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The occurrence of code switching within social networking website facebook.


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Mandiri, Jantri. The Occurrence of Code Switching Within Social Networking Website Facebook. 2010. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English is commonly used in this globalization era. Along with it, English is also immensely used in a new technology of communication called social networking website. Therefore, its existence could also bring a language phenomenon, in which sociolinguists defines it as code switching. This study was conducted to analyze types and reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook. Therefore, there were two questions to be answered in this study. They were 1) what types of code switching occur in social networking website Facebook? 2) what are the reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook?

To conduct the research, the researcher employed the steps in analyzing the data of qualitative research constructed by Creswell (1998) as cited by Leedy and Ormrod (2005) in order to answer the first problem formulation. They were 1) organizing the data, 2) perusing the data, 3) identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data, 4) integrating and summarizing the data. As to reveal the second problem formulation, the reseacher interpreted the interviews of participants of this study.

In order to present types of code switching used in Facebook, the researcher organized the data on the observation form and perused the entire data. As a result, there were three types of code switching within social networking website Facebook. They were 1) intrasentential switch (65%) which involved word (58%), phrase (35%), clause (7%). The lexical category of word were noun (53%), verb (26%), adjective (18%), and others (3%); 2) intersentential switch (34%); and 3) tag-switching (1%). The findings of this study came up with intrasentential switch as the most frequent code switching type used by Facebook users.

In order to reveal the reason for doing code switching within Facebook, the researcher engaged in-depth interviews to 20 Facebook users randomly. There were three reasons for code switching within Facebook. They were 1) linguistic deficiency (55%); Facebook users faced difficulties to find the exact meaning in Bahasa Indonesia of some English terms; 2) social recognition (30%); Facebook users wanted to be seen as well-educated person by other users, 3) the choice of topic (15%); Facebook users employed code switching because there were special terms related to the topic.

Finally, since doing code switching within Facebook was able to help other users to study English then it would be better for Facebook users to know English basic grammar and how to use it appropriately. Meanwhile, for other future reseachers, the internet would be an ideal medium of reseach on code switching. It provided a lot of code swtching cases in existence.



Mandiri, Jantri. The Occurrence of Code Switching Within Social Networking Website Facebook. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya digunakan dalam era globalisasi ini. Bersamaan dengan itu, Bahasa Inggris juga banyak digunakan dalam teknologi komunikasi terbaru yang disebut situs jejaring sosial. Oleh karena itu, kehadirannya juga dapat membawa fenomena bahasa, dimana sosiolingustik mendefinisikan hal tersebut sebagai alih kode. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa tipe-tipe dan alasan-alasan melakukan alih kode dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Oleh karena itu, terdapat dua buah pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Mereka adalah 1) tipe alih kode apa saja yang terjadi dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook? 2) Apakah alasan melakukan alih kode dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook?

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah dalam menganalisa data penelitian kualitatif yang disusun oleh Creswell (1998) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Leedy dan Ormrod (2005) untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut 1) mengorganisir data, 2) memeriksa data secara cermat, 3) mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi setiap data, 4) mengintegrasikan dan menyimpulkan data. Sedangkan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang kedua, peneliti menafsirkan hasil wawancara dari partisipan penelitian ini.

Untuk menunjukkan tipe-tipe alih kode yang digunakan dalam Facebook, peneliti mengorganisir data ke dalam lembar observasi dan memeriksa keseluruhan data dengan cermat. Hasilnya adalah terdapat tiga tipe alih kode di dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Tiga alih kode tersebut adalah 1) alih kode intrakalimat (65%) dimana didalamnya terdapat kata (58%), frase (35%), dan klausa (7%). Kategori leksikal dalam kata adalah kata benda (53%), kata kerja (26%), kata sifat (18%), and lainnya (3%); 2) alih kode antarkalimat (34%); dan 3) alih kode buntut kalimat (1%). Hasil dari penelitian menyebutkan alih kode intrakalimat sebagai tipe alih kode yang paling sering digunakan oleh pengguna Facebook.



Akhirnya, semenjak penggunaan alih kode dalam Facebook dapat membantu pengguna lainnya untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris maka akan lebih baik bagi pengguna Facebook untuk mengetahui tata bahasa Inggris dasar dan cara menggunakannya secara tepat. Sementara itu, untuk peneliti-peneliti lainnya dimasa depan, internet akan menjadi media yang ideal dalam penelitian tentang alih kode. Internet banyak menyajikan contoh kasus-kasus alih kode.



[Jikalau kamu lari dari masalah maka kamu adalah masalah]


Martomo Soewarno Amidjojo -

Dedicated with love and gratitude to:

My beloved parents: Martomo Soewarno Amidjojo & Sri Pudjiastuti

My beloved brothers and sister: Ayun Noviarto, Nuli Utami, & Catur




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, July 14th, 2010 The Writer





Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Jantri Mandiri

Nomor Mahasiswa : 021214125

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:


Beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada Tanggal: 14 Juli 2010 Yang Menyatakan,



Mandiri, Jantri. The Occurrence of Code Switching Within Social Networking Website Facebook. 2010. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Department of Language and Arts Education, English Language Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English is commonly used in this globalization era. Along with it, English is also immensely used in a new technology of communication called social networking website. Therefore, its existence could also bring a language phenomenon, in which sociolinguists defines it as code switching. This study was conducted to analyze types and reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook. Therefore, there were two questions to be answered in this study. They were 1) what types of code switching occur in social networking website Facebook? 2) what are the reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook?

To conduct the research, the researcher employed the steps in analyzing the data of qualitative research constructed by Creswell (1998) as cited by Leedy and Ormrod (2005) in order to answer the first problem formulation. They were 1) organizing the data, 2) perusing the data, 3) identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data, 4) integrating and summarizing the data. As to reveal the second problem formulation, the reseacher interpreted the interviews of participants of this study.

In order to present types of code switching used in Facebook, the researcher organized the data on the observation form and perused the entire data. As a result, there were three types of code switching within social networking website Facebook. They were 1) intrasentential switch (65%) which involved word (58%), phrase (35%), clause (7%). The lexical category of word were noun (53%), verb (26%), adjective (18%), and others (3%); 2) intersentential switch (34%); and 3) tag-switching (1%). The findings of this study came up with intrasentential switch as the most frequent code switching type used by Facebook users.

In order to reveal the reason for doing code switching within Facebook, the researcher engaged in-depth interviews to 20 Facebook users randomly. There were three reasons for code switching within Facebook. They were 1) linguistic deficiency (55%); Facebook users faced difficulties to find the exact meaning in Bahasa Indonesia of some English terms; 2) social recognition (30%); Facebook users wanted to be seen as well-educated person by other users, 3) the choice of topic (15%); Facebook users employed code switching because there were special terms related to the topic.

Finally, since doing code switching within Facebook was able to help other users to study English then it would be better for Facebook users to know English basic grammar and how to use it appropriately. Meanwhile, for other future reseachers, the internet would be an ideal medium of reseach on code switching. It provided a lot of code swtching cases in existence.



Mandiri, Jantri. The Occurrence of Code Switching Within Social Networking Website Facebook. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Bahasa Inggris pada umumnya digunakan dalam era globalisasi ini. Bersamaan dengan itu, Bahasa Inggris juga banyak digunakan dalam teknologi komunikasi terbaru yang disebut situs jejaring sosial. Oleh karena itu, kehadirannya juga dapat membawa fenomena bahasa, dimana sosiolingustik mendefinisikan hal tersebut sebagai alih kode. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa tipe-tipe dan alasan-alasan melakukan alih kode dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Oleh karena itu, terdapat dua buah pertanyaan yang ingin dijawab dalam penelitian ini. Mereka adalah 1) tipe alih kode apa saja yang terjadi dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook? 2) Apakah alasan melakukan alih kode dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook?

Untuk melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan langkah-langkah dalam menganalisa data penelitian kualitatif yang disusun oleh Creswell (1998) sebagaimana dikutip oleh Leedy dan Ormrod (2005) untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang pertama. Langkah-langkah tersebut adalah sebagai berikut 1) mengorganisir data, 2) memeriksa data secara cermat, 3) mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasi setiap data, 4) mengintegrasikan dan menyimpulkan data. Sedangkan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah yang kedua, peneliti menafsirkan hasil wawancara dari partisipan penelitian ini.

Untuk menunjukkan tipe-tipe alih kode yang digunakan dalam Facebook, peneliti mengorganisir data ke dalam lembar observasi dan memeriksa keseluruhan data dengan cermat. Hasilnya adalah terdapat tiga tipe alih kode di dalam situs jejaring sosial Facebook. Tiga alih kode tersebut adalah 1) alih kode intrakalimat (65%) dimana didalamnya terdapat kata (58%), frase (35%), dan klausa (7%). Kategori leksikal dalam kata adalah kata benda (53%), kata kerja (26%), kata sifat (18%), and lainnya (3%); 2) alih kode antarkalimat (34%); dan 3) alih kode buntut kalimat (1%). Hasil dari penelitian menyebutkan alih kode intrakalimat sebagai tipe alih kode yang paling sering digunakan oleh pengguna Facebook.



Akhirnya, semenjak penggunaan alih kode dalam Facebook dapat membantu pengguna lainnya untuk mempelajari Bahasa Inggris maka akan lebih baik bagi pengguna Facebook untuk mengetahui tata bahasa Inggris dasar dan cara menggunakannya secara tepat. Sementara itu, untuk peneliti-peneliti lainnya dimasa depan, internet akan menjadi media yang ideal dalam penelitian tentang alih kode. Internet banyak menyajikan contoh kasus-kasus alih kode.




I would like to express my deepest praise and gratitude to Jesus Christ who always blesses, loves, and guides me so that I can finish my thesis.

First, I would like to thank my sponsor, Mrs. Carla Sih Prabandari S.Pd., M. Hum. for her support, encouragement, guidance and beneficial suggestions so that I can accomplish my thesis. I would also thank all PBI lecturers and staffs for guiding and sharing their knowledge during my study in Sanata Dharma University.

Second, I would like to thank my beloved parents and brothers and sisters, Martomo Soewarno Amidjojo and Sri Pudjiastuti, Mas Ayun and Mbak Siska, Mbak Nuli and Mas Widi, Catur, Feli and Dito (calon Liverpudlians). I thank them for their prayer, encouragement, and support.

I would like to express my gratitude for Cornelia Agnes Dewi Larasati and her mother, Cicilia Suhartini for their support and love. I would also thank my best friends: Galang, Willy Cina, Edwong, Dani Kamto. I thank them for giving me support in facing problems and encouraging me in finishing this thesis.

Finally, I would like to thank all my friends PBI 2002 especially Krisna and Miko, who give me encouragement to finish my study. I would like to thank everyone who has given me support, encouragement, and prayers. I’ll never walk alone. “You’ll Never Walk Alone”.






A. Research Background… ………...

B. Problem Formulation ………

C. Problem Limitation…..………...

D. Research Objectives ……….

E. Research Benefits……….

F. Definitions of Terms ………

CHAPTER II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE……… A. Theoretical Description…...……… …….………

1. The Nature of Code Switching………….……….………… a. Types of Code Switching………. b. Reasons for Code Switching……… 2. Social Networking Website Facebook………… ………...

B. Theoretical Framework ………




A. Research Method ………..

B. Research Participants..………...………

C. Research Instruments.………

D. Data Gathering Technique………. E. Data Analysis Technique………...

F. Research Procedures……….

CHAPTER IV. RESEARCH DISCUSSION AND OTHER FINDINGS… A. The Types of Code Switching in Social Networking Website Facebook…. B. Identification of the Possible Reasons for Code Switching………...


A. Conclusions ………..

1. The Types of Code Switching in Social Networking Website Facebook……… 2. The Possible Reasons for Code Switching Within Social Networking

Website Facebook………

B. Suggestions ………...


APPENDIX 1: the Observation Form of Code Switching……….. APPENDIX 2: the Observation Form of the Types Analysis….……… APPENDIX 3: Code Switching Cases in Facebook………... APPENDIX 4: the Observation Form of Intrasentential Switch………. APPENDIX 5: Intrasentential Switch Cases in Facebook……….. APPENDIX 6: the Observation Form of Lexical Category in Intrasentential Switch……….. APPENDIX 7: Lexical Category Cases in Intrasentential Switch………..



APPENDIX 8: Lists of Questions………... APPENDIX 9: Samples of Data Transcript of Participant……….. APPENDIX 10: the Observation Form of Reason for Doing Code Switching.. APPENDIX 11: the Summary of Reason for Doing Code Switching…………



Table 4.1: The Summary of the Types of Code Switching in a Social

Networking Website Facebook………... Table 4.2: The Summary of the Frequency of Word, Phrase, and Clause in Intrasentential Switch……… Table 4.3: The Summary of the Frequency of Lexical Category in Intrasentential Switch……… Table 4.4: The Summary of the Number of Possible Reason for Doing Code Switching within Social Networking Website Facebook………







Figure 3.1: the Data Analysis Spiral……… Page



Through this chapter, the researcher amplifies six major underlying issues: research background, problem formulation, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms. Consequently, the introduction is intended to contribute and describe the background information and rationale of the study.

A.Research Background


one language to another language caused by their linguistic repertoires in their minds.

Language plays many significant roles in our daily life, it is also being used within the cyber world or internet. Internet has been one of vehicles for people to communicate with others, to share their knowledges, and even internet is used to be a place for them to sell or buy things they may need. Nowadays, internet has been one of human needs, particularly the social networking websites. There are so many social networking websites within the cyber world, such as Friendster, Myspace, Twitter, etc. These websites are functioning as a means to find old friends, gaining new friends, sharing information and knowledge they may have for other people. Furthermore, these social networking websites, particularly Facebook, help some people to communicate with others.

Since Facebook becomes a phenomenon in the last few years, many people around the world use Facebook as an ideal way to look for some information of long lost friends, finding and having new friends’ relationship with others. People consider Facebook as the complete social networking site because it contains many features in order to get someone’s attention. One of important features within Facebook is an update status form. The update status form is used to provide and share some information of what Facebook users feel. Facebook users usually write what they feel or what they do at the moment they write their status.


or sentences from English language juxtaposed with Indonesian words, phrases, or even sentences to create interesting language utterances. Therefore, the phenomena of code switching within Facebook are interesting to be observed.

This linguistic phenomenon can be explained by Crystal (1987) as quoted by Skiba (1997). He gives an explanation that code switching occurred when someone who has mastered two fluent languages changes his or her language in her utterance to other bilinguals. This includes the variations and modifications of language expression, which exist in number of forms, such as in sentences or phrases, made by the bilingual person. In addition, Asher (1994: 581) explains “the term code switching” refers to the juxtaposition of elements from two (or more) languages or dialects. Consequently, Facebook users may switch the language that they use from one language to another. Besides, they can produce a language utterance which consists of language elements from two or more different languages. Therefore, this research is aimed to reveal types and reasons for doing code switching cases within Facebook.

B.Problem Formulation

As there are many examples of code switching that occur within social networking website Facebook. In this case are in the users’ page, such as in the status update form, message board, wall, and in any medium which the users can communicate with, subsequently, this research formulates two problem formulations to be answered. The problems can be formulated as follow:


2. What are the reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook?

C.Problem Limitation

This research is going to utilize the language utterances expressed by Facebook users, particularly those who are not English Education students or English Letters students. The participants or this research can be male and female, at any ages, and may come from different social background. In order to get valid data, the limitation of Facebook users that are being observed is needed to be concerned.

The research is also selected because the language produced by the Facebook users contains words or phrases in different language than their own language, on the other word; they switch a word(s) or phrase(s) in their writings within Facebook.

D.Research Objectives

The research objectives are:

1. To observe types of code switching which are existing in a social networking website Facebook.


E.Research Benefits

This research is conducted to give beneficial contributions expectantly for future researchers, Facebook users, and readers.

1. Future researchers

For other researchers in the future who will conduct the research that has the same topic, it is hoped that this research would be able to give all the information that another researcher need during the research.

2. Facebook users

This research would offer many information for Facebook users to improve the users’ knowledge about the usage of code switching in a social networking website Facebook and the influence for language learning so that this research provide beneficial knowledge for them to create appropriate language utterances, particularly in using code switching for their writings.

3. Readers


F.Definition of Terms 1. Code Switching

Code switching is one of language phenomena that exist in society. Crystal (1987) as quoted by Skiba (1997) explains that code switching occurred when someone who has mastered two fluent languages changes his or her language in her utterance to other bilinguals. This includes the variations and modifications of language expression, which exist in number of forms, such as in sentences or phrases, made by the bilingual person. Within this study, code switching refers to the juxtaposition of English language and Bahasa Indonesia in the writings written by some people in a social networking website Facebook.

2. Social networking service website Facebook

According to Boyd and Ellison (2007), social networking service is a site which focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most of social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services.


Facebook founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his roommates while they





This chapter is divided into two essential parts namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description presents general description of code switching in which divided into types and reasons of using code switching, and also the nature of comunication in which the definition of mass media, the rule of English in communication media, and the definition of social networking website. Otherwise, the theoretical framework explains procedure organized to accomplish this study.

A.Theoretical Description

Theoretical description is presented with the intention of obtaining good understanding of code switching which is divided into types of code switching and reason for code switching. The definition of social networking website is also presented in this section.

1. The Nature of Code Switching


their languages and may mix or switch the language he or she used in his or her utterances. As Wardhaugh (1992: 103) states that the term “code” refers to any dialect or language used by a speaker to build communication with others. He stresses that a person may use more than one code in her or his speech instead of using a single code. Thus, the communication by employing several codes in the conversation is called code switching.

There are numbers of definition of code switching stated by linguists. Their definitions about code switching are various, and they have different ways to put in plain words what code switching is.Thus, in order to have in-depth comprehension of code switching, this study presents a number of definition from a number of linguists.

Hymes (1974) defines only code-switching as “a common term for alternative use of two or more languages, varieties of a language or even speech styles” while Bokamba (1989) defines both concepts thus:

Code-switching is the mixing of words, phrases and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within the same speech event… code-mixing is the embedding of various linguistic units such as affixes (bound morphemes), words (unbound morphemes), phrases and clauses from a co-operative activity where the participants, in order to infer what is intended, must reconcile what they hear with what they understand.


clause, or even a complete sentence, and combine them with the language elements of her or his native language. Crystal (1987) as quoted by Skiba (1997) also inserts that code switching occurred when someone who has mastered two fluent languages changes his or her language in her utterance to other bilinguals.

The variations and modifications of language expression, which exist in sentences or phrases, made by the bilingual person are also included. But indeed, it is very important for an interlocutor to have a competence in the two languages in which she or he uses, so that the construction of the sentence that being mixed and switched is appropriate enough. The construction needs match combination of the grammatical rules of the languages involved in the code switching.

The important of the need of grammatical rules to the language involved is explained by Chana (1984) as cited by Duran that code switching is the juxtaposition within the passage of someone’s speech which involves items of two different languages. Thus, it is necessary for the interlocutor to put much respect on both language rules and she or he is obliged to do so. Poplack (1978) as cited by Wei (2000: 216) also suggested two kinds of syntactic contraints on doing code switching in discourse, namely a) the free morpheme constraint; this constraint allows the speaker to switch the codes after any contituent, which is not a bound morpheme, in a discourse. b) the equivalence constraint; this constraint happens in a discourse without violating the syntactic rule of either language.


First, code switching may happen in multilingual country that employs more than one language as media of communication among the citizens. There are lots of countries that employ more than one language within the country; one of the countries is Hong Kong, which many of Hong Kong citizens are using Mandarin and English for their daily life activity.

Second, code switching may also happen where there are multilingual people meet each other in a foreign setting. For example, non English-speaking country students who live in English-speaking country have tendency to use not only English language all the time but they may use their vernacular language in certain occasions.

a. Types of Code Switching

There are so many theories from linguists related to code switching, in which have construct by different perspectives from the way they see. Stockwell (2002: 33) states three types of code switching. They are:

1) Tag-switching

The other term for tag-switching is emblematic code switching. This type of code switching only switches an interjection, a tag, or sentence filler in the utterances of the interlocutors. For some occasions, it is used to identify the identity of the speaker. Poplack (1978) as cited by Wei (2000) also adds that tags are component of content words which may be inserted almost anywhere within the sentence without violating any grammatical rule. The examples of tag-switching can be seen below.

a. Anyway, bagaimana skripsimu?


c. She is crazy about you, iya toh? 2) Intersentential switch

This type of code switching occurs between sentences made by the interlocutors. The topic of the conversation may be switch by pause employed by one of the interlocutor. The examples of intersentential switch can be seen below.

a. Steven Gerrard memberi dukungan moral untuk teman-teman setimnya saat dikalahkan Fiorentina 3-1 kemarin malam. He is a truly English skipper. Liverpool sangat beruntung memiliki pemain sekaliber Gerrard.

b. ‘Selamat siang, Bu. Boleh saya masuk? (short pause then looking to the thesis) Miss, I would like to consult my thesis.’

3) Intrasentential switch

This type of code switching occurs within sentences. The form of code switching can be in the form of a single word, a phrase, or a clause. Below are the examples of intrasentential code switch:

a. Kumpulan berkas tersebut terpaksa saya scan malam ini.

b. Apakah kamu mempunyai bookmark software yang baik untuk saya? c. Dia akan datang when the time has come.


1) Diglossia

There are two distinctive varieties of code that exist in diglossic communities, namely high (H) and low (L) variety. High (H) variety is the prestige variety which is used in formal discourse, while low (L) is used in less formal discourse. People may employ H variety in the formal discourse, such as in presentations, interviews, formal correspondences, etc, but then they may switch to L variety when they speak with their close friends, or speak with their family at home. For example, Singapore, which is an English speaking country, is the most appropriate example of diglossic community. Many Singapore citizens use L variety such as Singapore English (shortened as Singlish) and Mandarin in their informal interaction with others such as, when they communicate with their families, when they bargain something in the traditional market, or when they interact with neighbors in their neighborhood. However, they also employ H variety, the Standard English, when they present a presentation in classroom or when they take a walk in interview in a corporate.

2) Situational code-switching


lesson, particularly how to use that tense. Then the teacher re-explains the lesson with Bahasa Indonesia.

3) Metaphoric code-switching

This type of code-switching occurs in a conversation in which the role of relationship between the speakers may change. For example, if there is a person goes to tax office to sort out her or his tax forms, and fortunately, the tax officer is her or his neighbour. Then, at first this person may greet the tax officer with their local language, their daily language, but then the person changes her or his language into the formal one to affirm her or his purpose to come to the tax office, which is to sort out her or his tax forms. At this point, the person changes the role of relationship from personal to official.

4) Conversational code-switching

There are several terms for this type of code-switching, namely style shifting or code mixing. This type of code-switching can be a phrase, clause, or full sentence, which allows the speaker to juxtapose various lengths of foreign language elements within her or his uterrances. Below are the examples of conversational code switching which forms in the form of phrase, clause, and full sentence.

a) Valentino Rossi mencapai waktu terbaik dalam practice lap kemarin. b) Fernando Torres mencetak tiga gol untuk Liverpool tadi malam. He is


5) Single-word code-switching

Another term for this type is borrowing. This type of code-switching allows a speaker to use only single word from another language and put it within her or his vernacular utterances. Below is one example of this type of code-switching can be seen like this, an Indonesian speaker is placing an English single-word within her or his native language utterances. a) Dewa 19 merupakan salah satu band yang terlaris saat ini.

b) Untuk mendapatkan voucher isi ulang ini, silahkan menghubungi kantor layanan terdekat kami.

c) Silahkan masukan password Anda sekarang.

It is clear from the examples given that the speaker substitutes an Indonesian word with an English word. In the first example, the speaker subtitutes Indonesian word grup musik with an English word ‘band’. The second and the third example also employs in a similar way. Both speakers employ English word ‘voucher’ and ‘password’ to subtitute Indonesian words kupon and kata sandi.

6) Integrated loanwords

This type of code –switching happens in a morpheme level. It means that a speaker may integrate a word from a foreign language with affixes of her or his native language to form a certain language expression. The example of this type of code-switching can be seen in this sentence, which involves Indonesia and English language.


c) Software-nya termasuk yang terbaik di situs tersebut.

From the examples above, it can be seen that the speakers combine English words with Indonesian affixes. The first and the second example combine Indonesian prefixes and English words. Meng- and di- are Indonesian prefixes then combine with English words ‘upload’ and ‘dubbing’. The third example shows that English word ‘software’ is combined with Indonesian suffix –nya.

b. Reasons for Code Switching

This study elaborates various reasons for code switching from two linguists; namely Crystal (1987) and Wardaugh (1992). Wardaugh (1992: 106) mentions three reasons for code-switching. They are as follows:

1) Expressing solidarity with the listener. Language can be used as a bridge of solidarity. A speaker may switch to another language as a signal of group membership and shared solidarity with an addressee. Even speakers who have not adequate language repetoire of a second language may use brief phrases and words for this purpose.

2) The second reason is because of the choice of topic. Sometimes in a conversation, people often switch the topic under discussion. So that, the topic being discussed within a conversation can be changed appropriately. 3) The third reason is that someone switches her or his code to distinguish


or he may choose and employ an informal code if she or he talks to her or his classmates.

There is also a theory about reason of employing code switching stated by other linguist. Crystal (1987) as cited by Skiba (1997) identifies three reasons why people use code switching in their utterances. First, it happens because the speaker may not be able to communicate his or her expression in one language. Due to his or her language deficiency problem then switching the language may be the best way to the problem the speaker has.

Second, people use code switching to express solidarity with a particular group. The relationship between speakers will be much closer if both speakers speak in same language, particularly in the same vernacular language. Third, code switching may happen because the speaker changes his or her language repertoire due to the situation. It also means that the speaker wish to convey his or her attitude towards the addressee.

2. Social Networking Website Facebook


human’s behavior to gather, to get along with other, or to share in any particular way, time, and place.

Obviously, a man can find his or her companionship by himself or herself in order to share what he or she feels, but sometimes a man need a medium which can help his or her to interconnect with other people. One of this medium is social networking website. Boyd and Ellison (2007) stated that social networking sites allow individual to meet strangers or their existing friends and to articulate what they feel or do at that time.

The benefits of being a member of social networking websites are not only to meet new people and to maintain existing friends, or to share common interests, but also be able to learn new culture and language from other country. This can be happened as long as individuals are connected with online computer.

Boyd and Ellison states that there are many social networking websites within cyber world, such as Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Hi5, and many more, which facilitate online interaction between its own members but still, there are no reliable data regarding how many people use those social networking websites. Though there are no reliable data regarding how many people use social networking websites, Facebook has been become phenomena. Many Indonesian use Facebook as a medium to find their old friends, share their common interests, and recently it is used as a medium to invite other people for some occasions. The researcher analyzes the features that Facebook has, namely

a. The wall


b. Poke

It features a notification for someone that he or she has been poked by other Facebook user.

c. Photo

This is a place for Facebook users to upload their photos so that other Facebook users that have linked with this user can see and put some comments on their photos.

d. Status

It allows Facebook users to inform their fiends of their whereabouts, actions, or feellings they may have.

e. News Feed

The News Feed will appear on every user’s homepage and highlight information including profile changes, upcoming events, status updates, and even birthdays of the user’s friends.

f. Notes

This feature facilitates Facebook user to write short and/or complex writing of his or her writing. This feature offers the same function as blog as well.

g. Chat

Chat is a Facebook feature which allows user to do real-time communication, so-called chatting, with other online users.

h. Gift


i. Online game

There are numbers of online game within Facebook such as, Poker, Farmvile, TankFish, etc. These online games are built so that Facebook users are not bored.

j. Marketplace

This feature allows users to post free classified ads in which only users in same network can see it.

Therefore, because of these features, Facebook becomes a leading social networking website around years in Indonesia as well as in around the world, though there are crimes that uses Facebook as a medium to deceive other Facebook users.

B.Theoretical Framework

In order to conduct this research, the researcher presents a theory in which appropriately suits as a framework to excavate and analyze the data of the research. Moreover, theories used by the researcher will be a starting point to answer two problem formulations questioned by the researcher.


researcher finds it easy to comprehend and it is sufficient enough as a tool to answer the first problem formulation.

In the matter of revealing the reason for doing code switching within Facebook, the researcher combines theories from Crystal (1987) and Wardaugh (1992). The combination of those theories is employed because those theories have similar interpretation in revealing the reason for code switching. As a result, there are three possible reasons for doing the language phenomenon. The combination of possible reason for code switching will be constituted as follows. 1. The first theory of reason for code switching is taken from Wardaugh (1992).

Code switching is employed because the speaker has linguistic deficiency in order to communicate in one language. Otherwise, the speaker is not able to communicate the expession in one language.

2. The second theory is taken from Crystal (1987). It happens when the speaker switches his or her codes to have distinguished social status (social recognition) and it is used due to the situation where the speaker is in.

3. The last theory of reason for code switching is taken from Wardaugh (1992). Code switching is employed because of the choice of topic. Since the topic under discussion has special term, then Facebook users switched their language.


encompasse this kind of social phenomena that occurred within social networking website Facebook.

It was also essential thing to reveal reasons of using code switching used by Facebook users in their pages since the phenomenon of code switching was considered as social phenomena that occurred in social community. Merriam (2002, p. 2-3) stated that the understanding of the nature of qualitative research could be situated with the idea that meaning was socially constructed by individuals in interaction with their world, in which there were some actions or process of flowing of multiple constructions and interpretations. On the other hand, the meanings and interpretations they made might be changed continuously. Merriam (2002, p. 5-6) stated several characteristics of qualitative research in his book

All qualitative research is characterized by the search of meaning and understanding, the researcher as the primary instrument of data collection and analysis, an inductive investigative strategy, and a richly descriptive end product.

Thus, using qualitative research was the most appropriate method to convey this research, since the understanding was the goal of this study, and the human instrument came across as a tool of collecting and analyzing data.

B. Research Participants


primary friends of the researcher which have different ages and came from various social backgrounds. The range of their ages was 15 up to 62 years old and most of the participants were students of high school and/or university students. It is also noted that the participants were not students of English Education Program or English Letters Program of any university. The purpose of this selection of the participants was to obtain a valid data of the research.

This research was divided into two methods of data collection. The first method was through observation, and the result of the data is 89 of 500 Facebook users’ of researcher’s primary friend were containing code switching cases. It was started from November 27th, 2009 up to December 7th, 2009. The result came with 185 data gained from Facebook pages of the targets.

The second method employed by the researcher to collect the data was through in-depth interview to twenty Facebook users of the researcher’s primary friends. The fact of frequency of code switching occurred in their pages was the main reason of my research objectives. Those interviews were conducted from January 20th, 2010 up to February 12nd, 2010.

The importance of these informants was significant to this study since it was one of the characteristics of qualitative research. The other importance was to acquire a rich and deep description of code switching in social networking website Facebook.

C. Research Instruments


A second characteristic of all forms of qualitative research is that the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and data analysis. Since understanding is the goal of this research, the human instrument, which seem to be the ideal means of collecting and analyzing data.

Therefore, the researcher became the primary instrument in order to collect and analyze the data required. Nevertheless, still the researcher engaged two kinds of data collection to facilitate the data, namely observation and in-depth interview. 1. Observation

Marshall and Rosman (2006, p. 99) stated that “Observation is a fundamental and highly important method in all qualitative inquiry.” They believed that observation was used to discover complex interactions in natural social settings. The researcher used observation in order to obtain data from Facebook users’ pages. In this context, the researcher conducted three steps in doing the observation.

First, the researcher made the observation form that contained when the data were taken, Facebook usernames, and the evidences. This observation form was designed to make the researcher easier to analyze the data. The design of the observation form can be seen in Appendix 2.

Second, the researcher examined thoroughly Facebook users’ pages that are being targeted. This was conducted because some Facebook users used some abbreviated words on the sentences they made. Thus, it was important to read their sentences carefully and thoroughly.


code switching data. This step was also aimed to make the research easier to be analyzed.

2. In-depth interview.

Kahn and Cannel (1957) as quoted by Marshall and Rossman (2006, p.101) described interviewing as “a conversation with a purpose.” Consequently, in order to obtain the data the researcher had to design and to structure a set of questions that will be questioned. In addition, in-depth interviewing also required good interpretative skills from the researcher in order to analyze the data. By conducting in-depth interviewing, the researcher should not give any intervention to the partipants’ perspectives on the phenomenon of interest.

D. Data Gathering Technique

There were two methods to acquire the competent research. Merriam (2002, p. 13) offered observation and in-depth interviewing as procedures to convey qualitative research study, and those methods were related each other. Therefore, the researcher engaged those two major methods to obtain qualified data within the research.


The exploration of the required data was not only in the status update form, but also within the comment feature, wall, and note feature. Noted that many Facebook users were using some abbreviated words to shorten the sentences without reducing the meaning of the sentences they made. The subsequent step was to list all the data to the observation form so that the data gathered were easy to be analyzed and comprehended. In addition, the collection of the required data was started from November 27th, 2009 up to December 7th, 2009 which resulted with 185 required data.

The second method was conducting some in-depth interview to twenty (20) Facebook users target. The selection of the participants was conducted randomly. The age of participants was in the range of 15 up to 62 years old came from various social backgrounds. The interviews were conducted from January 20th, 2010 up to February 12nd, 2010 with the core question was about their motives of employing code switching in their phrases or sentences they made. Merriam (2002, p. 13) stated that indices of questions were needed to be guidance within the interviews. The results of in-depth interviewing were recorded in a recorder. It assisted the researcher to reveal the participants’ reasons of using code switching in their phrases and sentences.

E. Data Analysis Technique


Consequently, qualitative data analysis was needed by qualitative researcher because it gave firm practical basis for the research. With the purpose of gaining qualified data, the researcher followed the structured steps in organizing and analyzing the data of qualitative research which were constructed by Creswell (1998) as cited by Leedy and Ormrod (2005). He created a data analysis spiral which was implemented within the following steps:

1. Organizing the data

The data were taken from pages and they are divided from several features, such as status update form, walls, and notes. In addition, the message page of the Facebook users was not included because of its privacy of users. In this section, the researcher examined thoroughly phrases and sentences made by the Facebook users that being targeted. As stated before that the area of exploration in order to get the data required was primarily on status update feature, walls, and note feature of targets’ Facebook pages. The action afterwards listed the code switching cases in the observation forms.

2. Perusing the data

In this section, the researcher read and examined the data thoroughly so that it assisted the researcher to have an overview of data collected.

3. Identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data

After carrying out the previous steps, the data collected in the observation forms were identified to its categories and then classified the data to their type. 4. Integrating and summarizing the data


networking website Facebook has been finished. Creswell (1998) suggested that researchers presented the summary in an organizational scheme such as a table, figure, or diagram. This observation was conducted in order to classify and to reaveal the types of code switching occurred in a social networking website Facebook.

The second method was conducted in order to reveal the reasons of doing code switching in Facebook. It was employed some in-depth interviewing to participants. The records of the participants or interviewees then write out into texts, it aims to make easier the researcher in analyzing the data. Therefore, several reasons for employing code switching within Facebook might be concluded by these in-depth interviewings.

F. Research Procedures

This section described the stages of this study which were organized and done to obtain deep comprehension of the phenomenon being studied. There were seven steps conducted to accomplish the research as follows:

1. Selecting the target page

Since the targets were the primary friends of the researcher, then exploration of those Facebook users pages would become the first thing to do. The limitation on the researcher target was also important in this research.

2. Designing the observation form


time. Observation form was needed to accommodate the data of code switching cases from the target pages. They were used to list all the code switching cases found in Facebook users’ pages so that every code switching case could be clearly seen within its context of the occurrence.

3. Listing the code switching cases on the observation form

After the observation form had been composed, the identification of code switching within participants’ pages could be conducted. Since the code switching cases within their pages were not italicized, the researcher had to separate the language that participants used to be considered as a code switching case and italicized the data found. Afterwards, every code switching case, which was found in participants pages, were listed on the observation forms.

4. Analyzing the types of the list of code switching

Subsequently, the code switching cases which already listed in observation forms were directly analyzed to reveal the types of code switching according to the categories employed in this study.

5. Identifying the reasons for code switching


6. Making conclusion based on the findings

The results of the steps done previously were concluded in this step. They were the answers to the research questions presented in the problem formulation.

7. Reporting


The research procedure could be figure out as follows:

Selecting The Target Page

Designing The Observation Form

Listing The Code Switching Cases on the Observation Form

Analyzing The Types of the List of Code Switching

Identifying The Reasons for Code Switching

Figure 3.1: The Data Analysis Spiral Making Conclusion Based on Findings





Through this chapter the researcher attempts to analyze the obtained data by certain organized methodology, namely research method, research participants, research instruments, data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method


encompasse this kind of social phenomena that occurred within social networking website Facebook.

It was also essential thing to reveal reasons of using code switching used by Facebook users in their pages since the phenomenon of code switching was considered as social phenomena that occurred in social community. Merriam (2002, p. 2-3) stated that the understanding of the nature of qualitative research could be situated with the idea that meaning was socially constructed by individuals in interaction with their world, in which there were some actions or process of flowing of multiple constructions and interpretations. On the other hand, the meanings and interpretations they made might be changed continuously. Merriam (2002, p. 5-6) stated several characteristics of qualitative research in his book

All qualitative research is characterized by the search of meaning and understanding, the researcher as the primary instrument of data collection and analysis, an inductive investigative strategy, and a richly descriptive end product.

Thus, using qualitative research was the most appropriate method to convey this research, since the understanding was the goal of this study, and the human instrument came across as a tool of collecting and analyzing data.

B. Research Participants


primary friends of the researcher which have different ages and came from various social backgrounds. The range of their ages was 15 up to 62 years old and most of the participants were students of high school and/or university students. It is also noted that the participants were not students of English Education Program or English Letters Program of any university. The purpose of this selection of the participants was to obtain a valid data of the research.

This research was divided into two methods of data collection. The first method was through observation, and the result of the data is 89 of 500 Facebook users’ of researcher’s primary friend were containing code switching cases. It was started from November 27th, 2009 up to December 7th, 2009. The result came with 185 data gained from Facebook pages of the targets.

The second method employed by the researcher to collect the data was through in-depth interview to twenty Facebook users of the researcher’s primary friends. The fact of frequency of code switching occurred in their pages was the main reason of my research objectives. Those interviews were conducted from January 20th, 2010 up to February 12nd, 2010.

The importance of these informants was significant to this study since it was one of the characteristics of qualitative research. The other importance was to acquire a rich and deep description of code switching in social networking website Facebook.

C. Research Instruments


A second characteristic of all forms of qualitative research is that the researcher is the primary instrument for data collection and data analysis. Since understanding is the goal of this research, the human instrument, which seem to be the ideal means of collecting and analyzing data.

Therefore, the researcher became the primary instrument in order to collect and analyze the data required. Nevertheless, still the researcher engaged two kinds of data collection to facilitate the data, namely observation and in-depth interview. 1. Observation

Marshall and Rosman (2006, p. 99) stated that “Observation is a fundamental and highly important method in all qualitative inquiry.” They believed that observation was used to discover complex interactions in natural social settings. The researcher used observation in order to obtain data from Facebook users’ pages. In this context, the researcher conducted three steps in doing the observation.

First, the researcher made the observation form that contained when the data were taken, Facebook usernames, and the evidences. This observation form was designed to make the researcher easier to analyze the data. The design of the observation form can be seen in Appendix 2.

Second, the researcher examined thoroughly Facebook users’ pages that are being targeted. This was conducted because some Facebook users used some abbreviated words on the sentences they made. Thus, it was important to read their sentences carefully and thoroughly.


code switching data. This step was also aimed to make the research easier to be analyzed.

2. In-depth interview.

Kahn and Cannel (1957) as quoted by Marshall and Rossman (2006, p.101) described interviewing as “a conversation with a purpose.” Consequently, in order to obtain the data the researcher had to design and to structure a set of questions that will be questioned. In addition, in-depth interviewing also required good interpretative skills from the researcher in order to analyze the data. By conducting in-depth interviewing, the researcher should not give any intervention to the partipants’ perspectives on the phenomenon of interest.

D. Data Gathering Technique

There were two methods to acquire the competent research. Merriam (2002, p. 13) offered observation and in-depth interviewing as procedures to convey qualitative research study, and those methods were related each other. Therefore, the researcher engaged those two major methods to obtain qualified data within the research.


The exploration of the required data was not only in the status update form, but also within the comment feature, wall, and note feature. Noted that many Facebook users were using some abbreviated words to shorten the sentences without reducing the meaning of the sentences they made. The subsequent step was to list all the data to the observation form so that the data gathered were easy to be analyzed and comprehended. In addition, the collection of the required data was started from November 27th, 2009 up to December 7th, 2009 which resulted with 185 required data.

The second method was conducting some in-depth interview to twenty (20) Facebook users target. The selection of the participants was conducted randomly. The age of participants was in the range of 15 up to 62 years old came from various social backgrounds. The interviews were conducted from January 20th, 2010 up to February 12nd, 2010 with the core question was about their motives of employing code switching in their phrases or sentences they made. Merriam (2002, p. 13) stated that indices of questions were needed to be guidance within the interviews. The results of in-depth interviewing were recorded in a recorder. It assisted the researcher to reveal the participants’ reasons of using code switching in their phrases and sentences.

E. Data Analysis Technique


Consequently, qualitative data analysis was needed by qualitative researcher because it gave firm practical basis for the research. With the purpose of gaining qualified data, the researcher followed the structured steps in organizing and analyzing the data of qualitative research which were constructed by Creswell (1998) as cited by Leedy and Ormrod (2005). He created a data analysis spiral which was implemented within the following steps:

1. Organizing the data

The data were taken from pages and they are divided from several features, such as status update form, walls, and notes. In addition, the message page of the Facebook users was not included because of its privacy of users. In this section, the researcher examined thoroughly phrases and sentences made by the Facebook users that being targeted. As stated before that the area of exploration in order to get the data required was primarily on status update feature, walls, and note feature of targets’ Facebook pages. The action afterwards listed the code switching cases in the observation forms.

2. Perusing the data

In this section, the researcher read and examined the data thoroughly so that it assisted the researcher to have an overview of data collected.

3. Identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data

After carrying out the previous steps, the data collected in the observation forms were identified to its categories and then classified the data to their type. 4. Integrating and summarizing the data


networking website Facebook has been finished. Creswell (1998) suggested that researchers presented the summary in an organizational scheme such as a table, figure, or diagram. This observation was conducted in order to classify and to reaveal the types of code switching occurred in a social networking website Facebook.

The second method was conducted in order to reveal the reasons of doing code switching in Facebook. It was employed some in-depth interviewing to participants. The records of the participants or interviewees then write out into texts, it aims to make easier the researcher in analyzing the data. Therefore, several reasons for employing code switching within Facebook might be concluded by these in-depth interviewings.

F. Research Procedures

This section described the stages of this study which were organized and done to obtain deep comprehension of the phenomenon being studied. There were seven steps conducted to accomplish the research as follows:

1. Selecting the target page

Since the targets were the primary friends of the researcher, then exploration of those Facebook users pages would become the first thing to do. The limitation on the researcher target was also important in this research.

2. Designing the observation form


time. Observation form was needed to accommodate the data of code switching cases from the target pages. They were used to list all the code switching cases found in Facebook users’ pages so that every code switching case could be clearly seen within its context of the occurrence.

3. Listing the code switching cases on the observation form

After the observation form had been composed, the identification of code switching within participants’ pages could be conducted. Since the code switching cases within their pages were not italicized, the researcher had to separate the language that participants used to be considered as a code switching case and italicized the data found. Afterwards, every code switching case, which was found in participants pages, were listed on the observation forms.

4. Analyzing the types of the list of code switching

Subsequently, the code switching cases which already listed in observation forms were directly analyzed to reveal the types of code switching according to the categories employed in this study.

5. Identifying the reasons for code switching


6. Making conclusion based on the findings

The results of the steps done previously were concluded in this step. They were the answers to the research questions presented in the problem formulation.

7. Reporting


The research procedure could be figure out as follows:

Selecting The Target Page

Designing The Observation Form

Listing The Code Switching Cases on the Observation Form

Analyzing The Types of the List of Code Switching

Identifying The Reasons for Code Switching

Figure 3.1: The Data Analysis Spiral Making Conclusion Based on Findings






As stated in the problem formulation that there were two questions which had to be answered through this research. They were 1) what are types of code switching occurred in social networking website Facebook? 2) what are the reasons for code switching within social networking website Facebook? Therefore, this chapter was presented to discuss the implementation of the research procedures to answer the research questions and obtain the interpretations of the language phenomenon comprehensively.

A. The Types of Code Switching in Social Networking Website Facebook In order to reveal the language phenomenon occurred within a social networking website Facebook, the researcher conducted some literature reviews concerning the language phenomenon. It aims to convince the researcher that the language phenomenon occurred within Facebook was considered as code switching.


Bokamba (1989) supported the researcher’s definition of code switching occurred within a social networking website Facebook by stating that “Code switching is the mixing of words, phrases, and sentences from two distinct grammatical (sub) systems across sentence boundaries within same speech event.”

There were four steps in order to analyze the types of code switching occurred in a social networking website Facebook, in which became a framework for the researcher to conduct this research. Those four steps were adopted from Creswell (1998) as cited by Leedy and Ormrod (2005). There were 1) organizing the data, 2) perusing the data, 3) identifying general categories and classifying each piece of data, and the last 4) integrating and summarizing the data. The implementation and explanation of each step could be seen in the discussion below.

1. Organize the Data

The data of this research were all code switching cases from Facebook users’ pages; in this case they were the primary friends of the researcher. The main focus of data taken was collected from utterances written by Facebook users in their status update feature and wall features. The data collection were started from November 27th, 2009 until December 7th, 2009, and resulted with 185 code switching cases found in the Facebook pages of primary friends of the researcher.


cases onto the first observation form had done. Therefore, in the range of the date of data collection, the code switching cases found in targeted users were organized in the observation form, which could be seen in Appendix 1 and Appendix 3.

There were many evidences that many Facebook users employed code switching in their Facebook pages. It could define that they used the language phenomenon prominently. The code switching cases within Facebook mostly occur within sentences (intrasentential switch) and only few of them occurred between sentences. Subsequently, those code switching cases were listed in the observation form by writing them in the contextual utterances and not merely the switched and juxtaposed language elements. Yet, there were some difficulties arose concerning the utterances made by Facebook users since they shortened some utterances they wrote, but it would not give any distraction to the research because the researcher could understand what they uttered about. The column of the date of data collected and the name of Facebook users were also accomodated as well the evidences column. It was important because it could be valid evidence of the existence of code switching within a social networking website Facebook.

2. Peruse the Data


Facebook users’ pages. The three types and the examples of code switching from Facebook users’ pages were as follows:

a. Intersentential switch; the switch made by interlocutors (Facebook users) occurs between sentences. E.g:

1) Istrht 2 jam, cukup…menuju bandara…I will be missing you grandma. (Participant 59, December 1st, 2009, 08.25 WIB)

2) hey...there's a babby @ my bedroom...hemp...akibat pulang subuh neh u_u (Participant 6, November 22nd, 2009, 10.03 WIB)

3) happy birthday buk!!...tuhan selalu memberkati. I wanna show you….i’ll be as strong as you. hidup tim wonder women!!! You’ll always be number one bukkk…sip! (Participant 9, November 22nd, 2009, 18.35 WIB)

b. Intrasentential switch; the switch made by the interlocutors (Facebook users) occurs within a sentence. E.g:

1) pancen dasar cassava..marmos.., =( (Participant 2, November 22nd, 2009, 09.10 WIB)

2) trackball sudah ngga mau diarahin,sudah lama "kau" ku elus,sekarang kau malah membangkang (Participant 3, November 22nd, 2009, 09.15 WIB) 3) dicari partner kerja yang cocok! Usaha mudah hasil melimpah!

Pembagian hasil 40:60. Semakin giat semakin cepet kaya! Segera hub. aku! (Participant 86, December 7th, 2009, 06.13 WIB)


1) Guys, ikutan yukz donor darah...hari ini jam 10.00 s/d 13.00 di HKBP Rogate Jl. Cemara Raya No. 16. Ditunggu yah...god bless you all.. (Participant 85, December 5th, 2009, 09.03 WIB)

2) bersiap untuk pelatihan contract drafting hari ke-2 dr jam 7-17.30. again, semangat.. (Participant 17, November 24th, 2009, 06.13 WIB)

From the finding of the types of code switching occurred within a social networking website Facebook, it could be concluded that the code switching cases made by Facebook users were varied in length of the juxtaposition of language elements. They were varied from single word up to a complete sentence, which mostly happened within a sentence.

3. Identify General Categories and Classify Each Piece of Data


Table 4.1: The Summary of the Types of Code Switching in a Social
Figure 3.1: the Data Analysis Spiral……………………………………………
Figure 3.1: The Data Analysis Spiral
Figure 3.1: The Data Analysis Spiral


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