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An Analogy Behind Reported Speech Illustrated In D jalil Secret Love


Academic year: 2017

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Job Training Report In Balai Bahasa Bandung

Submitted to fulfill one of the course requirements








Curriculum Vitae

1. Student’s Profile

A. Name : Andi Abdul Jalil Amrin

B. Alamat : Sekeloa Tengah street no.143–Bandung C. Place and date of birth : Makassar, November 01st1993

D. Sex : Male

E. Religion : Moslem

F. Phone : 082120000899

G. E-mail :Jalil.Literature@yahoo.com

2. Educational Background

a. Formal Education


b. Informal Education

NO Year Institution

1. 2000-2003 SDN 1 Antang 2. 2003-2005 SDN 2 Papandayan 3. 2005-2008 SMPN 18 Bogor 4. 2008-2009 SMAN 3 Mamuju 5. 2011-Sekarang English Department



NO Year Institution Cetification

1 2011 Building Confidence In Delivering Public Speech


2 2011 The Seminar and Workshop of Semiotics in Literature and Media


3 2011 Dialog Publik PT Jasa Raharja Certified

4 2011 Copywriting Linguistics on Media Certified

5 2012 Cross Culture Certified

6 2012 English Contest Certified

7 2012 English Literary Internal Training of Educational


8 2012 Character Building Training Certified

9 2012 Kejuaraan Antar Kolat PPS Betako Merpati Putih Se-Jawa Barat


10 2012 Reaktualisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila di Kalangan Generasi Muda


11 2013 Building The Translation Skill and Confidence


12 2013 Copywriting Seminar“Go Viral” Certified

13 2014 Talk Show “You Write What You Think” Certified

14 2014 Postcolonialism: An Indonesia Perspective Certified

c. Competency

There are some competencies that the writer has, they are as follow:

• Good at English both oral and written.

• Operating Computer (Ms. Office, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia, Internet)



d. Organizational and Work Experience




Li. 2001. “Reported Speech In Chinese Political Discourse”. Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) Vol 3(2): 181–202.


Annamaria Cacchione, 3 March 2006.“Reported Speech”. Towards a Definition as aCommunicative and Linguistic Universal. 1-28

<http://www.academia.edu/1184872/Reported_Speech_Towards_a_Definition_as_a_ Communicative_and_Linguistic_Universal?login=&email_was_taken=true>

Vivi. 2013. The Using of Past Tense in Three Articles


Miller, Cole. May 12, 2009. “Critical Thinking, Active Reading, andEffective Writing”. The CreativeMind





The present writer thanks to the greatest creator, Allah S.W.T, who gives all gifts, blesses helps, and easiness to the present writer to complete the report. In addition, I express my appreciation for helpful assistance from:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Moh. Tadjuddin, MA, as The Dean of Faculty of Letters. 2. Dr. Juanda, as The Head of English Department.

3. Muhammad Rayhan Bustam, S.S.,M.Hum., as The Coordinator of Job Training; thank you for your support.

4. Retno Purwani Sari, S.S.,M.Hum., my tutor in making of the job training report. thank a lot for helping me to accomplish this report and for your patience and also

your advice, i’m so proud to be your student.

5. Tatan Tawami, S.S., as counselor lecturer for the supports and advices.

6. All Balai Bahasa Bandung staffs who gave the opportunity to the present writer to conduct job training there.

7. Beloved family, especially for my daddy and mommy, thanks for all supports and spirits given to the present writer.

8. My girlfriend Nicky, thanks for your spirit, for making me ease in every problem I faced, and making me laugh in every single time. Hope you will be the lasting love to me.



Bandung, November 2014 The Present Writer



1.1 Background to the Topic 1

1.2 Scope 2

1.3 Objective 3

1.4 Significance to Knowledge 4

1.5 Framework of the Theories 5

1.6 Research Method 6


2.1 Direct Speech 8

2.1.1 To live the story (create mood) 9

2.1.2 To give a closer up view of how character think, live, and feel 10 (Point of view)









1.1 Background of the topic

In a writing, especially a novel, a writer has been demanded to retell a story nicely and interestingly. That might be achieved when the systematic, logic, and smooth language is provided to attract readers’ interest. An addition for reaching readers’ interest, it is believed there are specific structures involved. One of specific

structures focused here is the structure of reported speech.

Reported speech is known to retell statement, question, and request in function. , defines reported speech generally has two ways that are classified as direct/unreported speech and indirect/reported speech. According to Psychol (Rev, 2010: 117), direct speech (DS) uses quotation marks (“….”), that are a sign the words are the EXACT words that a person/speaker used. From his argument, an English statement, Ani said, “Anto writes the letter.”, may be examined as direct

speech. On the other hand, indirect speech (IS) , Psychol argues toput the speaker’s words or ideas into a sentence without quotation marks. In this case, a noun clause is usually used. For example in English indirect speech, Ani said that Anto wrote the letter, clause,that Anto wrote the letter,is a noun clause. Beyond to their forms, reported speech performs a specific function.



for example, mostly uses reported/indirect speech to bring mood. Meanwhile, Green’sThe Fault In Our Stars uses both direct and indirect equally. That issue of reported speech serves evidential status of characters of the novel. Therefore, the further research taking data from Djalil’s Secret Love.is issued to contribute the ideas. The purpose is that there is a reason behind the form of reported speech.

Li’s previous research (1986) has noted that there are five syntactical categories involved in reported speech. She conducted the reasearch based on video-taped data from five televised 1998 Taipei mayoral debates. Different from Li’s,the topic of this research focuses on the reason/background in taking decision when direct speech and indirect speech are used. In this case, the research of this report is entitled The Analogy behind Reported Speech Illustrated in Djalil’s Secrete Love.

1.2 Scope

The issues are discussed as follow:

1. What factors are identified in making decision on which type of reported speech is used in utterance ofDjalil’sSecret Love?

2. What structure is identified as reported speech?

1.3 Objective

This research has significant objectives. They are to:



2. identify structures that is used in reported speech.

1.4 Significance to Knowledge

This study has contribution theoretically and practically. Theoretically, this study may become a reference to make reported speech in writing a novel. The reported speech infers some semantic reasons as illustrated in utterances ofDjalil’s Secret Love.

In addition to theoretic case, the study practically can give little contribution of the using of reported speech to write a novel, and to speak in daily life. Furthermore, this research may be an alternative reference to those who are interested in taking similar issue on reported speech analysis and its description in utterances.

1.5 Framework of Theory

The present writer uses the theories from Li (1986: 40) describes reported speech as follow:

“A person is not allowed to quote by taking the responsibility forthe quote himself/herself—which is the implication of an indirect quote. A quote must be entirely attributable to the original speaker, in form and content—which is the strategy of a direct quote.”



Linguistically, an utterance consists of reported speech; it has been focused mainly on the grammatical devices that differentiate direct and indirect speech. As Li (1986) has noted, there are syntactical categories which have been identified. The present writer has three syntactical categories which would be identified between both utterances, quotation mark, tenses, conjunction, and place and time deixes. According to Psychol (Rev, 2010: 117), an utterance of Ani said, “Anto writes the letter.” is direct speech (DS), On the other hand, indirect speech (IS) of that utterance is “Ani said that Anto wrote the letter”. Direct speech (DS) uses quotation marks, Psychol argues to put the speaker’s words or ideas into a sentence with quotation marks. Relating to tenses, Clark & Gerrig (1990: page) mentions that in order to transform the direct into the indirect speech, taking care of times and pronouns are required besides using and changing tenses in the embedded sentences. Making comparison of both utterances, the speakers also should know the rule how to change tenses. For example direct speech with present tense will be transformed into indirect speech with past tense. That depends on situation of the speakers in describing. Conjunctive ‘that’ is only as the marker and usually used only in indirect speech. Place and time deixes, just uttered in a certain time and place by someone while it has actually never been said—all possibilities, especially the last ones, that were totally darkened by the traditional syntactical account.



as a reported speech. A great part of our daily life would be totally different, and communication would be limited to very short and poor messages. Moreover, from a cognitive point of view, we know that narrative is the main way through which we can structure our concept of reality, our identity, since the very early stage of our life (Bruner 1986).

Reported speech also involved mood in its form. The narrator creates mood by using direct speech to live the story through dialog, because every characters has theirs characteristic, either it is protagonist, antagonist, or the others. Thus, reader would get emotion of the narrator, and actually readers would feel involved directly.

1.6 Research Method

The method used in this research is analytic descriptive. Sugiono (2009:205) defines that“Metode deskriptif analisis adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan data

yang telah terkumpul sebagaimana adanya.”In this case, the research is conducted by describing the data.






Writing a novel is an art work. It requires strategies to reach its nature. The author himself has significant strategies to get that effect; that is called mood and tone as proposed by Orson (2009: 34). Mood itself may be created through:

1. Retell. It is about the situation, event or character figures in the story. Descriptive narrative as moving events, a place or a person in the story so it will affect the reader as if they have seen or even been involved in the story.

2. Reconstruction. It is narrated in detail. The authors do some sort of reenactment in the imagination. That is, imagine as something written is happening. Position readers’ viewto experience it. Suppose a story about separation, positionreaders’ view to experience the breakup with the characters involved in the story.

3. Dialogue. It is oral communication or a conversation between characters. Include dialect or style of speaking peculiar to reveal character or emotions of his characters. Such dialogue will reveal the background of the characters, as well as emotional changes that will bring emotional proximity to the reader.



different ways, so that the authors can decide what form are they use to get the meaning of the story.

To bring the life into Secret Love, in particular, Djalil as an author uses reported speech. Here is an analogy behind reported speech illustrated in the novel under the terms of direct (quote) speech and indirect (reported) speech.

2.1 Direct (Quote) Speech

Language, as a product of a culture, expresses a specific idea in nature. Haberland (1986: 219) mentions that:

“Until such a culture is discovered, we may maintain the idea that reported speech is a universal of human actions”



Obviously, every reader has expectation when they read a story; it serves experiences and describes real-life view. That is why being an active reader depends on his efforts, so the question arising in the mind is ‘how to bean active reader?’ An active reader simply means keeping focused on the material and all activities in a novel. It will mean reader’time spent reading is more efficient, and that the reader is more likely to remember what he has read afterwards. When the reader focuses to read, he would have critical thinking about what happened with the character and storyline while reading.

Critical thinking of readers is defined covering of human nature that is happened while reading a novel. The readers directly and indirectly would compare their own lives to the character whose lives reflect real-life events. That effort happens, as example inDjalil’sSecret Love. He bases on story events on using dialog to live the story, to give readers a closer up view of the characters about how they are live, think, and feel. In here, dialog created has specific purposes mentioned in analysis.

2.1.1 To live the story (created mood)

Data 1

“What on earth happens with her, why she is crying?”Aji said



When the character of woman experiences a sad moment, she will express sad feeling openly. This phenomenon shows a story being asked in his utterance. Some identifications of that utterance have been identified syntactically. Direct speech is believed to represent the nuance by considering tense, quotation mark, time and place alike with utterance above. That statement expresses factual content through three main moods; one of that is used for that sentence is interrogative.

Those terms are built generally, beside of to live the story, direct speech is also used by considering to help readers understand mood in a character, so that the readers will find out of what happened on that characters.

2.1.2 To give a closer up view of how character think, live, and feel (Point of view)

Data 2

“Okay I know that. Glad to see you. Btw (by the way) we are in the same major, Could we are be friend and share about our lesson soon?”...He said

Data 3

Father said,“Study hard if you want to be a success man”



her name, but suddenly he had fallen in love since in that place. The feeling made him always think about her and drove his life become unusual after that event. He hoped if he someday would be her boyfriend, although it had many processes to get the happiness of love.

In syntactical analysis, Data 2 has same utterance, which is interrogative. Whereas in Data 3, a sentence expresses imperative mood. There is no different between data 2 and 3 in a structure, the tense is still same as with data 1 that uses present tense and quotation marks.

In a forming point of view characters, a sentence expresses a complete thought, feeling, and life. Either it is through interrogative, imperative, or declarative, it depends on how and when the author gives mood. In order to get mood of character, there are three strategies that can be used like what the present writer has been written in opening. Think



Data 4

“Hmmm… Could I know your name?”He asked

The author’swroteData 4’sstructure of direct speech in intending to bring the real information demanded. Readers read a story dialogically to take their involvement; it may be as hearers.

In addition of direct speech was explained. Syntactically, the author didn’t change a tense of present tense become past tense if it is still true or general fact.

“Hmmm… Could I know your name?” that utterance is direct speech, it can be examined at the form in quotation mark. The utterance used present tense, whereas in the reporting verb the utterance used past tense like,He asked. This dialog is built to take Readers’point of view as tough they are a part of narration, not see the character as an observer. Feel (apa yang dirasakan oleh karakter)

Data 5

‘Thankfully GOD, I’m just passed. I hope there is no question by my lecture again for this time in this class’.He said



time’.Adverb of time ‘for this time’rises because the author wants to clarify that at the time he was very nervous. It is illustrated that nervousness occurred since he was not prepared, and also he didn’t know how to answer the question when he was not ready to study. Beside of adverb of time, there is also identified adverb of place. The author used that adverbs to complete significant utterance about when and where the activity was ongoing. In direct speech, no changes of deixes in place and time should be noted, ‘Inthisclass’.The bold one is a part forming direct speech. Living

Data 6

“Yes, I love you so much.”He answered

The data 5 shows the way character views about happiness in his live. Every character has expression to describe what he/she feels. That makes his/her role become interesting to find out how he/she lives his life. The author had determined plot of story, where the main character, called Ben, is going to tell his life from the beginning of story until the end, before he allowed her belong to someone else. Actually, there are many experiences that he had.



was something that he cannot told. In fact, he really knew about what he had been done to her. The reason of why it happened, that ended his love, was because he cannot made her sad after knowing his illness. According to him, the happiness came when he let his beloved be other person’s woman. Hejust stayed her away of sadness if he died in a short time because of heart disease.

The author had told unpredictable event, when he began story from first-meet to the end. Ben kept his love, but in the ending of the story he died. Thus, readers would feel emotion and effect of author’sstatements when Ben said that he loved her so much but in the same time he concealed some illness, so why the story entitled a secret love

2.2 Reported Speech

Retelling, it is about the situation, event, or character figures in the story. Descriptive narrative is moving events, a place or a person in the story, so it will affect the readers as if they have seen or even been involved in the story. In this case readers become an observer of one story. The present writer is still involving reader’s involvement in this section (Reported speech) same as 2.1 Direct speech, but in different ways. That clarifies of how the character thoughts and feeling by the narrator.

2.2.1 Thought



readers. The involvement of the readers describes the thoughts of the characters through what those characters say and do in a story. Indirect speech uses narrative to the series of events or sequence of events. For example:

Data 7

He surprised that Nicky was knocked the door and entered the room. She sat down beside Aji, suddenly they allowed her explain about the truth of why she made him disappointed. Ben looked at her face and heard all her opinions at that time...”

The narrative above had been reported by the narrator indirectly, that is written by the author. In order to do that, the narrator as observer knowsin Djalil’s novel the character, setting, and plot in detail. As an observer, he has to know what was happening in all activities of story. The narrator has important role as a voice teller, though he is not involved as character, but his role is known as the voice of character/events.

As a voice teller, obviously the narrator knows what characters think. He tells information like what the events was written by the writer. This phenomenon actually has structure that supports to form the idea in narrative.



example, the roomis a place andat that timeis a time. Those categories are found as characteristics of narrative where there are characters, place and time, and circumstance that are told.

2.2.2 Feeling

The feeling would be touched by readers if they read some novels which have a good point of view of characters, but how to describe characters’ feeling is another problem by a narrator. In Secret Love, which tells about love, the narrator actually tells what characters’ feel. This is one of statements before the ending of story, that has been written based on the feeling of the main characters.

Data 8

He said that if she felt uncomfortable with her boyfriend, will she came back to him and re-write their love story. Then, She replied,“YES, I WILL BE, Don’t worryabout my love to you, that is huge than him now.”

The statement above was reported by narrator by combining reported speech and direct speech in a narrative. Direct speech is written in paragraph to help indirect speech form to give meaningful of utterance. That phenomenon is very rarely found, but the narrator just wants to give deeply meaning, if she is still loved him much.






After the present writer has served the description and the discussion of the report about reported speech, finally, conclusions and suggestions may be provided as follow.

3.1 Conclusion

After collected, all data found in the novel, that the present writer had been takenfrom Djalil’s Secret Love, were analyzed and examined, considering the use of reported speech between two types in the chapter two. The reported speech is manifested through dialog and narrative. Both direct and indirect speech syntactically would be followed by some syntactical categories.


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3.2 Suggestions



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