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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Selanjutnya "


Teks penuh


o e ,




I have the onour to make re erence to e understanding eached by o o Gove ents _- or the supply o ri ce


Indonesia as national. aid, "thin he frame ork o


e Convent · on for i men

tary id adop ed i a - · gton on the


1 arch 1971 , in or er to u gest that the shi · ents be carried out unde t h conditions

en-tio ed in enclosure 1 and o the A ee · ent .

of his note ,. · · ch are an integral part

hould the d0inesian si e agree to s ch conditions,



note and


o a sent hich Your xce enc i l l for ard shall con

st1tute an gree

t be

into force o


date o

en our t o co tries, hich sh l enter our Excellency's note .

roblems hich hould i e i n t e ap l"ca ion o the gree ent s 1 th subject o consultations

on re est o one

of t e two Governments:.

Accept , conside_ation .

His x ellency

oemarjo OSRO ARDOJ

ba sador o In· onesia

b ssador , the rene ed ass ance a · hig est




1) - Within the f ramework of it s program of alimentary a · d f or ·the year 1971-72, the I talian Gov e rnment undertakes to supply

to the Indonesian Gov1ernment , as a gift ,


met ri c t ons of r i

-c e , c orrespo.nding to 12 . 0 00 to.ns.· of c ereals .

The rice to be .suppli ed is of the foll owing typ e: moistur e 15% , broken r i c e ma ximum

5% ,

chalky grains maximum

3,& ,

red furro-we d grai ns ma .' mu.m S セ@ vaioloid gra ins ma!Xi mum 1% , sp otted grains ma imum 0 ,5 0% , y ellow grains, maximum 0, 050fo , amb er coloure d g rains. ma ximum

0 ,1 25%.

The delivery of t he above ment "one d rice wi ll be ca rri ed out i n j ut e b0.i'. s f .o. b . Ital i an ports with.i n the )(] at April 1975 . The· condit i ons of delive ry will be agre ed be t we en A.I. M. A. and the Repres .en t at i v e of I nd·onesia.

2 ) ·- The Indon esian Government u ndert a es to a dopt all t he ne ce ssary provisions for transport ing the r ic e from t h e ports of lo! ding


the plac es of des t i nat ion .

It also commi t s i tself to take the greatest care in assuri ng

t hat th,e a d judg ement of t h e trans port by s ea wi ll not be pr ejudicial to t he f ree play of a fai r competi ti on .

3) - Th e I n don e sian Governmen t undertakes to use for c o·n :sum-p·t i on t he qu a lity of ri ce s uppl ie,d by the I tali Gover ent d ,

in the sale of auch piroduc ·e on its ッ セ@ markets , t o f i x the pr · ces no r mall y set the re f or pro du ce of similar qualit y .

The prooeeds f rom such sale l es s the c.o st of the transpo rt by

sea and t h e usu.al commerc ial cos t on t he Indonesian market , shal l h e d epo·si ted in a s pe c i al ac count i nt ended to c ov er the expen ses

b orne by the Indon e s i an Goviernment in financing plans fo r econ omic


2.-4) - The t wo Governmen1S undertake to i mplemen t these claus,es i n order to avoid any prejudi c e to th1e normal e ours e of

produ-ction and of int ernat ional trade . 'TO this end , they shall take the

n e ce s sary measures , in order that t he au plies f urnished as aid, will b e i n addit i on t o and not in substituti on of the c ommerc ia

t ransactions whi ch might r easonably be envisaged i n the ab.sence

of such su pp i es .

5- The Indones ian


shall take all the ne c es s ary mea-sur es t o prevent t he re-export of the ric e received as ai d, and of all the p r odu cts deriv1e d f r ,om said c ereal , as we l a s the

com-me rc ial or non comcom-merc i a l export f or a period of 6 months afte r the l ast del.ivery of thie ri c ,e pro duc ,ed in t h e count ry, of the same nature of the rice rec ei v ed ae ai d , and o - t h e pro du cts of the fi rs t trans f or mation and of t he by-pr oducts .

6) - The I n done s,i an 1Government undertakes to supply thie I

ta-lian Government wit h a.11 th1e information concerning the impl emen-tation of these clauses.

To this and th1e I ndone isi an Government shall communicat ,e :

a) th.e port and t he date o f a r riva1 of each ship; the nature, quau, tity a n d quality of t h e unloade1d produce; t he dat e when unl

oa-ding has bee,n compJeted ;

b) the amount :s.ol ,d , the c1ommercia system adopt ed fo r the 6al e and

t he sell i ng ri c es charged ;

c ) the s ituat i on 01f the special a c c,ount , wi t h t he pro1c ee,ds of t he sal e in lo cal curren cy of the pro,duct 'SUppli.e,d , c o s tituted

as aid.



-d ) t he projects finance-d by means of the funds i n the special account, and the amount of' the financ i al contri bution of' the

special accoi.mt as com ared to the total financing of the

project i tself .

rhe information refer ed

t o

· n para . a) shal l be furni-s , ed n . 1ater than 30 days after the date of unloading of each

car go , hil e thos e ref,erred in ara. b) , c) , d) , ahal be furni-,

shed "thin ovember 30th


7) -

The respon "l i i e·s of the Italian and Indonesian






1) - Delivery takes - lace at the moment hen the goods have a ctually pass ed over t he raili ng of t he shi p i n t he port of l oading: all the cost s of bulkheads and stowage are to be charged to the Indonesian Gov ernment .

The e xp1ens e s following delivery of the goQds from

the moment when they have actuall y passed ov er t he r ailin of t h e ship shall be char -ed t o the Indone.sian Government .

2) - The risks are t .1,.ansferred r ·o1m. the Itali an to

the Indonesi an Governme t at the moment when t he goods have a ctually p · s s ed over t he イ。ゥゥ セ@ of the ship in the port of

l oading .

3) -

he two Government shell dea i te a mandatary

fo r the i m l 1ementati on o these cl au ses .

For all eventuali ties the Indonesian Government shall

des i gnate a repr·esentati ve i n each port of l oadi ng.

4) - The Indonesi an Government shall put at the di SP£ sal of, and shall no,t i fy in d ,e time to the I t al i an Government and , i n i t s stead , it s ma.ndatar y , t he ship whi ch shall - ake on board t e goods , so


the l oading date agreed "th a NiN セ@ . A. be compli ed wit h.

2 .

-The Indonesian Government ahal.l notify the shi to the

mandatary of the Italian Government at l 1east seven orkin -. day

be ore its presumed date o arrival in the port o 1 ading . he In

donesia.n Goverrunent shall be res onsible for the consequences, which could derive from


e de ayed notifica ion or non-notifi cat i on of the ship .

The Indonesi Governmen t shal includ·e i n the c harter

party the duty on the part of the captain to inform the mandata.ry of' the I talian Government, a t least 7 2 hours i n 1vance, of t he, da

te of the ship's arrival in port .

The goods sha.11 be kept at the disposal of the Indonesian Government i the i_ndicated port rom the date when the ship is

de-clared ready or loadin • In case the Italian Gove ent does not ut the good.s at the disposal of


e ship in due time. , all the

ensuing consequences and , particularly , the de .. age -, and/a

indemnities fo r the non-charter, are to be charged t o


e Italian

Government .

In case of delay i th arrival o:i.. the ship put at dispQ sal by the donesian Government at the port of loading, or i

ca-se of the impossibility of loadi , de,la.y which does not allow loa

ding to be carried out goods shall remai t sien Government .

· thin the terms agreed with A. I. .A . ,



he expense's , risk and danger of the



-the ma.ndata.ry of -the Italian Government , at -the l atest , o t e

last d.ay of the time fixed for delivery ,

t hat i t

wishes an

ex-ten:sion of the above mentioned period . In c ase of' suc h a reque st ,

t ·he talian Government shall keep the goods on behalf of' the

In-donesian Government and the expenses arisi from s ·ch a situation shall be char ed t o th1e latter .

The Indonesian Government shall be responsible for the consequences deriving fro 1 the fact o f furnishing a ship , whose

dimensions do not meet the loadi ng cap1abili ties of the port of

loadi ng .

5) -


t olerance ri ·



regards loading

the amounts

a.gr ed with A. I • • • , is five per cent:• ho ever the total amowit


6 . 000


canno t be exceeded .

In case the amount pla.ced at disposal to· be loaded on a

certain ship cannot entirely· be put on board because of circumstan

c es beyond the control of t he Italian


,1 \ he remainiw:r -amount ., which could not be loaded within the 1eatablished time,

shall be stored at the expenses of the Indo.nesian Government until

the latter notifi es i ts renouncement of such amount .

In this case i .t will be understood


t he Italian Go

v e·rnment has fulfilled its obligations to,wards the Indonesian

Go-カ・ セイョュ・ョエ N@

6 ) - As soon as the· goods are on board the mandatary o

the Italian Government s all not i fy without


to the Indonesian

Government the

l oading date , the q1 antity and quality of the l oaded

goods a.s ascertained at the mo ent of loading and as indicated in

the bill of _,_lading of the shi p'.

( 1 ) by circumst ances beyond t he control of t h e I talian








Mr . Ambassador ,

I have the honour to refer to Your Excellency ' f: note






which reads as follows :

"I have the honour to make reference to i.he understanding

r eached by our two Governments for the supply of )·j.ce to Indonesia


national aid,




the framework


the Convention for

Alimen-tary Aid adopted


Washington on the 29th

セ 。イ」ィ@

1971, in order to

suggest that the shipments be carried out under the conditions men



enclosure 1 and


of this note, which are



part of the Agre Ament •

Should the Indonesian side a.g:t:ee to such condlttons, this

note and that


assent which Your Excellency will forward shall



Agreement between ou•' two countries, which shall enter

into force on the date of Your Excellency ' s note .


problems which should ariRe in the application ot the

Agreement shal


be the suhj ect of consul tat:i.ons upon request of one


·i:hA two Govex-rimentR.".


havt:! the honour to inform you that

ᄋ セィ・@

Government of

Indonesia agrees on the contents of the notn and the attached




Ambassador, the renewed assurance of




r. " ••• I \ I \ n n ,... n. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,..

HiR Excellency


General nirect.or

of Economic:: Affairs

Ministry of li'oreign Affairs


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