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STUDENTS’ PROBLEMS AND METHODS IN TRANSLATING SOURCE LANGUAGE TEXTS A SARJANA PENDIDIKAN THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree in English Language Education


Academic year: 2019

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Wendy Rahmad Biyandi Student Number: 071214131







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain theSarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Wendy Rahmad Biyandi Student Number: 071214131





A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on



Wendy Rahmad Biyandi

Student Number: 071214131

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A Sarjana Pendidikan Thesis on




Student Number: 071214131

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Faculty of Teachers Training and Education

Sanata Dharma University





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Yogyakarta, 06 July 2012 The writer





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Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. (2012).Students’ Problems and Methods in Translating Source Language Texts. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Most courses in ELESP are designed to support students’ acquiring English language, such as structure, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, and many more. In the higher levels of study, the students are expected to be able to use their competences of English language in some more advanced purposes, such as how to translate a source language text (SLT) into a target language text (TLT). The lecturers of the Translation Classes in ELESP must have been encouraging the students with some methods, approaches, or techniques of how to ease them in doing the translation tasks. However, there have remained some problems which make the results of the students’ translation not quite appropriate.

This research is intended to answer two research questions: (1) What specific translation problems occurred in the students’ translating process? and (2) What methods did the students tend to use during the translating process? To answer the first research question, the researcher applied document analysis. The documents were taken from the results of mid-term test conducted by Translation I class A in the academic year 2011/2012. Meanwhile, to answer the second research question, the researcher still applied the document analysis to identify the methods used by the students in the translation works. From the findings, it could be identified that there were 22 problems found in the students’ translation works which were divided into two classifications. The first classification was grammatical problems involving complicated source language grammar (83,33%). The second classification was lexical problems involving idioms (100%). Afterwards, the researcher revealed the identified translation methods which were categorized into (1) literal translation involving word for word translation (8,33%) and literal translation (100%) and (2) non literal translation involving semantic translation (33%).

Based on the research findings, firstly, the researcher encourages the students to enrich their capability in translating the text, especially the text which contains so many difficult lexical words or phrases. This could be done by fostering the students’ reading motivation. Dealing with the methods that the students tend to use during the translating process, the researcher really recommends the students to be flexible. The researcher also recommends the ELESP lecturers to give the Translation I class students more practices to translate sentences which contain difficult lexical problems, such as idioms, collocations, proverbs, and many more. Lastly, for future researchers, the researcher encourages other researchers who are interested in studying this topic to deeper analyze other problems or methods that possibly occur in translating.



Biyandi, Wendy Rahmad. (2012).Students’ Problems and Methods in Translating Source Language Texts. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Sebagian besar mata kuliah di PBI di rancang untuk membantu para mahasiswa dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris, seperti structure, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, dan masih banyak lagi. Saat mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi, para mahasiswa diharapkan sudah mampu menggunakan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mereka untuk diaplikasikan pada tujuan tertentu, seperti menerjemahkan teks dari sumber bahasa tertentu ke bahasa target. Para dosen pengampu mata kuliah Penerjemahan di PBI tentunya sudah memberikan berbagai materi perkuliahan seperti pendekatan, metode-metode, ataupun tekhnik dalam menerjemah kepada para mahasiswa. Akan tetapi, masih saja ada masalah dalam menerjemah yang mana menyebabkan penerjemahan yang dilakukan para mahasiswa kurang dapat diterima dengan baik.

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab dua pertanyaaan penelitian: (1) Masalah-masalah penerjemahan tertentu seperti apa saja yang muncul pada saat proses menerjemahkan yang dilakukan mahasiswa? dan (2) Metode-metode apa saja yang cenderung digunakan mahasiswa dalam menerjemahkan. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang pertama, peneliti melakukan analisa dokumen. Dokumen yang dianalisa diambil dari hasil mid-term tes yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa di kelas A Translation I tahun akademik 2011/2012. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang kedua, peneliti masih menggunakan analisa dokumen untuk menganalisa metode yang dipakai siswa dalam dalam menerjemahkan. Dari hasil penelitian, ditemukan 22 masalah yang terbagi menjadi dua jenis pengelompokan. Pengelompokan pertama adalah masalah tata bahasa yang mencakup tata bahasa sumber yang rumit (83,33%). Pengelompokan kedua adalah masalah leksis yang mencakup idiom (100%). Kemudian, peneliti mengungkapkan metode-metode penerjemahan yang teridentifikasi yang dikategorikan menjadi (1) penerjemahan harafiah yang mencakup penerjemahan kata demi kata (8,33%) dan penerjemahan harafiah (100%) dan (2) penerjemahan tidak harafiah yang mencakup penerjemahan semantis (33%).

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pertama, peneliti menghimbau para mahasiswa untuk memperkaya kemampuan mereka menerjemahkan teks sumber, terutama teks yang berisi banyak kata-kata atau frasa leksis yang rumit dengan meningkatkan minat membaca Dalam hal metode dalam menerjemahkan, peneliti sangat menganjurkan mahasiswa untuk fleksibel dalam menerjemahkan. Peneliti juga menganjurkan dosen Translation I PBI untuk lebih memberikan latihan-latihan soal yang berisi permasalahan leksis, seperti idiom, kolokasi, pepatah, dan lebih banyak lagi. Terakhir, untuk peneliti berikutnya, peneliti mendorong peneliti lain yang tertarik pada penelitian yang berhubungan dengan topik ini untuk menganalisa lebih dalam tentang masalah-masalah dan metode-metode yang mungkin muncul dalam menerjemahkan.




Alhamdulilahirobil’alamin. Firstly, I would like to express my greatest

gratitude to Allah SWT, who made this thesis possible. I owe my deepest gratitude to my sponsor, Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd., whose feedback, encouragement, and support from the initial to the final level enabled me to finish this thesis. It is such a great honor for me to be guided by a great lecturer who was willing to share her precious time, knowledge, and experiences.

I would like to particularly thank the Translation I Class lecturer in the academic year 2011/2012,Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani, S.Pd., M.Hum. for his permission to conduct this research in his class. My sincere gratitude also goes to

Herdiansari Hayuningrumfor all of her supports and suggestions given to me, andMbakDevyfor her help as my proofreader.

I would like to give my special thanks to all of the lecturers of English Language Education Study Program who have taught me everything, especially to

Drs. Y.B. Gunawan, M.A. for being my academic advisor. I would also like to thankMbakDhanniekandMbakTari for their help during my study, the library staff for their hospitality and help; and all of the fifth semester students who were taking Translation I Class C in the academic year 2011/2012 for their willingness to be participants in this research by letting me use their translation works as the data.

My sincerest gratitude is addressed to my father Wahyu Widayatfor his priceless support, to my mother Widi Harni for her endless love and prayers, to my brotherRiskifor cheering up my days.

I owe my deepest gratitude to Edulight personnels: Heri, Bretya, Asep,



May Allah bless all of the people who have supported me during the completion of this thesis. Amen.










ABSTRAK ... vii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 4

C. Problem Limitation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Benefits ... 5

F. Definitions of Terms ... 6




2. Translation and the Cultural Implication ... 10

3. Translation’s Considerations ... 12

4. Translation Problems ... 13

a. Grammatical Problems ... 14

b. Lexical Problems ... 14

1) Collocations ... 15

2) Idioms ... 15

3) Proverbs ... 17

c. Stylistic Problems ... 17

1) Formality vs. Informality ... 18

2) Style of Fronting ... 19

3) Passive and Active Styles ... 20

5. Translation Methods ... 21

a. Word for Word Translation ... 22

b. Literal Translation ... 23

c. Semantic Translation ... 24

B. Theoretical Framework ... 25

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Research Method ... 28

B. Research Setting ... 30

C. Research Participants ... 30

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 30



2. Documents ... 31

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 32

F. Research Procedure ... 35

1. Asking Permissions to the Lecturer ... 35

2. Collecting Data ... 36

3. Analyzing Data ... 36

4. Concluding and Reporting Findings ... 36

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND FINDINGS A. The Specific Translation Problems that Occured in the Students’ Translating Process ... 37

1. Idioms ... 39

2. Complicated Source Language Grammar ... 45

3. Collocations ... 49

4. Proverbs ... 51

5. Formality vs. Informality ... 52

6. Style of Fronting ... 53

7. Passive and Active Styles ... 54

B. Methods that the Students Tend to Use During the Translating Process ... 55

1. Literal Translation ... 56

2. Semantic Translation ... 59




A. Conclusions ... 65 B. Recommendations ... 67

1. For English Language Education

Study Program (ELESP) Students ... 67 2. For English Language Education

Study Program (ELESP) Lecturers ... 70 3. For Future Researchers ... 71




Page Table 3.1 Types of Grammatical, Lexical, and Stylistic

Problems in the Students’ Translation ... 33 Table 3.2 The Types of Methods in the Students’ Translation ... 34 Table 4.1 The Percentage of the Identified Specific Problems

in the Students’ Translation Work ... 38 Table 4.2 The Percentage of the Identified Translation Methods




Page Appendix A Permission Letter ... 73 Appendix B The Analysis Result of Students’ Translation Problems ... 75 Appendix C The Analysis Result of Students’ Translation Methods ... 81 Appendix D The Frequency of Identified Problems

in Students’ Translation Works ... 85 Appendix E The Type of Methods Found





This chapter consists of six major sections. They are research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definitions of terms.

A. Research Background

English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) is a study program under Teachers Training and Education Faculty in Sanata Dharma University. ELESP is known asProgram Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (PBI). This study program aims to prepare future English teachers who have four competences; professional, pedagogic, personal, and social (Panduan Akademik Program Studi PBI, 2007).

Several courses in ELESP are designed to support students’ acquiring English language, such as structure, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary, and many more. In the higher levels of study, the students are expected to be able to use their competences of English language in some more advanced purposes, such as how to translate a source language text (SLT) into a target language text (TLT). When the students are in the fifth semester, the lecturers of the ELESP begin to introduce translation course.


translation is to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among people (Gerding-Salas, 2000). In order to make such a good ‘communication vehicle’ among people, a translator then must try to translate a certain text properly so that the target people will be able to understand the meaning of the source language. Thus, translating means a translator re-tells the source language by using the target language without deforming its original meaning.

Ghazala (2008) notes that in translating a text, there must be some difficulties that the translators might face, “a translation problem is any difficulty we come across at translating, that invites us to stop translating in order to check, recheck, reconsider or rewrite it, and make a sense of it” (p. 17). In this case, ELESP students are trained to be able to not only transfer the meaning of the source language into the target language text but also understand the principles, problems, or the process of translation. Meanwhile Newmark (1988) explains that “in a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with the translation method appropriately used for a certain type of text” (p. 10).


stylistic, or phonological are also forcing the translators to hardly continue translating.

This situation puts a translator into a condition where he has to negotiate form and meaning between the source language text and the reader of target language. When the students in the translation class are working on a translation task, he or she might hardly consider some methods in translating. In fact, recognizing and understanding the methods in translating are actually helpful for them in the process of translation. Some examples of this phenomenon could be established as follows,Joanne gave me two tickets yesterdaywhich is translated into Joanne memberi saya dua tiket kemarin. People who understand English, especially ELESP students know that the result of the English language sentence into Indonesian language is acceptable. However, the sentence still sounds a little bit awkward and unnatural. There is another better alternative sentence that a translator can choose, such as kemarin Joanne memberiku dua tiket. A similar way of how students do their translation task from Indonesian language text into English language text sometimes frequently occurred. For instance, cepat atau lambat cuacanya akan berubahwhich is translated intofast or slow the weather will change. The result of the translation does sound English and grammatically correct, but it sounds awkward and is very unnatural in English. The sentence “sooner or later the weather will change” would be much more appropriate to be used.


or the meaning of the sentence. In the world of translation, there is a tendency of people to use a ‘word for word’ translation method (Newmark, 1988, p. 46) since maybe the SLT is unbearably too difficult to be translated into TLT. Thus, he keeps to be faithful to the form of the sentence. Nevertheless, there are also many people or translators who try to consider the level of faithfulness based on not only the form but also the meaning. Therefore, it is important for the students in translation class to pay attention to the methods of translation before they start translating. Understanding the methods would help translators to doing translation because the methods influence the result of the whole text (Newmark, 1988, p. 45). Nevertheless, not all methods can be considered good to be used in the translation tasks.

All these kinds of general facts about translation can be found on every translator’s works, including the works done by the translation class students of ELESP. Therefore, based on the phenomena that there are several problems in translating as well as less attention to the methods of translation, a research to find out the the students problems and methods in translating source language texts is conducted.

B. Research Problems

In the research problems, there are two questions to answer.

1. What specific translation problems occurred in the students’ translating process?


C. Problem Limitation

In this study, the writer analyzes the translation products done by Translation I class students. Since it is Translation I class, the translation is the one from English as the source language into Indonesian as the target language text. The data are taken from their result of progress I translation test.

The writer analyzes the problems as well as the methods of how the students work on the translation task. There are a number of problems and methods elaboration of which they are explained in the Chapter II. Any mistake in spelling and punctuation will be disregarded since the writer would only focus on the problems and methods out of the minimum requirements.

D. Research Objectives

Dealing with the two research questions mentioned previously, this study is conducted to achieve these objectives.

1. To figure out the specific problems occurring in the students’ translating process.

2. To find out the methods which the students tend to use during the translating process.

E. Research Benefits


crucial problems that might occur in translating. It is expected that by learning from their problems, students will be more careful in translating and encouraged to optimize the use of translation methods

Also, by knowing which part of students’ difficulties in translating, lecturers would find it easier to teach them based on their needs and weaknesses. Hopefully, by exposing the students to some various types of problems and methods in translation to keep in mind, the ELESP students can be more careful in doing their translation tasks.

F. Definitions of Terms

It is important to define some terms used in this study to avoid misunderstanding and to lead readers to a better understanding on the topic being discussed. The terms are as follows.

1. Translation


2. Method

In this research, Purwati (2010) states that there are many procedures or methods in translation. She adds that a procedure is the act or manner of proceeding in any action or process. In the Mcquarie Dictionary (1982) as quoted by Purwati (2010) explains that “a method is a way to doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan”.

In this study, method is the way the Translation I class students do something in their process of translating. The method is dealing with how the students create a certain plan to work on their translation task.

3. Translation I Class

The next term is Translation I Class; Translation I Class refers to a class or course offered in the fifth semester by ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Translation is designed to introduce knowledge of the definition, principles, problems, and process of translation. The students are exposed to the hands-on experiences of translating various types of text types.

Some concepts dealing with translation are also introduced, such as cultural transfer, naturalization, coherence, unity, and flow (Panduan Akademik Program Studi PBI, 2011). In this research, Translation I Class is the class where




In this chapter, related literature is discussed as theoretical base on which the

study outlined in Chapter I is conducted. There are several important discussions

presented in this research. The literature review is divided into two parts; those are

theoretical description and theoretical framework. First, the theoretical description

contains the relevant theories as references to support this research. Second, the

theoretical framework discusses how the selected theories help to answer the

research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

In this section, the researcher presents several theories of translation.

Translation theories are important to be discussed since those theories become the

major focus of the study. The researcher describes some experts’ definitions

related to translation, translation and cultural implications, translation

considerations, translation problems, as well as translation methods.

1. Translation

There are many ways people can describe what translation is. According to

Larson (1984), “Translation consists of changing from one state or form to

another, to turn into one’s own or another’s language” (p. 3). Larson (1984) also


the target text; this is done by replacing the form of the first language by the form

of the second language” (p. 4).

When students of English Language Education Study Program are

learning translation, especially in Translation I class, it is not impossible that each

of them face some problems in working on the exercise. Hatim and Mason (1990)

explains that “Translators are inevitably acting under the pressure in the

negotiation of meaning between the source-language text producer and the reader

of the target-language text, both of whom exist within their own, different social

frameworks” (p. 21). In Translation I class, the students act as if they are the real

translators who have to be able to translate English text into Indonesian text

appropriately, but problems still occur here and there. Many cases are found that

most students do a literal translation, which more likely make them difficult to

translate a source-language text naturally. Such ‘habit’ might lead the students to

produce a translation product which does not sound English. Students tend to do

the translation word by word, so the result remains too Indonesian. It is English

but the context of language used in the translation product hardly represents a

common characteristic of the social framework.

Hatim and Mason (1990) explains that there are always so many

improving aids that translators can utilize to make a good translation product, but

actually the problems faced by the translators remain the same. Hatim and Mason

(1990) describes several types of problems; the first is about the comprehension of

source text, which covers parsing of text (grammar and lexis), access to


transfer of meaning, it includes relaying lexical meaning, relaying grammatical

meaning, and relaying rhetorical meaning, including implied or inferable

meaning, or potential readers. The third is about assessment of target text, it

pervades readability, conforming to generic and discoursal TL conventions, and

judging adequacy of translation for specified purpose.

2. Translation and the Cultural Implications

It is mentioned above that translators have a high risk to translate a source

language text (SLT) into the target language text (TLT) without any concerns of

common characteristics of the social framework. James (2002) states that

translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages

and two cultural traditions. Therefore, translators are inevitably confronting with

how to treat the cultural aspects found in a ST and to find the best technique of

conveying the intended meaning in the TLT. James (2002) explains that a "gloss

translation" mostly typifies formal equivalence where form and content are

reproduced as faithfully as possible and the TLT reader is able to "understand as

much as he can of the customs, manner of thought, and means of expression" of

the SLT context.

Persons engaged in the complex task of translating possess some type of

underlying or covert theory; as explained by Nida (1991), even though it may be

still very embryonic and described only as just being "faithful to what the author

was trying to say," (p. 19). James (2002) mentions that the cultural implications


ideologies and ways of life in a given culture. In this case, translators have to be

able to analyze the significances found in the cultural aspects of the SLT and how

necessary those significances are to be translated into the TTL. Some of the major

problems of translation are over-translation, under-translation, and

untranslatability (Abdellah, 2002). This statement implies that if translators fail to

transfer the required cultural meanings from the SLT into the TTL, they might

lead the translation products into over-translation, under-translation, or even


It is true that the richness of vocabulary and the understanding of language

structure out of the source language as well as the target language could influence

the quality of the translators’ product of translation. However, the depth of the

cultural understanding is essential to considering the implications for translation.

James (2002), in her study mentions that based on the conclusion of importance to

both linguistic and cultural differences between the SLT and the TLT, differences

between cultures may cause more severe complications for the translator than do

differences in language structure. More theory found in James’ study reveals that

no language can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture; and no culture

can exist which does not have at its centre, the structure of natural language.

These theories clearly indicate that mere ability or competence to create

grammatically correct sentences as an impact to the TLT is not sufficient for the

translators to be “as faithful as possible” to the SLT. The manner in which cultural

aspects may be perceived and make translating decisions accordingly (James,


3. Translation’s Considerations

Gerding-Salas (2000) states that every translation activity has one or more

specific purposes and whichever they may be; the main aim of translation is to

serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among peoples. In

translating, there are several procedures, processes, or techniques of which a

translator must consider, “Through experience I have learned that the

consequences of wrong translations can be catastrophic” (Gerding-Salas, 2000).

This statement shows how the task of translating could be getting much more

difficult. Thus, translators cannot just simply translate a SLT into TLT without

considering some kind of approaches. The translators’ habitual use of the

language is unavoidably determining how perfect the result of the translation

product (Gerding-Salas, 2000), “I shall assume that you, the reader, are learning to

translate into your language of habitual use, since that is the only way you can

translate naturally, accurately and with maximum effectiveness”. In fact, however,

most translators do translate out of their own language.

Gerding-Salas (2000) mentions that there is always a way of approaching

an SLT, whether the translator chooses the author-centered traditional model, the

text-centered structuralistic model or the cognitive reader-centered model. In

order to decide which approach a translator must go on, a translator has to

understand “the nature” of the confronted text. Several kinds of problems are

provided in the study conducted by Gerding-Salas (2000). One of the problems is

dealing with semantic and cultural nature (Tricas, 1995). According to


comprehending the SLT. In this case, the richness of vocabulary that the

translators have plays quite a big role. Additionally, the cultural understanding

supports the translators to comprehend the deep meanings of the SLT.

Furthermore, Gerding-Salas (2000) adds that there might be a possibility

of “Linguistic Untranslatability”, of which it obstacles the translators from finding

the appropriate lexical terms, such as true and false friends, calque, and other

forms of interference; institutional and standardized terms, neologisms,

aphorisms, and many more. Another one Gerding-Salas (2000) states is about the

“Cultural Untranslatability” such as idioms, sayings, proverbs, jokes, and so on.

Thus, it would lead the translator into the ability to determine which one is to

translate and which one is supposed to be not. As a result, cautious attitude

towards these problematical issues in the translating process is taken into account.

Otherwise, the result of the translation would be vulnerable to some misuse or

interference of both languages.

4. Translation Problems

Ghazala (1995) states that “A translation problem is any difficulty we

come across at translating, that invites us to stop translating in order to check,

recheck, reconsider or rewrite it, or use a dictionary, or a reference of some kind to

help us overcome it and make sense of it” (p. 17). In this section, the researcher

discusses several problems that might occur during the translation process. There are


grammatical problems, the second is about lexical problems, and the third is about

stylistic problems.

a. Grammatical Problems

English and Indonesian grammars are different according to each of its

structure. Ghazala (1995) provides one example of sentence dealing with this

problem, of the three books you have recommended to me, I have chosen only one. If the sentence is translated into Indonesian, it will become dari ketiga buku yang telah kamu rekomendasikan kepada saya, saya hanya memilih satu.

According to Ghazala (1995), this kind of sentence structure, which is starting with

‘of’ and postponing the main clause ‘i have chosen’ to a back position, is considered


Ghazala (1995) notes that it can make the students of translation find it

difficult to understand easily and directly. He adds that the point becomes clearer at

comparing it to the following normal and direct structure, just like I have chosen only one of the three books you have recommended to me, or in Indonesian it becomesSaya telah memilih satu dari ketiga buku yang kamu anjurkan kepada


b. Lexical Problems

Ghazala (1995) explains that “Lexical problems occur when a word, a

phrase or an expression is not understood clearly and directly, misunderstood, not

known at all to students, or not found in standard dictionaries (p. 19). According to

Ghazala (1995), there are specific problems that the students might worry. The


1) Collocations

According to Ghazala (1995), collocation is the combination of two or

more words that always occur consistently in different texts and contexts in

language (p. 106). Ghazala (1995) adds that collocations occur in several

conditions, such as certain nouns occur with certain adjectives (e.g. ‘blind

confidence), a verb with a noun (e.g. ‘draw a sword), a noun with a noun (e.g.

‘brain drain), and many more.

Indonesian and English have their own different collocations. Meanwhile,

Ghazala (1995) emphasizes that collocations play a vital role in a language (p.

106). Collocations are sometimes inevitabe and it creates a beautiful part in a

language. Therefore, Ghazala (1995) notes that students need to attend to the

collocations fully in Indonesian to lend the Indonesian version the same beauty of

the English text (p. 106). It means that it is important for the students to

undermine the concern with the translation of the English collocations in


2) Idioms

Ghazala (1995) explains that idiom is any “phrases which have fixed

forms and special meaning of their words” (p. 19). English idioms, such as found

in this sentence, ladies and gentlemen, lend me your ears, cannot be translated directly into Indonesian. Ghazala (1995) states that it has methaporical meanings,

and it is saying something to mean something else (p. 129).

However, translating English idioms directly into Indonesian is still


company is on the black list. In Indonesian translation, the sentence would be perusahaan itu sedang dalam daftar hitam. In Indonesia, daftar hitam has the

same meaning as black list, of which this word tries to describe a list of people who are out of favor. However, the case is different from this sentence example,

the exam was a piece of cake for me. If the sentence is translated literally into Indonesian, the sentence would be ujiannya seperti sepotong kue bagi saya. The

phrase ‘a piece of cake’ in English means undertaking something that is so much

easy to do. Therefore, it has no relation at all with Indonesian words sepotong


Another problematic problem dealing with idioms is phrasal verb. Ghazala

(1995) explains that phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and an adverb or

preposition, or both an adverb and a preposition, such as up, down, on off, in, out,

over, and many more (p. 133). If the verb and the adverb or preposition are

combined together, it might result a specific idiomatic meaning. The meaning of

the combination between the verb and adverb or preposition usually cannot be

understood individually.

The students of the translation class might face this kind of problem.

Students sometimes become misled and confused when they are trying to

distinguish which English phrasal verb is idiomatic or normal. There are two

examples of sentences which indicate whether it is prepositional verb or phrasal

verb that has specific meaning. Put the book on the table, this sentence has a clear meaning and it is understandable, there is the verb ‘put’ and the preposition


previous one. There is something missing after the preposition ‘on’, there is no

adverb such as found on the former sentence. The second sentence indicates an

idiomatic meaning which has no relation to the first sentence, eventhough both

sentences are using the verb and the preposition ‘put on’.

3) Proverbs

Ghazala (1995) states that proverbs are special, fixed, unchanged phrases

which have special, fixed, and unchanged meanings, just like idioms (p. 138).

According to Ghazala (1995), a proverb cannot be understood as a collection of

the individual meanings of its words. Ghazala (1995) adds that proverbs are

metaphor and stand for something else.

Proverbs in English cannot be translated or understood directly because it

has a certain relation with culture. Students might become more confused when

they are trying to find an Indonesian phrase which has a closest proverb relation

with the English phrase.

c. Stylistic Problems

The next set of problems of translation is dealing with stylistic problems.

According to Ghazala (1995), style is viewed as a part of meaning and affects it in

different ways and to different degrees (p. 222). The statement means that if there

is a change in the style, the meaning will be changed either. Ghazala (1995)

mentions that meaning was claimed to stand on its own, it is unaffected by such

certain style (p. 222). Nevertheless, style has been given a special attention and it


If translators attend to style and consider the importance of using style in

their work, they will fully attend to the meaning. Meanwhile, if translators ignore

the presence of style, they will ignore some parts of the meaning. There are two

sentences to show that the significance of style is worth discussing. Her mother died yesterdayandher mother was killed yesterday. Those two sentences have the meaning that her mother is dead. In Indonesian, it can be translated asibunya

meninggal kemarin. However, translators cannot just translate the above

sentences into one and the same Indonesian version of translation because the

cause of the death is crucial to both the dead person and to the family. Her mother died yesterdayis normal and neutral death, meanwhile her mother was killed yesterdayis abnormal, unnatural, and disgraceful crime.

From the examples above, it can be inferred that style has its own role in

any aspect of language and meaning. Ghazala (1995) defines style as “different

choices made by writers from the language stock in regard to layout (of shape),

grammar, vocabulary (or words) and phonology (or sounds), namely, from all

aspects, levels and components of language (p. 223).

1) Formality vs. Informality

Ghazala (1995) suggests a scale of five ‘styles’ of English language, which

is general but proved to be widely acceptable by most people. There are frozen

fornal, formal, informal, colloquial, and vulgar (slang).


a. Frozen formal : ‘Be seated’ Duduk


c. Informal : ‘Sit down, please’ Mari, silakan duduk

d. Colloquial : ‘Feel at home Anggap lah rumah sendiri

e. Vulgar (slang) : ‘Sit bloody down!’ Ayo cepet duduk!

However, it is difficult to distinguish formal and informal styles of

language. Ghazala (1995) explains that “despite the difficulty and personal nature

of the distinction between the five styles of English language, we can understand

and apply them in general terms (p. 226). The examples provided above has their

own different effect and meaning. The example a is so official and seems to be impolite, it can be said by a harch person or a man of a high position, such as a

boss, a manager, a king, and many more. Whereasexample bis official but polite, it can be used in the similas context as the example number 1, but appropriately to

friends or personal acquaitances. The example example c is much more polite, and considered rather unofficial. Meanwhile example number 4 is quite friendly,

intimate, and kind, of which it reflects colloquial tone. The last example is so

strong and rude, usually it is said as a humorous context to close friends.

2) Style of Fronting

Another important stylistic device is the style of fronting. According to

Ghazala (1995), it is a widely used style at both the sentence and text levels which

has the purpose to move a word, a phrase or a clause from its original place in the

middle or at the end of the sentence to the beginning (or the front position) of the

sentence (p. 231).



b. If you apologize, I will forgive you Bila kamu meminta maaf,

aku akan memaafkan kamu

Ghazala (1995) notes that making such frontings are not made by a

chance, it is made for good reasons (p. 231). The fronting is made by putting the

subordinate clause before the main clause. This changing position of the clause

means nothing but giving important function of emphasis than the other part of

the sentence. Therefore, the fronting style means that it plays a vital role in

understanding meaning.In my room he sleptinstead ofhe slept in my room, the first sentence tries to emphasize that ‘in my room’ is to be more noticed rather

than ‘he slept’. The next is, If you apologize, I will forgive you means that the person concerned demands apology in order to give forgiveness to the other


3) Passive and Active Styles

Ghazala (1995) explains that passive and active are two contrastive forms

and styles, they have different functions (p. 246). The researcher does not say that

Indonesian language tends to be active or passive, or so does English. Ghazala

(1995) points out that both styles have to be reflected in Indonesian for their

important functions to the message.


a. The American solidiers killed five Afghans children yesterday.

b. Five Afghans children were killed yesterday.

Those two sentences above have the same meaning. However, if those


and it clearly shows that the killers or the doers of the action is revealed.

Meanwhile the second sentence is passive and it hides the killers or the doers.

From the examples above, it can be shown how the distinction between the active

and the passive style influences the meaning of the sentence. The active sentence

one focuses on the murderer or the killer, this might be due to political reasons or

its relation with public media. Meanwhile, the second passive sentence does not

focus on the doer of the action, it is more on the results of what the doer has done.

Hiding the identity of the doer can probably mean that the doer is not quite

important and is just possible to ignore.

5. Translation Methods

Newmark (1988) suggests that the central problems of translating has

always been whether to translate literally or freely (p. 45). Students in translation

class apply some various ways on how they do the translating process so that the

result would be considered as a good translation. Some of the students are trying

to translate the text very carefully that they are afraid of distracting the meaning.

On the other hand, some other students strive hard translating the text faithfully

because they think that every single word or sentence in the text is important to


Molina and Albir (2002) states that there are two categories which can be

used to analyze translations (p. 498). The categories are textual and contextual.

According to Molina and Albir (2002), textual categories describe mechanisms of


introduce all extra-textual elements related to the context of the SLT and the

translation production (p. 498). Based on the statement described, how well the

students have solved their problems in translation is actually influenced much by

the two categories. Students cannot translate the SLT into TLT just the way they

like it since it would affect the result of translation product, whether the

translation is acceptable and natural enough for the directed readers. Therefore,

translating needs some specific strategies and methods. The strategies are how the

students carefully see the text through textual and contextual categories, and how

the students make use of the methods based on the strategies afterwards.

In this part of the chapter, the researcher try to describe specific ways to

translate SLT into TLT which are considered as methods of translation. Literal

and non-literal translation are the two focuses to be highlighted. The Literal

translation is divided into two topics to discuss, there are word for word

translation and literal translation. Meanwhile, the non-literal translation is

described into one topic, that is semantic translation.

a. Word for Word Translation

Newmark (1988) explains that this method of translation is often

demonstrated as interlinear translation with the target language is immediately

below the source language (p. 45). What is meant by interlinear is that supposed

there two sentences written down lined up, the above sentence is the source

language sentence, and below is the target language sentence. Usually a translator

who performs this kind of translation method would likely put the meaning of



SLT : Look, little guy, you all should not be doing that.

TLT :Lihat, kecil anak, kamu semua harus tidak melakukan itu.

According to Ghazala (1995), “this method regards translation to be a

translation of individual words” (p. 5). The arrangement of the TLT is perfectly

the same as the one SLT. The translators translate the sentence word by word,

general meanings are prioritized, meanwhile the context is not taken into account.

Ghazala (1995) adds that the whole concentration of this translaton method is on

the source language, whereas the target language should follow, imitate, and

mirror it blindly, perfectly and precisely, neither more nor less (p. 5).

b. Literal Translation

Newmark (1988) explains that a literal translation is when the SLT

grammatical constructions are converted to the nearest TLT equivalents, but the

lexical words are again translated singly, out of context (p. 46). This translation

method is almost similar to the previous one, word for word translation. In the

process of translating, the translators are trying to identify the grammatical

construction of the SLT which is similar to the TLT. At the first time, translating

the SLT by using a word for word translation method is initial action to do, but

then the translators adjust the construction of the SLT grammar with the TLT


This type of translation method is actually described as translating between

using word for word translation method and free method. However, the result of


(1995), this method of translation means to translate each source language word or

phrase into an identical word or phrase in the target language, with the same

number, grammatical class, and type of language (p. 6).

Example :

a. SLT : Look, little guy, you all should not be doing that.

TLT :Lihat, anak kecil, kamu seharusnya tidak berbuat seperti itu.

b. SLT : His position is in the right place.

TLT :Posisinya berada di tempat yang benar.

Ghazala (1995) adds that the process of translating using this method is

like a noun is translated into a noun, two nouns into two nouns, one adjective into

one adjective, two into two, and so on and so forth (p. 6).

c. Semantic Translation

Semantic translation has a quite close relation with faithful translation.

According to Newmark (1988), faithful translation attempts to reproduce the

precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the target

language grammatical structures (p. 46). What makes semantic translation

different with faithful translation, based on Newmark (1988), is that it differs from

faithful translation only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic

value, that is, the beautiful and natural sounds of the source language text (p. 46).

From the differences between the faithful translation and semantic

translation above, semantic translation is considered more flexible to the TLT.

Semantic translation should take an account of aesthetic or so-called beautiful


Example :

SLT : He is a book-worm.

TLT :Dia adalah seseorang yang suka sekali membaca.

The word ‘book-worm’ in the above example could be actually translated

into the word ‘kutu buku’ in Indonesia, so the sentence in TLT would become ‘dia

seorang kutu buku’. However, the the above TLT sample sentence is translated

accordance to the cultural context as well as accepted functional limitation of the


B. Theoretical Framework

This chapter synthesizes all relevant theories which are significant to

discuss for the sake of this research. Translation means retelling what a translator

has obtained from the source language to the target language. The researcher

selected the theories of translation from Larson (1984) because it is quite relevant

to the study. When translating something, a student or a translator is trying to

transfer the meaning from the first language into the second language or vice

versa. The translator should pay attention to the source language text’s social

framework which might be different from the target language text. If the translator

just attempts to do a literal translation without considering the main ideas or

cultural characteristic of the source language text, it is possible if the translation

product will sound awkward.

Translating a source language text into target language text cannot be


made by James (2002) mentioning that translation is a kind of activity which

inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions. The cultural

implications have something to do with the translation considerations. In

translating, there are several procedures, processes, or techniques of which a

translator must consider. Therefore, in order to be able to work on the translation

process, the translators should consider the cultural aspects too. James (2002)

states that no language can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture; and

no culture can exist which does not have at its center, the structure of natural

language. This is related to the ‘cultural untranslatability’, the explanation made

by Gerding-Salas (2000), saying that this phenomenon obstacles the translators

from finding the appropriate idioms, sayings, proverbs, jokes, and so on.

The basic theories about cultural implications and translation

considerations lead the researcher into an overview of how the students in the

translation class manage their translating process. In other words, the researcher is

able to know whether the students are taking all these kinds of pre-translating

activity into account or not. Relating the theories about cultural implications and

translation considerations to the problems confronted by the students in translating

English as the SLT into Indonesian as the TLT would help the researcher to

analyze it more thoroughly.

After the researcher has identified the characteristics of the students’

translation works based on the cultural implications and translation

considerations, he then moved to what problems that obstacle the students from


probably occur when the students are translating the text. The researcher specified

the problems into three major aspects, those are grammatical problems, lexical

problems, and stylistic problems. Actually there are many other aspects of

translation problems that might be found in the world of translation. The

researcher specifically selected the three out of the many other problems described

by Ghazala (1995) because those are significant aspects which really influence the

quality of the translation product.

When the translation problems have been identified and analized, it would

help the researcher to move on to the next part to discuss, the methods of the

translation. Basically, there are various theories stating about some methods that

generally translators use. Molina and Albir (2002) states that there are two

categories which can be used to analyze translations (p. 498). The categories are

textual and contextual, textual covers mechanisms of coherence, cohesion, and

thematic progression. Meanwhile, contextual categories introduce all extra-textual

elements related to the context of the SLT and the translation production. The

researcher chose the translation methods from Newmark (1988) and Ghazala

(1995) because those are quite relevant to the characteristics of categories stated





This chapter presents the research methodology employed in the research. It consists of six major sections. They are covering the research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

There were two research questions to be investigated and in this research; and qualitative research was used as the methodology. Qualitative research method was selected because it offers the most appropriate ways to gain the research findings. Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) as cited in Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2010) states that “research methods should follow research questions in a way that offers the best chance to obtain useful (and the most thorough) answer” (p. 24).


data in the form of words instead of numbers and measures. Therefore, qualitative research is considered the best and the most relevant method to apply.

To answer the first research question, which investigates the problems occured in the students’ translating process, document or content analysis was applied in this research. The researcher employed document analysis because he took the students’ translation works as the data. Ary et. al. (2010) states that “document analysis aimed to identify specified characteristics of written or visual materials” (p. 457). The researcher analyzed the documents based on the students’ translation works which were submitted upon their mid-term test in Translation I class. After the researcher rely on the results of the students’ translation products, the problems that the students encountered would be possibly able to be identified and analyzed.


B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in the academic year of 2011 in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. The location of the data gathering was in the class of Translation I. The research took the data after the students of Translation I class committed their mid-term test.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were the students from Translation I class C in ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Actually, there were two classes had employed Translation I as the obligatory course. The total amount of the students are 24, and the researcher selected one class out of the two. The researcher only took 12 translation works as the papers to be analyzed.

The students who were having the Translation I class were those who had fulfilled the prerequisite course. The students were eligible to take this course after passing Structure 4 (Panduan Akademik Program Studi PBI, 2011). The class is in the academic year of 2011. As they had taken the prerequisite course, they were expected to have sufficient knowledge in applying their competence for translating.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique


1. Human as Instrument

Lincoln and Guba (1985) proposes a concept of human-as-instrument in which qualitative researcher plays a unique role to capture the complexity of the human experience (as cited in Ary, 2010). The researcher himself obtained data through the documents, then analyzed and interpreted them by the support of the interviews.

2. Documents

This research used participants’ translation work papers as the documents to be analyzed. There was no particular attempt to avoid bias since the researcher used each student’s paper of the whole students in the Translation I class C. The data obtained were establishing several texts containing the students’ translation products.

They are considered as the primary sources as they were written by someone who experienced the phenomena under study directly (Ary et al., 2010, p. 443). The focus is on the students’ problems occurences as well as the tendency of the translation method that the students use.


After obtaining the permission from the lecturer, the researcher borrowed and copied all of the papers which were submitted to the lecturer on the submission day. The process of obtaining the documents from the Translation I class was conducted on 19thOctober 2011. After all the documents were collected, the researcher analyzed the data.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To answer the two research questions, the researcher conducted several steps to analyze the collected data. Firts, to identify the problems confronted by the students in translating, the researcher sorted the documents and only analyzed those containing translation problems based on theories stated in the theoretical framework in chapter II. The translation problems were divided into three categories, grammatical, lexical, and stylistic problems. After the data were sorted, the researcher counted the percentage of the students who encountered one and another particular type of problems.


To help the researcher judge whether the students experienced particular problems, the researcher has made three tables. These table are about an overview of the students’ problems which covers three major types of translation problems. There are several sub kinds of problems under the three major types. The category used to classify the students’ translation problems particularly in grammar, lexis, and style is presented in Table 3.1.


To help the researcher judge the tendency of methods that the students of Translation I Class used, he has made a table. This table covers two kinds of categories, literal translation and non-literal translation. Each category includes several characteristics which show whether the students did the translation process in literal or non-literal way. The category used to classify the students’ translation method particularly in literal and non-literal way is presented in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 The Types of Methods in the Students’ Translation

Paper students used in translating. He categorized the type of method which was found, and then classified the characteristics by putting a tick (√) on the specified category.


F. Research Procedure

In conducting the research, there were several important steps that the researcher conducted. They were asking permission to the lecturers, collecting data from documents and interview, analyzing the data, and reporting the findings.

1. Asking Permission to the Lecturer

Before gaining the data, the researcher asked permission from the lecturer who taught Translation class in the academic year 2010/2011. This step took place on 9th and 10th October 2011. First of all, the researcher asked a permission letter from the secretariat of ELESP in order to carry out the research. Having finished completing the permission letters form as well as all of the requirements, the researcher distributed it to the Translation I class C lecturer.


2. Collecting Data

After the researcher and the lecturer decided the schedule to take the data, the researcher eventually collected the students’ translation mid-term test papers. It was a take-home-test project; the submission of the papers was on 15thOctober 2011. However, the researcher started to take the data from the lecturer on 19th

October 2011 due to the schedule that has been made.

After collecting, the students’ papers were all copied to obtain in depth data. The data consisted of 12 students’ translation mid-term test papers. The data were taken before the lecturer did some correction to them, so there was no any correction interruption.

3. Analyzing Data

The next step was sorting out the papers which contained some particular translation problems based on the selected categories of students’ problems in translating. Then, the researcher described each identified problem and counted its percentage to find the most problematic area. After analyzing the problems encountered by the students’ in translating the text, the researcher identified what translation method that the students tend to use.

4. Concluding and Reporting Findings




This chapter consists of two major sections. The first section is the specific

translation problems occurring in the students’ translating process, and second is

the methods that the students tend to use during the translating process.

A. The Specific Translation Problems Occurring in the Students’ Translating


To answer the first research question, the researcher took the students’

translation work papers as the data of this research. The papers were the result of

students’ mid-term test in Translation I class academic year 2011/2012. The data

were taken only from 1 class, that is class C of Translation I. On the submission

day, there were 13 papers submitted as the translation mid-term test project. Of

the 13 papers that have been analyzed, the research results showed that there were

translation problems found in every single paper.

Unfortunately, not all students’ translation work papers were able to be

analyzed further. Among 13 papers, there was one paper that could not be checked

because of a very careless way of the student in typing the writing. The directed

student did not put even one single space to separate one sentence to another that

made the researcher hard read the text. Therefore, to produce more accurate

findings, the data was not further included in the process of calculating and


After all of the specific problems in translation were completely analyzed,

it was found that 12 papers (100%) encountered problems in translating. In

identifying the student’s specific problems in translating SLT, the categories of

the problems were divided into (1) grammatical problems, (2) lexical problems

involving: collocations, idioms, and proverbs, and (3) stylistic problems

involving: formality vs. Informaliy, style of fronting, as well as passive and active

style. After the analysis of all the specific problems in translating SLT was

accomplished, the researcher calculated the percentage of the total problems from

each type of the problems as shown in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 The Percentage of the Identified Specific Problems in the Students’ Translation Work

No. Type of Problem Frequency Percentage

Grammatical Problems 1. Complicated Source Language


10 83,33 %

Lexical Problems

1. Collocations -

-2. Idioms 12 100%

3. Proverbs

-Stylistic Problems

1. Formality vs. Informality -

-2. Style of Fronting -

-3. Passive and Active Style -


The total problems found in the students’ translation work papers were 22

problems. From all types of problems in students’ translation, collocations,

proverbs, formality vs. informality, style of fronting, passive and active style did

not exist. As stated previously in Chapter III, after the frequency of each type of

the problems was counted, the researcher calculated its percentage to reveal the

most common type of problem encountered by the students in translating SLT.

To fully describe each of the identified problems, several cases of

students’ specific problems in translating SLT were given based on the most to

the least frequent type of problems which occured.

1. Idioms

From 22 problems which existed, 22 problems (100 %) belonged to

translating idioms. In the source language text, there were several idioms found

which made the students difficult to translate correctly. The idioms which occured

in the text were the kind of phrasal verbs idiom. As Ghazala (1995) argues, “a

phrasal verb is a combination of a verb + an adverb or preposition, or both an

adverb and a preposition, such as up, down, on off, in, out, over, etc” (p. 133). If a

verb and a preposition were taken together, it would result in an idiomatic

meaning which cannot be understood from the individual meaning.

There were several kinds of idioms found in the source language text.

Most of the students faced such problem in translating English phrasal verbs into

Indonesian, because they were misleading and usually confused with prepositional


Table 3.1 Types of Grammatical, Lexical, and Stylistic
Table 3.1 Types of Grammatical, Lexical, and Stylistic Problems in the
Table 3.2 The Types of Methods in the Students’ Translation
Table 4.1 The Percentage of the Identified Specific Problems in the Students’


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