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Teacher`s use of English in delivering Biology lesson to an eleventh grade international class of SMA N 1 Wonosari.


Academic year: 2017

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Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Aprillia Constantina Student Number: 051214055





Nobody grows old merely

by giving a number of years

We grow old by deserting our ideals

Years may wrinkle the skin

but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul

Samuel Ullman

I dedicate this thesis to my parents:

Stefanus Surya Trisniwantara and Clara Sri Astuti,




Constantina, Aprillia. (2009). Teacher’s Use of English in Delivering Biology Lesson to an Eleventh Grade International Class of SMA N 1 Wonosari. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.

Recently, many schools in Indonesia have become Bilingual Schools or

Sekolah Berstandard International (SBI) and some others are in the preparation to be Bilingual Schools. SMA N 1 Wonosari is the only senior high school in

Gunungkidul that has applied the bilingual school concept. Considering this fact, all teachers, who teach in international classes, have to teach in two languages, English and Indonesian. This research was conducted to answer three problems. They are (1) How is English used by the teacher in delivering Biology lesson to an eleventh grade International Class of SMA N 1 Wonosari? (2) What are the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English? (3) What are the proposed solutions to overcome those difficulties?

In this research, the researcher used the Qualitative Method. There are many different types of Qualitative Method but in this study the researcher used the type which is called case study. The case study was conducted in a Biology Class of the eleventh grade of International class in SMA N 1 Wonosari. The research participants in this study were a Biology teacher and the eleventh grade students from IX IPA 1. To gather the data, the researcher used two instruments namely observation and interview.

Based on the analysis result, the researcher obtained the data that the teacher used limited English in delivering Biology lesson. In the teaching and learning process, the teacher used two languages, Indonesian and English. In set induction, the teacher mostly used English to greet the students, to review the previous material and to introduce the objective of a new material. Generally, the teacher used Indonesian to relate the previous material to the new one. In main activities, the teacher mostly used English in assigning the students, giving reinforcements and stimulus to the students. In addition, the teacher combined English and Indonesian in explaining the topic and giving questions to the students. The different data were obtained in set closure. In general, the teacher used Indonesian in concluding the lesson, giving assignments and closing the lesson. Based on the observations, the teacher occasionally combined two languages in one sentence. In addition, the teacher often translated directly the English sentences into Indonesian.



addition, the researcher has proposed some solutions to overcome those difficulties. Those solutions are using the words and sentences that are familiar to the students, making the handout of every topic, answering the students questions by combining English and Indonesian, adopting varied questions from the books and internet, using different gambits in greeting the students, and making the written summary.



Constantina, Aprillia. (2009). Teacher’s Use of English in Delivering Biology Lesson to an Eleventh Grade International Class of SMA N 1 Wonosari. Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Akhir-akhir ini, banyak sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia yang telah menjadi sekolah dwi bahasa atau SBI (Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) dan beberapa diantaranya sedang dalam tahap persiapan menuju sekolah bertaraf internasional. SMA N 1 Wonosari adalah satu-satunya sekolah menengah atas di Gunungkidul yang telah menerapkan konsep sekolah dwi bahasa. Mengacu pada kenyataan ini, semua guru yang mengajar di kelas Internasional, harus mengajar dengan menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk memecahkan tiga masalah, yaitu (1) Bagaimana bahasa Inggris yang digunakan guru dalam menyampaikan pelajaran Biologi untuk kelas sebelas dari kelas internasional SMA N 1 Wonosari? (2) Apa saja kesulitan-kesulitan guru dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan bahasa Inggris? (3) Apa saja solusi-solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut?

Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif. Ada banyak jenis dari metode kualitatif, namun dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan studi kasus. Studi kasus ini dilaksanakan di kelas Biologi dari siswa kelas sebelas SMA N 1 Wonosari. Partisipan dari penelitian ini adalah seorang guru Biologi dan siswa kelas IX IPA 1. Untuk mengumpulkan data, peneliti menggunakan dua instrumen yaitu observasi dan wawancara.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, peneliti memperoleh data bahwa bahasa Inggris yang digunakan guru dalam menyampaikan pelajaran Biologi masih terbatas. Dalam proses belajar mengajar, guru menggunakan dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Untuk kegiatan awal, pada umumnya, guru menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyapa siswa, mengulang kembali materi sebelumnya dan menyampaikan tujuan dari materi yang baru. Di sisi lain, guru lebih sering menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk mengaitkan materi sebelumnya dengan materi yang baru. Dalam kegiatan inti, guru pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk memberi tugas pada siswa, memberi penguatan dan stimulus kepada siswa. Lain halnya ketika guru menerangkan topik dan memberi pertanyaan kepada siswa, guru lebih sering menggabungkan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia. Data yang berbeda tampak di akhir pelajaran. Guru pada umumnya menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk membuat kesimpulan, memberi tugas pada siswa dan menutup pelajaran. Berdasarkan observasi-observasi yang telah dilakukan, peneliti memperoleh data bahwa guru tersebut terkadang menggabungkan dua bahasa dalam satu kalimat. Selain itu, guru tersebut juga menterjemahkan secara langsung kalimat bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.



sederhana. Kedua adalah kesulitan dalam hal kemampuan guru dalam berbahasa Inggris seperti kesulitan menjelaskan materi dalam bahasa Inggris, kesulitan dalam menjawab pertanyaan siswa dalam bahasa Inggris, kesulitan dalam membuat pertanyaan yang bervariasi, kesulitan dalam membuat kalimat-kalimat bahasa Inggris yang bervariasi untuk menyapa siswa, dan kesulitan dalam menyimpulkan pelajaran dalam bahasa Inggris. Peneliti telah memberikan beberapa solusi terkait dengan kesulitan-kesulitan tersebut. Solusi-solusinya adalah menggunakan kata-kata atau kalimat-kalimat yang mudah dipahami siswa, membuat ringkasan materi dari setiap topik, menjawab pertanyaan siswa dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia, mengambil pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang bervariasi dari buku dan internet, menggunakan kalimat yang berbeda dalam menyapa siswa dan membuat kesimpulan tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris.




First of all, I would like to thank my Dear Lord, Jesus Christ, who has given His wonderful blessing, grace, love, and guidance so that I can finish this thesis. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Christina Kristiyani, S.Pd., M.Pd, my sponsor, for her guidance, patience, and great encouragement in my thesis process. I really would like to thank her for spending time to correct and give suggestions in order to achieve the best result of my thesis. I would also like to thank all of the lecturers in English Education Study Program, to whom the writer has obtained a lot of knowledge. My gratitude also goes to the teachers and the students in SMA Negeri 1 Wonosari, especially Ibu Agnita Nunung N, S.Si. for spending time to help the writer conduct observations and obtain data.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my beloved family, my father, Stefanus Surya Trisniwantara, my mother, Clara Sri Astuti, and my sister, Agnes Indah Serlyta. I thank them for their love, prayer, guidance and encouragement which were given to me. I would also like to thank all my friends in class B, especially Lusi, Joex, Lara, Rimas, Tunjung, Siska, Nita, Yayas, Febby, Encit, Septi. I thank them for their help and support. My gratitude is also addressed to all my friends in Sanata Dharma University, especially in the English Education Study Program.



Last but not least, I would like to express my special gratitude to Melchias Risna Pintokojati, who always gives great spirit and encouragement to the writer. May God always bless them all.





ABSTRACT ……… vii

C. Problem Limitation………. 5

D. Research Objectives …….………. 6.

E. Research Benefits …….………. 6

F. Definition of Terms……… 7

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Theoretical Description……….. 12

1. Bilingualism………. 12

2. International Class ……….. 13

3. Bilingual Classroom ………... 14

4. Foreign Language Immersion Program……… 15



6. Teaching Steps ……… 19

7. Content-Based Instruction……… 25

8. Curriculum Development………. 25

B. Theoretical Framework……….. 26

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY A. Research Method……….. 29

B. Research Participants……… 30

C. Research Instruments……… 30

D. Data Gathering Technique……… 32

E. Data Analysis Technique……….. 33

F. Research Procedure……….. 36

CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION A. English Used by the Teacher in Delivering Biology Lesson to an Eleventh Grade International Class of SMA N 1 Wonosari ……… 38

1. Set Induction ………. 39

2. Main Activities ………... 44

3. Set Closure ……… 50

B. The Teacher’s Difficulties in the Use of English ……… 51

C. The Proposed Solutions to Overcome Those Difficulties……… 56


B. Suggestions ……… 64








Appendix 1 : The Request Letters to Conduct the Research ……… 68

Appendix 2 : The Schedule of Observations ……… 71

Appendix 3 : The Observation Guidelines ……… 73

Appendix 4 : The Observation Sheets ……….. 78

Appendix 5 : The Questions of Interview ……… 111





This chapter discusses the background of the study which consists of the reasons behind the choice of field of study, problem limitation as well as problem formulation. In the problem formulation, the writer proposes three questions which become the main concern of the study. This chapter also discusses the objectives of the study, benefits of the study and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

In this globalization era, the development of science and technology increases rapidly. This development influences every country in almost all fields, namely in business world, educational field, tourism, commerce, banking and so forth. Regarding this situation, every country has its own way to improve the quality in order to be able to compete with other countries. Many countries, nowadays, focus on increasing their human resource’s quality by changing their education system.


nowadays many scientific books are published in English. Therefore, many schools try to make their students familiar with English by applying the bilingual school concept. By applying this concept, those schools expect that the teachers and the students can communicate well in both languages, Indonesian and English (Priyono, 2004). This concept is like the Foreign Language Immersion Program which is applied in many schools in Canada, Spain, and so forth (Met, 1993). In those countries, they use both English and their mother tongue in teaching and learning process. Therefore, English is not only as a subject of study but also as a media for communication between teachers and students.

Recently, many public schools in Indonesia have become Bilingual Schools or Sekolah Berstandard International (SBI) and some others are in the preparation to be Bilingual Schools. There are many requirements that the schools must have so that they can be considered as a Bilingual School, namely the teachers’ competencies, the students’ competencies, the facilities or media used in the teaching and learning activities, and the appropriate curriculum.

Successful immersion programs are characterized by: (1) administrative support; (2) community and parental support; (3) qualified teachers; (4) appropriate materials in the foreign language; (5) time for teachers to prepare instructional materials in the language; (6) and ongoing staff development (Met, 1993).


big burden for them. In addition, the teachers who teach in a Bilingual school may be senior teachers. It means that they have been working in that school for many years, even before that school becomes a Bilingual School. Therefore, they are accustomed to teaching in Indonesian. Hence, teaching in two languages, English and Indonesia, will be a difficult task for those teachers. However, this challenge will motivate the teachers to increase their English skills.

Besides, the students who learn in a Bilingual School should have good competencies in English because later they will learn many subjects in two languages. The school should have information about their students’ competencies by testing them the four basic skills in English (writing, reading, listening and speaking) before entering a Bilingual school. It is done to guarantee that the students will not have difficulties in the learning process later.

Those requirements make many schools afraid to apply a Bilingual School concept (Priyono, 2004). However, the school should be informed that being a good bilingual school cannot be achieved in the short time. Both teachers and students have to work hard for it. As stated before, developing many bilingual schools in Indonesia can help to increase the education quality. Therefore, teachers and students have to cooperate well to create a good Bilingual School.


medium where the students can become bilingual. As stated by Hoffmann (1991:42) that nowadays education can play a very important role in making children bilingual.

Recently, there is one senior high school in Gunungkidul that has applied the bilingual school concept, that is SMA N 1 Wonosari. This school divides the classes into three kinds: international, acceleration and regular classes. In this study, the researcher chose an International class to be researched. In the International classes, the teachers from all subjects have to use two languages in teaching their students. They use Indonesian and English.

Before applying a bilingual school concept, all teachers in SMA N 1 Wonosari teach their students in Indonesian. Now, they have to try to teach in English. Concerning this case, the teachers must work hard. They are supposed to teach their subject in English appropriately so that their students can accept the lesson well. It is not a problem for English teachers. However, it can be such a big problem for non-English teachers, such as Biology, Physics, History, and Chemistry teachers. They have to work hard to learn English. They have to increase their English abilities. In addition, they have to learn about the English sentences that are usually used in teaching and learning process. This way can help them to teach in two languages well and to avoid the students’ misunderstanding.


researcher’s research. That Biology teacher thought that it would be useful for teachers especially for Biology teachers who teach in English. A Biology teacher in International class should know the English sentences that are usually used in teaching learning process (Tiwi, 2005). In this case, the teacher has to pay attention to the English sentences used in set induction, main activities and set closure.

B. Problem Formulation

Based on the explanation above, the researcher formulates three questions to be answered in this research.

1. How is English used by the teacher in delivering Biology lesson to an eleventh grade international class of SMA N 1 Wonosari?

2. What are the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English?

3. What are the proposed solutions to overcome those difficulties?

C. Problem Limitation

In this research, the researcher focuses on the English sentences used by the teacher in delivering Biology lesson to an eleventh grade International Class of


D. Research Objectives

After doing a research in a Biology class of International class in SMA N 1 Wonosari, the researcher expects that those three questions can be answered. Therefore, there are three objectives of this study.

1. to find out English used by the teacher in delivering Biology lesson, including the English sentences which are used in set induction, main activities, and set closure.

2. to find out the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English when delivering Biology lesson in English.

3. to find out the solutions for overcoming those difficulties.

E. Research Benefits

This research is expected to be able to give several benefits for the Biology teacher, the students, and the Bilingual School.

1. For the Biology Teacher


usually used in the teaching and learning process. Besides, the teacher should use appropriate media which can help them to convey the materials in English.

2. For the Students of International Class (IX IPA 1)

This finding will be useful to increase the students’ insight into bilingual school, especially giving them information about the good English sentences used by their teacher so that they can feel that the teaching learning process is really effective and understandable for them. The purposes are that the students will be more familiar in English and understand the content of the subject well. In addition they can communicate in English well.

3. For the Bilingual School (SMA N 1 Wonosari)

This finding will give the new point of view to the school itself about the ideal bilingual school. Hopefully, the school will improve their quality by increasing teachers’ competencies, especially in delivering the lesson in English.

F. Definition of Terms


1. International Class

According to one of the teacher of SMA N 1 Wonosari, who becomes the leader of RSBI (Rintisan Sekolah Bertaraf Internasional) program in SMA N 1 Wonosari, international class is one kind of classes in bilingual school of SMA N 1 Wonosari which has main characteristics, that are using English (40%) and Indonesian (60%) in the teaching and learning process, using media which is based on technology information, combining KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) and Cambridge curriculum, adapting and adopting the materials of hard science such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry from a country that becomes a member of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development/ OECD (Interview, December). In this study, the researcher focused on the English sentences that were used by the Biology teacher in an international class.

2. Bilingual School


1 Wonosari divides the classes into three kinds, namely international classes, acceleration classes and regular classes.

3. Foreign Language Immersion Program

According to Myriam Met (1993), Foreign Language Immersion Program is defined as a program that uses a foreign language instruction in a regular school curriculum. In this case, the foreign language is used as the medium for content instruction. Therefore, a foreign language is not the subject of instruction. In this study, Foreign Language Immersion Program is like a Bilingual School where two languages, Indonesian and English, are used in teaching learning process. In SMA N 1 Wonosari, English is not only as the important subject in a school curriculum but also as the medium to teach others subjects. In addition, the curriculum used in International classes of SMA N 1 Wonosari is the combination between the National Curriculum arranged by government and Cambridge curriculum.

4. The Use of English

In this study, the use of English means English sentences which are used in opening the lesson, explaining materials, giving questions to the students, giving reinforcements, giving stimulus and variation to the students and closing the lesson.


5. Set Induction

“Set induction is about preparation, usually for a formal lesson. When the students are set, they are ready to learn” (Straker, 2002). The purpose of set induction is that to attract students’ interest so that they will be more ready for the subject or topic they are going to learn.

In this study, the researcher observed the English sentences used by a Biology teacher to open the lesson, including how to greet the students, to make the reference to past learning, to make relevance between the previous lesson and the new one, and to introduce the objective of the new lesson.

6. Questioning and Reinforcement Skills

Based on Concordia University (2003), the purposes of giving some questions to the students are to increase the students’ critical awareness, to arouse the students’ interest and their curiosity in the topic, to refocus the previous or related issues, to help the students find the answer and concentrate on the topic under discussion. In addition, the purpose of giving reinforcement is to enhance the learning environment by providing encouragement to the students.

In this study, the researcher observes the English sentences used by a Biology teacher to give the questions and reinforcement to the students.

7. Stimulus and Variation Skills


increase the students’ participation and to avoid boredom during the teaching and learning process.

In this study, the researcher observes the English sentences used by a Biology teacher to give stimulus to the students so that the students will participate actively in the teaching and learning process.

8. Set Closure

According to Majid (2007), set closure is an activity conducted by a teacher to close the lesson. The goals are to conclude the lesson that has been learned, to end the teaching learning activity and to prepare the students for a new subject in the next meeting.

In this study, the researcher observes the English sentences used by a Biology teacher to end the lesson, including how to review the topic, make a conclusion, give assignments and close the lesson.

9. SMA N 1 Wonosari





This chapter discusses theories that underlie this research. It consists of two parts: Theoretical Description and Theoretical Framework. Theoretical Description reviews the theories applied in conducting the study. Theoretical framework explains the contribution of the theories in solving the problems.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher discusses some theories related to this study, among others, Bilingualism, International Class, Bilingual Classroom, Foreign Language Immersion Program, Basic Principles of Language, Teaching Steps, Content – Based Instruction and Curriculum Development.

1. Bilingualism

Some experts have formulated the definition of the bilingualism. Ureil Weinrich, one of the founding fathers of bilingual studies, offers one of the shortest definitions in his well known book Languages in Contact: “The practice of alternately using two languages will be called bilingualism, and the person involved bilingual.” (Weinreich, 1968: 1 as cited in Hoffmann, 1991: 15). In addition, William Mackey also offers a definition that incorporates Weinreich’s alternate use of two languages.


moreover include the use not only of two languages, but of any number of languages. We shall therefore consider bilingualism as the alternate use of two or more languages by the same individual (Mackey, 1970: 555 as cited in Hoffmann, 1991: 16)

Besides, Brisk (1998) makes a similar point and describes the difference in the way the term ‘bilingual education’ is used in different countries. Brisk said that in the United States, bilingual education refers to the education of children whose home language is not English. It means that bilingual education refers to education in two valued language. He added that it is common for European countries to offer bilingual education school where children are instructed in two languages (Brisk, 1988 as cited in Bialystok, 2001: 235)

The government in Indonesia actually has made the regulation about the bilingual school. The existence of Bilingual School is based on the Government Law of National Education System (UU No. 20, 2003 article 50 verse 3). It states that the government carries out at least one level of education to be developed becoming International School.

2. International Class


hard science such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry from a country that become a member of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development/OECD (Interview, December). Based on the decision letter no. 697/C4/MN/2007, SMA N 1 Wonosari has been stated as an International school. Afterwards, this school divided the classes into three kinds, namely regular, acceleration, and international classes.

3. Bilingual Classroom

“In recent years, bilingual education has sparked as much controversy as any other education issue” (Cromwell, 1998). She stated that many educators and parents agree that the main goals of bilingual education are mastery of English and the content of academic areas. She added that there are several methods used by teachers to instruct students whose English is limited. They are as follows. a. Immersion

In immersion, the teachers generally use simple English to teach students. This method lets students learn English while learning academics subjects.

b. Transitional Bilingual Education

In transitional bilingual education, the teachers gave some instructions in their native language while simultaneously providing instructions in English.

c. Developmental Bilingual Education


In addition, Dr. Suzanne Irujo (2004) stated that in transitional bilingual classrooms, the teachers teach academic content in native language. In this case, the students can continue to progress in subject areas while they are learning English. It can not be denied that the acquisition of English proficiency, both social and academic, is also primary goal of bilingual classroom. She added that to achieve this goal, the teachers need to be aware of how much they spend using each language.

4. Foreign Language Immersion Program

According to Myriam Met (1993), immersion is defined as a method of foreign language instruction in which the regular school curriculum is taught through the medium of the language. The foreign language is the vehicle for content instruction. It is not the subject of instruction. She added that there are two important goals of Immersion Program. The first is developing a high level of proficiency in the foreign language and the second is gaining skills and knowledge in the content areas of the curriculum in keeping with stated objectives in these areas.


always taught in English. However, the other subjects are taught in language that has been decided by the school.

In addition, there are some keys to successful Immersion Program, among others administrative support, community and parental support, qualified teachers and students, appropriate materials in the foreign language, time for teachers to prepare instructional materials in the language, and ongoing staff development (Met, 1993). “Studies have consistently shown that immersion students do as well as, and may even surpass, comparable non-immersion students on measures of verbal and mathematics skills in English (Holobow et al., 1987; Swain & Lapkin, 1991 as cited in Met, 2003). Met (1993) also stated that class sizes in public school immersion programs generally range from 20-35. Obviously, small classes are desirable.

5. Basic Principles of Language


a. Language is a system

Lewis and Hill (2002c: 22) stated that language as a system means that certain structures in a language can only be understood by relation to other structures, for example in English present tense is different from present continues tense. They are different because as a system they have different structure. Language as a system cannot be learned easily. It needs to be understood and internalized. “The teacher who understands language as a system will see the necessity for activities which lead to understanding” (Lewis and Hill, 2002d: 22) b. Language is a habit

Lewis and Hill (2002e: 22) stated that language as a habit means that a language can be learned through repetition and intensive oral practice. The focus on this aspect is not on understanding but on the ability to respond automatically. It is like a habit if teacher asks to the students “How are you?” then the students will answer automatically “I’m fine, thanks”.

c. Language is a set of conventions

Lewis and Hill (2002f: 22) explained that language can be defined as a set of conventions. As the example above, the students give response to the teacher by saying “I’m fine thanks”. In some countries, that positive response can be a part of social conventions.

d. Language is a means of communication


that they can convey information well to the students. Sometimes, the teachers use the language which leads to students’ misunderstanding. Therefore, using communicative language is an important thing in teaching learning process.

e. Language is a means to an end

Lewis and Hill (2002h: 23) suggested that language has to be used for a purpose. Therefore they defined language as a means to an end. There are some purposes in using language, among others to convey information, to express the feeling, to entertain, to instruct the activities, and to help the memory in note taking.

f. Language is a natural activity

Lewis and Hill (2002i: 24) stated that language as a natural activity is similar to the term language-like behaviour. They provided an example that often found in many classroom activities.

A : Is Peter shorter or taller than Alan? B: Alan is shorter than Peter.

A : Ah, so Alan is not as tall as Peter.

They explained that the words and the structures are English but sometimes people do not believe that there are two real people would ever talk to each other like conversation above. Actually, it is not language yet it is language-like behaviour.

6. Teaching Steps


a. Set Induction

“Set induction is about preparation, usually for a formal lesson. When the students are set, they are ready to learn” (Straker, 2002). Straker added that the purpose of set induction is to attract students’ interest so that they will be more ready for the subject or topic they are going to learn. He explained that there are some significant aspects of set induction, among others how to start the lesson by greeting and welcoming the students, how to relate the previous learning to the new topic, how to understand their expectation by explaining the objectives of the new topic.

In addition, Perrott (1982) identified four purposes of set induction. 1) Focusing attention on the new material by gaining the interest of students. 2) Moving from the previous material to the new one by relating those two


3) Providing a structure for the lesson and setting expectations of what will happen.

4) Giving meaning to a new concept from a new material, such as giving example.


b. Main Activities

Main activities includes questioning skills, reinforcement skills, stimulus and variation skills

1). Questioning Skills

Based on Concordia University (2003), the purposes of giving some questions to the students are to increase the students’ critical awareness, to arouse the students’ interest and their curiosity in the topic, to refocus the previous or related issues, to help the students find the answer and concentrate on the topic under discussion. According to Bloom (1956), there are some types of questions which are well known with Bloom’s taxonomy.

a). Knowledge Questions

This type of questions test students’ ability to memorize and recall specific information. The examples of knowledge questions are “Find the meaning of …?”, “What is …?”, “Describe what happened at …?”, “Can you tell why …?”, “Which is true or false …?”

b). Comprehension Questions

These questions allow students to summarize, describe, interpret or translate information. It means that students can use their own words. The examples of comprehension questions are “What is the main idea?”, “Can you distinguish between …?”, “What are the differences between …?”, “Can you explain it with your own words?”.


These questions encourage students to break material into parts, describe patterns and relationships among parts. The purposes are to subdivide information and to show how it is put together. The examples of analysis questions are “What are the parts or features of …?”, “Classify …. according to …?”, “How was this similar to …?”, “Can you compare your …. with that presented in …?”, “How is …. similar to …?”, “What are some of the problems of …?”, “Analyze why it happened?”.

d). Application Questions

These questions allow students to apply information to a new situation or to produce new result. The examples of application questions are “ How is …. related to …?”, “Why is …. significant?”, “Can you apply the method used to some experience of your own …?”, “From the information given, can you develop a set of instructions about …?”.

e). Synthesis Questions

These questions encourage students to create something new by using a combination of ideas from different sources to form a new whole. The examples of synthesis questions are “What ideas can you add to …?”, “What would you predict or infer from …?”, “What might happen if you combined …?”, “What solutions would you suggest for …?”, “How would you create a new …?”.

f). Evaluation Questions


evaluation questions are “Do you agree …?”, “What do you think about…?”, “What is the most important …?”.

2). Reinforcement Skills

Based on Concordia University (2003), the purpose of giving reinforcement is to enhance the learning environment by providing encouragement to the students. In addition, there are four kinds of reinforcements. a). Positive verbal reinforcement: “Yes”, “Correct”, “Absolutely”.

b). Positive non-verbal reinforcement: nodding, smiling, making eye contact, looking at the student and moving toward the student.

c). Positively qualified reinforcement: "Yes, very good, you have part of the answer right”. Then the teacher asks to other students “What is the rest?"

d). Delayed reinforcement: highlight the part of the answer which is correct and recall for the students. An earlier contribution could provide a clue to the rest of the answer: "Yes, that's partly correct. But there is a clue in what we mentioned earlier?"

3). Stimulus and Variation Skill


a). Movements

It means that the teachers can stimulate students’ attention by making movements from one place to another with some purposes.

b). Gestures

The teachers make the movements of head, hands and body parts to attract student’s attention and to express teacher’s emotion.

c). Change in Speech Pattern

It happens when the teachers want to show their emotion or to emphasize a particular point. In this situation, the teachers can suddenly change their volume, tone and speed of their speech. The change in speech pattern can make students more interested to the teachers’ explanation.

d). Change in Interactions Style

To maintain students’ attention, the teacher must use different interactions style in class, such as: the teacher communicates to the class and vice versa, the teacher communicates to the student and vice versa, the students talk to the students and vice versa.

e). Focusing


f). Pausing

It means that the teacher stops talking for a moment. When the teacher becomes silent during teaching, it can draw students’ attention. The students will pay attention to the teacher.

c. Set Closure

According to Majid (2007), set closure is an activity conducted by a teacher to close the lesson. The goals are to conclude the lesson that has been learned, to end the learning-teaching activity and to prepare the students for a new subject in the next meeting. He added that set closure is important to measure the teaching learning success and students’ comprehension. In addition, there are some ways to close the lesson.

1). Concluding the important points of the materials which have been learned by the student.

2). Consolidating students’ attention towards those important points in order to increase students’ interest in learning that material more deeply.

3). Giving post test, both orally and written.

4). Giving suggestion to increase students’ insight and knowledge. 5). Giving assignments to the students.

7. Content – Based Instruction


discipline. She emphasizes that the special contribution of content-based instruction is that it integrates the learning of language with the learning of some other content, often academic subject matter. In this case, the academic subjects are learned through the medium of a foreign language. Furthermore, in conducting Content-Based Instruction a teacher have to support the students through the use of particular techniques and materials. It offers the important advantage that second language students do not have to postpone their academic study until their language control reaches a high level. “Usually, the students are often highly motivated because they are learning content that is relevant to the academic requirements of the program in which they are enrolled” (Larsen-Freeman, 2000: 142)

In sum, what all models of content-based instruction have in common is learning both specific content and related language skills. In content-based language teaching, the claim in a sense is that students get ’two for one’- both content knowledge and increased language proficiency (Wesche, 1993 as cited in Larsen-Freeman, 2000: 142).

8. Curriculum Development


Changes in the subject matter to be taught are largely a reflection of cultural and social change. The most apparent change is the attempt to select significant content by cutting across traditional subject boundaries and integrating the knowledge of many subjects into broader areas of inquiry (Brady, 1992: 41).

B. Theoretical Framework

The theories about Bilingualism, Bilingual Classroom, Foreign Language Immersion Program, Basic Principles of Language, Set Induction, Questioning and Reinforcement Skills, Stimulus and Variation Skills, Set Closure and Content – Based Instruction can help the researcher to solve the research problems. Those theories relate to the study which was researched by the researcher.

By understanding the theories of Bilingualism, Bilingual Classroom, Foreign Language Immersion Program, the researcher found out the characteristics of a bilingual school in SMAN 1 Wonosari, especially the ability of Biology teacher who teaches in English and the teaching-learning process which uses two languages (Indonesian and English). The researcher considered that teaching in a bilingual school especially in an international class is different from teaching in a regular class. The teachers who teach in international class should have good ability in English. They should know, at least, the English sentences that are usually used in set induction, questioning and reinforcement skills, stimulus and variation skills, and set closure.


1. Greeting: “Good Morning Class!”, “How are you?” and so forth

2. Reviewing the previous material: “What did you learn on the previous week?” 3. Relating the previous material and the new one: “Last meeting, we discussed

about the characteristics of cells, now we will discuss about some types of cells”

4. Introducing the objectives of a new material : “Today we are going to talk about virus and monera”

Besides the set induction, the writer observed the English sentences that a Biology teacher used in main activities, including questioning and reinforcement skills and stimulus and variation skills. The researcher classified the teaching activities into some clusters. They are as follows.

1. Explaning or lecturing, for instance: “The water evaporates and becomes cloud. This cloud then is condensed and the vapor becomes water again. The water falls down and this is called a rain”

2. Assigning students, for instance: “Open your book on page 15!”, “Answer the questions number 5!”

3. Giving questions, for instance: “Can you explain how the rain occurs?”, “Do you know what is the meaning of evaporation?”

4. Giving reinforcements, for instance: “Exactly!”, “Good job!”, “Correct!” 5. Giving stimulus, for instance: “Do you understand?”, “Is it clear?”, “Look at


In addition, the researcher observed the English sentences that a Biology teacher used to close the lesson or set closure. In this point, the researcher classified the set closure into some clusters. They are as follows.

1. Concluding remarks, for instance: “To conclude, ……”, “To sum up, …………..”, “In brief, ……….”

2. Giving assignments, for instance: “For homework, read and summarize pages 15-24! ”, “For tomorrow, prepare the material taken from pages 24-37!”





In this chapter, the researcher discusses the method that the researcher use, the research participants, the research instruments, the techniques to gather the data, the techniques to analyze the data and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

In this research, the researcher used the Qualitative Method. “Qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in the study” (Neuman, 2000: 124). This kind of research gave the researcher much information about the social process in specific setting. The goal of this method was getting the depth understanding rather than a numeric analysis. There are many different types of Qualitative research, but in this study the researcher used the type which is called case study.


interpreting information as a basis for understanding the topic being investigated” (Hancock and Algozzine, 2006: 57).

B. Research Participants

The researcher conducted the research in a Bilingual School of SMA N 1 Wonosari which is located in Jl. Brigjen Katamso No. 04 Wonosari, Gunungkidul. The research participants in this study were a Biology teacher and the eleventh grade students from a Biology class of XI IPA 1.

The case study was conducted in a Biology Class of the eleventh grade of International class. The researcher conducted the research in SMA N 1 Wonosari

for about three months. In addition, the teacher conducted observations in the class for about two months, from July to August. The observations were conducted in one Biology Class. The reason was by observing the same Biology Class and the Biology teacher, the researcher would really know the social phenomena in that class, including the English sentences used by the teacher in teaching learning process, the interaction between teacher and students, and the progress of teaching learning activities day by day.

C. Research Instruments


1. Observation

According to Best (1970: 181), direct observation may make an important contribution to the research. An observation as research instrument must always be directed by a specific purpose. Besides, the researcher must establish the conditions so that activities can take place as natural as possible without being influenced by the presence of the observer and recording devices. “The recording of observations should be done as soon as possible, while the details are still fresh in the mind of the observer” (Best, 1970: 182-183).

In this study, the researcher made the observation guideline. It would make the researcher easier to obtain the data. This guideline consisted of some important points that the researcher observed in the teaching learning process, from the beginning to the end of the lesson. Some important points which were observed by the researcher were the English sentences used by a Biology teacher to open the lesson, to deliver materials in English (both written and oral), to give questions and reinforcements, to facilitate the interaction between teacher and students, and to end the lesson. In addition, the other point that was observed by the researcher was the teacher’s difficulties in the use of language.


2. Interview

“The interview includes the question-asking approach. In an interview, data are collected through face to face interaction between the interviewer and respondents”(Ary, 1990: 417-418). Before starting to gather the data through the interview, the first step was designing the questions. Afterwards, the researcher tried to test the questions first. It was done to know whether the questions were appropriate or not to answer the research problems. The next step was revising the questions. Then the researcher started to conduct the interviews.

The researcher used the in-depth interview. It meant that the interviewee could give as much as information they knew to answer the questions. It would help to answer those problems in detail. In addition, the type of questions that was used in this interview was open-ended question. The open-ended question permitted a free response from the participant. The participant was free to respond from their own view. “The important point is that the writer as the interviewer should gain the rapport or establish a friendly, secure relationship with the subject or interviewees” (Best, 1970: 186).

The data obtained from the interview were used to answer the research question number 2. The researcher obtained the data related to teacher’s difficulties in the use of English.

D. Data Gathering Technique


from the observation on the observation guidelines. “The simultaneous recording of observations was recommended. This practice minimizes the errors that result from faulty memory”(Best, 1970:183).

Besides, the researcher also recorded the data that was obtained from the interview. First of all, the researcher as the interviewer informed briefly the background why this research was conducted. However, the interviewer should avoid giving too much information about the study, which could bias the participants. For the interview section, the participant answered the questions which have been listed. In every question, they could explain and give the information as much as they could. Even though the questions have been prepared, it could be flexible depending on the participant’s answer. Sometimes, the writer as the interviewer added the questions. The more specific questions, the more detail the information which could be obtained. The result of the interview was recorded in a tape recorder or other electronic devices and written down on the paper as a note. This should happen as soon after observation as possible, preferably the same day.

E. Data Analysis Technique


problems. The data obtained in the observations were used to answer the research question number 1 and 2. The data related to English sentences used by Biology teacher in the teaching learning process and the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English. After getting the result of observations, the researcher classified the answers according to their category. The researcher made a list of some English sentences then classified them into set induction, main activities and set closure. Afterwards, the teacher classified set induction into greeting, reviewing the previous material, relating the previous material to the new one, and introducing the objectives of a new material. To show the existence of English sentences in set induction, the researcher made a table.

Table 4.1 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Induction Observation


Table 4.2 The Existence of English Sentences in the Main Activities

Afterwards, the teacher classified set closure into concluding, giving assignments and closing. The existence of English sentences in set closure can be showed in a table.

Table 4.3 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Closure Observation


obtained the data about teacher’s difficulties as well. In this case, the researcher classified those difficulties into two categories. First was the mechanical difficulty. Second were the difficulties related to teacher’s abilities of using English.

In analyzing the data from the interview result, the researcher listened to the recording many times. While listening to the recording, the researcher took a note the important points of the interview results. Then, the results were classified into some clusters according to the answers. “Qualitative data analysis is working with data, organizing it, breaking it into manageable units, synthesizing it, searching for patterns, discovering what is important and what is to be learned, and deciding what you will tell others" (Bogdan and Biklen,1982: 145). The data obtained in the interview were used to answer the research question number 2, that was the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English. In this case, the researcher classified those difficulties into two categories. First was the mechanical difficulty. Second were the difficulties related to teacher’s abilities of using English.

F. Research Procedure


researcher asked permission to Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu in Wonosari. Afterwards, the researcher continued to ask permission to SMA N 1 Wonosari to conduct the research in that school. After getting the permission to conduct the research, the researcher learned the situation or condition in SMA N 1 Wonosari, including the teachers, the students, the environment and the facilities there. It was needed to get closer to the participants so that it would make the researcher easier to conduct the research.





This chapter discusses the results of data analysis based on the methodology discussed in the previous chapter. The researcher attempted to study English used by the teacher to teach Biology in International class. For the detailed discussion, this chapter discusses English used by the teacher in delivering Biology lesson to an eleventh grade International class of SMA N 1 Wonosari, the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English and the proposed solutions to overcome those difficulties.

A. English Used by the Teacher in Delivering Biology Lesson to an Eleventh

Grade International Class of SMA N 1 Wonosari

In this section, the first problem is discussed. The researcher observed the teaching learning process which was conducted by a Biology teacher in a same class. The observations were conducted eight times. The points observed by the researcher were the English sentences that were usually used by a Biology teacher in the teaching and learning process.


classified the data into some points, such as set induction, main activities and set closure.

1. Set Induction

In this part, the researcher classified set induction into greeting, reviewing the previous material, relating the previous material to the new one, and introducing the objectives of a new material. Table 4.1 explains the existence of English sentences in set induction.

Table 4.1 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Induction Observation

( ± ) means the teacher used two languages, English and Indonesian

a. Greeting


teacher asked the students to turn off their cell phone as well. The English sentence that was used by the teacher was “Please turn off your cell phone!”.

In addition, the similar data were obtained in the third, fourth, sixth and eighth observations. The teacher greeted all students by saying “Good afternoon class! How are you today?”. Afterwards the teacher asked the students to turn off their cell phone by saying “Have you turned off your cell phone?”.

b. Reviewing the previous material

Table 4.1 shows that in the first observation, there were not any English sentences which were used by the teacher to review the previous material. In the second observation, there were some English sentences that were used to review the previous material. The teacher reviewed the topic at the previous meeting by saying “At the last meeting, we have discussed about structure and function of the cells.” The way that the teacher used to review the previous material was asking some questions to the students related to the topic that they have learned, for example “What is the function of ribosome?”, “Mention the other part of the cell?”, “What is the function of nucleus?” and so forth.


“Which part of the animal cells stained the darkest blue?”). In the fourth observation, the questions that were asked by the teacher were “What did you learn last meeting, do you still remember?”, “What is the meaning of simple diffusion?”, “What is your opinion about facilitated diffusion?”, “Give any descriptions about phospholipids bilayer?”, “Could you explain the differences and the similarities between simple and facilitated diffusion?”.

In the fifth and seventh observations the students conducted the lab work. Therefore, the teacher asked some questions to the students related to the topic that underlay the lab work, such as “Do you still remember about diffusion?”, “What is that?”, “Mention two kinds of diffusion!”, “What is the meaning of osmosis?”, “Could you mention some theories which underlie our practicum that we will do today?” ( the word ‘practicum’ should be ‘lab work’).

In addition, in the sixth and eight observations the teacher asked some questions to the students related to the lab work that they have done in the previous meeting. The questions were “What have you done in the practicum last meeting?”, “Tell your experience during the practicum!” and so forth.

c. Relating the previous material to the new one


In the first observation, the teacher stimulated the students’ attention by giving some pictures and said “One picture in pair”. After that, the teacher asked the students to look at the pictures “Look at the pictures and you can discuss in pair with your friend!”. After few minutes, the teacher said “Now, you can give information based on the pictures.”, “You can give information in Indonesian or in English, that is OK”. Then, the teacher started to relate the pictures to the topic that the students had learned at previous grade. The English sentences that were used by the teacher were “Well, at the first grade you have learned about characteristics of living thing? Do you still remember?”.

In the second, fifth, seventh and eighth observations, the teacher did not use English to relate the previous material to the new one. On the other hand, the teacher said in Indonesian. She said “Kemarin kita sudah membahas bagian-bagian sel seperti nukleus, retikulum endoplasma, ribosom, dll sekarang kita akan membahas lebih dalam lagi bagian-bagian tersebut, serta membahas bagian lain dari sel yaitu lisosom.” ( the second observation), “Pada minggu yang lalu kita sudah mempelajari tentang difusi. Untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses difusi maka kita hari ini akan mengadakan praktikum.” (the fifth observation)


facilitated diffusion, sekarang kita akan membahas tentang osmosis” (the fourth observation) and so forth.

d. Introducing the objectives of a new material

Table 4.1 shows that the teacher used English and Indonesian in introducing the objective of a new material in the first observation. The teacher introduced the objective of a new material by relating the new topic to the topic about characteristics of living thing which were learned by the students in the previous grade. The teacher said “As you know that living thing consists of cells, so we are going to learn about cells”. The teacher translated the English sentence directly into Indonesian “Kita tahu bahwa makhluk hidup tersusun atas sel-sel, jadi kita sekarang akan membahas mengenai sel”. Occasionally, the teacher combined two languages in a sentence, for example, “Hari ini kita akan membahas tentang sel especially the structure and the function of the cells”. Then, the teacher stated it in English, “We are going to discuss the structure and the function of each cell”.

It is seen in Table 4.1 that in the second and fourth observations, the teacher did not use English to introduce the objective of a new material. On the other hand, the teacher said in Indonesian, such as “Kita lanjutkan membahas bagian-bagian lain dari sel” (the second observation) and “Sekarang kita akan membahas tentang osmosis” (the fourth observation).


learn about the diffusion of cell” (the third observation), “Now, we will do the practicum to show diffusion in a solution” (the fifth observation), “Today, we will discuss the result of our practicum in the previous meeting” (the sixth observation), “Today, we will do the practicum to demonstrate osmosis by using eggs” (the seventh observation).

2. Main Activities

In this part, the researcher classified the main activities into explaining or lecturing, assigning students, giving questions, giving reinforcements, giving stimulus. The existence of English sentences in the main activities can be seen in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2 The Existence of English Sentences in the Main Activities Observation


a. Explaining or Lecturing

Table 4.2 shows that the teacher used two languages in explaining materials. In the first observation, before the teacher started to explain the materials, the teacher asked the students to make a group. Then, the teacher distributed the worksheet to each group. Mostly, the teacher used Indonesian in explaining the material. However, the Biology terms that the teacher used in explaining the topic were in English such as: nucleus, organism, organ system, organ, tissue, cells, cytoplasm, membrane system and so forth. Besides, the teacher wrote those terms on the board so that the students were able to follow the lesson well. In some parts, the teacher combined the language, English and Indonesian. She said “Some characteristics of living thing are growing or tumbuh, memerlukan nutrisi, respiring or bernafas dan berkembang.

Generally in the second observation, the teacher used Indonesian in explaining the material. If the teacher used English sentences, the teacher would translate them directly into Indonesian. These were some English sentences that the teacher used in explaining the material, such as “Lysosome contains of digestive enzyme.”, “The main function of mitochondrion is to produce energy.” In addition, the teacher would combine the language, such as “From this picture,

kita bisa lihat bahwa lisosom berasal dari golgi apparatus.”


b. Assigning Students

Table 4.2 shows that mostly the teacher used English in assigning the students. These are some English sentences that were used by the teacher in assigning the students from the first observation to the eighth observation.

1). Assigning the students to make a group: “Please make a group of four!” (the first observation), “Count from one to eight!” then the teacher translated it in Indonesian directly “Hitung dari satu sampai delapan!”(the third observation) 2). Assigning the students to prepare the materials that would be learned: “You

can prepare your textbook about cell”(the first observation), “Read your book about osmosis!”(the fourth observation), “Please prepare the equipments for the practicum!”(the fifth observation), “Read your note related to the practicum last meeting!”( the sixth observation).

3). Assigning the students to prepare and pay attention to the worksheet: “See the worksheet 1!”, “Look at the point A about learning activities!” (the first observation), “Read your worksheet first!”(the second observation), “OK now prepare your worksheet about diffusion!” (the third observation)

4). Assigning the students to discuss the related topic and the lab work result in group: “Well, you can discuss it now”, “Stop the discussion now!” (the third observation), “Discuss your group’s result related to the practicum last meeting!”(the sixth observation).

5). Assigning the students to illustrate the theory of cells with the points of


Pancasila’ then chose one!”, “Relate the ‘butir Pancasila’ that you chose to the topic cell then communicate it!” (the second observation). In this case, the students applied the theory of cell towards the points of Pancasila. As the example, the students chose “Persatuan Indonesia” then they illustrated that the cells can not work individually. The cells in human organ must work cooperatively to achieve a purpose.

6). Assigning the students to give their opinions: “Make some questions based on this information!”, “Communicate information that you get about osmosis!” (the fourth observation).

c). Giving Questions

From Table 4.2, it can be seen that the teacher combined English and Indonesian in giving questions to the students. Mostly, the teacher used English in giving simple question, such as the questions about the definition or the functions of cells. On the contrary, the teacher would use Indonesian when asked some long questions that were complicated, as the example, “Bagian mana dari sel tumbuhan yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali sel?”.

According to Bloom (1956), there are some types of questions which are well known with Bloom’s taxonomy. These were some examples of questions based on Bloom’s taxonomy used by the teacher in giving questions to the students from the first to eighth observations. They were as follows.


“What is the function of nucleus? (the first observation), “What are the characteristics of living thing?” (the first observation).

2). Comprehension question: “What are the differences between simple diffusion and facilitated diffusion?” (the third observation).

3). Analysis Question

The researcher did not find the analysis question which was given by the teacher. 4). Application question: “Can you make a table to present the result of your practicum?” (the fifth observation).

5). Synthesis Question: “What happened if an organism lacks of mitochondrion?” (the second observation), “Why there are primary lysosome and secondary lysosome?” (the second observation).

6). Evaluation Questions: “What is your opinion about osmosis?” (the fourth observation), “What do you think about endocytosis and exocytosis?” (the eight observation).

d. Giving Reinforcements


nodding, smiling, making good eye contact to the students, looking at the students and moving toward to the students. In addition, the positive verbal reinforcements that the teacher used were “Good”, “That is right”, “Good answer”, “OK”, “Very Good”, “That’s correct”, “Well, your answer is almost perfect”. Particularly, in the third observation the teacher more often used non-verbal reinforcement to the students. The verbal reinforcement that was used was the word “Good”.

e. Giving Stimulus

Based on Table 4.2, it can be seen that the teacher mostly used English in giving stimulus to the students. These are some English sentences that were used by the teacher in giving stimulus to the students.

1). For focusing the students’ attention, the teacher asked, such as “OK all of you listen!”, “Do you still remember?”, “Have you finished?”, “Is it understood?”, “Look at the picture!”, “Have you found?”, “Louder please!”.

2). For increasing student’s participation, the teacher asked, such as “Any questions?”, “Is there any questions about animal cell and plant cell?”, “Come on!, “Raise your hand!”, “Who wants to share?”, “Any other questions based on that information?”, “Any questions about structure and function of the cell?”, “Come on!”, “Any other information about reticulum endoplasma?”, “Raise your hand please!”.


3. Set Closure

In this part, the researcher classified set closure into concluding, giving assignments and closing. The existence of English sentences in set closure can be seen in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Closure Observation

( ± ) means the teacher used two languages, English and Indonesian

Table 4.3 shows that the teacher used Indonesian in concluding the lesson. From the first to the eighth observations, there were not any English sentences which were used. Mostly, in giving assignments to the students in the end of lesson the teacher used Indonesian as well. However, in the first, fourth and sixth observations, the teacher gave assignment in English, such as, “I think it is enough for today and for your homework please find information about cell theory” (the fourth observation), “Next meeting prepare for the practicum” (the sixth observation).


“That’s all for today, see you next meeting.” In the fifth and seventh observations, the teacher combined two languages, such as “Kita lanjutkan minggu depan.

Good Bye!”, “OK, that’s all for today, besok kita lanjutkan membahas hasil pratikum kita hari ini”.

B. The Teacher’s Difficulties in the Use of English

Teaching Biology in two languages, English and Indonesian, is not easy. The Biology teacher would face some difficulties in the use of English. In this study, the researcher classified the difficulties into two categories. First was the mechanical difficulty, such as difficulty in composing the simple worksheet in English. This difficulty related to how the teacher revise and compose the worksheet. Second were the difficulties related to teacher’s abilities of using English, such as the difficulty in explaining materials in English, the difficulty in answering the students’ questions in English, the difficulty in making various questions in English, the difficulty in making the various English sentences in greeting the students, and the difficulty in summing up the lesson in English. These are the detailed descriptions of the teacher’s difficulties in the use of English.

1. The difficulty in composing the simple worksheet in English


Table 4.3 : The Existence of English Sentences in Set Closure……………...     50
Table 4.1 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Induction
table. Table 4.3 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Closure
Table 4.1 The Existence of English Sentences in Set Induction


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