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Academic year: 2017



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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan



NIM. 2101121003





First of all, the writer would like to thank to the Almighty Allah SWT for His blessings,

so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of SarjanaPendidikan at the English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) in

State University of Medan (UNIMED).

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she can’t accomplish without support from many people. The writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. SyawalGultom, M.Pd.,Rector of State University of Medan. Dr. IsdaPramuniati, M.Hum.,Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts.

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department, Dra. Meisuri, MA.,the Secretary of English Department.

Nora RonitaDewi, S,Pd., S.S.,M.Hum.,the Head of Education Program of English Department.

Drs. Johan Sinulingga, M.Pd., her Thesis Supervisor

Dr. RahmadHusein, M.Ed, Dr. AnniHolilaPulungan, M.Hum, her Thesis Examiner, Dra. MasitowarniSiregar, M.Ed., Her Academic Consultant also her Thesis Examiner Hj. Masraya, S.Pd the Principal of SMP Negeri 27 Medan and Mrs.

ChairiyahSitompul, S.Pd the English Teacher who had helped her during the research in the school and also for Students in VIII-1 and VIII-4 class.

Mam Eisand Pak Pantas, the ‘mental supporter’ for all the final-year students who are conducting their thesis.

 The writer’s beloved parents, H. SyamsulBahriNasution, S.Sos and Hj. Dra. IpaRatnaMutiara, M.Pd. Her sister AnggitaFahrinaNasution, S.Kep, her brother in law RinaldiSiregar, SE., her little brother YahsarulIkhsanNasution, her niece

SyafiahAzzahraSiregar, her cousins dr. AyuSitiChadijahNst, VelayatiKhairunnisaNasution, HairunnnisaNovitaZalukhu, RidhatullahTobing, her aunt MarwahRambe for the support and love, also for the rest of her biggest families for

the motivation.


brighter future that we will overcome together. For always stay and never leave the writer’ side during the hardest time in the writer’s life, the writer would like to say thank you. God bless the writer for sending these people as her best support.

Karate Dojo Smansa member, Fadhil Akbar Rizqullah, T.M Fauzan, T.M. Fahmi, BimoSetio P., SitiShintaYunindarifor always stay and never leave. JokoPrabowo Lim,

AnnisaUlrahmahSinaga,DhuhrilRamadhan,Aldina Gita

Wahyuni,WindaParamitha,her beloved best friend for the friendship, the support, and all the time that we share together.

SeprinaRenataSimbolon, S.Pd, LiaAgusrinaSiregar, S.Pd, FauziahBalqis, S.Pd, DessyRilmaSusantiNasution, S.Pd, AnisaRillaLubis, her beloved ‘sister’ for always support, motivated and pushed the writer to finish this study quickly.

The 20 member of her PPLT 2013 team, especially dedicated to her late bestfriend for the short but very wonderful memorable moment, Almh. DwiPutriRamadhani.

Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd, WidyAyuningtyas, Rinda Sari Putri, DahlianaSiregar, EviEfrilita Sari, Devi &Ayu, Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pd, AprilzaAswani, S.Pd, Yusrumaida, and all member of Regular A, B, C, and extention class 2010 for 4 years fighting together. Karmila Sari Ritonga&Kak Ade Irma, the 2 persons who is with the

writer to finally finished this thesis. Thank you for helping the writer a lot until the last

minute this thesis finished.

Regular A ‘2010 fellow members, for the amazing 4 years they spent together.

Red Ocean, EXO-L Medan, HoMin, her source of joy for all precious lesson they taught the writer.

Medan, August 2015

The Writer,



Novia,Angrayni D. Reg. No. 2101121003.The Effect of Applying Word Webbing

Technique on Students’ Vocabulary Achievement.A Thesis.English Department of

Faculty of Languages and Arts.State University of Medan. 2015

This study discovered the effect of using word webbing technique on students’ vocabulary achievement. It was conducted by using experimental research design. The population of this research was grade XIII students of SMP Negeri 27 Medan by divided into two group, namely experimental group and control group. The experimental group was taught by using word webbing technique. The instruments that used to collect the data was multiple choice test. After the data were analyzed, it was found that the value of t-observed was 3.125 with the degree of freedom (df) = 38 at the level of significance 0, 05. It means that t-observed was higher that t-table (3.152 > 2.024). The results of this study showed that teaching vocabulary by using word webbing technique was higher than by using lecturing method. It implied that word webbing technique is appropriate to be applied for vocabulary.



E. The Significance of the Study... 5


A. Theoretical Framework…... 6

1. Students’ Achievement………... 6

2. Vocabulary... 3. The Level of Word Understanding……… 4. Types of Vocabulary………. 5. The Principles of Teaching Vocabulary……… 6. The Importance of Vocabulary……….. 7. Assessment of Vocabulary……… 8. The Concept of Word Webbing Technique………... 9. How to Make Word Webbing………... 10.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Word Webbing Technique……….. 11.Teaching Vocabulary through Word Webbing Technique…… 7

C. Conceptual Framework... 21



A. Research Design... 23

B. Population and Sample... 23

1. Population... 23

2. Sample... 24

C. The Instrument of Collecting Data... 24

D. The Procedure of The Study….……….. 25

1. Pre-Test….……… 25

2. Treatment……….. 25

3. Post-Test………... 28

E. Scoring the Test………... 28

F. The Validity and Reliability of The Test...

a. Validity of the Test………...

b. Reliability of The Test………..

G. The Technique for Analyzing Data………

H. The Statistical Hypothesis……….. CHAPTER IV THE DATA AND DATA ANALYSIS……… A. The Data……….

B. Data Analysis……….

1. Analyzing the Data by Using T-test Formula………..



Table 1. 1Students who Could Pass the KKM.……….…….. Table 2.1 The Structure of Word Webbing with TwoLevels.……….. Table 2.2 The Structure of Word Webbing with Three levels………. Table 3.1 Research Design.……….. Table 3.2 Teaching Learning Procedure for Experimental Group………... Table 3.3 Teaching Learning Procedure for Control Group………








APPENDIX A: Students score of Pre-test and Post-Test of Experimental

Group……… 41

APPENDIX B: Students score of Pre-test and Post-Test of Control Group……… 42 APPENDIX C: The Calculation of t-test for Experimental Class………. 43

APPENDIX D: The Calculation of t-test for Control Class……….. 45

APPENDIX E: The Calculation of the t-table and t-observed…………... 46

APPENDIX F: Table of t-distribution………... 49

APPENDIX G: The Reliability of the Test………... 50

APPENDIX H: Lesson plans Experimental Group……… 52





A.The Background of the Study

There are four skills that should be learned by the students. They are

listening, speaking, reading, and writing skill. In order to comprehend those four

skills, students should mastering vocabulary first. Wilkins (1972) states that without

grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed (as

cited in Carter McCarthy, 1988)

Vocabulary is the very basic thing in learning any language because

language structures make up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that

provides the vital organs and the flesh (Harmer, 2009: 26). Those who want to

master that four skills or language, should know vocabulary first. Because

vocabulary itself dealing with comprehending and producing language. In relation

to reading, there is a strong connection between vocabulary and reading itself.

Bromley (2004), in a comprehensive review of research on vocabulary

development, concludes that vocabulary knowledge promotes reading fluency,

boost reading comprehension, improves academic achievement, and enhances

thinking and communication. The more word people have, the easier people can

comprehend a text and those words are obtained partially from the text that people


According to Marzano (2004), vocabulary knowledge impacts reading and

academic success, and it is significant in our daily life and can have practical as

well. It is also supported by Pikulski (2004:4) who statethat the learners have to



increase their vocabulary by around 3.000 words a year. The number of

vocabulary will influence how well someone masters the language.

In reality, most of the students have less capability in learning English.

Many students find it difficult to mastering vocabulary. The students do not

understand the meaning of English vocabulary. The process of teaching English

vocabulary does not run well, because the students found it difficult to

understanding, memorizing, pronouncing the words and it makes thempassive in

the classroom.

Based on the observation of Grade VIII of SMP Negeri 27 Medan and

after interviewing the English teacher,from 20 students it was found that there are

17 students could not pass the minimum standard competence (KKM) of English

tests in the first semester and 20 students in the second semester. The score of

minimum standard competence is 70. Here are the recapitulations of the students’ scores;

Table 1.1 The Eighth Grade (VIII) Students’ Score of Vocabulary Test

Semesters Score Students Percentage Mean



suggestion to the teacher to use the suitable technique in teaching vocabulary.

There are a lot of techniques and methods in teaching and learning process that

can motivate the students and the teacher to get the English teaching effectively.

Therefore, the writer would like to use an alternative technique by

choosing “Word-Webbing” to improve students’ achievement in vocabulary. Word webbing is a helpful technique for the students who want to expand their

ideas or words to the word given. It can also avoid bored of passive students, and

make them more enjoyable because word webbing can build the connections and

establish the association between the students and the new information can add

the vocabulary of the students.

To support this theory, the writer found some preliminary research that

used word webbing as a technique in teaching-learning process. Agustini (2012)

Improving students’ vocabulary achievement through word webbing technique. It

was conducted by using Classroom Action Research. Wahyuningtiyas (2013)

“The effect of Webbing technique on Eighth Grade Students’ Reading

Comprehension Achievement at SMP Negeri 7 Jember in the 2012/2013 Academic

Year”.SondangManik (2012) with her thesis entitled “The use of Word Webbing

Technique for Vocabulary Achievement of Husbandry English Class” The result

of her research showed that word webbing technique can effectively improve the

students’ vocabulary achievement.

There are also other researches which is analysing the improving of

students’ vocabulary achievement, Sihite (2013) Improving the students’



(2014) Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement by Using Scramble

Game, and Lumbangaol (2011) Impoving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

through Jumble Letters.

Therefore, the writer would like to do a study using word webbing

technique to give a significant effect on students’ vocabulary achievement.

B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as


“Is there any significant effect of using word webbing technique to the

students’ vocabulary achievement?”

C. The Objective of the Study

In line with the problem, the objective is to investigate if there is a significant

effect of applying Word Webbing technique on students’ vocabulary achievement.

D. The Scope of the Study

There are many strategies or techniques that can be used to teaching

vocabulary, for example picture it!, scramble, word square, mind mapping, etc. In

this study, the problem is limited on applying word webbing technique on

students’ vocabulary achievement in reading skill in descriptive text.



The study is expected to have both theoretical and practical perspectives:

1. Theoretical perspectives

a. The result of the research will be useful to improve the teaching

learning process; not only for descriptive material, but also the other


b. The result of this research can be used as a reference for those who

want to conduct a research about word webbing technique

2. Practical perspectives

a. For the teachers

The writer hopes that this research and technique will be inspiring

for English teacher to develop the teaching learning process; not only in

teaching vocabulary but also other skills.

b. For the students

This study also expected to encourage the students to develop their

vocabulary achievement, especially in reading descriptive text through



Agustini, Irma and Sianipar, Yunita. Transform Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning of Fbs UNIMED: Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through Word Webbing Technique. Vol. 2 No. 1 (2012)

Ary, Donald. 2002. Introduction to Research in Education. Singapore: Wardswirth

Blachowicz, Camille L.Z., Fisher, Peter J., 2004. Educational Leadership: What Research Say about Reading and Vocabulary Lessons. Vol. 61, No. 6. (66-69)

Blachowicz, Camille L. Z., Fisher, Peter J., & Watts-Taffe, Susan. 2005. Integrated Vocabulary Instruction: Meeting the needs of diverse Learners in Grades K-5. Illinois: Learning Point Associates

Brown, H Dowglas. 2003. Language Assessment, Principle and classroom Practices. San Francisco California

Campillo, Rosa. Teaching and Learning Vocabulary : An Introduction for English Students.England : University of Castilla-La Mancha

Clark and Clark, HEV. 1997. Psychologvand language :An Introduction to Psycholinguistic. New York : Harcourt Brace.

Graves, Michael. 2008. What is Relationship between Vocabulary and Comprehension?.Emeritus. University of Minnesota

Harmer, J : 2003. How to teach English.Harlow: Longman, Pearson Education Limitation

Junika, Desi and Ginting, EliaMasa. Transform Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning of FBS UNIMED: Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through Word Webbing Technique. Vol. 2 No. 1 (2013)

McCarten, Jeanne. 2007. Teaching Vocabulary: Lesson from Corpus Lesson for the classroom. NY. Cambridge University Press.

Munawaroh, Lailatul. 2012. Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement Using Word Search Game.Unpublished Thesis.UNISMA.


Pikulski, John J and Shane, T. 2004. Teaching and Developing Vocabulary: Key to Long-Term Reading Success. United State of America: Houghton Mifflin Company

Xiqin, Liu. 2008. A Study of Teaching Strategies to Improve Junior High School English Vocabulary Learning. Guangzhou. South China Normal University

Sitorus, Sabatini and Siregar, Masitowarni. Trasnform Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning of FBS UNIMED: Improving Students’ Vocabulary Achievement through Word Webbing Technique. Vol. 2, No. 1 (2013)

Sondang, Manik. Visi: The Use of Word Webbing Technique for Vocabulary Achievement of Husbandry English Class. Vol. 20, No. 2 (2012)

Slavin, Robert E. 1995.Cooperative Learning THEORY, RESEARCH, and PRACTICE.United State of America: Alyna and Bacon

Stamper, Judith B. 2006.Vocabulary-Building Graphic Organizers & Mini Lessons. New York. Scholastic Teaching Resources

Wahyuningtiyas, Elly. 2013. The Effect of Webbing Technique on the Eight Grade

Students’ Reading Comprehension Achievement.Unpublished Thesis.


Zarei, A Ali and Gilani, Maryam. 2013. International Journal of Language


Table 1. 1Students who Could Pass the KKM.…………………….……..
Table of t-distribution…………………………………... 49
Table 1.1 The Eighth Grade (VIII) Students’ Score of Vocabulary Test


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