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Techniq es in Wate shed Management”


Academic year: 2019

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M odu le 6 – ( L2 2 – L2 6 ) :

Use of M ode r n

Te ch n iq e s in W a t e sh e d M a n a ge m e n t ”

Te ch n iqu e s in W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t ”

Applica t ion s of Ge ogr a ph ica l I n for m a t ion Syst e m a n d Re m ot e Se n sin g in W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t , Role of g g , D e cision Su ppor t Syst e m in W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

2 4

D e cision Su ppor t Syst e m s & Applica t ion s in W a t e r sh e d

1 1 1 1


2 4

Applica t ion s in W a t e r sh e d




Decision Support Syst em s &


h d

Applicat ions in Wat ershed Managem ent

Topics Cove r e d

Topics Cove r e d

Decision support syst em s ( DSS) , Basics,

Decision support syst em s ( DSS) , Basics,

Charact erist ics of DSS Com ponent s of DSS

Charact erist ics of DSS Com ponent s of DSS

Charact erist ics of DSS, Com ponent s of DSS,

Charact erist ics of DSS, Com ponent s of DSS,

DSS st ruct ure, Applicat ions of DSS in w at er

Wat ershed Managem ent .

Wat ershed Managem ent .



Decision support syst em s,

Decision support syst em s,

charact erist ics, com ponent s, st ruct ure.

charact erist ics, com ponent s, st ruct ure.

2 2 2 2

charact erist ics, com ponent s, st ruct ure.

charact erist ics, com ponent s, st ruct ure.


Decision Support Syst em s - Basics

 Decision: a reasoned choice am ong alt ernat ives

 DSS: a syst em t hat support s a m anager or m anagers

working as a problem - solving t eam in t he solut ion of a sem working as a problem - solving t eam in t he solut ion of a sem i-st ruct ured problem by providing inform at ion or m aking

suggest ions concerning specific decisions.


 I n general t erm s, DSS are:

– com put er- based syst em s designed t o support decision

m akers int eract ively in t hinking & m aking decisions. m akers int eract ively in t hinking & m aking decisions.

– Dedicat ed- rest rict ed but well defined area of applicat ion – syst em s incorporat ing m odelling, analysis wit h dat a,

d b & f ili l i i f


Decision Support Syst em s …

 I n general t erm s, DSS are:

– providers of cust om - built inform at ion

Decision m aking:

m eet specific obj ect ives

– t he alt ernat ives m ay

m aking process

 sim plest level:

 expert advice regarding a

d i i b y

represent :

 different courses of act ion

decision bet ween alt ernat ives

 m ost com plex level:

act ion

 different hypot heses

 different use of a

geographical ent it y et c.


Ch a r a ct e r ist ics of D SS

– Abilit y t o support

com plex decision m aking

– Fast response t o unexpect ed sit uat ions

– Abilit y t o t ry different st rat egies quickly

and obj ect ively

– I m proves m anagem ent cont rol and

organizat ional perform ance



d l



– Reduces cost of m odeling considerably

– Large dat a handling capabilit ies, m odeling

bilit i

& I t

t i




capabilit ies & I nt eract ive & graphical

funct ions t o m ake dat a easily usable.


Why Do We need DSS?.

 Sem i- st ruct ured approach t o problem solving  Large volum e of inform at ion

 I nt egrat e m any inform at ion sources  Models are difficult t o use

 Deal wit h t rade- offs: social, econom ic, biophysical, Deal wit h t rade offs: social, econom ic, biophysical,

legislat ion

 I dent ify preferred opt ions for furt her follow up

Conflict !

Making decisions t o m eet specific obj ect ives oft en involves CONFLI CT

 Solving t hese conflict s is t he art of good decision m aking


Why DSS?.

DSS does not t ake decisions



t i

l i f

t i

Provides t im ely inform at ion

Com m unicat e result t o a larger audience

Open and unbiased working

Scenario analysis

Using a DSS, a person responsible for

t he act ual proj ect is able t o m ake

rat ional use of t he syst em w it hout an

in-dept h knowledge of m odeling t echniques


Typica l D SS

Pre Processing Tools

Com put er Models

Post Processing Tools

8 8


Com pon e n t s of D SS

 Dat abases – Tem poral, spat ial  GI S for spat ial dat aG S o spa a da a

 Mat hem at ical m odels  Expert syst em s

 St at ist ical, graphical soft ware, spreadsheet s  User int erface

D a t a ba se in a D SS dat a t hat are st ored in a large pool  D a t a ba se in a D SS - dat a t hat are st ored in a large pool

from which different applicat ions wit h different dat a requirem ent s can ret rieve.

Fou r m a j or ca t e gor ie s of da t a : Spat ial dat a; Tem poral

dat a; Relat ion dat a; At t ribut e dat a


Com pon e n t s of D SS…

User I nt erface

is soft w are t hat helps t he

decision-m aker t o use t he applicat ion easily &adecision-mp; effect ively.




Well- designed user int erfaces can free t he user from

learning com plex com m and languages.

A m aj or part of t he DSS developm ent effort goes in

design of user int erface.

Mat hem at ical m odels

a e an im po t ant com ponent of

Mat hem at ical m odels

are an im port ant com ponent of

a DSS.


com m only used m odels

include opt im izat ion,


com m only used m odels

include opt im izat ion,

sim ulat ion, st at ist ical m odels, decision analyses,

genet ic algorit hm s, neural net w orks et c.


D SS St r u ct u r e

 The basic DSS st ruct ure include:

– Dat abase subsyst em Model base subsyst em – Model base subsyst em

– User int erface or dialog subsyst em – Knowledgebase subsyst em

Manager + Computer



Based Solution

Decision Maker/




Based Solution

Based Solution


11 11


D SS St r u ct u r e

D a t a ba se M a n a ge m e n t Tools

 Dat abase m anagem ent syst em is t he soft ware used

for m anagem ent of dat abase for m anagem ent of dat abase

M ode l Ba se Su bsyst e m

 I t is t he heart of t he syst em

D ia logu e Su bsyst e m ( Use r in t e r fa ce )

 I t is t he face of t he syst em

l d b S b

Kn ow le dge ba se Su bsyst e m

 Expert ise for solving crit ical problem s st ored as rules

t o be followed during t ypical sit uat ions t o be followed during t ypical sit uat ions

 I t provide int elligence t o decision m akers @ decision


D SS St r u ct u r e

D a t a ba se M a n a ge m e n t Tools

Cont ains a procedural language along wit h hierarchical

 Cont ains a procedural language along wit h hierarchical

& relat ional dat a st ruct ure

The key capabilit ies of a Dat a base  Ext ract ion

 Updat ing

l d f d ff

 I nt errelat e dat a from different source  Ret rieves dat a

 Provide com prehensive dat a securit y  Provide com prehensive dat a securit y  Com plex dat a m anipulat ion

 Manage Dat a t hrough a dat a Dict ionary


D SS St r u ct u r e ….

M ode l Ba se Su bsyst e m

M ode l Ba se Su bsyst e m

 I t cont ains 4 basic t ypes of m odels:

 St rat egic m odels; Tact ical m odels; Operat ional g ; ; p

m odels; Model building blocks and sub rout ines

Th k bilit i f d l b

 The key capabilit ies of a m odel base  Creat e new m odels quickly

 Maint ain wide range of m odels t o support all levels  Maint ain wide range of m odels t o support all levels

of m anagem ent

 I nt er relat e t he m odels wit h t he dat abase

 Access and int egrat e t he m odel building blocks  Manage m odel base wit h m anagem ent funct ions

analogous t o dat abase m anagem ent

14 14


D SS St r u ct u r e ….

M ode l Ba se Tools

Different m odeling t echniques com m only used

Different m odeling t echniques com m only used

in DSS m odel bases are:

O t i


t i

d l

Opt im izat ion m odels

Num erical m odels

Art ificial Neural Net w orks

Fuzzy Logic based m odels

15 15

GI S and Rem ot e Sensing based m odels


M ode l Ba se Tools

Opt im iz a t ion M ode ls:

Different t echniques

Linear program m ing

Linear program m ing

Non- linear program m ing

Dynam ic program m ing

Dynam ic program m ing

AI Techniques

N u m e r ica l M ode ls:

Used for solving part ial

N u m e r ica l M ode ls:

Used for solving part ial

different ial equat ions;

• Com m only used m et hods

Com m only used m et hods

Finit e elem ent m et hod ( FEM)

Finit e difference m et hod ( FDM)

16 16


M ode l Ba se Tools

GI S ba se d Spa t ia l M ode lin g:

 GI S is a com put er based syst em used for st oring, p y g,

m anipulat ing and analysing dat a

 I t provides t im ely inform at ion in a readily usable form




Re m ot e Se n sin g Tools

 Rem ot e sensing dat a gives t he det ailed dist ribut ion of

t he param et ers basin wide t he param et ers basin wide

 Useful for dist ribut ed m odelling of t he wat ershed  Delineat ion of wat ershed, soil t ype, land use

classificat ion


Spa t ia l D e cision Su ppor t Syst e m s

 Provides a decision- m aking environm ent t o enable

analysis of geographical inform at ion

 SDSS are DSS wit h m echanism s for input of spat ial dat a  SDSS are DSS wit h m echanism s for input of spat ial dat a  Allow represent at ion of t he com plex spat ial relat ions and

st ruct ures com m only found in spat ial dat a

I l d l t i l t h i i t t i l d

 I nclude analyt ical t echniques unique t o spat ial and

geographical analysis ( including st at ist ics)

 SDSS: Three level archit ect ure

Tools: general purpose hardware and soft ware t ools t hat

can be assem bled t o build a variet y of syst em m odules

Te ch n ica l su ppor t e rpp : SDSS t hat can be configured t o g

address specific problem s

Bu ilde r : t akes dom ain specific dat a and develops t he

SDSS for a given applicat ion

18 18


Spa t ia l D e cision Su ppor t Syst e m s…

DBMS l i l l i l d h i d

 DBMS - locat ional, t opological and t hem at ic dat a t ypes t o

support cart ographic display, spat ial query, analyt ical m odeling

 MBMS - m odel base m anagem ent syst em t o support

st at ist ical and num erical m odels which st ores m odels inst ead of dat a

inst ead of dat a

 Each m odel m ay be a sm all piece of code t o solve a part

of an algorit hm

 Knowledge based reasoning, im age processing m ay be

part of t he MBMS

 Graphical and t abular report generat ors  Graphical and t abular report generat ors  2- d and 3- d displays

 Bar chart s, pie- chart s, scat t er plot s, line plot s, ...

19 19

 Applicat ion specific plot s and report s


D SS D e ve lopm e n t M e t h odology

DSS needs assessm ent

DSS m odel Concept ualizat ion

DSS m odel Concept ualizat ion

Dat abase Developm ent

Generic DSS Developm ent

Generic DSS Developm ent

DSS Cust om izat ion

DSS Test ing/ Refinem ent

DSS Test ing/ Refinem ent

DSS Applicat ions and Dem onst rat ion

DSS Evaluat ion/ Fine t uning

DSS Evaluat ion/ Fine t uning

Dissem inat ion/ Training & Out Reach Plan

Preparat ion of Final Report

20 20


Wat er I ssues in Space & Tim e – DSS Needs

Forecasts PredictionsWeather Variability Change

D h M


DSS for Wat er Resources Planning

 Decision Support Syst em ( DSS) provides Wat er

Managem ent Aut horit ies a well- st ruct ured, user-f i dl t i l d l t t

friendly, pract ical and com plet e w at er resources m anagem ent inform at ion syst em .

 DSS m ay assist decision m akers in t aking t he right y g g

decisions on t he basis of good com parison of different st rat egies under various scenarios, & com bine t he

benefit s of GI S, expert syst em s & sim ulat ion m odels benefit s of GI S, expert syst em s & sim ulat ion m odels

 Wat er Resources Planning - Daunt ing challenge

Resource- wise com plexit ySociet y- wise com plexit y

E i l it

22 22


DSS in Wat er Resources Planning

-Typical Com ponent s

Typical Com ponent s

 Hydrological I nform at ion Syst em  Geographical I nform at ion Syst em

 I nform at ion Syst em for ot her required Dat a  Rem ot e Sensing Dat a Analysis Syst em

 St at ist ical and Tim e Series Analysis Tool  Dem and Proj ect ion Module

 Hydrological Dat a Analysis Syst em and Planning

O t i i t i d Si l t i M d l

 Opt im izat ion and Sim ulat ion Module  Econom ic Analysis Module

G hi l U I t f

23 23

 Graphical User I nt erface


Typica l D SS for W a t e r sh e d M a n a ge m e n t

Time Series Data


Spatial Data Population Data

Tem poral Dat a Spat ial Dat a Socio- econom ic dat a Dat abase/ HI S Wat er dem and

on GIS and HIS platform

Scenarios Various plans


DSS Soft ware for Wat er Resources Planning

 MULI NO decision support syst em ( m DSS) , Venezia, I t aly.  MI KE BASI N, by t he Danish Hydraulic I nst it ut e ( DHI ) ;

BASI NS U S Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency

 BASI NS, U.S.- Environm ent al Prot ect ion Agency

 SDSS for Evaluat ion of Wat er Dem and & Supply Managem ent

Schem es, Technical Universit y of At hens

 I QQM, Queensland Depart m ent of Nat ural Resources  ENSI S, by t he Norw egian I nst it ut e for Wat er Research  REALM, Vict oria Universit y of Technology & Dept . Nat ural , y gy p

Resources & Environm ent , Vict oria, Aust ralia

 RI BASI M, by Delft Hydraulics

 WEAP by t he St ockholm Environm ent I nst it ut e

 WEAP, by t he St ockholm Environm ent I nst it ut e

 AQUATOOL, by t he Universidad Polit ecnica de Valencia, Spain  I RAS, Civil Dept . Cornell Universit y & Resources Planning Asso.


Ca se St u dy:

Barvi Reservoir on Barvi


i B dl




River in Badlapur – DSS based on GI S

Lengt h of Dam : 746.70 m ; St orage Capacit y Gross: 178.50

MCM; Dead : 1.64 MCM; Live/ Usable: 176.86 MCM

Cat chm ent area: 166.02 Sq.Km s; Original Nat ural Source: Barvi river at village Pim ploli Taluka : Kalyan Dist rict : Thanea a ag p o a u a a ya a

Ref: P. Venkt achalam , J.K. Suri,( 1995) CSRE Technical Report , I I T Bom bay


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

Obj e ct ive s

Generat e current landuse/ landcover inform at ion from

 Generat e current landuse/ landcover inform at ion from

rem ot e sensing.

 Sim ulat e new subm ergence for each value of raised

height of Barvi reservoir.

 Com put e increase in capacit y of reservoir.

I dent ify subm ergence village w ise landuse/ land

 I dent ify subm ergence village- w ise, landuse/ land

cover- wise.

 Provide necessary input s for t he decision m akers t o

t ake opt im al decisions based on cost v/ s benefit analysis.


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

Ref: P. Venkt achalam , J.K. Suri ( 1995) CSRE Technical Report t , I I T Bom bay

For Res. Level of 67m

P V kt h l J K S i ( 1995) 'A li t i f GI S i W t R

29 29

P. Venkt achalam , J.K. Suri ( 1995) 'Applicat ion of GI S in Wat er Resources Developm ent - A Case St udy', " Proc. of GI S AM/ FM Asia'95,


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

Ref: P. Venkt achalam , J. K. Suri ( 1995) CSRE Report , I I T Bom bay

30 30


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

Ref: P Venkt achalam J K Suri( 1995) CSRE Ref: P. Venkt achalam , J.K. Suri( 1995) CSRE Technical Report , I I T Bom bay

31 31

P. V e n k t a ch a la m , J.K. Su r i ( 1 9 9 5 ) 'Applica t ion of GI S in W a t e r Re sou r ce s D e ve lopm e n t - A Ca se St u dy', " Pr oc. of GI S AM / FM Asia '9 5 ,


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

Ref: P. Venkt achalam , J.K. Suri ( 1995) CSRE Technical Report , I I T Bom bay

32 32

p y


Case St udy: GI S based DSS

33 33


D SS – Con clu din g Re m a r k s

 Wat er m anagem ent involves m any processes, which

are m odelled individually or collect ively by DSS are m odelled individually or collect ively by DSS

 DSS helps t he wat er m anagers t o t ake t he opt im al

decisions in com plex sit uat ions

d l d l d l b

 DSSs developed - applied t o a part icular basin or a

basin wit h sim ilar charact erist ics

 DSS – needed for all t he irrigat ion wat ersheds, t o DSS needed for all t he irrigat ion wat ersheds, t o

m ake m ost of t he available fresh wat er resources

 Wat ershed m anagem ent - part icipat ory decision

m aking I NTERACTI VE DSS end user can input his m aking - I NTERACTI VE DSS - end user can input his dat a, analyse & query t o get opt im um solut ions in less t im e wit h m inim um cost .


Re fe r e n ce s

Resources Planning and Managem ent, 123( 5) , 266- 273.

 Dunn, S.M., Mackay, R., Adam s, R. and Oglet horpe, D.R.( 1996) . “ The

H d l i l C t f NELUP D i i S t S t A Hydrological Com ponent of NELUP Decision Support Syst em : An Appraisal“ , Journal of Hydrology, 177( 3- 4) , 213- 235.

 I t o, K., Xu, Z.X., Jinno, K.N., Koj iri, T. and Kawam ura, A.( 2001) .

“ Decision Support Syst em for Decision Support Syst em for Surface Wat er Planning in River Surface Wat er Planning in River Basins“ , J. of Wat er Res. Plan. Managem ent, 127( 4) , 272- 276.

 Jam ieson, D.G. and Fedra, K. ( 1996) . “ The ‘Wat erWare‘ Decision Support Syst em for River Basin Planning. 1. Concept ual Design. pp y g p g

Journal of Hydrology 177( 3- 4) , 163- 175.

 Jayashankar, R., ( 1989) “ Decision Support Syst em s” Tat a- McGraw Hill Publishing Com pany, New Delhi.


Tu t or ia ls - Qu e st ion !.?.

Crit ically st udy role of Decision Support

Syst em s in developm ent of effect ive

Syst em s in developm ent of effect ive

Wat ershed Managem ent Plans ( det ails can

be obt ained from I nt ernet ) .


Evaluat e t he capabilit ies of various DSS

Evaluat e t he capabilit ies of various DSS

soft w are used for Wat er Resources

soft w are used for Wat er Resources


planning. ( det ails can be obt ained from

I nt ernet ) .


Se lf Eva lu a t ion - Qu e st ion s!.


I llust rat e charact erist ics of a t ypical DSS.

What are t he im port ant com ponent s of a

What are t he im port ant com ponent s of a


Describe im port ant Model Base Tools.

esc be

po t a t



oo s

Ment ion st ep by st ep m et hodology for DSS

developm ent & im plem ent at ion.

Describe a t ypical Hydrological I nform at ion

Syst em s.


Assign m e n t - Qu e st ion s?.



Why do we need a DSS?.

Explain t he t ypical st ruct ure of DSS

Explain t he t ypical st ruct ure of DSS.

I llust rat e t he charact erist ics of Spat ial DSS.

Describe t he t ypical feat ures of DSS for

Describe t he t ypical feat ures of DSS for

Wat er Resources Planning.

I llust rat e a t ypical Decision Support

I llust rat e a t ypical Decision Support

Syst em s for Wat ershed Managem ent ?.


Un solve d Pr oble m !.

Un solve d Pr oble m !.

For your w at ershed area, explore t he

For your w at ershed area, explore t he

possibilit y of using a DSS for effect ive w at er

possibilit y of using a DSS for effect ive w at er

possibilit y of using a DSS for effect ive w at er

possibilit y of using a DSS for effect ive w at er

m anagem ent plans.

m anagem ent plans.

From t he lit erat ure ident ify a suit able DSS

From t he lit erat ure ident ify a suit able DSS

From t he lit erat ure, ident ify a suit able DSS

From t he lit erat ure, ident ify a suit able DSS

package for wat ershed m anagem ent plans.

package for wat ershed m anagem ent plans.

Which are t he ot her areas where DSS can

Which are t he ot her areas where DSS can

Which are t he ot her areas where DSS can

Which are t he ot her areas where DSS can


Dr. T. I. Eldho Dr. T. I. Eldho

Professor, Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, pp gg gg

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, 400 076.

Mumbai, India, 400 076. Email:

Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in

40 40


Email: eldho@iitb.ac.ineldho@iitb.ac.in Phone: (022)

Phone: (022) –– 25767339; Fax: 2576730225767339; Fax: 25767302 http://www.


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