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A set of alternative materials using movies to teach vocabulary to eighth grade students in Maria Immaculata Junior High School.


Academic year: 2017

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Manto, P.W. (2016). A Set of Alternative Materials Using Movies to Teach Vocabulary for Eighth Grade Students in Maria Immaculata Junior High School. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English vocabulary is one of the important aspects for junior high school students in learning English. Nowadays, technology could help teachers to teach students in a class. In order to help the students in increasing their English vocabulary, this final paper provides some materials for teachers to be used in a class.

Hence, the research question is, “How is a set of alternative materials using movies to teach vocabulary for eight grade students in Maria Immaculata junior high school designed?” Therefore, the objective of this final paper focuses on how a set of alternative materials using movies to teach vocabulary is designed to improve students’ English vocabulary. It also helps teachers in developing alternative materials using movies.

In conducting this final paper, the writer applied Research and Development (R&D) as the research method to analyze the research problem. In this final paper, the writer employed some theories of R&D process design, movie as teaching media, and the method of R&D by Borg and Gall (1983), Nugent (2005) and Bock (2001). There are ten steps of research and development in making courses. Due to the limitation of time, the writer only employed four of that steps.

The writer provides some materials (lesson plans) with the explanation of the lesson plan. The writer also provides some guidelines/descriptions of the lesson plans, so the teacher knows that what should they do with the lesson plan. In the lesson plan, the writer also gives some references of movies such as Inside Out, Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special), Kung Fu Panda and Hachiko. The teachers can use other movies which are appropriate with the topic of the syllabus.

In conlusion, the writer conluded that there arve some advantages in using movies as teaching media such as using movies as teaching media make students would not get bored with the material, using movies as teaching media also helps students in encouraging their basic skills (listening, speaking, writing and reading) and this final paper will help teachers in teaching vocabulary using movies. This final paper is also recommended to English learners, English Teachers (candidates) and readers.



Manto, P.W. (2016). A Set of Alternative Materials Using Movies to Teach Vocabulary for Eighth Grade Students in Maria Immaculata Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Program Study Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kosakata bahasa Inggris merupakan bagian yang penting dari proses belajar bahasa Inggris untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Pada masa ini, teknologi dapat membantu guru dalam mengajar siswa di dalam kelas. Dalam rangka membantu siswa mengembangkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris mereka, tugas akhir ini menyediakan beberapa materi pembelajaran untuk guru-guru yang dapat diterapkan di dalam kelas.

Rumusan masalah dalam tulisan ini adalah “Bagaimana mengembangkan sebuah perangkat materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film untuk mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada siswa-siswi kelas delapan (VIII) di SMP

Maria Immaculata?”. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah bagaimana bentuk

pengembangan sebuah perangkat materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film untuk mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris guna menambah/meningkatkan kosakata siswa dan membantu guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film.

Dalam membuat tugas akhir ini, penulis menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) sebagai metode penelitian untuk menganalisa rumusan masalah. Dalam tugas akhir ini penulis menggunakan beberapa teori dari R&D proses desain, film sebagai media pengajaran dan metode R&D dari Borg and Gall (1983), Nugent (2005) dan Bock (2001). Research and Development (R&D) mempunyai sepuluh langkah dalam pembuatan materi. Dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu, penulis hanya menggunakan empat dari kesepuluh langkah tersebut.

Pada akhir pembahasan, penulis menyediakan beberapa usulan materi (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran [RPP])beserta penjelasannya. Penulis juga menyediakan beberapa pedoman/gambaran dari RPP yang dapat dijadikan acuan sehingga guru mengetahui apa yang harus meraka lakukan dengan RPP. Dalam RPP, penulis juga memberikan beberapa referensi film seperti Inside Out, Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special), Kung Fu Panda dan Hachiko. Guru-guru juga dapat menggunakan film yang selaras dengan topik pada silabus.

Di dalam kesimpulan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa adanya beberapa keuntungan film sebagai media pengajaran seperti menggunakan film sebagai media pengajaran akan membuat murid-murid tidak merasa bosan dengan materi, menggunakan film sebagai media pengajaran juga membantu murid-murid dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dasar mereka (mendengarkan, berbicara, menulis dan membaca) dan tugas akhir ini akan membantu guru-guru dalam mengajar kosakata menggunakan film. Tugas akhir ini juga direkomendasikan kepada murid atau pelajar Bahasa Inggris, guru Bahasa Inggris (calon guru Bahasa Ingris) dan pembaca.





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Philipus Widyat Manto Student Number: 111214047







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Philipus Widyat Manto Student Number: 111214047





A Sarjana Pendidikan Final Paper on



Philipus Widyat Manto Student Number: 111214047

Approved by Advisor



A Sarjana Pendidikan Final Paper on




Student Number: 111214047

Defended before the Board of Examiners on 6th September, 2016

and Declared Acceptable.

Board of Examiners

Chairperson : Yohana Veniranda, M.Hum., Ph.D. ….…………. Secretary : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Ed.M. ……….. Advisor : Drs. Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. ……….. Member : Yuseva Ariyani Iswandari, S.Pd., M.Ed. ……….. Member : Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Ed.M. ………..

Yogyakarta, 6th September, 2016

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Sanata Dharma University









I honestly declare that this final paper, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 6th September, 2016 The Writer




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma: Nama : Philipus Widyat Manto

Nomor Mahasiswa :111214047

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:



Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk keperluan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta, Pada Tanggal: 6 September 2016

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Manto, P.W. (2016). A Set of Alternative Materials Using Movies to Teach Vocabulary for Eighth Grade Students in Maria Immaculata Junior High School. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

English vocabulary is one of the important aspects for junior high school students in learning English. Nowadays, technology could help teachers to teach students in a class. In order to help the students in increasing their English vocabulary, this final paper provides some materials for teachers to be used in a class.

Hence, the research question is, “How is a set of alternative materials using movies to teach vocabulary for eight grade students in Maria Immaculata junior high school designed?” Therefore, the objective of this final paper focuses on how a set of alternative materials using movies to teach vocabulary is designed to improve students’ English vocabulary. It also helps teachers in developing alternative materials using movies.

In conducting this final paper, the writer applied Research and Development (R&D) as the research method to analyze the research problem. In this final paper, the writer employed some theories of R&D process design, movie as teaching media, and the method of R&D by Borg and Gall (1983), Nugent (2005) and Bock (2001). There are ten steps of research and development in making courses. Due to the limitation of time, the writer only employed four of that steps.

The writer provides some materials (lesson plans) with the explanation of the lesson plan. The writer also provides some guidelines/descriptions of the lesson plans, so the teacher knows that what should they do with the lesson plan. In the lesson plan, the writer also gives some references of movies such as Inside Out, Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special), Kung Fu Panda and Hachiko. The teachers can use other movies which are appropriate with the topic of the syllabus.

In conlusion, the writer conluded that there arve some advantages in using movies as teaching media such as using movies as teaching media make students would not get bored with the material, using movies as teaching media also helps students in encouraging their basic skills (listening, speaking, writing and reading) and this final paper will help teachers in teaching vocabulary using movies. This final paper is also recommended to English learners, English Teachers (candidates) and readers.




Manto, P.W. (2016). A Set of Alternative Materials Using Movies to Teach Vocabulary for Eighth Grade Students in Maria Immaculata Junior High School. Yogyakarta: Program Study Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Kosakata bahasa Inggris merupakan bagian yang penting dari proses belajar bahasa Inggris untuk siswa sekolah menengah pertama. Pada masa ini, teknologi dapat membantu guru dalam mengajar siswa di dalam kelas. Dalam rangka membantu siswa mengembangkan kosakata Bahasa Inggris mereka, tugas akhir ini menyediakan beberapa materi pembelajaran untuk guru-guru yang dapat diterapkan di dalam kelas.

Rumusan masalah dalam tulisan ini adalah “Bagaimana mengembangkan sebuah perangkat materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film untuk mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris pada siswa-siswi kelas delapan (VIII) di SMP Maria Immaculata?”. Tujuan dari tugas akhir ini adalah bagaimana bentuk pengembangan sebuah perangkat materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film untuk mengajar kosakata Bahasa Inggris guna menambah/meningkatkan kosakata siswa dan membantu guru dalam mengembangkan materi pembelajaran alternatif dengan menggunakan film.

Dalam membuat tugas akhir ini, penulis menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) sebagai metode penelitian untuk menganalisa rumusan masalah. Dalam tugas akhir ini penulis menggunakan beberapa teori dari R&D proses desain, film sebagai media pengajaran dan metode R&D dari Borg and Gall (1983), Nugent (2005) dan Bock (2001). Research and Development (R&D) mempunyai sepuluh langkah dalam pembuatan materi. Dikarenakan keterbatasan waktu, penulis hanya menggunakan empat dari kesepuluh langkah tersebut.

Pada akhir pembahasan, penulis menyediakan beberapa usulan materi (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran [RPP])beserta penjelasannya. Penulis juga menyediakan beberapa pedoman/gambaran dari RPP yang dapat dijadikan acuan sehingga guru mengetahui apa yang harus meraka lakukan dengan RPP. Dalam RPP, penulis juga memberikan beberapa referensi film seperti Inside Out, Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special), Kung Fu Panda dan Hachiko. Guru-guru juga dapat menggunakan film yang selaras dengan topik pada silabus.

Di dalam kesimpulan, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa adanya beberapa keuntungan film sebagai media pengajaran seperti menggunakan film sebagai media pengajaran akan membuat murid-murid tidak merasa bosan dengan materi, menggunakan film sebagai media pengajaran juga membantu murid-murid dalam mengembangkan kemampuan dasar mereka (mendengarkan, berbicara, menulis dan membaca) dan tugas akhir ini akan membantu guru-guru dalam mengajar kosakata menggunakan film. Tugas akhir ini juga direkomendasikan kepada murid atau pelajar Bahasa Inggris, guru Bahasa Inggris (calon guru Bahasa Ingris) dan pembaca.




First of all, I thank my Lord, Jesus Christ and my heavenly Mother, The Virgin Mary. I also thank Barli Bram, M.Ed., Ph.D. as my final paper advisor, for his patience and understanding, Christina Lhaksmita Anandari, Ed.M. as my academic advisor and my mother in this campus, and all of the PBI’s staff.

I also thank my family, Eni S.H, Medi Widodo, Andreas Wijayanto, Michael Widyantoro, Kezia Dea Clarinta, Caroline Mae Wijayanto and my sweet-close-friend Lusia Wiwi Manalu for their support and prayer.

I also thank my friends Br. Titus Angga Restuaji, Veronica Vania, Chatarina Sella, Rosa Anindya, and Merry Trisna, Pramardaniswara Adyangga, Ryan Andhika Pratama, Sri Maryati (Sri/Bocil), Arinda Febriana Dewi (Riri/Ndut), Denyk Aprilia K (Denyk), Michael Gilly (Mek/Mika), and Irfanda Adie Prabowo (Fanda) for their support, love and time. I also send thank Th. Setianingrum Trimartani (Ibu Ning) for the sharing about lesson plan (Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran) so that I am able to finish my final paper.

Finaly, I thank everyone who has participated in my study directly and indirectly. May God always bless them all.









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii






A. Background ... 1

B. Research Method ... 4


A. Review of Related Literature ... 8

1. Teaching Vocabulary ... 8

2. Teaching Vocabulary to High School Students ... 9

a. Using Dictionary ... 10

1) Word Entires ... 10

2) Part of Speech in Dictionary ... 11

3) Synonyms and Antonyms ... 12

b. Using Word Games ... 13

1) Using Anagram ... 13

2) Crossword Puzzle ... 14

3. Movies as Teaching Media ... 16

B. The Discussion ... 18

1. Steps of Research and Development ... 19

a. Research and Information Collecting ... 19

b. Planning ... 19



d. Dissemination and Implementation ... 20

2. Lesson Plans ... 21

a. Pre-Activity ... 21

b. Whilst-Activity ... 22

c. Post-Activity ... 23


A. Conclusion ... 25

B. Recommendation ... 26

1. English Learners ... 26

2. English Teachers ... 27

3. Readers ... 27





Figure 1. Cycle of Research and Development by Borg and Gall (1983) ... 6

Figure 2. Example of Word Entires in Dictionary ... 10

Figure 3. Example of Part Of Speech in Dictionary ... 11

Figure 4. Example of Word Puzzle ... 14




Appendices ... 30

Appendix 1. Lesson Plan Meeting 1 – 2 ... 31

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan Meeting 3 – 4 ... 42

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan Meeting 5 – 6 ... 51





In this chapter, the writer presents two main parts. They are the background of study and research problems (the significance of study, objective of the study and instrument and data gathering techniques). Therefore, the introduction is to provide and describe the research background information.

A. Background


charts, graphs, and posters), audios (music, streaming audio, and pod casting), and audio-visuals (movie/video, animation, cartoon movie, and documentary film).

Technology has an important role in education. In this 21st century, technology is growing faster and it can affect everything including education system. The kinds of technologies which are related to education system are music, films (movie) and pictures. Since 1970’s, many educators have experienced the using of movie a teaching medium. According to Sherman (2003) movie is a wonderful resource for opening up the English-language world and it used with great pleasure and profit – and very little sweat (p. 1). Using movie as a teaching material is an advantage because it keeps students interest of the material.

According to Phillips (n.d.) there are two types of a movie that use as learning media such as a documentary movie (national geographic) and an experimental movie (Dog Star Man). Therefore, the students can see the theories and concepts in action from the movie. We can also add some subtitles to help students to choose whether watch, listen, or read. However, the eye-catching subtitles will encourage students’ interest of the new words, and they will find the meaning of the words. The sound will help students in improving their pronunciation.


Taxonomy learnign domains. First is knowledge (remembering), using movies as a teaching media help students in recalling or retrieving the previous information (material). Second is comprehension (understanding). It helps students to retell or rewrite a short story by their own word based on the movie. Third is application (applying). It helps students to demonstrate about what they have got from the movie. Fourth is analysis (analyzing). It helps students to identify or make a question about what happend from the movie. Fifth is synthesis (creating). It helps students to create a new model or bulid a structure from diverse elements. The last is evaluation (evaluating). It hepls students in making a judgements about the value of ideas or material.

Using an audio-visual (movie) for learning processes can do effectively because they are more interesting and memorable. We can forget if we only listen but we can remember if we see. English movies can help students’ spoken English in many ways and a vocabulary is just one of those areas. Movies are really a series of dialogues set in different situations, even a short segment (part) of a movie can help students in improving their vocabulary.


teachers in making an innovative material using movies and to help students in improving their vocabulary list. This paper is designed as an alternative vocabulary materials for eighth grade students of Maria Immaculata junior high school. This paper is designed to give benefits to all English learners, English teachers (candidates) and readers. This study is expected to help teachers or teacher candidates by providing a clear description on the use of movie in teaching English vocabulary to junior high school students. Finally, the teachers who have similar problems could adapt and adopt the techniques from this study.

B. Research Method

This subchapter describes the method which is applied in this paper. In order to solve the problem, the writer needed to employ a method. The method was research and development (R&D). According to Bock (2001) research is a process that acquires new knowledge and development is a process that applies knowledge to create new device on effects (p. 9). Bock (2001) clearly shows the difference between research and development according to their bases, the way of work, measurement, and assessment.


In conducting this study, the writer took some steps, which have been stated in Borg and Gall’s (1983) definition about ten cycles of research and development. Due to the limitation of time and capacity, the writer decided to employ four of the ten steps.

The research procedure of this research are first is the writer formulated the problem (research and information collecting). Second is find out the reviews of literature. Third is to ask permission for the data gathering from the headmaster

Figure 1. Cycle of Research and Development by Borg and Gall (1983) RESEARCH AND








In this chapter, the writer presented two main parts, namely a review of related literature and discussion. In the review of related literature, the writer reviews some theories used as the references of this study. Then, the writer drew conclusions and made recommendations.

A. Review of Related Literature

In this part, there are some important concepts related to the research. The concepts are (1) Teaching Vocabulary, (2) Teaching Vocabulary to High School Students and (3) Movies as Teaching Media.

1. Teaching Vocabulary

It is imperative to know that “words” are the main participants within this big

section of systems of the language called “vocabulary”. In the process of teaching vocabularies, it is essential to make a relevant connection between the context and the meaning of the words that teachers will apply. There are four procedural stages of system in emphasizing students’ vocabulary. First, the learner notices the word


learner produces activities. For instance dictation, answering questions, guessing games, etc.

According to Brown (2001), there are five main tips in this category: First is allocating specific class time to vocabulary learning. Teacher should give more than one time in learning vocabulary to the students. It helps student in gaining the vocabulary. Second is helping students to learn vocabulary in context. The third is “playing down the role of bilingual dictionaries”. The idea is not to generate an

instant response given by a bilingual dictionary, because learners need to internal the word in order to later recall and use it. The fourth “encouraging students to

develop strategies for determining the meaning of words” related to clues and examples that the teacher gives to students, so they can deduce the meaning of words. The last is “engaging in unplanned vocabulary teaching” where the teacher

provides the meaning of extra words asked by students, which not prepared by him for the lesson; the teacher gives an impromptu class trying to explain to student’s

new words (p. 377).

2. Teaching Vocabularies to High School Students


vocabulary teaching can fit into a language-learning course in any of four ways. The first, material is prepared with vocabulary learning as a consideration. The second, words are dealt with, as they happen to occur. The teacher gives some attentions to it, now it causes a problem. The third is vocabulary. The fourth is time. According to Dale and O’Rourke (1971), there are some techniques in teaching


a. Using Dictionary

Dictionary study increases the students’ understanding of general, technical, and literary terms. The students can find the uncommon word in the dictionary because it supplies information on the formal and informal use of words, idioms, foreign words, proper nouns, and abbreviations. According to Dale and O’Rourke

(1971), the dictionary is more than the recorder of a word’s meaning. A dictionary also gives information on word derivations, meaning, spelling, and pronunciation. There are three ways in using dictionary. They are as follows:

1) Word Entires


It is important that students should be able to find the entry they are looking for quickly. Recognition of word entire should come easily with a little practice, although knowledge of entry systems will eliminate much trial-and-error searching. Students should know some things in word entire. All main entry words listed in a strict alphabetical order. All entire sets in a large are bold face type. Compound words listed alphabetically according to the first word. Biographical entire listed according to a family name, alphabetized, if necessary by given names: Jackson, Andrew, followed by Jackson, Bruce and Jackson, Ralph. Dale and O’Rourke (1971), explain that each variant spelling has its own entry in an alphabetical order. Main entries may be single words, compounds, proper nouns, phrases, abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes, or roots. The main entries, which spell alike but are different in meaning and origin (homographs), are entered separately and marked by superscript numbers. For instance; Canon1, Canon2. Entries syllabified by means of raised dots. The stressed syllable indicted by an accent mark (ʹ), which

replaces a syllable dot. Foreign entries are usually marked in a way that sets them off from English entries. The entry au naturel may be preceded by a double dagger (‡) or followed by Fr placed in brackets.

2) Part of Speech in Dictionary


When the same words used as more than one part of speeches, the dictionary will list each definition alphabetically: an adjective before a noun, etc. Students should notice “an alert”, for instance, the entry alert has a different denotation as

an adjective than it has a noun. Students should enable to distinguish what part of speech the word they are looking for is, they should compare in the example sentences (in italics writing) that the dictionary often provides.

3) Synonyms and Antonyms

Studying synonyms is an excellent time-saving approach to vocabulary study. According to Dale and O’Rourke (1971), the teacher should be aware for the

definition terms of synonyms and they should promote to use of the dictionary to pint up the role of synonyms in increasing the student’s vocabulary and word skills.


relationship between words of similar meaning and also helps students to generalize and classify words and concepts.

Another effective way to help students’ vocabulary list is through the study

of antonyms. The study of antonyms is useful in teaching the concept of opposition at the level of vocabularies and language developments. For instance, students can use the dictionary to find antonyms for words as follows:

Near  far masculine  feminine Hot  cold strong  weak Male  female quick  slow Wet  dry proud  humble Soft  hard indoor  outdoor

A teacher should be aware because not all dictionary entries will provide synonyms and antonyms clues to every one of the words.

b. Using Word Games

An important objective of vocabulary instructions is to develop an interest in words. Students generally enjoy games and exercises involving the use of anagrams, crosswords puzzle and, palindromes.

1) Using Anagram

Teachers may use anagrams in increasing student’s vocabulary because it helps the students in practicing word formation and spelling. An anagram (jumble word) used to build students’ interests in words. It offers them an opportunity to


Figure 4. Example of Word Puzzle s-a-y-d-u-e-t (day) = Tuesday

s-i-n-g-l-e-h (subject) = English r-a-g-o-n-e (fruit) = orange y-e-m-k-o-n (animal) = monkey 2) Crossword Puzzle


Retrieved from:


http://www.thekidzpage.com/learninggames/printable_games/dental-care-crossword-puzzle.gif Figure 5. Example of Crossword Puzzle

From figure 2, the students or learners should find the words in the box and the clues on the right of the box. After that, they find the words in the random alphabets. They should mark the words with circle or square up, horizontaly, or verticaly.


3. Movies as Teaching Media

This section discusses a movie as teaching media. There are a lot of media that can be used as teaching media for instance poem, novel, short story, internet, music, realia, flashcard, computer (Microsoft Office tools) and movie or film. Since 1970’s, educators have experienced in using a film as a teaching tool (Champoux,


Teachers, who use instructional movie, reports that their students retain more information, understand concepts more rapidly, and are more enthusiastic about what they are learning. Using a video as one component in a thoughtful lesson plan, students often make new connections between learning topics, and discover links between these topics and the world outside the classroom.

Besides, the writer also saw some advantages and disadvantages of using English movies according to experts. The advantages of using movies according to Nasution (2005, p. 104) in teaching and learning process are movie is very good in describing a process, if necessary by using a “slow motion”. Each student, either the clever ones or the less intelegent ones, can learn something from the movie they watched. Movie can take students’ imagination to other countries and to other ages. Movie can be repeated if necessary to add clarity. The disadvantages of using movie according to Azhar (2011) in teaching and learning process are: procurement of English movie is generally expensive and costs a lot of time. When the movie showed, the pictures will keep changing making all students are not able to follow the information given through the movie. Movie is not always appropriate with the needs and desired learning objective.

According to Koolstra and Beentjes (1999) movies or subtitle programs provides a rich context (new word and pronunciation) for foreign language acquisition. In another research (unpublishedone cited in Milton, 2008), a DVD of Xena Warrior Princess (movie title) with English audio and English subtitles was taken as an example to check learners’ vocabulary uptake from a movies with


because movie gives a new enjoyable atmosphere when they are learning in a class. Although using movies has disadvantages, the writer has some plans to overcome the problem by doing strategic stopping and rewinding actions to give students a chance to receive the information given by the movie and remove some inapproriate scenes shown in the movie. Thus, the students’ concentration will not wane if they watch for a long time.

This research is formulated in one question. In order to answer the research question, the writer considers two theories from the experts. First is movie as a teaching medium from Hamalik (1980) and the second is teaching vocabulary from Brown (2001). Those theories are also related to the teaching vocabulary using movies to high school students. In teaching vocabulary using movies, teachers should pay attention to some instructions. First, the learners must be interested in understanding the message of the movies. Second, the message should contain some items that are just outside the learners’ present level of their achievement. Third,

the learners should not feel worried or threatened by their contact with the foreign language. Thus, teachers are a mediator and facilitator in the class.

B. The Discussion


1. Steps of Research and Development

In the previous chapter, the writer has explained the R&D cycles. In order to answer the research question, the writer only employed the four of the cycles. There are research and information collecting, planning, preliminary form of product, and dissemination and implementation.

a. Research and Information Collecting.

The first steps of R&D cycle is research and information collecting (classroom observation, preparation and finding the review of literature). In this step, the writer conducts the observation and chooses what kind of products to be developed and also find the literature reviews of it. Research and information collection process can be applied if the writer know the students’ need. In this study,

the writer got the information of the student’s need when the writer did the teaching practice (PPL : Program Pengalaman Lapangan) in Maria Immaculata junior high school. After got the information, the writer conducted the material (lesson plans) as products to be developed in this study. The product is teaching vocabulary using movies for junior high school student with high intermediate skill of using dictionary.

b. Planning


the material, students are able to identify a text structure from the material, and students are able to indentify lingustic elements from the material. Every products have different skills to be applied in the class. For instance, the first product is listening and writing skills, the second product is speaking and writing skills, the third product is listening and speaking, and the fourth product is writing and reading skills.

c. Preliminary Form of Product

The third steps of R&D cycle is preliminary form of product (developing/conducting product). In this step, the writer should conduct for the product such as instructional materials (lesson plan), handbook and evaluation devices. In this study, the writer developed some products (lesson plans) based on the common lesson plan which are included core competences, basic competences, indicators, learning aims or learning objectives, materials (exercises and reading text), models/teaching methods, learning activites, and learning sources/media. This step should be prepared with all the supporting components such as learning materials and instruments. In this study, the writer developed the learning material. d. Dissemination and Implementation.

The last steps of R&D is dissemination and implementation (spread/report the product on the professional meetings or in journals). Based on the word dissemination and implementation itself, dissemination refers to the process of helping potential users/readers become aware of R&D products and to demonstrate the product according to the developer’s specifications so it produces the intended


way intended by the developer. The writer should write a report on the product and this is the report of the product called final paper.

2. Lesson Plans

Lesson plans are the instructors’ road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time which are explained by Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (“CRLT”, 2016). Lesson plans also help teachers to prepare for every step of the lesson, provides guidance for a substitute. Before implementing the lesson plans, the writer should prepare the movies which are used in the class. For instance, in this thesis the writer used some movies such as Inside Out (Walt Disney Movie), Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special), KungFu Panda, and Hachiko. In conducting this paper, the writer will explain the lesson plans systematically. The following is the explanation of teaching learning process for the lesson plan. In this lesson plan, there were three sections proposed in each unit that were from Lado’s in teaching vocabulary. They were the pre-activity (before the pre-activity), the whilst-pre-activity (main pre-activity) and the post-pre-activity (after the activity). Here the writer wants to give an explanation about pre-activity, whilst-activity and post-activity

a. Pre-Activity


appendices, teacher should explain the today’s goal to make sure that the students

on the right track of the material. After explaining the today’s goal, teacher should explain the exercises so the students know about what should they do with the exercises. After that, teacher gives stimulation about the learning material by explaining/questioning related to the topic. Questioning/explaining the material before it is started is to engage students in learning and to build a background with probing questions. After explaining the material, teacher starts playing the movie. Before that, teacher spreads the exercises to the students and ask them to do the exercises while they are watching the movie.

b. Whilst-Activity

According to Teaching as Leadership (2011), there are five steps for a lesson plan namely lesson opening (beginning or pre-activity), introduction the material, guided practice and independent practice (Middle or whilst-activity) and lesson closing (end or post-activity). Based on the lesson plan that provided in the appendices, there are two meetings for each lesson plans. In the first meeting, the students watch the movie (full-length movie) until the time is over and do their exercises that given by the teacher. While the movie is played, teacher reminds the students to focus on the exercises, that have been explained before. If the time is not sufficient but the movie is not finished yet, teacher can continue the movie. In the second meeting, teacher asks the students’ comment about the movie (from the


to the movie and they do the exercises appropriately. After that, Teacher asks the students to share their answer in front of the class for every exercises

In this activity, three aspects should appear in the lesson plan. The first aspect is observing. Observing means that the students find the answer for exercise that showed on the movie. For instance, the students find some new vocabularies or/and phrases that are showed in the movie. The other aspect is trying. After the students find some new vocabularies, they should try to answer the exercises by finding the meaning in the dictionary. Another example of trying aspect is the student tries to make a conversation, a story, or a summary using the new vocabulary. In other word, trying means that the student have to do something with the new vocabulary that they have got, for instance make a conversation using the new vocabulary, re-write/re-tell using their own word. The last aspect is communicating. Communicating here means the student should share or perform their answer in front of the class. It makes them dauntless of sharing their answer.

c. Post-Activity

According to Combs (2008), closure is the wrap-up at the end of the lesson. Closure is in the form of a statement from students about what they will have learned during the class. Teacher should check the students’ understanding what one thing did you learn today? After that, teacher draw a conclusion and make a reflection about today’s material (moral value). If there is still have some time,


According to Finley (2015), there are twenty-two powerful closure activities. Because of limitation of time, the writer would explain five of them. The first is snowstorm. Students write down what they learned on a piece of scratch paper and make a wad of it. Given a signal, they throw their paper snowballs in the air. The students picked up a nearby response and read it aloud. The second is low-stakes quizzes. The students give a short quiz using technologies like Google forms. Alternatively, the teacher asks the students to write down the three quiz questions (to ask at the beginning of the next class). The third is review it. The students directly raise their hands if they can answer your questions, and the classmates agreed (thumbs up) or disagreed (thumbs down) with the response. The fourth is “I





In this chapter, the writer presents two main parts, namely conclusion and recommendation. The writer draw a conclusion from the previous chapter. Then, the writer makes a recommendation.

A. Conclusion

As a teacher or tutor we are demanded to be a creative and innovative educator. We could use some technologies such as music, internet, blog/website, movie/film, flashcard and realia. The technology make it easier than ever to use visuals to inspire curiosity, generate brainstorming, and engage diverse learners. A movie is a very helpful tool to be used in the class as stated by Nugent (2005) that many teachers use a movie to introduce the topic, to review the content, to provide the remediation, or to promote the enrichment.


English vocabulary aspect, using movies as teaching media also helps students to train their skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. The fourth was encouraging student’s courage in performing the exercise that had been made in the

whilst-activity. In this study, the writer has provided some lesson plans and exercises which was used to enhance student’s courage.

The writer suggested to all English learners, English teacher (candidate), and readers to use this material as an alternative material teaching in class. The writer also would like to accept feedbacks, comments and suggestions for the material. The deficiency of this study is the writer does not conduct the research to get the feedback for the material, so the writer does not know the material whether it is good or not to be implemented in the school.

B. Recommendation

The writer also gives some recommendations for English learners, English teachers (candidates) and readers to use this study as an alternative material in school.

1. English Learners

For English learners, this study provides some materials as learning media. Using movies as learning media can help English learners in many aspects. It also trains the English learner’s sensitivity about pronunciation of the word that appears


2. English Teachers

For English teachers or teacher candidates, the writer recommends this material as teaching media in the school. The alternative materials can be used for teachers or teacher candidates in designing a new material using movies. It also provides a clear description using movies in the class as teaching media. This material will help students in gaining their skills. They also will not get bored in the class.

3. Readers




Anderson, L.W., Krathwohl, D.R., Airasian, P.W., Cruikshank, K.A., Mayer, R.E., Pintrich, P.R., Raths, J., & Wittrock, M.C. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives. New York: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.

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Class/Semester : VIII/2


: English


: Daily life


: Listening and Writing (vocabulary)


: 1 - 2

Time Allocation : 4 x 40 minutes (2 meetings)

A. Core Competence.

3. Understanding applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/her curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomenon and real events.

4. Processing, presenting, and trying various things in the concrete field (using, parsing, composing, modifying, and creating) and the abstract field (writing, reading, counting, drawing and composing) in accordance with the learned in school and from other sources in the same point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence


4.4. Arranging descriptive text oral and writen, short and simple aboutperson/animal/things, with knowing the purpose of text structure and linguistic elements, correctly and in context.

C. Indicator

1. Showing a motivation to develop English language skill. 2. Showing a sincerity in learning English about daily life.

3. Showing an honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about daily life.

4. Identifying a social function from movie about daily life. 5. Identifying a text structure from movie about daily life. 6. Identifying a linguistic elements from movie about daily life.

D. Learning Aims

1. Through an example, students are able to show a motivation to develop English language skill.

2. Through an example, students are able to show a sincerity in learning English about daily life.

3. Through an example, students are able to showan honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about daily life.


5. Through an example, students are able to identify a text structure from movieabout daily life.

6. Through an example, students are able to identify linguistic elements from movie about daily life.

E. Materials

Pre-viewing activity  Exercise 1:

Find the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia!

1. Sadness = ___________________ 2. Cheerful = ___________________ 3. Core Memories = ___________________ 4. Fear = ___________________ 5. Disgust = ___________________ 6. Anger = ___________________ 7. Childhood = ___________________

8. Joy = ___________________


While-viewing activity  Exercise 2.

Fill in blank based on the answer from the box below! Inside Out Summary

A girl named Riley Andersen is born in (1)__________and within her mind, five personifications of her basic emotions — (2)_________, (3) __________, (4) __________, (5) __________, and (6) __________ — gradually come to life and influence her actions via a console in her mind's Headquarters. As she grows up, her experiences become memories, stored in colored orbs, which are sent into long-term memory each night. Her five most important "(7)________ memories" (all of which are happy ones) are housed in a hub that powers "islands", each reflecting an aspect of her personality. In Headquarters, Joy acts as a de facto leader to maintain Riley's cheerful childhood, but as she and the other emotions do not understand Sadness' purpose (not even Sadness herself), she frequently tries to keep Sadness away from the (8)____________.


Joy and Bing Bong try to use Bing Bong's old wagon rocket to escape the Memory Dump, but after several tries, Bing Bong realizes their combined weight is too much and jumps out, (10)____________himself to allow Joy to escape. Joy reunites with a despondent Sadness and manages to get them to Headquarters, only to discover that Anger's idea has disabled the console, rendering Riley apathetic. To the surprise of the others, Joy hands control of the console to Sadness, who is able to successfully extract the idea, reactivating the console and prompting Riley to return home.

As Sadness reinstalls the core memories, turning them sad, Riley arrives home to her parents and breaks down in tears, confessing that she misses Minnesota. As her parents comfort her, they tell her that they also miss Minnesota and Joy and Sadness work the console together, creating a new core memory that combines their emotions; a new island forms representing Riley's acceptance of her new life in (11)_____________. A year later, Riley has adapted to her new home, made new friends, returned to her old hobbies, and adopted a few new ones (fueled by new, more nuanced core memories from combinations of her emotions). Inside Headquarters, her emotions all work together on a new expanded (12)____________ with room for them all, enabling Riley to lead a more emotionally complex life







san francisco




Post-viewing activity  Exercise 3.

Please write your own comments about the movie. (min 4-5 sentences)!

 Exercise 4.


F. Model/Teaching Method

1. Approach : scientific approach 2. Strategy : observe – practice. 3. Assignment : individual work.

4. Method : Inquiry/Experiencial learning.

G. Learning Activites


Activity Description of Activities Time


 Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English environment.

 Teacher and students pray together.

 Teacher checks the student’s attendance by asking “who is absent today?, or who is not here?”

 Teacher explain about what are going to do today.


 Teacher explain the movie shortly.

 Teacher ask the student to guess the title of the movie.

 Teacher gives tasks to the students while they are watching.

Whilst Activity


 Students observe phrases that showed in the movie.  Students observe and find new vocabularies based on their dictionary from the movie. (see exercise 1). P.S. (if the time is over and the movie not finish yet, you

can continue the movie in meeting 2)




 Teacher explains what the material for next meeting.

 Teacher reminds the students to do the exercise in home.

 Teacher closes the meeting with pray.



Activity Description of Activities Time


 Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English environment.

 Teacher and students pray together.

 Teacher checks the student’s attendance by asking “who is absent today?, or who is not here?”

 Teacher explains / refresh student’s memory about

the movie last meeting.

P.S (if the time was over in last meeting and the movie not

finish yet, you can continue.)

5 minutes

Whilst Activity


Students try to answer the exercise 2.

 Students find and answer the vocabulary that they have listed in exercise 1 (with and without dictionaries).

 Students make a recount text based on the movie using the vocabulary that have been found.




 Teacher asks the students to share their answer in exercise 2 in front of the class.

 Students share their recount text in front of the class.


 Students make a reflection and conclusion about today’s topic and about the movie (moral value).

 Teacher re-explains the moral value from the movie. Make sure all of the students understand the moral value.

 Teacher closes the meeting with pray.

10 minutes

H.LEARNING SOURCE/MEDIA 1. Source : Movie, wikipedia.





Class/Semester : VIII/2


: English


: What Have You Got?


: Speaking and Writing (vocabulary)


: 3 - 4

Time Allocation : 4 x 40 minutes (2 meetings)

A. Core Competence.

3. Understanding applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/her curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomenon and real events.

4. Processing, presenting, and trying various things in the concrete field (using, parsing, composing, modifying and creating) and the abstract field (writing, reading, counting, drawing and composing) in accordance with the learned in school and from other sources in the same point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence

3.4. Understanding the purpose of text structure and linguistic elements of

recount text oral and writen about


4.6. Arranging recount text oral and writen, short and simple about experiences/activities/events/phenomenon, with the purpose of text structure and linguistic elements correctly and in context.

C. Indicator

1. Showing a motivation to develop English language skill.

2. Showing a sincerity in learning English about what have you got?

3. Showing an honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about what have you got?

4. Identifying a social function from movie about what have you got? 5. Identifying a text structure from movie about what have you got? 6. Identifying a linguistic elements from movie about what have you got?

D. Learning Aims

1. Through an example, students are able to show a motivation to develop English language skill.

2. Through an example, students are able to show a sincerity in learning English about what have you got?

3. Through an example, students are able to showan honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about what have you got?


5. Through an example, students are able to identify a text structure from movie about what have you got?

6. Through an example, students are able to identify linguistic elements from movie about what have you got?

E. Materials

Pre-viewing activity  Exercise 1:

Find 5 vocabularies based on the summary above and try to find the other 5 new vocabularies and find the Bahasa Indoneisa version !


While-viewing activity

Exercise 2

Taare Zameen Par (Every Child is Special)

Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) is an 8-year-old boy who dislikes school and fails every test or exam. He finds all subjects(1)___________, and is belittled and berated by his teachers and classmates. But Ishaan's internal world is full of wonders that he is unable to convey to others, (2)________ ________filled with colour and animated animals. He is an (3)________whose talent is unrecognised. Ishaan's father, Nandkishore Awasthi (Vipin Sharma), is a successful executive who expects his children to excel. His mother, housewife Maya Awasthi (Tisca Chopra), is frustrated by her (4)___________to educate her son. Ishaan's elder brother, Yohaan (Sachet Engineer), is an exemplary scholar and athlete, which Ishaan is frequently reminded of.

After receiving a particularly poor academic report, Ishaan's parents send him to a boarding school. There he sinks into a state of (5)__________and (6)__________, despite being befriended by Rajan (Tanay Chheda), a physically disabled boy and one of the top students in the class. Ishaan's situation changes when a new art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan), joins the school's faculty. An (7)_____________at the Tulips School for young children with developmental (8)_____________, Nikumbh's teaching style is markedly different from that of his strict predecessor, and he quickly observes that Ishaan is unhappy and contributes little to class (9)_____________. He reviews Ishaan's work and concludes that his academic shortcomings are indicative of (10)_____________.

difficult fear inability activities magical lands depression instructor


 Exercise 2.

Find the main character(s) and explain about their characteristic(s)!

Post-viewing activity  Exercise 3.

Read the exercise 2 loudly!

F. Model/Teaching Method


3. Assignment : peer work, small group and contructual work 4. Method : Inquiry/Experiencial learning.

G. Learning Activites


Activity Description of Activities Time


 Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English environment.

 Teacher and students pray together.

 Teacher checks the student’s attendance by asking “who is absent today?, or who is not here?”

 Teacher explains about what are going to do today.  Teacher explains the movie shortly.

 Teacher asks the student to guess the title of the movie.

 Teacher gives tasks to the students while they are watching later.

10 minutes

Whilst Activity


 Students observe phrases that showed in the movie.  Students observe and find new vocabularies based on their dictionary from the movie. (see exercise 1).



P.S. (if the time is over and the movie not finish yet, you

can continue the movie in next meeting.)


 Teacher explains what the material for next meeting.

 Teacher reminds the students to do the exercise in home.

 Teacher closes the meeting with pray.

5 minutes


Activity Description of Activities Time


 Teacher greets the students using English in order to create English environment.

 Teacher and students pray together.

 Teacher checks the student’s attendance by asking “who is absent today?, or who is not here?”

 Teacher explains / refresh student’s memory about

the movie last meeting.

P.S (if the time was over in last meeting and the movie not

finish yet, you can continue.)


Whilst Activity


Students try to answer the exercise 2.

 Students find and answer the vocabulary that they have listed in exercise 1 (with and without dictionaries).

 Students practice to make a conversation with their peer using the new vocabularies.


 Teacher asks the students to share their answer in exercise 2 in front of the class.

 Students perform in front of the class with their peer with the conversation that they have made.




 Teacher explains the moral value from the teacher.  Teacher closes the meeting with pray.

10 minutes

H. LEARNING SOURCE/MEDIA 1. Source: Movie, wikipedia.





Class/Semester : VIII/2


: English


: Who is(are) your hero(s)?


: Listening and speaking(vocabulary)


: 5 - 6

Time Allocation : 4 x 40 minutes (2 meetings)

A. Core Competence.

3. Understanding applying knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his/her curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture related phenomenon and real events.

4. Processing, presenting, and tryingvarious things in the concrete field (using, parsing, composing, modifying, and creating) and the abstract field (writing, reading, counting, drawing and composing) in accordance with the learned in school and from other sources in the same point of view / theory.

B. Basic Competence

3.4. Understanding the purpose of text structure and linguistic elements of

recount text oral and writen about


4.6. Arranging recount text oral and writen, short and simple aboutexperiences/activities/events/phenomenon, with the purpose of text structure and linguistic elements correctly and in context.

C. Indicator

1. Showing a motivation to develop English language skill.

2. Showing a sincerity in learning English about who is(are) your hero(s)?

3. Showing an honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about who is(are) your hero(s)?

4. Identifying a social function from movie about who is(are) your hero(s)? 5. Identifying a text structure from movie about who is(are) your hero(s)? 6. Identifying a linguistic elements from movie about who is(are) your hero(s)?

D. Learning Aims

1. Through an example, students are able to show a motivation to develop English language skill.

2. Through an example, students are able to show a sincerity in learning English about who is(are) your hero(s)?

3. Through an example, students are able to showan honest, discipline and responsible attitude in communication about who is(are) your hero(s)? 4. Through an example, students are able to identify a social function from movie


5. Through an example, students are able to identify a text structure from movieabout who is(are) your hero(s)?

6. Through an example, students are able to identify linguistic elements from movie about who is(are) your hero(s)?

E. Materials

Pre-viewing activity


It's the story about a lazy, irreverent slacker panda, named Po, who is the biggest fan of Kung Fu around. which doesn't exactly come in handy while working every day in his family's noodle shop. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu. But before they know it, the vengeful and treacherous snow leopard Tai Lung is headed their way, and it's up to Po to defend everyone from the oncoming threat. Can he turn his dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master into reality? Po puts his heart - and his girth - into the task, and the unlikely hero ultimately finds that his greatest weaknesses turn out to be his greatest strengths. (source:http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0441773/



Answer the English word into Indonesian version! 1. Viper = ___________________ 2. Lazy = ___________________ 3. Slack = ___________________ 4. Mantis = ___________________ 5. Crane = ___________________ 6. Vengeful = ___________________ 7. Leadership = ___________________ 8. Strength = ___________________ 9. Treacherous = ___________________ 10.Weakness = ___________________

While-viewing activity  Exercise 2.


Post-viewing activity  Exercise 3.

Make a story about your hero(s)! (In 5-7 sentences)

F. Model/TeachingMethod

1. Approach: scientific approach 2. Strategy: observe – practice. 3. Assignment Individual work


G. LearningActivites


Activity Description of Activities Time



Figure 2. Example of Word Entires in Dictionary ...............................................
Figure 2. Example of word entires in dictionary
Figure 3. Example of part of speech in dictionary
Figure 4. Example of Word Puzzle


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