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A competence-based English syllabus model for socio-cultural divisions of vocational high school.


Academic year: 2017

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Pawestri, Tiara, 2016. A Competence-Based English Syllabus Model for Socio-Cultural Divisions of the Vocational High School. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program of English Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Indonesia has officially issued ten different curricula since 1947 up to now. A curriculum will always change over time. Despite the curriculum changes, the aim of a vocational high school remains the same. It prepares students to be ready-to-work graduates. Therefore, learning materials in the vocational high school should be significantly related to the work place. It means there should be specific English learning materials.

The English syllabus model aims to give teachers and students suitable learning materials related to the prospective work places. Students will be accustomed to use English in some particular working situations. This research will answer two research questions: 1) What is the conceptual model of the Competence-based English Syllabus for Socio-cultural divisions like? 2) What is the development product of the Competence-based English Syllabus Model for Socio-cultural divisions like? Therefore, this research includes both theoretical and empirical truth.

This research used ADDIE's steps to develop which refer to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate (Danks, 2011) to comprise Research and Development (R & D) method. The needs analysis data were gained from the assumed needs gathered from the documents. The data then were clarified using questionnaires and interviews. The expert validations’ data were from one lecturer and three English teachers of vocational high school. Meanwhile, the data for the implementation was gathered by distributing questionnaires for thirty eight students of a vocational high school.

Theoretically, the concept of the development product employed Competence-based learning. It included the knowledge, skills, and attitude in the learning goals. The syllabus model consisted of a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. The three-year syllabus included learning goals, learning process, and learning components. The sample unit included Learning Goals, Share Your Thoughts, Guess the Meanings, Read Out Loud, Language Notes, Let’s Practice, Let’s Perform, and Review. Empirically, the result of expert’s validation showed score which was 4.15. It indicated that the model was very good and did not need revision. Besides, the implementation of the model got the score 4.27.It indicated that students gave positive responses to the model.



Pawestri, Tiara, 2016. A Competence-Based English Syllabus Model for Socio-Cultural Divisions of the Vocational High School. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Indonesia secara resmi telah menggunakan sepuluh kurikulum yang berbeda sejak tahun 1947 sampai saat ini. Perubahan kurikulum akan terus terjadi sepanjang waktu. Diluar dari perbubahan kurikulum yang ada, tujuan sekolah menengah kejuruan akan tetap sama yaitu mempersiapkan siswa menjadi lulusan yang siap bekerja. Oleh karena itu, materi pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan seharusnya berkaitan dengan lingkungan pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain materi yang dibutuhkan adalah materi bahasa Inggris yang khusus.

Model Silabus Bahasa Inggris ini bertujuan untuk memberi siswa dan guru materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan siswa nantinya. Siswa diharapkan mampu terbisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam beberapa situasi pekerjaan. Penelitian ini akan menjawab dua pertanyaan: 1) Seperti apakah model konsep dari silabus berbasis kompetensi untuk siswa sosio-kultural di sekolah menengah kejuruan? 2) Seperti apakah pengembangan produk dari model silabus berbasis kompetensi untuk siswa bidang keahlian sosio-kultural di sekolah menengah kejuruan? Oleh karena peneitian ini meliputi sebuah model secara teori dan empirik.

Penelitian ini menggunakan step dari ADDIE yang merupakan terjemahan dari analisa, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi (Danks, 2011) dan juga metode Research and Development (R & D). Data analisis kebutuhan diperoleh dari asumsi kebutuhan dari analisis dokumen. Asumsi tersebut kemudian diklarifikasi menggunakan kuesioner dan interview. Data validasi ahli diperoleh dari satu dosen Bahasa Inggis dan tiga guru bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Data dari implementasi didapatkan dari menyebarkan kuesioner kepada tiga puluh delapan siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Secara teori, konsep dari model silabus ini menggunakan Competence-based Learning yang melibatkan aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap dalam tujuan pembelajarannya. Model silabus ini terdiri dari tiga thaun silabus dan satu unit sampel. Tiga tahun silabus terdiri dari tujuan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, dan komponen pembelajaran. Unit sampel terdiri dari Learning Goals, Share Your Thoughts, Guess the Meanings, Read Out Loud, Language Notes, Let’s Practice, Let’s Perform, and Review. Secara empirik, hasil dari validasi ahli menunjukan skor 4.15. Ini berarti bahwa rancangan ini sangat bagus dan tidak perlu revisi. Selain itu, implementasi dari model ini mendapat baik skor 4.27. Hal ini menunjukkan siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap model yang telah dirancang.





Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Magister Humaniora (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies

by Tiara Pawestri

Student Number: 146332037







First of all, I would like to express my praise to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala for the blessings, guidance, and for always listening to my prayer and

making my wishes come true.

I am also very much indebted to Dr. J. Bismoko my thesis sponsor for his guidance, patience, careful correction and criticism. I thank him for supporting and motivating me to finish my thesis. I would also like to thank F.X Mukarto, Ph.D., Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M.Pd., M.A., and Dr. B.B. Dwijatmoko, M.A. for reviewing my thesis and giving very useful feedbacks for the betterment of my thesis. I would also like to thank all ELS lecturers of Sanata Dharma University who have enriched me with invaluable knowledge which contributes to my development. I would also like to thank all staff in the secretariat.

My deepest gratitude goes to my beloved family, Bapak Sugiman and Ibu Siti Suyatinah. I thank them for mentioning my name in every prayer. I would also like to thank my brother Dodi Gunawan for loving me.



notleast, I would like to thank my special ones, my beloved husband Jefri Patiahsa and our little son Abimanyu Patiahsa.



This graduate thesis is dedicated to my beloved son,












ABSTRACT ... xiii










1. Scientific Benefits for Readers and Future Researchers ... 7

2. Practical Benefits for English Teachers and Students of Socio-cultural Divisions ... 8



1. A Syllabus Model ... 9

a. The Description of a Syllabus Model ... 9

b. Principles Used in Developing Syllabus ... 10

2. Competence-Based Learning ... 12

a. The Description of Competence-based Learning ... 12

b. Roles of Students and Teachers in CBL ... 13



3. Socio-Cultural Divisions ... 16

4. Vocational High School ... 17

a. The Description of Vocational High School ... 18

b. Students in the Vocational High School ... 20

5. Curriculum in the Vocational High School ... 21

a. 1947 - 2004 Curriculum ... 21

b. 2006 Curriculum ... 23

c. 2013 Curriculum... 24

6. ADDIE Instructional Design Model ... 28

a. Analyzing ... 29

b. Designing ... 29

c. Developing ... 30

d. Implementing ... 30

e. Evaluating ... 31

f. Effective Model ... 31




1.The Process of Developing the Conceptual Model ... 38

a. Research and information collecting ... 39

b. Planning ... 39

2.The Process of Developing the Development Product ... 40

a. Developing the Preliminary Form of Product ... 40

b. Preliminary field testing ... 40

c. Main Product Revision ... 41

d. Main Field Testing ... 41

e. Final Product Revision ... 41


1. Data Gathering Technique in Designing Conceptual Model ... 43

2. Data Gathering Technique in Improving the Development Product ... 43


1. The Participants of the Research and Information Collecting ... 44

2. The Participants of the Preliminary Field Testing ... 45

3. The Participants of the Main Field Testing ... 46


1.Document Analysis ... 47

2.Interview ... 47

3. Questionnaire ... 47



1.Data Analysis Technique for the Conceptual Model ... 58

a.The Closed Questionnaire ... 58

b.The Open Questionnaire and Interview ... 60

2.Data Analysis Technique for the Practice of the Development Product ... 61

a. The Closed Questionnaire ... 61

b. The Open Questionnaire ... 63



1. Research and Information Collecting ... 64

a. Needs Analysis Data from Document Analysis ... 65

b. Needs Analysis Data from Closed Questionnaires ... 67

c. Needs Analysis Data from Open Questionnaires ... 70

d. Needs Analysis Data from Interviews... 71

2. Planning ... 74

a. Goals and General Purposes ... 74

b. Learning Objectives ... 77


1. Developing the Preliminary Form of Product ... 78

a. The Three-Year Syllabus Layout Design ... 78

1) Title Page ... 79

2) Product Descriptions ... 79

3) The Summary ... 80

4) The Syllabus ... 87

b. The Sample Unit Layout Design ... 88

1) Title Page ... 88

2) Learning Goals ... 89

3) Share Your Thoughts ... 90

4) Guess the Meanings ... 91

5) Read Out Loud ... 91

6) Language Notes ... 92

7) Let’s Practice ... 93

8) Let’s Perform ... 94

9) Review ... 95

2. Preliminary Field Testing ... 96

3. Implementing and Evaluating the Model ... 103

CHAPTER V ... 108





1. Suggestions for Future Researchers ... 111

2. Suggestions for Teachers ... 111

3. Suggestions for Students ... 112



Appendix 1. Letters of Permission ... 118

Appendix 1A A Letter of Requesting Permission for SMK 1 Kasihan & SMK 3 Kasihan ... 118

Appendix IB A Letter of Requesting Permission for SMK Putra Tama ... 119

Appendix IC The Letter of Statement from SMK 1 Kasihan ... 120

Appendix 1D The Letter of Statement from SMK 3 Kasihan ... 121

Appendix 2. Needs Analysis Questionnaires ... 122

Appendix 2A Needs Analysis Questionnaires for Grade X ... 122

Appendix 2B Needs Analysis Questionnaires for Grade XI ... 126

Appendix 2C Needs Analysis Questionnaires for Grade XII ... 130

Appendix 3. Results of Needs Analysis Questionnaires ... 134

Appendix 3A Results of Closed Questionnaire ... 134

Appendix 3B Results of Open Questionnaires ... 142

Appendix 4. Results of Interview ... 146

Appendix 4A The Result of Interview with the English teacher from SMK Putra Tama Bantul ... 146

Appendix 4B The Result of Interview with the English teacher from SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan ... 151

Appendix 4C The Result of Interview with the English teacher from SMK Negeri 3 Kasihan ... 155

Appendix 5. Experts Validation Questionnaire ... 159

Appendix 6. The Results of Experts Validation ... 162

Appendix 6A The Result of Closed Questionnaire ... 162

Appendix 6B The Result of Open Questionnaire ... 166

Appendix 7. The Users Validation Questionnaire ... 169

Appendix 8. The Results of Users Validation ... 172

Appendix 8A The Result of Closed Questionnaire ... 172

Appendix 8B The Result of Open Questionnaire ... 174

Appendix 9. The Presentation of the Development Product ... 177

Appendix 9A The Presentation of the Three-year Syllabus Model ... 177



Pawestri, Tiara, 2016. A Competence-Based English Syllabus Model for Socio-Cultural Divisions of the Vocational High School. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program of English Studies, Sanata Dharma University.

Indonesia has officially issued ten different curricula since 1947 up to now. A curriculum will always change over time. Despite the curriculum changes, the aim of a vocational high school remains the same. It prepares students to be ready-to-work graduates. Therefore, learning materials in the vocational high school should be significantly related to the work place. It means there should be specific English learning materials.

The English syllabus model aims to give teachers and students suitable learning materials related to the prospective work places. Students will be accustomed to use English in some particular working situations. This research will answer two research questions: 1) What is the conceptual model of the Competence-based English Syllabus for Socio-cultural divisions like? 2) What is the development product of the Competence-based English Syllabus Model for Socio-cultural divisions like? Therefore, this research includes both theoretical and empirical truth.

This research used ADDIE's steps to develop which refer to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate (Danks, 2011) to comprise Research and Development (R & D) method. The needs analysis data were gained from the assumed needs gathered from the documents. The data then were clarified using questionnaires and interviews. The expert validations’ data were from one lecturer and three English teachers of vocational high school. Meanwhile, the data for the implementation was gathered by distributing questionnaires for thirty eight students of a vocational high school.

Theoretically, the concept of the development product employed Competence-based learning. It included the knowledge, skills, and attitude in the learning goals. The syllabus model consisted of a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. The three-year syllabus included learning goals, learning process, and learning components. The sample unit included Learning Goals, Share Your Thoughts, Guess the Meanings, Read Out Loud, Language Notes, Let’s Practice, Let’s Perform, and Review. Empirically, the result of expert’s validation showed score which was 4.15. It indicated that the model was very good and did not need revision. Besides, the implementation of the model got the score 4.27.It indicated that students gave positive responses to the model.



Pawestri, Tiara, 2016. A Competence-Based English Syllabus Model for Socio-Cultural Divisions of the Vocational High School. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Kajian Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Indonesia secara resmi telah menggunakan sepuluh kurikulum yang berbeda sejak tahun 1947 sampai saat ini. Perubahan kurikulum akan terus terjadi sepanjang waktu. Diluar dari perbubahan kurikulum yang ada, tujuan sekolah menengah kejuruan akan tetap sama yaitu mempersiapkan siswa menjadi lulusan yang siap bekerja. Oleh karena itu, materi pembelajaran di sekolah menengah kejuruan seharusnya berkaitan dengan lingkungan pekerjaan. Dengan kata lain materi yang dibutuhkan adalah materi bahasa Inggris yang khusus.

Model Silabus Bahasa Inggris ini bertujuan untuk memberi siswa dan guru materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan siswa nantinya. Siswa diharapkan mampu terbisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam beberapa situasi pekerjaan. Penelitian ini akan menjawab dua pertanyaan: 1) Seperti apakah model konsep dari silabus berbasis kompetensi untuk siswa sosio-kultural di sekolah menengah kejuruan? 2) Seperti apakah pengembangan produk dari model silabus berbasis kompetensi untuk siswa bidang keahlian sosio-kultural di sekolah menengah kejuruan? Oleh karena peneitian ini meliputi sebuah model secara teori dan empirik.

Penelitian ini menggunakan step dari ADDIE yang merupakan terjemahan dari analisa, perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi (Danks, 2011) dan juga metode Research and Development (R & D). Data analisis kebutuhan diperoleh dari asumsi kebutuhan dari analisis dokumen. Asumsi tersebut kemudian diklarifikasi menggunakan kuesioner dan interview. Data validasi ahli diperoleh dari satu dosen Bahasa Inggis dan tiga guru bahasa Inggris di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Data dari implementasi didapatkan dari menyebarkan kuesioner kepada tiga puluh delapan siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan.

Secara teori, konsep dari model silabus ini menggunakan Competence-based Learning yang melibatkan aspek pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan sikap dalam tujuan pembelajarannya. Model silabus ini terdiri dari tiga thaun silabus dan satu unit sampel. Tiga tahun silabus terdiri dari tujuan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, dan komponen pembelajaran. Unit sampel terdiri dari Learning Goals, Share Your Thoughts, Guess the Meanings, Read Out Loud, Language Notes, Let’s Practice, Let’s Perform, and Review. Secara empirik, hasil dari validasi ahli menunjukan skor 4.15. Ini berarti bahwa rancangan ini sangat bagus dan tidak perlu revisi. Selain itu, implementasi dari model ini mendapat baik skor 4.27. Hal ini menunjukkan siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap model yang telah dirancang.



This chapter provides general information of this Research and Development (R and D) project. It aims to ensure the validity and feasibility of this research. The discussions will be divided into eight parts, which are the background, the problem identification, the problem limitation, the problem formulation, the product specification, the research goal, and research benefits.


Preparing students to be ready-to work graduates is the aim of Vocational High School. Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF) or Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), the graduates of vocational high school are in the level 2, which are operator. English is an important language to master for workers who are in the level of operator. Therefore, English is included as a compulsory subject in vocational high school. Marsigit (2008, p. 2) mentions that "Vocational education, sometimes called Career and Technical Education (CTE), has its aim to prepare learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, occupation or vacation, hence the term, in which the learner participates”. Meanwhile, in the working area there is an


The urgency to learn English in Vocational High School does not in line with the smooth process in learning. In fact, vocational high school students still face many problems in learning English. Based on the three English teachers teaching vocational students, those problems are: the difficulties to find suitable materials, there is not enough facilities to learn (computer, audio/video, internet access, etc), the students are lack of vocabulary knowledge, the students are less motivated in discussing theoretical things, and so on (seeApp4.1,App4.2,App4.3).

Those realities the researcher has been exposed to, have brought an idea to solve one out of all problems. The problem related to English materials has attracted this research to develop an alternative English syllabus model for vocational high school students. It will be developed by adapting the competence-based approach as the current approach implemented in the current curriculum in Indonesia. The competence-based learning contains some aspects which the researcher thinks are very significant to be included in the teaching and learning process. This approach does not only emphasize on the development of students’ knowledge, but also the skills and attitudes.

Competence-based learning has been officially implemented in Indonesia since 2004, changes the seven previous curricula which mainly implement what is called materials-based learning. The curriculum is known as Competence-based Curriculum or Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) in 2004. The changes of curriculum occured in 2006, which is named as School-based Curriculum or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) and in 2013, which is named as the


newest curriculum is to be considered as the real implementation of competence-based learning. Changes of curriculum will always be conducted by the government to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. It is recorded that Indonesia has implemented ten different curricula since 1947.

To meet the essential needs despite of the curriculum changes, the alternative competence-based syllabus model proposed in this research is expected to improve the education quality. The materials are developed to prepare the students to use English when working. There are more than one hundred programs in vocational high school are available. The statistical data recorded in datapokok.ditpsmk.net shows that there are 3037 state schools and 8701 private schools, with the total number of vocational high schools in Indonesia is 11738. Those schools offer more than one hundred study programs. Therefore, the researcher needs to specify the product. The researcher has chosen to develop an English syllabus model for socio-cultural divisions. The socio-cultural divisions include four specialized programs namely Business and Management, Tourism, Painting and Crafts, and Performing Arts. The model was to be designed as close

as the real context and incorporate the competence-based learning as it is implemented in the current curriculum.


model for the English teacher of the vocational high schools. Both closed and open-ended questionnaires are used to gather data. The result of this project is in the form of a manual and a workbook of the competence-based assessment model. Meanwhile, Wong (2008) investigates some English teachers to see the effectiveness of competence-based learning. The research intends to see how the students respond to the competence-based learning and difficulties in implementing the approach. Meanwhile, Istiarni (2002) focuses on developing the materials. She adapts the competence-based learning to design a set of instructional speaking materials for extracurricular activities in the first semester of second grade students in senior high schools. Surveys and questionnaires are used to gain information on the need analysis. She develops the materials into eight units. Those researches on the competence-based learning have contributed to the improvement of life quality especially in the efficiency in teaching and learning English.


Ten different curricula have been officially issued by the government and will always be improved in the following years. Despite of the curriculum changes which always occur over time, the aim of a vocational high school will remain the same. It aims to prepare students to be ready-to-work graduates. Therefore, English materials in vocational high school should be significantly related to the working demands.


students, those problems are: the need of suitable English materials, the need of more facilities, the lack of vocabulary knowledge, the less motivation in discussing theoretical things, and so on.

This research proposes an alternative solution to solve one out of all problems. This research was to develop an alternative English syllabus model for vocational high school students. It was to be developed by adapting the competence-based approach as the current approach implemented in the current curriculum in Indonesia. The competence-based learning contains some aspects which the researcher thinks are very significant to be included in the teaching and learning process. This approach does not only emphasize on the development of students’ knowledge, but also the skills and attitudes. The development of the

model focuses on the English which the students will use when they are working.




It is necessary to make the problems of this study clear and focused. This research proposes two questions as the guidelines to do this research. Those questions are:

1. What is the conceptual model of the competence-based English syllabus for socio-cultural divisions of the vocational high school like?

2. What is the development product of the competence-based English syllabus for socio-cultural divisions of the vocational high school like?




The goal of this research is to provide students with English learning materials which are suitable for their needs. The product is named A Competence-Based English Syllabus Model for Socio-cultural divisions of the Vocational High School. The product is in the form of a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. Mainly, the syllabus states particular learning objectives that students should achieve in the learning process. Rather than stating the topics, the syllabus provides a list of competencies. The competencies are closely related to working demands. The students’ achievement on the competencies will be measured based on the three aspects, namely: knowledge, skills, and attitude. Mostly, the materials are in the form of samples. Student should analyze the samples, know the concepts, do some practices, and perform the skills they have learnt.


This research aims to provide benefits for readers and future researchers, students of Socio-cultural divisions (including Business and Management, Tourism, Painting and Crafts, and Performing Arts) and to English teachers of Socio-cultural divisions. The discussion on what benefits they can gain will be discussed in this part. The benefits are in the form of scientific benefits and practical benefits for English Language Studies.

1. Scientific Benefits for Readers and Future Researchers


project especially on developing an effective language syllabus model. Future researchers can use the information as a reference to conduct any other research. Meanwhile, readers can widen their knowledge on developing an English syllabus model by adapting competence-based learning for students in vocational high school.

2. Practical Benefits for English Teachers and Students of Socio-cultural Divisions



This chapter aims to clarify theories which support this research to discover the conceptual truth. It is divided into two parts namely theoretical review and theoretical framework. The theoretical review clarifies the theories of relevant concepts and concepts relation of the research. The last section provides theories to acquire all conceptual model and development product.


The theoretical review clarifies five concepts namely the concepts of a syllabus model, competence-based learning, the vocational high school, the curriculum in the ocational high school, and the ADDIE instructional design. 1. A Syllabus Model

a. The Description of a Syllabus Model


In other hand, a model is described as a simplified working system to be used as a guideline in conducting certain activities. According to Sagala (2003, p. 175) a model is the conceptual framework used as a guideline in conducting activities. Meanwhile Komarudin (as cited in Sagala, 2003, p.175) suggests a model can be understood as:

1) a type or design , 2) a description or analogy used to assist in the visualization of something which cannot be directly observed , 3) a system of assumptions , data, and inferences used to describe an object or event systematically, 4) a design simplified from a working system , a simplified translation of reality , 5) a description of a system which is imaginary , and 6) the reduced presentation in order to explain and demonstrate the nature of its original form.

Based on the discussion, a syllabus model in this research is defined as a systematic procedure that can be used as a guide in planning the lessons by organizing learning experiences to achieve particular goals. The syllabus model this research will develop is expected to give benefits for teachers to imitate the systematic procedure in teaching English.

b. Principles Used in Developing Syllabus

Related to the contents of the syllabus, Nurhadi (2004, p.142) mentions some detailed components of a syllabus. A syllabus contains of a brief descriptions of: 1) the subject matter, 2) the grade, 3) The arrangement of basic competencies, 4) materials, 5) learning indicators, 6) learning strategy, 7) time allocation, and 8) learning resources (as cited in Majid, 2012, p.40). Those would function as a foundation in developing lesson plans, activities, and asessments.


composed by experts who are concerned about the subject matter. Secondly, it should focus on the students’ development and needs. A syllabus should have level of difficulties and arrangement of learning topics which adapt the physical and psychological development of the students. Thirdly, a syllabus should be systematic. Syllabus as a system means it is a unity which has some goals and some interrelated components. Fourthly, based on the Department of National Education (20014, ibid) the syllabus should be relevant, consistent, and enough. Composing a syllabus should relevant, consistent, and enough within the core competencies, basic competencies, evaluation system, and learning resources.


to solve particular problems, or to make particular things. The fifth is defining the learning process. Last, defining the time allocation. Seventh, defining the learning resources.

2. Competence-Based Learning

a. The Description of Competence-based Learning


studies”. Significant components in competence-based learning like the students,

the teachers, the syllabus, and the materials are inseparable.

b. Roles of Students and Teachers in CBL

Students in the competence-based learning have specific roles in the learning activity. Firstly, they are demanded to be the main players to drive the learning activity. It means it is student-centered. It is also their responsibility to improve their cognitive strategies and cognitive goals. Moreover, they need to build self-motivation and supervision to develop their own awareness of learning. Sanchez & Ruiz (2008, p. 3) clarify that “in this approach students are the true drivers of their own learning, and therefore need certain amount of self-motivation and supervision, as well as the development of cognitive strategies and cognitive goals that will help them learn and reflect on their learning”. Secondly, students in competence-based learning are also demanded to perform skills that have been learnt. Richard and Rodgers (2001) shows that the learner has an active role in the classroom which is to perform the skills they have learnt (p. 146).The students also exactly know what needs to be learned and for which purpose they learn (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). Besides the students, teachers also have roles in competence-based learning.


feedback for the improvement of the students (ibid). Thirdly, the teacher should give clear instructions and explanations to the students. It is very important since there will be various learning activities (ibid). However the teacher does not push the students because the instructions are not time-based, the students’ progress is the most important (ibid). The teacher also obligates to select learning activities and to design a syllabus (ibid). A syllabus in a competence-based learning differs from the traditional one. The syllabus focuses on the practical use of the language rather than the theoretical use. Richard and Rodgers (2001, p. 144) mentions that rather than selecting a topic, it chooses concepts, knowledge, and skills which constitute in a topic or field of knowledge. Meanwhile, the materials are mainly sample texts and assessment tasks (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.147). Therefore, sample texts will provide significant stimulus for students in achieving the learning goals.

c. Essential Features in CBL


have to be systematically separated into manageable parts so that both the teacher and students can handle the content and realize their progress (ibid). The fifth is outcomes that are made explicit a priori. “Outcomes are public knowledge, known and agreed upon by both learner and teacher” (ibid).

Therefore, the students clearly know what behaviors and skills are expected of them (ibid). Sixth is continuous and ongoing assessment which means that the students are tested before the course to determine which skills they lack and after they have had instructions in that skill they are tested again to ascertain whether they have achieved the necessary skills or not (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.146). The seventh is the demonstrated mastery of performance objectives. The assessment is based on the students’ performance of specific behaviors instead of traditional paper-and-pencil-tests (ibid). The eight is the Individualized, student-centered instruction. The instructions given by the teacher are not time-based but the focus is on the progress the individual students make at their own rate. Therefore, the teacher has to concentrate on each student in order to support them in those areas in which they lack of competence (ibid).


Based on the discussion, this research implements some aspects of competence-based learning. Generally, those aspects are the ways in defining goals, the roles of student, the roles of teachers, the materials, and some significant features in competence-based learning. Specifically, this research considers the three significant aspects of competence-based learning which are knowledge, skills, and attitudes to define learning goals. The learning materials would be mostly sample texts and assessment tasks. The learning process would provide a chance for students to be students-centered. In developing the three-year syllabus this research will refer to the practical use of the language rather than the theoretical use.

3. Socio-Cultural Divisions

The decree of the Minister of Education and Culture (Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia) No 60 year 2014 announces the

regulation of the curriculum for the vocational high school (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan) or Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan. In article 11, it mentions nine official

specialized programs in vocational high school. Those specialized programs are:

a. Technology and Enginering (Bidang Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa); b. Information Technology and Communication (Bidang Keahlian Teknologi

Informasi dan Komunikasi);

c. Health (Bidang Keahlian Kesehatan);

d. Agribusiness and Agrotechnology (Bidang Keahlian Agribisnis dan Agroteknologi);


f. Business and Management (Bidang keahlian Bisnis dan Management); g. Tourism (Bidang Keahlian Pariwisata);

h. Painting and Crafts (Bidang Keahlian Seni Rupa dan Kriya); i. Performing Arts (Bidang Keahlian Seni Pertunjukan).

This research specifies those nine specialized programs into two major divisions. The specification is intended to make efficiency both in preparing the materials and also the use of the materials. The program in points (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) belong to Technology divisions. Meanwhile point (f), (g), (h), (i) belong to Socio-cultural divisions.

This research chooses to develop the Socio-cultural divisions. Therefore, it includes the Business and Management program, the Tourism program, the Painting and Crafts program, and the Performing Arts program. The syllabus model is intended to help providing suitable materials for students under those four programs.

4. Vocational High School


a. The Description of Vocational High School

Vocational high school is a school which trains students for specific skills based on the students’ interest in order to prepare them to be ready-to-work graduates. Skills and knowledge offered for students in the vocational high school is different from those offered in the senior high school. They are designed specifically to face a certain specific working world. Marsigit (2008, p. 2) mentions that "Vocational education, sometimes called Career and Technical Education (CTE) has its aim to prepare learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, occupation or vacation, hence the term, in which the learner participates”. Meanwhile, Bern and Erickson (2001) as cited in Ratnasari (2016, p.35) state that "vocational education means of preparing well-trained, compliant workers for that efficient society so school should teach students the right work and moral habits." Meanwhile, Gordon (2012) mentions that vocational education belongs to an education that trains students for specific skill, ability, and career (ibid). Indonesia is one of the countries which serves vocational high school in the secondary level.


Performing Arts. The programs suit the needs of the working world. The level of vocational skills program also adjusts the public demand and the market.

Students graduated from vocational school should be qualified with standards that are written in the Indonesia National Qualification Framework (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia). It is a framework that regulates education, work training and work experience to give an admission of working competence which is appropriate with working structure in various sectors. It separates qualification level into nine levels in which level 1 is the lowest and level 9 as the highest level. The nine qualification levels are categorized into three main functions; operator, technician and specialist level.

Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), graduates of the vocational school are involved in the level of operator. Those who belong to that level should be able to do a particular duty using a tool, information, and usual working procedures. They are also demanded to be able to show their measure performance under their superior. They must own knowledge of basic operational and factual knowledge on a particular working area, so they can choose an appropriate problem solving for usual occurred problem. They are also demanded to be responsible for their own work and can be responsible in guiding the others.


field. This research will consider this important information in developing the product.

b. Students in the Vocational High School

The vocational high school students as the participants of the target user belong to adolescent learners. Referring to the theory of adolescent learners is very important for this study since it deals a lot with the participants' characteristics. Bastable and Dart (2007, p.21) state "adolescence refers to 12-19 years of age and marks transition from childhood to adulthood." Students on those ages might have some particular characteristics.

Adolescents have some characteristics which may differ from other learners. Harmer (207, p. 83) mentions that adolescents recognize their learning needs, the goal of their learning, and they are responsible to do what they are asked to do, they look for identity and need for self-esteem. However he also mentions that "adolescences are seen as problem students." They are sometimes difficult to handle.


demonstrate understanding, and to apply knowledge to new situations. Fifth, they are provided with opportunities to develop and use strategic thinking skills, such as reasoning and problem solving. Last, they are in a safe, supportive environment where value is given to personal ideas and negative emotions, such as fear of punishment and embarrassment.

5. Curriculum in the Vocational High School a. 1947 - 2004 Curriculum


achieve the goals that have been set (Undang-Undang No. 20/2003).Therefore, curriculum is a set of instructional activities consisting several important elements namely purpose, content, procedures, resources and tool of assessment.

In Indonesia, based on Dit. PSMP (Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Pertama/ Directorate of Junior High School Development (2009) as cited in Nur

& Madkur (2014, pp.121-124) show the government has officially issued 10 different curricula since 1947 up to now. The first curriculum was Rencana Pelajaran in 1947. It implemented the principles of Pancasila. This curriculum

had been officially implemented in 1950 because of the revolution war. In 1952, this curriculum was then revised by Rentjana Pelajaran Terurai 1952. The focus is on how to relate the materials with everyday activities.

In 1964, the government revised the curriculum with the Educational Plan (Rentjana Pendidikan) 1964. It focuses on the development of creativity, sense, initiative, work and moral. The fourth was the 1968 Curriculum. It belonged to separate-subject curriculum in which the subject content was logically and systematically sequenced, and the subject is separated from each other. The next revision is through the establishment of the 1975 Curriculum. It aimed to develop four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing). This concept was then revised with the 1984 curriculum in which the teaching of English aimed at putting back the true goals of learning English, which were to achieve meaningfulness and communicative functions.


curriculum. This curriculum made the students as the subjects of learning. It was oriented to instructional purpose, in which the limited time of teaching and learning in classroom should be able to provide learning opportunities for students. This was at the end intended to create effective and beneficial learning opportunities for all students. The next curriculum was the 1994 curriculum, which offered an idea that English syllabus should be developed by a team in order that adequate subject contents could be ensured in the development of the school curriculum (Dit. PSMP, 2009, as cited in Nur & Madkur, 2014, p. 123).

The English curriculum then adopted the schematic representation of communicative competence due to the global changes and science and technology development (Nur & Madkur, 2014, p. 123). Then in 2004, the Competence-based curriculum or Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) was established. This curriculum was criticized not to provide opportunity for teachers to get involved in the development of the curriculum. As a consequence, the government attempted to improve the curriculum through the establishment of School-based Curriculum (SBC) or Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) in 2006. This curriculum provides opportunities for schools to develop local subjects based on students’ needs. Then in 2013, the new curriculum was released. The discussion on the last two curricula namely 2006 Curriculum and 2013 Curriculum will be discussed in these following subchapters.

b. 2006 Curriculum


curriculum according to regions and learners characteristics (Permendiknas No. 22, 2006). In this curriculum, teachers have opportunity to develop syllabus and

lesson plan which are suitable to the learners’ needs. This curriculum involves Core Competencies and Basic Competencies. The development of Standard Competencies and Basic Competencies can be done by teachers based on the characteristics of the learners.

Three essential parts are involved in the 2006 Curriculum (Department of National Education, 2006). The first part is discourse competence. It is the ability

to create and produce oral or written text which is involved in four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The second part is the ability to understand and produce the formal and informal written and spoken texts in daily life. The last scope of English deals with the support competences, namely linguistic competence (using grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and writing), sociocultural competence (using formal expressions and grammar in every communication context), strategic competence (overcoming problems in many ways which appear through the process of communication so that the communication still take place, and discourse competence (using discourse instrument).

c. 2013 Curriculum

The 2013 curriculum is a curriculum implemented by the government as the extension of the previous one namely School-based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) which has been implemented since 2006. The trials


Minister of Education and Culture, Anies Baswedan stopped the implementation of this curriculum; as it is stated in an online daily news on December 5, 2014, "I decide to stop the implementation of Curriculum 2013 in the schools which newly set one semester of that since the school year 2014/2015" (author’s translation, as

retrieved from news.detik.com). Anies instructed the schools to re-use the curriculum 2006 which will begin in the second semester of the school year 2014/2015. Anies asserted that the various concepts in the Curriculum 2013 have been accommodated in the Curriculum 2006. Meanwhile, schools which have implemented this curriculum for 3 semesters since the school year 2013/2014, they were expected to continue using the curriculum and serve as the pilot schools. Anies emphasized that there would be some fundamental improvements to the curriculum 2013 in order to run well by teachers (ibid). The previous minister has settled a certain fundamental goal in 2013 curriculum which may differ from the previous curriculum.


from Elementary to Senior Secondary and Vocational Secondary School. Those goals of 2013 curriculum are specified into specific values. The values in 2013 Curriculum emphasizes on the character building. Ahmad (2014, p. 7) mentions that the values can be tracked from the Core Competencies or Kompetensi Inti, abbreviated with KI. KI-1 is designed for spiritual competence, KI-2 for social competence, KI-3 refers to knowledge competence and KI-4 is for learning process. The Basic Competency which is abbreviated with KD is the reference for teachers to develop achievement indicators.


According to Nur and Madkur (2014, p. 127) the 2013Curriculum is good since it is developed by some principles. First, the 2013 English Curriculum is brings back the true goal of English teaching which is the meaningfulness and communicative functions. The final goal of English teaching is the development of communicative competence in the English language. Second, the 2013 English Curriculum is expected to shift from being very teacher-centered to being more student-centered. Third, students learn the social function, text structure, and lexicon grammar. Topics are closely related to the students’ life at school, home and society. Fourth, students learn English by observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. Those processes are expected to promote students to have critical, analytic, investigational, procedural and communicative competences. Fifth, the teacher plays as a model of language user and language learner. Sixth, students use authentic and non-authentic texts, spoken and written from various sources, including English textbook and textbooks for other subjects. Seventh, students are empowered for the availability of texts. Eight, students are expected to learn English interpersonal, transactional, functional communication. Ninth, students should learn attitude, knowledge, and skills. The last is the students learn English by activities, real texts, and using the language. However the implementation of this curriculum is still debatable. Some agree and some prefer to the previous curriculum.


The seminar was held on November 14, 2015 with Helena I.R Agustien, M.A, Ph.D. as the presenter. She said that English for vocational high school is much better in 2006 curriculum than in 2013 curriculum. The 2006 curriculum provides English materials which are related to the working demands compares to the 2013 Curriculum which provides more general English. Moreover, the syllabus in 2006 Curriculum is designed by the teachers. The assumption is that the teacher is the person who knows well the students’ needs. Meanwhile, the syllabus in 2013 curriculum has been given by the government. The Jakarta Post article by Kunto Nurcahyoko on July 20 2013 mentions that “this step will potentially jeopardize teachers’ creativity. The book and curriculum have been fully set up by central government. Having said that, this curriculum will value the individuality and local context of learning less”. He also mentions that the reason to justify such implementation of the new curriculum is because the ministry wants to restore character education and improve students’ creative thinking. Ms Helena also

shares her opinion on this issue. She thinks that the creative thinking as it is proposed in curriculum 2013 will not be achieved without having any constructional model. The teachers’ guidance will still be needed to make them able to perform a particular objective.

6. ADDIE Instructional Design Model


learning activities. ADDIE refers to analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate (Danks, 2011).

a. Analyzing

In this step, need analysis is conducted. Basically, the essence of having needs analysis is to determine the goal of learning. Since the goals have already been composed by the government, therefore the need for having needs analysis is if to some extent the goals need some improvements or additions. Needs analysis in this step is used to obtain students' needs, problems, learning environment, and learning characteristics. Those can be the basis of designing in this research. By analyzing, what should be needed in designing can be identified and classified so that the design will be suitable with the need.

In this research, needs analysis is done through document analysis to collect data about vocational high school students' needs.This research also delivers some questionnaires and conducts interviews. After getting the data from needs analysis, the researcher formulated the assumed needs to be used as the basis in designing the model.

b. Designing


In this research, designing is done after needs analysis. The learning objectives and the topics are composed based on the needs analysis data. Besides, materials and activities are selected based on the students’ needs and facilities. After that, the first version of the model is designed

c. Developing

The next step is developing the model prototype. This step requires some revisions, feedbacks and suggestions to develop the model prototype. After getting feedbacks and suggestions, the model prototype is revised. The two steps Analyzing and Designing are used to make the actual product. After all, the actual product is presented.

In this research, expert validation is needed to find suggestions and to develop the first model. Expert validation is conducted by distributing questionnaires to people who are considered to be expert in language teaching learning. After gaining data from expert validation, the first model is revised to be main model.

d. Implementing

After developing the model, the next step is implementing. Implementing means to put the design into action. In this part, the model is implemented in the classroom. The model is distributed to students. The activities and materials presented in the model are applied in the classroom.


e. Evaluating

Evaluating is needed for the revision of the model. There are two evaluations. They are formative evaluation and summative evaluation. According to Dick and Carey (2009, pp.7-8) the formative evaluation is to facilitate in improving the instructional process and product and the summative evaluation is culminating evaluation and is not the part of designing the process. Therefore, this research uses formative evaluation in designing. After implementing, the evaluation is used as suggestion to improve the actual model or product in order to make the model better.

In this research, evaluating is done after implementing. After implementation, the researcher distributes questionnaires to students in order to know their opinion on the model and to know whether the model needs to be revised. The data gained shows the good result, so the main model or product revision is not necessary.

f. Effective Model

The ADDIE's steps mentioned above will be conducted to create an effective model. Effective means that it will be helpful and it brings good result for students in their learning. Besides, the model discussed in this research refers to the products which are a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. Therefore, this research aims to present an effective model which is helpful and useful for students



A Vocational high school as a school which offers special skills to the students related to their interests need a proper syllabus model to follow. Yulaelawati (2004, p. 123) mentions that a syllabus is a set of lesson plans and assessments arranged systematically and accommodate interrelated components to achieve the basic competencies (as cited in Majid, 2012, p.39). Meanwhile Marsigit (2008, p. 2) mentions that "vocational education, sometimes called Career and Technical Education (CTE), has its aim to prepare learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, occupation or vacation, hence the term, in which the learner participates”. Therefore, the model developed in this research will be a set of lessons plans which is closely related to the working demands.

Since 2004 up to now Indonesia has implemented what is called competence-based learning. Richard and Rogers (2001, p. 141) mention that the competence-based learning focuses on the outcomes of learning. It emphasizes on what the learners are expected to do rather than on what materials they are expected to learn. This approach is relevant to the needs of vocational students who should be competent when they work. Therefore this research will implement the concept of competence-based learning in the model.


and evaluate (Danks, 2011). Needs analysis is used in gaining students’ needs so that the design can be suitable with students’ needs and the goals of learning. In design step, the model prototype is designed. In the development step, the model prototype is developed based on analyzing step. The media and instructions are involved in this step. For implementation, the final product is implemented to the students of vocational high school. Then, evaluation is the step for evaluating and revising the model. Revision is made as needed.

Theoretically, the Competence-based English Syllabus model involves the goal, the procedure, and the content. The goal of the model is to enable students under socio-cultural divisions to use English related to the working demands. Specifically, this research aims to provide materials and activities related to competence-based learning. The model is in the form of a three-year syllabus and a sample unit. The three-year syllabus provides information on the whole program. Meanwhile the sample unit provides more specific information related to the materials and activities. Related to the contents of the syllabus, Nurhadi (2004, p.142) mentions some detailed components of a syllabus. A syllabus contains of a brief descriptions of: 1) the subject matter, 2) the grade, 3) The arrangement of basic competences, 4) materials, 5) learning indicators, 6) Learning strategy, 7) time allocation, and 8) learning resources (as cited in Majid, 2012, p.40).


defining the goals, this research focuses on what the students should be able to do. Based on Richard & Rogers (2001, p. 141) that the competence-based learning focuses on the outcomes of learning. It emphasizes on what the learners are expected to do rather than on what materials they are expected to learn. Meanwhile, the materials will be mainly in the form of samples. Richards & Rodgers mentions that.the materials are mainly sample texts and assessment tasks which are related to the competency (2001, p.147). Students should actively analyze the samples and find the concept by themselves. Teachers will guide them by giving feedbacks (Richards & Rodgers, 2001, p.146). Secondly, she or he should also provide positive and constructive feedback for the improvement of the students. At the end of the meeting students are required to perform the skills they have learnt. Richard and Rodgers (2001) shows that the assessment is based on the students’ performance of specific behaviors instead of traditional paper -and-pencil-tests (p. 146).

The sample unit provides seven main parts. It begins with the Set Your Goals part. It informs students the learning goals. Richards & Rodgers (2001,


purpose of a student-centered learning. Guess the Words part would help learners to solve problems in the previous chapter. It will also help students to enhance their vocabulary knowledge. Read Out Loud part is a part in which the samples of texts are provided. It adapts the concept of materials in Competence-based learning which mostly in the form of samples to analyze. Language Notes part will clarify if any particular aspect of language in the text need to discuss. The discussion will be guided by the teacher. Let’s Practice part is for exercises. After gaining the knowledge of the expressions used in the dialogues and some aspects of language in the language Notes, students will practice to enhance their skills in that particular topic. This part will also serve as a pre activity before the production part. The Let’s Perform part would be the production part. After some activities conducted before, the students were expected to have the ability to produce the similar thing as it was discussed. They were expected to write and to perform a dialogue of the topic being discussed. Last is Review. It is to see wheteher the competencies have been achieved.

The figure 2.1 shows the concept of the development product. It covers the goal, the content, and the design of the model. The goal of the model is to enable students under socio-cultural divisions to use English related to the working demands. The procedures follow the ADDIE’s steps. The content of the


Figure 2.1 The Concept of the Development Product

Review Students of socio-cultural divisions are able to use English related to their working demands.

Competence-based syllabus model

A Three-year Syllabus (198 Meetings)

A Sample Unit (2 Meetings)

Core Competencies

Basic Competencies

Learning Materials Learning Process


Learning Resources Learning Indicators

Share Your Thoughts

Guess the Meanings

Read Out Loud

Language Notes

Let’s Practice

Let’s Perform Learning Goals





This chapter provides information on the elaboration of methodology that is used to conduct the study. It is delivered into five parts namely research method, research design, research participants, data gathering instrument, data analysis and interpretation.


This research aimed to develop a competence-based English syllabus model. Therefore in order to present the practical model, the researcher used the method proposed by Walter R. Borg and Meredith Damien Gall (1983) namely research & development (R&D). R and D is a process used to develop and validate educational products (Borg and Gall (1983, p.772). There are ten major steps to conduct an R & D research based on Borg and Gall (1983). However, this research involved only seven steps of R&D steps for designing the model which later were classified into two main focuses. The first was the focus on developing the conceptual model and the second was the focus on the development product. In this research, the R & D was combined with ADDIE's steps by Danks (2011). Those seven major steps based on Borg and Gall (1983, pp. 775-776), combined with ADDIE's steps are:

1. The Process of Developing the Conceptual Model


a. Research and information collecting

The first step was research and information collecting. In this part, the first step of ADDIE namely Analysis was conducted. This step aimed at gathering necessary knowledge to set the product. Borg and Gall (1983) mentions that in this step the researcher collects data which are the learners' needs, lacks, interests and learning styles (p. 776). “This step includes review of literature, class observation, and preparation of report of state of the art" (Borg and Gall, 1983, p. 775).

This part was then named as “Needs Analysis”. Needs analysis aimed to

find out needs which were used as a basis of designing the model. The needs analysis in this study was conducted by analyzing some documents related to vocational high school students’ needs. The result of the document analysis was used as the assumed needs. The assumed needs needed to be clarified by delivering questionnaires and conducting interviews with some target-users. Those instruments was also used to discover needs which were not really assumed.

b. Planning


This step included stating the general purposes, specifying the learning objectives, listing topics and determining sequences. The researcher used data obtained from the previous step to determine the goals.

2. The Process of Developing the Development Product

In developing the development product, this study used the result of the two previous steps and continued with the next five major steps from Borg and Gall (1983). They were developing the preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, and main product revision. For the iconic model, there were four steps of ADDIE that were included. They were design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

a. Developing the Preliminary Form of Product

The product was developed in this step. According to Borg and Gall (1983) developing the form of product involves any procedures for evaluation and its purpose is to structure the product to permit obtaining a lot of feedback as possible from the field test (p. 779). The step of ADDIE which is Design is conducted here. It involved the development of materials, activities and devices. b. Preliminary field testing


comments, and suggestions from the experts. The questionnaires werein the form of open-ended and close-ended questionnaires. The results were used to revise and improve the designed model.

c. Main Product Revision

The researcher then revised and improved the designed model based on the results of the preliminary field testing. It aimed to make a final version before the designed model will be tried-out. According to Borg and Gall (1983), after the preliminary field testing, all the data are compiled and analyzed. Some additions, omissions, or improvements might occur based on the respondents’ comments and suggestions.

d. Main Field Testing

The Implementation in ADDIE’s step was conducted here. This step aimed to implement the designed model to the target-users. It was also to improve the model by gaining some feedbacks from the target-users. The model was tried-out to some socio-cultural classes.

e. Final Product Revision


Figure 3.1. Combination of R&D Cycle and ADDIE Model







Research and information collecting


Developing the preliminary form of


Preliminary field testing

Main product revision

Main field testing

Final product revision

The Concept of the Develop ment Product


Figure 2.1 The Concept of the Development Product
Figure 3.1. Combination of R&D Cycle and ADDIE Model
Table 3.1.1 The Descriptions of Participants for Needs Analysis (Questionnaire)
Table 3.1.2 The Descriptions of Participants for Needs Analysis (Interview)


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