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Academic year: 2017



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A Thesis

Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of

Magister Humaniora

By :

MUNAWAR ABDUL HAMID HARAHAP Registration Number: 8146112025






Munawar Abdul Hamid Harahap.Registration Number: 8146112015. Pause Fillers in Ritual Speech of Padang Bolak Wedding Ceremony.

English Applied Linguistics Study Program Postgradate School, State University of Medan. 2016.



MUNAWAR ABDUL HAMID HARAHAP. Nomor Mahasiswa: 8146112015. Penggunaan Pause Fillers Dalam Acara Resepsi Pernikahan Adat Padang Bo lak. Program Studi Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Pascasarjana . Universitas Negeri Medan.2016.




Alhamdulillah, in the name of Almighty ALLAH, the most Gracious and the most Merciful, first of all, the writer would like to thank God for His Blessing

in the completion of this thesis. Praises are also addressed to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us to the better life of today.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge his deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to

his by a lot of people.

The highest appreciation goes to his two advisors, Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A,Ph.D, Dr.Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd as his first advisor and as his second

advisor for their all guidance through the completion of this thesis.

Then, his appreciation also goes to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as the Head

of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr.Anni Hollila Pulungan M. Hum. as the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have

assisted his in processing the administration requirements during the process of

hih studies in the Postgraduate School of the State University of Medan.

The writer’s great thanks also goes to his reviewers and examiners, Prof.

Dr.Sri Minda Murni, M.S, Dr. Syahron Lubis, M.A. and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum.

They had given valuable inputs, suggestions, criticisms, and improvements for this thesis. He also would like to express his thankfulness for all lecturers teaching



Finally, his special gratitude is dedicated to his beloved parents, Drs.

Ruslan abdul Gani Harahap and Derliana Siregar who have given their pray,

motivation, support, and also endless praying. And also special thank for his

lovely, soulmate and the queen of my heart Afrina Dewi Lubis,S.Far, Apt, M.Far, and also sister, brother, and the whole families who always support him and no suitable word that can fully describe their everlasting love and express how much

he loves them.

Then, last but not least, his gratitude goes to the kind, generous and smart

friend who helped, spared, guided, corrected and gave much contribution in finishing the thesis Masferu Zulfikar M.Hum.

And also for my friends of LTBI B2 XXIII who have supported him to

conduct this thesis, especially for Ari, Matrejo, Titik, Jonathan, and others, for their friendship and cooperation.

Medan, July 2016

The writer,

Munawar Abdul Hamid Harahap Reg. No. 8146112015



2.4. 3 Three Pillars (Dalihan Na Tolu) in Padang Bolak Culture ………16

2.4.4. Components of Three Pillars (Dalihan Na Tolu) ………17

2.4.5. Wedding Ceremony on Padang Bolak Culture ………19

2.4.6 Speech in the Wedding Ceremony………22

2.5. The Previous Relevant Studies ………24


3.1. Research Design ………29

3.2. Subjects and the Object of the Study of Study ………..30

3.3. Instrumen of the Data Collection………30

3.4. Data Collection ……….30

3.5. Technique of Data Collection ………31

3.6. Technique of the Data Analysis ………31

4. Chapter IV………37

4.1 Data Analysis………..37

4.1.1 Types of Pause Fillers were Used by the Speaker of Dalihan Na Tolu in Ritual Speech of Padang Bolak Wedding Ceremony ………38



Chapter V………..53

5.1 Coclusion……….53

5.2 Suggestion………54


Appendix I……….58

Appendix II………70



1.1 Background of the Study

Tagliamonte and Fox Tree discusses the basic meaning of like can be used as a discourse marker indicating loose language‟or as being a deliberate marker

of vagueness. An example might be „I was there at like 3 o’clock and stayed for

like two hours’ where the speaker might want to indicate vague timings. So, the

meaning of like in the discourse marker as a pause filler. Pause Fillers are words which does not have meaning, spoken by language users which have purpose of

waiting the next appropriate words.

When the speakers ofDalihan Na Tolu starts to speech (markobar) in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture, there are some pause fillers as

pragmatics/discourse markers put in the utterances as showed below :

“Sattabi sappulu diraja, sattabi di namora, kahanggi, anak boru sasudena na

adong di pattar paradatan on. Attong …...(filler), Patujolona hita ucapkan puji dohot syukur tu Tuhan na maha kuaso artina…..(filler) na mangelehen kesehatan tuhita sude di parlagutannta di pantar siriaonon attong …..(filler). sunguni muse

tu koum koumta”.

(“Dengan segala hormat yang sebesar besarnya kepada Raja, Rasa hormatku



Attong…..(filler), Pertama tama kita ucapkan puji syukur ke pada Tuhan Yang

Maha Kuasa artina….(filler) yang telah memberikan kesehatan kepada kita semua yang berhadir diruangan majelis pernikahan ini, artina …..(filler) begitu

juga kepada para saudara saudara kita”).

Clark and Fox Tree (2002) found that its realization as Uh signals a minor

delay in speaking, whereas Um announces a major delay in speaking. However, based on the observation done in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture, mostly the speakers of Dalihan Na Tolu performed the kind of pause filer in the

form of lexicalize.

It is clear that in wedding ceremony when giving speech, the speaker using

pause filler in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture, they areattong and artina. Attong is used once as pause filler in the above utterance and artina is used

twice as pause filler in the speech.

(Maclay and Osgood : 1959, Goldman Eisler : 1961, Rochester: 1972) state Pause Filer are divided into “filled pause” and “unfilled pause).(i. D

silence).Filled pause are further divided “unlexicalized” (eg, uh and um) and “lexicalized” (eg, well and you know).

This research is very potential to do, because the speakersof Dalihan Na Tolu when give speech in wedding ceremony often get critics from the



which these words/phrases don‟t have meaning just to process upcoming words.

Listeners complained as they wasted time and it became inefficient because the time which is given to the speakers had been determined.Their complain can be

accepted because filled pause which are used by the speakers of Dalihan Na Toluspend much time, so, there is no more time left to the next speakers.

The listeners also get miscommunication. There is miscommunication to the outsiders or the people of Batak who do not know much about Batak culture, when they listen their speech, the listeners assume certain words like artina,

songondia ma attong, jadi etc have meaning like other words. They do not know

that such words are only to fill the pauses in the speech..

In Padangbolak culture Dalihan Na Tolu has a meaning as three components, which is pedestal. In performing cultural events, the three component of Dalihan Na Tolu unified one another. The three components are

Mora, Kahanggi and Anakboru. According to Parlaoengan Siregar (1997), Mora is the component of Dalihan Na Tolu which highest position on cultural event

because; Kahanggi is a group of family from one clan of Mora; Anak Boru is a group of family that takes a wife from Mora side.

Relate to the speech situation, speakers can formulate utterances by

disfluency and fluency. It is inevitable in disfluent speaker that the words in the utterances when the person speaking cannot come up with anything else to

saythey need thinking process to speak the more suitable words in their mind.

Disfluency speakers can happen when they face



said. The second is the hesitation phenomena, acrucial factor underlying all hesitation phenomena is the fact that all of them entail the delay of message transfer in some way etc. That is the background, why filled pauses are inevitable

in disfluent speaker, even, fluent speaker uses filled or unfilled pauses until the next speech content resulting from the thinking process arrives at the speaking


Relating to the explanation above, the researcher interested in choosing this topic because 1) People communicate with each other fluently and disfluencie,

fluently and disfluencie become a moment‟s reflection will reveal the unreliability in using pause filler, 2) The types of pause filler used by speakers in giving speech

in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture.

The reason mentioned above are considered as the reason why this research should be done, that is in order to find the types of pause filler or filled

pause and the process of communication in fluent and disfluencie embedded with filled pause used by the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu which are observed by the researcher to the research entitled “ Pause Filler in wedding ceremony in Padang

Bolak Culture.

1.2 The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study, as a way will be conducted a study about pause fillers in the wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture.



a) What kinds of pause filler are used by thespeakers of Dalihan Na Tolu in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture ?

b) How are the pause fillers produced by the speakers of Dalihan Na Tolu in

wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak culture ?

c) Why are pause fillers are performed in the speech of wedding ceremony ?

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

In line with the problems, the objectives of the study are

a) to find out the kinds of pause filler which are used by the speakers of Dalihan Na Tolu in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak Culture.

b) to derive the way the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu perform pause filler, c) to state the reason of using fillres

1.4 The Scopes of the Study

The scope of this study is limited into the pause filler as pragmatics/discourse marker. Their utterances uttered by native speakers of

Portibi Julu. They live in Portibi Julu village Regency of Padang Lawas


This study attempts to describe and to explain the paused filler as

pragmatics/discourse marker used by the elements of Dalihan Na Tolu in wedding ceremony of Padang Bolak Culture. The main aspect of this study is



1.5 The Significances of the Study

It is expected that findings of the study are relevant and useful theoretically and practically. From the theoretical perspective, the findings of

this study are expected to give further explanation about psycholinguistic research, especially about pause filler in the wedding ceremony.

Practically perspective, the findings of this research are expected to become one of the basic reference for another relevant research especially for the students of university who interest with psycholinguistic related to pause

filler and also give more understanding about pause filler. For another researcher, the findings of this study are expected to become a guide lines to




5.1 Conclusion

The study was concerned with pause fillers aimed at describing the types,

process and reason of pause fillers occured to the speaker in Dalihan Na Tolu Padang Bolak Ceremony, the conclusion was drwan as the following.

(1) There was only one types of pause filler used by the speaker in Dalihan Na Tolu namely fiiled pause. It was showed with the finding from some

utterances appeared such as Artina, Attong, Ima, Jadi, Biamattong, Songondiamatong, Idiamattong. From all those utterances were categorized into lexical.

(2) In additional, the use of pause fillers to the speaker in Dalihan Na Tolu Padang Bolak Ceremony Wedding Ceremonu namely, cognitive, hasitation

and word searching.

(3) The reason of pasued filler were used by the speaker in Dalihan Na Tolu Wedding Ceremony namely,uncertain about the answers to the general

knowledge questions, being less confident about the answers in cases where the recorded untterances (pause fillers) were preceded by silence, integral to



5.2 Sugesstion

In relation to the conclusions, some constructive points are suggested as the following.

(1). For the students communicate to others should realize that pause fillers

intentionally need to use carefully so that consider and think what the words will be spoken out in communication.

(2). For the people who involved in entertaimnemt such as public speaking, presenter and master of ceremony (MC) should more concious and know

where pause fillers will stop while perform the talk show as live. It aims to not show annd expose the fright, narvounes, panic, confuse and less confidences to comminicate on the screen.




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