the text book which is discuss about English and Karonese, and then the writer will visiting USU library, UNIMED library and some book store to find some information that related with the topic of this study. The main data of the analysis in this proposal are related to the writer’s interest about “A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Karonese Prepositions”. Finally, the writer also used the note card to write all of the important data from the book, thus the writer can found conclusion of the topic based on the data has gotten.

3.4 Data Analyzing Method

Research data obtained by participant observation by observing activities and simultaneously record the conversation conversations that took place. This observation is done because it is the essence of social research in which social studies can only be done when the researcher is part of the communities studied (Hammersley and Akitson, 1983) while Ary, Jacob and Rajavich (2002) stated that the acquisition of data by participant observation method of data acquisition is the most fundamental in qualitative research.


data collection, data analysis implementers, interpreter the data, and the reporting of research (Moleong,1989).

She not only watched the bus driver but She also learn took the bus and the bus as driving in some way the Active Participant, observers learn the cultural actors may engage in activities that the activities undertaken by participants. Participant moderates, the observations can be carried out and in the activity. Observer in this case can serve as a loiterer or game watcher. Participant is Passsive data collection activities conducted observers without involved in the activities while the Non participant is collecting data where observer not involved at all in the activity. Research on programs on television is one example of this type, in which the observer simply making observations the program is aired. The research data was obtained in two ways, namely complete participant and active participant entering the data conversation.

3.5 Data Analyzing

Language has its special function for speakers of the language or the use of language as a tool for running the administration of the State, a tool for unifying the various tribes who have different cultural backgrounds and different languages as well as reservoir container culture. All Science and culture should be taught and deepened by using language as a medium.


language used in imiah activities, writing - academic writing, b) is a popular variety of the language used in daily life and popular writings.

Variety of language can be classified according to the means that can be divided into a variety of oral and written variety. Clarified the meaning of spoken language with the intonation, stress, tone, tempo sound and stops. While the use of diverse writings influenced by the shape, sentence patterns, and punctuation.

Contrastive analysis is a study of the elements of language. According to Lado (1975), contrastive analysis is a way to describe the difficulty or ease of language learners in learning a second language and foreign language. Contrastive analysis not only to compare the elements of language and linguistic systems in the language of the first (B1) and second language (B2), but at the same time to compare and describe the cultural background of both languages so that the results can be used teaching a second language or foreign language.

In the book "Linguistics Across Cultures", Lado (1975) said that on the Assumption that we can predict and describe the patterns that will cause difficulty in learning, and those that will not cause difficulty, by comparing systematically the language and culture to be learned with the native language and culture of the student.

Contrastive analysis by Brown (1980), Ellis (1986), there are four steps that must be done konstrastif analysis emerged as an answer to demands for improvement of teaching a second language (B2) or foreign language (BA), According to Tarin (1985), view (approach) behaviorist since the 1930s has been used in the study of language, as it worked Bloomfield.



4.1 Prepositions

The word ‘preposition’ is derived from the Latin preposito, prae means before and position means place

Many people define preposition differently, according to how they think to show it. George E. Wishon and Julia M. Burks give the explanation how about the preposition.

. So preposition means placing before. Preposition is to relate a noun or a pronoun to another word or to the rest of the sentence and any modifiers of the object.

“Prepositions are always followed by nouns or pronouns. They are connective words that show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic sentence elements subject, verb, object and complement.” ²

Preposition have the influence on the sense of the text. The meaning of the sentence is different too. We can see it in the following sentence.

A car bought by Iwan.

A car bought to Iwan.

Maybe the first sentence means that Iwan buys the car for someone or for himself. The second sentence means that Iwan gets the car from someone that her bought for Iwan.


4.2 Forms of Prepositions

In this thesis, the writer wants to explain brief as the form of prepositions.

1) Simple Prepositions

This prepositions consisting of a single word and is often used.

such as:

At, of, in,on for, from, by, with, to ,till, over , since, under, through, above, down, up, across, into, below, within, opposite, like, against, and near.

I. Complex Prepositions

Complex prepositions consists of two or three words.

a. Two-word prepositions consist of a preposition (e.g except). an adjective (e.g because) followed by one of the prepositions for, from, of , to,with, against.

For examples : except for, along with,as for, but for.

b. Three-word prepositions have the form

Simple preposition +Noun + Simple preposition

With the noun sometimes determined by the (e.g in the approval of). The first preposition is actually limited to in, on, by, at, for, with. The second to of, with, for , and to.

For examples: in love with you

By way of a change



Marginal Prepositions

In particular some prepositions are derived from verbs in form. Most of them are participle –ing form, like considering, concerning, regarding, barring, referring, including and respecting. These are called verbal prepositions.

For example:

Prepositions: Including Our home, We have to move now.

Verb : I have been considering Her as my sister.

4.3 Function of Prepositions

 In English, prepositions are normally placed before nouns or pronouns.

For examples: He sits beside her.

He visits her grandfather on Saturday.

 Prepositions is place right after the verb.

For examples: What are you searching at?

Who were you asking for?

Also in informal questions

What about?


 A Preposition placed at the end of aclause that begins with an interrogative.

For examples: The company where I buy in my DVD set from.

I asked whom he thinking of.

 Preposition is placed before gerund.

For examples: She left the restaurant without paying the bill.

Before notice the memo, read the small print.

4.4 Types of Prepositions

In this thesis the writer wants to classify the types of prepositions based on their meanings.

a) Prepositions of Place and Position - Above

Above means that felt to be indirectly higher than, or right over a point.

e.g. I was above Dika in the Quality home test.

- Over

Over means something at a higher that the top of sme other thing.


- Under

Under means that lower than a point, but we prefer under when something is hidden or covered y what is over it.

e.g. You should not hiding under a cupboard when the lamp is off.

I saw the Cat under the chair.

- Below

We use below when one thing is felt to be indirectly “lower than” or night under a point.

e.g. Set your picture below mine on this file.

The temperature is below freezing point.

- Near

Near means a neighbouring point.

e.g. My Office near the shop.

- Next to

e.g. her house is left next to My house.

- Beside

Beside means at the side of,’ next to’ a person or thing.

e.g The Old man sits beside me.


- Between

Between means that if are two of persons or tjings postioned around a point.

e.g Her market between the police station and the post office.

- Around / Round

This prepoisition means one thing is encircling ( wholly or partially)

e.g. He prefers outbound around the river.

She ran all the way round the beach.

- Up – Down

Up means higher positions; down otherwise

e.g They track up the mountain.

They walked down the mountain together.

- Behind – In front of

Behind means ‘on the rear of’; in front of otherwise

e.g. She was standing behind me.

He sits in front of his girlfriend.

b) Preposition of Direction - Across


e.g. There is a boat you won’t able to get across the beach.

Lisa lives across the road from Christan.

- To – Form

To means the direction of and reaching or arriving at a destination of another kind, while ‘ from’ refers to starting point or source of something.

e.g. I live close to middle of town.

When I advise you to do this, I am speaking from experience.

- Into – out of

Into refers to something entering the interior of an object; out of otherwise.

e.g She walked into the bus with a small smile on his face

She took some tissue out of the bag.

- Through

Means entering on one side until going out on the other side.

e.g The basket went through the open door.

She walked through the hotel to the other side.

- Toward – Away from


e.g. Adding Vocabulary is the first step towards improving your English.

He goes away from his parent’s house.

- Past (or by)

Past has the sense of moving straight from one side of something to other side without stopping nor touching.

e.g I expected her to walk through the door but she walked past it.

- On

On means something lands that contract with the surface or an object.

e.g. I saw the dictionary on the table.

The Guffy’s dog is on the top of the bed.

1) Preposition of Time - In

In is indicating time and usually combined with centuries, years, months, seasons and for longer period of time.

e.g. I was born in December.

The Independent of Indonesia in 1945.

- On

On is combined days of the week and dates.


My birthday on December 13.

- At

At indicates a point of time.

e.g I don’t like clubbing at night

We usually pick go to college at 8 o’clock.

- Within

Gives a quantity if time before which something will happen.

e.g. She can waiting for her boyfriend within an hour from now.

- By

Implies no later than the given point of time.

e.g. he should go by Monday.

- After

After following in time.

e.g. They shoud back home after night.

I have a dating the day after tomorrow.

- About

About is used to indicate time meaning ‘approximately’.


- Before

Before is used of time and order.

e.g. You can come to my birthday party at time before 7 o’clock.

Can you try first before me?

- During

During means throughout the duration of.

e.g. The air gives us breathe during the day.

- From-to, until

Indicates the time began and the end point with to. If only the end point is given until is used.

e.g. The office opens from 8 am to 5 pm.

He can’t wait you until 3 o’clock.

- Since

Indicates the beginning point.

e.g. Many village have changed since the last year we walked.

- For

Gives a quantity of time.

e.g. We lived in Medan for ten years.


2) Prepositions of Manner or Instrument



e.g. We will go to house by taxi.

He does home test by himself.



e.g. I saw the robber with my eyes.

I’ll make the plan with my idea.

- In

e.g. She was bringing a bag of document in her hand.

The man in Black dress is my boyfriend.

- Like

Like indicates manner.

e.g. He loves cooking like his father.

She always gives a good answers like her lecturer.

3) Preposition Purpose and Reason - For

e.g. Apple Juice is very good for your diet.


- Because of

e.g. All the people respectful to him because of wiseness.

4) Preposition of Identification

- With

e.g. the woman with the pink car is an actress.

people with the uniform are the members of a club.

- At

e.g. The office at the middle is my house

- In

e.g. The man in the white shirt is my husband.

- On

e.g The barbershop on the first floor is mine.

5) Preposition of Possession - OF

e.g The members of the club have to pay the administration

6) Preposition of Agent -By


7) Preposition of Distance -For

e.g She runs for four miles but she does not tired.

8) Preposition of Materials -With

e.g I fill the kettle with coffee.


e.g The Sweater is made from woll.




4.5 Forms of Prepositions

Preposition of Karonese Language in terms of shape, consisting of two kinds of preposition preposition preposition Single and Combined.

Single preposition is a preposition that consists of only one word. Form a single preposition such as in, to, from, in, and others. Preposition is a preposition combination consisting of two words or two prepositions, among others, rather than side by side, to and others. To more clearly its author will explain prepositions and their use in examples.

I. Single preposition

Single preposition is a preposition that consists of only one word. Form a single preposition can be i “di”, bas / Ibas/ 'dalam ', /ku/ 'ke', kempak, 'ke', / tare/ 'kepada' /deher/ 'dekat', /man/ 'untuk' /alu/ 'dengan', /sanga/ 'dengan', /érkiteken/ 'karena', /perbahan/ 'karena'.

Prepositions in languages karo /i/ ‘di’ is a single preposition because the preposition consists of only one word. Sentence that shows the preposition i 'in' in karo can be seen in the following example:

1. Preposition of Place

Prepositions /i/ ”di” karonese languages i is a single preposition because the preposition consists of only one word. Sentence that shows the preposition i 'di' in karonese can be seen in the following example:

(1) I jumanta, ku PREP. of place S O

dat labu é.


(Di ladang kita, Saya dapat labu ini)

(2) I jah aku gundari sinuan-sinuan

PREP. of place S O


At there I can plant the plant

(Di sana saya sekarang bercocok tanam)

4.6 Function

In the language stating karo preposition marker relationships among other places: the preposition /i/ 'in', /ku/ preposition 'ke'.

1. Ku preposition 'to'

/Ku/ preposition 'to' belong to the signpost stating preposition, because nouns (nouns) that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example.

(3). Ku ja pe bibi lawes, ikut rusur anak ah PREP. of place S P O



(4). Anakku lawes ku rumah temanna S P PREP. of place


My child always going to house her friend (Anak saya pergi ke rumah temannya)

4.7 Types of Prepositions

1. Preposition bas / Ibas 'in'

Preposition bas / Ibas 'in' belongs to the preposition that states a relationship where, as nouns (nouns) that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example.

1) Bas/ibas tas merah , ku tama PREP O S


In blue bag, I throw. (Dalam tas merah, ku letakkan)

2) Bas/Ibas rumah ah anak ndai tidur PREP. of place S O



2. Ku preposition 'ke'.

/Ku/ preposition 'ke' and /Kempak/ “ke”belong to the preposition that states signpost place, because nouns (nouns) that are attached to the preposition is the noun form of the word a place or location, such as the following example

3) Lawes ia telunna

S PREP of place ku kerangen,

They are going to forest. (mereka pergi ke hutan)

4) Itatapna kempak S PREP O


He see to west. (Dia melihat ke barat)

Preposition of Time

-Karonese : Bulan Juli enda aq lawes

Adv. of Time S PREP. of Place ku Bali

English : On July I will go to Bali. (Bulan Juli aku akan ke bali)

-Karonese : Ia La man nderih nari.


-Karonese : Ia butuh I rawat ibas rumah sakit. Preposition of Place

English : She need a treatments in the hospital. -Karonese : Kalak na asalna bandung nari.

English : They are from Bandung.

Preposition of Instrument or Manner

-Karonese : Si tuangken lau bas ceret nari. English : We pour the water by a kettle. -Karonese : Ia beluh erdakan seri bagi nandena. English : She can cooks anything like her mother.

Preposition of Purpose or Reason

-Karonese : Terpaksa kam minem tambar man kesehatendu. English : You should drink this medicine for your health. -Karonese : Anak kitik ah ngandung perban ia.

English : The litte boy is crying because of him.

-Karonese : Arah dalan e kucing masuk ku jabu. Preposition of Direction

English : The cat enter the house through this way. -Karonese : Agiku ni mai i darat.


-Karonese : Teh ndu bahanna banca enda? Preposition of Material

English : Do you know this is made from what? -Karonese : Ia nuci uwisna salo mesin cuci.

English : He washed his clothes with the washmacine.

Preposition of Agent

-Karonese : Ku dat alamanatna arah internet. English : I got his address by an internet.

4.8 Correspondence and Non Correspondence Non-Correspondence


The other function of Javanese is as the indicator of the subject or the speaker. If we use karonese language, so we also use the formal and informal situation. We also use different preposition. We are not finding it in using English preposition. We use the same preposition in al of situation. Here the examples :

- Ngasa enggo dekahna ia lawes How long she has been gone for?


I. Forms

There are some prepositions derived from noun in Karonese. The prepositions get the suffix or prefix, such as asangken, ku , etc. These preposition get the suffix. For examples : - peten lebih dani apel asangken rimo

Dani prefer apple than orange.

- Ia mulih ku rumah sekitar jam 4 keraben She’s back home about 4 o’clock.

In English there is no preposition derived from noun but have verb preposition combination such as call up, turn on , take after, come up, make out, etc.

For Examples : - A serious problem has just come up.


up means arise.

- I can’t make out what he really wants.




In English, it is possible to place the preposition at the end of the sentence while in Karonese it is absolutely unacceptable for such kind of grammatical construsctions are never found . Beside that if Karonese preposition placed at the finl position of the sentence, the sentence is not complete.

For Examples : This is cupboard I keep the letter in. It is the Bank she borrows the money from.

Beside that, English preposition is placed before gerund. For examples : I apologize for not coming to your party.

She insisted on payin for herself.

In Karonese there is no position of preposition like that and Karonese does not have gerund in its grammar.

4.9 Correspondences and Non Correspondences


The Correspondences Functions

Generally, both English and Karonese Prepositions have the same function. The Preposition has the function of connecting a noun or pronoun to another word, usually noun, verb or adjective. So that, Preposition functions as the connective word to signal relationships, usually relates to time, movement or positions. We know the function of the preposition if it used in a sentence. The following sentences are some examples to prove the above statements:

- Karonese : Kam ngena Tena budaya

English : He is very interested about Culture

(Preposition followed by noun)

1. Combined preposition

Its the same thing with the English language that has a combined prepositions, karo language also has a combined preposition. In addition to having a single preposition, Language karo also has an existing joint prepositions in English.


1. Asangken preposition 'than'

Preposition in a prepositional language karo because preoposisi joint is composed of two words are joined. Preposition asangken also aims to compare nouns (nouns), verbs (verbs), and adjectives (adjectives) in a sentence.

Asangken Kalit showing 'rather than' in karo can be seen in the following example.

5) Tuan bibi aku sitik asangken mama. My Aunt more than old than uncle.

6) Madin kita mehuli man kalak sideban asangken gutul. Be good to other people more

3. i - nari preposition 'of'

Preposition i - nari remix is a preposition in the language combination because it consists of two words are joined. Prepositional phrase indicating i - nari 'of' in the following example karo. than evil.

7) Temanku i Tiga Binanga nari. My friend from Tiga Binanga .


V.Conclusion and Suggestion

5.1 Conclusion

After having studied prepositions in both languages, English and Karonese, the writer comes to a conclusion that both of languages have the correspondences and non-correspondences in function, position, form and types of prepositions.


Prepositions in both languages are used as connective words. Most of the prepositions are short, simple word, usually consists of one or two syllables. Engish and Karonese have the same form of preposition,Based on the description from the results of research, then the can be concluded:

(1) Form of preposition within Karonese Language consists from the two kinds, namely prepositions single and prepositions the combined. Preposition single consists of (1) preposition i - nari 'from', (2) preposition bas / Ibas' inside ', (3) preposition ku' to ', (4) preposition kempak' to ', (5) preposition Tare' to the ', (6) preposition deher' near the ', (7) preposition man' for ', (8) preposition alu' with ', (9) preposition sanga' moment ', (10) preposition erkitéken' because of ', and (11) preposition perbahan 'because of'. And preposition the combined which consists from (1) preposition asangken 'rather than' and (2). preposition i 'in'.


a. In Karonese, prepositions are as the indicators of the subject or speaker and also to show the situation of formal or non-formal. In English are used by everyone in all of several status or in formal and non-formal situation.


c. In English, the prepositions are placed at the end of the sentence and placed before gerund while in Karonese the grammatical construction like that are never found.

d. Karonese has more prepositions than English does, Karonese has preposition of quantity, thng or matter, participation and comparison.

Function preposition within Karonese consists of (1) marker relationship places, namely indicate of meaning places or the location, (2) marker of relationship the intent namely indicate of meaning the allotment of or intent, (3) marker relationship way or tool namely shows the meaning way of to do something or tool for doing something thing, (4) marker of relationship time namely shows the meaning when process or deeds is underway or time who exact when deeds is in progress, (5) marker relation of cause namely indicate of meaning reasons or things that makes the onset of something, (6) marker relationship destination namely shows the meaning direction or something who want the intended, and (7) marker of relationship comparison namely showed of

meaning for compare the two things.

5.2 Suggestion

This study tries to present the preposition in the language about the form of Simalingkar and Berastagi as well as the function of prepositions in languages Karo. In addition, researchers also that research on prepositions in karonese language can be used as a comparison in the study prepositions in languages other areas.


application of prepositions, especially the form and function of a preposition in a sentence.

After the completing the thesis, the writer realizes that the thesis is stiil far from being perfect because her knowledge is quite limited to give a detailed and exact explanation. The writer hopes that the readers may find more information about prepositions.



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Siahaan, Sanggam. 2008. Issue in Linguistics. Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu

Wulandari, Yuli. 2003. A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Karonese Prepositions. Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara

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Pengembangan Bahasa Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.



(A) A : “ I ja datndu labu é, Pa?

B : I jumanta karaben ndai, ku dat labu é. I jah aku gundari sinua-sinuan.

(B) A : “ I ja simpandu, Pa? Erkai kin anak ah, Pa”?.

B : Bas/ibas map kuning ku tama suratndu. Bas/ibas rumah ah anak ndai tunduh.

(C) A : “Melas kel bas rumahndu é Bi”.

B : Ué kin, melala singataken bas/ibas rumahku énda melas kel.

(D) A : Anakndu ja, Pa”?. I jai a sekolah?

B : Anakkku lawes ku rumah temanna. Retno anakku sekolah i

SMA Negri 1 Kabanjahe.

(E) A : Bibi ja?

B : Nandé anak-anak sanggana lawes ku acara perpisahen Alumni kuliahna.

(F) A : Kai si itatap Leni (anak Pak Cutirman ) ah, Pa”


(G) A : “Bas isé nari tehndu lit i jénda ingan tading”

B : Temanku I Pematang Siantar nari. Adi aku tading i dalan sutomo.

(H) A : Aku pé tutus nge atéku, pa?”

B : Ué kin Nakkum, bas/ibas erdahin é tutus kin atéta. Alu tutus dahiken sripsindu é.

(I) A : “Lenga mulih bibi, Pa?

B : Sanga gundari, lengah mulih ia erdahin. Sanga berngi kari ia reh.

(J) A : “Adi minggu berngi ku ja kam, Pa?”

B : Ku ingan Pa Longge aku lawes nderbih. Ku rumah pé aku lawes, ikut rusur anak ah.

(K)A : “Lit i jénda gerea, Bi”

B : “Deher kedé ah, lit kap gereja, Nakku’. Deher rumahta lit kap kedé.

(L)A : “Ja nari kutandu , Pa?”

B : Asal kuat kemulihenta i Berastagi nari.

(M) A: “Kai si tukurndu é, Bi”.

B: Oh, énda man pangan anakku nakan ah. Man tami-

tamian kin anak ah.

(N)A : “Ja kila, Bi?”. Sangana mesui takalna?.


(O)A : “Gua kin nandéna ? Ma la merambitsa?”.

B : “Erkitéken mehuli kel nandéna makana pang aku, Nakku” “Ué Nakku, baba kari rimo énda man luahndu mulih.

(P)A : Rusur kuidah anankndu ras anak lebé rumahndu ah Pa? B : Adi kalak ah ndeher kin rusur. Dahikenla gundari

Asangken berngi é reh ka kam.

(Q)A : ‘Alu kai anakndu lawes ku sekolah, Bi”. Adi kila Bi?” B : Alu kereta anakku ku sekolah. Alu erdahin makana

Kita banci sukses.

(R)A : “Marenda nina mamakku, jumpa ia ras kam, Bi?” B : Ué kin, sangan natal gabungen jumpa kami I geréjana.

(S)A : “Nggo kap berngi é, Pa?”

B : Erkitéken nggo berngi nggo banci kam mulih.


B : “Ué Nakku, perbahan ia tunduh nerngi ndai, lanai ka iingetna.

(U)A: Ué Pa, latih kel adi sekolah”. Anakndu ja Pa?” B: Erkitéken tugas sekolahndu kam bagénda. Perbahan

temanna ngajak, jadi rusur anakkku lawes ku darat.

(V)A : “Erkai Lina (anak Pak Longge) ah, Pa?” B : Taré agina ia ngerana.

(W)A : “Jadi gua, Pa?”

B : Taré temanna iberéken surat ah. Ia man tare Piring.

(X)A : “Labo dalih aku melawen mulih, Pa?”

B : Dahikenlah gundari asangken berngi é reh ka kam. Dahikenlah asa dung.

(Y)A : “Isé tuan kam asangken kila, Bi?” B : Tuan aku sitik asangken kila.


(Z)A : “Gua kin, Bi maka bagé nindu”






Elisa Oktaria Sembiring Keloko










Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian



Komplek Vanili,

Simalingkar, Medan.




Cutirman Tarigan










Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian.



Punden Rejo, Tanjung





Raskita Ginting







Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian.



Kwala Bekala, Medan Johor.





Longge Karo Sekali










Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian







Kesenangen S Meliala







Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian



Kwala Bekala, Medan Johor




Perkuah Ate Br. Gurusinga







Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian



Dusun Ban Rejo,

Desa kwala Mencirim,

Kabupaten Langkat.








Mother Tongue


Karonese, Indonesian



Jamin Ginting, Medan




Sada Ukur Barus







Mother Tongue


Karonese, indonesian



Dusun Ban Rejo,

Desa kwala Kabupaten



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