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Emotion No Longer a Dirty Word


Academic year: 2017

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Emotion, No Longer a Dirty Word Word Count:

388 Summary:

Discover why "emotion" is no longer a dirty word and why successful people throughout history have embraced it for success and the acquirement of wealth and more.



Article Body:

When I tell some people that we perceive and communicate emotionally and then give logical reasons for it, they are quick to deny it. However, salespeople know this to be true. They learn that people buy for emotional reasons and then rationalize the purchase. Showing someone why he or she needs the item or service will not get you as far as showing him or her why he or she wants it. The same semantics´ happen with perceptions and communication. When we look at <u>the physiology of perceptions,</u> we learn that our clearest memories are ones that have an emotional context to it. The reason is: anything that is highly emotional will come through the amygdala in our brain, whether it is from fear or love, anxiety or excitement.

Other sensory information will come directly from the brain stem to the hippocampus and a more select version will come from the cortex.

So whether it was a happy memory, i.e. weddings, special vacation, birth of a child or a sad memory: death, injury, 9/11, or an assassination of a major figure, we hold clear details of what we were doing at the time. Many people fight hearing this because <b>"emotional" was considered a dirty word </b>for a long time. This group still relates to the old meaning. To them it is about being out of control, or even weak and unstable.

Most people are coming around and seeing it in a new light and as a word that can help them. Those who follow Meta or Quantum physics understand the importance of this word. How it is part of the secret, which many successful people used to acquire what they want in life. We are taught that clear thought and communication with ourselves, combined with feeling or strong emotional desire, is the path to achieving our dreams and desires. That everything starts with a thought and then the feeling or the emotion brings it into fruition.

It is the half of the equation that many people are missing due to their dislike of the word. But what if you looked at emotion in a new light? What if you saw it as your strength? And what if you saw it as a tool for all you wish to achieve? <b>Imagine the possibilities.</b>

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