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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted to the English Department of UNIMED Medan in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

By :


Registration Number: 2102220005






Praise the almighty God. First of all, the writer would like to thank God for all His blessing, guarding, guidance and for everything that have been given along her life, especially in accomplishing this thesis. This thesis is aimed to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of SarjanaSastra at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

In completing this thesis, the writer has received a lot of assistance and academic support from some people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude, love and special thanks to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., the Rector of State University of


Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., the Dean of Faculty of Languages and


Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., the Head of English Department

Dra. Meisuri, M.A., the Secretary of English Department.

Dr. Rahmah, M.Hum., the Head of English Literature Department. Prof. Dr. Busmin Gurning, M.Pd., his Thesis Consultant.

Drs. Elia Masa Ginting, M.Hum., and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed

as his Academic Consultant and the reviewer.



His beloved parents, Mangadil Simbolon and Ramsa Uli Simanullang to whom this thesis is dedicated for their entire patient, pray, love, moral and financial support. And also thanks for the love, support and great care all the time from his brothers and sisters Lundi Ando Simbolon, Polin Taluga

Simbolon, Melda Yanti Simbolon and Rini Simbolon.

His lovely friends Renata Adelina Purba, Pulungan Nababan, David C.

Sinaga, Novinda Hia, and his boarding house’s friends Cipto Purba, Nurwosin Manurung, Marissa Sihombing, Rita Sihombing, his young brothers/sisters academic, and his beloved Applied Linguistics A and B Reg’10, that could not be mentioned one by one. Thanks for their support,

info, encouragement, and team work.

The Headman of Batunagodang Siatas, Distric Humbang Hasundutan Jasa

Sebastian Simanullang, who has permitted the writer to do the research.

Without their deep and sympathetic understanding, this thesis could not complete. Over all, the writer hopes this thesis can give a bit contribution to the Applied Linguistics. Therefore, comments, critics, suggestions, and advices are expected from the readers.

Medan, Januari 2015 The writer,




Simbolon, Hatoropan. 2014.The Use of Speech Acts In Umpasa Toba Wedding Ceremony. Faculty of Languages and Arts. State University of Medan, 2014.

This study deals with The Use of Speech Acts In Umpasa Toba Wedding Ceremony. The data of this study were the umpasa in Toba Wedding Ceremony. The utterances which contain Illocutionary Acts were identified and analyzed. This study applied qualitative method. The findings show that there are four types of speech acts in Toba Wedding Ceremony, namely: Directives (71,87%), Commissives (6,25%), Representatives (3,12%), Declaratives (18,75). Directives is the most dominant appeared in Toba Wedding Ceremony with 23 utterance or (71, 87%). The reason of the dominant type of speech acts appeared because umpasa in Toba Wedding Ceremony mostly used for giving moral message or advices.



1. The Basic Principles of Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony... ... 14

D.Toba BatakWedding Ceremony ... 16



1.The Types Speech Acts In Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ... 22

a. Directives ... 23

b.Commisives ... 29

c. Representatives ... 30

d.Declaratives ... 32

2.The Table of Speech Acts In Toba Batak Wedding Ceremony ... 35








A.The Background of Study

Language has a big contribution to human life; itis a tool of social interaction or tool of communication. Humans use language in their speech, either spoken or written, and to share or express their ideas, opinion, feelings, suggestion, and interaction in both spoken and written communication.Language is also supported by languagecomponent. One of those components is pragmatics.

The communicative act usually represented by the utterances. The communicative act via utterance are generally called speech acts and in English, are commonly given more specific labels such as apology, complaint, compliment, invitation, promise, or request (Yule, 2000:47). These descriptive

terms for different kinds of speech act apply to the speaker’s communicative



offering, promising, threatening, thanking, etc. Furthermore Fransiska (2013) found that a movie speaker doing by uttering those words:arguing, asserting, denying, informing and describing.

A different approach to distinguish types of speech acts can be made on the basis of structure. A fairly simple structural distinction between three general types of speech acts is provided, by the three basic sentence types. The three structural forms: declarative, interrogative, imperative and the general communicative function : statement, question, and commend (request).

Speech acts have been expressed in society, especially in culture. Speech act mostly used by community leaders to defiance their culture. Research on speech acts have developed along with culture itself. Toba Batak is one of the tribes in North Sumatera. Toba Batak language continues to grow and serve as a means of communication, support and the symbol of community identity Toba Batak. The function can be observed through the actives of society in communication each other.

Wedding ceremony are the traditional ceremony which is important for the Batak people, because people who are married have the right to hold the ceremonies and other traditional ceremonies such as welcoming the birth of a childand giving the name of the child and so on.Hutabarat (2012) states Toba Batak traditional ceremony is a ceremony that attended by the three elements of Dalihan Na Tolu; namely hula hula, dongan sabutuha, and Boru who actively



parents the bride. Batak wedding ceremony should inaugurated, by custom "Dalihan Natolu" and religious ceremonies as well as civil records.

The process of wedding ceremony in Toba Batak culture embraces exogamy law. It can be seen in the fact that the Toba Batak society: people do not take a wife from among his own clan group (namariboto), women left the group and moved to the husband's group, with the aim to preserve the strain husband.

In Toba Batak wedding ceremony, Toba people love to utterance advices, pray and blessing when their children want to have a household, and these utterances usually called by them as “Umpasa”.Umpasa contains advice that is indirectly asked the listener or bridal couple to do something action.

Studies focus on speech acts on Umpasa at Toba Batak wedding ceremony

“marujuk”. Umpasa is the phrase is often used in Batak Toba Wedding Ceremony.

In the ceremony "marunjuk" speech acts that are used are different from everyday language, as in the ceremony of "marunjuk" is usually used umpasa 'poem', 'phrase', phrases, and special words;

For example: Ampapaga dolok

Ampapaga sibuluan

Unang hita marbada

Ai hita do marsogot hita haduan

The meaning is: Ampapaga mountain



Let us not quarrel

Because we are today, we are tomorrow too

It means that the advicee asked the hearers to do something that is not to fight with their significant other. The writer is interested to analyze the advice given types of speech acts in wedding ceremony when they give utterances of poda.

Previous research found different one each other. Putri (2012) found that the most dominant type of speech acts in standup comedy is representative. It means, in delivering their material, the comics dominantly convey their belief that

some proposition is true and they also indirectly provoke the audience to believe

their words. FurthermoreSari (2013) found that the using of speech act to express

what the speaker wants play a great role in the novel. Based on the previous

research this study interested to analyzed in Umpasa Toba wedding ceremony.

Humbang Hasundutan which centered in Dolok Sanggul, generally

inhabited by Toba Batak tribe.Tobanese itself used by a tool of Toba Batak tribe’s



B.The Problems of Study

Based on the background of study, the problems of this study were formulated as the following.

1. What types of speech acts which conveyed used by the older people as advice to the bridal couple during the Toba wedding ceremony?

2. What type of speech act is dominantly uttered which conveyed by the older people as advice to the bridal couple during the Toba wedding ceremony?

3. In what context does the speaker convey most dominant type of speech acts during the Toba wedding ceremony?

C.The Scope of Study

Many steps in the tradition of Toba wedding ceremony, such as pre-wedding ceremony traditions, the pre-wedding ceremony tradition, and after pre-wedding ceremony tradition itself (Marsibuha-buhai, Manjalopasu-pasu, and PestaUnjuk). This study is limited only in observing the speech acts utterance which is used by the older people as advice to the bridal couple during the Toba wedding ceremony based on types of speech acts by Austin’s theory (1956).

D.The Objectives of Study

In relation to the problems, the objectives of the study were:



2. to find out the dominant type of speech acts which conveyed by the older people as advices to the bridal couple during the Toba wedding ceremony. 3. to find out what context does the speaker convey most dominant type of

speech acts during the Toba wedding ceremony.

E.The Significances of Study

The findings of this study are expected to be useful for:

1. Understandingby the student how to use or utter the speech acts in the situational context of communication.

2. Givingmore information and explanation of how to use or utter the speech acts in are used.





A. Conclusions

After analyzing the data and determining the types of speech acts in the transcripts of Toba wedding ceremony, some conclusions were presented as the following:

1. Four types of speech acts from five types of speech acts were occurred in Toba wedding ceremony. They were directives (23), commisives (2), representatives (1), and declaratives (6).

2. The most dominant type of speech acts in umpasa Toba wedding ceremony was directives with 23 utterances (71,87%).



B. Suggestions

By considering the research findings and conclusions, there are some suggestions which are presented as the following:

1. Studentsare suggested how to use or utter the speech acts in the situational context of communication.

2. People are suggestedlearn how to use or utter the speech acts in are used. 3. Other researchers this research usefull for a guidance or reference for the




Austin, J., 1962. How To Do Things With Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dirgantara, YuanaAgus. 2010. WacanaTuturDalamUpacaraPengantinJawa. Skripsi: PascasarjanaUniversitas Sebelas Maret.

Fransisca. 2013. Illocutionary act on Alex’s Dialogue In Movie Madakaskar 3:

Europe’s Most Wanted. Jurnal Linguistica. Vol 2, No 1.

Hamidin, S. Aep. 2012. Buku Pintar Adat Perkawinan Nusantara. Jogjakarta Diva Press.

Hancock B, Windrigde K, and Ockleford E. 2007. An Introduction to Qualitative Research. East Midlands: The NIHR RDS EM/YH.

Hutabarat, Mikawati Indriani. 2012. Kesantunan Berbahasa Dalam Upacara Perkawinan Masyarakat Batak Toba.Jurnal Sasindo. Vol 1, No 01.

Leech, Geoffry N. 1983. Pragmatics. London: Longman.

May,Jakob.L. 1993. Consise Encyclopedia of Pragmatics. Denmark : University of Southern Denmark.

Panjaitan, Aspiner. 2006. Fungsi Dan Makna Wacana “Mangulosi“ Pada Upacara Perkawinan Batak Toba.Skripsi: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Sumatera Utara.

Putri. 2012. Illocutionary Act In Stand-up Comedy. Jurnal Linguistica. Vol 1, No 2

Rahardi, R. Kunjana. 2005 Pracmatik: Kesantunan Imperatif Bahasa Indonesia. Jogjakarta PT. Gelora Angkasa Permata

Sari. 2013. Illocutionary Force in The Novel Darkest Hour By Cleo Virginia Andrews. Jurnal Linguistica. Vol 2, No 3

Searle, John R. 1969. Speech Acts, An Essay in the Philosophy of Languange. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Sianipar, Bangarna.2013. Horas, Dari Batak Untuk Indonesia. Jakarta: Rumah Indonesia.


fight with their significant other. The writer is interested to analyze the advice


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