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Translation Procedures Found In Three Fairytale Stories


Academic year: 2016

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ETA KARINA REG.NO. 090705041


Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M. Hum Mahmud Arief Albar, SS.MA Nip. 19540528 198303 2 001 Nip. 19820904 200501 1 002

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of North Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for the Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in Partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A Nip.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

1. Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, M.S

Nip. 19541117 198003 1 002 ………... 2. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A,.Ph.D

Nip. 19750209 200812 1 002 ..……….……… 3. Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M. Hum

Nip. 19540528 198303 2 001 …...………

4. Hj. Nurlela, M. Hum




Signed :







Signed :


I dedicated this thesis to :

My belove amazing father Gunawan Sembiring And my beloved mother Erliany Sitepu

Thank you for unconditional love, Thank you for your great life,

Thank you for the care and heart for me, I always remember and love you

I thank god because i have a mother and father like you, May Allah SWT give a special place for you

And i know he has a great plan for us.




First of all, the writer would like to thank to Allah SWT, the almighty God for blessing and leading me during all my life. Praise is to the prophet Muhammad SAW, the leader of messengers and guilding of faithful so that the writer could finish her study to fulfill one of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the English Department, Faculty of Letters, University of North Sumatra, Medan.

The writer special gratitude is dedicated to the Dean of Faculty of Letters,

Dr. Syahron Lubis M.A, to the Head of English Department Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar M.S , and to the Secretary of English Department

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti M.A,.Ph.D who have given her the opportunity and support to finish this thesis. Beside that, the writer deep appreciation is also extended to her great supervisor Dr. Roswita Silalahi, Dip. TESOL, M. Hum and her co-supervisor Mahmud Arief Albar, SS.MA , who have given their time to teach and tell her the best lesson and suggestions especially skill in producing a qualified thesis.

The writer also would like to express her deepest gratitude and love to her parents, Gunawan Sembiring and Erliany Sitepu. They are so meaningful for her and especially for her father and mother that always work hard to support her either moral and material. And thank you for her brothers ( Beny Harist, Andrea Eriawan and Panca Gundari), her sister (Egia Ninta) who always support and help her.


Finally, the writer realize that this thesis is still far from perfect. So, the writer welcomes for the critics and suggestion to make this thesis better.

The writer hopes this thesis will be useful for everyone who would like read or analyze the subject matter that related to this thesis analysis.

Hope that Allah SWT always bless for us. Amin.

Medan, January 2014

The Writer









TITLE PAGE………...ii











1.1 Background of the Study………..1

1.2 Problems of the Study………...4

1.3 Objectives of the Study..………...4

1.4 Scope of the Study……….4

1.5 Significances of the Study……….5



2.1.1 The definition of translation………...7

2.1.2 Translation as a Process………...7

2.1.3 Translation as a Product………8

2.2 Translation Procedures……….8

2.2.1 Literal Translation……….9 Borrowing………..9 Calque...10 Literal translation……….10

2.2.2 Oblique Translation……….10 Transposition………11 Modulation………...11 Equivalence………..12 Adaptation………13


3.1 Research Design……….13

3.2 Data and Data Source……….13

3.3 Data Collection………...14

3.4 Data Analysis……….14


4.1 Analysis………..17


4.3 Classification of translation procedures found in the three stories of


4.3.1 Literal translation………27 Transposition………33 Modulation………...34 Equivalence………..41 Adaptation………42

4.4 Characteristics of Literal Translation and Oblique Translation Procedures………43

4.4.1 Literal translation………44

4.4.2 Oblique translation………..44


5.1 Conclusions………...48

5.2 Suggestions………..49




SL : Source Language

TL : Target Language

ST : Source Text

TT : Target Text

LT : Literal Translation

T : Transposition

M : Modulation

E : Equivalence







Talking about translation study, many people think that translation is not easy to do ,because in translation there are many processes and methods. Generally, translation is known as a process of transferring a language to another. Translation is very important in order to understand message or knowledge found in source language. Cartford (1969:20) says that translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Nida and Taber (1969) says that translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language massage, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

Pinchuck (1977:38) states that translation is a process of finding a TL equivalent for a SL utterance. Newmark (1981:7) says that translation as a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written massage and statement in one language by that some message and statement to another language.


Vinay and Darbelnet (1995, 31) suggest a method for translation which offers into two general methods of translation, namely “literal” and “oblique”. Literal translation consists of borrowing, calque and literal translation. Literal translation or directed translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another "word-for-word". Word-for-word means that it is translated in such a way that it may not sound good but is grammatically correct. Literal translation procedures are used when structural and conceptual elements of the source language can be transposed into the target language. Vachon - Spilka finds that, literal translation is the easiest and simplest form of translation, it occurs whenever word by word replacement is possible without breaking rules in the target language . For example, Lilo didn’t being a liliput which is translated lilo tidak ingin menjadi liliput. Its example of literal translation procedures because the direct transfer of source language text into a grammatically and idiomatically target text.

Oblique translation procedures are used when a structural or conceptual of elements of source language can not be directly translated without altering the meaning. Oblique Translation consists of adaptation, modulation, transposition, equivalence. For example, it’s in our blood which is translated Itu sudah menjadi darah turun-temurun kita. Its example of modulation because it is a varying a language obtained by change the point of view.

Nowadays, even if it was easy or difficult translation, many people try to translated anything of the story such as a fairytale book story to make easier for kids to understand. Some of fairytale books are written in two languages such as Indonesia and English language. Of course, it is very useful where most of people can understand and follow the storyline especially for those who cannot understand English. That is why the translator made two languages. The translator wants the message in the source language (English) can be transferred clearly in target language (Bahasa Indonesia). So, there is no misunderstanding in transfering the message of the story line.


from other kinds of stories.

Fairytale may be distinguished from other folk narratives such as explicitly moral tales.We can find the tale in oral and in literary form. The history of the fairy tale is particularly difficult to trace because only the literary forms can survive. Many of today's fairy tales have evolved from centuries-old stories that have appeared, with variations, in multiple cultures around the world. The language used in fairytale is not very difficult to understand. However, the translator should match the meaning of words from source language to the target language, because there are many differences in meaning of a word of culture between the source language and the target language.



Based on the background above, the writer has some problems to discuss, they are :

a. What are the translation procedures found in the translated of three fairytales? b. What is the most dominant translation procedure found in the translated of three



The objectives of analysis as the answers of the problems above can be describe as follows:

a. to find out the translation procedures that found in the translated of three fairytales.

b. to find out the dominant translation procedure found in the translated three fairytales.







Translation theory is not a solution for all problem that appear in the process of translation. It is general orientation for the translator in taking a decision while they are doing translation. Actually, the understanding about general concept of translation theory is very important and useful for the translators. So, it is impossible for the translators to get a good translation without understanding the meaning or definition of translation, because translation is as general concept of translation theory.

In a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with the translation method appropriately used for a certain type of text. However, in a wider sense, translation theory is the body of knowledge that we have about translating, extending from general principles to guidelines, suggestion and hints.

Newmark (1988:9) says, “what translation theory does is, first, to identify a translation problem (no problem –no translation theory!); second to indicate all the factors that have to be taken into account in solving the problem; third, to the possible translation procedures, plus the appropriate translation”. Beside that, translation theory is pointless and sterile if it does not arise from the problems of translation practice, from the need to stand back and reflect, to consider all the factors, within the text and outside it, before coming into a decision in fact translating (or translation process) is a matter of taking decision. Because translation has to do with selecting one option among many scholar take it as an artistic activity; others, however , argue that because it arise thinking and discussions and has to do with grammatical rules, it is a science.


and the second procedure is oblique translation. Literal translation occurs when there is an exact structural, lexical, and even morphological equivalence between two languages. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, this is only possible when the two languages are very close two each other. The literal translation procedures are borrowing, calque and literal translation. While oblique translation occurs when word for word translation is impossible. The oblique procedures are transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation.

2.1.1 The Definition of Translation

Translation has been defined in many ways by different writers in the field depending on how they view language and translation. Generally, translation is known as a transferring language to another. Catford (1969:20) defines “translation is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL)”. Nida and Taber (1969:12) says that “translation consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.

2.1.2 Translation as a Process

Translation is not only about changing a SL to TL. It is not writing his owns thinking , how best it is, and it is not to re-write only. Besides understanding what the translation is and what should be pruduce in translation. A translator should know that translation is complex; there are processes which contains of a bunch activities elements.


Nida and taber (as quoted by Widyamartaya 1989:14) also states that the process of translation can be devided into three; they are analysis, transfer, and restructuring. Analysis used for knowing the message that will be translated and contain of grammatical analysis ans semantic analysis. Transfer discussed “how the product of the analysis transfers from SL to TL by a little fault of meaning and connotation, but by a same reaction like in the original.

2.1.3 Translation as a Product

After doing translation activity, that is a process of translation, next we will see the result of translation. As the readers of translation text, it means that we read the “result” that served by translator. In the other word we read the “product” of translation. It is very important to understand the differences between product and process in translation. Nababan states “product is the result of translator’s work”. If we see the translation as a process, its means that we are going to see the step in translation that applied by translator to get a good product of translation.

The writer in this thesis actually wants to see the product of translation. The writer wants to analyze the product to find out the procedures of translation used by translator and to find out the most dominant procedure.

2.2 Translation Procedures

There are many methods or procedures in translation. A procedure is the act or manner of proceding in any action or process.


2.2.1 Literal Translation

There are many defenition about literal translation. Literal translation translation, is the rendering of text from one language to another "word-for-word". A literal translation is a translation that follows closely the form of the source language. Literal translations, or word for word translations, are translations in which the content of a document is communicated by replacing one word with another, regardless of whether the resulting translation is accurate or reads well in the target language. Literal translation techniques include Borrowing, Calque and Literal Translation. Borrowing

Concerning borrowing, we can say that this task refers to a case where a word or an expression is taken from the SL and used in the TL, but in a ‘naturalized’ form, that is, it is made to conform to the rules of grammar or pronunciation of the TL.

Examples :

1. Borrowing with no change in form and meaning (pure loanword)

a. Email  email

b. Dollar dollar

2. Borrowing with change in form but without change the meaning (mix loan word) a. Contract  kontrak

b. Negotiation  negosasi

3. Loan blend

a. Computer network  jaringan computer b. Broadcast network  jaringan broadcast According to Vinay and Darbelnet, there is only one kind of borrowing. Example :

(27) Calque

On the other hand, the term Calque, or Through-Translation as Newmark (1988) calls it, refers to the case where the translator imitates in his translation the structure or manner of expression of the ST. Actually, this is the core of difference between calque and borrowing, since the latter transfers the whole word. Calque may introduce a structure that is stranger from the TL.

Example :

a. Service user  service user Literal Translation

Literal Translation or word-for-word translation can be used in some languages and not others dependent on the sentence structure.

Examples :

a. Lilo didn’t like being a liliput Lilo tidak suka menjadi liliput. ( p.183)

b. Lilo started to work at his farm Lilo mulai bekerja di

sawah. ( p.191) 2.2.2 Oblique Translation

(28) Transposition

Transposition, or shift as Catford calls it, reflects the grammatical change that occurs in translation from SL to TL. According to Newmark (1988) transposition consists of four types of grammatical changes. The first type concerns word's form and position. The second type of transposition is usually used when the TL does not have the equal grammatical structure of the SL. In this case, the translator looks for other options that help conveying the meaning of the ST.

In short, transposition concerns the changes of grammatical categories in translation. This procedure is the most frequent device used by translators, since it offers a variety of possibilities that help avoiding the problem of untranslatability. Besides, translators mostly use transposition intuitively, while looking for ways to transfer the ST into the TT.

Examples :

a. Piggy bank  celengan (p.09)

b. a wise queen fairy ratu peri yang bijaksana (p.182) Modulation

Modulation consists of using a phrase that is different in the source and target languages to convey the same idea. Its mean that modulation is the varying of the language , obtained by changing in the point of view.

Examples :

a. It’s in our blood Itu sudah menjadi sifat kita turun- temurun.

(29) Equivalence

This term is used to refer to cases where language described the same situation by different stylistic or structural means.

Examples :

a. Yippee!” he shouted happily “asyik!” seru lilo gembira. ( p.190) b. “wow!!now I can fly !”. wah” sekarang aku bisa terbang.(p.193) Adaptation

Adaptation occurs when something specific to one language culture is expressed in a totally different way that is familiar or appropriate to another language culture. It is a shift in cultural environment.

Examples :


CHAPTER III Research Method

Talking about research method, it is the process of collecting data, analyzing, and find the solution. This thesis deals with four main research items, the first is research design, the second is data and data source, the third is data collecting method and the fourth is data analyzing method. Research method can be namely as scientific way to get the data with purpose and certain use. Research method consists of qualitative method and quantitative method, which both of them have different meaning.

3.1 Research Design

It means that A be data collected.

This thesis is conducted in the form of library research in which the data is in the form of English and Indonesia language. Bungin in Metodologi Penelitian Sosial (2001 : 32 ) states, “library research is a research that is done in library where a researcher focus many kinds of literatures that is suitable with the objective and problem of the analysis”.

3.3 Data and Data Source

Data is a collection of facts, such as values or measurements. Data is everything found about the object of the analysis. . Data is everything about the object of analysis. For this case the writer uses primary data.


The data were collected from three different titles of fairytale book by Arleen A that are written in two languages, English and Bahasa Indonesia. Every sentence in the fairytale book becomes the data. The titles of the fairytale were “Goby Goblin (19 pages), “Tiny Fairy (18 pages), and “Liliputs and Queen Fairy” (18 pages). The TL text were observed to find out whether the literal and oblique translation procedures are applied or not. In reference to the data, this study focuses on translation as a product. Beside that, the writer also collects some books which are related to translation especially Vinay and Darbelnet’s theory of translation procedures. The writer only took three fairytale stories as her source of data those are “Goby Goblin”, “Tiny Fairy” and “Liliputs and Queen Fairy” because the three titles were enough to aplly the theory of literal and oblique procedures.

3.4 Data Collection


3.5 Data Analysis

Data Analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. In this analyzing, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research is more descriptive because the data shaped of words and more emphasize on process more than product.

As quoted from Bungin’s book, “qualitative research is a research that is done with a limitation of target research, but the deep of data/quality of data unlimited. More quality the data that is collected more quality that research”. Talking about what are the steps of this research, the data is analyzed in two steps. The first step is the writer tabulated all of data consisting of literal and oblique translation procedures. Second, the writer classified the kind of literal and oblique translation procedures and characterized the literal and oblique translation procedures. And finally, the writer find out the most dominant of translation procedure.

The classification is done by grouping the data depending on the problem. The purpose of the tabulation here is to classify the literal and oblique translation procedures. This analysis is done by finding the literal and oblique translation, classification and characterization through the context of both SL to TL.

After classifying the procedures found in the data, the writer will make a percentage by using Bungin’s formula to find the most dominant of translation procedure :

N = f / N× 100% With:

f = the frequency


Descriptive research consists of explaining the variable examined, by giving the definition, complex explanation from another reference, so that something that is researched is more completed and directed.

The systematic procedures in conducting the analysis are as follows :

1) Collecting the data from three fairytale stories (English and Bahasa Indonesia) 2) Reading the data

3) Identifying the data

4) Find out the translation procedure in the target text 5) Find out the most dominant translation procedure 6) Give the conclusion and suggestion




Based on the data that have been collected from the fairytale book, then the writer gives the analysis of the data. In analyzing the data, the writer gives the cases (procedures of translation) and the analysis that is taken from the data.

4.1 Data Analysis

In this part, the writer describe it by using the table. The table consist of six columns; they are number, book/data, source language, target language, procedure and description.

Table of number (NO) consist of the sequences of the cases (procedures of translation) that will be found from the data. In the table of book/data consist of the sequence of the data that is taken from the three stories of fairytale book (source of data). The first story that will be analyzed is “Goby Goblin” which consists of 47 data, the second story is “Tiny Fairy” which consists of 39 data and the third story book is “Liliputs and Queen Fairy” which consists of 65 data.

In the table of Source Language , the writer shows the data that is taken from the three stories of fairytale book. Each of the data that is found by the writer as the procedures is type in italic and bolded. In the table of procedure, the writer shows the name of procedure that is found from the data. The writer only make some example from the procedure of literal and oblique translation in the table.

The next page, the writer also gives clear explaination by giving classification of each procedures that is found in the data and the writer also give the percentage of each procedure to find out the dominant translation procedure.


translation techniques include Borrowing, Calque and Literal Translation. Oblique translation techniques include Transposition, Modulation, Equivalence, and Adaptation. So, there are seven translation procedure.

4.1.1 Borrowing

Concerning borrowing, we can say that this task refers to a case where a word or an expression is taken from the SL and used in the TL, but in a ‘naturalized’ form, that is, it is made to conform to the rules of grammar or pronunciation of the TL. But, borrowing can not find in the data (0).

4.1.2 Calque

On the other hand, the term Calque, or Through-Translation as Newmark (1988) calls it, refers to the case where the translator imitates in his translation the structure or manner of expression of the ST. Actually, this is the core of difference between calque and borrowing, since the latter transfers the whole word. Calque may introduce a structure that is stranger from the TL. But, the writer can not find procedure of calque in the data (0).

4.1.3 Literal Translation


Table 4.1.3 : Literal Translation No No.


Source Text Target text Procedure Description

1 I/3 He lived in the southern part of goblindom with his parents and the other goblins.

Dia tinggal di bagian selatan kerajaan goblin dengan orang tua dan goblin –goblin


LT (Literal Translation)

The SL transfer directly word for word to the TL and it is appropriate in the TL.

2 II/20 Fila was sad. But she was determined to fly.

Fila sedih. Tapi, dia sudah bertekad untuk terbang.

LT (Literal Translation)

The SL transfer directly word for word to the TL and it is appropriate in the TL.

III/5 Lilo didn’t like being a liliput

Lilo tidak suka menjadi liliput.

LT(Literal Translation)


4.1.4 Transposition


This following table shows the data which is transposition where involves replacing one word class with another class without changing the message. From the analysis of translation, the writer found that there were 6 sentences of transposition. But, the writer make some example of it.

Table 4.1.4 : Transposition No No.


Source text Target text Procedure Description

1 I/22 Inside the tent, there was a giant piggy bank everybody put the money inside.

Di dalam tenda ada celengan raksasa dan semua goblin memasukkan

uang mereka kedalamnya.

T There is a changing of word class from phrase “piggy bank” in the SL becomes “celengan” in the TL.

2 I/31 A counter was quickly set up and the goblins started lining up to get their money back.

Tempat pengembalian uang segera didirikan dan para goblin berbaris untuk menerima uang mereka kembali.

T The changing

of word class from word in the SL becomes phrase.

3 III/11 Why don’t you go to see queen fairy and ask?” asked Gino.

Kenapa kau tidak menemui Ratu Peri dan bertanya saja sendiri ?” tanya Gino.

T There is a


4.1.5 Modulation

These following table shows the data which conclude into modulation where the varying of the language, obtained by the changing in the point of view. From the analysis of translation the writer found that there were 74 sentences of modulation. But, in this table the writer only make some example of it.

4.1.5 Table: Modulation No No.


Source text Target text Procedure Description

1 I/40 It’s in our blood. Itu sudah menjadi sifat kita turun-temurun.

M The translating of SL to TL happened in order to stress the meaning.

2 II/39 And from that day on,nobody looked

down on her


Sejak hari itu, tidak ada yang mengangap remeh dirinya lagi.

M the translating of SL to TL happened in order to stress the meaning and to find out natural form in the TL. 3 III/7 When he pass by

Gino the ogre’s farm ,he said, ”You truly have a very big land.

Saat dia melewati tanah pertanian Gino si Orge, dia berkata “Tanahmu luas sekali.

M The translating of SL to TL happened in order to affect coherence in the TL.

4.1.6 Equivalence


4.1.6 Table: Equivalence No No.


Source text Target text Procedure Description

1 I/24 “Well, the fact that I’m willing to lend my money shows that I’m a good goblin!

“Hmm, kerelaanku meminjamkan uang menunjukkan aku goblin yang baik.

E The word

“well” is translated into ‘hmm” to describe the same situation in the TL by different stylistic. 2 III/32 Yippee!” he shouted


“asyik!” seru lilo gembira

E The word

“yippee” is translated into ‘asyik” to describe the same situation in the TL by different stylistic. 3 III/38 “Wow ! Now I can

fly !” he said.

“Wah! Sekarang aku bisa terbang!” katanya.

E The word

“WOW” is translated into ‘WAH” to describe the same situation in the TL by different stylistic.

4.1.7 Adaptation


Table 4.1.7 : Adaptation No No.


Source text Target text Procedure Description

1 I/1 Goby goblin Goby si goblin A The additional “si” in the TL in order to make the sentence in TL equivalent with the SL.

2 I/39 “I know that goblins are supposed to be mischievous and tricky.

“saya tahu goblin memang biasanya licik.

A The translator used word “licik” in the TL to create a new situation and it is

accepted in the TL.

3 II/1 Tiny fairy Si peri kecil A The additional

“si” in the TL in order to make the sentence in TL equivalent with the SL.

4 III/19 “Daddy ,let’s play hide and seek!” said one of them.

“Ayah, ayo main petak umpet!” kata salah seorang anaknya.

A The translator used word “petak umpet” in the TL to create a new situation and it is accepted in the TL.

4.2 Findings


modulation, adaptation and equivalence. The writer show how to make the percentage and show the result. But, borrowing and calque can not found. So the writer only show five percentage that consist of literal, transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation.

Table 4.2 Data Findings

No Procedure Sentence Percentage

1 Borrowing - -

2 Calque - -

3 Literal Translation

70 sentences 42,68 %

4 Transposition 6 sentences 3,65 %

5 Modulation 74 sentences 45,12%

6 Equivalence 4 sentences 2,43 %

7 Adaptation 10 sentences 6,09 %

Total 164 sentences 99,97%

4.2.1 Literal translation

From the analysis of translation, the writer found that there are 70 sentences of Literal Translation with the percentage below :

f/N x 100%

With : f = the frequency

N = total of frequency


Percentage of LT = f/n x 100%

= 70 / 164 x 100%

LT = 42,68%

4.2.2 Transposition

From the analysis of translation, the writer found that there are 6 sentences of transposition with the percentage below :

f/N x 100%

With : f = the frequency

N = total of frequency

T = transposition

Percentage of T = f/n x 100%

= 6 / 164 x 100%

T = 3,65 %

4.2.3 Modulation

From the analysis of translation the writer found that there are 74 sentences of modulation with the percentage below :

f/N x 100%


N = total of frequency

M = modulation

Percentage of M = f/n x 100%

= 74 / 164 x 100%

M = 45,12 %

4.2.4 Equivalence

From the analysis of translation, the writer found that there are 4 sentences of equivalence with the percentage below :

f/N x 100%

With : f = the frequency

N = total of frequency

E = equivalence

Percentage of E = f/n x 100%

= 4 / 164 x 100%

E = 2,43 %

4.2.5 Adaptation

From the analysis of translation the writer found that there are 10 sentences of adaptation with the percentage below :

f/n x 100%


N = total of frequency

A = adaptation

Percentage of A = f/n x 100%

= 10 / 164 x 100%

A = 6,09%

4.3 Classification of translation procedures found in the three stories of the Fairytale book.

After analyzing the data, the writer will classify the data. The data will be classified into literal and oblique translation. As proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet that literal translation consists of three procedures; they are borrowing, calque, and literal translation while oblique translation consists of four procedures; they are transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation. But, from the data analysis there is only one procedure in literal translation, it is literal translation. And in oblique translation there was found all of the oblique procedures consist of transposition, modulation, equivalence and adaptation.

4.3.1 Literal translation


Table 4.3.1 : Literal Translation No No.


Source text Target text

1 I/2 Once, there was a goblin named goby.

Dahulu kala ada goblin bernama goby.

2 I/3 He lived in the southern part of goblindom with his parents and the other goblins.

Dia tinggal di bagian selatan kerajaan goblin dengan orang tua dan goblin –goblin lainnya.

3 I/ 9 He was rather clumsy and definitely not smart.

Dia bahkan agak ceroboh dan sama sekali tidak pandai.

4 I/11 But goby didn’t have the talent to play it well.

Tapi, goby tidak berbakat untuk memainkannya.

5 I/12 “Swimming maybe?”

thought Goby

Mungkin berenang!” pikir goby.

6 I/15 There, he saw a commotion. Di sana, dia melihat keramaian. 7 I/19 The money would be repaid

after the northern Goblindom got their next harvest.

Uang itu akan di kembalikan setelah goblin di bagian utara mendapatkan panen mereka berikutnya.

8 I/25 That can be something

special!” thought Goby after he came out of the tent.

Itu pasti sesuatu yang istimewa!” kata goby setelah keluar dari tenda

9 I/29 He was at the market buying fabrics to see if he was good sewing when the palace announcer came again.

Dia sedang ke pasar membeli kain untuk mencari tahu apakah dirinya pandai menjahit ketika petugas istana datang lagi.

10 I/33 After every goblin got the money back, a royal carriage


arrived. kereta kerajaan datang.

11 I/34 The king came! Raja datang!

12 I/35 The southern goblins were so exicited to see their king.

Para goblin selatan sangat gembira melihat raja mereka. 13 I/36 The king received a note

from his guard and started to speak from the podium.

Sang raja menerima catatan dari petugasnya dan mulai berbicara di atas panggung.

14 I/42 Goby !” Goby was surprised to hear his name called by the king.

Goby!” goby terkejut mendengar namanya dipanggil oleh Raja.

15 I/44 The other goblins had asked for more money than they had actually lent.

Goblin yang lain semuanya meminta uang lebih dari yang sudah mereka pinjamkan.

16 II/2 Once lived fairy named Fila. Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang peri bernama Fila

17 II/3 Fila was not an ordinary fairy.

Fila bukan peri biasa.

18 II/5 So when Fila registered herself at the flying school, she was not accepted.

Jadi ketika fila mendaftar ke sekolah terbang , dia tidak diterima.

19 II/7 “I’m sorry. We only accept students who meet our requirements,” said the teacher.

“Maaf, Kami hanya menerima murid yang memenuhi persyaratan kami,”kata Bu Guru.

20 II/9 The next day, she came to register again.

Keesokan harinya dia datang untuk mendaftar lagi.

21 II/10 She came everyday but in the end, she was still rejected.

Dia datang setiap hari tapi akhirnya dia tetap ditolak.

22 II/11 The other fairies laughed at her.


23 II/12 But fila didn’t give up. Tapi Fila tidak menyerah. 24 II/13 Then she applied to become a

cleaning staff at the school.

Lalu, dia melamar menjadi petugas kebersihan di sekolah. 25 II/15 So everyday, when the young

fairies were studying the theory of flying in the class, Fila would clean the class windows and observe .

Maka setiap hari, ketika peri muda lainnya belajar teori penerbangan di kelas,Fila membersihkan jendela kelas dan memperhatikan.

26 II/16 When the other fairies were trained to fly in the field, Fila would sweep the field and observe.

Ketika peri lain berlatih terbang di lapangan , fila menyapu di lapangan dan memperhatikan.

27 II/19 ” I told you not to bother trying!”said the teacher.

”Sudah kubilang , tidak usah repot-repot mencoba!” kata Bu Guru

28 II/20 Fila was sad. But she was determined to fly.

Fila sedih. Tapi, dia sudah bertekad untuk terbang.

29 II/21 So she woke up early in the morning to practice.

Maka dia bangun pagi-pagi sekali untuk berlatih

30 II/22 She practiced day and night Siang- malam dia berlatih. 31 II/24 When the other fairies were

able to fly as high as the bushes, she was still not able to fly.

Ketika peri-peri lain bias terbang setinggi semak-semak, dia masih saja tidak bisa terbang.

32 II/28 But at least it was a progress. Tapi, paling tidak ada kemajuan. 33 II/31 Until one day a young fairy

who was not good at flying fell into a deep hole.

Hingga suatu hari seorang peri muda yang belum mahir terbang terjatuh ke dalam lubang yang dalam.


was small and narrow. tapi juga kecil dan sempit. 35 II/34 None of the fairies could fly

into the hole because the hole was too narrow for them to span their wings.

Tidak ada peri yang dapat terbang ke dalam lubang karena lubang itu terlalu sempit untuk merentangkan sayap mereka . 36 II/35 But Fila jumped in without

any hesitation.

tapi fila melompat masuk tanpa ragu.

37 III/2 Once there was a liliput named lilo

Dahulu kala ada seorang liliput bernama lilo.

38 III/5 Lilo didn’t like being a liliput Lilo tidak suka menjadi liliput. 39 III/6 He always complained. Dia selalu mengeluh.

40 III/10 Lilo, you have told me this a hundred times!

“Lilo, ini sudah keseratus kalinya kau bilang seperti itu! 41 III/12 Yes! Maybe I should do

that,” said Lilo as he walked away sulkily.

“Ya, mungkin aku harus melakukannya!” kata lilo sambil berjalan cemberut.

42 III/15 Because you have wings and can fly!” said Lilo ,pouting.

karena kamu punya sayap dan bisa terbang!” kata lilo, masih dengan cemberut.

43 III/16 Fenny just shrugged her shoulder.

Fenny hanya mengagkat bahu.

44 III/21 “Turnip again ?” he

complained to his wife.

“lobak lagi?” keluh lilo kepada istrinya.

45 III/22 But turnip is the healthies food for liliputs !” said her wife.

“Tapi lobak kan memang makanan paling sehat untuk kaum liliput!” sahut istrinya. 46 III/23 But Lilo didn’t listen. Tapi lilo tidak mendengarkan. 47 III/25 His family was quite relieved

when he retired to bed.


48 III/28 “All right ,” said queen fairy, “I will fulfill your request.

“Baiklah,”kata Ratu, aku akan memenuhi permintaanmu.

49 III/33 Lilo started to work at his farm.

Lilo mulai bekerja di sawah..

50 III/35 Then Fenny came, “Lilo ,the Queen Fairy had asked me to deliver this, she said.

Lalu fenny datang. “lilo, ratu peri menyuruhku mengantarkan ini,” katanya.

51 III/36 Fenny was holding a pair of wings. “really?” asked Lilo.

Fenny memegang sepasang sayap. Benarkah?”Tanya lilo. 52 III/37 Fenny nodded and helped

Lilo put the wings on.

Fenny mengganguk dan membantu Lilo memasang sayap itu.

53 III/38 “Wow ! Now I can fly !” he said.

“Wah! Sekarang aku bisa terbang!” katanya

54 III/40 “Work? What do you

mean?” Lilo asked.

“kerja? Apa maksudmu?” Tanya Lilo.

55 III/42 You have to visit all the flowers and clean them.

kau harus mengunjungi setiap bunga dan membersihkannya 56 III/44 So, Lilo joined the fairies

clean all the flowers in the fairytale land

Maka Lilo bergabung dengan para peri membersihkan setiap bunga di Negeri dongeng.

57 III/46 So, the fairies let him go home

Maka peri-peri itu membiarkannya pulang.

58 III/47 When Lilo reached home, he was very hungry.

Ketika Lilo tiba di rumah, dia benar-benar kelaparan

59 III/49 “Lila!” he shouted, calling his wife.

“Lila!” dia berteriak memanggil istrinya.

60 III/53 I have also relocated your sons so they can’t disturb you anymore


61 III/55 “I want my farm back. Aku igin sawahku kembali. 62 III/56 I don’t need these wings. Aku tidak butuh sayap ini. 63 III/57 I want my wife and her

turnips back.

Aku ingin istriku dan lobaknya kembali.

64 III/58 I also want my sons back!” he shouted.

Aku juga ingin anak-anakku kembali!” teriaknya.

65 III/59 “Do you really mean it?” asked Queen Fairy who suddenly appeared.

“benarkah?” Tanya Ratu Peri yang tiba-tiba muncul.

66 III/60 Yes, please! I promise I will always be grateful for what I already have!” Lilo said.

“Iya, kumohon! Dan aku berjanji akan selalu mensyukuri apa yang kupunya!” kata Lilo. 67 III/61 Queen Fairy’s waved her

wand once , and everything went back to normal.

Ratu Peri mengayunkan sekali ,dan segalanya kembali seperti semula.

68 III/62 “Daddy!” shouted his sons. “Ayah! Teriak anak -anaknya. 69 III/63 “let’s play!” said Lilo. Ayo kita main! “kata Lilo. 70 III/64 And Lila, please prepare

turnips for dinner,” he said

dan Lila, tolong siapkan lobak untuk makan malam, ya ,” katanya.


4.3.2 Transposition


This following table shows the data which is classified into transposition where involves replacing one word class with another class without changing the message.

Table 4.3.2 : Transposition No No.



1 I/22 Inside the tent, there was a giant piggy bank everybody put the money inside.

Di dalam tenda ada celengan raksasa dan semua goblin memasukkan uang mereka kedalamnya.

2 I/28 Six months later , goby still hadn’t found any good quality in himself!

Enam bulan kemudian, Goby masih belum menemukan keistimewaan pada dirinya!

3 I/31 A counter was quickly set up and the goblins started lining up to get their money back.

Tempat pengembalian uang segera didirikan dan para goblin berbaris untuk menerima uang mereka kembali.

4 II/30 But still, the teacher and the other fairies underestimated her small wings.

Tapi tetap saja, Bu Guru dan para peri lain memandang rendah sayap kecilnya.

5 III/4 The land was ruled by a wise queen fairy and all creatures lived in harmony.

Negeri itu dipimpin oleh seorang ratu peri yang bijaksana. Semua makhluk hidup berdampingan dengan damai.

6 III/11 Why don’t you go to see queen fairy and ask?” asked Gino.


4.3.3 Modulation


These following table shows the data which conclude into modulation where the varying of the language, obtained by the change in the point of view.

Table 4.3.3 : Modulation No No.


Source text Target text

1 I/4 Usually goby was almost always happy.

Biasanya goby terlihat gembira.

2 I/5 But one afternoon, he was sitting alone, looking sad.

Tapi suatu siang, dia duduk sendirian, wajahnya tampak sedih.

3 I/6 Earlier that day, his teacher had said that every goblin was special

Pagi tadi, gurunya berkata setiap goblin istimewa

4 I/7 But goby felt that he had nothing special.

Tapi goby merasa tidak ada yang istimewa dalam dirinya.

5 I/8 He felt that he was neither handsome nor strong.

Dia tidak tampan, tidak juga kuat.

6 I/10 “ Maybe, I’m good at music!” thought goby, and he tried to play his dad’s recorder.

Mungkin aku pandai bermain musik”! pikir Goby dan dia mencoba memainkan seruling ayahnya.

7 I/13 But soon he found out that he was not a good of swimmer either.

Tapi kemudian dia menyadari, dia juga bukan perenang yang baik.

8 I/14 One day, he was in the market buying some cooking ingredients because he thought he should try cooking.


9 I/16 The palace guard had come with an important announcement from the king of goblin.

Petugas kerajaan telah datang membawa pengumuman penting dari raja goblin.

10 I/17 The announcement was about the people in the northern part of the Goblindom who suffered a prolonged drought.

Pengumuman itu tentang bagian utara kerajaan yang sedang mengalami kekeringan yang berkepanjangan.

11 I/18 The king asked his people in the southern part to lend their money in this time of need.

Raja meminta goblin yang tinggal di selatan untuk meminjamkan uang mereka

12 I/20 Goby went home, broke his piggy bank and went to the money collection station.

Goby pulang ke rumah,

memecahkan celengannya, dan pergi ke tempat pengumpulan uang.

13 I/21 Over there, goblins lined up and one by one, they entered a tent.

Di sana, para goblin berbaris untuk masuk ke sebuah tenda

14 I/23 Goby put 2 copper coins inside.

Goby memasukkan dua koin tembaga

15 I/26 But then he saw a long line and saw that everybody was doing the same thing.

Tapi dia lalu melihat barisan panjang goblin melakukan hal yang sama.

16 I/30 It was time to return the money that the king borrowed six months earlier.

Waktu pengembalian uang sudah tiba.

17 I/31 A counter was quickly set up and the goblins started lining up to get their money back.


18 I/32 Each goblins was asked how much he or she had lent and was given the money back.

Setiap goblin ditanya berapa uang yang dia pinjamkan dan mendapatkan uangnya kembali. 19 I/37 “first of all, there was no

drought in the northern region, “ said the King.

“pertama-tama, saya jelaskan bahwa tidak ada kekeringan di utara,” kata raja.

20 I/40 It’s in our blood. Itu sudah menjadi sifat kita turun-temurun.

21 I/41 But I have here, the name of a goblin, who is honest to his heart.

Tapi di tangan saya ada satu nama goblin yang benar- benar jujur.

21 I/43 Turned out, he was the only goblin who had honestly asked for the exact money that he had lent.

Ternyata, dia adalah satu-satunya goblin yang jujur meminta kembali uangnya sesuai jumlah uang yang telah dia pinjamkan

22 I/45 The king invited goby to stay in his palace

Raja lalu mengundang goby untuk tinggal di istana.

23 I/46 He would be given the best education in order to be the king’s advisor when he grew up.

Dia akan mendapat pendidikan terbaik supaya kelak setelah dewasa menjadi penasihat Raja.

24 I/47 And goby finally knew that he was very special.

Goby akhirnya menyadari dirinya seorang yang istimewa.

25 II/4 She was born with a pair of small wings which are too small to be used a fly.

Dia dilahirkan dengan sepasang sayap yang terlalu kecil untuk terbang.

26 II/6 “But madame, I promise I will try harder than the rest,“ she


murid-said. murid lain,” kata Fila. 27 II/8 But fila didn’t

stop there.

Tapi Fila tidak berhenti sampai di situ.

28 II/14 There was no rule against accepting a fairy with small wings so she was accepted.

Tak ada peraturan yang melarang peri bersayap kecil bekerja di sana, sehingga dia pun diterima.

29 II/17 When the school day was over , fila would go to field and tried what the other fairies had tried earlier.

Setelah jam sekolah usai, Fila pergi ke lapangan dan mencoba melakukan hal-hal seperti peri lain.

30 II/18 Sure enough, she made no progress.”

Tapi tak ada kemajuan.

31 II/23 Practically she used up all her free time to practice

Bisa dibilang, seluruh waktu luangnya dipakai untuk berlatih. 32 II/24 When the other fairies were

able to fly as high as the bushes, she was still not able to fly.

Ketika peri-peri lain bias terbang setinggi semak-semak, dia masih saja tidak bisa terbang.

33 II/25 But she persevered.

Tapi dia tekun mencoba.

34 II/26 When the other fairies were able to fly as high as the tree, she was finally able to fly.

Ketika peri lain sudah bisa terbang setinggi pohon, akhirnya Fila bisa terbang.

35 II/27 She only flew as high as the grass.

Dia hanya bias terbang setinggi rumput.

36 II/29 Fila persisted in training herself and slowly but surely, she managed to fly as well as the other fairies with normal sized



37 II/32 The hole was not only deep, it was small and narrow.

Lubang itu tidak hanya dalam, tapi juga kecil dan sempit.

38 II/33 A wild cat, who was the natural enemy of the fairies, dug the hole to trap them

Lubang perangkap itu digali oleh kucing liar untuk menangkap para peri. Kucing liar adalah musuh para peri.

39 II/36 In a few seconds, she managed to fly the young fairy out of the hole.

Hanya dalam hitungan detik , fila berhasil menerbangkan peri muda itu keluar lubang.

40 II/37 Her small wings worked wonderfully even in such a narrow hole.

Sayap kecilnya berfungsi baik di dalam lubang sempit itu.

41 II/38 Fila knew her persistence had paid off.

Fila tahu kegigihannya selama ini telah membuahkan hasil.

42 II/39 And from that day on, nobody looked down on her anymore.

Sejak hari itu, tidak ada yang mengangap remeh dirinya lagi. 43 III/3 He, his wife, and his ten sons

lived in the Fairytale Land.

Lilo, istrinya dan kesepuluh anaknya tinggal di negeri dongeng.

44 III/4 The land was ruled by a wise queen fairy and all creatures lived in harmony.

Negeri itu dipimpin oleh seorang ratu peri yang bijaksana. Semua makhluk hidup berdampingan dengan damai.

45 III/7 When he pass by Gino the ogre’s farm ,he said, ”You truly have a very big land.

Saat dia melewati tanah pertanian Gino si Orge, dia berkata “Tanahmu luas sekali.

46 III/8 Look at me, because I’m small, queen fairy only gave me a small one.


47 III/9 This is unfair !” Tidak, adil!” 48 III/11 Why don’t you go to see

queen fairy and ask?” asked Gino

Kenapa kau tidak menemui Ratu Peri dan bertanya saja sendiri ?” Tanya Gino.

49 III/12 Yes! Maybe I should do that,” said Lilo as he walked away sulkily.

“Ya, mungkin aku harus melakukannya!” kata lilo sambil berjalan cemberut.

50 III/13 Hi Lilo ! What a great day today!” said fenny the fairy.

Hai, lilo !hari ini indah ya!” kata fenny si peri.

51 III/14 “Yes ! Great day for you! “ Ya ! indah untukmu! 52 III/15 Because you have wings and

can fly!” said Lilo ,pouting.

karena kamu punya sayap dan bisa terbang!” kata lilo, masih dengan cemberut.

53 III/17 Lilo always said the same thing whenever they met.

Lilo selalu mengeluhkan hal yang sama setiap kali bertemu.

54 III/18 When Lilo reached home, his children ran to him .

Ketika lilo tiba di rumah, dia disambut anak-anaknya.

55 III/20 “Go play with your siblings! Don’t disturb me!” He said.

“Mainlah bersama saudaramu! jangan ganggu Ayah!” kata Lilo

56 III/24 And for the rest of the day, he was as grumpy as he can be.

Sepanjang sisa hari itu

dihabiskannya dengan menggerutu.

57 III/25 His family was quite relieved when he retired to bed.

Keluarganya cukup lega ketika akhirnya dia pergi tidur

58 III/26 The next day, Lilo decided to visit queen fairy and state his problem.

Keesokan harinya, lilo memutuskan menemui Ratu peri untuk menyampaikan masalahnya.


available so Lilo took the whole morning to complain about his condition.

maka lilo menghabiskan pagi itu untuk mengeluhkan keadaannya.

60 III/29 When you arrive home, you will see that everything will be as you wish for!”

Ketika kau pulang nanti, semuanya sudah seperti yang kau inginkan!”

61 III/30 Lilo ran home and noticed that his farm had really grown in size.

Lilo berlari pulang dan melihat sawahnya benar-benar sudah menjadi besar.

62 III/31 It was so big, even bigger than Gino’s farm.

Sawah itu bahkan lebih besar dari sawah milik Gino.

63 III/34 But soon he got so tired and he hadn’t even plowed a tenth of it.

Tapi kemudian dia merasa lelah, Padahal dia belum membajak sepersepuluh saja dari sawah itu. 64 III/39 “Come, let’s work !” said


ayo kita mulai bekerja !” ajak fenny.

65 III/41 “Well, you’re a flower fairy now!

“Sekarang kau kan peri bunga!.

66 III/43 Come on! I’ll show you how!” Ayo, akan kuajari caranya!” 67 III/45 By late afternoon, lilo was so

tired he couldn’t fly a single inch.

Ketika hari menjelang petang, Lilo sudah begitu lelah sehingga tak kuat terbang.

68 III/48 But he didin’t find anything on the dinner table.

Tapi dia tidak menemukan makanan apa pun di atas meja makan.

69 III/50 But his wife was nowhere to be seen and his sons were not home either.

Tapi istrinya tidak ada. Anak-anaknya juga tidak ada dirumah!

70 III/51 Instead, on the table, he got a letter from Queen Fairy.


71 III/52 It says : Dear Lilo, I have relocated your wife so now you can eat anything you want.

Bunyinya demikan, Lilo , aku sudah memindahkan istrimu supaya kau bisa makan apa saja yang kau mau.

72 III/54 Lilo broke into tears. Lilo langsung menangis.” 73 III/59 “Do you really mean it?”

asked Queen Fairy who suddenly appeared.

“benarkah?” Tanya Ratu Peri yang tiba-tiba muncul.

4.3.4 Equivalence


These following table shows the data which is concluded into Equivalence where is often desirable for the translator to use an entirely different structure with different meaning and stylistic between SL and TL.

Table 4.3.4 : Equivalence No No.


Source text Target text

1 I/24 “Well, the fact that I’m willing to lend my money shows that I’m a good goblin!

“Hmm, kerelaanku meminjamkan uang menunjukkan aku goblin yang baik.

2 I/27 “I guess not,” he murmured sadly

“Yah, mungkin tidak,” gumamnya sedih

3 III/32 Yippee!” he shouted happily. “asyik!” seru lilo gembira 4 III/38 “Wow ! Now I can fly !” he



4.3.5 Adaptation


These following table shows the data which concluded into adaptation where the translator create a new situation that can be considered equivalent. It involves changing the culture reference when a situation in source culture does not exist in target culture.

Table 4.3.5 : Adaptation No No.


Source text Target text

1 I/1 Goby goblin Goby si goblin

2 I/36 The king received a note from his guard and started to speak from the podium.

Sang raja menerima catatan dari petugasnya dan mulai berbicara di atas panggung.

3 I/38 The money lending and

borrowing was just a test to find the most honest goblin of all, “he continued.

Peminjaman uang itu hanya pengujian untuk mencari goblin yang paling jujur,” lanjutnya.

4 I/39 “I know that goblins are supposed to be mischievous and tricky.

“saya tahu goblin memang biasanya licik.

5 II/1 Tiny fairy Si peri kecil

6 II/33 A wild cat, who was the natural enemy of the fairies, dug the hole to trap them.

Lubang perangkap itu digali oleh kucing liar untuk menangkap para peri. Kucing liar adalah musuh para peri.

7 III/1 Liliputs and queen fairy Liliput dan si ratu peri 8 III/7 When he pass by Gino the

ogre’s farm ,he said, ”You truly have a very big land.

Saat dia melewati tanah pertanian Gino si Orge, dia berkata “Tanahmu luas sekali.


today!” said fenny the fairy. fenny si peri. 10 III/19 “Daddy ,let’s play hide and

seek!” said one of them.

“Ayah, ayo main petak umpet!” kata salah seorang anaknya.

4.4 Characteristics of Literal Translation and Oblique Translation Procedure In this thesis the writer uses Vinay and Darbelnet theory of translation to decide the characteristics of procedures that found in the data. According to Vinay and Darbelnet, literal and oblique translation procedures has characteristic. After analyzing the data, the writer found five procedures that are applied in translating the fairytale book, they are Literal Translation, Transposition, Modulation, Equivalence and Adaptation. So, the writer found the characteristics of literal and oblique translation based on Vinay and Darbelnet theory of translation.

4.4.1 Literal Translation

Based on the data of three stories in fairytale book, the characteristic of literal Translation as suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet, such as following :

• Literal translation is a direct translation or word for word translation. This translation has not needed to make any changes because there is a similarity of structure and grammatical between SL and TL, so a word for word translation can be done.


The characteristics of literal Translation as suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet are found in the following data:

Table 4.4.1 Characteristic Of Literal Translation No


Source language (SL)


Language (TL)

Cases Discussion of the characteristic

III/5 Lilo didn’t like being a liliput .

Lilo tidak suka menjadi liliput.


TL structure. III/33 Lilo started to work

at his farm

Lilo mulai bekerja di sawah.

L The SL transfer

directly word for word to the TL and it is appropriate in the TL.

4.4.2 Oblique Translation

Based on the data of three stories of fairytale, the characteristics of oblique translation as suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet, such as the following:

• Oblique translation is an indirect translation. It occurs because of structural or grammatical in Source Language cannot be transposed into Target Language without upsetting the syntactic order.


• Oblique translation is procedure that focuses on meaning, stylistic elements of target language, or communication situational equivalent. There also a varying of the language used by translator to match the meaning in the Target Language. The characteristics of Oblique Translation as suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet are found in the following data :

Table 4.4.2 Characteristic Of Oblique Translation No


Source language (SL)

Target Language (TL)

Cases Discussion of the characteristic I/22 Inside the tent, there

was a giant piggy bank everybody put the money inside.

Di dalam tenda ada celengan raksasa dan semua goblin memasukkan uang mereka


T It occurs because of structural or grammatical in Source Language



Table 4.1.3 : Literal Translation
Table 4.1.4 : Transposition
Table 4.1.7 : Adaptation
Table 4.2 Data Findings


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