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The Effectiveness of Using Social Notrvorking Site in Teaching Writing Recount Text (An Experiment Study at Tenth Grade Students of SM{ Negeri 87 Jakarta)


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(An Experimental Study at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta)


Fenny Yutika Seli NIM: 1110014000091





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Training in a Partial Fulfillment in English Language Education




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Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMAN 87 Jakarta,/, written by Fenny yutika Seli, student's registration number 1110014000091 was examined by the committee on December


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have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of "S. pd" @achelor of Arts) in

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Judul Skripsi

The Effectiveness of Using Social Notrvorking Site in Teaching Writing Recount Text

(An Experiment Study at Tenth Grade Students of SM{ Negeri 87 Jakarta)

Dosen Pembimbing : t. Pr. FaridaHamid, M. Pd

2. Yennyrahmawati, M. Ed

Deng4n ini menyatakan batrwa Skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan

saya bertanggung jawab penuh secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis.

Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Mwraqosah.

Jakarta,9 Desember2AH

Matrasiswa Ybs.

Fenny Yutika Seli

NIM: 1110014000091

Fenny Yutika Seli

Jakarta, i3 Desember 1992

I I 10014000091



FENNY YUTIKA SELI, 2014, The Effectiveness of Using Social Networking Site in Teaching Writing of recount text at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta, Skripsi, English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Advisors: Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed

Key words: Recount Text, Social Networking Site, Facebook

The objective of the study is to find the empirical evidence of whether social networking site is effective towards students’ skill in writing of recount text. According to some theories and previous studies, it shows that there is positive effect of using social networking site in teaching writing.

This research was a quasi-experiment which involved two classes (experimental class and controlled class) to be researched. The experimental class was treated by using Facebook (one of social networking sites) as a media of writing and the controlled class was treated without using Facebook. The samples of this research were the tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta. They were X IIS 3 class as the experimental class and X IIS 2 as the controlled class. Each class consisted of 25 students. They were chosen by using purposive sampling. The instrument that used was written test and analytical scoring by John Anderson was used to assess the tests result. The pre-test mean score of experimental class was 65.9 while the post-test mean score of controlled class was 82.6. In the contrary, the pre-test mean score of controlled class was 66 and the test mean score was 77.7. The significant difference was shown by the post-test mean score of experimental class which was treated by using Facebook in teaching writing was greater than post-test mean score of controlled class which was not treated by using Facebook.

The result of statistical hypothesis test found that on significance level 5% ttable was 1.67 while tobserved was 2.75 or tobserved>ttable. Hence, the H0 (Null

Hypothesis) was rejected and Ha (Alternative Hypothesis) was accepted. In the



FENNY YUTIKA SELI, 2014, The Effectiveness of Using Social Networking Site in Teaching Writing recount of text at Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta, Skripsi,Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Dosen Pembimbing: Dr. Farida Hamid, M.Pd Yeni Rahmawati, M.Ed

Kata Kunci: Recount Text, Social Networking Site, Facebook

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan data empiris apakah

social networking site efektif terhadap kemampuan siswa dalam menulis recount text. Merujuk kepada beberapa teori dan penelitian terdahulu, ini menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh baik dengan menggunakan social networking site dalam pengajaran menulis.

Ini adalah penelitian quasi eksperimen yang melibatkan dua kelas (kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol) untuk diteliti. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan menggunakan Facebook (salah satu situs jaringan social/ social networking sites) sebagai sebuah media menulis dan kelas kontrol diberi perlakuan tanpa menggunakan Facebook. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 10 dari SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta. Kelas X IIS 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X IIS 2 sebagai kelas control. Masing-masing kelas berisi 25 siswa. Mereka dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Instrumen yang dipakai adalah tes tertulis dan

analytical scoring dari John Anderson digunakan untuk menilai hasil tes. Nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas eksperimen adalah 65.9. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata post-test kelas eksperimen adalah 82.6. Sebaliknya, nilai rata-rata pre-test kelas kontrol adalah 66 dan nilai rata-rata post-testnya adalah 77.7. Perbedaan signifikan terlihat dari nilai post-test kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan Facebook dalam pengajaran menulis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan nilai post-test kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan Facebook.

Hasil dari hipotesis statistik menemukan bahwa di significance level 5% ttabel adalah 1.67 sedangkan tobservasi adalah 2.75 atau tobservasi>ttabel. Oleh karena itu,

H0 (Hipotesis nol) ditolak dan Ha (hipotesis alternatif) diterima. Dengan kata lain,



Alhamdulillah, the writer thanks to Allah SWT, The Lord of the

universe. He always gives strong and favor in completing this “Skripsi” by the

title “The Effectiveness of Using Social Networking Site in Teaching Writing of

Recount Text”. Blessing and salvation be upon beloved Prophet Muhammad

SAW and his family, his companions, and his followers.

The writer wants to thank a lot to all people who support and help her.

She realizes without their support and help, she could not be able to finish this


In this opportunity, the writer would like to express her gratitude to Dr.

Farida Hamid, M.Pd and Yenny Rahmawati, M.Ed., for their valuable advice,

guidance, dedication, corrections, and suggestions in finishing this “Skripsi”.

There are also some people that the writer would like to thank to:

1. Dra. Nurlena, M.A., Ph.D., as the Dean Faculty of Tarbiyah and

Teachers’ Training the State Islamic University Jakarta.

2. Drs. Syauki, M.Pd., as the head of English Education Department.

3. Zahril Anasy, M.Hum., as the Secretary of English Education


4. All lecturer of English Education Department who have already taught

the writer during his study at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

5. E. Awalludin S., M.Pd, as the Headmaster of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta

who has allowed the writer to conduct and observe the research at the


6. Eko Ardiawati, S.Pd, as the English teacher of SMAN 87 Jakarta who

has given the writer advices in teaching and doing this research.

7. The writer wants to give her sincerest gratitude to her beloved parents,



and Irma who always give her support and courage through these years

and thanks for being the best, the funniest, and the craziest friends.

9. Her friends in English Education Department 2010, class A, B, and C.

thanks for giving support, sharing their time and being good friends.

10.Her others best friends: Lita, Inggit, Diah, Tyas, Nevi, Aping, Cempaka,

Ria, Bangga, Rendy, Butet, Fia, Cuda, and Ojan who have pushed me to

finish this research very soon. Thanks guys for always being by my side.

11.Fajar Hayat Putra, S.Pd., who never tired in supporting and praying for

me. Thank you for your thought, time, and love.

12.All people who have given their help in writing this “Skripsi” that the

writer could not mention it one by one.

The words are not enough to appreciate for their help and contribution in

writing this “Skripsi”, may Allah SWT., bless them all. Finally, the writer realizes

that this “Skripsi” is not perfect yet. Therefore, the writer would like to accept

critics and suggestion from everyone who reads this “Skripsi”

Finally, the writer expects this “Skripsi” will give valuable information for

development of education and become the inspiration for people who read it.

Jakarta, 9th December 2014






ABSTRAK ... ii





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Identification of the Problem ... 4

C. Limitation of the Problem ... 5

D. Formulation of the Problem ... 5

E. Objectives of the Study ... 5

F. Significance of the Study ... 5


1. Definition of Writing ... 7

2. Teaching Writing Approaches ... 8



3. The Language Features of Recount Text ... 12

4. The Sample of Recount Text ... 12

C. Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) ... 13

1. Definition of CALL ... 13

2. Types of CALL ... 14

D. Social Networking Sites ... 14

E. Facebook as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)... 16

F. Teaching Writing Through Facebook ... 17

G. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Teaching Writing ... 18

H. Peer Assessment in Writing ... 20

I. Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Assessment ... 20

J. Conceptual Thinking ... 21

K. Relevant Previous Study ... 22

CHAPTER III: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Place and Time of the Study ... 25

B. Method of Study ... 25

C. The Population and Sample ... 26

D. Technique of Data Collecting ... 26

E. Technique of Data Analyzing ... 28

F. Statistical Hypotheses ... 33


1. Data Description ... 35

2. Data Analysis ... 40



A. Conclusion ... 46

B. Suggestion ... 47




Table 3.1 Rubric of Written Test Assessment ... 28

Table 4.1 The Test Result of Experimental Class ... 35

Table 4.2 Interview Specification and the Students’ Response ... 37

Table 4.3 The Test Result of Controlled Class ... 39



Appendix 1 Pre-test and Post-test ... 51

Appendix 2 Kisi-Kisi Interview ... 53

Appendix 3 Interview Sheet ... 55

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan ... 57

Appendix 5 Sample of students’ writing in Facebook ... 91

Appendix 6 Sample of the students’ pre-test and post-test ... 95

Appendix 7 Interview Script ... 99

Appendix 8 Pre-test and Post-test score ... 104

Appendix 6 Surat Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi ... 105

Appendix 7 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ... 106

Appendix 8 Surat Permohonan Izin Penelitian ... 107



This chapter presents and discusses the background of the study, identification

of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of

the study, and significance of the study.


Background of Study

Many researchers conduct some researches about the effectiveness or the

relationship between Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and foreign

language mastery. They used software application, audio-visual media, website,

social networking sites, and so on. For example, researchers from Malaysia -Yunus

and Salehi- held the research with the title “The Effectiveness of Facebook Groups on

Teaching and Improving Writing: Students‟ Perceptions”, the findings showed that

„Facebook groups‟ is an effective tool in improving the students‟ writing skills,

especially in the brainstorming of ideas before the actual writing.1 In contrast, the result of a research by Mardi (a skripsi at UIN Jakarta) with the title “The

Effectiveness of Using ICT (Information Communication and Technology) on

Students‟ English Achievement” showed that using ICT is more difficult than using

non-ICT. So, the students‟ English scores taught by using non ICT are better than

those who were taught by using ICT.2 Those studies motivate the writer to conduct a research about CALL too in order to know whether it can be an effective tool as

Yunus and Salehi said or a difficult tool according to Mardi‟s research.

Today, the education world is moving toward the use of technology. Learners

love everything related to technology and internet, so that new technology is highly

1 Melor Md. Yunus and Hadi Salehi, “The Effectiveness of Facebook Groups on Teaching

and Improving Writing: Students‟ Perceptions”, International Journal of Education and Information Technologies Issue 1, (6) 2012, p. 87.

2 Teni Mardi, “The Effectiveness of Using ICT (Information Communication and


motivator which they can take advantages of. The advent of smartphones, tablet

computers and Wi-Fi at school or campus means that students are always connecting,

sharing, publishing, playing and networking with other people in the world.

Computers are used widely in teaching and learning languages. They are used

for many applications in the teaching and learning process. In EFL context, we have

to answer on how to use computers most effectively to support language learning.

One of the ways to use CALL in language learning effectively is by using social

networking sites (SNs) in the teaching and learning process.

According to Krashen in Surthiwartnerueput and Wasanasomsithi‟s article, by

using SNs, students can decrease their anxiety and can be more motivated in learning

English. It is because many learners often have problems such as the anxiety of

speaking in front of their friends, the fear of making mistakes, and many other

negative feelings in participating in normal classroom condition.3 When students can decrease their negative feelings in learning, the material can be taught easily by the


Now, we know Facebook as one of many social networking sites in the world.

In Facebook, people can share their thought, photos, videos, location, and so on to the

world. Not only those but also we can use it for media to learn especially in writing.

Actually, many people love to write their idea, experience, or something inspiring in

some social media. It can be said that everyone has an opportunity to write anything

and to be read by the others. The writer sees this as a chance to enhance the students‟

writing skill.

Furthermore, Indonesia has English Standard Competence to guide teachers to

teach writing. As what is stated in Curriculum of 2013, the students in senior high

school level have to be able to write some kinds of texts in order to achieve the

learning goals formulated by government. One of those texts is recount text. The

3Thanawan Suthiwartnarueput and Punchalee Wasanasomsithi, “Effects of using Facebook as

a Medium for Discussions of English Grammar and Writing of Low-Intermediate EFL students”.


main material is recount text as a simple oral and written text about


In the area of EFL, writing has many uses and functions. To begin with, the

ability to write acceptable scientific English is essential for post-graduate students

who must write their dissertations in English. Moreover, writing EFL allows for

communication to large numbers of people all over the world. It also provides

students with physical evidence of their achievement. This in turn helps them to

determine what they know and what they don't know. Writing can also enhance

students' thinking skills. Additionally, writing can enhance students' vocabulary,

spelling, and grammar. Finally, writing skills are often needed for formal and

informal testing.4 So, writing is important because it has many functions in mastery English. If someone learns the writing skill, automatically they can communicate

with people in the world, improve their thinking skills because writing can stimulate

their brain to produce idea, develop their vocabulary, spelling, and grammar, and help

them in many tests in the future.

Based on the writers‟ observation when teaching in tenth grade of SMA

Negeri 87 Jakarta, some students said that they like writing using English so much

especially in their personal blog or their social media account. It makes their writing

can be read by foreigner and get a response or comments from them. In contrast, the

other students said they really dislike writing because they have no idea and a will to

start their writing even though they all have social networking sites account.

Moreover, the basic reason why they do not want to write is they are too afraid to

make a mistake in writing either the grammatical error or the wrong diction.

Furthermore, their writing scores are not really good but just average. It happened

because the grammatical error and the structure of writing.



The students‟ low ability in writing can be caused by technical problem. The

teacher does not provide the chance for the students to practice writing. Students may

not write very much because the teacher does not give enough writing tasks. The

teacher sometimes does not ask the students to do writing tasks because assigning and

correcting students‟ writing takes much time.

From those cases, the writer wants to know how a social networking site has a

role in their writing skill and how effective a social media for everyday use while

enhancing their writing skill. In addition, the writer also wants to improve their

writing through this research.

There are some solutions of this problem. One of the solutions that can help

the students to practice their writing skill is by using SNs especially Facebook in the

learning process. As students become increasingly connected through social

networking sites such as Facebook, it is important for us to explore how these can be

utilized specifically in the foreign language classroom. As users connect, they are

able to share their idea in writing. This could allow the instructor to facilitate

discussion among students of target language and culturally relevant material. The

writer will teach recount text which are the students have to retell their past activities.

Learners can write their thought for their task, find the other sources in the internet,

give comments and argue each other in the tasks that given by the teacher.

Based on the background above, the writer would like to take a research under

the title: “The Effectiveness of Using Social Networking Site in Teaching Writing of

Recount Text at SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta”


Identification of the Problem

From the background of the study written above, the researcher identifies

problems as below:

1. From previous observation in SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta, many students have some


willingness to write, and they are too afraid to write in English because they do

not master the grammar and some vocabulary.

2. Students did not get good scores in writing.

3. Students become addicted in using social networking sites without realizing of

many advantages that they can take.


Limitation of the Problem

To avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem, it is important to limit

the problem. The limitations of the problem are:

1. The writer limits the subject matter to the teaching and learning writing.

2. The writer will use Facebook as media when she gives assignments to the



Formulation of the Problem

The analysis of the writer will be mainly based on the theories in some books

or it will be done through library research. Moreover, the analysis will also be based

from the internet study. The formulation as follows:

Is social networking site effective in teaching writing of recount text at SMA

Negeri 87 Jakarta?


Objective of the Study

Based on the formulation above, the objective of study is to find out whether

the use of social networking site is effective in teaching writing of recount text or not.


Significance of the Study

The significance of this writing might be expected as follows:

1. The Writer

This study is expected to give the new information to the writer about how to


2. The English Teachers

This finding (result) of this study is expected to provide useful information about

a media used in teaching writing and it is hoped to be applied in teaching and

learning process.

3. The Further Researcher

This study is expected to give new knowledge to the further researcher to do the



This chapter presents and discusses the concept of writing, the concept of

recount text, Computer-Assisted Language Learning, Social Networking Site,

Facebook as Computer-Assisted Language Learning, teaching writing through

Facebook, advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook in teaching writing, peer

assessment in writing, advantages and disadvantages of peer assessment, conceptual

thinking, and relevant previous study.


The Concept of Writing


Definition of Writing

The definition of writing according to Langan is “Writing is a skill. People who believe that writing is a „natural gift‟ rather than a learned skill may think they are the only ones for whom writing is unbearably difficult.”1

It means that people

who think that writing is really hard judge that everyone else‟s writing is easy. On the

other words, that people imply that they simply do not have a talent for writing, while

others do. This attitude shows that they try to avoid writing and while they are

writing, they do not try their best. So, writing is a learned skill that can be learned by

everyone without worrying whether they have talent to do this or not.

As Rosen points out in Hedge‟s book, writing is detached from the wide range of expressive possibilities in speech. Compared with speech, effective writing

requires a number of things: a high degree of organization in the development of

ideas and information; a high degree of accuracy so that there is no ambiguity of

meaning; the use of complex grammatical devices for focus and emphasis; and a

careful choice of vocabulary, grammatical patterns, and sentence structures to create a



style which is appropriate to the subject matter and the eventual readers.2 It can be said that writing is definitely different with speaking. A writer is unable to exploit all

the devices available to a speaker such as: gesture, body movement, facial expression,

pitch tone of voice, stress, and hesitations. In contrast, a speaker can clarify and

revise ideas as listeners question or disagree directly while a writer cannot.

From Tangpermpoon‟s opinion, writing is known as the most complicated skill to master for language learners because they need to have several background

knowledge of L2 about the rhetorical organizations, proper language use or specific

lexicon with which they want to deliver to their readers.3 When students write, they need to have some thoughts or ideas in their head to be expressed in their writing and

it takes some times. From that definition, it can be concluded that writing is a quite

difficult skill to master for language learners.

From all definitions above, it shows that writing is a way for a person to show

their personal thoughts about something, someone, or any other ideas. Not only that

but also it can be as a way to communicate with others if the writer shares their

writing to someone else or public. By writing, someone can enhance their thinking

skill because writing needs well-organized ideas to make it interesting to read by the

readers. Everyone can learn to write because writing is a skill not a natural gift.


Teaching Writing Approaches

There are three main approaches according to Tangpermpoon, they are:4

a. Product-Based Approaches

Basically, writing in product-based approaches has served to reinforce L2

writing in terms of grammatical and syntactical forms. Writing in the product-based


Tricia Hedge, Resource Book for Teachers: Writing, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998), p. 5.

3Thanatkun Tangpermpoon, “Integrated Approaches to Improve Students Writing Skills for

English Major Students”, ABAC Journal 28, No. 2(2008), p.1.



approach overemphasizes on the importance of grammar, syntax, and mechanics

instead of the writing purpose itself.

b. Process-Based Approaches

Process-based writing is viewed as the way or the whole step from beginning

stage until the ending stage of written product that writers work on their writing

projects. The concept of this approach is an activity in which teachers encourage

learners to see writing not as grammar exercises, but as the discovery of meaning and

ideas. It can be said that the grammar, syntax, and mechanics are not really important

in the first writing but the process of write better step by step is very crucial.

c. Genre-Based Approach

The genre-based approach is the way to language and literacy education that

combines an understanding of genre and genre teaching together in the writing class.

Writing in the genre-based approach is regarded as an extension of the

product-oriented approach since learners have an opportunity to study a wide variety of

writing patterns, for instance, the business letter, the academic report, and the

research paper. Like other writing approaches, the genre-based approach is

increasingly used in the L2 writing classroom due to having certain strengths. The

focus of writing in this approach aims at integrating the knowledge of a particular

genre and its communicative purpose; these help learners to produce their written

products to communicate to others in the same discourse community successfully.


Writing Process

Good writing skills are essential for effective communication. Learning to

write well takes time and needs practices. The process of writing can be divided into

the following stages:5



a. Prewriting

Prewriting is anything that someone does before he writes a draft of his

document. It includes thinking, taking notes, talking to others, brainstorming,

outlining, and gathering information (e.g., interviewing people, researching in the

library, assessing data).

b. Writing the first draft

In this part, students put their ideas on paper. A draft is where students begin

to record their ideas and add information of their research and experience. At this

time, they write without major attention to punctuation, grammar, or neatness. Some

teachers may refer to this as a rough draft. The purpose of the rough draft is for the

student to focus on his/her ideas and get them on paper without the distraction or fear

of making mistakes in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, or paragraph structure.6

c. Revising

Revising is as much a stage in the writing process as prewriting, outlining,

and doing the first draft. Revising means that you rewrite a paragraph or paper,

building upon what has already been done in order to make it stronger.7 On the other words, revision is the gaps, clumsy wording, lack of clarity, inadequate detail, and

other problems can be transformed into a solid essay through the process of

reworking.8 Revising can be said as checking or seeing again our own writing or someone else‟s writing whether there are some mistakes in the structure, spelling, capitalization, words choice, organization of idea, content, etc.

d. Editing

Editing is the next step after people revised his paper. When editing, someone

have to correct the errors that he/her has made in his/her writing. When someone

believe that he has said what he want to say the way he want to say it, he is ready to

edit their paper to be a better writing than before.


George Braine and Claire May, Writing from Sources: A Guide for ESL Students, (California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 1996), p. 29.


Langan, op. cit., p. 33.



So, there are four processes of writing according to Langan. First, prewriting

is a process that can help someone think about and create some materials of his

writing. Next is writing the first draft. The first draft means the rough draft which

consists of some main ideas and detail information without considering the language

features. Then, revising is checking the writing again in order to make correction. The

final process is editing which the writer must correct their writing.


The Concept of Recount Text

There are some genres that should be studied by senior high school students;

one of them is recount text. According to Nafisah and Kurniawan as cited in Nurohmah‟s article, recount text is a text that retells the sequence of events or experiences which someone has ever got in the past.9 Anderson and Anderson stated that recount is “a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they happened”.10 It means that the writers or the speakers have to tell again to the readers or listeners about their activity in the past chronologically.

Even though recount text had been studied since junior high school,

sometimes the students had problems in writing it. It is because in writing recount

text, the students should know the purpose of the text, and be aware in using the

schematic structures and applying language features.


The Purpose of Recount Text

The purpose of recount text is to reconstruct past experiences by retelling

events in original sequence.11 It can be said that the writer will tell his or her past activity in some paragraphs in chronological order.


Iin Nurohmah, “An Analysis of Students‟ Recount Text by Using Systemic Functional

Grammar”, Passage 1, No. 2 (2013): 90.


Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English Type 1, (Australia: Macmillan, 2003), p. 48



Furthermore, it is to provide the audience with a description of what occurred

and when it occurred.12 It shows that the purpose of recount text is to give the explanation about the process and time of events that happened.


The Schematic Structure of Recount Text

The schematic of recount text consists of three parts, namely orientation,

event, and reorientation. The further explanation is as follows:13

a. Orientation, a first paragraph that gives background information about who, what,

where, and when.

b. Event is a series of paragraph that retell the events in the order in which they


c. Reorientation is a concluding paragraph of all the events that had been told. (not

always necessary)

Hence, the schematic structure of recount text has three sections which the

first paragraph, called orientation, tells the characters who involved in story; what

happened in general, the place where the events happened, and the time of the events.

Next, event tells what happened in sequence. The last is re-orientation as an ending



The Language Features of Recount Text

According to Mark Anderson and Kathy Anderson the language features of

recount text are:14

a. Proper noun to identify those involved in the text.

b. Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, and where.

c. The use of the past tense to retell the events.

d. Words that show the order of events (for example: first, next, then, etc.)


Anderson and Anderson, loc. cit.


Ibid., p. 50.




The Sample of Recount Text

This is one example of recount text:15

„The X Files‟

„The X Files‟ is one of television‟s most popular shows, watched each week by millions of people in over sixty countries.

The show was created by Chris Carter, a former magazine

editor, who always wanted to make a cool and scary television series. His idea for „The X Files‟ came after he saw the results of a survey that said three out of every hundred Americans believed

that aliens had captured them.

Carter‟s next step was to produce a pilot episode, which was to be the beginning of the series. When it was shown on

American television it received poor reviews.

After a while the audience grew and „The X Files‟ became popular with both adults and teenagers. By this time Carter was

able to spend more on production.

„The X Files‟ has been nominated for many awards and continues to attract a growing audience.


Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)


Definition of CALL

Computer assisted language learning (CALL) is both exciting and frustrating

as a field of research and practice. It is exciting because it is complex, dynamic and

quickly changing – and it is frustrating for the same reasons. CALL expanded in 1980‟s and 1990‟s with accessibility of personal computers for language learners.16


Ibid. p. 50.

16Omer Eren, “Students‟ Attitudes towards Using Social Networking in Foreign Language

Classes: A Facebook Example”, International Journal of Business and Social Science 3, No. 20 (Special Issue – October 2012), p. 288.




CALL is defined by Davies as “an approach to language teaching and learning in which computer technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement, and

assessment of material to be learned, usually including a sustainable interactive

element".17 In addition, Maley stated that CALL is the newest in the several of modern language learning aids which began with gramophone.18 So, CALL is a process that uses a computer and, as a result, it improves learner‟s language.


Types of CALL

Types of CALL programs/materials include (from ICT4LT Module 1.4)19: a. CALL-specific software: applications designed to develop and facilitate language

learning, such as CD-ROMs, web-based interactive language learning

exercises/quizzes (see CD-ROM examples for language learning)

b. Generic software: applications designed for general purposes, such as

word-processors (Word), presentation software (PowerPoint, see an e-book made by

students "Many Moons"), and spread sheet (Excel), that can be used to support

language learning (see examples of using Excel for language learning &

teaching) *Also see Microsoft Office Online Templates)

c. Web-based learning programs: online dictionaries, online encyclopaedias, online

concordances, news/magazine sites, e-texts, web-quests, web publishing, blog,

wiki, social networking sites, etc.

d. Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs: synchronous - online chat;

asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board, etc.


Mahdi, op.cit., p.192.


David Herdisty and Scott Windeatt, CALL: Resource Books for Teachers, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989), p. 3




Social Networking Sites

As can be seen above, social networking sites (SNs) is one of CALL types

which involves in web-based learning programs. Rigby said that social networks have

become places where young people spend a considerable part of their lives.20 In these places, they create identities, make friends, share the idea, and so on. Moreover, Boyd

and Ellison in Harrison and Thomas‟ article define SNs as web-based services that

allow individuals to: 1) construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded

system, 2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and 3)

view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the

system.21 Hence, SNs is web sites for everyone who has same interest in particular things where they can create their own profile, discuss their favourite topic, and

connect by making connections through individual or groups.

The term “same interest” can also be used for “same objective” in foreign language classes. There are self-expression and social interaction in SNs, some of the

most important contexts for language use, which can be created or imitated by

teachers in foreign language (FL) classrooms to enhance language acquisition. SNs

are also popular among the learners. This makes SNs attractive possible sites for FL


If the teachers involve the pedagogic material in SNs activities as FL

experiences, students can be more motivated and spend more time on the FL tasks.

Then, it can be used for communicating and connecting with others in the second

language (L2) or FL through a class which learners will become well poised to

establish relationship with other speakers of L2 via SNs in the future and to become


Ben Rigby, Mobilizing Generation 2.0: A Practical Guide to Use Web 2.0, (San Francisco: Jossey Bass, 2008), p. 59.



autonomous, lifelong learners.22 SNs therefore are a promising tool for FL education in their capacity to be used by learners as FL practice.

Teachers may use one or more than one SNs as a media. It depends on the

needs and goal of learning. From various kinds of SNs such as Facebook, MySpace,

Twitter, Path, YouTube, and so on, the writer chose Facebook because it provides a

group application which lets the teachers use the internal elements to manipulate

groups for FL class.


Facebook as Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)

In this research, the writer will talk about Social Networking Sites (SNs)

especially Facebook which is included in Web-based learning programs. According to Stelter‟s definition in Suthiwartnarueput and Wasanasomsithi‟s article, “Facebook is a one of the most popular social networking sites which allow users to post any

information, chat with friends or other users, and collaborate within the system”.23 It is also a technological tool which can nurture the student-teacher relationship by

creating positive learning experiences for both parties stated Mazer, Murphy and

Simonds.24 So, Facebook is one of social networking sites that can be used by everyone all over the world to post any updates or information, share photos, chat or

argue with other users, and also to be a media for learning some subjects or many

things. Students not only have greater chances to collaborate with many people in the

world but also can learn English at the same time if they use Facebook as a tool for

their study by spending time browsing profiles, meeting new people, and exploring

relationships using the English Language.

Students use Facebook primarily for „social searching.‟ That is, students use Facebook to learn more about a person they have met. It is also used for social and

22Kara McBride, “Social

-Networking Sites in Foreign Language Classes: Opportunities for

Re-creation”, www.slu.edu, Internet, available from

http://www.slu.edu/~kmcbrid8/McBride09_SNS.pdf, accessed 3o September 2014, p. 35.


Suthiwartnarueput and Wasanasomsithi, op.cit., p. 195.



emotional support and as a resource to find information. According to Rita, Facebook can have a positive influence in improving learners‟ literacy.25

She explains in her

paper that learners can comment and get a good feedback from others. The

helpfulness comment and peer reviewing can be a strong expert input for learners.

Facebook can be a meaningful environment for learning English for language

learners. There are many applications that are available to use. Facebook is not only

for fun, but also can be a useful site to improve students‟ language skill.


Teaching Writing Through Facebook

Teachers can use Facebook as a media to motivate students to write. Facebook

is popular among students that they will find it is fun to practice their writing on this

site. Learners may not realize that they are learning through their everyday routine

which is many of them using Facebook as a media to write their informal writing.

The teacher can ask the students to do writing task as homework since there is not

enough time to practice writing in the classroom.

In Facebook, there is an application named Facebook group. It can be used by

teachers to share materials to the students in a whole class. „FB groups‟ provides a

space where ideas are posted in view of all, to be open to criticism as well as praise.26 Higher order thinking skills are needed in organizing, synthesizing and analyzing the

ideas whether by individual, peers, or groups in constructing new knowledge. Then, „FB groups‟ provides ample opportunities for students to practice and improve their writing skills.27 Students can learn many new sentences from reading their friends‟ comment and they feel obliged to respond them which it can enhance their writing


25 Rita Inderawati Rudy, “From Classroom to Peer Comment in Facebook: Bridging to

Establish Learners‟ Literacy”,International conference “ICT for language learning”,(Sriwijaya University Palembang: Pixel, 4th edition , 2011), P. 1.

26Melor Md. Yunus and Hadi Salehi, “The Effectiveness of Facebook Groups on Teaching

and Improving Writing: Students‟ Perceptions”, International Journal of Education and Information Technologies Issue 1, (6) 2012, p. 90



Undeniably, students often use their social networking account to write some

informal writing to express their ideas or personal thoughts. Strangely, students considered these types of informal writing as “communication” and not likened to the “writing” tasks that are given in schools.28

The researcher believes that FB has

potential benefits to improve students‟ writing skills by being the link between academic “writing” and outside “communication”.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Facebook in Teaching


There are some advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook in teaching

writing according to Yunus, Salehi, and Chenzi:29

1. Advantages:

a. Most students now are digital natives, so Facebook engage them by presenting

material in a way that is familiar and comfortable for them.

b. Students can get enough input from Facebook so they will develop students‟ writing skills. In Facebook, teacher‟s notes can be viewed with chronological order. This is very convenient when preparing lessons that build upon previous

materials taught in the class.

c. Students will have a larger audience when they use Facebook. Working online

fosters a sense of global interaction. Students can communicate with their

teachers and friends by Facebook. This is especially helpful for shy students who

might not otherwise reach out.

d. Facebook allow for multimedia interaction which brings together pictures, videos,

links and so on.



29 Melor Md Yunus, Hadi Salehi, and Chen Chenzi, “Integrating Social Networking Tools


e. Students will take responsibility for their works because they have a larger

audience when they use Facebook. This may empower them and their work and

leads to self-directed learning.

f. Students can read comments for the class as a whole and comments directly and

individually on them. This maximizes feedback and contact with the teacher.

g. Parents can view their children‟s work and progress.

2. Disadvantages:

a. The relationship between teacher and students can somehow be tricky. Teachers

need to realize that even though the environment is virtual, the identity should not

be hidden.

b. It takes time to design, edit and modify digital learning materials for teachers.

Sometimes it is time-consuming and frustrating to search for the materials online.

Moreover, the learners will be encountered with a pool of information with little

control over the quality and accuracy of the content.

c. The learners must have access to computer and internet. Hence, when the

technology is not reliable or the internet is not available, the learners will be faced

with difficulties.

d. Some learners find it so difficult to read the materials online because they are

accustomed to the traditional book-centered approach.

e. Students will spare more time on playing computer games and chatting on-line on

the pretext of doing writing on internet.

f. Writing tasks online will lead students to „copy-paste‟ from the extensive online

resources without thinking.

In conclusion, almost all of things in the world have strengths and weaknesses

and so do Facebook. People can take the good side of this site and avoid the negative



Peer Assessment in Writing

Assessment is a key element in language learning. There are some variants of

assessment in writing. One of them is peer assessment. Referring to Falchikov in Ako‟s book, “peer assessment requires students to provide either feedback or grades (or both) to their peers on a product or a performance, based on the criteria of

excellence for that product or event which students may have been involved in

determining”.30 Moreover, Liu and Hansen in Bijami, et.al., emphasized that peer assessment is sources of information and a medium of interaction that involves comment and critique for each other‟s‟ writing in both written and oral formats in the process of writing. It is a way that learners assume roles and responsibilities normally

taken on by a formally trained teacher, tutor, or editor.31 On the other words, in peer assessment, every student has to give their personal comment, suggestion, and correction to their friend‟s writing in both written and oral formats based on the certain criteria of the material.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Peer Assessment

As Bijami, et. al., said in their article, there are some advantages and

disadvantages of peer assessment.32 They are:

1. Advantages

a. Peer feedback encourages student to participate in the classroom activity and

make them less passively teacher- dependent

b. Using peer feedback can lead less writing apprehension and more confidence as

well as establish a social context for writing.

c. Peer feedback is beneficial in developing critical thinking, learner autonomy and

social interaction among students.

30 Wāhanga Whakapakari Ako

, Assessment Matters: Self-Assessment and Peer Assessment, (New Zealand: Teaching Development Unit, 2012), p. 10.


Maryam Bijami, et.al., “Peer Feedback in Learning English Writing: Advantages and

Disadvantages”, Journal of Studies in Education 3, No. 4 (2013), p. 93.



d. The practice of peer feedback allows students to receive more individual

comments as well as giving reviewers the opportunity to practice and develop

different language skills

2. Disadvantages

a. Some students believe teacher feedback is more qualified

b. Most peer responses focused on product rather than the processes of writing, and

many students in L2 contexts focused on sentence- level errors (local errors)

rather than on the content and ideas


Conceptual Thinking

According to the writer, writing is an activity for expressing someone‟s personal thought towards something, someone, and so on. Moreover, writing is a skill

that quite challenging for language learners to master because they need to know

some information about the organization of idea, the appropriate language use, the

grammar, etc. EFL learners need a media that they can use for practicing, reviewing,

and discussing their writing with the teachers or the other students without anxiety

and shyness. Therefore, a Facebook may be a new media that they can take

advantages of to learn English and increase their writing skill.

The most successful social networking site is Facebook.33 This Web site has hundreds of millions of users and it is an enticing way for students to form an online

community. One of the problems, however, is the possibility of privacy infringement

as students get more confident in their English writing skills and become more open

to talk about their private lives online. Not only that, but also students can practice

their English writing skills everywhere. It may be necessary for teachers and students

to discuss some ground rules for using Facebook before starting to use it. Besides,


Robert Chatrand, “Social Networking for Language Learners: Creating Meaningful Output


students can do peer assessment in their friends‟ writing and it can be seen by the

whole students that join on the FB group. It is, however, an excellent way to

communicate as the content that is posted to the site may motivate learners to share

ideas and thoughts that would be very difficult to duplicate in a classroom setting.


Relevant Previous Study

The findings of “Effects of Using Facebook as a Medium for Discussions of

English Grammar and Writing of Low-Intermediate EFL Students” by

Suthiwartnarueput and Wasanasomsithi in Electronic Journal of Foreign Language

Teaching showed a statistically significant difference between the mean scores of the

pre-test and the post-test (t = 6.65, p = 0.00). Most common topics of discussion

involved sentence structures, followed by word meanings, parts of speech and then

relative clauses. It was found that English grammar was worth promoting for

discussions on Facebook because there were correlations between the gain scores in

the grammar and writing parts at the significant levels (r = 0.399 in the pre-test and r

= 0.859 in the post-test).34 The students also had positive attitudes toward using Facebook as a means of learning grammar and writing. As an alternative learning

tool, Facebook provided them a convenient and attractive means to engage in

discussions with the teacher and other users who had better grammatical knowledge.

In addition, “Students‟ Attitudes towards using Social Networking in Foreign

Language Classes: A Facebook Example” by Eren aims to investigate students‟

attitudes towards use of social networking sites, Facebook in particular, in language

classroom.35 This study was carried out at a university in Gaziantep, Turkey with 48 undergraduate students who were enrolled in one year compulsory English

preparatory class. The research design included a 5 point Likert-type questionnaire

and semi-structured interviews. It was found out that students have a very positive

attitude towards the use of Facebook activity as a supplement to language classroom,


Suthiwartnarueput and Wasanasomsithi, op.cit., p. 194.



but traditional classroom based language learning still remains a backbone for

language education.

Furthermore, “The Effectiveness of Facebook Groups on Teaching and Improving Writing: Students‟ Perceptions by Yunus and Salehi indicated that this study attempted to investigate the students‟ perceptions on the effectiveness of

Facebook (FB) groups for teaching and improving writing.36 The authors saw a need to carry out this study as it provides a platform to discover pedagogical implications

that would benefit the Y-generation in terms of improving their writing skills in a

Malaysian ESL context. The respondents of this research comprised 43 third year students completing their bachelor‟s degree in TESL, in the Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The students‟ perceptions were measured through a questionnaire comprising 10 close-ended items and 3 open-ended ones.

Respondents were required to participate in a Facebook group created by the researchers. The Facebook group, called „Write Out Loud‟ was hosted by Facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_193133474042344&ap=1. The findings showed that „Facebook groups‟ is an effective tool in improving the students‟ writing skills, especially in the brainstorming of ideas before the actual writing. The results of this study may be beneficial to ESL educators in incorporating

ICT into their teaching repertoire.

In contrast, “The Effectiveness of Using ICT (Information Communication

and Technology) on Students‟ English Achievement” by Mardi (a skripsi at UIN

Jakarta) showed that the result of this research using ICT is more difficult than using

non-ICT.37 So, the students‟ English scores taught by using non ICT are better than those who were taught by using ICT. In other words, the null hypothesis is accepted

or there is no significance influence of using ICT in teaching English. This research

used a Quasi-Experimental study which applied pre-test and post-test in both


Yunus and Salehi, op. cit., p. 87.

37 Teni Mardi, “The Effectiveness of Using ICT (Information Communication and


experiment class and control class. He did the research for six meeting by using ICT



This chapter presents place and time of the study, method of study, population

and sample, techniques of data collecting, technique of data analysing, and statistical



Place and Time of the Study

The writer conducted the research for about five months, starting from July to

December 2014. Then, she took the data at the first year of SMAN 87 Jakarta. The

school is located at Jalan Mawar II, Pesanggrahan-Jakarta Selatan. She chose this

school because the English teachers seldom use social networking sites in teaching

and learning process.


Method of Study

The design of this study is quantitative by using quasi-experiment with

pre-test and post-pre-test in which the writer used Facebook when giving some writing

assignments to the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta.

There were two variables involved in this research. They were Social

Networking site as an independent variable and writing recount text as a dependent

variable. The writer compared the results of two classes of the first year students of

SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta, to know if there are any significant differences in teaching

writing of recount text with and without using Social Networking site (Facebook).

They were experimental class and controlled class. She used Facebook when giving



Population and Sample

The experiment was done at the first year of SMA Negeri 87 Jakarta that

involved the process of teaching writing by using Social Networking site; Facebook.

The population of the research was the tenth grade of students SMA Negeri 87. There

are six classes consist of X MIA 1, X MIA 2, X MIA 3, X IIS 1, X IIS 2, and X IIS 3,

so there are 215 students in all.

The sample of research is two classes that are X IIS 2 as controlled class and

X IIS 3 as experimental class. They were chosen by using purposive sampling

technique because of some considerations. There are the same curriculum, subject

material, and the teacher of those classes. Purposivesampling technique, according to

Husaini Usman and R. Purnomo Setiady, is used when the researcher only take the

sample which is suitable with the purpose of the research1. The writer took only 50 students as the sample; 25 students from X IIS 2 and 25 students from X IIS 3.


Techniques of Data Collecting

To collect the data, written test was used as an instrument. The test was

divided into two tests, pre-test and post-test. The pre-test was given to the students

before the treatment and the test after the treatment. Either in pre-test or in

post-test, students had to write at least there paragraphs about their past experience.

The design used in this quantitative research was a quasi-experimental study

which involved two classes (experimental class and controlled class). This kind of

study allows the researcher to look at the effects of at least one independent

variable and one or more dependent variables.2 Independent variable in experimental research is also frequently referred to the experimental or the treatment variable. In

this research, the researcher wanted to see whether the treatment made a difference


Husaini Usman and Purnomo Setiady, Pengantar Statitika Edisi Kedua,(Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2008), p.186



or not. As the final, the result of pre-test and post-test are collected and compared.

Some techniques used in collecting data in research are:

1. Pre-test

The writer gave the students pre-test for both experimental class and

controlled class before the lesson to know the students’ skill of writing recount text.

The pre-test was an essay test which they must tell their past holiday activity in 45


2. Treatment

The writer taught recount text in the experimental class and controlled class.

She gave both classes the same materials but with different media in doing some

assignments. The experimental class’ students used Facebook in writing recount text

task which they had to write, upload, give comments, and interact with the teacher

and the other students. Meanwhile, the controlled class’ students only wrote and gave

feedback or comments in their book and interacted with the teachers and students

only in the classroom.

3. Post-Test

The next step, the writer gave the post-test to both classes after the lesson

finished. In the post test, learners had to choose one of three topics to write in 45

minutes, they are Junior High School best moment, embarrassing moment, and sad


The results of pre-test and post-test was collected and compared to know the

effectiveness of using Social Networking site (Facebook) in teaching writing of

recount text.

4. Interview

Finally, three students were interviewed by some questions that consist of

advantages of peer assessment and using FB in teaching writing. The purpose of

interviewing the students was to know whether their activities in Facebook were



Technique of Data Analyzing

Rubric of written test assessment from Arthur Hughes’ book was used in


assessing students’ writing test:3


No. Aspects Scale Criteria

1. Grammar

6 Few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar of word order.

5 Some errors of grammar or word order which do not, however, interfere with comprehension.


Errors of grammar or word order fairly

frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for

full comprehension.


Errors of grammar or word order frequent;

efforts of interpretation sometimes required on

reader’s part.

2 Errors of grammar or word order very frequent;

reader often has to rely on own interpretation.

1 Errors of grammar or word order so severe as to

make comprehension virtually impossible.

2 Vocabulary


Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely (if it all)

distinguishable from that of educated native



Occasionally uses inappropriate terms or relies

on circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly





Uses wrong or inappropriate words fairly

frequently; expression of ideas may be limited

because of inadequate vocabulary.

3 Limited vocabulary and frequent errors clearly hinder expression of ideas.


Vocabulary so limited and so frequently

misused that reader must often rely on own


1 Vocabulary limitations so extreme as to make comprehension virtually impossible.

3. Mechanics

6 Few (if any) noticeable lapses in punctuation or



Occasional lapses in punctuation or spellings

which do not, however, interfere, with



Errors in punctuation or spelling fairly frequent;

occasional re-reading necessary for full


3 Frequent errors in spelling or punctuation; lead sometimes to obscurity.


Errors in spelling or punctuation so frequent

that reader must often rely on own


1 Errors in spelling or punctuation so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible.


Fluency (style

and ease of



Choice of structures and vocabulary

consistently appropriate like that of educated



Occasional lack of consistency in choice of

structures and which does not, however, impair,

overall, ease of communication.

4 „Patchy’ with some structures or vocabulary

items noticeably inappropriate to general style.


Structures or vocabulary items sometimes not

only inappropriate but also misused; little sense

of ease communication.


Communication often impaired by completely

inappropriate or misused structures or

vocabulary items.


A „hotch-potch’ of half-learned misused structures and vocabulary items rendering

communication almost impossible.

5 Form


6 Highly organized; clear progression of ideas well linked; like educated native writer.


Material well organized; links could

occasionally be clearer but communication not


4 Some lack of organization; re-reading required for clarification of ideas.

3 Little or no attempt at connectivity, though reader can deduce some organization.

2 Individual ideas may be clear, but very difficult to deduce connection between them.

1 Lack of organization so severe that



Gramm: ____+Voc: ____+ Mech: ____ +Fluency: ____+ Form: ____=______

In analyzing the data, the writer used statistical calculating of t-test to find out

the difference scores of student’s achievement in teaching writing using Facebook as

a medium compared without using Facebook. Data processing is the step to know the

result of both experimental class using Facebook as variable X and controlled class

without using Facebook as variable Y, and their differences.

The writer used the comparative technique. The comparative technique is an

analysis technique to evaluate hypothesis concerning the differences between two

variables examined statistically.

In the comparative technique, the variables are compared to recognize

whether or not the differences are significant. The writer will use t-test formula that

adapted from Sudijono before using t-test formula; the writer has sought some

formula below4:

1. Determining Mean of variable X, with formula:

M1 =

M1 = the average of gained score (mean of variable X)

= sum of gained score (variable X) N1 = number of students (variable X)

2. Determining Mean of variable Y, with formula:

M2 =

M1 = the average of gained score (mean of variable Y)



= sum of gained score (variable Y) N2 = number of students (variable Y)

3. Determining standard deviation score of variable X, with formula:

SD1 =

SD1 = standard deviation of variable X

= sum of squared gained score of variable X N1 = number of students (variable X)

4. Determining standard deviation score of variable Y, with formula:

SD2 =

SD2 = standard deviation of variable Y

= sum of squared gained score of variable X N2 = number of stud


Table 4.2 Interview Specification and the Students’ Response .....................  37
Table 4.1 The Test Result of Experimental Class
Table 4.2 Interview Specification and the Students’ Response


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