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Lampiran 1: Pengklasifikasian Perusahaan Berdasar Siklus Hidup


Academic year: 2019

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Lampiran 1: Pengklasifikasian Perusahaan Berdasar Siklus Hidup


Sub Sektor Keramik, Porselen dan Kaca

1 AMFG + - - Maturity + - - Maturity - + - Decline

Sub Sektor Logam dan Sejenisnya


Shake-17 PICO + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - + Growth

Sub Sektor Plastik dan Kemasan

1 AKKU - + + Decline - + + Decline - + + Decline

Sub Sektor Pakan Ternak

1 CPIN + - + Growth + - + Growth + - + Growth

2 JPFA + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

3 MAIN - - + Intro - - + Intro - - + Intro

4 SIPD - + - Decline + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

Sub Sektor Kayu dan Pengolahannya

1 SULI + + - Shakeout + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

2 TIRT + + - Shakeout + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

Sub Sektor Pulp dan Kertas



Sub Sektor Mesin dan Alat Berat

1 AMIN - - + Intro - - + Intro

Sub Sektor Tekstil dan Garmen


12 SSTM + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

13 STAR - - + Intro + + - Shakeout + + - Shakeout

14 TFCO + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

15 TRIS + - + Growth + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

16 UNIT + + - Shakeout - - + Intro - - + Intro

Sub Sektor Alas Kaki

1 BATA + - - Maturity - + - Decline - + - Decline

Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman



2 HMSP + - - Maturity + - + Growth + - + Growth

3 RMBA - - + Intro - - + Intro - - + Intro

4 WIIM + - + Growth + - + Growth + - + Growth

Sub Sektor Farmasi

1 DVLA + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

2 INAF + - - Maturity + - + Growth + - + Growth

3 KAEF + - + Growth + - + Growth + - + Growth

4 KLBF + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

5 MERK + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

6 PYFA + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

7 SCPI - - + Intro - - none - - none

8 SIDO + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

9 SQBB + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

10 TSPC + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

Sub Sektor Komsetik dan Kep. Rumah Tangga

1 ADES + - - Maturity + - + Growth + - + Growth

2 KINO - - + Intro - - + Intro

3 MBTO + + - Shakeout + - + Growth + - + Growth

4 MRAT - - + Intro - - + Intro - - + Intro

5 TCID + - + Growth + + - Shakeout + + - Shakeout

6 UNVR + - - Maturity + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

Sub sektor Peralatan Rumah Tangga

1 CINT + - + Growth + - - Maturity + - - Maturity

2 KICI + - - Maturity - - + Intro - - + Intro

3 LMPI + - - Maturity + - + Growth + - + Growth


Lampiran 2: Data Tahap Introduction

THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


2014 0,047565 0,018868 1,157072 5,015797 0,000004

0,005962 0,048294 0,462518 1,036982 0,002307428

2015 -0,1826 -0,13404 0,293996 0,489176 0,105387501



THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


2016 0,1453 0,162378 1,638475 0,533783 0,120687293


Lampiran 3: Data Tahap Growth

THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


2014 0,080000 0,905216 0,396670


xxi THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


2015 0,191200 1,326692 1,275887


8 0,176904

0,046000 0,250267 0,710074



THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


xxiii THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


2016 0,248000 0,828360 0,349473


THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


xxv THN Profitabilita

s Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


0,149059 0,675005 1,142092


6 0,000067

0,373000 1,482480 2,183761


0 0,469845

0,110000 1,164727 0,687062


5 0,025144

-0,030200 0,155538 0,756180


9 0,105370

0,123600 0,185771 1,089422


9 0,204463

0,150000 0,828315 1,008344


6 0,005066

0,020000 0,608510 2,389744


0 0,007685

0,017000 0,883136 0,965404



Lampiran 4: Data Tahap Shakeout

THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


2014 0,051300 1,321069 4,687886 0,551488 0,000986

0,184100 0,272051 0,528237 1,044534 0,021230

2015 -0,090000 7,596368 2,313196 0,384108 0,011747

-0,018950 0,130262 0,668378 5,179813 0,000070

2016 2,342943 -0,470048 0,070899 0,316089 0,007924


xxvii Lampiran 5: Data Tahap Mature

THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

2015 0,176 1,593478 4,308297 0,643968 0,297964


xxix THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas


THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

2016 0,155 1,158779 3,948065 0,509502 0,225276


xxxi THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


0,012658 0,019422 0,050961 1,53904 0,026413

0,03 0,077054 0,524336 0,947881 0,007053

-0,0578 0,030119 0,192226 0,650841 0,00879

0,02 1,434596 1,865122 0,57764 4,11E-05

0,063 0,2393 0,940069 1,409891 0,005744

-0,1811 0,820454 0,42971 1,86992 0,244584

0,06146 0,613604 4,706522 1,258312 0,007272

0,066255 0,359213 0,796664 1,54502 0,087245

0,022 5,700001 1,647517 1,409404 1

0,196278 0,886517 1,919065 1,192517 0,321746

0,121 0,286142 1,056304 0,812299 0,368901

1,196784 2,401005 0,527099 1,434398 0,003642

0,22 0,425094 1,695139 1,420009 0,021494

0,069 0,545027 0,774247 1,467617 1,73E-05

0,2034 1,397746 3,549832 1,105394 0,003571

0,169 0,521974 0,187391 1,164961 0,503403

0,141 0,540108 2,265636 0,947753 0,001247

0,1845 3,723621 2,659938 1,272443 0,563804

0,264 1,32276 2,229133 1,390991 0,001261

0,0488 0,320049 1,056619 1,298624 0,069451

0,171 2,749448 6,697069 0,854649 0,047586

0,46 1,879801 2,860328 1,182232 2,96E-05

0,115 0,446073 1,735568 1,387566 0,006787

1,341 0,768809 0,384598 2,391855 0,888379


Lampiran 6: Data Tahap Decline

THN Profitabilitas Leverage Likuiditas Aktivitas

Pengambilan Keputusan


2014 -0,1484 0,06142 0,258595 0,505877 0,034582

0,0002 0,00000 1,96658 0,04214 0,52876

-153,73 0,02842 1,10488 0,04700 0,00000

0,0038 0,546624 0,943836 0,894978 0,038032

2015 0,12 1,29944 6,846674 0,414862 0,072367

0,02 0,206716 0,49871 0,533383 0,051955

-1,5773 -0,04648 0,229265 0,362009 0,00485

-0,5215 0,133128 -2,54447 0,691049 3,13E-06

0,24 0,63829 0,838808 1,293733 0,983071

2016 0,09 0,336648 6,657836 0,348558 0,128263

-0,04 0,116701 0,49871 0,478588 0,050051

0,072 0,309261 0,229265 0,676503 0,009767

0,1378 0,225731 -2,54447 0,959283 0,003085

0,0263 0,128928 0,838808 0,094728 0,272429



Lampiran 7: SPSS Tahap Introduction


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Profitabilitas 43 -1,757200 2,473158 -,03629659 ,522997035

Leverage 43 -,091173 2,085296 ,55787210 ,575000810

Likuiditas 43 ,148003 1,578014 ,64289296 ,387060526

Aktivitas 43 ,026730 5,015797 ,96849734 ,948509568


nvestor 43 ,000004 ,079899 ,00838894 ,015600432

Valid N (listwise) 43

Uji R Square

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,598a ,357 ,290 ,013146836 1,570

a. Predictors: (Constant), Aktivitas, Profitabilitas, Leverage, Likuiditas b. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji F


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression ,004 4 ,001 5,285 ,002b

Residual ,007 38 ,000

Total ,010 42

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor


Uji Multikolonieritas dan uji t



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) -,007 ,005 -1,576 ,123

Profitabilitas -,002 ,004 -,075 -,566 ,575 ,967 1,034

Leverage ,005 ,004 ,176 1,330 ,191 ,970 1,031

Likuiditas ,023 ,005 ,576 4,283 ,000 ,935 1,070

Aktivitas -,002 ,002 -,117 -,865 ,392 ,924 1,082

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji Heteroskedastisitas



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) ,012 ,012 1,022 ,313

Profitabilitas -,004 ,010 -,062 -,378 ,707

Leverage ,000 ,009 ,003 ,020 ,984

Likuiditas ,007 ,014 ,090 ,543 ,591

Aktivitas -,004 ,006 -,120 -,720 ,476



Lampiran 8: SPSS Growth


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Profitabilitas 92 -,570000 ,298000 ,07286198 ,127055261

Leverage 92 -3,590660 3,602008 ,64367699 ,721348319

Likuiditas 92 -,794651 4,675238 1,02490957 ,799362584

Aktivitas 92 ,026651 3,473394 1,03663583 ,557386014


nvestor 92 ,000000 ,255614 ,05731784 ,062881537

Valid N (listwise) 92

Uji R Square

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,383a ,147 ,107 ,059405638 2,066

a. Predictors: (Constant), Aktivitas, Likuiditas, Leverage, Profitabilitas b. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji F


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression ,053 4 ,013 3,740 ,007b

Residual ,307 87 ,004

Total ,360 91

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor


Uji Multikolonieritas dan Uji T



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) ,094 ,015 6,136 ,000

Profitabilitas ,023 ,058 ,046 ,387 ,700 ,705 1,418

Leverage -,022 ,010 -,251 -2,238 ,028 ,777 1,287

Likuiditas ,009 ,008 ,111 1,085 ,281 ,943 1,060

Aktivitas -,032 ,012 -,281 -2,684 ,009 ,895 1,117

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji Heteroskedastisitas



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) ,062 ,008 7,654 ,000

Profitabilitas -,026 ,031 -,099 -,837 ,269

Leverage -,004 ,005 -,080 -,707 ,987

Likuiditas ,007 ,004 ,160 1,557 ,848

Aktivitas -,016 ,006 -,272 -2,587 ,932



Lampiran 9: SPSS Tahap Shakeout


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Profitabilitas 29 -,094873 2,342943 ,15771276 ,469264688

Leverage 29 -,470048 3,846465 ,85197414 ,910348109

Likuiditas 29 ,100817 4,946873 1,67441248 1,238003099

Aktivitas 29 ,187603 5,179813 ,86725707 ,939438947


nvestor 29 ,000002 ,047400 ,01047814 ,012997273

Valid N (listwise) 29

Uji R square

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,655a ,429 ,334 ,010604916 1,797

a. Predictors: (Constant), Aktivitas, Likuiditas, Profitabilitas, Leverage b. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji F


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression ,002 4 ,001 4,514 ,007b

Residual ,003 24 ,000

Total ,005 28

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor


Uji Multikolonieritas dan Uji T



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) ,001 ,004 ,303 ,764

Profitabilitas ,001 ,004 ,023 ,149 ,883 ,979 1,022

Leverage -,002 ,002 -,145 -,858 ,400 ,835 1,197

Likuiditas ,007 ,002 ,692 4,155 ,000 ,857 1,166

Aktivitas -,001 ,002 -,105 -,670 ,509 ,970 1,031

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji Heteroskedastisitas



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) ,004 ,002 1,986 ,059

Profitabilitas -,001 ,002 -,111 -,598 ,555

Leverage ,000 ,001 ,063 ,316 ,755

Likuiditas ,002 ,001 ,402 2,038 ,053

Aktivitas -7,650E-5 ,001 -,012 -,065 ,949



Lampiran 10: SPSS Tahap Mature


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Profitabilitas 135 -,484700 1,345000 ,09667803 ,207739045

Leverage 135 -,139125 3,305791 ,57175662 ,674678698

Likuiditas 135 -,331865 3,886084 1,18173777 ,968450309

Aktivitas 135 ,072472 8,429325 1,20545652 ,869042666


nvestor 135 ,000002 ,967782 ,08000915 ,157932802

Valid N (listwise) 135

Uji R Square

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,822a ,677 ,667 ,091198253 1,643

a. Predictors: (Constant), Aktivitas, Leverage, Profitabilitas, Likuiditas b. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji F


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 2,261 4 ,565 67,965 ,000b

Residual 1,081 130 ,008

Total 3,342 134

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor


Uji Multikolonieritas dan Uji T



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) ,043 ,018 2,393 ,018

Profitabilitas ,603 ,039 ,793 15,522 ,000 ,952 1,050

Leverage ,031 ,013 ,133 2,413 ,017 ,823 1,214

Likuiditas -,026 ,009 -,162 -2,962 ,004 ,829 1,206

Aktivitas -,006 ,009 -,034 -,659 ,511 ,958 1,044

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji Heteroskedastisitas



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) ,066 ,018 3,578 ,000

Profitabilitas ,039 ,040 ,086 ,975 ,331

Leverage ,011 ,013 ,080 ,846 ,399

Likuiditas ,008 ,009 ,084 ,883 ,379

Aktivitas -,009 ,010 -,079 -,892 ,374



Lampiran 11: SPSS Tahap Decline


Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Profitabilitas 14 -,22 ,24 ,0272 ,11574

Leverage 14 -,05 1,30 ,3030 ,33438

Likuiditas 14 -,74 2,25 ,6825 ,88993

Aktivitas 14 ,04 1,29 ,6099 ,32379


stor 14 ,00 ,98 ,1952 ,29418

Valid N (listwise) 14

Uji R Square

Model Summaryb

Model R R Square

Adjusted R Square

Std. Error of the

Estimate Durbin-Watson

1 ,827a ,684 ,543 ,19882 2,812

a. Predictors: (Constant), Aktivitas, Leverage, Profitabilitas, Likuiditas b. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji F


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression ,769 4 ,192 4,865 ,023b

Residual ,356 9 ,040

Total 1,125 13

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor


Uji Multikolonieritas dan Uji T



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) -,478 ,218 -2,188 ,056

Profitabilitas ,122 ,699 ,048 ,174 ,865 ,464 2,154

Leverage -,601 ,243 -,684 -2,470 ,036 ,459 2,179

Likuiditas ,389 ,119 1,178 3,260 ,010 ,269 3,716

Aktivitas ,961 ,306 1,058 3,146 ,012 ,311 3,218

a. Dependent Variable: PengambilanKeputusanInvestor

Uji Heteroskedastisitas



Unstandardized Coefficients

Standardized Coefficients

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

1 (Constant) -,065 ,114 -,572 ,581

Profitabilitas -,204 ,365 -,212 -,559 ,590

Leverage -,170 ,127 -,510 -1,336 ,214

Likuiditas ,141 ,062 1,131 2,267 ,050

Aktivitas ,236 ,159 ,687 1,479 ,173



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