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Teaching writing skill using projects based Learning method at ninth grade of SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember


Academic year: 2023

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Presented to state Islamic university of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor Degree (S.Pd)

Education and Teacher Training Faculty English Education Department












Presented as in partial fulfillments of requirement For the bachelor degree of education (S.Pd)

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education English Education Department



Aprrovved By:

Asy’ari, M.Pd.I NIP. 197609115200501004






It has been examined and approved by the board examiners in partial fulfillments of the requirement for the bachelor degree of education (S.Pd)

Education and Teacher Training Faculty English Education Department

Day: Monday Date: 12th December 2022

The Board of Examiners

Chairperson Secretary

Dr. Indah Wahyuni, M.Pd Mega Fariziah Nur Humairoh, M.Pd.

NIP. 198003062011012009 NIP.199003202019032010


1. Dr. Suparwoto Sapto Wahono M.Pd ( ) 2. As'ari, M.Pd.I ( )

Approved by

Dean of Education and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN KHAS Jember

Prof. Dr, Hj. Mukni’ah, M.Pd.I NIP.196405111999032001
















Ask (humans) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good teaching, and argue with them in a good way. (QS An Nahl: 125)*


* Kementrian Agama, Al qur’an,(Semarang, PT Karya Toha, 2016)




Praise and thanks to Allah who has given all the mercies and blessings.

The writer would dedicate this thesis to the people whom he loves yesterday, now and tomorrow ever after

1. My beloved parents. Mr. Abdul Karim and Mrs. Tuhana who have supported me, prayed for me in all day and night. Thank you very much mom and dad, thank you for a countess things, I love you all.

2. My teacher at Banyuanyar islamic boarding school Mr. Mansur Al- maturidy, S.Pd. who has always guided and motivated me to finish my undergraduate thesis.

3. Ahmad mahfudz. My best friends since we were in Junior High School who has been a place for me to tell all the stories I have. Thank you to be loyal.

4. All members of “ SEKAMPRETAN” Apok, Kades, Yoga, Fariz, Aldy,

Fay, Gufroni, Yanti, Nadya, Rita, Khsanah, Rita, and Imel who had colored my life. You all are amazing. Thank you for your presence, tank you for the support to conduct this research.

5. My clasmate JUNGPAJUNGAN CLASS who has accompanied me for four years studying. I am happy to study with you. You thought me a lot of thing. Thank you friends, good luck in your future.




ِمْيِحَّرلا ِن مْحَّرلا ِللها ِمــــــــــــــــــْسِب

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful, all praises and thanks to Allah swt, who has given His blessing and help so that the writer can finish this thesis entitled Teaching writing skill using project based learning method at ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember as one of the requirements to gain bachelor degree in English Education program. Peace be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader and good inspiration of world revolution

In completing this thesis, the writer realizes that he cannot finish it without help, support, guidance, and assistance of so many participants. Therefore, he would like to express his gratitude to them who helped him in completing this thesis

1. Prof. Dr. Babun Suharto, SE., MM. as the rector of state Islamic university of Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq jember who has provided all campus facilities and activities in this collage

2. Prof. Dr. Hj. Mukni’ah, M.Pd.I as the dean of teacher and training education faculty who has given approval to this research.

3. Dr. Rif’an Humaidi, M.Pd.I. as the head of Islamic studies and language education program who has given permission and support to the researcher conducted the research

4. As’ari, M.Pd.I as the thesis advisor who has advised him in conducting and finishing the research.



5. All of the staff of library of UIN Khas Jember, thank you that helped the writer in finding so many references.

6. Sugiarto, S.Pd. As the headmaster of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember who has permitted the researcher to conduct the research at that school.

7. Sudarmono, S.Pd. As The English teacher of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember who has given the researcher much data and support in conducting this research.

Finally, all the God help that you all given to the author received a good reply from God. Need less to say, this thesis is still far for being perfect. The writer will accept gratefully every comment and suggestion

Jember, 25th of November 2022 LUTFIYANTO




Lutfiyanto, 2022: Teaching Writing Skill Using Project Based Learning Method at the Ninth Grade of SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember

Key word: teaching writing, project based learning

Teaching writing is a process where the teacher makes students easy to write well. So the teacher must begin to develop an interesting method to be implemented.

Project based learning is one of method that makes learners have good idea and critical thinking. Project based learning as a learner centered learning method to conduct an in-depth investigation of a topic by making a project as the last result.

Here, project based learning was implemented at ninth grade of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember, the students found it more interesting because it was conducted by team and they could discuss what the good idea and how to design it

The research questions in this research were: 1) How is the goal of teaching writing skill through project based learning at ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember ? 2) How is the material of teaching writing skill through project based learning at ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember ? 3) How is the step of teaching writing skill through project based learning at ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember ? 4) How is the evaluation of teaching writing skill through project based learning at ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember ? The objectives of this research were: 1) To figure out the goal of teaching writing skill through project based learning for ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember. 2) To figure out the material of teaching writing skill through project based learning for ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember. 3) To figure out the steps of teaching writing skill through project based learning for ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember. 4) To figure out the evaluation of teaching writing skill through project based learning for ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember.

This research used qualitative research. The participants were the English teacher and students at ninth grade of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember. The data collection method that have been used were observation, interview and document review. To valid the data, the researcher also used source triangulation and techniques triangulation. Besides, this research also used data analysis included data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions or verifying data

The results of this research were: 1) the goal of teaching writing through project based learning were: The students able to increase motivation to write, the students able to interact with their social life, the students able to have critical thinking, the students were able to interactive and to stimulate student activity. 2) The material of teaching writing through project based learning was procedure text.

3) The steps of teaching writing through project based learning were: the teacher asked students to make group, the teacher gave topic, the teacher explained all elements in the project, the teacher deciding the time, the students conducting the project, the teacher monitored the students’ activity, the teacher assessed the students’ project. 3) The evaluation of teaching writing through project based learning used summative evaluation with some parts of the project that evaluated by the teacher. Such as presentation, contribution and creativity. All those parts were conducted by scale indicator such excellent, good and poor.




COVER ... i



MOTTO ... iv



ABSTRACT ... viii





A. Background of The Research ... 1

B. Research Questions ... 4

C. Objective of Research ... 4

D. Research Significant... 5

E. Definition of Key Term ... 5


A. Previous Research ... 7

B. Theoretical Framework ... 10

1. Teaching Writing ... 10

2. Aspects of Teaching ... 12

3. Writing Skill ... 19

4. Project Based Learning ... 22


A. Research Design ... 31

B. Research Location ... 31



C. Research Subject ... 31

D. Data Collecting Technique ... 32

E. Data Analysis ... 35

F. Data Validity ... 36

G. Research Stage ... 37


A. Findings ... 39

B. Research Findings and Data Analysis ... 43

C. Discussion ... 55


A. Conclusion ... 66

B. Suggestion ... 67





2.1 Similarities and Differences Previous Research and This Research ... 9 4.1 The result of the research findings ... 54



LIST OF APPENDIXES Appendix 1: Matrix of The Research

Appendix 2: Journal of The Research Appendix 3: List of The Students Appendix 4: Students’ Project Appendix 5: Lesson Plan

Appendix 6: Pict Documentation


1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Research

Writing skill plays an essential role in English learnig. It is a productive skill that allows students to get more chances for processing language1. Writing skill is a reflection of ideas, opinion, and thought. It is also a needed skill in composing essay in most academic courses. Although writing is considered as an important skill. Writing seems difficult and challenging for students Among four skills in English2. Most of students are difficult to get a good score in writing. It is supported by the result of preliminary study in a junior high school conducted by the researcher. The result shows that most of students get low score compared with other skills. Hence, it is necessary to teach writing skill effectively.

The demand of applying effective instructions in teaching English, including writing skill, it is stated in the latest curriculum of Indonesia.

According to Regulation of Ministry of Education number 32 year 2013, The process of teaching should be conducted for the sake of teaching the standard of learning outcome which is considered as the goal of teaching learning process. Hence, the instructions should be interactive, inspiring, entertaining, challenging, and motivating to make students actively participate. It also should give the opportunity for students to develop their creativity and independence based on students’ talent, interest, and physical

1Jeremy Harmer. 20 2007. The Practice of Englsh Language Teaching. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

2 Jeremy Harmer,33. 1998. How to Teach English. Essex: Pearson Education Limited.


and psychological growth. Based on the demand of applying an effective instruction above, it is essential to organize instructions by selecting suitable methods.

One of the method which fulfill the aforementioned criteria of good instruction is project-based learning (PJBL). PJBL is an instruction method that shifts traditional teaching practices into long-term activities, which are student-centered, and integrated with real-world issues and practices3. In line with the previous statement, PJBL has been proven as an effective method applied in teaching writing process. There are several studies which shown positive results of PJBL implementation. This study indicated that PJBL is a recommended teaching method in order to succeed students’ learning achievement.

Additionally, PJBL makes students aware of their own English ability and improve English skills in real life contexts. PJBL also develops problem-solving ideas, gained academic knowledge, and finally completed the project successfully in a high motivation. In addition, Simpson proves that PJBL can enhance learning skills such as teamwork, high-order thinking and presentations skills, and self-confidence which promote students’

autonomy focusing on the process of learning4. Meanwhile, PJBL is also effective to be applied to enhance four skills of English.

3 Solomon, G. 2003. Project-based learning: A primer. Technology & Learning, 23, 20-27

4 Simpson, J. 2011. Integrating project-based learning in an English language tourism classroom in a Thai university institution. 33


Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:




















Read in the name of your Lord who created. He has created man from a clot of blood. Read, and your Lord is the Most Gracious. Who teaches (humans) with a (intermediary) pen (Q.S Al-Alaq (96) 1-4)

The first revelation that came down to the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam was the command to read, that is, read from your memory. If not, then from your writing. So Allah Tabaraka wa Ta'ala explains how we should treat this disease, namely forgetfulness. The way to treat forgetfulness is to write

It is even applied for specific skill such as studies which have been conducted by Argawatia5 and 6Ardianti which highlight that project-based learning can be implemented in English speaking skill. Although PJBL is considered as an important method, research on project-based learning related to teaching writing skill is still limited. Thus, this study tries to fill the gap in explaining how project-based learning can help students develop their writing ability.

The use of PJBL (Poject Based Learning) method is suitable as an effective method applied in teaching writing learning process. For teacher as become project in teaching writing at SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember, So that,

5 Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing: The Implementation And Students’ Opinion

6 Ardianti Septina, Implementation of Project-Based Learning Approach In Teaching Writing News Item Text to The Tenth Graders Of SMA I Karangan Trenggalek


researcher interested to conduct a research under the tittle Teaching Writiing Skill Using Project Based Learning (PJBL) at the Ninth grade of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember.

B. Research Questions

Based on the background above, it can be determined the problem that was discussed in this research. Those are:

1. How is the goal of teaching writing skill through project based learning at Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember.?

2. How is the material of teaching writing skill through project based learning at Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember.?

3. How is the step of teaching writing skill through project based learning at Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember.?

4. How is the evaluation of teaching writing skill through project based learning at Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember.?

C. Research Objectives

Based on the research questions above. The research objective for this research are:

1. To figure out the goal of teaching writing skill through project based learning for Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember

2. To figure out the material of teaching writing skill through project based learning for Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember

3. To figure out the steps of teaching writing skill through project based learning for Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember


4. To figure out the evaluation of teaching writing skill through project based learning for Ninth grade of SMPN2 rambipuji Jember

D. Research Significant

The results of this study are required to accept both theoretical and practical significance.

1. Theoretically

The researcher hopes this research can give a good contribution and awesome idea in order to enrich knowledge about Project Based Learning and Teaching Writting.

2. Practically

This research is beneficial because it enrich future researchers’

references in doing other research about Project Based Learning. They can include more variables in different settings such as reading and speaking.

E. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation in reading this research, the writer needs to describe the key term concerning the title as follows:

1. Writing

Writing skill is all the knowledge and abilities related to express ideas through the written word. In this case, writing is communication act;

it is way of sharing information or ideas related to procedure text through project based learning.


2. Project Based Learning

Project based learning (PJBL) is a collection of project that are processed to speculation in which the teachers provide students to choose the choices of project topics initially based on the lessons which have been discussed with the students.



To make sure the originality of the idea in this research, the researcher presented several previous studies that have relevance with this kind of research the researcher will conduct.

Fisrtly, thesis which was written by Rat Dwiyana Putra with The title is

“A Study On The Implementation Of Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing Skill To English Education Department Students of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar In Academic Year 2013/20147”. it was found that the students were already able to catch the Teacher explanation about the essay writing because Teacher gave more guidance in the second project. And at the last project, most of the students stated that the Teacher master the material excellently. The similarity between this research is both of them discuss Project-Based Learning. The differences lie in the research method.

Secondly, journal which was written by Argawati with the tittle “Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing: the Implementation And Students’

Opinion8”. It was found that students thought that PJBL was able to increase their activeness during discussion in writing class, and the motivation as its effect was also elevated. Besides, they felt that the application of PJBL was able to improve not only their knowledge but also their creativity during

7 Rat Dwiyana Putra, A Study On The Implementation Of Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing Skill To English Education Department Students of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar In Academic Year 2013/2014

8 Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, Project Based Learning in Teaching Writing: the Implementation And Students’ Opinion. Journal of englis education, No-2 (juni 2020). 2119.


writing activity on creating mini magazine. The students stated that they were so much happier on joining the lesson. The similarity between the research is the subject of the research is teaching writting. The differences is the object of the reseach.

Thirdly, article wich was written by Vina Aini Salsabila (2018) entitled The Implementation of Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing Of Procedural Text9. The result of the research was each student succeeded in having some improvement in constructing a procedural text. It was seen from the schematic structure and the use of simple present tense, material process, and temporal conjunction in the text which were included as the characteristics of procedural text. Similarities between the research is the method. While the differences is the object.

Fourthly, Article which was written by Septina Ardianti (2013) with the title Implementation of Project-Based Learning approach In Teaching Writing new item text to the tenth grade of SMA 1 Karangan Trenggalek10. The result of this research was implementing game could also help the students become creative and success not only in speaking but also in other term, it was simply because the students feel enjoy, motivated, interest, and enthusiastic in participating the activities in the class, that is the important one. Similarity researchers research about Project Based Learning. The differences between the resarch lied on research subject

9 Salsabila Vina Aini, Implementation of Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing Of Procedural Text


Fifthly, article which was written by Sri Wahyuni (2013) entitled The Implementation of Project-Based Learning to Direct Students In Writing A Research Proposal11. The result of this this research was PJBL brough students to the awareness of advantages of Linguistic and Educational Research class.

PJBL is beneficial to teach Linguistic and Educational Research and to give practical experiences to students in writing research proposal.

Table 2.I

Smilarities and Differences Previous Research and this research

No Tittle of Research Similarity Differences

1 2 3 4

1 A Study On The Implementation Of

Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing Skill To English Education

Department Students of Mahasaraswati University Denpasar In Academic Year 2013/2014 (2014)

Both of them discuss Project- Based Learning

the previous was a descriptive

research using mixed method while this current use equaitative

2 Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing: The Implementation And Students’ Opinion (2020)

Both researchers research about teaching writting

The research was using Class action Research while this research using qualitative 3 Implementation of Project-

Based Learning In Teaching Writing Of Procedural Text

a. Both of them use qualitative method b. Both of them

research about project based learning at speaking

Te research conducted at Private Junior High School in West Bandung while this research

conduct at SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember

11 Wahyuni Sri, The implementation of Project-Based Learning to Direct Students In Writing A Research Proposal.


4 The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Approach In Teaching Writing News Item Text to The Tenth Graders Of SMA 1 Karangan Trenggalek (2014)

Both of the research ia about Project Based Learning

The research conducted at SMA 1 Karangan

Trenggalek while this recent

conducted at

SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember

5 The Implementation of Project-Based Learning to Direct Students In Writing A Research Proposal.


Both of the research discuss about Project Based Learning

The bprevious research nused mixed method while this research used equalitative The research gap in this research was the previous research did not explore the steps of project based learning detailly, and also those researches did not mention the rubric or how the teacher evaluated students based on project based learning, most of the researchers in the previous research only focused to say that PJBL able to increase students’ learning . Besides, this research not only focused to the steps used by the teacher to implement project based learning detally, but also exploring the rubric used or how the teacher evaluated students based on project based learning

B. Theoretical Framework 1. Teaching Writing

According to Harmer (2007) he stated that teaching writing is more than just dealing with the feature12. It is about helping students to communicate real message inappropriate manner. It means that teacher as an important role in teaching writing and teacher should know to make

12 Harmer. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching (Pearson Education) 335


students easily to write well. Teachers play an important role in teaching writing as they need to create the correct condition for generating ideas and motivate students to write. So the teacher must began to develop what is now termed the process approach to writing instruction. Process approaches do most of the following

a. Focus on the process writing that leads to the final written product.

b. Help students writers to understand their own composing process.

c. Help them to build reportoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting and rewriting.

d. Give students time to write and rewrite.

e. Place central importance on the process of revision.

f. Lets students discover what they want to say as they write.

g. Give students feedback throught out the composing process (not just on the final product) as they attemp to bring their expression closer and choser to intention.

h. Encourage feedback from both the instructor and peers.

i. Include indiviual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition.

However, there are three genres of text in teaching junior high school. They are :

a. Descriptive Text

Text Descriptive text or description text is a text which is intended to describe a particular person, place or thing.


b. Procedure Text

Procedure Text is a text which the writer describes how something is accomplished throught audio visual media of action or steps. The social function of procedure text is to tell how to do and to make somethingin a chronological order. The following are the language features of procedure text has a statement of goal (title), material section include methods/procedures/steps, uses letters or numbers to indicate the order of the steps, explicit, clear description of materials, explicit information about the procedure (how, when), employs imperative verb (put,make), uses unit if measures (centimeters, inches), list of materials in orders of use, and includes temporal terms (then, after). This research will focus on procedural text

c. Report Text

According to Moss & Lapp that writing a report text requires students to explore factual information and create a format for sharing information. Using report text organizer students write a report text describing the topic. The purpose of report text is written to inform the audiences on a topic, as it is in general and to indentify an object and describe the object or thing in its classification, class, group, species.

2. Aspects of Teaching a. Goal of Teaching

Every teaching implementation always has goal. The implementation of teaching is for student to get learning experience, and


show better attitude, which is the change positive and permanent. The teaching goal is thetarget of every teaching method13. A goal has value in teaching, event it is called that goal is the most iportant factor in teaching learning process.14 Therefore, teaching goal is the main point to be determained before teacher decide the methode and media of learning.

The teaching is to grow or complete attitude of student. The attitude of student is basic blueprint of some activitieswhich done by human to survive and gain there quality concretely. Spritual activity is one of these activities such as observe , analyze and asess the situation logically. The other is pysic activity which is done with energy and ability. Generally human acts,as human if those activities are conducted correlated each other. Pysical is suported by pysicological activities

In the process of teaching. The four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) are simultaneously performed.

Normally, Learners in an EFL context do not use the language in authentic situations, they process inability in comunicating appropriately and correctly.

b. Material of Teaching

The purpose of utilizing teaching resource in class is to assist the teacher with the peresentation and transission of educational content and

13 Imas Kurniasih and Berlin sari, Lebih Memahami Konsep dan proses Pembelajaran Implementasi dan Praktek dalam Kelas, (Jakarta: Kata Pena, 2017), 8

14 Oemar Hamalik, Proses Belajar Mengajar, (Bu mi Aksara, 2010), 80


the achivement of educational objectives whilst aiding the student in acquiring knowledge and profiling different abilities and values.

Teaching maerial is arranged systematically according to concept of psychology. In order to make the learning as the goal from student’s attitude. According to kurniasih, choosing of teaching material should be in line with measure to choose content of curriculum based on the course15. There are some Material’s criteria that the teacher should attendtioned before determaining the material. they are:

1) The material should be in line with goal of learning.

2) The material should be measured and identified.

3) Relevance with student’s necessity.

4) Relevance with condition of society.

5) The material consists of ethics values.

6) Teaching aterial is arranged in logic and siytematic concept.

7) Teaching material should be sourced from authentic sources, characteristic of teacher master, and society.

c. Teaching Method

In the process of the teaching activities, every student has different vibes in learning english and it would give different progress, because it held in different ways, experiences and facilities and it represent the condition of the student in the class today that they were passive in learning process.

15 Imas Kurniasih , Sukses Mengajar: Panduan Lengkap Menjadi Guru Kreatif dan Inovatif (Pustaka Diantara, 2017), 23-24


Choosing the approriate learning method should calculates the time provided. Agood plan of learning is utilizing time allocation detail in order to make the learning process runs dynamically, no losing time, opening main, and closing are planed systematically,16

There are some cariteria in choosing learning method, they are;17 1) Goal of teaching is change of student’s attitude after learning 2) Mateial of teaching, provide mateial formed as evidence which

need a different method from material of concept, procedure or principle.

3) The number of class is the number of student following the class.5 to 10 students necessarydifferent teaching method fo class with 50 to 100 students.

4) The ability of the student catch the material, it is acording to the mental, pysic and intelectual.

5) The ability to use many several method optimally

6) Provided facility, tools and facilities that can be used to improve the efectiveness o teaching.

7) Povide time, the number of time allocated to provide teaching material.

16 Imas Kurniasih and Berlin Sani, Lebih Memahami Konsep dan Proses Pembelajaan:

Implementasi dan praktek dalam kelas, 2017, (Jakarta: Kata Pena),9

17 Imas Kurniasih , Sukses Mengajar: Panduan Lengkap Menjadi Guru Kreatif dan Inovatif (Pustaka Diantara,2017),29-30


c. Teaching Evaluation

The last component in teaching plan is to assess how far the goal has been achived and the next action after the evaluation. Hyland18 stated that assessment refers to the ways of collecting information on learners’ language ability or achievement.

A key priority within the evaluation and assessment framework is to develop indicators and measures of system performance that permit a good understanding of how well schooling is being delivered.

Besides, there are 4 general evaluation that can be used to teach students, those are19

1) Placement evaluation

It is used in setting of the position of students in some programs.

2) Diagnostic Evaluation

It is for looking for the cause of difficulty in learning, such as psychology background, physic, and student’s social economy 3) Summative Evaluation

It is one of evaluation that conducted at the end of teaching and learning proccess.

4) Formative evaluation

It is one of evaluation that conducted during teaching and learning proccess.

18 Hyland, Ken. Second Language Writing. (New York: Cambridge University Press: 2003), 213

19 Harjanto, Perencanaan Pengajaran (Jakarta: PT Asdi Mahasatya, 2000), 283-284.


Forms of formative evaluation contained of test techniques and non-test techniques. Those explains as follows:

1) Test Technique a) Description Test

Description test is a form of test that contains several questions each containing problems and demand student answers through word descriptions in reflecting students' thinking abilities20. In short, This test contains questions in the form of problems which then students are able to think to answer over that problem.

b) Objective Test

Objective test is a test with short and one of the form of test consisting of items that can be answered by the tester by choosing one or more. There are types of objective tests, including complete test, choice test double, match, and choose between true/false21

c) Oral Test

Oral test is a test used to measure the ability of students in the communication carried out can be individually or in groups written22. Oral test is a test that requires students to answer questions through face-to-face communication process to measure learning outcomes students who are proven orally.

20 Haryanto, Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Yogyakarta: UNY Press, 2020), 155.

21 Asrul, Rusydi Ananda, dan Rosita, Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Bandung: Citapustaka Media, 2015)

22 Moh. Sahlan, Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Jember: STAIN Jember Press, 2015


d) Performance Test

Performance tests are tests carried out by means of observing and assessing student activities or performance in do something23. More specifically, students of the lesson practice directly on the problem action questions.

2) Non-Test Technique a) Observation

Observation is a way to collect materials information that is carried out through the process of observation and systematic recording of phenomena24. Clearly, Observation test is a test used by researchers to obtain information through systematic observation.

b) Interview

Interviews are a way of gathering information through a one-sided oral question and answer, face to face, and with the direction and goals that have been set.

c) Attitude Scale

The attitude scale is a non-test instrument that using a closed-ended questionnaire, in which the question or the statement contains the properties of the value being learning objectives.

23 Shlan, Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Bumi aksar, 2003),95

24 Rina Febrian , Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Jakarta: Bumi aksar, 2019) ,47


3. Writing Skill

a. Definition of Writting

Generally, language has two major skills, receptive and productive skills. Receptive are skills needed to perceive also understand the language. Receptive skills consist of reading and listening. Meanwhile, writing and speaking belong to the productive skill of the language. Productive skills are skills which enable students to produce language by themselves25. On the other hand, productive skills are required for learners to be able to build communication through the language.

Writing is a productive skill of the English language which needs to be mastered by the English language learners because writing is a means of communication and is considered as the indicator of communication competence of the target language. A good writing skill represents learners’ ability in communicating through English. Written language is used to communicate with others who are removed in time and space26. Furthermore, Harmer27 states that writing is the only skill which enables learner to produce a real product, in which the product is touchable, readable, as well as keep able for a long period of time.

Written language can be re-read again in accordance with what the readers need.

25 Harmer. How to Teach Writing (Pearson Education: 2007), 265

26 Nunan, D. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. MA : Heinle & Heinle. 275

27 Jeremy Harmer,. How to Teach Writing. Essex: (Pearson Education Limited: 2004). 120


According to Nunan28 people also need permanent records which could be referred to over and over again. Furthermore, written language tends to be more exact and precise rather than spoken language.

Therefore, it will not cause any confusion, misunderstanding, or misinterpretation to the readers. Other than that, writing can be defined a learning process which involves critical thinking to convey one’s ideas and thoughts. It is also an action or a process of discovering and organizing ideas into a paper as well as reshaping and revising. It is something which can be learnt through.

b. The characteristics of Written Language

According to Brown29, there are seven characteristics of writing based on a writer perspective:

1) Permanence

When a writing product is finalized and have been delivered to the intended audience, a writer abdicates a chance to correct, to clarify, and to deprive the writing.

2) Production time

To complete a writing product, the writer is given appropriate stretches of time. Through the given time, the writer can become a good writer by developing efficient processes to achieve the final goal. However, writing in the context of education usually demands students to write within the time limits.

28 Nunan. Second Language Teaching and Learning. MA : (Heinle & Heinle: 1999). 275

29 Brown. Teaching by Principles an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy second edition (San Fransisco: Longman, 2001). 341


3) Distance

In making a writing text, a writer must anticipate the readers in the way of how words, phrases, sentences and paragraphs will be interpreted. The distance factor demands the writer to have an ability to read their writing from the perspective of the reader

4) Complexity

In the written language, the writers should be able to know how to move redundancy, how to combine sentences, and how to make references to other text elements, etc.

5) Vocabulary

Written language requires more vocabulary use than spoken language. The richness of vocabulary is very helpful for writers since their writing will be interesting and not be monotonous as they do not repeat the same words over again.

6) Formality

When dealing with any writing activity, the writer has to consider about the concademic writing in which they are required to learn how to describe, explain, compare, contrast, defend, argued etc c. Genre of the Text

According Gerot and Wignell30 categorize types of genre into 13 types, namely spoof/recount, recount, report, analytical, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure, description, hortatory exposition,

30 Hyland, Ken. Second Language Writing. (New York: Cambridge University Press: 1994).



explanation, discussion, and reviews. Furthermore, there are the text type and the purpose of the text:

1) Poetic: to express the feelings or experiences of the poet so as to describe, praise or criticize.

2) Dramatic: to portray human experience through enactment sometimes in order to make social comment.

3) Narrative: to construct a view of the world that entertains or informs the reader or listerner.

4) Response: to respond, to an artistic by providing a description of the work and judgement.

5) Discussion: to present differing opinions on a subject to the reader or listener

6) Explanation: to explain how or why something occurs.

7) Exposition: to argue or persuade by presenting one side of an issue.

8) Report: to classify, describe or to present information about a subject.

9) Procedure: to instruct someone on how something can be done.

4. Project Based Learning

a. Definition of Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a learning method which is not new in the field of English as a Second Language and is thought to be relevant with the teaching and learning of English in the 21st century. Poonp


on31 stated that project-based learning is an instructional approach that contextualizes learning by presenting learners with problems to solve or product to develop. Furthermore, Solomon32 emphasizes that project-based learning focuses on learning through student-centred, interdisciplinary, and integrated activities in real world situations.

In project-based learning, students are responsible fully for their own learning. They work collaboratively to solve problems. Project- based learning concerns on the learning activity based on real world problems and challenges that require students to work as a team through meaningful activities and result in a final product, Simpson.

Stoller33 added that project work is a part of cooperative learning. It allows students to work on their own, in a small group, or as a whole- class. Throughout the process, the students share their ideas, resources, and expertise.

In other word, project based learning is a learner-centered learning model to conduct an in-depth investigation of a topic.

Learners Constructively carry out deepening of learning with the approach research-based problems and questions that are weighty, real, and relevant. It helps students to inquire. Students drive their own

31 Kornwipa Poonpo.Enhancing english skill through project based learning. Journal the English teacher:2011. 189

32 Solomon. Project-based learning: A primer. Technology & Learning. (Alfabet: Bandung: 2003).


33 Stoller, Frederica L. 2002. Project-Work: A Means to Promote Language and Content. English Teachers' Journal (June: 2002). 132


learning through inquiry, as well as work collaboratively to create projects that reflect their knowledge

b. Characteristic of Project Based Learning

There are some characteristicts of project based learning that was deliered by Kubiatko. Those are as follows34:

1) Self responsibility for thinking and learning to focus on content learning rather than on specific language patterns

2) Student-centered with the teacher as a facilitator or coach 3) Encourages collaboration amongest students

4) Leads to the authentic integration of language skills and processing information from multiple sources

5) Allows learners to demostrate their understanding of content knowledge through an end product such as an oral presentation, a poster session, a bulletin board display, or a stage performance

6) Bridges the use of English in class and the use of English in a real life context

Other characteristics of project based learning delivered by Global SchoolNet on the research. Those are35

1) Students make decisions within a prescribed framework

2) There’s a problem or challenge without a predetermined solution.

34 Milan Kubiatko.Project Based Learning Characteristic and The Experience With Aplication In The Science Subjects. Social and education studies, Vol-3, No-1 (2011),67.

35 Global SchoolNet.( 2000). Introduction to Networked Project-Based Learning.

Assessed on 19 July 2022 from http://www.gsn.org/web/pbl/whatis.htm


3) Students design the process for reaching a solution.

4) Students are responsible for accessing and managing the information they gather.

5) Evaluation takes place continuously.

6) Students regularly reflect on what they’re doing.

7) A final product is produced and evaluated for quality.

8) The classroom has an atmosphere that tolerates error and change c. The goal of Project-Based Learning

English method has the goal of focusing students, so that they are able to use English for communication and as a tool for furthering their studies. Goal is the target that should be decided before conducting teaching activity. Regading it, there some goals of project based learning which were delivered by Railsbcak. Those are36:

1) Increase student motivation

2) Connecting learning at school with real events in the Surrounding environment

3) Forming students' work attitudes 4) Communication and social

5) Increase the student’s ctitical thinking 6) Improve students’ ability

7) Increase students’ confidence

36 Jennifer Railsbcak, . 2002. Project Based Instruction : creating excitement for learning.

Northwest : (Educational Laboratory) 143


d. Procedures of Project-Based Learning

Some procedures that can be used by the teacher to implement Project based learning. Those are37 :

1) Speculation

Speculation is activity in which the teacher choise of project topics initially based on curriculum and discuss with students. In this stage, the teacher and students speculate possibilities that will lead to the project smoothly, however for the beginer or lower level students’.

2) Designing

Designing is the project activities, reffering to organizing the sturucture of aproject activity that includes group formation, role assigning, concening methodology decision information source, etc

3) Conducting

Counducting is the project activities in which the students work what had been planed and designed in the previous stage, the students gather information, discuss it with their group member, consult problems enountered in their work with the teacher and exhibit their final products that might in form of presentation, performance product, publication, etc.

37 Darini bilqis maulani. The use of project based learning in improving the students speaking skill(a classroom action research at one of primary school in bandung. Jurnal of English and education.Vol-1,No-1(2013),32.


4) Evaluation

Evaluation is reffering the asssesment of activities from the participants and discussion about wheter the initial aims and the goals have been achived, implementation of the process, and final project

e. The Steps of Project Based Learning

There are some steps of project based learning which can be used by the teacher in teaching students. Those are as follows38

1. The teacher asks students to make group during conducting project 2. The teacher gives topic

3. The teacher Decides the time on how long the students doing project

4. The teacher introduce and explain all elements included in it a) stationary

b) ruler c) cutter d) adhesive

5. The teacher asks students to discusses the content while preparing the own project with the team

6. The teacher monitors students’ activity while helping them to prepare the project

38 Ningtyas Orilina Argawati, “Project-Based Learning In Teaching Writing: The Implementation And Students’ Opinion”. English Education Department, Faculty of Language Education, IKIP Siliwangi. Journal of English Education.Vol-8. No-2. (2020). 221


7. The teacher conducted to do peer correction to know the students’ error in writing and they could revise it

f. Evaluation of Project Based Learning

Evaluation of project-based learning is important to decide.

Rubric is the thing that used to to assess project-based learning. It can be used for the teacher to evaluate students’ progress in making the project and give the feedback for the students. According to Reynold39, there two kinds of rubric that can be used to implement project based learning, those are analytical scoring rubric and holistic scoring rubric. Analytical scoring rubric is detail rubric that refers to specific description on students’ strength and weakness. Besides, holistic scoring rubric is less detail. Reynold also explained that Rubric has rating scale to indicate the evaluation of project based learning quality which consisted of:

1) outstanding 2) good

3) average 4) poor

According to Clark, metioned that there are some parts that can be evaluated throght project based learning. Those are40:

39 Noni Agustina, “Assessment of Project-Based Learning In Science Class”, Jurnal Siliwangi.

Vol. 2. No.2. (Nov. 2016). 139

40 Bethany A. Clark, “Project Based Learning: Assessing and Measuring Student Participation”

research and evaluation in literacy and thegnology. (2017). 8


1) Creative/critical thinking, 2) Collaboration

3) Communication 4) Creativity

g. The Advantage and Disadvantage of Project Based Learning.41 1) Advantage

a) project based learning based on authentic activities where the activities are anything that students are expected to do beyond getting input truth writing

b) project based learning could enhance students’ English language skill,indicated with some research that the students able to develope theire writing while aplaying project based learning.

c) Project based learning is motivating element exspesially for young learners

d) project based learning become more competence in the use of target language and promote learner othonomy.

e) project based learning has been describe as an effective way of engaging simultaneous acquisition of language, contentand skill.

2) Disadvantage

a) Project based learning may get stuck without teacher if teachers are not properly trained or equipped with needed skills and

41 Aziza kavlu. Implementation of project based learning (PBL) in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Classroomsi fazalar Educational Instutitutions (Iraq). International jurnal of social sciences & Educational Studies Vol-4 No-2 (2017) 72


abilities they might not be able to help their students learn key concepts effectively.

b) Project based learning requires team work, some disagreement or clashes may happen, and conceivably, it m ay be difficult for teachers to detect and realize these features in the implementation of Project based learning.



This study used qualitative method. This method was chosen because the researcher explained the content of this research in the form of words, therefore as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from people and observable behavior.42

While the type of this method used was qualitative descriptive. The goal of qualitative descriptive studies is a comprehensive summarization, in colloquial terms, of specific events experienced by individuals or groups of individuals’.43.

The researcher has chosen descriptive qualitative because he wanted to describe in detail how project based learning implemented at SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember.

B. Research Location

This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Rambipuji. The school located at Jl. Widuri no.1 Pecoro Kec. Rambipuji. Kab. Jember The researchers involved students of 9th Class in the academic year 2021/2022.

There were 31 students involved.

C. Research Subject

The subjects of the study were 9th class students of SMPN 2 Rambipuji Jember. The researcher observed the teacher and students, they

42 J Lexy Moleong, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2012), 6.

43 Mattew B. Milles dan A. Michael Hubermen, Analisis Data Kualitatif, 2014. Page 17-19.


were chosen as the subjects of this study because they have enough knowledge in writing English. The data were obtained through observation, interview and document reiew.

This research used purposing sampling technique. This technique is choosing research subject based on consideration and a specific purpose.

Below is the research subject that has been decided:

1. The headmaster of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember, which the researcher set as informants in order to obtain the historical data when the beginning of the research.

2. English teacher, which the researcher set as informants in order to obtain related data goal of teaching, material, steps, and evaluation of teaching through project based learning method.

3. Members of the Ninth grade of SMPN2 Rambiipuji Jember. The researcher set members as informants in order to obtain the data of the successful members‟ studying by conducting project based learning method.

D. Data Colection Technique

There were three techniques to collect the data of this study consisted of classroom observation, interview and Documentat review.

1. Observation

Observation can be called as a technique in which the researcher used in taking field note of individual behavior and activities of the research site.


The researcher observed the location where the research was carried out. The purpose of this observation is to know how the students teaching process through project based learning. By using the observation the researcher can know a description of the students’ behavior, learning process, natural phenomenon, problems and how to solve them. The observation is used when the object of research is human behavior, work process, natural phenomena and small respondent44

There were some observation that conducted by researcher.

They are:

a. Goal of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

b. Material of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

c. Steps of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

d. evaluation of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

2. Interview

In this research, the researchers used semi structured interview.

This type of interview was included in in-dept interview category,where in implementation is more free when compared with structured interviews.

The purpose of This type of interview is to find problems more

44 Sugiyono, MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D Bandung: (Alfabeta, 2011), 145.


openly, where parties interviewees were asked for their opinions and ideas. In conducting interviews, researchers need to listen carefully and take notes stated by the informant

In this study, the researcher used semi structured interview with the aim of knowing the whole activities in implementing of project based learning dealing with teaching English:

a. Goal of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

b. Material of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

c. Steps of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

d. evaluation of teaching writing through project based learning at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

3. Documentat review

The researcher used documentat review as the way to collect the data. Document review is a record of events that has passed in the form of writing, pictures, or monumental works of someon. Documentation review consisted of public and private records that qualitative researchers obtain about a site or participants in a study, and it can include notes, transcripts, books, newspaper, inscriptions, meeting minutes, journal, agenda, and etc.


The data that were obtained through documentat review were:

a. Data of teacher and students at second grade of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

b. The organizational structure of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

c. Photos of PJBL implementation activities at Ninth grade students of SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

d. The evaluation sheet of project based learning used by the english teacher at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

E. Data Analysis

This section presents the data analysis procedures that were performed on the collected data in order to answer the research questions.

In this study, researchers applied data analysis according to Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, among others45

1. Data Condensation

Data condensation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplification, abstracting, and/or changing the data that appears in the written field notes, interview transcripts, documents, and other empirical material. Using the condensation data will become stronger. The need for data condensation due to data that obtained things those need to be considered to choose things main/important and look for themes and patterns.

45 Matthew B. Miles, A. Michael Huberman, and Johnny Saldana, Qualitative Data Analysis (USA: SAGE Publishing, 2014), 15 & 16.


2. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is presented data. In qualitative research, data presentation can be done in form of short descriptions, charts, relationships between categories. Miles and Huberman stated that the most frequently used in qualitative research to present data is with text that narrative.

3. Verifying Conclusion

The last stream of analysis activity is conclusion drawing and verification. From the start of data collection, the qualitative analyst interprets explanation, causal flows and proposition. The component researcher holds these conclusions lightly, maintaining openness and skepticism. Then, verification is a fleeting second thought crossing analysts mind during writing with the elaboration and argumentation to develop inter-subjective consensus to conclude

F. Data Validity

The validity of the data used by researchers was triangulation of techniques and triangulation of source. Triangulation is defined as checking data from various sources and various ways.

1. Sources Triangulation. To test the credibility of the data is done by checking data from different sources with the same technique. The data was obtained from the interview and observation process with the teacher and students regarding the implementation of project based learning in teaching writing at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember


2. Techniques Triangulation. To test the credibility of the data that was done by checking the data to the same source with different techniques46. The data was obtained from the interview and observation process with the teacher and students regarding the implementation of project based learning in teaching writing at SMPN2 Rambipuji Jember

G. Procedure of the Research

Procedure of the research is a part which explains the research start from preface research, design development, the real research, and until report the writing or the result47. In this research there were three procedures that implemented. Those are:

1. Stage of Pre-field Research

This is the first stage where it was determined what must be done before a researcher came to the field of research object. There were six pre-field stages, those are:

a. Arranging a research plan b. Selecting the research field c. Managing the license

d. Exploring and evaluate the field of research e. Selecting the participant or the informants f. Prepare the research instrumen

46 Sugiyono, MetodePenelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D Bandung: (Alfabeta, 2011), 130

47 Tim Penyusun, Pedoman Karya Ilmiah, 48.


2. Stage of Fieldwork

The second procedure after getting the research licensed was the researcher entered the informant or research object to collect the data with observation, interview and document review to get any information about the implementation of teaching writing skill through project based learning.

3. Stage of Data Analysis

This is the last stage after getting the data. This stage was analyzing the data that include of data reduction, data display and drawing and verify it. Next, after the data analyzed, the last step has been done was making a research report.


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