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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister




Registration Number: 8146111042








Fahada, Nazli. Registration Number: 8146111042, Theme and Rheme of The Malay Pantun used in wedding ceremony in Langkat. A thesis. EnglishApplied Linguistics Study Program, Post Graduate School, State University of Medan, 2016.




Fahada, Nazli. Theme dan rheme dari pantun melayu yang digunakan dalam upacara pernikahan di Langkat. Thesis. Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Medan Postgraduate School. State University of Medan . 2016



First of all, the writer would like to thank to God Allah SWT, Allah the Almighty who has given him the blessing health, strength and patience in the process of completing this thesis which entitle “Theme and rheme of the malay pantun used in wedding ceremony in langkat ” as

a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Magister Humaniora at the Postgraduate of English Applied Linguistics Study Program, State University of Medan. Then, praises are also

addressed to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guided us to the best life.

In the completion of this thesis, the writer wishes to acknowledge her deepest gratitude for all generous guidance and assistance which has been given to him by a lot of people. The

writer would like to express his highest appreciation to Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A.Ph.D. as first advisor and Dr. Zainuddin, M.Hum as second advisor, for their generous assistance, guidance,

advice, and precious time they spent on supervising and guiding this thesis.

The writer would also like to express her gratitude to Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed as the Head of English Applied Linguistics Study Program and Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum as

the Secretary of English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have assisted him in processing the administration requirements during the process of his studies in the Postgraduate School of

the State University of Medan, and not forget special thanks to the all lecturers of the English Applied Linguistics Study Program who have given their valuable knowledge to him in their lectures.

Thanks are due to his proposal reviewers and thesis examiners, Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning. M.Pd, Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed, and Dr. Siti Aisyah Ginting, M.Pd, for their valuable


An un-expressible gratitude to his beloved parents, Khaidir, S.Pd and Latifah, S.Pd, who

has given their love, prays, patience, motivations and supports in keeping encouraging the writer to finish his study. And also special thanks for his brothers, Aldi Al Hafiz, S.kom for the sincere and support, there is no suitable words that can fully describe their everlasting love and

express how much he loves them.

At last, it is honor for her to convey thanks to Surya Kelana Putra, M.Hum, Ahmad

Fadli, M.Hum and Ahmad Fuadi, M.Hum who have motivated and supported him. Then, last but not least thanks to her beloved classmates of LTBI A1 XXIV for sharing the joy and pain together, beautiful moments, sweet memory and keep our friendship going, and all of those who

supported him in any respect during the completion of this thesis.

Medan, 24 August 2016 The Writer,

Nazli Fahada




2.1 Metafunction ... 10

2.2 Textual Function ... 13

2.2.1 Theme and Rheme... 14

2.2.2 Characterization of Theme ... 15

2.2.3 Unmarked and Marked Theme... 16

2.2.4 Simple and Multiple Theme ... 18

2.3 Textual Development ... 23



2.10 Previous Relevant Studies ... 39

2.11 Conceptual Framework ... 40


3.1 Research Design ... 44

3.2 The Data and Source of Data ... 44

3.3 Instrument of Data Collection ... 45

3.4 Technique of Data Collection ... 45

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis ... 46

3.6 Trustworthness ... 47


4.1 The Data Description ... 50

4.2 Data Analysis ... 50

4.2.1 Textual Development Realization ... 51

4.2.2 The Markedness and Simplicity ... 52

4.3 Findings ... 54



CHAPTER V ... 50

5.1 Conclusion ... 57

5.2 Suggestion ... 58




Table 2.1 The context-meaning-wording relationship ... 12

Table 2.2 Characterization of theme and rheme ... 16

Table 2.3 The Example of Unmarked Theme Marked theme ... 17

Table 2.4 Marked and Unmarked theme in Pantun ... 17

Table 2.5 The Example of Multiple Themes ... 21

Table 2.6 Components of Multiple Themes ... 22

Table 4.1 The Textual Development Types ... 50














1.1 The Background of study

Malay as one of the local languages is often used in daily life. Usually in

conveying message, the Malay people do not directly say, but they will use

pantun as a medium to express their feelings. At present it is difficult to find

someone who uses pantun as a medium to communicate but this tradition is still

used in the cultural event such as Malay wedding ceremony. Every stage in this

event uses pantun as a means of communication. The traditional ceremony

constitutes in stages of (1) pre-wedding, which consists ofmerisik(to spy),jamu

sukut (announcement for bride's family),meminang(to ask for marriage), (2)

wedding which is divided into khatan qur’an (completion of Qur'an reciting),

berinai (body painting),akad nikah(marriage contract),tepung tawar (a ritual

where someone strew flower to the bridegroom),mengarak Pengantin(bringing the

groom to the bride's house by a group of the groom's family), menyambut

pengantin (hailing the groom), bersanding (to sit side by side).

For Malay people communicating and sharing ideas can be expressed in

many ways. One of them is pantun. The pantun of the Malay, in its names and

forms, has captured the imagination and scholarship of many people from in and

out of the area. It’s found to be indigenous and unique and is often considered as a



people is identical as their tradition. It is used in daily to the specific moment of

Malay ceremony.

In Malay wedding ceremony, the use of pantun is characteristic of such as

ceremony. Almost every single phase of malay wedding ceremony, the pantun

will be used. Malay wedding ceremony is closely related to religious, moral social

and cultural value. According to advice in Malay wedding ceremony is expressed

in form of pantun loaded rich resources of advice, “many meaning save in pantun,

many meaning collected in pantun“.Here are the examples of some pantun in

wedding ceremony as the following.

Buah dundung bila dimakan

Mengape puan menutup pintu?

Why do you shut the door ?

Wa’alaikum salam kami nantikan

Wa’alaikum salam we wait for

Selamat sejahtera pada rombongan

Prosperous for the guest



The key condition please prepare

Baru hempang batang kami singkirkan

Then hempang batang can be taken out

Most experts state that the pantun is the traditional of the malay language.

Therefore, the development of the pantun is relatively more advanced in areas

with Malay majority language speakers. Based on the categorization of literature

types, it includes the type of long poem. Pantun is bound by some rules that must

be met. Formulation rules of pantun, its consist of four lines in each stanza, lines 1

and 2 are quatrain and lines 3 and 4 are the content. In addition,the prosody of the

poem must have a catchy sound and orderly. Prosody in pantun that deal with

rhyme, rhythm, and verse in the poem. In a further development, the pantun has

penetrated into every aspect of human life if judging by the contents or cargo.

From the aspect of words choice or diction, pantun today has grown by using

words familiar to the public.

The pantun is an oral literary form of expression traditionally used among

the Malays.Pantun is well known in Indonesia as a literature and culture of Malay,

moreover Indonesia language is the official language of Indonesia. It is a

standardized register of Malay, an Austronesia language which has been used as a

lingua franca in the Indonesia language archipelago for centuries. Indonesia

language is a standardized register of "Riau Malay", which despite its common



Malaccan royal 1 courts. Originally spoken in Northeast Sumatra, Malay has

been used as a lingua franca in Indonesian archipelago for half a millennium.

The birth of the pantun is closely connected with the habits of the old

society, which is not expressed forthright intentions, but by thinking or puzzles.

Even in those days a lot of people who know and understand the metaphor

language clever regarded as knowledgeable or clever person (Hendy, 1990: 48).

Relatively long pantun rhyme, some special rhyme compared to other forms of

poetry that rhymes meaning relatively more easily captured. Thus the poem is one

of the most effective tools for expressing feelings.

Relation with the language of identity and character of a nation is a

realization relationship. Language of a community or a nation that has been

charged ideological, cultural, and social circumstances establish the identity of a

nation. When face with actual problems, identity utilized in the form of characters.

Indonesian national character can be built or known by the very nature of

language or the use of language. One hand the use of Indonesian in the literature

that suggests the existence of national character is rhyme. Apart from the issue of

the development of the poem which continued until this day, there are some

interesting things from an existing poem. It may be said that the old rhyme has

said that power can be attributed to the character of the nation.

It is seen today that the pantun practice has been disappearing from most

of the Indonesian textbook content. And pantun is begin to forget by the teenager



to promote linguistic politeness as well Indonesian users, Pantun is one ways to

convey the intent or content of the liver to others courteously, politely and not

with harsh words. The pantun is considered polite because intentions are not

addressed directly, but routed through the inclusion quatrain often unrelated to

the content of the pantun contained in subsequent rows. "That is the pantun,

people are taught to point across in a polite way, smooth and polite despite what

would it actually convey a form of protest or criticism, when a rhyme creator sat

brooding or figures out how to link the words contained in these lines sampiran

with words that are in the next lines.

Then it implies that the maker of the rhymes has selected or chosen words

that are used where appropriate, which is not feasible. Moreover makers also have

to think rhyme or sound harmonization of the last words of two rows and two

rows sampiran letters that make up rhymes. Often the rhymes maker were forced

to change one of the words found in the rows and rows sampiran content so that

when pronounced sounds and harmony is achieved when assessed indirectly train

maker will be polite rhymes using words. "If someone just as lovers of pantun

recorded in his mind for not carelessly use words to convey meaning. If the

pantun is taught in schools, it will make students be courteous in language.

The researcher is interested instudying about pantun in the wedding

ceremony because pantun is not only known as the literature and culture of Malay

but it is also as a great potential to build politeness among people in Indonesia.



malay’s people itself. And the government is not involve pantun in the textbook to

use in the school especially in bahasa Indonesia subject. Pantun does not work

just on one in system of norms, but is composed of several strata (layers) norm.

Each norm is composed of several layers underneath norm (Wellek. 1968: 151)

Das Literarische Kunstwerk (1931) analysis of these norms are divided as

follows; (1) norm layered sound, (2) the meaning of the norm layers (units of

meaning) and the layers are divided as follows: (a) layers of the world, which is

considered part of a particular point that needs to be stated but contained inside or

implied. (b) that is sublime metaphysical layer (tragic, horrible, scary or even


The analysis of theme and rheme which involve the textual development

in Malay pantun is rare because the other researcher focus on the printed media

or textbook student however the use pantun in wedding ceremony society

actually can create the harmonious and togetherness, the point of making pantun

is not the grammatical forms of the clause but the main word in the clause should

be replaced at the beginning of the clause. The types of Textual development are

discussed to see the pattern of making pantun, the analysis of this is rarely

happen because some other researchers may focus on the novel, newspaper,

articles which easy to be found in everywhere, but the arguing of pantun is only

take place in Malay tradition means this is very limited action be happened

therefore the findings could be very different, these are the other reasons why

researcher study about this topic. Here are one of the textual development of split



Theme 1 Rheme 1

Theme 2 Rheme 2

Theme 3 Rheme 3

Theme 4 Rheme 4

Pantun that employs this type

Wa’alaikumsalam kami nantikan

Selamat sejahtera pada rombongan

Syarat kuncinya tolong sediakan

Baru hempang batang kami singkirkan

Thus, the present study focuses on the analysis of theme and rhemewhich

involve textual development and markedness and simplicity in Malay pantun

especially in hailing the groom to be further analysis. Relating to the event above

namely: hailing the groom, this event is chosen to be analyzed in this research

since it is the most unique and interesting event within the wedding ceremony in

Melayu culture. Moreover, this event is usually crowded by many people who are

invited to the ceremony and only this moment (mediator) from the groom and

bride are arguing with pantun. In hailing the groom there are three steps that must

be throughout, namely: hempang batang (the situation where two of society

holding a trunk as obstructer to obstruct the grooms' group goes to the door),

hempang pintu (the situation where two of brides' family holding a scarf as

obstructer to obstruct the grooms' group goes to the doorand hempang kipas (a

situation where two of brides' family holding a scarf as obstructer to obstruct the



menyambut pengantin (hailing the groom), there are many quatrain existences to

be observed.

In line with the description above this study will deal with theme and

rheme of Malay Pantun used in wedding ceremony in Langkat, particularly

focused on pantun in Melayu wedding ceremony especially in hailing the groom.

1.2 The Problems of Study

The problem of study deal with textual development as realized in Malay

pantun in Langkat wedding ceremony. Base on the background of problems are

formulated operationally as the following.

1. What kinds of textual developments are used in the Malay pantun in the

wedding ceremony in Langkat?

In relation of the problems, the objectives of the study are

1. to investigate the kinds of textual developments are used in the Malay

pantun in the wedding ceremony in Langkat,

2. to describe the process of textual developmentsused in the Malay pantun



3. to explain the use of textual developments of the Malay pantun in the

wedding ceremony in Langkat,

1.4 The Scope of the Study

This research investigations and discussions in Malay pantunin the

wedding ceremony in langkat , especially in the event of menyambut pengantin

(hailing the groom): the pantun which is connected to types textual development,

markedness and simplicity.

1.5 The Significances of the Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful in giving

contributions theoretically and practically to the needs of those who are interested

in the findings. Theoretically, the findings of the study are supposed to be useful

to the government and local education office to involve pantun in textbook. And

for who are interested in observing the heritage of Melayu Langkat language art

and culture.

Practically, the findings are expected to be the guidance for learners to

observe the types of textual development, markedness and simplicity in pantun of

the Langkat Malay wedding ceremony. Moreover, this study could be helped for

those who want to be the performer of menyambut pengantin (hailing the groom)






After analyzing, the data conclusions are drawn as the following

1. There are seven types of textual development which used in Malay pantun of wedding ceremony in Langkat namely: Constant rheme, linear theme, linear rheme,split theme, split rheme, and zig-zag.

2. Textual development consist of four element of markedness and simplicity in pantun which involve unmarked simple theme, marked simple theme, unmarked multiple theme, marked multiple theme.




In relation to the conclusions, suggestion staged as the following

1. It is suggested for other researcher who want to elaborate the study about Textual development to do the research in other fields.

2. It is suggested for the other researchers to study about language structure insocial, business news etc to analyze the clauses used by the speaker or writer.




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Table 2.1
Figure 2.1 Markedness and Simplicity in Pantun ....................................................


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