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Design of application based on ergonomic aspect for lighting in workplace.


Academic year: 2017

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2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES)

Design of Application based on Ergonomic Aspect

for Lighting In Workplace

Alit Swamardika IB., N. Adiputra, DP. Sutjana, Linawati

Doctoral Programme of Ergonomic

Faculty of Medicine, University of Udayana, Bali Indonesia


AbstractGood lighting is needed for optimal visual condition in the workplace. Therefore some factors to have the optimal visual should be considered. To compute lighting in the workplace manually, this will require long working time and would be monotonous. Thus an application should be designed to resolve lighting problems in the workplace. In this paper, the application is designed based on ergonomics aspects.

Keywords-lighting; application; software; ergonomics aspects; workplace.


Artificial lighting can be used to improve the visual image of the room, especially at night. Utilization of lighting is both supporting the function room and people activities in room. In addition lighting creates aesthetic comfort and safety in the room. The lighting in the room causes an orientation room and mass definition. Therefore there will be understanding about condition of a room, then appropriate action when performing any activity can be decided. The fulfillment of the functional in lighting design should meet quality of those aesthetics, the comfort and security standards [1].

In the process of lighting design, when the designer has made the concept of lighting, the designer must be able to meet the standard quantity that is prescribed and in accordance with the provisions of the respective room. Influential factors in calculating the quantity of lighting room is a standard technical lighting; spacious room; lamp lumen data; light loss factor can be recovered; light loss factor is a result which cannot be restored; and the coefficient of armature. [1].

In calculating the quantity of lighting a space, the designer using the mathematical calculation by inserting those factors into mathematical formulas. This resulted in the process of design becomes inefficient and monotonous if a designer to calculate the quantity of lighting a building with a lot of room, function and characteristics of the different technical requirements. It makes the designer often to do design without the use of calculations in accordance with the technical standards. From observations that has been done, is found that in designing the lighting of a room, a designer determines the quantity of light based on an estimation only [2-3].

To overcome these problems, software based on ergonomics aspect is designed. The application is able to accommodate all the standards.


A. Materials

The material in this paper is to design an application based on ergonomic aspect to have good lighting in workplace.

B. Method

The methods used are the literature review. III. RESULTSANDDISCUSSION

A. Design of Lighting Systems

The definition of the design in the field of engineering as given by Fielden is; “Engineering design is the use of scientific principles, technical information and imagination in the definition of mechanical structure, machine or system to

perform function with maximum economy and efficiency”.

This definition is spatially narrow since it only discussed the design of engineering in relation to sense of economic aspect and efficiency. In fact, a design is very closely related to a variety of other disciplines, and supports each other\'s overall design process of a product or service [4].

Definition of system design by George M. Scott in his book Principles of management information systems; “The design of the system is determining how to achieve goals set which involves the formation of (configuring) software and hardware components of a system where after installation of the system will meet the specifications made in the late phases of systems analysis. "[5].

One of the characteristics of a human being is always trying to create something good tools and other objects to help them. To realize the tool or object, it is required a design. A design should be oriented towards the needs and requirements of the user. Those are similarly in designing a lighting system [2].

When planning lighting system in the room, that must be considered is the intensity of the illumination, the color of light needed and the direction of lighting. The intensity of the light


2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES) will produce luminancy because of the influence of a factor

walls reflection and the floor of the room [3].

The light source is a unit of illumination complete consisting of its equipment for the operation of both light and electricity and to set up a distribution of light, positioning lights, protects lights and connecting a lamp with a voltage source. A few things to get attention for indoor lighting designer among other things are [3]:

a. Economic. If the economic considerations are power (W) then Luminous efficacy (lm/W) should be a consideration.

b. Lifetime. The lifetime of the lamp can be made into consideration replacement lights only when there are dead lights and how economical replacement for groups. c. An auxiliary tool required, for example: armature, and


d. The effects that might be brought about, among other things: shadow, stroboskopis, and glare.

e. The walls color of the room. Because the reflection of the walls color also affect the comfort.

To get an adequate quality of illumination then both a source of illumination and environmental factors to be considered. Therefore the lighting designer needs to have the necessary data. The necessary data for planning a lighting installation are [3]:

a. The drawing of a room, the dimensions of a room, and the plan of the layout of the lights.

b. Details of the construction of the ceiling.

c. Color and reflections from ceiling, wall, floor and Desk Chair (furniture that is in the room).

d. The function of the room (a visual work that will be done in the room).

e. Equipment machinery or equipment in the room.

f. The conditions of the rooms such as: temperature, humidity, and dust.

The development of architecture allows room ceiling varied, similarly color and materials used. It is related to reflectance. The temperature is related to the use of the power of the lamp. Tube Lamp usually operates in temperature of 25° C in which lumen will be reduced by 1.5% every 1 C°. The changes of this temperature do not influence significantly to the fluorescent lamps and gas discharge lamps of high pressure. The humidity affect the age of armature or equipment of the lighting installation. Meanwhile the dust affects percentage of the quantity of light up on the surface of the work areas.

B. Flow of Calculating The Artificial Lighting

Lighting in a workplace should not tiring eyes. Too big difference in illumination intensity between work area and its surroundings should be avoided. The difference would need strong accommodation of human eyes. A comparison between the minimum and maximum illumination intensity in the work areas should be at least 0.7. The comparison with its surroundings should be at least 0.3. [3].

In addition, it should also consider the age of people who work in the room or who will occupy that room. To be able to work comfortably, a 60-years-old worker requires about approximately 15 times more light than is required of a child aged 10 years [6].

A diagram of the steps to calculate the lighting a room is as follows:

Figure 1. The Steps to calculate the number of lighting in room

C. The Formulas To Calculate The Number Of Lights

The intensity of the illumination E is expressed in units of

lux, equal to the sum lm/m2. So the flux of the light needed for a work of covering an area of A m2 is [3].

Ф = E x A lm (1)

where is :

E = The intensity of illumination in work areas, in lux; A = the dimension of room, in m2

The flux of light emitted lights not all reach the areas of work, some of the flux emitted into the walls and the ceiling. Therefore, to determine the flux of light needed to be reckoned with their efficiency [3]:

Where is:

Фo = the flux of light emitted by all sources of light in the room;

Фg = the flux of light that reaches the areas of work, directly or indirectly after being reflected by a wall and the ceiling.

To determine the efficiency of lighting, the factors to be taken into account is:

a. The efficiency of the armature (v);

specify the type of lamp - The function of room

- The dimention of room

specify the minimum illumination intensity

specify the type and the layout of armature of a lamp

calculate the number of lighting in room specify the colors of wall,

mebeluer, ceiling, floori

  

o g


2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES)

The factors of rw and rp each declare the reflected flux of light received by the walls and the ceiling, and then reach the areas of work. the reflection factor of the work areas(rm), determined by the reflection of the floor and the reflection of the wall between areas of work and the floor , generally value of rm are chosen 0.1 [3].

The ceiling and the walls of colored light reflectance of 50 - 70 % , and dark-colored 10 - 20 %. The influences of the wall and the ceiling on the direct lighting systems are smaller than its influence on other lighting systems, for the light that falls on the ceiling and walls are just a small part of the flux of light.

The room index k is a comparison between the size of a

h = the height of the light source above the working area, in m.

The room index is necessary to know the needs of the amount of illumination. The working areas are an imaginary horizontal plane, generally is 0.8 m above the floor.

The depreciation factor d is

On the installation of lighting system that has been used in a long period of time, then the intensity of the lighting will be decreased. Decrease in intensity can be caused by factors of age and damage to the lights, luminer or the room

The intensity of illumination (E) in the state of being used is the average of the intensity of illumination of an installation with the lights and the armature, which is the usability has been reduced due to dirty, have long used or because of other causes. So in order to obtain the value of the efficiency of the lighting in the circumstances is used, the value of efficiency obtained from the table should be multiplied by a factor of depreciation.

To determine the number of lights a room can be calculated as follows [3]:

D. Software To Calculate The Number Of The Lights

Software is a computer program that functions as an interface to interaction between users and hardware. The software can also be called as an interpreter the commands executed a computer user to be forwarded or processed by hardware. The software is divided into three programs: the application program such as Microsoft office, the operating system programs such as MS. Windows, and the language programs such as Pascal [7].

Based on the description above, the software calculates the number of lighting is an application that supports the management of the data systems research and design the system based on the principle of ergonomic. This software containing features can accommodate the needs of data systems lighting in generally and also be able to transform data so that reduce the level of error in the calculation of the number of lighting.

The basis of the design of this software application is a data base, which the advantage among other things: reduction of the duplication of data which prevents inconsistencies of data; the ease, speed and efficiency of data calls or access; easy to organize and manage large amounts of data; cause data to become self-documented and self-descriptive; reduce the cost of software development; increasing the factor of the safety data [7].

The aspect of ergonomics in the design of software is a collaboration of various disciplines, among others; Computer science, cognitive psychology, social science, business, graphic design, and ergonomics. In its application, all disciplines resulted in a new concept, namely learn how humans interact with computers, including tasks that become binding between them [7].

On the design of the software, the programming language used is Microsoft Visual Basic 6 (VB6), and is designed and compiled entirely within the Microsoft Windows XP operating system. The Program has created the main form, the form Results Calculation.

All of its inputs of information or of data about the function of space, the dimensions of space, the lights as well as the reflection factors to be included. The display of form the menu was in figure 2 at the bottom.


2012 Southeast Asian Network of Ergonomics Societies Conference (SEANES)

Figure 2. Display of the software


From the discussion above, conclusion could be drawn as follows; of the software that has been made, the results of calculating the number of lights in accordance with the technical formula thus becomes easier, faster, and the results can be received by users.


[1] P. Manurung, Desain Pencahayaan Arsitektural Konsep Pencahayaan Artifisial pada Ruang Eksterior. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2009. [2] Muhaimin, Teknologi Pencahayaan. Bandung: PT. Refika Aditama,


[3] P. V. Harten and E. Setiawan, Instalasi Listrik Arus Kuat 2. Jakarta: CV. Trimitra Mandiri, 1999.

[4] S. Tahid and Y. D. Nurcahyanie, Konsep Teknologi dalam Pengembangan Produk Industri. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2007. [5] G. M. Scott, Principles of management information Systems. New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1986.

[6] Illumination Engineering Society, Lighting Your Way to Better Vision. USA, 2009.


Figure 1.  The Steps  to calculate the number of lighting in room
Figure 2.  Display of the software


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