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Academic year: 2017



Teks penuh





Friska Elvitaningru Simbolon IDN. 4123312009

Bilingual Mathematics Education Study Program


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan







Friska Elvitaningru Simbolon (4123312009)




Praise the Lord of Jesus because of His blessing and mercy I can complete this thesis on time. The title of this thesis is “The Implementation of Problem Based Learning Model with Scientific Approach to Increase The Students’ Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in SMPN 37 Medan”. This thesis was arranged to fulfill the requirement to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in State University of Medan.

In finishing the thesis, I received support from many parts, therefore, I profoundly would like to express my grateful to Prof. Dr. Syawal Gultom, M.Si as rector of State University of Medan. I am also grateful to Dr. Asrin Lubis, M.Pd as Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. I place on record, my sincere thank you to Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si as Coordinator of Bilingual Class. I am also grateful to Dr. Edy Surya, M.Si as the principal of mathematics department. I also thank to Mr. Zul Amry, M.Si as head of Mathematics Education Study Program. I take this opportunity to express gratitude to all of the Department faculty and major members for their help and support. I would like to express my very sincere gratitude to my academic supervisor, Dr. KMS. M. Amin Fauzi, M.Pd for the support to make this thesis possible.

My special thanks go to my thesis supervisor, Prof.Dr.Bornok Sinaga, M.Pd, for his valuable feedback and constructive advice throughout my work. He was always there to support me, to give me right direction, and to provide me with brilliant insights. I realized that without which I never would have made this work to come to a good end. I also thank to principals of SMPN 37 Medan, Sahat Marulak, S.Pd, M.Hum and mathematics teacher of class VIII-2, Sumiati, S.Pd for kindly letting me do my research in their schools.


I am thankful to my roommate kak Riska, kak Natalita, kak Natalia, dan kak Triana for the time with laughter, for helping, teach me about anything, and sometimes they were seems like my sisters. I am grateful to my beloved best friend Rani Rahayu Simanungkalit for helping me, and always supporting me. Thank you for being the best friend that ever I have. I am also indebted to my big family of Bilingual Mathematics who have given supports and motivations. There is so many things that will be always in my mind, our togetherness, happiness, and sadness. After all this time, it would be my wonderful time. I give my sincere thanks to PPLT SMAN 1 Berastagi, there are so many memories about us. I am grateful to my teacher supervisor Drs. Simon Patar Siagian as mathematics teacher in SMAN 1 Berastagi, he always teach me about how to teaching well, about discipline, and caring. Thanks to my bro, Lamhot Silalahi, Douglas Silalahi, Dick Cheney Padang, Vicky Christ Siahaan, and the geng for always supporting me and give much time for helping me.

Finally, I realize that this undergraduate thesis is far from excellences, therefore, I expect many develop critics and sugesstions from many parts to make it be better.

Medan, June 2016 Author,




Table of Contents i

List of Figure iii

List of Table iv

List od Appendices vi


1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Identification 5

1.3 Problem Restriction 6

1.4 Problem Formulation 6

1.5 Research Objective 6

1.6 Research Benefit 6

1.7 Operational Defenition 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE 2.1 The Theoritical Framework

2.1.1 Learning Mathematics 8

2.1.2 Learning Activity 10

2.1.3 Learning Model 12

2.1.4 Problem Based Learning Model 14 Defenition of PBL Model 14 Characteristics of PBL 16 The Steps of PBL 18 Learning Theory that Support PBL 19

2.1.5 Scientific Approach 22

2.1.6 PBL with Scientific Approach 23

2.1.7 Creative Thinking Ability 24 Defenition of CTA 24 Indexes of Creative Thinking 27 2.1.8 The Material of Three Dimention of Geometry 29

2.2 Relevant Research 31

2.3 Conceptual Framework 33

2.4 Hypothesis Action 35


3.1 Type of Research 36

3.2 Research Time and Location 36

3.3 Subject and Object of Research 36

3.4 Procedure of Research 36

3.5 Tool Data Collectors 40

3.6 Data Analysis Technique 44




4.1 Description of Result 47

4.1.1 Initial Study 47

4.1.2 Study of Cycle 1 51 Problem 1 51 Action Plan 1 51 Action Implementation 1 51 Observation and Evaluation Cycle 1 52 Reflection 1 63

4.1.3 Study of Cycle 2 66 Problem 2 67 Action Plan 2 67 Action Implementation 2 67 Observation and Evaluation Cycle 2 68 Reflection 2 78

4.2 Discussion 80

4.3 Research Finding 90


5.1 Conclusion 92




Figure 1.1 Student’s Answer for The First Creative Thinking Question 2 Figure 1.2 Student’s Answer for The Second Creative Thinking Question 3 Figure 2.1 Some Object that Uses The Concept of Cuboid 29 Figure 3.1 Procedure of Class Action Research 40 Figure 4.1 The Result of MCTA for Each Indicator in Initial Test 50 Figure 4.2 Diagram of Students’ Activity in Cycle 1 55 Figure 4.3 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Fluency in Cycle 1 57 Figure 4.4 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Flexible in Cycle 1 59 Figure 4.5 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Original in Cycle 1 60 Figure 4.6 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Each Indicator in Cycle 1 61 Figure 4.7 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of MCTA Test 1 62 Figure 4.8 Diagram of Students’ Activity in Cycle 2 70 Figure 4.9 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Fluency in Cycle 2 72 Figure 4.10 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Flexible in Cycle 2 73 Figure 4.11 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Original in Cycle 2 75 Figure 4.12 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of Each Indicator in Cycle 2 75 Figure 4.13 The Diagram of Classical Completeness of MCTA Test 2 77

Figure 4.14 Students’ Answer Sheet 78




Table 2.1 Syntax of Problem Based Learning 18 Table 2.2 The Phases of Piaget’s Cognitive Development 19 Table 2.3 Indicator (Cognitive-Intellectual) of Creative Thinking Ability 27 Table 2.4 The Relations of Creativity in Problem Solving 28 Table 3.1 Lattice of Creative Thinking Ability Test I 41 Table 3.2 Lattice of Creative Thinking Ability Test II 42 Table 3.3 The Expert Validation Result of MCTA Test 1 43 Table 3.4 The Expert Validation Result of MCTA Test 2 43 Table 3.5 List of Score’s Predicate and The Level 45 Table 3.6 Guideliness for Assessment of Teacher’s Ability to Manage Learning 45 Table 3.7 Guideliness for Observation of Student’s Activity 46 Table 4.1 The Result of Fluent Thinking Ability in Initial Test 48 Table 4.2 The Result of Flexible Thinking Ability in Initial Test 48 Table 4.3 The Result of Original Thinking Ability in Initial Test 49 Table 4.4 The Result of Original Thinking Ability in Initial Test 50 Table 4.5 Observation Result of Teacher’s Activity Cycle 1 53 Table 4.6 Observation Result of Students’ Activiy Cycle 1 54 Table 4.7 The Result of Fluent Thinking Ability in Cycle 1 57 Table 4.8 The Classical Completeness for Fluency Indicator in Cycle 1 57 Table 4.9 The Result of Flexible Thinking Ability in Cycle 1 58 Table 4.10 The Classical Completeness for Flexible Indicator in Cycle 1 58 Table 4.11 The Result of Original Thinking Ability in Cycle 1 59 Table 4.12 The Classical Completeness for Original Indicator in Cycle 1 60 Table 4.13 The Classical Completeness for Each Indicator in Cycle 1 60 Table 4.14 The Result of Creative Thinking Abilities Test Cycle 1 61 Table 4.15 The Classical Completeness of MCTA Test 1 62

Table 4.16 Reflection of Cycle 1 63



Table 4.22 The Classical Completeness for Flexible Indicator in Cycle 2 73 Table 4.23 The Result of Original Thinking Ability Test 2 74 Table 4.24 The Classical Completeness for Original Indicator in Cycle 2 74 Table 4.25 The Classical Completeness of Each Indicator in Cycle 2 75 Table 4.26 The Result of Creative Thinking Ability Test Cycle 2 76 Table 4.27 The Classical Completeness of MCTA Test 2 77




Appendix 1 Initial Ability Test 97

Appendix 2 Alternative Solution for Initial Ability Test 100

Appendix 3 Guidelines of Creative Thinking Solution 104

Appendix 4 Lesson Plan 105

Appendix 5 SAS 1 135

Appendix 6 SAS 2 141

Appendix 7 SAS 3 148

Appendix 8 Lattice of Creative Thinking Ability Test I 155

Appendix 9 Lattice of Creative Thinking Ability Test II 156

Appendix 10 Creative Thinking Ability Test I 157

Appendix 11 Alternative Solution of Student’s Creative Thinking Ability 161

Test I Appendix 12 Creative Thinking Ability Test II 170

Appendix 13 Alternative Solution of Studnet’s Creative Thinking Ability 174

Test II Appendix 14 The Validation Sheet of Creative Thinking Ability Test 1 182

Appendix 15 Fluency 1 194

Appendix 16 Flexibility 1 196

Appendix 17 Originality 1 198

Appendix 18 Result of Creative Thinking Ability Test 1 200

Appendix 19 Fluency 2 202

Appendix 20 Flexibility 2 204

Appendix 21 Originality 2 206

Appendix 22 Result of Creative Thinking Ability Test 2 208

Appendix 23 Teacher’s Observation Sheet 210




1.1 Background

Education is very important for humans, because education is an investment in human resources in the long term. Education is also a vehicle to improve and develop the quality of human resources and not only seen as an attempt to provide information and skills formation, but expanded to include efforts to realize the desires, needs and abilities of individuals to achieve personal and social lifestyle satisfactory.

Mathematics is a subject matter that has the important role in education world. Mathematics is one of science which can increase the ability of thinking and argumentation. Mathematics is the main role that contribute to become scientific thinking role which needed by student to develop their power of thinking and logic ability. Mathematics develops critical, analytical, systematical, logical, and creative thinking of someone. Creativity can be increased through learning mathematics. Through learning mathematics expected there is the environment for students to develop their skill and talent optimally. That role is possible caused by creative teacher in there, such as the teacher who activelly can use many approach in teaching and learning process and guidence the students.

But in Indonesia, learning mathematics is often associated with memorizing formula lessons, without concern to the concept. This situation can make the students do not trained or do not have chance to develop the talent they have. The students learn to remember the formula from teacher without understand the concept. The low of students’ creative thinking ability caused by the students often remembering the formula without meaning, students do not understand the related of each mathematical concept, and how difficult the mathematics calculation it is. As we know, creative thinking is very important in various living aspects.



in that school is very low. It was known by giving test which was consisted problem of rectangle and square as the prerequisite topic of cube and cuboid. From 42 students who followed the test, there was only four students who gave the solution more than one way. But the all solution they gave still in strict rule and there was not student who can give unique way. Where, based on Silver’s opinion, creative thinking ability can be identified by three indicators, namely fluency, flexibility, and originality. In mathematics, fluency can be looked from how many ways can be made by students. The flexibility can be looked from the solution is no strict rule. And the originality can be looked from not commons methods used by students. If three indicators are low, the mathematical creative thinking of student is certainly low. So that, based on the observation above can be concluded that the mathematical creative thinking ability of students in SMPN 1 Medan is still low. This following figure describe how did one of students solve the problem when the initial test given.

Figure 1.1. Student’s Answer for The First Creative Thinking Question The solution given by student is strict rule and general.

Student cannot give



From the pictures of the students’ answer show that students are have good enough for understanding problem, but cannot give the unique way to solving the problem and the solution that have given by students still in the strict rule and general. This show that the students’ mathematical creative thinking ability is still low.

In Question 2, was obtain that the students’ understanding about the material are good enough, but cannot answer the question with the unique way. The students still answer the question in the strict rule and general. This shows that the students’ mathematical creative thinking ability is still low.

Figure 1.2. Student’s Answer for The Second Creative Thinking Question

The other problem was found when researcher observed the teacher who was teaching mathematics in class VIII-2. There were many students were passive, only some students with good learning achievement who active in learning. Researcher observed there were many students who less concern to learning and interest with other things not relevant with mathematics lesson. When researcher interviewed five students, four students responded that mathematics is very difficult and bore. The mathematics teacher of this class also

The solution given by student is strict rule and general.

Student cannot give



confessed that there were many students who passive in each meeting and could not solve the problem given confidently. When researcher asked about the model implemented in teaching learning, in fact, teacher still often use conventional model. Therefore, the less of teacher creativity in teaching mathematics can also be one factor the low of mathematical creative thinking ability of students.

According to Boaler in Pound (2012:25), “Children begin school as natural problem-solvers and many studies have shown that students are better at solving probems before they attend math classes. They think and reason their way through problems, using methods in creative ways, but after a few hundred hours of passive math learning students have their problem solving abilities knocked out of them.” It means that, one of effort to increase the creative thinking of students is make the meaningful learning. Tan (2009:25) argues that:

Problem can tigger curiosity, inquiry, and thinking in meaningful and powerful ways. Education needs a new perspective of searching for problems and looking at problems that will achieve the aim of helping students construct their own knowledge.

Based on the explanation above, Problem Based Learning is one of model of teaching which provides problem in the initial learning. Yamin (2013:62)

argues that, “Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (Problem Based Learning)

merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran inovatif yang memberi kondisi belajar aktif kepada peserta didik dalam kondisi dunia nyata.” Inovatif learning means packed learning by teachers or other instruction which are form of ideas or new techniques considered in order to facilitate the students to make progress in the

learning process and result. “Problem based learning model is expected to develop

students’ thinking and problem solving skill, helps students perform in real-life

situations and learn important adults roles (Adult role modeling), and help students become independent and self-regulated learners” (Arends, 2012).

To improve the mathematical creative thinking of students, it’s best if we



before.to called as scientific, method of inquiry must be bases on the evidence from object that can observed, empirical, and measurable with the specific reasoning principles. Because of that, scientific approach generally load any series of data collector activity or experiment, to process the information or data, analyze, and then formulate, and test the hypothesis.

So, in this research, the researcher will use model of problem based learning combine with scientific approach to improve the mathematical creative thinking ability. This combination can make the learning process will be more memorable and meaningful for students, because it invites students to acquire knowledge and new information independently that can come from anywhere, anytime, and do not rely on the information in the direction of the teacher. The steps of the scientific approach include: (1) observing, (2) questioning, (3) experimenting, (4) associating, and (5) communicating (Kemendikbud, 2014).

Based on explanation above, so the researcher extracted to arrange the research with title ”The Implementation of Problem Based Learning with Scientific Approach to Increase The Mathematical Creative Thinking Ability in SMP Negeri 37 Medan in Academic Year 2015/2016.”

1.2 Problem Identification

Based on the background above:

1. Learning mathematics is often associated with memorizing formulas lessons.

2. In the course of learning, students are not usual to be involved in solving particular problems that require creativity.

3. Student’s creative thinking ability in problem solving is still very low.

4. Student’s generally less actively participate in the learning process in

the classroom.



1.3 Problem Restriction

To avoid misunderstanding and expansion problem, this research will be focused on the implementation of problem-based learning model (PBL) with

scientific approach to increase student’s mathematical creative thinking ability in

SMPN 37 Medan.

1.4 Problem Formulation

Based on the problem restriction above, then the problem in this study is formulated as how the increase of student’s mathematical creative thinking ability by implementing problem based learning model with scientific approach.

1.5 Research Goals

The goal of this study is to increase the student’s mathematical creative thinking ability by implementing problem based learning model with scientific approach.

1.6 Research Benefit 1. For students

Increase the student’s creativity in solving problem of mathematics.

2. For teacher

Opening teacher’s insight about the important of creativity for student and how to increase the student’s creativity.

3. For school

As a consideration for school to make an innovation learning model especially in increasing student’s creative thinking ability.

4. For student or advanced researcher



1.7 Operational Definition

The variable of this research are define as below:

1. Learning is a process or effort which done by each people to gain a permanent change relatively in the behaviour, like knowledge, skill, attitude or positive value as the result of the experience or training which is done continuously.

2. Models of teaching is a plane or pattern that can be used to shape curriculum, to design instructional materials and to guide instruction in the classroom and other setting. They are really models of learning as help students acquire information, ideas, skills, values, ways of thinking, and means of expressing themselves, we are also teaching them how to learn.

3. The problem-based learning model with scientific approach is an instructional method in which student learn usually work in collaborative group to identify what they need to learn trough facilitated problem solving by using the concept of scientific thinking are observing, questioning, associating, experimenting, communicating and networking.





5.1 Conclusion

Based on the research and discussion, the conclusions of this research are: 1. Implementation of problem based learning model with scientific approach

in this research generally is started by posing problem in initial learning. In problem posing is happened observation activity by students and questioning activities by teacher and students. The activities of questioning and observing are first and second step of scientific approach. The net stage of PBL is organizing students to learn, teacher grouped students and asked them to collect information and process data. The activities of collecting and processing data are the third and fourth step in scientific approach. And the last stage of PBL is to analyze and evaluate the results of the discussion / problem-solving process performed by the students. Teacher and students analyze and evaluate together the problem-solving process.

2. Problem based learning model with scientific approach can improve

students’ mathematical creative thinking ability. The increasing is

explained as follow, the number of students who reached minimum score 2.51 in initial study is 0 or 0.0%, after giving action in cycle 1, number of students who got minimum score 2.51 were 22 from 42 students 52.4%, then in cycle 2, the number of students who got minimum score 2.51 increased to be 31 from 42 students or 73.8%.

5.2 Suggestions

Based on the research discussion and finding, the researcher suggests something below:



2. Learning through problem based learning model with scientific approach can make the students more understand how to solve the problem and make the students value have increase and can reach the goal or indicator of success.

3. In the implementation of the action research on the activities of reflection

and analysis of the results of each cycle to note also the students’

understanding of the learning material presented seen from the test results of students and teachers how to deliver learning material, which is expected for the next cycle of learning materials previously been completed to be able to deliver further learning materials.

4. Students must be active to interact in learning activity so that will have social skills in cooperate, share tasks, responsible, and appreciate other suggestions.




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Table 4.22
Figure 1.1. Student’s Answer for The First Creative Thinking Question
Figure 1.2. Student’s Answer for The Second Creative Thinking Question


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