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Translation Procedures of Cultural Terms Found In Sejarah Bilingual For Students of Senior High School


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K<ykW liIlguistik, Agustus 2013, 27..1 - 291 TilhuIl


10. No 2 Copyright@20M, Program S{udiDIl,gui5t.i/( SP-s lISlJ, lS:SW 16:9,'J-466()



Mery SiJaJahi


Syahron Lubis

FIB Universitas Sumatera Utara


This study is translation product oriented, aimed 'at investigating: 1) the cultural category of the Indonesian cultural terms found in Sejarah Bilingual into English; 2) the translation procedures applied in the translation; and 3) the tendency of the applied translation procedures. The source of the data is the bilingual text book (Indonesian-English). This research was conducted by using the qualitative descriptive method The data used in this research are the cultural terms which are in level of form of words and phrases. In the implementation of the data analysis; Newm(lrlf,'s theory of cultural category (1988:94-103) and translation procedure (1988:81-113) are applied as the basi; and points of departure. Thefinding shows that:first, the propositiOn of the cultural categories of the 56 Indonesian cultural terms into English found in Sejarah Bilingual (in which organizations; customs and ideas 80.34% with the sub-categories: historical 42.85%, politics and administration 28.57%, social terms 7.14% and artistic 1.78) followed by material culture (19.62%, with the sub categories: transport 8.92%. building 7.14%. artifact 1.78%, and town 1.78%); second, the translation procedure applied is dominated by TL-oriented translation procedures (53.55%) and followed by SL-oriented translation procedures (44.58%). It means that this research refers to the information that the target language contains is more than that of the source langucge. This translation conveys the target language readers more information than the source language readers should receive, which could lead to a misunderstanding between the source language and the target language.

Key words: Translation, Cultural Term, and Translation Procedure INTRODUCTION

In order to appreciate and recognize our cross cultural aspects to the outside world, a translator should be very careful in translating our cultural terms. This is to avoid misconception and misunderstanding in assessing and capturing information with regard to all aspects of the people and culture of Indonesia. Therefore, caution is required in translating culture-bound terms. The cultural untranslatability here can be related to ecological issues, cultural material, social organization, religion, customs, events, procedures, sign language, etc. (Newmark, 1988: 95). Newmark proposes five cultural category in translation: first, . ecology (that is divided into several sub-categories such as: the flora, fauna, winds, plains, hiJIs and so forth); second,

material culture (that is divided into several sub-categories such as: food, clothes, houses, towns, and transport and so forth); third, social culture (that is divided into several ウオ「セ@

categories such as: work and leisure and so forth); fourth, organizations, customs, activities, procedures, and concepts (that is divided into several sub-categories such as: political, social, legal, religious, artistic, and so forth);fifth, gestures and habits.


Mery SilaJaili

only a few translation procedures are relevant to the translation involving lndonesian language functioning as either target or source language, they are: modulation, naturalization, descriptive equivalent, ,cultural equivalent, couplets, notes,transference, and through:-translation. These types of translation procedun:s are usually .used to translate cultural terms contairted in the text involving Indonesian as the source or target language. Thus, in the relationship between translation and culture, the strategies offered should be understood as an attempt to make the translation easy to understand by the target readers without blurring the message contained in

the text written in source language.

LITERATURE REVIEW Concepts of Translation

According to Catford (1965: 20), translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). Based on Catford, there are three broad types or categories of translation in terms of the extent, levels, and ranks. In addition, Newmark (1981: 7) describes translation as a craft consisting of the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language. Newmark (1988:45) distinguishes eight kinds of translation. They are: 1) Word-for-word trans1otion; 2) Literal translation; 3) Faithful translation; 4) Semantic translation; 5) Adaptation; 6) Free translation; 7) Idiomatic translation; 8) Communicative translation. Meanwhile, Jakobson in Hatim anc Munday (2004:124) labels differently the kinds of translation into three kinds, they are: 1) Intralingual trans/atirJn or rewording is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of other signs of the same language, 2) Interlingual translation or translation proper is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language, and 3) Intersemiotic translation or transmutation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of nonverbal sign systems. From the explanation above, it can be

said that basically translation is a process of transferring meaning from SL text into an optimally equivalent TL text in which the meaning must be held constant. Thus, translation focuses on some elements: reproducing the message, equivalence, meaning style, and linguistics aspect: the syntactic, the semantic and the pragmatic understanding.

The Cultural Category

Newmark categorized the cultural words as: Ecology (Flora, fauna, hills, winds, plains, etc.), Material Culture/artifacts (Food, clothes, hQuses, towns, and transport), Social Culture: work and leisure, Organizations Customs, Activities, Procedures, CO$lcepts: (political and administrative, Religious, Artistic), and Gestures and Habits. .

1. Ecology: flora, fauna, local winds, mountains, etc.

It may relate with flora, fauna, local winds, mountains, etc. Different culture will have different terms of them. Many countries have local words, and these words would be translated based on their importance in the source language.


Flora : Plumeria (French) into Kamboja (Indonesian). Fauna : Caterpillar (English) into Ulat (Indonesian). ,

2. Material Culture (artefacts): Food, clothes, housing, transport, and communications. Newmark divides material culture (artefacts) into food; food is formany the most sensitive and important expression of national culture. The function of the generic clothes terms is approximately constant, indicating the part of the body that is covered, but the description varies depending on climate and material used, houses and town, and transport

Examples: Food Clothes

Houses and Towns:



K;yian lil1{fllis/ik. TallUIl ke-lo, No 2 Agustus 2013

(English), Taxi (English) into Talesi (Indonesian) .. Artefact Kendi (Indonesian) into Stone water jar (English). 3. SocialCuJture: work, leisure

Newmark divides social culture into two categories, they are: work and leisure. Examples:

Work : abdidalam (Indonesian) into waitress (English). Leisure : football (English) into sepak bola (Indonesian).

4. Organizations: political, religious, artistic, historical, and social terms.

Newmark divides the organizations into five categories, they are political and administrative terms, historical terms, international terms; 'international institutional terms usua]]y have recognized translations which are in· fact through-translations, and are now generally known by their acronyms', religious terms, artistic terms; 'the translation . of artistic terms .referring to movements, processes and organizations generally depends on the putative knowledge of the readership'.

Examples: Political

.. Religious Artistic

Historical terms Social terms

5. Gestures and habits

: Pancasila (Indonesian), Pemilu (Indonesian) into General Election (English)

: Hyang Mahadewa Syiwa, Brahmacarya (Indonesian)

: Gamelan, Wayang(Indonesian)

: G-30-S/PKI, Supersemar (Indonesian)

: Program Keluarga Berencana (Indonesian) into A Family Planning Program (English)

There is a distinction between description and function for 'gesture and habits' which can be made where necessary in-ambiguous cases: thus, if people smile a little when someone dies, do a slow hand-clap to express warn appreciation, spit as a blessing, nod to dissent or shake . their head to assent, kiss their finger tips to greet or to praise, give a thumbs-up to signal OK, all of which occur in some cultures and not in others.

Translation Procedures

Newmark classifies translation procedures into 17 different kinds. Newmark specifically describes the translation procedures as follows:

1) Transference

Transference (emprunt, loan word, transcription) is the process of transferring a SL word to a TL text as a translation procedure. It is the same as Catford's transference, and includes transliterations, which relates to the conversion of different alphabets.

Examples: SL TL


Tanjung Priok Tanjung Priok

2) Naturalization

Naturalization is a continuation of transliteration. By naturalization, the speech and written words in source language adapted to the rules of the target language.

Examples: SL TL

Kabinet Trilogi

3) Cultural Equivalent

Cabinet Trilogy

By this procedure, the translator uses the typical word in the target language to replace the typical word in the source language. The main thing to note is the distinctive culture words of the source language are replaced also by the distinctive culture words of the target language.

Examples: SL TL

DPR-GR the Parliament


Mery SilalalJi

4) Functional Equivalent

This common procedure,applied to cultural words, requires the use of a culture free word, sometimes with a new specific term; it therefore neutralizes or generalizes theSL word;- and sometimes adds a particular.



Istana Merdeka

5) d・ウセイゥーエゥカ・@ Equivalent


a palace used as the official residence of the President

This equivalent is trying to describe the meaning or fimction of the source language word. This procedure is done because the source language word is closely related to the distinctive culture of the source language and the use of cultural equivalents deemed unable to provide the desired degree of accuracy.

Examples: SL TL

6) Synonymy

Dwifungsi ABRI DPR

the dual function of the Armed Forces People's Representative COWlCii (parliament)

Synonymy is a translation procedure which is applied where.there is no clear one-to-one equivalent, and the word is not important in the text,. in particular for adjectives or adverbs of quality (which in principle are outside the grammar and less important than other components of a sentence).

Examples: SL TL

Cantik Perhiasan

7) Through-Translation

Pretty Jewel

The literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations, the components of compounds and perhaps phrases, is known as calque or loan translation. In theory, a translator should not 'initiate' a through-translation. Norma]]y, through-translations should be used only when they are already recognized terms.

Examples: SL




Kabinet 100 Menteri the Cabinet of One HlDldredMinisters

8) Shifts or Transposition

By this procedure, translators alter the original structure. of the source language to the sentence of target language in order to achieve an equivalent effect; This conversion is done if there is a difference between the structure of the source language and the target language is reasonable. These changes could be the conversion of the plural to the singular, the position of adjectives, to changing the structure of the sentence as a whole.

Examples: SL TL

9) Modulation

Tragedi Semanggi Istana Bogor

Semanggi Tragedy Bogor Palace

Modulation is procedure to translate phrases, clauses, or sentences. Here the translator looked at the message in the source language sentence from a different angle or a different way of thinking. This strategy is used when the translation of words with literill meaning does not produce a reasonable translation or flexible.

Example: SL TL

Demokrasi Rakyat a Communist Ideology

10) Recognized Translation

Recognized translation is a translation procedure by which any institutional term in the Source Text is translated into the official or the generally accepted term in the Target Text.

Example: SL TL


K;yiall LIiJgUis/ik. Tabun ke-Io, No 2 Agustus 2013

11) Translation Label

Translation label is a temporary translation of the source language word. The translator considers this procedure usually as the appropriate one to translate a new institutional term, which should be made in inverted commas, which can be later be discreetly withdraWn. It could be done through literal translation.

Example: SL TL

Promosi (Kenaikan Pang kat) 'Social Advancement' 12) Compensation

Compensation is occuredwhen loss of meaning, sound-effect, metaphor or pragmatic effect in one part of a sentence is compensated in another part, or in a contiguous sentence.

Example: SL TL

Sebuah gunting A pair of scissors

] 3) Componential Analysis

This procedure is similar to the procedures of descriptive equivalent. Here a source language· word translated into the target language by detailing the components of the meaning o[tOO source language word.

Example: SL TL

Ramping Slender (long


elegdnt) ..

14) Reductiou & Expansion

Reduction means the depreciation of component of t.;e source language word. An e:xample is the translation of the word 'automobile' to 'car'. Here the elements of the word 'auto' removed. Thus, the word 'automobile' is reducing. Expansion is the opposite of reduction. Here the elements of the word expanded in the target language. For example is the translation of 'whale' to 'ikan paus'. In this example, the element of 'fish' was added because it is not good if it is translated just to be "paus". In Indonesian 'Pope' means the leader of the Catholic people, or 'the Pope' in English.


a Reduction


Geladak Kapal . Board

b. Expansion


Gerobak A cart

15) Paraphrase

This procedure is an amplification or explanation of the meaning of a segment of the text. It is used in an 'anonymous' text when it is poorly written, or has important implications and omissions.

Example: SL TL

Ramadhan Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting

] 6) Couplets

Couplets, triplets, quadruplets combine two, three or four of the above-mentioned procedures respectively for dealing with a single problem. They are particularly common for cultural words, if transference is combined with a functional or a cultural equivalent.

Examples: Transference


descriptive equivalent


GAM GAM (Aceh Freedom Movement)

17) Notes


Mery !lilalabi


Angkot Angkot (city transport)


This research was conducted by using the qualitative descriptive method. This research is translation product oriented. It means that this research focus on the result of translation. activity not the process of translation (Toury, 1980). The data analyzed were in the level of form of culture-related words and phrases related to culture. The data were through documentation study (both source and target language texts). The cultural tenus found in Sejarah Bilingual were then classified and analyzed to get answer the problem and meet the object of this research ..


There were found 56 Indonesian cultural terms (words and phrases) in the Bilingual book. Both the .cultural categories of. the cultural terms and the translalion procedures applied on the translation into English, are analyzed respectively in terms of the 5 cultural categories proposed by Newmark (1988:95-]03) and the]7 procedures proposed by Newmark (1988:8]-114).

The Cultural Categories of the Indonesian Cultural Terms in Sejarah Bilingual

(Indonesian-English Text Book)


Based on Newmark's concept (1988: 94-103) of category of culture, cultural terms.are divided into five categories, they are: (1) ecology; (2) material culture; (3) social culture; (4) organizations, customs and ideas; and (5) gestures and habits. From the collected data that have been verified for this study's need, there are 56 cultural terms found in the Indonesian-English Sejarah Bilingu4/ Text Book. These cultural terms are spread in two cultlmil categorjes, as presented in the following.

Table 1. The Cultural Categories of the Indonesian Cultural Terms in Sejarah Bilingual

(Indonesian English Text Book) No Cultural Category! Sub-Category

I Organizations, customs, and. ideas ( 45 terms) 1.1 History

1.2 Politics and Administrations 1.3 Social Customs

1.4 Art

2 Material Culture (11 terrils) 2.1 Transport

2.2 Building 2.3 Artefact 2.4 Town


Sum Number

24 16 4


5 4 1 1



42.85 28.57 7.14


8.92 7.14 1.78 1.78



K;yian linguisJil4 TabaR ォ・Mャセ@ No2 Agustus 2013

No Data SL TL


1 OTde Lama; (IND, 2011:1). OldOTder; (ENG,20ll:1).


2 Orde Baru; (IND, 2011:1). New Order; (ENG; 2011:1).



G-30-S/PKJ; (IND, 2011:1). Septembe; 3tf'· Communist

RebeHion; (ENG, 2011:1).



Angkatan '66; (IND, 2011:2). the '66 Force; (ENG,2011:2).



Front Pancosila; (IND, 2011:2). Pancasila Front; (ENG, 2011:2).



Tritura (Tri Tuntutan Rakyat); Three demands, (people's

(IND,2011:3). uidemands) ; (ENG,20ll:3).



Kabinet Dwikora; (IND, 2011:3). Dwikora Cabinet; (ENG,2011:3).


11 Kabinet IOO Menteri; (IND, the Cabinet of One Hundred

2011:3). mゥョゥウエセ[@



Pasukan Cakrabirawa; (IND, Members of the presidential

2011:3). guards, Cakrabirawa; (ENG,

2011:3) • . '.


17 Supersemar (SlUat Perintah the Eleventh of March Letter of Sebelas Maret) ; (IND, 2011:4). Warrant, (locally well-known as

Supersemar) on llMarchI966;, (ENG, 2011:4).



Kabinet Ampera (Amana Ampera (Order of People's

Penderitaan Rakyat); (IND, Sufferings); (ENG, 2011:4). 2011:4}.



Trilogi Pembangunan dan the Trilogy of Development and Delapan Jaiur Pemerataan; Eight-fold Path to Even

(IND,2011:6). Distribution; (ENG, 2011:6). .



PNI; (IND, 2011:9). PNl; (ENG, 2011:9).



Dwi-Darma Kabinet Ampera; Dwi-Darma (Biduty) of Ampera

(IND,2011:10). Cabinet; (ENG, 2011:10).



,Catur-KaryaKabinet Ampera; the Quadriprogram of Ampera

(IND,2011:10). Cabinet; (ENG,2011:10).



Tragedi Trisakti; (IND, 2011:26). . Trisakti Tragedy; (ENG, 2011:26).,



Kabinet Reformasi the Development Reform

Pembangunan; (IND, 2011 :27). Cabinet; (ENG, 2011:27).



Tragedi Semanggi; (IND, Semanggi Tragedy; (ENG"

2011:28). 20}1.:28},


44 ABRI; (IND, 2011:30). the Armed Force; (ENG; 2011:30).



TNI; (IND, 2011:30). the National Army; (ENG,




BUMN; (IND, 2011:31). State-o.wned companies; (ENG, 2011:31).



KPK; (IND, 2011:31). the Corruption Eradication

Commission; (ENG, 2011:31).



GAM; (IND, 2011:32). GAM (Aceh Freedom

Movement); (ENG,2011:32).



Demokrasi Rakyat; (IND, a Communist Ideology; (ENG,

2011:51). 2011:51} ...

The Translation Procedures applied in the Translation of Sejarah Bilinguaiinto,English There were 7 identified translation procedures applied


the translation of Sejarah Bilingual

Mcry 5iJalahj

Expansion 4. Descriptive Equivalent 5. Through-Translation 6. Modulation 7. Couplets. The proposition of the application of the procedures is tabulated as in the following.

Table 2. The Translation Procedures Applied in the Translation of Cultural Terms in Sejarah Bilingual into English

The Translation Procedure 1 Transference

2 Couplets

The Frequence


(%) 7.14

2.1 Culturalequivalent+transferenoo+transposition 3 5.35

2.2 Transference +notes 1 1.78

2.3 Naturalisation+ descriptive equivalent 1 1.78

2.4 Naturalisation + transference-rexpansion 1 1.78

2.5 Transference+descriptive equivalent 2 3.57

2.6 Cultural equivalent + reduction . 1 1.78

2.7 Cultural equivalent + transference' 3 5.35

2.8 Naturalisation+transference+transposition 3 5.35

2.9 Transference+through-translation 1 1.78

2.10 Naturalisation+through-translation 1 1.78

2.11 Descriptive equivalent+expansion 4 7.14

3 Cultural equivalent 5 8.92

4 Through translation 6 10.71

Descriptive equivalent 16 28.57

6 Reduction and expansion

6.1 Expansion 2 3.57

6.2 Reduction 1 1.78

7 Modulation 1 1.78

Total 56 100


Transference means transferring the pure SL term into the translation text, without any modification (Newmark, 1988:81). In this research, 4 cultural terms have been identified rendered into English by means of trans fer procedure.

For detail depiction, those data number are presented as follows:

No 1 2

3 4




28 29


PNI; (IND,2011:9/

Dwi-Darma Kabinet Ampera; (IND,2011:10).

Tanjung Prink; (IND, 2011:12). Gedung TVRI; (IND,2011:14).


PNI; (ENG,2011:9).

Dwi-Darma (Biduty) of Ampera Cabinet; (ENG,2011:1O). Tanjung Priok; (ENG, 2011:12). Gedung TVRI; (ENG, 2011:14).

Based on the data above, the ,transference procedure used to defend the terms of source text into the target text caused the elements of culture in the source text cannot be found in the target text.



K;yian LiI'-:,uuislik. TalJUn ォ・Mjセ@ No 2 Agustus 2013

Table 3. Tbe Different Combinations oftbe Couplets Procedure

No I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


10 11

Combinations of Translation Procedures

Cultural equivalent + transference+transposition Transference + notes

Naturalisation+ descriptive equivalent Naturalisation + transference+expansion Transference+descriptive equivalent Cultural equivalent + reduction Cultural equivalent + transference

Naturalisation+transference+transposition Transference+through-translation Naturalisation+through-translation Descriptive equivalent+expansion Total The Frequence 3 I 1 1 2 1 3 3 I 1 .4 21


14.28 4.76 4.76 4.76 9.52 4.76 2.48 14.28 4.76 4.76 19.04 100

Based on the data above, there are eight combination of translation procedures which use couplets procedures by means of two translation procedures in rendering a SL term into the TL text, they are: transference + notes, naturalization + descriptive equivalent, transference


descriptive equivalent, cultural equivalent +. reduction, cultural equivalent + transference, transference + through-translation, naturalization + through-translation, and descriptive equivalent + expansion. Besides that, there are three combinations of traaslation procedures which use couplets procedures by means of three . translation procedures, they are: cultural equivalent + transference + transposition, naturalization + transference + expansion, and naturalization + transference + transposition. The eight of translation procedures combinations which use couplets procedures by means of two translation procedures are shown in the following table:

Table 4. The Djfferent Combinations of the Couplets Procedure by means of two translation procedures

No Combinations of Translation Procedures

1 Transference + notes·

2 Naturalisation+ descriptive equivalent 3 Transference+descriptive equivalent 4 Cultural equivalent


reduction 5 Cultural equivalent + transference 6 Transference+through-translation 7 Naturalisation+through-translation 8 Descriptive equivalent+expansion

Total The Frequence 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 14


7.14 7.14 14.28 7.14 21.42 7.14 7.14 28.57 100

Transference + notes is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator applies the combination of the transference procedure and the notes procedure. Here, the SL term is purely transfered with a TL additional information or description. In this research, there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of transfer procedure and notes procedure.


Mery Sifalabi

No 1

Data 51

SL Angkot; (IND, 2011:93).


Angkot (city transport); (ENG, 2011:93).

This type of couplet procedure (Transfer


Notes or addition) is considered as the appropriate procedure to be taken in the translation of the SL vel}' peculiar terms, especially as it merits the SL term in the translation by providing additional information in the TL, it means that this procedure reflects the attempt of introducing the SL characteristics or value to the target readers. Naturalisation+ descriptive equivalent is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of the naturalisation and the descriptive equivalent procedure. Here, the SL word first adapted to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL (Newmark, 1988:82). After that, the meaning of the SL is explained in several words of the TL In this research, there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of naturalisation and descriptive equivalent procedure, For detail depiction, data number 32 is presented as follows:

No Data

1 32


Jawasentris; (IND,2011:17).


the Java-centric; (ENG, 2011:17).

In the translation, the SL term element is first naturalized into the normal morphology of TL, and the rest element is explained in several words of the TL

Transference+ descriptive equivalent is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of the transference procedure and the descriptive eqUIvalent procedure. In this research, there are 2 cultural terms have been identified rendered by means of the combination of the transference procedure and the descriptive equivalent procedure.

For detail depiction, data number 15 and 48 are presented as follows:

No Data SL TL

1 15 PancasiJa; (IND, 2011:4). Pancasiia (the Five Principles);

2 48 ... GAM; (IND, 2011:32).

(ENG, 2011:4).

GAM (Aceh Freedom

Movement); (ENG, 2011:32).

Here, the SL term is purely transferred with the meaning of the SL is explained in several words of the TL. Culturalequivalent+ Reduction is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of the cultural equivalent procedure and the reduction procedure. In this research, there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of the cultural equivalent procedure and the reduction procedure.

For detail depiction, data number 20 is presented as follows:

No Data SL TL

] 20 Garis.-garis Besar Haluan Negara the State Guidelines; (ENG,

(GBHN); (IND, 2011:6). 2011:6). .

In the translation, target equivalent is firstly provided, and then SL term is rendered into shorter or reduced construction, or is omitted when is needed.

Cultural equivalent+ transference is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of the cultural equivalent procedure and the transference procedure. In this research, there are 3 cultural term have been identified rendered by means of the combination of the cultural equivalent procedure and the transference procedure.


K;Yia.IJLinguistiK, Tahunlre-10,No2 Agustus 2013

No 1 2 3

Data 4 5 16


Angkatan '66; (IND, 2011:2). Front PanCllSila; (IND, 2011:2). UUD 1945; (IND, 2011:4).


the '66 Force; (ENG, 2011:2). Pancasila Front; (ENG, 2011 :2). the 1945 Constitution; (ENG, 2011:4).

In the translation, target equivalent is fIrstly provided, and then. the SL tenn is purely transferred intoTL. .

Trans/erence+ through-translation is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL tenn into the.


text, tije translator employs the 'combination of transference and througb-translation procedure. In this イ・セィL@ there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of transference and through-translation procedure.

For detail depiction, data nUlIll:>er 18 is presented as follows:

No Data


1 . 18 Kabinet Ampera(AmaItat Penderitaan Rakyat); (IND, )011:4).


Ampera (Order


People's Sufferings); (ENG, 2011:4).

Here, the SL tenn is. ーセャケ@ transferred. by replacing a SL common co11ocation with a TL common collocation (Newmark, 1988:84). In the translation, the construction TL equivalent retains the SL system.

NaturaJisation+ through-translation is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of naturalisation and througb-translation procedure. In this research, there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of naturalisation and through-translation procedure.

For detail depiction, data number 22 is presented as follows:

No Data SL TL

1 22 Trilogi Pemhangunan; (IND, the Trilogy of Development;

2011:6). (ENG, 2011:6).

Here, the SL word first adapted to the nonnal pronunciation, then tothenonnal morphology of the TL and then replacing a SL common collocation with a TL common collocation so that the

construction TL equivalent retains the SL system. Descriptive equivalent+ expansion is a type of couplet procedure by which ,rendering a SL tenn into the TL text, the translator employs the combination ·of descriptive equivalent and expansion procedure. In this research, there are 4 cultural tenns have been identified rendered by means of the combination of descriptive equivalent and expansion procedure.

For detail depiction, those data are presented as follows:

No Data SL

1 44 ABRl; (IND, 2011:30).

2 45 TNI;(lND,2011:30).

3 46 BUMN; (IND, 2011:31).



KPK; (IND, 2011:31).


the Armed Force; (ENG, 2011:30).

the National Army; (ENG, 2011:30).

State-owned companies; (ENG, 2011:31).

the Co"uption Eradication Commission; (ENG, 2011:31).

Here, the meaning of the SL is broadly described in the TL. Then, the three of translation procedures which use couplets procedures by means of two translation procedures are shown in


Mery SiJalalJi

Table 5. Tbe Different Combinations of tbe Couplets Procedure by means of tbree translation procedures

No Combinations of Translation Procedures The (%)

Frequence .

1 Cultural Equivalent+transference+transposition 3 42.85

2 Naturalisation+ transference+expansion 1 14.28

3 Naturalization+transference+transposition 3 42.85

Total 7 100

Cultmal equivalent


transference + transposition is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator applies three translation procedUres.· The three translation procedures are: cultural equivalent, transference, and transposition procedures. In the translation, target equivalent is firstly provided, and then SL term is purely transferred by following the target equivalent or the initial element of the source term is replaced with a target element, but the rest element of the SLterm is purely transfered by following the t:a.rget element. After that, the word class or form are rendered into another class or form, so that the emphasis of the original meaning is usually undergone shifting. In this research, there are 3 cultural terms have been identified rendered by means of the combination of cultural equivalent, transference, and transposition procedure.

For detail depiction, data number 7,30, and 37 are presented as follows:

No Data SL TL

I 7 Istana Bogor; (IND, 2011:3). Bogor Palace; (ENG, 2011:3). 2 30 Satelit PaJopa; (IND, 2011:14). Palapa Satellite; (ENG, 2011:14). 3 37 IstanaMerdeka; (IND, 2011:27). MerdekaPalace; (ENG,


The above data shows that, target equivalents are firstly set up, and after that, the SL terms are purely transfered following the target equivalents. The initial elements are replaced with the target elements, but the rest elements are purely transfered following the modified elements. After that, the word class· or forms are .rendered into another class or form, so that the emphasis of the original meaning is usually undergone shifting.

NatlUalisation+ transference+ expansion is a type of couplet proCedure by which rendering a SL


into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of the naturalization, transference, and expansion procedure. Here, the SL word first adapted to the normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the TL. After that, the SL term is purely transfered with a TL phrase or the longer construction in TL. In this research, there is only 1 cultural term has been identified rendered by means of the combination of naturalization, transference, and expansion procedure.

For detail depiction, data number 55 is presented es follows:

No Data SL TL

1 55 ReliefCandi Borobudur; (IND, the relief of Borobudur Temple;

2011:96). (ENG,2011:96).

Naturalisation+ transference+ transposition is a type of couplet procedure by which rendering a SL term into the TL text, the translator employs the combination of naturalization, transference, and transposition procedure. In this research, there are 3 cultural term have been identified rendered by means of the combination of naturalization, transference, and transposition procedure.






Data ]0 35


/(;yClI1 lゥijァャャゥウセ@ 7:z111lIJ kc-lo, No 2 Agustus 2013


Kabinet Dwikora; (IND, 2011:3). Tragedi Trisakti; (IND, 2011 :26).


Dw;kora Cabinet; (ENG,2011:3). Trisakti Tragedy; (ENG,


Tragedi Semanggi; (IND, St;mangg; Tragedy; (ENG,

2011:28). ; 2011:28).

Here, the SL word


adapted ,to エィセ@ normal pronunciation, then to the normal morphology of the lL. After that, the SL term is ーセャケ@ transfered with the word class or form is rendered into another class or form. . ".

Cultural Equivalent . , ." .'. " '. . , ' '. . . , . ;


this research, there aTe 5 ゥ、・ョエゥヲゥセ@ 」セiゥオョエャ@ terms rendered into English by means of cultural

equivalent procedure. .

' / ' "


For detail depiction,' those data


prc;:sented as follows:

No Data SL TL

1 8 Sidong Ptiripiuna; (IND, 2011:3). a Plenary Session; (ENG, 2011:3).

2 3







DPR-GR; (lND,)011:5). Cmur-KOrya; HャndセセPQQ[QPIN@

the Parliament; (ENG, 2011:5). the Quadriprogram; (ENG, 2011:10).

Gedung DPR/ MPR RI,: (IND, the Parliament building; (ENG,

2011:26). . . 2011.;26).

Mahkamah Agung HセI[@ (IND, the Supreme Court; (ENG,

2011 :27). . 2011:27).

Cultural equivalent means replacirig a

SL cultural

term with a TL cultural term (Newmark., 1988:84). The impact of the \ャーーャセセ。エゥッョ@ of this procedure is that the target equivalent is usually less accurate, because different language has the different syStems of expressing certain cultural features. So that, most often, this procedure is considered as the endeavor of etnodeviant . reduction in the translation, セ、@ conflIIIl$ the ignorance to the relevant SL culture (Newmark,

1988:83). . .



this research, there are 6 identified cultural terms rendered into English by means of through-translation pr9(:edure.

For detail depiction, those data


presented as follows:

No Data SL TL

1 ] Ortie Lama;-(JND, 2011:1). Old Order; (ENG, 2011:1).

2 2 Orde Baru; (fND, 2011:1). , New Order; Hengセ@ 2011:1).

3 9 Tritura (Tri Tuntulan Rakyat); Three demands (people's

(IND,2011:3). tridemands; (ENG, 2011:3).

4 11 Kabinet 1.00 Meitteri;


the Cabinet of One Hundred

. 2011:3). Ministers; (ENG, 2011:3).

5 31 Program Keluarga Bere"cana A Family Planning Program; (KB); (IND, 20/1:17). . '.. (ENG,2011:17).

6 54 Perusahaan Jowa/an Kereta Api Railroad SerVice Company,-(PJKA); (IND, 2011_·95). (ENG, 2011:95).


Mer), 5ilalahi

applies this term in the ウ。ュセ@ manner as source text and intended to convey the meaning of the source text into the エ。イァセエN@ However, it can distort the meaning of the source text. .

Descriptive Eq uivalent ..


this research, there are 16 identified cultural terms rendered into' English by means of descriptive equivalent procedure.

For detail depiction, those data are presented as follows:

No Data SL

1 3 G-30-S/PKI; (IND, 2011:1).


6 PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia); (IND,2011:2).



Pasukan Cakrabirawa; (IND, 2011:3).


l3 MPRS; (IND,2011:4).



Pemilu; (IND, 2011:4).

6 17 Supersemar (Surat Perintah . Sehelas Maret); '(lND,201 1.:4).



Rencana PembangunluiLima

Tahun (Repelita); (IND, 2011:6).



P-4 (Pedoman Penghay(l1an Pancasila; (IND, 2011:9).



Revolusi Hijau; (IND,' 2011: 11).



Sidang IstimewQ MPRS; (IND, 2011:25).



MPR; (IND, 2011:26).



Sidang Istimewa MPR; (IND, 2011:27).



Kahinet Reformasi

Pemhangunan; (IND, 2011.' 27).



DwifungsiABRI; (IND, 2011:29).



DPR; (IND, 2011:29). ,



Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Repoehlik Indonesia (DAMRI); (iND, 2011:94).


September 3ffh Communist 'ReheOion; (ENG,201l:1).

the Indonesian Communist Party; (ENG, 2011:2). Members of the presideniiiiJ guards, Cakrahirawa; (ENG,


the Temporary Provisional People's Consu/Jative Assembly; (ENG,201 1 :4).

a general eleCtion; (ENG, 2011:4).

the Eleventh of March .letter of Warrant (locally well-known as Supersemar) on 11 March 1966; (ENG, 20! 1 :4).

The fゥカ・セy・。イ@ Development Plan; (ENG, 2011:6).

PanctiSilil Understanding and Implementation Guidelines; , (ENG, 2011:9).

The Green Revolution; (ENG, '2011:11).' "

the General Session of the ProVisional People's

Consultative Assembly; (ENG, 2011:25).

People's ConsuIJattive Assembly; , (ENG,2011:26).

an Extraordinary Session of the ProviSional People's

Consultative Assemhly; (ENG,

2011:27). '

the Development Reform Cahinet ; (ENG, 2011:27). '

the dual-function of the Armed Forces," (ENG, 2011:29).

People's Rrpresentative Council

Hp。イャゥエャュ・ョエIセᄋ@ (ENG, 2011:29). Service of Republic of Indonesia which is known as DAMRl; (ENG, 2011:94).


K;yiaIJ LiIlguistik. TahuIJ ォ・Mャセ@ No 2 Agustus 2013

1988:84). Commonly, the specific characteristics of of the SL term, such as: the size, the material the location, and sometimes the function become the focus of the description.

Reduction and Expansion Reduction

In this research, there is 1 identified cultural term rendered into English by means of reduction procedure.

For detail depiction, the data is presented as follows:

No Data


1 50 Ge1adakKapal; (IND, 2011:64).


Board; (ENG, 2011 :64).

The data shows that in the translation, the SL peculiar phrases are rendered into the TL single words .. SL is rendered into the shorter phrase in TL. In the translation, the longer construction of, a SL term is rendered into shorter or reduced construction, or is ッュゥエエセ@ L||LィセjQ[@ is Qeeded.

Reduction procedure is itended to give the clear meaning into the target language. Therefore, the target readers are able to understand the meaning of the ウッオイセ@ text easily. The セーャゥ」。エゥッョ@ of the procedure tends to defend the term into the' target language. It means that the translator translate the term closely into the target language. ' ,


Expansion .

In this research, there are identified 2 cultural terms rendered into English by means of reduction procedure.:

For detail depiction, those data are presented as follows:




1 50 Gerobak; (IND, 2011:93).

2 56 Orang sakti mandraguna; (IND, 2011:93).


A cart; (ENG, 2011:93).

A supernatura/{v poweiful man (ENG, 2011:93).

In the translation, a SL single ,word is rendered .into a TL phrase or the longer construction in TL.


In this research, there is identified 1 cultural term rendered into English by means of modulation procedure.

For detail depiction, the data is presented asfoHows:




1 49 DemokrasiRakyat; (IND,2011:51).


a Communist Ideology; (ENG, 2011:51).

In the translation into the 1L text, a SL term is replaced with the TL term of different viewpoint

but with the meaning. .

The Analysis of the Translation Procednres Applied in Translation of the Cultural terms

in SejarahBilingual (Indonesian-English Text Book)


From the thorough analysis of the translation procedures applied in the translation of the cultural terms found in both Indonesian and English language of Sejarah Bilingual, it is found that the translation procedure applied is TL and SL oriented translation procedures .. ' .. Table 6 • TL and SL oriented translation procednres ..

(%) The SL-oriented Translation Procedures



Translation Procedures TbeTL-oriented


MeIY /lila/ahi

2 Thro.ugh translatio.n 10.71 . Transference+no.tes 1.78

3 Descriptive equivalent 28.57 Naturalisatio.n+descriptive equivalent 1.78

4 Expansio.n 3.57 Transference + descriptive equivalent 3.57

5 Reductio.n 1.78 Cultural equivalent+reductio.n 1.78

6 Modulatio.n 1.78 Cultural equivalent+transference 5.35

Transference+thro.ugh-translatio.n 1.78 Naturalisatio.n+through-translatio.n 1.78 Descriptive equivalent+expansio.n }.14 Culwral equivalent+transfer+transpositio.n 5.35 NaturaIisatio.n+transfer+expansio.n 1.78 NaturalisatioU:+-transfer+transpositio.n 5.35

Total 5533 44.58

The ComparisonofthePercentage· 2/1

Fro.m the table, it is seen thlittbe rr3nslato.r tends to. apply the1L-oriented


in the·· translatio.n. TwentY; six point seventy six percent of the SL cultural tenos are replaCed with the cultural tenos and collocatio.ns in the TL. They are also. described in many wo.rds in the TL This descriptio.ns are co.nsidered as the translato.r's strategy o.f o.vercoming the unavailability of equivalent tenos in the TL fo.r the SL tenos. In the translatio.n into. the TL, so.me o.f the SL terrils undergo. expansio.n, so.me オセ、・イァッNイ・、オ」エゥッNョL@ and so.me undergo. shifting. Thirty seven point fo.urty fo.ur percent o.f the SL cultural terms are translated by retaining the so.urce terms elements, and o.nly 7.14% that are purely transfered witho.ut any modificatio.n. This means that the translato.r applies the SL-oriented procedures o.nly o.n the very cultural terms o.f Indo.nesian;

in o.rder to. introduce them to. the target readers.

The TL-oriented Translation Procedures

It was fo.und that 55.33% o.f the translatio.n procedures applied in the translatio.n were TL-o.riented translatio.n procedures (rangiDg fro.m: cultural equivalent 8.92%, thro.ughtranslatio.n·

]0.71%, descriptive equivalent 28.57%, expansio.n 3.57%, reductio.n 1.78010, and modulatio.n 1.78%). The focus o.f attentio.n o.f these procedures is the no.noality and relevancy in the TL system and culture.

The SL-oriented Translation Procedures

Fro.m the tho.ro.ugh analysis o.f the. translatio.n procedures applied in the translatio.n o.n the translatio.n o.f cultural terms in Sejarah Bilingual from Indo.nesian (So.urce language) into. English (target language), it. isf'o.lJPd that o.nly 44.58% SL-o.riented translatio.n procedUres applied in the translatio.n (they セイ・@ transference procedure and eleven types o.f couplets procedure). Transference purely transfers the SL terms in the translatio.n text, witho.ut making any mo.dificatio.n, means that its fo.cus o.f attentio.n is the o.riginal message and the SL particularity. Co.uplets procedure with its different co.mbinatio.ns attempts to. provide understanding in the TL, it also. acco.modates the SL text elements in the translatio.n text that means


ensures the o.riginal message and pertains the existence o.f the Jinguistic and cultural

particularity o.f theSL in the translatio.n text. . .



K;yian lillguislik. t。ャQャQijォ・Mjセ@ No 2 Agustus 2013

2. The translation procedure appJied in the translation of the cultural terms fOlmd in Sejarah Bilingual from Indonesian into English, is dominated by TL-oriented translation procedures (53.55%) ranging from descriptive equivalent 28.57%, through translation procedure 10.71%, cultural equivalent procedure 8.92%, reduction and expansion 5.35%, functional equivalent 1.65%, and modulation 1.78% followed by SL-oriented translation procedures (44.58%) ranging couplets procedures 37.44% and transfer procedure 7.14%.

In the translation, some of the procedures are inefficiently applied on the source terms, as the consequence, deviation in the aspect of meaning, and the loss and the shift of cultural category are unavoidable. The inefficient application of the procedures denotes impact of the inadequecy of the translator's competence.

3. The translation procedures used by the translator in translating the lndonesian cultural tenus into English which is found in Sejarah Bilingual are TL-oriented translation procedures. It refers to the information that the target language contains is more than that of the source language. The translation conveys the target language readers more information than the source language readers should receive, which could lead to a misunderstanding between the source language and the target language.


Baker, Mona. 1992. In Other Words ; A Coursebook on Translation. USA and Canada : Routledge.

Bates, D.G. & F. Plog. 1990. Cultural Anthropology. New York: McGraw-Hill. Bassnett-McGuire, S. 1991. Translation Studies. New York: Metheuen & Co.


Catford, J. C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Longman.

Dollerup, C. A. Lindegard. ]993. Teaching Translation and Interpreting Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Hornby, Mary SnelL 1988. Translation Studies. An Integrated Approach Amsterdaml Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Larson, L. Mildred. 1984. Meaning-Based Translation. A Guide to Cross Language Equivalence. Newyork: University Press of America.

Munday, J. 2001. Introducing Translation Studies. London & New York: Routledge.

Newmark, Peter. 1981. Approches to Translation (lsi ed). Oxford and Newyork: Pergamon Press.

_ _ _ _ _ _ . 1988. A textbook of Translation. Oxford: Pergamon.

_ _ _ _ _ _ . 2001. A Text Book of Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Nida, E. 1993. Language, Culture and Translation. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.


Table 1. The Cultural Categories of the Indonesian Cultural Terms in Sejarah Bilingual
Table 2. The Translation Procedures Applied in the Translation of Cultural
Table 4. The Djfferent Combinations of the Couplets Procedure by
Table 5. Tbe Different Combinations of tbe Couplets Procedure by


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