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Handling My Difficulties in Giving Presentations to Foreign Clients at Submarine Creative Agency in Bandung.


Academic year: 2017

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Tujuan Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk membahas masalah yang saya hadapi saat melakukan kegiatan magang di Submarine Creative Agency. Masalah yang saya hadapi adalah kesulitan dalam menyampaikan presentasi terhadap klien asing di Submarine Creative Agency.

Dalam Tugas Akhir ini juga dianalisis sebab dan akibat dari masalah yang saya hadapi, yaitu karena saya tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang cukup tentang persiapan presentasi terhadap klien asing, memberikan terlalu banyak informasi yang kurang efektif, dan merasa khawatir saat melakukan presentasi terhadap klien asing. Sedangkan dampak dari masalah saya adalah klien tidak percaya informasi yang saya sampaikan, klien tidak tertarik dengan presentasi saya, dan saya gagal membuat perjanjian dengan klien.

Berdasarkan penelitian, saya mendapatkan tiga solusi yang berpotensi mengatasi masalah saya. Solusi pertama adalah saya akan menggunakan humor dalam melakukan presentasi agar membuat klien lebih tenang. Solusi kedua, saya akan memakai catatan dalam presentasi, yang dapat berguna untuk membantu saya dalam menyampaikan pesan yang harus saya sampaikan kepada klien asing. Solusi ketiga, saya akan berlatih sebelum melakukan presentasi.






A. Background of the Study

Presentation is important in business because presentation is the way to provide the clients with specific information and to persuade the clients to buy the products or use the services that a company offers. Any kinds of business, including event organizers use presentations in order to win clients. Event organizers staff do many presentations to the clients before the clients make a deal with the organizers to run their events.



Maranatha Christian University

presentations in English to the foreigners. I was always nervous and my presentations did not run well.

In this paper, I want to discuss my difficulties in giving presentations to foreign clients. I will analyze the causes and the effects of my problem. In addition, I will try to find the solutions to solve this problem. I will analyze this problem systematically and thoroughly in the subsequent chapters.

B. Identification of the Problem

The problem is I had difficulties in giving presentations to foreign clients during my internship in SCA. The research questions are formulated in the following:

1. Why was it difficult for me to handle the foreign clients in presentations? 2. How did the problem affect me as business development staff at SCA? 3. How should I handle my difficulties?

C. Objectives and Benefits of the Study


The benefits of reading this paper are to help every business development staff who has a similar problem. Additionally, this paper can also provide some information to SCA, which becomes the object of my research. Hopefully, I can present the solutions which can solve my difficulties in giving presentations. Last but not least, for me as the writer of this paper, I will get knowledge on how to handle presentations to foreign clients.

D. Description of the Institution

Based on the historical information that I got from an interview (11 February 2015) with the founder Mr Ferry Herdiana, Submarine was established independently by Mr Ferry Herdiana in 2012 under the auspices of the CV Natarana Bahtera. Starting from a freelance event activity that involved Mr. Ferry since he was in high school in 2004, Mr. Ferry later decided to build his own event organizer.



Maranatha Christian University

clients, and to make events which have a soul, in the sense that they achieve customer satisfaction.

• Vision: Developing the business in multimedia, design and

entertainment for clients’ satisfaction.

• Mission: Advancing the world of entertainment, especially in

Bandung. Expanding and providing the best services, showing a firm Submarine principle in every job.

E. Method of the Study

The data used in this paper were collected during my internship from January 12 until March 12, 2015 at Submarine Creative Agency. The process of collecting the data was by a direct interview and direct observation. The observation data were recorded in my internship journal. In addition, I did library research to find theories from articles and books. The theories were used to analyze the causes, effects, and potential solutions of the problem.

F. Limitation of the Study


G. Organization of the Term Paper



Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter, I would like to present the chosen solutions to overcome my problem. My problem is handling difficulties in giving presentations to foreign clients during my internship in SCA. The first cause of my problem is I was lacking in preparation before giving the presentations. The second cause of my problem is I put too many facts in my presentations. The third cause is I felt worried during the presentations.The problem creates three effects, they are: the clients did not trust what I said, the clients were not interested with my presentations and I failed to make a deal with the client. I propose three potential solutions to overcome my problem: I will use humour in giving presentations, I will use notes during my presentations and I will do a rehearsal before presenting.


the information more interestingly and impressively for the clients. Second, I will use notes during my presentations. This will be very helpful to avoid making mistakes in presentations and to remember what I want to deliver in the presentations. Third, I will do a rehearsalbefore presenting. By doing rehearsal before presenting, I will be more confident when doing the presentations.

I choose all three potential solutions because those solutions support one another. If I choose using humour in giving presentations without using notes during the presentations and practising to deliver the presentation, the result will not be optimal. Using notes without practising the real speaking can tempt me to read the notes during the presentation. This will not be good as the audience will not be interested in my presentations. Therefore, I can conclude that the three potential solutions need to be combined to achieve a maximum result.



Maranatha Christian University



In this chapter, I would like to present the chosen solutions to overcome my problem. My problem is handling difficulties in giving presentations to foreign clients during my internship in SCA. The first cause of my problem is I was lacking in preparation before giving the presentations. The second cause of my problem is I put too many facts in my presentations. The third cause is I felt worried during the presentations.The problem creates three effects, they are: the clients did not trust what I said, the clients were not interested with my presentations and I failed to make a deal with the client. I propose three potential solutions to overcome my problem: I will use humour in giving presentations, I will use notes during my presentations and I will do a rehearsal before presenting.


the information more interestingly and impressively for the clients. Second, I will use notes during my presentations. This will be very helpful to avoid making mistakes in presentations and to remember what I want to deliver in the presentations. Third, I will do a rehearsalbefore presenting. By doing rehearsal before presenting, I will be more confident when doing the presentations.

I choose all three potential solutions because those solutions support one another. If I choose using humour in giving presentations without using notes during the presentations and practising to deliver the presentation, the result will not be optimal. Using notes without practising the real speaking can tempt me to read the notes during the presentation. This will not be good as the audience will not be interested in my presentations. Therefore, I can conclude that the three potential solutions need to be combined to achieve a maximum result.


Maranatha Christian University


Printed Sources

Emden Joan van and Lucinda Becker. Presentation Skills for Students. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2004

Gulas, Charles S, and Weinberger, Marc G. Humor in Advertising : A Comprehensive Analysis. M.E. Sharpe. Inc New York: Armonk, 2006. Stuart, Jo Sprague and Douglas Stuart, The Speaker’s Handbook, Seventh

Edition. Singapore : Wadsworth, 2007.

Weissman, Jerry. Presenting to Win: The Art of Telling Your Story. New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2003.

Electronic Sources


Barbara. “Ingin Presentasi Anda Sukses Dan Berjalan Lancar?” My life My Taste. 5 August 2004. 25 February 2015.


Chiviendacz, Michael. “Getting Your Point Across: Presentation Skills”. Skycrapr. December 2007. 12 March 2015


Dlugan, Andrew. ”Speech Preparation #1: How to Prepare a Presentation”. Sixminutes.dlugan.com 23 August 2013. 14 March 2015


Gunawan, Agus. “Cara–cara mudah mengatasi kegugupan saat presentasi”. JobsDB. 30 July 2014. 26 February 2015.

<http://id.jobs.com/id - id/articles/cara-cara-mudah-mengatasi-kegugupan-saat-presentasi/>.

Hidy, Julian. “Using Humor in Your Professional Speaking Gig”. Speaker succes online.com 6 August 2010. 4 April, 2015.


ITIP team. The University of Hong Kong. “Oral Presentation – Using Notes.” 19 May 2015.


Maranatha Christian University

Kerr, Michael. (2011). Speaking of Humor – Why Your Talk Needs More Humor. April 4, 2015.


Rosenthal, Bill. Forbes. “The Only Way To Prepare To Give A Presentation”. 19 June 2013. 19 May 2015.


Robinson. “Gain confidence in your presentations by following these tips”. 23 May 2006. 12 March 2015.


Smart. Peter Smart. Getting Clients : Approaching The Company. Smashing magazine. 9 November 2009. 14 March 2015.




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