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The Study of acceptability and translation strategy of the romantic elements in Nicholas Sparks` Dear John.


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DARSONO, LANNY. The Study of Acceptability and Translation Strategy of

Romantic Elements in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. Yogyakarta: Department

of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the acceptability and the translation strategy applied in the romantic elements found in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. This topic is chosen because translating romantic elements in some works may result in a different understanding between the source text readers and target text readers. It is because both of the languages have different cultural backgrounds, therefore, the readers surely have their own perspective.

There are two problems to be analyzed in this thesis. The first is how acceptable the translation of the romantic elements done by Barokah Ruziati. After finding the result of the first problem, then, the second problem is ready to be analyzed. The second problem is about the translation strategy applied in translating the romantic elements.

This research was conducted through field research. The field research aimed to see the acceptability of the romantic elements translation by distributing questionnaire to the ten respondents. Some related studies and theories for supporting this undergraduate thesis were also applied, so that it becomes scientifically proven.




DARSONO, LANNY. The Study of Acceptability and Translation Strategy of

Romantic Elements in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. Yogyakarta: Program

Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang keberterimaan dan strategi penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan unsur romantik yang terdapat dalam novel Dear John karya Nicholas Sparks. Topik ini dipilih karena hasil terjemahan unsur romantik pada sebuah karya dapat menuai berbagai macam pemahaman yang berbeda antara pembaca bahasa sasaran maupun pembaca bahasa sumber. Keberagaman pemahaman ini dipicu oleh perbedaan latar belakang budaya di antar kedua bahasa tersebut, sehingga dapat dipastikan bahsa para pembaca dari masing-masing bahasa memiliki perspektifnya sendiri-sendiri.

Dalam skripsi ini terdapat dua masalah. Masalah yang pertama adalah bagaimana keberterimaan dari terjemahan unsur romantik yang diterjemahkan oleh Barokah Ruziati tersebut. Setelah menemukan jawaban dari rumusan masalah yang pertama, maka masalah yang kedua, mengenai strategi penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan unsur romantik, dapat langsung dianalisa.

Skripsi ini diselesaikan menggunakan metode studi lapangan dan metode studi pustaka. Metode studi lapangan bertujuan untuk melihat keberterimaan dari terjemahan unsur romantik melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada 10 orang responden. Studi-studi tertentu yang terkait dan beberapa dasar-dasar teori juga digunakan untuk mendukung skripsi ini, sehingga skripsi ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah.








Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

in English Letters


LANNY DARSONO Student Number: 114214005






I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due reference is made in the text of the undergraduate thesis

Yogyakarta, August 24, 2015




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Lanny Darsono

Nomor Mahasiswa : 114214005

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul





beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2015

Yang menyatakan,










Dedicated to

Papa, Mama,

Fanny, and Merlinda,




First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ for guiding and giving me strength and patience in finishing this thesis. I am very grateful for having Mr. Harris Hermansyah Setiajid, S.S., M. Hum., as my advisor and also for his generosity and patience in guiding me finish my thesis. My gratitude also addressed to my co-advisor Dr. Francis Borgias Alip M.Pd., M.A., for helping me make my thesis better. I would like to thank all of English Letters lecturers for giving me a lot of precious knowledges and experiences for 4 years in college so that I can be who I am now. I also thank the secretariat staff, mbak Ninik, for helping me a lot in completing this final process. I would also thank to all of my respondents who have helped me filling the questionnaire.

My special gratitude would be for my parents, who are always encouraging and trusting me to finish my duties. This gratitude also addressed for my two lovely sisters, Tifanny and Merlinda, for always cheering me up when I am down. I would also like to thank Tian for always accompanying me through the highs and lows. My special gratitude and love are expressed for my friends, Nina, Bertha, Engki, Enji, Imelda, and Untung. I would like to thank all of you for making me realize that I am so blessed to have all of you. Thank you for the supports, helps, prayers, laughs, and tears. Last but not least, for all of my Skripsi 2015 group, Engki, Enji, Nina, Astrid, Lidya, Puri, Tyut, and Hendy, thank you for the supports and prayers.









MOTTO PAGE ... vii







ABSTRAK ... xvi


A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Problem Formulation ... 5

C. Objectives of the Study ... 5

D. Definition of Terms... 5


A. Review of Related Studies ... 7

B. Review of Related Theories ... 9

C. Theoretical Framework ... 19


A. Areas of the Research ... 20

B. Object of the Study ... 20

C. Method of the Study... 21

D. Research Procedure ... 21

1. Types of Data ... 21

a. Obejctive Data ... 21

b. Affective Data ... 22

2. Data Collection ... 23

3. Population and Sample ... 24

4. Data Analysis ... 25


A. The Acceptability of Romantic Elements Translation in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John ... 27

1. “Affection” Category ... 28



b. Quite Acceptable Translation of “Affection” Category ... 33

2. Acceptable Translation of “Endearment” Category ... 34

3. “Passion” Category ... 37

a. Acceptable Translation of “Passion” Category ... 37

b. Quite Acceptable Translation of “Passion” Category ... 38

B. The Translation Strategies of Romantic Elements in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John ... 42

1. Translation Strategies of “Affection” Category ... 42

2. Translation Strategies of “Endearment” Category ... 60

3. Translation Strategies of “Passion” Category ... 67




Appendix 1: Summary of Dear John Novel ... 76

Appendix 2: The Data Population ... 78

Appendix 3: The Sample Data and Analysis Results Recapitulation ... 94

Appendix 4: Acceptability Assessment Questionnaire ... 101





Table 2.1 Nababan’s Acceptability Indicator...10

Table 2.2 Nababan’s Acceptability Scoring System...11

Table 3.1 Example of the “Affection” Data Coding...23




ST :Source Text (English)

TT : Target Text (Bahasa Indonesia)

A : “Affection” Category

E : “Endearment” Category

P : “Passion” Category

Avr. : Average

OALD : Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary KBBI : Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia

R : Respondent

Data Coding: 2/ST/A/27

2 : Number of the data ST : Source Text

A : “Affection” Category

27 : Number of the page in the ST novel


2 : Number of the data TT : Target Text

A : “Affection” Category

46 : Number of the page in the TT novel Translation Strategies:


xiv Sub. : Subtraction

Mod. : Modulation



DARSONO, LANNY. The Study of Acceptability and Translation Strategy of

Romantic Elements in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. Yogyakarta: Department

of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2015.

This undergraduate thesis discusses the acceptability and the translation strategy applied in the romantic elements found in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. This topic is chosen because translating romantic elements in some works may result in a different understanding between the source text readers and target text readers. It is because both of the languages have different cultural backgrounds, therefore, the readers surely have their own perspective.

There are two problems to be analyzed in this thesis. The first is how acceptable the translation of the romantic elements done by Barokah Ruziati. After finding the result of the first problem, then, the second problem is ready to be analyzed. The second problem is about the translation strategy applied in translating the romantic elements.

This research was conducted through field research. The field research aimed to see the acceptability of the romantic elements translation by distributing questionnaire to the ten respondents. Some related studies and theories for supporting this undergraduate thesis were also applied, so that it becomes scientifically proven.




DARSONO, LANNY. The Study of Acceptability and Translation Strategy of

Romantic Elements in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John. Yogyakarta: Program

Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma, 2015.

Skripsi ini membahas tentang keberterimaan dan strategi penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan unsur romantik yang terdapat dalam novel Dear John karya Nicholas Sparks. Topik ini dipilih karena hasil terjemahan unsur romantik pada sebuah karya dapat menuai berbagai macam pemahaman yang berbeda antara pembaca bahasa sasaran maupun pembaca bahasa sumber. Keberagaman pemahaman ini dipicu oleh perbedaan latar belakang budaya di antar kedua bahasa tersebut, sehingga dapat dipastikan bahsa para pembaca dari masing-masing bahasa memiliki perspektifnya sendiri-sendiri.

Dalam skripsi ini terdapat dua masalah. Masalah yang pertama adalah bagaimana keberterimaan dari terjemahan unsur romantik yang diterjemahkan oleh Barokah Ruziati tersebut. Setelah menemukan jawaban dari rumusan masalah yang pertama, maka masalah yang kedua, mengenai strategi penerjemahan yang diterapkan dalam menerjemahkan unsur romantik, dapat langsung dianalisa.

Skripsi ini diselesaikan menggunakan metode studi lapangan dan metode studi pustaka. Metode studi lapangan bertujuan untuk melihat keberterimaan dari terjemahan unsur romantik melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada 10 orang responden. Studi-studi tertentu yang terkait dan beberapa dasar-dasar teori juga digunakan untuk mendukung skripsi ini, sehingga skripsi ini dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah.




A. Background of the Study

Many English literary works are translated into various target languages. Bahasa Indonesia is one of the target language used to translate English literary works. In order to set a good and acceptable translation, a translator has to understand the culture of the source language and the target language, so that the target language readers will still grasp what the author wants to say.As reiterated by Nida and Taber(1969) in Suryawinata and Hariyanto that,

Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style (2003:12).

A translator has to focus and creative on looking for the most natural translation as possible and also the style used from the source language into the target language.


beneficial, because those will prove whether or not the target language readers understand and receive the same messages as the source language readers do. A translator has to know the characteristics of each culture and also has to be able to transfer and apply the culture of the source language into the culture of the target language.

According to Larson (1988:3), there are three steps in tranlating a text, which are;

1. Learning the lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation, and cultural context from the source language,

2. Analyzing the source language in order to find the meaning,

3. Restating the same meaning using lexicon and grammatical structure which appropriate to the target language and its cultural context.

Based on those three statements, there are some linguistic aspects that need to be concerned in translating a text, such as lexicon, grammatical structure, communicatuon situation, and cultural context of both the source and target language. Other aspects needed to be counted in translation are the acceptability and also its translation strategy in the target language.

In order to conduct the research of theacceptability and translation strategy,Nicholas Sparks‟ Dear Johnand its Bahasa Indonesia version, which is also entitled Dear John and translated by Barokah Ruziati will be used. Nicholas

Sparks‟ Dear John is chosen because it is a romance fiction novel which


feel the connection and the special feeling between the two main characters in the novel.

Romantic elements are choosen because romance is something which is very common in our life, especially for the readers whose aged usually around late-teenage (18 – 22 years old) to adult. Romance is indeed an endless topic. Happiness, trust, faithfulness, promise, jealousy, anger, sadness, waiting, hope, etc., can be found in almost all of works of art whose topic is romance. There are

a lot of source about romance. Besides Nicholas Sparks‟ works, there are Jane

Austen‟s, John F. Wright‟s, Kate Thompson‟s, Dewi Lestari‟s for Indonesia

author, etc. Romance can be expressed in various way and style, and in English, it has its own language style in describing the romantic elements. It will be quite challenging for the translator to transfer the English romantic sentences into Bahasa Indonesia, which both surely have different cultural background.


The different understanding of the meaning from the source to target language has to be avoided by the translator. For example, “You are one lovesick puppy” (2006:144) translated into “Kau sudah jadi budak cinta”

(2010:206); “I was head over heels crazy about Savannah” (2006:144), becomes

“Aku tergila-gila setengah mati pada Savannah” (2010:206). Those two pairs of

quotations are translated quite different from the target language. This kind of case will be the point in discussing the acceptability of the translation, since the results of the translation are different from the real meaning of the source language. The translations can be different, but they have to be as natural as possible for the target language cultural background which surely influences the target readers understanding.

The romance part in this novel can be found when the plot of the story is focusing in the part when the main character is with his girlfriend and also when he is away from her. In the romance part, there are a lot of good and beautiful sentences that refer to the love story of the main character and his girlfriend, such as, “I was head over heels crazy about Savannah” (2006:144), “You‟re a rare gentleman, John, and I treasure that about you” (2006:138), “The sensation

of her skin against mine was like fire, and we began to make love” (2006:172),

“I slipped my hand into hers knowing that I love her not only more than the last

time I‟d seen her, but more than I would ever love anyone” (2006:153).

This study of the translation strategies and the acceptability that are in

Sparks‟ Dear John and its IndonesiantranslationDear John by Barokah Ruziati


strategies and acceptability, this thesisresults in the finding whether the target language version is acceptable for the target language readers or not and still have the same value as the source language version.

B. Problem Formulation

In this part, the researcher states two problems which become the focuses in this research. The two problems are in the following.

1. How is the acceptability of the translation of romance elements in Sparks‟

Dear John?

2. Whattranslation strategies areused in translating the romance elements in

Sparks‟ Dear John after knowing how acceptable those are?

C. Objectives of the Study

This study analyzes the translation process and result. This study usesDear John in English version and Dear John in Bahasa Indonesia edition, which is translated by Barokah Ruziati. Firstly, this study analyzed the acceptability of Dear John in Bahasa Indonesia version. Secondly, after finding out how acceptable the translation is, this study identified the translation strategies used by Barokah Ruziati in translating Dear John English version into Bahasa Indonesia.

D.Definition of Terms

This part contains some definition of terms which frequently applied in this research.


information/goods-and-services) and the receiver of it must accept that it is,

indeed, fulfilling some such purpose (1991:167). In Basil Hatim‟s Teaching and

Researching Translation, Toury states that acceptability is a function to the adherence to those norms and conventions (both linguistic-textual and literary-aesthetic) which operate in the target system (2001:147).

Romantic elements: As stated by Abrams, romance is said to present life as we would have it be – more picturesque, fantastic, adventurous, or heroic than actuality (1999:260), while romanticism is defined by Britannica Encyclopedia as a certain characteristics such as a deepened appreciation of the

beauties of nature; a general exaltation of emotionover reason and of the senses over intellect (http://www.britannica.com/art/Romanticism). Therefore, romantic elements are defined as the intense emotion or feeling of affection, endearment, and passion between the two persons.

Translation: Newmark in his Approaches to Translation states translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language (1981:7).

Translation strategy: In Suryawinata‟s Translation: Bahasan Teori & Penuntun Praktis Menerjemahkan, translation strategy is defined as a translator‟s tactic to translate a word, a phrase, or even a complete sentence if





This chapter elaborates the theses done by other researchers on similar topics and some theories which are applied in the thesis. The theses which are similar to this thesis are Lengari‟s, Sanusi‟s, and Nugroho‟s. Each of the thesis is reviewed to find the similarities and also the differences in order to avoid topics duplication. Some theories used to conduct this thesis are also reviewed.

A. Review of Related Studies

1. Lengari’s thesis “The Accuracy, Acceptability, and Translation Strategies of Indonesian Metaphors Translation in Twilight

This undergraduate thesis discusses the accuracy, acceptability, and translation strateies used by Devita Sari, the translator of Twilight, in translating the metaphors. The English metaphors are often difficult to translate into Bahasa Indonesia because of the different culture and background from both of the languages. Therefore, the translator has to be able to deliver the English metaphors well, so that the target text readers can get the same message as the source text readers.

Lengari‟s analysis is to find out whether the translation of English

metaphors is accurate and accpetable or not, and also the strategies applied after finding the accuracy and the acceptability of the English metaphors in the novel.

This present thesis is different in some aspects. However, Lengari‟s is


present thesis uses the translation of the romance elements in Nicholas Sparks‟

Dear John.

2. Sanusi’s thesis “The Indonesian Translation of English Culturally Loaded Words in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: A Study on Accuracy, Acceptability, and Strategies Applied”

This undergraduate thesis discusses the accuracy, acceptability, and strategies applied of the English culturally loaded words in Harry Potter and the

Sorcerer’s Stone. Sanusi analyzes whether the accuracy of the translation is

acceptable by the target text readers or not. Then, she tries to find the strategies applied to translate the culturally loaded words after finding the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation.

This thesis is different from this present thesis. This present thesis does not analyzing the acuracy of the translation. It analyzes the translation strategies applied and the acceptability of the translation. It is also different in the process of finding the translation strategy. It determines the translation strategies applied first, then from the translation strategies that are found, it will analyzes whether the translation using that certain translation strategies is acceptable or not to the target text readers.

3. Nugroho’s thesis “The Translation of English Song “Shout to the Lord” into “Nyanyi dan Bersoraklah” in Bahasa Indonesia: A Study of Its

Accuracy, Aceptability, Readability, and Style”


The translation of the song is not really common to many people. Whereas, there some songs in Bahasa Indonesia which actually originated from English. The translation of the song is also not really easy, because when it comes to song, there are a lot of aspects need to be considered. Things like rhyme, rhythm, and other musical aspects become the consideration of the translator in translating the English song,

Nugroho‟s study is different from this present thesis. The distinction is

that this present thesis does not analyze the accuracy and readability of the translation. In his thesis, Nugroho is also studying about the style of the musical devices on the song, which absolutely cannot be applies in this present thesis‟ data.

B. Review of Related Theories 1. Theory of Translation

As stated by Newmark on his Approaches to Translation, translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language (1981:7). Then, Catford in Suryawinata (2003:11) describes translation as the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language.


Those definitions of translation can be concluded as a replacement of a same text in a source language into a same text but in the target language. The message contained in the text does not change either.

2. Theory of Acceptability

Bell in his Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice, states thatacceptability is the producers of the text must intend it to contribute towards some goals (giving/ demanding information/ goods-and-services) and the receiver of it must accept that it is, indeed, fulfilling some such purpose

(1991:167). In Basil Hatim‟s Teaching and Researching Translation, Toury

(1980) states that acceptability is a function to the adherence to those norms and conventions (both linguistic-texutual and literary-aesthetic) which operate in the target system (2001:147).

The acceptability of a translation can be seen through the indicator and scoring system which is stated by Nababan. Below, this is the acceptability indicator table,

Table 2.1 Acceptability Indicator

Score Indicator

1 The content of the ST is conveyed acceptably to the TT. The sentences can be understood clearly. Rewriting is not needed.


The content of the ST is conveyed acceptably to the ST. The sentences can be understood clearly, but a little restructuring and rewriting are needed.



Then below is the acceptability scoring system, Table 2.2 Acceptability Score

Score Acceptability

1 – 1,6 Acceptable

1,7 – 2,3 Quite Acceptable

2,4 – 3 Unacceptable

(Nababan, 2004:54-65; modified)

Those acceptability indicator and scoring system later will be used to help the writer in determining whether the translation of the romance elements is acceptable or not.

3. Theory of Translation Strategy

According to Suryawinata and Hariyanto, translation strategy is a technical guidance to translate phrase by phrase or sentence by sentence (2003:67). Translation strategy is needed by a translator to help them translate many kinds of texts.

There are two main kinds of translation strategy as stated by Suryawinata andHariyanto, they are structural strategy and semantic strategy.

a. Structural Strategy

Structural strategy is required to result a correct structure in the TT (Target Text), so that the translation becomes acceptable by the TT readers. i. Addition

This strategy is applied by adding word(s) in the TT because of the grammatical structure of the TT (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:67). For example,


The auxiliary is and the article a is added in the TT for the sake of the correct grammatical structure in the TT.

ii. Subtraction

Subtraction strategy done by subtracting the structural element in the TT. For example,

ST: You should go home. TT: Kamu mesti pulang.

The word go in the ST is subtracted in the TT, because go is the structural element in the ST which is not needed in the TT (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:68).

iii. Transposition

According to Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003), this strategy can be done based on the translator‟s obligation or the translator‟s choice. It is applied

based on the obligation when the message of the ST is not well-delivered to the

TT, but when it is based on the translator‟s choice, then it is applied only for the

language style, and without utilizing this strategy, the point from the ST is already well-delivered. As reiterated by Newmark in Suryawinata and Hariyanto, this strategy changes the form of plural into singular, the position of adjectives, and even the structure of the whole sentence. For example,

ST: Musical instuments can be divided into two basic groups. TT: Alat musik bisa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok dasar.


position of the phrase has to be changed. The position of the modifier, or the adjective, comes after the head. The other things can be found in the example before is the use of plural words instruments and groups in the ST, which are translated becomes singular words. The word instruments becomes alat, and groups becomes kelompok.

Transposition can also be applied to reverse the whole sentence form. For example,

ST: It is a great mistake to keep silent about the matter.

TT: Berdiam diri tentang masalah itu merupakan kesalahan besar.

The position of the two clauses is reversed. This strategy is applied in the sentence because the sentence structure in the ST is not apropriate in the TT. This strategy can be applied for the sake of language style in the TT.

In English, a sentence can consist of some clauses and its meaning is still clear and understandable. While in Bahasa Indonesia, a sentence will not be understandable if there are more than two clauses in it (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:69). For example,

ST : Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on the top of its large, broad head.

TT 1 : Beberapa spesies sangatlah besar dan paus biru, yang bisa mencapai panjang lebih dari 30 meter, adalah binatang terbesar yang pernah hidup di bumi. Sepintas ikan paus tampak mirip ikan biasa, namun bila dicermati terdapat perbedaan pokok pada struktur luarnya: ekornya terdiri dari sepasang “sirip” lebar, pipih, dan mendatar (ekor ikan tegak) dan ia mempunyai satu lubang hidung di atas kepalanya yang besar dan lebar.


pernah hidup di bumi. Sepintas ikan paus tampak mirip ikan biasa, namun bila dicermati terdapat perbedaan pokok pada struktur luarnya.Ekornya terdiri dari sepasang “sirip” lebar, pipih, dan mendatar (sementara ekor ikan biasa tegak). Ikan paus mempunyai satu lubang hidung di atas kepalanya yang besar dan lebar (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:70).

In the TT 1, the transposition of the adjective is done, but the strategy is not applied in the level of sentence. While in TT 2, the sentence from the ST is divided into two or more sentence in the TT and as we can see, the TT 2 results a clearer translation than the TT 1 (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:68-70; translated).

b. Semantic Strategy

This strategy is applied for the meaning consideration. This strategy can be utilized in words, phrases, clauses, and even sentences (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:70). There are nine strategies which included in semantic strategy. Those nine strategies are:

i. Borrowing

Borrowing is a strategy which brings certain words from the ST into the TT. This strategy is applied in order to appreciate that certain words. There two kinds of borrowing, they are transliteration and naturalization. Transliteration is the kind of strategy that keeps the ST words in the original form (the sound and the spelling) when it is translated into the TT. For example, the word mall in the ST becomes mall also in the TT.


Hariyanto, the word sandal in English is translated into sandal also in Bahasa Indonesia. In English, it is pronounced as /sӕndl/, while in Bahasa Indonesia, it is pronounced as /sandal/ (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:70-71).

ii. Cultural Equivalent

According to Suryawinata and Hariyanto, this strategy is applied by replacing the typical word in the ST with the typical word in the TT. This strategy is needed sometime since both of the languages may have different cultural beackground. This strategy may result a different meaning in the TT, nonetheless, the TT readers will grasp the point text easier because the typical word in the TT itself is common to be used in the TT. For example:

ST: Minggu depan Jaksa Agung Andi Ghalib akan berkunjung ke Swiss. TT: Next week the Attorney General Andi Ghalib will visit Switzerland (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:72).

Based on the example above, the phrase Jaksa Agung is translated into Attorney General instead of Great Attorney. It is because in the TT, there is no phrase Great Attorney for explaining Jaksa Agung.

iii. Descriptive Equivalent and Componential Analysis


text is about Japanese culture. Therefore, this strategy has to be applied. The word samuarai should be translated into aristokrat Jepang pada abad XI sampai XIX yang menjadi pegawai pemerintahan.

Another strategy which similar to descriptive equivalent is componential analysis strategy. This strategy is applied when the ST word is translated into the TT word by giving detail explanation of the meaning in the TT words. The descriptive equivalent is chosen to translate the words related to culture, while the componential analysis is applied to translate the general words. For example:

ST: Gadis itu menari dengan luwesnya.

TT: The girl is dancing with great fluidity and grace (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:73).

By applying the componential analysis strategy, the word luwes is translated becomes with great fluidity and grace, hence, the TT readers will be easier to imagine and understand what luwes is.

iv. Synonym

According to Newmark, the word „synonym‟ in the sense of near target

language equivalent to an source language word in a context, where a precise equivalent may or may not exist (1988:84). This strategy is used by applying the similar word to the ST in the TT.

ST: What a cute baby you‟ve got!

TT: Alangkah lucunya bayi Anda! (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:73).


with, while the word lucu indicates that the kid is really attractive, therefore he/she are pleasant to play with.

v. Official Translation

As stated by Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003), in translating the formal text, the translator needs to refer to Pedoman Pengindonesiaan Nama dan Kata Asing(1995), published by Pusat Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, Departement of Education, Republic ocf Indonesia. For example, as proposed by Suryawinata and Hariyanto, the phrase read-only memory, is translated into memori simpan tetap. By applying this strategy, the translator is able to save

time and also participate in giving the direction of Bahasa Indonesia development (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 74).

vi. Narrowing and Broadening

Narrowing means a word component in the ST is being narrowed. For example, in the ST there is automobile, then it is translated into mobil in the TT. The word automobile undergoes narrowing strategy.

Meanwhile, broadening means a word is being expanded in the TT. For example, the word whale in the ST, becomes ikan paus in the TT. The word ikan is added in the TT, because the word paus in the TT means the leader of Catholic in the whole world.

vii. Addition


because that addition is considered needed by the TT readers. As stated by Newmark in Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003:74), the additional information can be placed inside the text, or on the footer of the page as a footer. For example:

ST: The skin, which is hard and scaly, is grayish in color, thus helping to camouflage it from the predators when underwater.

TL:Kulitnya, yang keras dan bersisik, berwarna abu-abu. Dengan demikian, kulit ini membantunya berkamuflase, menyesuaikan diri dengan keadaan lingkungan untuk menyelamatkan diri dari predator, hewan pemangsa, jika berada di dalam air (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:75).

According to the example above, the words camouflage and predator are borrowing from the ST, and in the TT, there are additional information about both words.

Addition strategy can also be applied for the sake of stylistic or the smoothness of the sentence. For example:

ST: “Tetapi bagaimana si Dora? Dia sudah terima itu cincin?” (Burung

-burung Manyar, 8)

TT: “But what about Dora” I asked my friend. “Did she get the ring?” (The Weaverbirds, 16)

A clause I asked my friend is added in the TT in order to result a smooth and proper sentence (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003:75).

viii. Omission and Deletion

Omission means there is a part of the ST which is not translated in the TT, so that it becomes omitted in the TT. For example:

ST: “Sama dengan raden ayu ibunya,” katanya lirih.

TT: “Just like her mother,” she whispered (Suryawinata and Hariyanto,


ix. Modulation

As stated by Newmark in Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2003:75), this strategy is applied when the translator has different perspective from the author in translating the ST. This strategy is chosen when the literal translation is considered not resulting an acceptable tranlastion. For example:

ST: I broke my leg

TT: Kakiku patah (Suryawinata and Hariyanto, 2003: 76).

Based on the example, the translator emphasizes to the object, which is kaki, not from the subject as in the ST, which is saya or I.

Based on those theories, the writer will be able to analyze what translation strategies used by the translator in translating the romance elements

of Sparks‟ Dear John.

C. Theoretical Framework



CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY A. Areas of the Research

The research area used in this study was text analysis and translation. It focused on the acceptability of the Bahasa Indonesia translation of Nicholas

Sparks‟ Dear John done by Barokah Ruziati and also the translation strategies

used after finding the acceptab5ility of the translation. Based on the research area of text analysis and translation, this study focused in comparing the translation to its source text. As it is stated by Williams and Chesterman, that the analysis of translated texts invloves the textual comparison of a translation with its original (2002:6).

B. Object of the Study

This study analyzed the romantic elements in Nicholas Sparks‟ Dear John. In order to conduct this analysis, English version Dear John by Nicholas

Sparks and Indonesian version, translated by Barokah Ruziati would be required. Romantic elements contained in this novel could be in a form of phrases or sentences which have the romantic sense.

Nicholas Sparks‟ Dear John is a romantic fiction novel, but apparently, it


specific expression in forms of phrase, clause, or sentence related to romance that was used in the English version of Dear John and how that certain idiom was translated into Bahasa Indonesia.

C. Method of the Study

The methods applied to conduct this study were both library and field research. This study utilized library research method in order to get some related studies and collect theories from books, journals, and former theses. This method was aimed to provide strong and scientific evidences, so that this study would be qualified.

The field research was done by distributing questionnaire to four respondents. The questionnaire was used to check the accepatability of the romance elements translation by Barokah Ruziati, and the four respondents were all the English Letters students.

The data in this study were the primary data. Those were collected directly from the English version Dear John novel and its Bahasa Indonesia version. No datum taken from former studies or journals.

D. Research Procedure 1. Types of Data a. Objective Data

The objective datain this study were Nicholas Sparks‟ Dear John English

version as the Source Text (ST), and Nicholas Sparks‟ Dear John Bahasa


English version of Dear John consisted of 276 pages, while theIndonesian version had more pages, which were 387 pages.

There were 55 romantic elements data that would be analyzed in this study. All of those were in the forms of sentences.

Below was the cover of Dear John, both in English version (left) and in Bahasa Indonesia version (right).

b. Affective Data

The affective data for this study were taken from ten respondents. The questionnaire of acceptability was given to each of those ten respondents. The respondents were around 18 – 46 years old. This range of age is chosen due to the readers category for Nicholas Sparks‟ novel, which was from late teenage until adult. All of the respondents have various background, such as, students, workers, and also housewives, since this novel‟s genre is romance fiction, which


competence in both active and passive Bahasa Indonesia. Meanwhile, for some of the housewives, they have different level of competence from the students and workers. Mostly they are able to speak and write in Bahasa Indonesia only in a common or regular use.

2. Data Collection

The first activity done was reading. The researcher read both of the English version of Dear John and theIndonesian version. Besides reading, the researcher also compared the romance elementsinthe ST to the TT as well. The sentences of romance elements, which were found in both the English version and Bahasa Indonesia version of Dear John, were highlighted and typed with the coding afterward.

Below, is the example of the data coding,

Table 3.1 “Affection”Data Coding


Code Source Text



demikian, ada sesuatu di sana, sesuatu yang terasa nyata, dan aku tak sanggup berpaling

In which:

1 : The number of data ST : Source Text

TT : Target Text

A : Affection Category

27 : The number of page in the ST novel 46 : The number of page in the TT novel

Some related books and studies are also used in order to get the scientific theories for the translation strategy and acceptability indicator and scoring system.

The second activity done in this research was distributing questionnaires to the ten respondents. The questionnaire was purposed to check the acceptability of theIndonesian version of Dear John by using the acceptability indicator and scoring system theory.

3. Population and Sample

The population of this study was the romance elements found in Nicholas

Sparks‟ Dear John. The total of romance elements data found in the novel were

55 data,thereforesampling was needed. The population of the romance elements was divided into three categories. The first and the most widely category was “affection”, which was 30 data; the second category was “endearment”, whose


This research used two sampling theory, which were proportional and purposive. The population was 55 and it was divided into three catageories,

which were “affection”, “endearment”, and “passion”. Each category was taken

proportionally by 10:5:3 ratio. Therefore, 10 data of “affection”, 5 data of “endearment”, and 3 data of“passion” were taken as the sample for the


The purposive sampling, as stated byWidodo in his Cerdik Menyusun Proposal Penelitian Skripsi, Tesis & Disertasi, used when the choice of sample is based on the characteristics or certain feature based on the characteristics of the population (2012:58). In order to do the purposive sampling, reviewing the population to estimate the acceptability of each datum would be needed. The purposive sampling was no longer based on the categorization, but it emphazised on getting the 18 data for the questionnaire with the appropriate ratio.

4. Data Analysis

To validate the result, this study had three steps to conduct the reaserch. The first step was reading and highlighting. Both of the English version novel and Bahasa Indonesia version were being read, and the parts of romance elements are highlighted.


Table 3.2Example of a Questionnaire Item

No. Kode Data Bahasa Sasaran (BS) 1 2 3

2. 4/TT/A/52 Dia tertawa, dan suaranya begitu melodius sehingga aku tahu bahwa aku ingin mendengarnya lagi.

Konteks: Terjadi saat John dan Savannah pertama kali bercakap-cakap setelah John menolong Savannah mengambilkan tasnya yang jatuh ke laut. Saat itu mereka sedang saling menanyakan tentang pekerjaan masing-masing dan John menyelipkan sedidkit humor dalam obrolan mereka


After getting the results from all of the respondents, the assessment of the acceptability score would be done afterwards. Based on Nababan‟s acceptability indicator, the result of the questionnaires would be calculated by dividing the





This chapter is aimed to answer the problem formulations stated in Chapter I. There are two parts contained in this chapter. The first part is to answer the first problem, which is finding out the acceptability in the translation of romantic elements. In order to find out the acceptabilitty score, the questionnaire of acceptability is distributed to 10 respondents. The questionnaire is made using M. R. Nababan‟s acceptability indicator and score assessment as

the theoretical basis.

After finding out the result of the acceptability, then this research will try to see what translation strategies applied so that it can result that certain score of acceptability, which brings us to the second part of this chapter.

A. The Acceptability of Romantic Elements Translation in Nicholas Sparks’ Dear John

In order to find out the acceptability of the romantic elements translation, ten respondents whose age 19 – 46 years old from various proffesion, such as, college students, employee, and also housewives, are needed to represent the readers of the novel.


data are considered acceptable while there are only 2 data assessed as quite acceptable.

1. “Affection” Category

According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD), the word „affection‟ means “the feeling of liking or loving somebody/something very

much and caring about them” (2010:24). In this thesis, those datarelated to what

the main character, John, feels about the girl he loves, Savannah, but not directly stated to Savannah arecategorized as „affection‟ category.

a. Acceptable Translation of “Affection” Category

There are 10 data of “affection” category out of 18 sample data. From the

10 “affection” data, there are one datum scored 1; 2 data scored 1.1; 3 datum

scored 1.2; and also 3 datum scored 1.6. Below is the explanation of each acceptable datum. There are 9 data which were acceptable, ranging from 1 – 1.6.


Code TT

Avr. Score 13/TT/A


Aku ingin lebih dari dirinya, dan tak peduli apa yang terjadi di antara kami, aku sudah tahu aku tak akan pernah melupakan segala hal tentang dia. Walaupun kedengarannya gila, dia mulai menjadi bagian diriku, ...




Code TT

Avr. Score 2/TT/A/


... saat matanya bertemu mataku, aku merasa ada yang berbunyi klik, bagaikan kunci yang berputar di

lubangnya. Percayalah, aku bukan orang yang romantis, dan walaupun sering mendengar tentang cinta pada pandangan pertama, aku tidak pernah memercayainya, sampai sekarang. Tapi meskipun demikian, ada sesuatu di sana, sesuatu yang terasa nyata, dan aku tak sanggup berpaling.


Almost all respondents agree that this translation is acceptable. However, there is one respondent who thinks it quite acceptable, because the figurative speech in that data, about a key and a lock, is not so relevant to the fact. It is still understandable for the readers even though there is a figurative speech. Besides the naturalness of the language used, this translation also helps the readers visualize what the main character feels when he gets an eye contact with the girl.


Code TT

Avr. Score 20/TT/A/


Dan saat bibirnya bertemu dengan bibirku, aku tahu aku bisa hidup seratus tahun dan mengunjungi semua negara di dunia, tapi tidak akan ada yang bisa

menandingi momen ketika aku mencium gadis impianku untuk pertama kalinya dan tahu bahwa cintaku akan abadi selamanya.




Code TT

Avr. Score 9/TT/A/


Kami berjalan menuju mobil dan aku meraih tangan Savannah, sentuhannya membuatku merasa dunia ini berputar dengan mulus.


Some readers think that this translation is quite acceptable. According to one of the respondents, the sentence sentuhannya membuatku merasa dunia ini berputar dengan mulus, is a little bit excessive, while the other respondent who also gives score 2, thinks that this translation is quite hard to conceive. A better translation is “sentuhannya membuatku merasa baik-baik saja” or “sentuhannya membuatku merasa dunia ini baik adanya”.However, it is still an acceptable translation because most of the readers are able to receive the whole point about what the character feels when Savannah touches him.


Code TT

Avr. Score 19/TT/A


Aku selalu membayangkan kata-kata itu akan sulit

diucapkan, tapi ternyata tidak. Seumur hidupku, aku tidak pernah seyakin ini akan sesuatu, dan meskipun aku berharap suatu hari nanti bisa mendengar Savannah mengucapkan kata-kata itu kepadaku, yang terpenting adalah mengetahui bahwa cinta ini bisa kuberikan, tanpa tuntutan atau harapan.




Code TT

Avr. Score 33/TT/A


Aku menyelipkan tanganku ke tangannya, tahu bahwa aku mencintainya bukan hanya lebih dari terakhir kali kami bertemu, tapi lebih dari cintaku kepada siapa pun.


Most of the readers consider this translation acceptable, but there are two of them who think this is quite acceptable. Both of them admit that they are not easily get the point of this sentence. They have to reread several times in order to really catch the point. Nonetheless, it is still an acceptable translation because the translator can explain the main point, which is about the feeling of love felt by the main character to the girl, using common words in the TT, so that the readers can grasp it.


Code TT

Avr. Score 4/TT/A/


Dia tertawa, dan suaranya begitu melodius sehingga aku tahu bahwa aku ingin mendengarnya lagi.



pleasant to listen to, but still, most of the respondents consider this translation acceptable, because they are still able to catch the meaning without

understanding the word „melodius‟.


Code TT

Avr. Score 6/TT/A/


Kami tetap berdiri di sana, salah satu momen canggung yang tak akan pernah membuatku terbiasa, tapi Savannah berbalik sebelum aku sempat mencoba menciumnya. Biasanya, aku langsung merangsek saja untuk melihat apa yang terjadi; aku mungkin tidak pernah terbuka tentang perasaanku, tapi aku impulsif dan sigap beraksi. Dengan Savannah, anehnya aku merasa lumpuh.


It is an acceptable translation, however, some respondents do not know

the definition of „merangsek‟ and „impulsif‟, and there is one reader assumes that

the word „lumpuh‟ is commonly associated with diseases. According to KBBI,

the word impulsif means act quickly at will; while merangsek is not defined by KBBI. The word lumpuh means weak, powerless, and no longer be able to move.Nevertheless, half of the respondents give score 1 for this datum. This is still considered acceptable because the point from the author, which is about the main character‟s different attitude between what he usually does with other

women and with Savannah, is quite well-explaned by the translator.


Code TT

Avr. Score 55/TT/A


Aku melihat dia mereguk pemandangan itu, merasakan banjir kenangan yang dia lepaskan dan tidak ada yang lebih kuinginkan selain memberitahunya bahwa aku ada di sini. Tapi aku diam di tempatku dan ikut memandang bulan. Dan untuk waktu yang sangat singkat, aku nyaris merasa seakan-akan kami tengah bersama lagi.


This translation datum is considered acceptable by some of the readers. However, almost a half of them assessed this translation quite acceptable and unacceptable. They think that this translation does not really deliver the message from the author. They cannot clearly get the point of this part, even though the context of this part of the story is written in the questionnaire. Nevertheless, the some readers still give score 1 for this datum, it is because they are able to catch the meaning and point from this translation. This datum, even though it is an acceptable translation, there is one point that makes readers not easily grasp the

meaning or not easily picture it, and it is in the word „mereguk‟, there are not so

many TT readers understand this word‟s definition, but when the translator

change it into „menikmati‟, perhaps it will be easier for the TT readers to

understand how the author describes what happens to John and Savannah in that moment.

b. Quite Acceptable Translation of “Affection” Category

There is only one datum considered as quite acceptable by the 10 respondents. The explanation is in the following.


Code TT

Avr. Score 32/TT/A


Aku nyaris tidak sempat menurunkan tas sebelum dia melompat ke pelukanku, dan ciuman yang menyusul bagaikan kerajaan magisnya sendiri, lengkap dengan bahasa dan geografi istimewa, mitos-mitos

menakjubkan serta keajaiban berabad-abad



it distracts the readers who suppose to feel the romantic sensastion. Readers tend to reread the figurative speech part instead of catching the romance of this part.

It will probably be less exaggearating when it is translated into „...dan ciuman

yang menyusul terasa magis dan ajaib‟. However, there are still few readers consider this translation acceptable, because they do not feel confused about or disturbed with the figurative speech. They can directly capture the main point of this datum.

2. Acceptable Translation of “Endearment” Category

The word „endearment‟ in OALD is defined as “a word or an expression

that is used to show affection” (2010:483). Those data which are catagorized in

“endearment” category are the data which contain direct statements from the

main character, John, to Savannah, or vice versa.

There are 5 data of “endearment” category out of 18 sample data in the questionnaire. All of those 5 “endearment” data are assessed acceptable by the

10 respondents. Below, is the further discussion.


Code TT

Avr. Score 28/TT/E/


Saat memikirkanmu, aku tak bisa menahan diri untuk tersenyum, tahu bahwa entah bagaimana kau

melengkapi aku.


The translation of “endearment” category above is scored 1, which


reading this sentence, the TT readers are able to sense the love between John and Savannah.


Code TT

Avr. Score 23/TT/E/


Yang terpikir olehku hanyalah aku berharap sedang bersamamu saat ini, menggenggam tanganmu dan melihat senyummu yang sulit diartikan.


This translation is also considered acceptable by all of the readers. Even though there is a figurative words, senyummu yang sulit diartikan, which can lead into something less or not romantic, but it is still an acceptable romantic translation for the TT readers. The readers can automatically consider the phrase senyummu yang sulit diartikan as something positive and romantic because the

atmosphere brought before which shows that Savannah wants to be with John and hold his hands.


Code TT

Avr. Score 5/TT/E/

91 “Aku tergila

-gila pada pria jujur berambut cepak. ...” 1.1


John looks like and the word tergila-gila which means ”a sucker” in the ST, can clearly explain how madly in love those two characters are.


Code TT

Avr. Score 25/TT/E


Kau pria yang langka, John, dan aku sangat

menghargainya. Selama kita bersama, kau tidak pernah mendesakku untuk tidur denganmu, dan aku tak bisa mengatakan betapa berartinya hal itu bagiku. Itu membuat apa yang kita miliki terasa semakin istimewa, dan itulah yang selalu ingin kukenang darikebersamaan kita. Seperti sinar putih yang murni, menakjubkan untuk dipandang.


This data is acceptable with the avarage score 1.3. Some of the readers giving 2 for the score. One of them thinks that the words tidur denganmu feels ambiguous, since the meaning of the phrase tidur denganmu can be defined as having sex or just staying together for a night. While the two others assume that the word langka, or “rare” in ST, is not really describing the sense of romantic,

because “langka” can be defined as something‟s very unique and different, and it

is not always in a good way. However, this translation is quite succeed in delivering the point about how deep John‟s love for Savannah is and how

thankful she is for it.


Code TT

Avr. Score 36/TT/E

/243 “Kauingat waktu aku bilang bahwa

aku mendapat kekuatan dengan berada bersamamu?” Saat aku

mengangguk, dia meluncurkan jemarinya di dadaku. “Aku

tidak bercanda soal itu. Musim panas lalu sangat berarti bagiku. Lebih dari yang bisa kaubayangkan, dan ketika kau pergi, aku hancur.


The translation above is considered acceptable, because it is able to reflect how precious John is for Savannah. So that, the readers can indirectly experience how great their love is. Nevertheless, there is one respondent assesses this datum unacceptable. The respondent thinks that the translation above does not clearly explain or deliver the message about what happens to Savannah after John goes back to his duty as an army soldier. While there are two other respondents think this data is quite acceptable because they think this translation is a little bit exaggerating in the part aku mendapat kekuatan dengan berada berada bersamamu” and “dan ketika kau pergi, aku hancur.

3. “Passion” Category

Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary defines “passion” as “a very

strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc” and “passion (for

somebody)” as “a very strong feeling of sexual love” (2010:1073). This category

is for the data which contain sexual love or physically intimate relation between the main character, John, and his girlfriend, Savannah.

a. Acceptable Translation of “Passion” Category

There are only three data of “passion” category in the 18 sample data.

Two data are assessed acceptable with scores 1.1 and 1.3; while one datum with score 2,2 is quite acceptable. Here is the further explanation.


Code TT

Avr. Score 40/TT/P/


Aku mencium leher dan bahunya dan merasakan kehangatan napasnya di telingaku. Sensasi

persentuhan kulitnya dengan kulitku bagaikan api, dan kami mulai bercinta.


The translation of “passion” category above is considered acceptable, because most of the readers think that the translation is succeed in delivering the meaning and also the feeling felt when the TT readers read it. However, there is one respondent assessesthis translation quite acceptable. The respondent thinks that “the fire sensation” to describe the physical contact between John and

Savannah is not really appropriate or harmonious, perhaps it will be more

appropriate with “the electrical sensation” or “magnetic appeal”.


Code TT

Avr. Score 37/TT/P/


Saat itu aku memeluknya, merasakan kehangatan tubuhnya di tubuhku. Aku bisa merasakan jemarinya di balik bahan tipis kausku dan merasakan dia

menariknya dengan lembut, menyingkapnya hingga kulit perutku tampak. Sensasinya bagai tersetrum. Aku menikmati sentuhannya dan membungkuk untuk menciumnya.


This datum is also assessed acceptable. This translation can help the readers understand, imagine, and even feel the intimate situation which is created in this sentences. Nevertheless, some readers consider this translation quite acceptable. They assume that they cannot really feel the atmosphere from reading this part of the story. They understand what this part of the story is about but they do not really grasp the sensation of the sexual love between both characters through this translation.

b. Quite Acceptable Translation of “Passion” Category



Code TT

Avr. Score 17/TT/P/


Dia menyusurkan satu jari di rahangku, dan aku merasakan kulitku menggelenyar terkena sentuhannya.


The translation datum above considered quite acceptable by all of the

respondents. Most of them does not know what „menggelenyar‟ means. Most of

them thinks that the word „menggelenyar‟ is not familiar in the TT. Even though

most of the respondents consider this translation is quite acceptable and unacceptable, there are still 2 respondents who give 1 for the score. Both of the respondents think that this translation is still understandable and they can still grasp the message even though they do not know what „menggelenyar‟ means. Perhaps, the TT readers will be more easier to catch the meaning by changing

the word “menggelenyar” into “merinding”. The translator is not succeed in

delivering the message of this sentence, because the readers have to guess and

they even confused about the meaning of the word “menggelenyar”.

In order to summarize the average score of acceptability based on each datum and respondent, below are the two chart of the distributon of the


Chart 4.1 The Distribution of Acceptability Average Score Based on Data

The chart of the acceptability average score based on data above explains that from the 18 sample data,17% of the data are scored 1, which means that there are 3 data have average score 1. Then, the second is the average score 1.1. There are 4 data which have score 1.1 and it means 22% of the data assessed 1.1 by the respondents. There are 17% data or 3 data have average score 1.2. Then the next is the average score 1.3 which has 2 data or there are 11% of the data have score 1.3. There is only one datum getting score 1.4, which means there are only 5% of the data have the score 1.4. There are 17% data with the average score 1.6, or in other words, there are 3 data have score 1.6. There is one datum gets score 2, it means there only 5% of the data get score 2. The last, there are 6% of the data have score 2.2, there is only one datum with the score 2.2.



17% 11%

5% 17%

5% 6%

Data with Average Score 1 Data with Average Score 1.1

Data with Average Score 1.2 Data with Avergae Score 1.3

Datum with Average Score 1.4 Data with Average Score 1.6


Table 2.2 Nababan’s Acceptability Scoring System...................................................11
Table 2.1 Acceptability Indicator
Table 2.2 Acceptability Score
Table 3.1 “Affection”Data Coding


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